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01x02 - Part 2

Posted: 12/03/15 17:19
by bunniefuu
Standish: You heard Captain Jones. We cannot reach Virginia.

W. Bradford: If God sees fit to deliver us further north, maybe this is where He intends for us to make our plantation.

E. Billington: It is said the savages flay their captives alive with the sharp-edged shells of fishes.

W. Bradford: We shall call our colony New Plymouth.

W. Bradford: Where's my wife?

S. Hopkins: You still believe, do you?

W. Bradford: Without belief sir, l'd have nothing.

Squanto: We, the People of the First Light, come as friends.

Standish: Move! For the shore! They're coming.

Squanto: The English stole corn from their stores. You took from them. Now they have taken from you.

F. Billington: No!

Bradford: They called us pilgrims. But today we are soldiers. We knew we were wrong to steal their corn, but for them to take a child. The Lord tells us, 'Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rot of his fury will fail.'

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

S. Hopkins: Why are we stopped?

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Standish: A witch.

Squanto: There are no witches here.

F. Billington: Lies.

Howland: Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man. Preserve me from the cruel man, which imagine evil things in their heart and make w*r continually. They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent, adders' poison is under their lips.

F. Billington: Don't let her touch you, Hopkins!

Howland: Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked, preserve me from the cruel man, which purposeth to cause my steps to slide.

Woman: Hunt.

S. Hopkins: It is not you we hunt, I swear it.

[speaking native language]

Squanto: She says a man took her children. The same man who enslaved me. Thomas Hunt. She thinks you are Hunt.

S. Hopkins: Me?

Bradford: We are not responsible for what happened to your children. We have come for only one of our own.

S. Hopkins: I am sorry. Savagery is a plague that infects us all. We cannot return your children to you. But you can help us return his son to him.

F. Billington: Enough of this!

♪ ♪

I don't care if Hunt enslaved a thousand Nauset! I will still avenge for every single hair harmed on my boy's head.

Standish: What say she?

Squanto: They are waiting for us.

Standish: Ready your weapons.

♪ ♪

There! Men, keep your eyes on the rocks. Hopkins, to your right. Another one. Wait, behind.

S. Hopkins: They're everywhere.

Bradford: Standish, we are overwhelmed here!

Standish: Steady! Steady!

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

F. Billington: What is he saying? Where is my boy? Where is my son?

Squanto: He wants no bloodshed, no theft.

F. Billington: The boy?

F. Billington: Enough with this babble!

Bradford: Wait, wait, wait. Is the boy still alive?

[speaking native language]

Bradford: We know that we stole from you when first we came here. We were hungry. We were desperate. We were wrong. For now we offer you this as a token of our proposed friendship. Let it serve as a promise until we can properly recompense you.


Woman: Oh, praise be to the Lord!

E. Billington: My boy! Come here!

Mullins: Are you well?

Alden: Hello, Priscilla.

E. Hopkins: Are you alright?

S. Hopkins: I'm fine.

E. Hopkins: What?

F. Billington: Ms. Hopkins, your husband was bewitched by an ancient savage. I saw this magic with my own eyes.

S. Hopkins: You shut your beak, Billington.

E. Hopkins: What did they do to you?

S. Hopkins: Nothing.

E. Hopkins: No, look at me. Look at me, are you well?

S. Hopkins: I'm fine.

F. Billington: The devil's magic governs your husband.

S. Hopkins: I govern myself, Billington. I do not seek slaves. I do not seek the glory of w*r. I spoke my own truth to that old woman. My own truth!

E. Hopkins: Come, John.

E. Billington: Such a blessing.

F. Billington: Mmm.

E. Billington: You're not relieved to see your son safely returned?

F. Billington: Relief is a fleeting sensation. Justice. Vengeance. Would that I had either.

E. Billington: Well, I am grateful.

F. Billington: What's that, there?

E. Billington: What?

F. Billington: That.

E. Billington: It's a gift from John, Jr. It's a gift from the savages. They was gentle with him. They fed him. They clothed him.

F. Billington: Are you so easily seduced by savage adornments that you would neglect to remember that these people kidnapped your boy?

E. Billington: He said he was lost.

F. Billington: Lost?

E. Billington: Mm-hmm.

F. Billington: It is beautiful, I grant.

E. Billington: Isn't it?

F. Billington: May I?

E. Billington: John!

F. Billington: Our son is an imbecile, woman. I expect him to get lost time to time... not you.

E. Billington: It's a necklace.

F. Billington: It may be witchcraft. They are not offerings. We may use them but never shall we trust them. Do not lose sight of where you stand.

Woman: I'll go and fetch the water, then.

Woman: I'll be sure I stoke that fire.

E. Hopkins: Oh! Thank you.

Winslow: Gentlemen, nearly a year we have been without a church, and now the town is hearty, the weather, fine. I submit that we undertake construction at once.


S. Hopkins: We need surplus going into winter, and we cannot divert energy from laboring the land to construct a church.

Howland: Mr. Hopkins, we speak of priorities as well. God is our priority.

F. Billington: How quickly you've found your tongue, Howland. You've been your own man for what, two months now?

S. Hopkins: Sir, we are all bound by the same contract with Weston's Merchant Adventurers. We are to pay off our debt and make good on their investment. Now we cannot attain a dispensable surplus unless we trade with the savages.

Bradford: A church does not preclude us trading.

S. Hopkins: Absolutely.

Standish: With respect, there's a popular worry that you Leideners are more concerned with establishing your separatist church than a thriving colony for us all.

S. Hopkins: But we are all God-fearing here. I would be happy to lay the first nail on the church myself. But this, first and foremost, is a commercial venture.

Man: Indeed.

S. Hopkins: At least that's what you said to Weston to get here.

Bradford: You think trading behooves us?

F. Billington: That would be the commercial part.

Winslow: Squanto says that Massasoit doesn't even have the resources we need.

Squanto: Another village. Nemasket. They would have what you need.

Bradford: Very well, then. We shall suspend plans for the church, and we will trade with the Nemasket.

Men: Hear, hear.

[woman singing]

E. Hopkins: You don't have to stop singing. You have a lovely voice. Please sing. You don't like being here. You, or rather you don't, you don't like us being here. Hey, I don't like us being here either. I only came because my husband has something to prove in this world. He promises that all our troubles are worth enduring. I suspect you've been told similar tales.

E. Hopkins: What are you, what are you working at? What, um, what is it?

Kaya: Nasaump.

E. Hopkins: Nasa... nasaump?

Kaya: Nasaump.

E. Hopkins: Is it food? Food.

Kaya: Food. Yes.

E. Hopkins: Yes? You know 'yes.' That's good! Nasaump. Food. Yes.

Kaya: Yes.

Squanto: Trust. Trust.

Squanto: Wituwamat.



♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Man: English, English, English!

[yelling, grunting]

[yelling, grunting]


♪ ♪

Hobbamock: Wituwamat!

♪ ♪

Ns: Now this doesn't look so good. Perhaps we should take some of the wounded back to Plymouth to care for them.

F. Billington: What? Standish.

Standish: Relay this for me. Behold! We have dealt swiftly and justly with those of you who would aggravate us and our alliance with your king. We do not wish to fight you, only to trade. We will not be intimidated! Tell this to your neighbor. Convey my words! We do not wish to fight you, but should you elect to raise your hand to us, we will conjure a wrath of v*olence upon you that will reverberate for generations to come. Tell them. Tell them.

[clapping] As he runs over to the savages, as he's just about to strike, Hobbamock tumbles to the ground.

Winslow: No!

Standish: No, he does! He tumbles. He takes an arrow in his hand, and... pff!... sticks it in the savage's foot.


Bradford: Tell me, though. This villain among them, he escaped?

Standish: Wituwamut, yes. Barely, but yes.

Bradford: Was he wounded?

S. Hopkins: No, no, only those who've returned with us for mending. An arrow in one, the other two sh*t with minor wounds. Howland here, he bested a man with his bare hands.


Howland: God gave me strength in that moment.

S. Hopkins: Yes, hear, hear.

F. Billington: I'd have done more work if not for being an early target.

Winslow: Oh, yes.

Standish: I'm sure of it, Billington. Because as we all know, they always pick off the strongest first.

Bradford: Any thoughts as to how the Indians will respond to this show of might?

Standish: It's a universal truth that v*olence conjures respect if doled out with precision.

Winslow: And this, uh, Wita...?

Squanto: Wituwamut.

Winslow: Wituwamut, yes. He's from a different tribe?

Squanto: Yes. Massachusett.

Standish: Wituwamut is a, is a rogue who wields an English blade. He does not speak for the people of Nemasket. He's just an agitator.

Bradford: And might this agitator call on the Massachusett to retaliate?

Squanto: I think not.

S. Hopkins: Standish and Squanto conveyed our intentions and cautioned against any further mischief.

Standish: Mark me, the word will spread. We will not be underestimated again.

Tilley: Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? And earnestly desire the higher gifts, and I will show you a still more excellent way. Love is patient and kind.

Wematin: Kn*fe.

Hobbamock: Kn*fe. Kn*fe. Kn*fe.

Wematin: Earth, earth.

Hobbamock: Earth. Earth. Earth.

Wematin: Fire.

Hobbamock: Fire. Fire. Fire. Fire.

Wematin: Christ.


F. Billington: What are we to make of this?

Bradford: They seem to come in peace, do they not, Squanto?

Squanto: Yes, they come in peace. Word of Nemasket has spread. They know you to be strong. They come to honor you. This is Canacum of Manomet. They honor you. They honor King James.

Bradford: We welcome you, Canacum. We are eager to establish a firmer peace with you all.

[speaking native language]

Squanto: Canonicus...

Squanto: Canonicus. Grand sachem of Narragansett.

Bradford: I've heard a great deal of you and your people. It is an honor to receive such a noble party.

Squanto: Canonicus honors you. He honors King James.

Bradford: And with great pleasure, do we acknowledge you as royal subjects of King James, King of Great Britain, France, Ireland, defender of the faith.

Squanto: Next is Aspinet.

Canonicus: King James.

Bradford: Yes. King James is honored, sir.

Bradford: Please, please. I know our way is different from each other. We have much to learn of this New World. And I believe you stand to learn a great deal from us. From our civil ways, our Godly ways. But for now, we wish to convey only gratitude. Gratitude for your friendship. Gratitude for our collective health. Gratitude for what all parties have overcome. Gratitude for God's great bounty. His wrath. His mercy. Massasoit, my friend. You are welcome.

[speaking native language]

Squanto: Son.

Winslow: Yes. This is Peregrine.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪




Standish: You simply place your aim on the stand, and when you're ready...

Man: Whoa.


Winslow: She must be your, your queen, your queen, yes?

Massasoit: Neswaya.

Winslow: Wife.

Massasoit: Wife.

Winslow: Yes.

Winslow: Nes... neswaya.

Massasoit: Neswaya.

Winslow: Neswaya. Yes. Neswaya.

Massasoit: Wife. Wife. Wife.

Winslow: No, you... I mean... Neswaya. The woman with whom you, uh, you will have children with.

S. Hopkins: He understands you fine, Winslow. They have many wives here.

Winslow: I say. Neswaya.

S. Hopkins: Indeed. I don't know whether to envy the man or pity him.


[speaking native language]

Bradford: They are a robust people, the Pokanoket.

Squanto: Thanks to the alliance. Now other tribes pay tribute to them.

Bradford: Hmm. You say them. Do you not count yourself one of the Pokanoket?

Squanto: I am a subject of Massasoit. But my people are gone.

Bradford: Strange thing to live amongst others and yet feel so alone.

Squanto: Hmm. But not today.

Bradford: No. Not today.

♪ ♪

[speaking native language]

Squanto: It is a message from Canonicus of Narragansett.

F. Billington: The good kind of message or the bad kind?

Squanto: Snakeskin and arrows. A symbol of w*r.

[speaking native language] He threatens you.

Winslow: He was the one who angered quickly at the name of King James.

S. Hopkins: Narragansett have many?

Squanto: Untouched by plague, they command more warriors than any other tribe.

Standish: A number.

Squanto: 5,000. Warriors all. With this, he says you are weak. You are powerless.

Bradford: Stop. Tell this man we have another sort of bundle for him to return with. Let us answer fire with fire. Move men, move. Canonicus could descend upon us at any moment! We will not stop working until the village is fortified!

♪ ♪

Squanto: We are running low on corn and the weather is turning.

Bradford: What of the latest harvest?

Squanto: Not enough to last. But it's not just the corn. Furs, tools. We need a great many things soon. We must trade.

Bradford: Certainly. We will send a trading party south to Nauset.

S. Hopkins: No, we mustn't, Bradford. We need all the men that we can spare here to defend the village in case Canonicus att*ck.

Winslow: No, I agree with Squanto. The women grow desperate for some staples that we eat, and we have not had time to prepare for the cold as we've been consumed with construction these past weeks.

S. Hopkins: And if there's no one left alive here to eat the corn when the party returns, then the whole trading expedition is pointless.

Squanto: And if there's nothing to eat or keep you warm after fending off the Narragansett, then your wall is pointless.

S. Hopkins: Oh, my wall, is it? Now, you may be the same hue of brown, but something tells me that the Narragansett view you as pale as any Englishman.

Squanto: We need provisions.

S. Hopkins: We need defense!

Bradford: You are both correct in your estimations. A small but swift party will travel south to Nauset.

F. Billington: Madness.

Bradford: Standish, John Alden, Hobbamock and you will travel with Squanto.

Standish: Me?

S. Hopkins: You would send our commander on a trading expedition while we're under siege.

Bradford: Squanto is of immense value to this community, Mr. Hopkins. Indispensable you'd agree, I'm sure. He will be protected. As we've seen already, there are many who would do him harm for helping us. If numbers is what you require here, then only four will travel south. But I, your Governor, will choose which four.

Alden: Too shallow still!

Standish: Push out further. And mind the bloody rocks, Alden!

Howland: Halt!

[speaking native language]


Bradford: What do you make of this, gentlemen?

Winslow: Well, judging by his tone, he needs some kind of help.

F. Billington: If only we'd had an interpreter.


Bradford: Howland!

Howland: Yes, Governor?

Bradford: I've often seen Miss Tilley reading to Hobbamock's boy.

Howland: Aye, he's catching on quickly.

Bradford: Fetch him at once, please.

Howland: Yes, sir.

Standish: What is it?

Squanto: Nothing, Captain.

Standish: I wasn't speaking to you. Speak up, Alden.

Alden: We're taking water from the seams, Captain, from where we hit the rock earlier.

Standish: Can you fix it?

Alden: Possibly. We may need fresh lumber.

Squanto: Aspinet will help us. We can fix it when we return.

Alden: Well, that's assuming we make it.

Standish: Head for the shore. We'll have a look there. Come. Move! Move!

Tilley: Go. It's alright.

Bradford: Tell this boy. Tell him.

[speaking native language]

Bradford: Enough. Enough. What does he say?

Wematin: He say he come to speak to Squanto. Massasoit and Narragansett become one.

Bradford: Would they att*ck us?

F. Billington: We're vulnerable.

S. Hopkins: To say the least.

Bradford: I don't believe him.

S. Hopkins: Oh, believe it, Bradford. Your clever notion to antagonize Canonicus has yielded this fruit.

Winslow: Who did this? Who hurt him?

[speaking native language]

Man: Massasoit.

Alden: I suspect we might be good for another few hours.

Standish: Very well, then. We turn back.

Squanto: No! We have a mission. We must go south.

Alden: Not in this boat, we won't.

Squanto: Then we mend it. There are good trees here.

Alden: Captain, it'll take us longer to fell a tree and prepare the lumber than to double back.

Squanto: I will help. Hobbamock will help.

Squanto: Hobbamock agrees.

Standish: He doesn't look like he agrees.

Squanto: He agrees.

Standish: I do not know your babble, man. But I do know that what he just said was anything but an endorsement.

Standish: That's ours. Move. Push! Push! Push, man, push! What is the state of things? Was the village beset?

Bradford: Not yet.

Standish: Yet? What's this?

F. Billington: He comes to tell us our friend Massasoit has allied with Canonicus. They're planning to att*ck us tomorrow.

Bradford: His wounds were sustained for speaking against them. He seems to be a familiar of Squanto.

[speaking native language]

Squanto: Canonicus and Massasoit will att*ck the English.

Bradford: You believe what he says?

Squanto: This man has come to warn us. We must att*ck Pokanoket. We must att*ck hard and fast.

Bradford: Enough!

Wematin: Lies! Lies! Squanto lies.

Bradford: The question boils down to this: Is Massasoit truly our friend or our enemy?

F. Billington: It boils further still. Is Squanto our friend or enemy?

Bradford: How dare you question his allegiance! Have you already forgotten all that he's done for us?

Standish: I will not orchestrate an unprovoked att*ck on our greatest ally without confirmation as to their intent.

Bradford: Let us send Squanto to speak with Massasoit. Hear the truth.

S. Hopkins: No. If he is in fact conspiring, then he cannot be trusted to deal truthfully.

Standish: I'll trust Hobbamock sooner.

F. Billington: No, all of us are no good. If Hobbamock is in league with Massasoit and they att*ck, I'd rather have him here in chains than wielding a bow against us.

Winslow: So, what then?

Standish: Someone who would return with the truth.

Bradford: Yes. Someone who has something to lose.

Bradford: May your journey be a swift and safe one.

E. Hopkins: How can you would send a defenseless woman to do a man's work?

Bradford: I beg your pardon?

S. Hopkins: Hold your tongue, now. Now, she's off to confirm what is true and what is false... Whether Massasoit is a friend or an enemy.

E. Hopkins: And what if he's an enemy? What, does he let her wander back to live amongst the English villains? Or does he burn her alive, leaving her husband c*ptive and her poor boy an orphan?

S. Hopkins: That's enough!

E. Hopkins: I will watch over Wematin for you. He will be safe with me. I swear it.

Alden: Captain.

Standish: Sound the alarm!


Man: Sound the alarm.

[Standish shouting command]

S. Hopkins: Easy, Standish. It could be that they've come to parley.

Bradford: Tell us what Massasoit say.

Wematin: He wants Squanto.

Bradford: He wishes to speak with Squanto. Mr. Howland!

Wematin: No. He wants Squanto. Want his head.

Bradford: You would exact such a heathen ritual upon one of your own?

Standish: He was wronged, he's entitled to it per the agreement when we formed the alliance.

F. Billington: We've got our answer, then.

Bradford: This answers nothing! It only proves that Massasoit is vengeful and bitter that his plot has been foiled. Canonicus made himself plain when he spat in our faces and sent us a display of intimidation.

Standish: Whether or not Canonicus is our friend is not up for discussion. It's whether or not Massasoit has betrayed our trust.

S. Hopkins: By the look of it, he's the one who's been betrayed.

Winslow: Look, I agree. Massasoit has always been a good friend of ours.

Bradford: As has Squanto.

[speaking native language]

[speaking native language]

Wematin: He say this your agreement. Squanto hurt Pokanoket.

[speaking native language]

Wematin: If English are not friend, English are enemy.

F. Billington: We cannot risk losing our ally. If we anger Massasoit now, all our fears will be realized.

Bradford: So now you are friend to Massasoit, eh, Billington?

F. Billington: Heed me a friend to no one. Though you hold Squanto dear for his skills, he has compacted with the devil on this pact.

Bradford: Do you all truly believe that Squanto has conspired all this time to start a w*r? Mr. Winslow. Do you believe we are all just pawns?

Winslow: It doesn't matter what we believe. It doesn't even matter what is the truth, William. And we cannot allow our families to be jeopardized for the life of one man.

Alden: Captain! Captain! I saw something from my post. We are besieged.

Bradford: I knew it.

Alden: No, no, no, no, no! Governor, it is not the savages.

S. Hopkins: Who is it?

F. Billington: Not ours. Doesn't look like a merchant ship.

Bradford: Might it be French?

Standish: God help us if it is. We must take arms and proceed as if.

Winslow: We don't have the means to protect ourselves against a French warship.

S. Hopkins: Well, once we hand over Squanto, we can rally Massasoit to help us defend Plymouth.

Bradford: No, Squanto stays. Whatever flag flies above that ship, Squanto will be of tremendous value to them and, in turn, us.

F. Billington: No, no, no.

Bradford: So long as we have him, we have something to bargain with! A liaison to the Indians and leverage for our purposes.

Winslow: William. Please.

Bradford: Squanto will stay with us.

Standish: Bradford!

F. Billington: Bradford, give him up, or else we're doomed from either side!

Bradford: I cannot.

Winslow: I'm sorry.

[speaking native language]

Wematin: You are alone.

F. Billington: You've done it now.

Bradford: Do not question my judgment, Billington!

F. Billington: Oh, I do not question. You, sir, are blind!

Bradford: This is insubordination!

S. Hopkins: Insubordination? Says the Holy Man from Holland! After all we've built! After all we've overcome! You would throw it all away for this man?

Bradford: It is precisely because of this man that we have overcome anything at all.

S. Hopkins: Is it? Is it because of him? I remember a time when William Bradford attributed everything to God. If the ship's mast broke, it was God. If a man grew ill, it was God. If a man's wife drowned...

Bradford: Don't you dare speak of Dorothy!

Standish: Easy, Hopkins.

S. Hopkins: What happened to that man? I mean, do you mean to tell me that the good Lord carried you across this ocean, built this village, and then this brown angel takes over from there? Do you now worship at the feet of the Great Squanto?

Winslow: You offend us all with your talk, sir.

S. Hopkins: You all offend me! And you, you should be worried just the same, Winslow. I mean, be it the French, be it the Pokanoket, be it the Narragansett, it doesn't matter. When the att*ck comes, arrows and muskets will not discriminate between saints and strangers. Today, sir, you have made blasphemous liars and fools of us all!

Pratt: Countrymen! I, Phineas Pratt, bring you greetings from the good ship Fortune, King James, and the Merchant Adventurers Company.

Winslow: This bodes ill, William. They're supposed to resupply us.

Bradford: If these starving wretches are any indication, they haven't enough provisions even for themselves.

F. Billington: Lucky for us, they're not French. Nothing to fear with this lot.

S. Hopkins: I wouldn't be so sure.

Rogers: I beg your pardon, ma'am. I only wish to say thank you.

E. Hopkins: Save your thanks for God.

Standish: An unsavory bunch, they are.

F. Billington: We will pay dearly for this, Bradford.

Bradford: How? They are weak and hungry.

S. Hopkins: They're hungry for bread, for our supplies, and our women.

Standish: We do not know them, we cannot trust them. They make us vulnerable.

Bradford: Let us show them a little Christian charity. Mr. Pratt.

Pratt: We oblige to you for your kindness and your generosity.

Bradford: We are happy to welcome you for the moment.

Winslow: And while you're here, you will respect our customs and keep the Sabbath.

Pratt: We are God-fearing people, too, Mr. Winslow.

Winslow: Good to hear. Your men, you have no wives, no families?

Pratt: By design. The Company thought single men would work harder.

S. Hopkins: Our women here are few, and fewer still those that are unmarried.

Rogers: Not sure I glean your meaning.

S. Hopkins: They will be respected. By each and every one of you. Am I understood?

Pratt: Perfectly.

Bradford: The patent for your colony is for where, Mr. Pratt?

Pratt: Point Sutliffe. North of here.

Bradford: There as a Massachusett village near there. Wesagusset. It would do you well to make friends.

Pratt: Is that what you've done? Made friends with the savages?

Winslow: Yes, we have endeavored to do so, yes.

Rogers: And why in God's name would you do that?

Winslow: It's in our best interest for reasons of trade and comity.

Pratt: Have you not heard the news from Jamestown, then?

S. Hopkins: What of Jamestown?

Pratt: A m*ssacre. A quarter of the colony butchered in a morning.

300 men, women and children. Slaughtered by the savages without mercy.

Rogers: And their aim was to wipe out the entire colony in one blow.

Pratt: And they near succeeded, but for the grace of God.
♪ ♪

S. Hopkins: I must know some of the dead.

E. Hopkins: Nightmare. Women and children, too, yes?

S. Hopkins: The Powhatans must have been provoked beyond endurance.

E. Hopkins: How are you not angry at these savages for murdering your friends?

S. Hopkins: I'm angry beyond belief. But who's to say who the savages are? Some friendly, some hostile. I used to see things as black or white, but now in this New World I see only gray.

E. Hopkins: And what do we learn from this gray? We endear ourselves to our Indian neighbors, and then at the first chance, we betray them.

S. Hopkins: What's done is done.

E. Hopkins: But what do we do now? Do we att*ck these people that we call our friends? Do they att*ck us? Stephen.

S. Hopkins: I'm terrified of what might come.

E. Hopkins: Do not say that. Don't ever say that to me. You're the husband, I'm the wife. I'm not allowed to sign my name or wield a g*n or negotiate terms. And you, you, Stephen Hopkins, you are not allowed to be afraid.

Standish: Get him up, we're taking him to Massasoit.

F. Billington: Pick him up, come on.

Bradford: What in God's name are you doing?

F. Billington: 'Tis for the good of the colony. You heard what happened in Jamestown. People are terrified.

Bradford: This hysteria, it will pass!

Standish: The savages hereabouts will have heard of the m*ssacre. Those that are hostile towards us will be emboldened.

Bradford: I am ordering you to let him go.

Standish: When we hand Squanto over to Massasoit, reestablish the alliance.

Bradford: He is our friend!

Standish: Do not compel me to lay hands on you, Governor. I have too much respect for you.

Bradford: Now you call this respect?

F. Billington: Get out of the way.

Bradford: Release him.

S. Hopkins: Unhand him, Standish.

Standish: Hopkins, I thought you were with us!

S. Hopkins: And Bradford thought you were with him! You do as your governor says.

Standish: If you will not give up Squanto...

Bradford: I will not.

Standish: Then you must find another way to mend fences with Massasoit... and fast!

F. Billington: Aye. Mend it quick, Bradford. Or by God, I'll bring him Squanto's head myself and leave you the rest.

Squanto: Thank you, my friends.

Bradford: I thought you were against me.

S. Hopkins: I am. This is your decision. I've seen enough mutiny for one lifetime. Just to be clear, I am not your friend. Just because I trust Bradford will come around does not mean I trust you. Careful how you tread. For I fear your luck may be running out.

Rogers: Let me help you, love.

Tilley: I can manage. Thank you.

Rogers: Oh, no, but I insist.

Tilley: Please, sir.

Rogers: Oh, you're a bit of a tough one, aren't you?

Tilley: I don't need your...

Howland: Leave her be.

Rogers: Is this your one, is it?

Howland: You alright? You're not to touch her again. Do not even look at her.


Pratt: 'Tis unfriendly of you to turn us out.

F. Billington: We cannot feed you any longer.

S. Hopkins: Nor shall we suffer the disrespect you give our women.

Bradford: You must go now to start your new lives. Do as we have done. Trade with your neighbors and treat them fairly.

Rogers: Trade with the savages? You have to trust a man to trade with him.

Pratt: How can you trust a savage?

Winslow: The savages are human beings very much like ourselves, quick of apprehension, trustworthy, just.

Rogers: Trustworthy? Trustworthy?

S. Hopkins: Resist the temptation to steal from them, or you will suffer the consequences. I guarantee it.

Standish: Move on, let's go.

Rogers: And you call yourselves Christians?

E. Billington: I don't believe it. Damn them! Devils!

Standish: What is it, Mrs. Billington?

E. Billington: Look! They've taken the corn! They've taken the beans! Everything!

F. Billington: The strangers.

E. Billington: It's gone, it's all gone.

Standish: We are undone. Bradford.

E. Billington: Damn them.

Bradford: We have suffered a grievous loss. The harvest is months away. We face a lean time.

Winslow: As God will provide, He always does.

All: Amen.

E. Billington: He might provide us a bit more, long as He's at it.

F. Billington: Aye. Dole out with a bigger spoon.

Bradford: For now Captain Standish will lead a trading expedition to Manomet. We are owed eight hogsheads of corn and beans. That will provide the most immediate relief.

Standish: I worry about leaving the colony undefended in my absence.

S. Hopkins: It is but a day's journey then, a day's journey back. We'll be fine.

Standish: Very well. I'll take Mr. Alden and Mr. Howland.

Bradford: You will take Squanto as well.

Standish: You're not afraid I'll lose him along the way? Trade his head for a hogshead?

Bradford: Despite your recent turn to the vulgar, I know you to be a man of honor. And besides, I'm coming with you.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Standish: Wituwamat. That is the Massachusett villain we spoke of at Nemasket.

Bradford: Squanto?

Squanto: We sit and eat.

Standish: Do you remember me? I was there the very morning you ran away like a coward. If I see you pull your blade like that again, I'll turn it on you faster than you can wipe that smirk of your face. Tell him, Squanto.


Squanto: Shall I translate?

Standish: I get the gist. That blade... not from around here.

Standish: Yeah.

Bradford: I heard him say Wassagussett.

Squanto: He threatens the English there. He threatens Standish.

Canacum: Let us eat.

Bradford: Squanto. Squanto. Hey, hey.

[speaking native language]

Bradford: Are you alright?

Squanto: I am not.

Bradford: What is it, then?

Squanto: I have the fever. The mark of death.

Bradford: Nonsense.

Squanto: William Bradford.

Bradford: I am here.

Squanto: You know what my name means? Tisquantum?

Bradford: I do not.

Squanto: Rage. What does your name mean?

Bradford: Nothing. Just... Bradford was my father's name.

Squanto: You love your father?

Bradford: I never knew him. He d*ed when I was one.

Squanto: Mine d*ed when I was across the ocean.

Bradford: I'm sorry for that.

Squanto: All my people d*ed. When I returned, I had nothing. And then you came with your women and children and strangers. You... You built something new. And I was angry.

Bradford: Yet you helped us.

Squanto: It was meant to be that we meet.

Bradford: It was God's will.

Squanto: God's will.

[shivers] Pray for me.

Bradford: I cannot pray to your Gods.

Squanto: Pray for me to the English God, to the God in heaven.

Bradford: I will pray for you, Tisquantum. I will pray for you.

Squanto: You are my friend.

Bradford: And you mine.



♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Where we stand now, his village once stood. If ever a man had a reason to be bitter, it was he. And yet, he befriended us. Squanto was a special instrument. Sent of God for our good. Beyond our expectation. His death is a great loss.

Winslow: Standish and others believe he was poisoned. I would, too, have had.

Bradford: I ate what he ate and drank what he drank.

Winslow: But perhaps they used some kind of Indian magic to which you were immune.

Bradford: Wituwamat did seem pleased by his distress.

Winslow: Tisquantum has many enemies.

Bradford: As do we.

Winslow: It's not quite the same, though, is it?

Bradford: Isn't it?

Winslow: Okay, your eulogy was moving, William. In the end, Squanto was scheming towards a w*r.

Bradford: Sin of pride blinds you, Edward.

Winslow: Pride?

Bradford: Pride.

Bradford: Let he who is without sin...

Winslow: Yes, I know the verse.

Bradford: Then heed it, Winslow. We are all scheming here. Scheming against each other. Scheming against the savages of the land.

Winslow: Yes, perhaps, but our intention is pure.

Bradford: And Squanto's? A man who spent half his life enslaved by our people? He's intentions were impure?

Winslow: Yes.

Bradford: That is the pride in you of which I speak! Squanto may have been guilty of coveting what he could not have, a land, people, family. And I would be lying to say I do not covet the same.

Winslow: I, too, would be lying to say it.

Bradford: Edward, the Lord forgives you for believing you're better than that man.

Man: Here, take it.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Pratt: Hello? Rogers? Rogers?

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Bradford: Did you steal from them?

Winslow: We told you not to, you brought this on yourselves.

Pratt: We are desperate. Some trade their clothing for food and go about naked.

Winslow: Disgusting.

Pratt: Some have even sold themselves as servants to the Indians.

Standish: This cannot stand. We must teach these savages a lesson.

S. Hopkins: We cannot go to w*r with Massachusett just because some of our idiotic countrymen behave foolishly.

Pratt: Wituwamat and the Massachusett grow more aggressive to us, more warlike every day.

F. Billington: You invite that with your weakness.

Pratt: There are rumors that they are gathering allies, planning an att*ck.

Standish: On you?

Pratt: On all of us. Plymouth, too.


Standish: Open the gates.

Hobbamock: Massasoit.

[speaking native language]

Winslow: What of him?

Wematin: Massasoit. Sick.

Winslow: Take me to him.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

How fares he?

Woman: Massasoit...

[speaking native language]

Wematin: He not live through night.


Hobbamock: Massasoit. Massasoit.

Massasoit: No, no!

[speaking native language]

Winslow: I come here not to pay my respects like we do for the dead and the dying. I'm here to help.

Massasoit: Winslow.

Winslow: Yes?

Winslow: Uh-huh, Massasoit.

[speaking native language]

Wematin: He say he not see you again.

Winslow: Hey, I bring food and medicine to heal.

[speaking native language]

Winslow: Here. No wonder he can't swallow. His tongue is furred.

[speaking native language]

Winslow: Need to wipe away the corruption on his tongue.

[speaking native language]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Woman: Massasoit!

[speaking native language]

Wematin: He sees. He sees, he sees.

[speaking native language]

Winslow: I need, I need some water and some herbs to make a broth.

[speaking native language]

Winslow: There's no need to translate.

Massasoit: Winslow.

[speaking native language]

Wematin: He thanks you. You save his life.

Winslow: We thank God for your recovery, Massasoit. Let us put the past behind us.

[Wematin translates]

Winslow: We desire to be your friends, we desire to be the Pokanokets' greatest ally.

[Wematin translates]

[speaking native language]

Wematin: English and Pokanoket friends.

Winslow: We are grateful.

[speaking native language]

[speaking native language]

Wematin: Plymouth in danger.

Winslow: Wituwamat and his allies plan to att*ck the settlement at Wessagusset first and then Plymouth.

F. Billington: Then Pratt was right, the rumors are true.

S. Hopkins: According to Massasoit.

Standish: You said they're allies.

Winslow: Several tribes, the Narragansett being the most numerous and powerful.

Standish: If the Massachusett and the Narragansett join forces...

S. Hopkins: It will be as bad as Jamestown.

Bradford: Massasoit must have known of this plot for some time and was content to let it ripen.

Winslow: As you say, he was angry with us.

F. Billington: Over Squanto. This is your fault, Bradford. You should have let us deliver that lying savage to his enemies. Now we'll all pay the price.

S. Hopkins: Let's say he's telling the truth and he's not gonna use us against his enemies. What do we do?

Standish: Strike first.

Bradford: Should we not wait until there's clear evidence of hostile intent?

Winslow: An att*ck is imminent, William.

Standish: They are gathering their allies. We strike them first.

Bradford: We have worked hard to gain their trust. To draw first blood.

F. Billington: Whose trust? These devils are not the same as Massasoit and his kin. They're as different from each other as we are the French. If we wait until after they att*ck Wessagusset, word will spread, and our adversaries will be too many. You saw how they responded to us after Nemasket. Strike hard, strike fast, and show them who runs this land.

Standish: Bradford, you and I have been at odds. But heed me now as the man you hired to ensure your people's safety. Wituwamat's intentions were clear. You saw it in his eyes. He was there to make an alliance with the Manomets. It's clear as day. He m*rder*d Squanto and laughed at us.

S. Hopkins: This is crossing the Rubicon, Bradford, there's no going back. Nothing would be the same again.

Standish: Hopkins, you manage the watch like I said.

S. Hopkins: We'll be fine. Watch yourselves, you hear?

E. Hopkins: Well, why do they have to take Wematin? He's just a boy.

S. Hopkins: He'll be fine. That boy's better equipped than most of our fools, anyway.

F. Billington: Leaving. What now?

E. Billington: Just come back, please.

F. Billington: I always do.

Winslow: Now, before you act, make sure you ascertain the thr*at of it. If there's any doubt about their plan, you back away.

Standish: And if there's not, Governor?

Bradford: We put an end to this now and forever. Make an example of this bold and bloody villain as a warning and terror to all of that disposition. Bring me his head.

♪ ♪

Standish: Spread the word. For their safety, all Englishmen should come to the fort this evening.

Pratt: What are you planning?

Standish: We must ascertain whether their plot is real and dissuade them from v*olence. Come on. Invite Wituwamat and his friends to come and eat with us tomorrow. Tell them we come in friendship and we come to trade.

Howland: You credit these rumors?

S. Hopkins: I do. You know, in Jamestown, they were sleeping when the att*ck came. I don't just mean in bed with their eyes shut. They thought they were safe when they were not. That's not happening here.

Standish: Wituwamat. Welcome. Come, sit, please.

[speaking native language]

Standish: We are happy you are here. We want friendship.


Standish: We want to trade.


Standish: We want peace between the Massachusetts and the English.

Wituwamat: Peace?

Standish: Peace. Exactly. Peace.

Standish: Please. Take as much as you can, please. Hobbamock, the bread.

[yelling, grunting]

[yelling, grunting]

Standish: Coward.

♪ ♪

F. Billington: Lift him up.

♪ ♪

Bradford: I rejoice to see you all returned!

S. Hopkins: Any wounded?

Standish: Cuts and bruises. Nothing serious.

E. Billington: John, the blood.

F. Billington: It's alright, it's not mine.

E. Billington: What did you do?

F. Billington: What needed doing.

E. Billington: John!

Bradford: You were successful, then?

Standish: It was a great victory, Governor.

♪ ♪

They fought valiantly.

S. Hopkins: Why hang his brother?

Standish: A lesson.

S. Hopkins: In what?

Bradford: Power.

♪ ♪

[speaking native language]

S. Hopkins: Can't sleep? Nor I. What weighs on you this evening?

Bradford: Tomorrow's celebration, the second giving of thanks in the new land.

S. Hopkins: Oh, the Pokanokets will bring venison and turkey. Everyone will eat and drink themselves sick. You shouldn't worry. It's gonna be a grand party. Cementing our friendship, our victory at Wessagusset.

Bradford: Wessagusset. That is what weighs on me.

S. Hopkins: Second thoughts?

Bradford: What if it was all talk? What if they were never going to att*ck?

S. Hopkins: Sooner or later, they would have.

Bradford: You believe w*r between us is inevitable.

S. Hopkins: Don't you? We encroach on their lands. We break our promises. We disrespect their gods. We glorify ours.

Bradford: That is a good thing.

S. Hopkins: You made the right decision. It brought peace.

Bradford: Let us hope that it lasts.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Man: Gentlemen!

♪ ♪

[speaking native language]

Winslow: For you.


[singing, drumming]

♪ ♪

Bradford: They called us pilgrims. But what have we become? Saints? Strangers? Savages? We came for God. We came to move forward... for ourselves... for our children. John Bradford? I am your father.

John Bradford: Hello, Father. I'm glad to meet you.

Bradford: And I you, Son.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Shall we go?

♪ ♪

Your mother missed you terribly.

♪ ♪

She spoke of you every day, and she wondered how fast you were growing up. What you were doing that very moment in Holland. She was counting the days until she would see you again. Come. Do you remember her? You were very young, 'tis alright if you don't.

John: I do, a little. I remember her voice. I hear it sometimes still.

Bradford: As do I. She'd have been very proud to see you this day. Come. Look at all we've done.