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03x07 - The Hound and the Hare

Posted: 12/05/15 08:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on Reign...

The k*ller you pointed me to is still out there.

What is it?

Three hearts, three murders.

The rest of the jars are empty.

I'd say he's far from done.

Mary, Queen of Scots, will soon seek a marriage alliance. And a new alliance would raise her international standing.

And how do you suggest I gain Mary's trust?

Make Mary fall in love with you.

Lord Narcisse gets to share his bed with a pretty young thing while I'm expected to retire alone.

But we can fix that, can't we?

Bring me back to life.

There are suitors eager to court you.

You need funds to protect Scotland.

I'm just not ready to marry another man.

You have to be.

Don't go back to Scotland. Court Don Carlos.

Show Spain that you will always have power as long as you are aligned with France.

Find my favorite portrait.

Send it to Don Carlos with a message.

I'm ready.

(Birds chirping)

Oh, no, Don Carlos, you didn't.

What choice did I have? I had to know if this queen I was courting for Spain was actually a man.

I shouldn't be listening to this.

Elizabeth is my cousin and a fellow queen.

Nonsense. You love it.

You feel the French nobles judging you?

I can't blame them.

I hardly seem to be mourning my husband, their king.

You loved Francis.

I've known you for days, and nothing is clearer.

But Scotland can't wait for you to mourn.

It needs the help of a country like mine.

Especially now, after France is withdrawing her troops.

Mary, you're simply doing your duty as queen.

You have made my duty far more pleasant than it could have been.

I feel the same.


(Chuckles) Especially after a week with the crushingly boring Archduchess Anna in Austria.


I finally had to flee.

Who cares what they think?

And, anyway, I think I may know a simple solution.


There's a game I enjoy, sort of a theme for a party.

What is this game called?

The Hound and the Hare. The hares race off into the woods, and the hounds chase after them, hoping to catch a hare and steal a kiss.

It's harmless fun, but I find it reveals things.

A player's determination, their sense of adventure.

That sounds very enjoyable, but...

I'm afraid I must decline.

It's quite fun.

I'm sorry. It doesn't sound like the game for me.

But that doesn't mean we can't further enjoy each other's company.

Would you like to have tea with me in a few hours?

It would be my pleasure.

(Horse neighs)

(Indistinct chatter)

What a pleasure to speak with you today.

And with you. Majesties.

I'm glad to see you getting along so well with Lord Bertram.

Maybe now you finally have the support in the privy council to win the vote.

The matter's not quite settled yet.

But I'm close.

Thanks to your sacrifice.

Renouncing French military support in Scotland and giving me a political victory, I won't forget it.

As long as I am in power, you will have an ally in France.

Not that you'll need it if you wed Spain's prince.

How goes it with Don Carlos?

He is a kind man. Amusing.

A trifle eccentric, perhaps.

Ah. And not Francis.

Don't feel guilty.

Francis knew finding another alliance for Scotland was your first task as soon as he died.

Did he not insist on it?

Your Majesty.

It's from my brother James.

News of Elizabeth's response to French troops being withdrawn from Scotland.

She has withdrawn her troops as well.

A moment of peace in Scotland.

Let's hope it lasts.

It won't.

Her troops are still massed on their side of the border.

A deliberate lingering threat after all that I have given to gain peace.

All the more reason for you to strengthen yourself with a marriage to Spain.

(Indistinct chatter)

Catherine: Gentlemen. What a pleasure to see my son's privy council so hard at work.

King Charles was wondering when you plan to vote on my confirmation as regent.

We are still debating.

We will vote once the council is ready.

(Murmurs of assent)

France needs a leader now.

We have soldiers returning from w*r in Scotland. They need to be paid and reposted.

The prince of Spain and his delegation is watching us to see if we've lost our direction after we have lost our king.

If you can't even decide on a leader...

There are already several motions as to the timing of the vote.

Motions on timing?

What, you can't even vote on when to take a vote?

I support your process in these complex times.

I'll simply remind you that with me as regent you not only get a woman who stood at the side of the last two great kings, you have a woman.

Who, with her female frailties, makes an excellent scapegoat whenever chance turns events against us.


It's true.

You have ample experience, Your Grace.

All those in favor of holding a vote to confirm the queen mother as regent at midday tomorrow?

(Murmurs of assent)


I thank you, gentlemen.

If you should have any additional questions, I am at your disposal.

Looking for me?


I knew you would.

Well, you practically invited me to follow you.

Because I thought you might be ready to negotiate.

Negotiate what?

The terms in exchange for your council vote.

You're still very popular with the nobles, and they assume that you despise me. That makes your vote worth two of anyone else's.

Even though we know the acrimony between us is now in our past.

Our last encounter was a mistake.

A mistake we both quite enjoyed.

You enjoyed that?

Our affair...

It isn't an affair.

It's neither here nor there.

In exchange for your vote, you could be my lord chancellor.

The second highest position in France?

Why would you?

The question is, why wouldn't you?

Unless you fear working closely with me.


You saw me have my conversation with Lord Narcisse, didn't you?

I'm curious. Is your affair about pleasure with him, as it is with me?

Or do you seek something from him?

Come here.

I need his vote to gain control, which I need to protect my family.

But for him to give me this power, he needs to think that he has power over me.

And he does.

Because he bedded you.

It's amazing how you take me without any care for my station.

No one can know about our affair.

Especially now.



I stack firewood.

My head isn't made of it.

Are you England's new ambassador?

I am, Your Majesty. Gideon Blackburn, at your service.

Hardly. You or Elizabeth.

How can England even pretend to want peace when her every move is to bully and crush opposition?

And how can our two countries practice diplomacy when England replaces ambassadors without even telling me?

Did you get all that, Jeffrey?

What is he doing?

Transcribing every word we say.

Following his orders. As am I.

And what orders might those be?

Well, frankly, not to botch the job like my predecessor, Nicholas, did and let you tear up a treaty that was signed without witnesses.

There will be no more such oversights.

My God, you are quite beautiful.

Between you and Elizabeth, I don't know who is the more stunning.

And will that be going in Elizabeth's transcript?

It will not.

Let me be clear.

Your queen is keeping her troops on my border to thr*aten invasion, and she will regret it.

Every rival of England's will want Scotland as an ally, and you will have made two enemies, instead of one.

And by all means, quote me on that.

She's just told us she means to marry Don Carlos.

We can't let that happen.

How can we stop it?

Our spies tell us Don Carlos left Austria under a cloud.

If his ridiculously pious father, the king of Spain, finds out the truth of what happened there...

But we don't know the truth.

We know enough to strike fear in the prince.

Prepare a letter.

End your courtship of Mary and leave France by dawn, or your father, the king, will learn of your secret.

Who sent this?

I don't know, Your Highness.

(Indistinct chatter)

Has something happened?

An important matter has arisen back home.

I must return to Spain as soon as possible.

Mary, I'm afraid I won't be coming back.

That's it?

Our courtship is over? Was I wrong in thinking it was going well?

My dear Mary, it's clear that your heart is not ready.

Not for another man's love. Even less for the games of courtship.

As soon as the rest of my travel belongings arrive from Austria, I will leave for Spain.




What's wrong?

You seem so far away lately.

I'm just frustrated we're no closer to catching this k*ller.

We can't even find his last victim.

You can't blame the murders for the distance that's come between us.

It's more than that.

It's Francis. I feel it in you.


Don't use your abilities to get in my thoughts.

These are my feelings.

Bash, that's not what I...

I lost my brother, my friend, and my king all at once.

I don't need to be told how that feels.



What is it?

We found another body near the village, missing her heart.

She's been dead for weeks.

She must be the last victim you sensed.

The night we discovered the barn.

Where the k*ller kept his victims' hearts.


Are you feeling him now?

His hatred. His bloodlust.

Can you tell where he is?

Not where he is.

Where he was. And where he will be.

He has plans.


(Birds chirping)

Majesties, it is with great honor and solemnity I bring you the vital organs of King Francis II for consecration and entombment here.

This will be the final vessel for my son's remains.

Commissioned in keeping with the Valois tradition.

Thank you, Cardinal Morel.

Mary, we're so sorry.

It's such an awful tradition to endure.

Is there anything that we can do?


Thank you, for being here with me.

Lord chancellor.

Yeah, I've been close to this kind of power before, but that was inherited. This has been earned.

Every bit of it.

But it's power you will have at Catherine's side.

Stephan, it was only a few weeks ago you told me we had to stay far away from her.

Catherine's fine. She's been handled.

How? It was your betrayal that sent her into exile and then prison.

Can you really trust her? Especially once she's regent?

Catherine will be far too busy with France's problems to worry about petty vendettas.

Besides, I have a fair amount of influence.

On the council, which should be enough to keep Catherine under control.

It's not only her political motives I don't trust.

You two were lovers once.

So the person you don't trust is me.


I made a vow to you.

Do you not believe that I can honor it?

I watch the way you conduct your business, and I can't help observing that you and I treat honor differently.

So you'd have me turn down a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because I'm not worthy of it?

I never said that.

Stephan, look at what we already have.

We're safe, secure.

With your swing vote on the council, you already have leverage with Catherine without this position.

We have each other.

What more do you need?

Those are Don Carlos' belongings from Austria.

Catherine: He doesn't travel light, does he?

Mary: Well, he has been travelling for some time.

He'll return to Spain once he receives them.

You speak as if he's leaving without an engagement to you.

Mary, Scotland needs Spain.

Did you even try?

No matter what you might think, I can't just force men to fall in love with me.

Did he tell you why he wouldn't marry you?

No. He was so vague.

I can only think of one thing that might...


He seemed to dislike that I didn't want to play a-a courting game.

Where men chase women through the woods.

That is... a rather odd request.

But Mary, he would have no idea that a game like that...

Where men hunt women like prey.

Ending with?

A kiss.

It's a chasing game.

A game, nothing more.

You're right.

I think what he also seeks is some certainty that you will try, if only for a day, to let your grief over Francis pass.

To give him a chance to warm your heart, if not to win it.

Mary: Something about his luggage was important enough to keep him at court.

Prince Carlos' luggage is to be stored in the wine cellar.

He is not know of its arrival or its whereabouts until you receive my order.

Well done.

Bash: You're sensing a m*rder that hasn't happened yet. How?

I only know that he walked this path.

His mind was consumed with the hunger to take a life.

Can you focus on the next victim?

This next woman's heart vibrates with the thrill of a strange new world.

A new purpose that frees her from old fears.

A passion she thought she had lost.

Here. It's here that he plans to take her heart for himself.

Bash: This is Greer's tavern.

Could she be the k*ller's next target?

GREER: You think I'm the next victim?

Delphine has yet to be wrong.

She's convinced he intends to k*ll tonight, and the victim... she fits your description.

For the safety of you and your girls, I advise you to close up for the night. Maybe longer.

But if we shut down, won't he just find some other victim?

Or wait to come back here another night?

That bastard took my niece from me.

Tell me where he'll be and we'll bloody well see how he likes having his heart ripped out.

k*lling is this man's compulsion, his passion. He's very good at it.

Fighting back is too dangerous.

No. Instead of delaying the inevitable, I say let's work together and stop him.


You may never get a better chance.

Don Carlos: Track it down, even if it takes you all the way back to Austria.

Mary: Don Carlos. I expected you to be long gone.

I should be, but my baggage has proven impossible to locate.


I could leave a valet behind, but I'd rather keep these items at hand.

You understand.

I do.

Perhaps we could take advantage of your extended stay.

I thought we might entertain ourselves with the Hound and Hare game you spoke of.

I shouldn't delay my departure.

And you made it clear that such games don't interest you.

That was before I realized how much they meant to you.

We can arrange to play it later today if you'd like.

You can enjoy chasing me through the woods.

Actually, you would be chasing me.

In my version of the game, you are the hound and I am the hare.

Does the notion upset you?

No, not a bit. Although...

I do wonder why it all matters so much to you.

Let's just say if you catch me, I'll show you why.

Business must go on as usual, so the k*ller suspects nothing.

My men will be stationed throughout the tavern, posing as customers.

That customer's mine.

(Women chuckle and exclaim)

If you feel threatened at all, call out.

I want to beclear that anyone staying is risking their lives.

Anyone wishing to leave should do so now.

You ladies are doing a brave thing.

Let's get ready.

(Indistinct conversations, people laughing)

♪ I'm ash and dust ♪
♪ You burn me up with every turn ♪

Don Carlos: Everyone gather round.


Each man is a hare.

Each woman, a hound. No insult intended.

The rules are quite simple, the hounds win by catching a hare.

And the hares win by evading capture.

Are you wearing your mink-lined boots?

Well, if I have to run, I'm going to look good doing it.

As to who catches whom, fate shall determine the outcome.

(Nobles murmur excitedly)

Hares, take your places.

Gideon: It appears our letter did not frighten the prince away.

The prize of marrying a queen seems worth the risk of exposure.

Or perhaps he is gambling that we don't have all the facts.

Well, too bad for him. We have friends in Austria who are eager to partake in scandalous royal gossip.

♪ Break it till it's beaten ♪

Man: Hares, prepare for the chase of your lives!

(Trumpet blows)

(Shouting, chattering)

♪ I want your love ♪

Hounds, wait for the signal.

(Trumpet blows)

(Excited chattering)


This is a game for nobles.

Did anyone see you?


You do test your limits.

We have to be discreet.

What exactly do you hope to gain by being my lover?

What do you want?

I want you. Under these trees.

With half the nobles of France only steps away and no walls between us.
(Excited chattering)

♪ Make the wind lift you up ♪
♪ Until you reach the sky ♪
♪ Sprinkle dust and it can take you high ♪
♪ Above the trials of the world outside ♪

(Man laughing)

♪ Oh ♪
♪ Sunshine can make it ♪
♪ Where my eyes... ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ I'm awake, I'm awakening ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ I'm awake ♪
♪ I'm awakening. ♪

Ooh! Aah!



(Inhales sharply)


Aah! Ooh.

Don Carlos!

Can anyone hear me?

(Catherine moans deeply)

(Branch snaps)


Hounds are meant to tag their hares, not s*ab them.

And hares are supposed to run from hounds, not stand around foolishly, gawking.

I have quite another hare to catch today.

Not like that, you won't. Your ankle needs treatment, and night's almost fallen. I'm taking you back to the castle.


How dare you!

Believe me, this isn't what I had in mind for the game, either.

You're light as a feather, I swear.

Well, thank you for that.

I could walk.

No, just give me a minute.

Queen Mary, I realize I'm the last person you would trust, but I feel I should tell you.

You may think Don Carlos is the answer to your troubles, but he will only bring more.

I'm not taking marriage advice from one of my enemies, thank you.

The prince harbors a secret.

A dark one.

Anna of Austria expelled him from her court for that very reason.

Why the sudden concern for my well-being?

Perhaps Queen Elizabeth would like to keep me from marrying Spain?

Maybe I'm saving your life and I don't want to waste the effort.

My silence would be as wrong as leaving you helpless back there in the woods.

Oh, very well. I'll bite. What is this terrible rumor?

Our spies only know that it's something... sexual. Some object the prince showed to Anna which she found abhorrent.

Jeffrey: My lord.

Something that's traveled to France with him, no doubt.

If Don Carlos' secret scared Anna, it should scare you, too.

Ah, Jeffrey, you found us.

The queen has injured her ankle. Ensure she gets back safely.

(Indistinct conversations, laughing)

Mind if I join you?

Are you frightened?

A little. I could use some company.

And it's been ages since we last talked.

Why is that pin on your cloak?

That? It's, uh, it's nothing. I, uh...

Nothing? I've seen and admired that pearl ornament on Princess Claude many times.

Leith, was it given to you as a lady's favor?

Uh, I would, um, appreciate you keeping this to yourself. The relationship is new.

And, yes, the princess is even further above my station than you were.

You needn't explain yourself to me.

Ever since we parted ways, I hoped you would find someone special.

No matter their station.

If only things were that simple.

Love is never simple.

Not that I'm any expert.

The closest I've come to a romance since you was a misguided dalliance with a pirate.

Could we have found anyone further from our stations?

I've learned that stations mean too much to too many.

In truth, I think we can only hope for happiness.

And are you happy?

I like running this business.

I like my girls, the independence.

Is that happiness? I can't tell anymore.

Life is full of surprises, and what we make of them is up to us.

I suppose I've realized, especially on an evening like this, that we're all lucky just to be alive.


Did you come here to accept my offer as lord chancellor, or are you here in my bedroom to tell me again how much you love your wife?

Were I were your chancellor, I would advise you, you're taking a terrible risk with that servant boy.

What servant boy?

You were in the woods with him during that game.

You could have been seen by anyone.

But we were seen by you.

How exciting.

Oh, you're trapped in a marriage to that dull girl and you come across an act of such passion.

Oh, you were watching me and my servant boy.

A young creature not only ready but willing.



I know you're hungry, too.

For power, danger and pleasure.

You want more.

So take it.

I will give you my vote.

But you will discard that plaything.

I didn't say bargain.

I said take.

That's what my servant boy does.

(Indistinct conversations)

It's almost dawn.

There hasn't been a new customer in hours.

Perhaps I misread the feeling I had.

I felt his intent, but...

We've done all we can here.

Dismiss the men. I'll alert those stationed upstairs.




Off, then.

It was good to see you.

And you as well.

Good luck.

(Door closes)

Oh, Leith.

Woman: See you tomorrow.


Your cloak.

(Horse neighs)


What is it? What's wrong?


Oh, I can feel him again.

What do you want? Stay away.






Is that him? He att*cked me.

Ah, what is that?

Did you vomit on yourself?

He came at me so fast.

Who is he? Is he the man we want?

I don't think this is our k*ller. A drunk, yes.

Probably trying to rob you. Are you hurt?

No, he, uh, he didn't hit me, he just pushed me.

I'm just shaken. Fine now, thanks to you.



Delphine sensed the k*ller's presence, I heard your scream, so I... but if this isn't the k*ller...



(Hooded figure panting loudly, Delphine groaning)

(Loud, guttural gasping)


(Loud, gasping breathing)

(Shallow breathing)

(Loud, wheezy breathing)

Delphine... what happened?






It's all right.

It's Sebastian.

You're safe now.




(Inhales and exhales loudly)

(Groans softly, gasps)

Three hours, waiting for you in the woods.

Did you even try to find me?

I hurt my ankle.

You arranged to have my luggage hidden to keep me from leaving.

I thought I enjoyed playing games, but clearly, I've met my match.

Scotland needs a new alliance quickly.

I am not playing games.

I am just looking for answers, answers I am entitled to.

I couldn't agree more.

Let me show you.

(Door squeaks open)

What is it?

Some people call it a sex horse because of its shape.

Just a name.

It's a device that helps fulfill my desires.

I still don't quite understand how...

The device is for me.

My partner need only to whip me.

It may seem odd to you, but to me, pain equals pleasure.


I need a woman like you, who I hope is willing to give me what I need, and the fact that you are still standing here gives me hope that you are such a woman.

But isn't this dangerous? There are already rumors of your... particular desires.

It's only a matter of time before the Vatican learns.

Or your father.

And I would be called deviant and unfit to rule, lose everything.

Do you really need all this?

Yes. The marriage I want is this.

You will give me pain as a gift, but I will only give you kindness.

And one day, I will be king of Spain with all of its unmatched might and wealth.

And you and I will rule our two countries together.

Try it, one time.


Can you do that for me?

For us?

For Scotland?

Don Carlos, there is so much I admire about you.

But you say the marriage you want is this, and... I want something else.

I'm sorry, but I can't.

And you didn't see his face?

Bash, I've told you.

I was too scared to turn.

The k*ller att*cked, then withdrew.

There must be an explanation.

What changed his mind? What made him decide to spare your life?

I don't know. All I know is the sensations that led me to the tavern.

They weren't about Greer.

A strange new world.

A passion she thought lost.

New purpose.

That was you.

That's how I feel here with you.

But now, I must get away from this place, away from you.

I won't let you leave.

Don't you see?

When he touched me, there was a connection.

His urges flowed into me. I think it caused him to lose those urges, at least for a moment.

Bash, in that instant, I wanted you dead.

You, the one person I truly care for.

I won't risk that again.

We can't give up now. We are so close.

Delphine, when I told you I wanted you out of my head, I was just scared.

Any time I've opened myself up, I've been hurt.

My brother, my wife, my parents.

But with you, it feels different.

It's a risk, you're right... our hearts, our lives... but you make me want to.


Will you risk it all with me?

(Indistinct chatter)

Your Grace.

We will now vote to confirm the queen mother as regent of France. If there are no objections, I move to confirm.

Do I have a second?

(Man coughs)

(Man clears his throat)

Very well.

All those in favor?

(Door opens)

In this urn is proof our late King Francis was m*rder*d. The king's liver. Physicians say blackness like this demonstrates he was poisoned.

We found it when shifting his remains to this urn.

How can that be possible?

I asked Francis if he thought his illness was poison, and he insisted that it wasn't.

His doctors confirmed it.

Some poisons can escape detection.

Only an expert knows what they are.

You think that I k*lled my son?!

Every councillor here knows you've long sought the position of regent, even before Francis died.

I loved him. He was my son!

Are you out of your mind?

This crime must be investigated.

We recommend that your regency not be confirmed until it's done.

Narcisse, you cannot let this continue.

The queen mother is right.

She must be treated with all the respect that befits her station, and she must be given time to build a defense, one which I'm sure will exonerate her.

We gathered here today because France needs a leader, and quickly, as the queen mother has often reminded us.

That has not changed, no matter who bears the blame for this hideous crime.

If the Church will not bless the queen mother's election, and no one else will step forward, I will offer myself.


You snake.

I would assume the position reluctantly, for as long as I have the council's confidence, and only until King Charles comes of age.

He doesn't come of age for years.

You will be acting as king.

You are usurping the Valois family!

I humbly ask for a motion.

Now you're willing to vote when the candidate isn't me?

Do I have a second?

And all those in favor?

(Indistinct chatter)

Man: I agree.

With your help and God's, I hope I will rule my country well.

Long live France.

Forget the regency. I'm finished.


If I can't disprove these charges, I will swing from a rope!

Queens are not so easily undone. You taught me that.

I will help you.

Help yourself, Mary. Wed Don Carlos.

If you thought that Scotland could rely on me, on France, you were wrong, because I am nothing now!

Even if I survive this, the regency is lost to me.

But you will fight...

I will fight it.

But right now, I am fighting for you.

Marry the man. Forget his peculiarities.

It's not just that. There are...

There are other options, princes, kings.

Like whom? Eric of Sweden?

Frederick of Denmark? Do you know who else is pursuing them?

Elizabeth. And she has a much bigger country to offer them.

You don't understand what he's asking, what he wants from me, what he wants me to do. I don't judge him, but...

Well, what is it then?

He has this... contraption.

It's for him, not me. I wouldn't be getting hurt at all, but...

Oh, but he would be?

He wants me to give the experience a test run.

Then simply pass the test and marry the man.

How you conduct yourself beyond that you can figure out later, once you have Spain in your pocket.

Come now.

I'll help you.


I was surprised to hear that you wanted to join me.

I realized I may have been hasty in my answer.

If this passion is so important to you in marriage, then...

I will try it.

Are you sure?

I would never force you.

I know.

I am sure.


I'd do it myself, but...

A little tighter, not too...

That's good. Now...

The whip.


I'm sorry. This is all just...

Think of it as an adventure.

One that you're leading.

It's also... I'm just feeling so self-conscious.

Um... would you mind if...?

A blindfold?

I like that idea.


Just a minute. Almost ready.

What's that?

I'm just making sure the door is locked.


Now, what do I...?

It helps if you create a scenario.

Tell me why I must be punished.

Mary: Oh, Lord. Um, I'm very disappointed in you?



You've been a very bad man, Prince Carlos.

I have.

Yes, I have.

Now, you must face your punishment.



You must really suffer.

Oh. Yes!

And feel really awful.


Sheer remorse.

Oh! Aah!

Is it too much? I don't...


Stop! Just from the sound of your screaming, I think maybe we should stop.

Who are you talking to?!

You. I'm talking to you.

No, not the blindfold!


Mary! I trusted you!

The secret... it's everything! I could be ruined!

We were just trying to please you.

You think this is a joke?!


No! (Gasps)

No, believe me, no judgment here.

I love a good...


(Muffled scream)

(Catherine gasps)

Catherine, what happened?

There's something in the back of his head.

(Gasps sharply)

Is he dead?



No, don't look.

He's cracked his skull open.

He's impaled it on that... thing.

(Gasps) Oh, we have to get help.

Aah! It's too late. He's dead!

Don't you see, Mary? We've broken the prince of Spain!

The wrath of his father will rain down upon us.

Oh, my Lord. Oh, my Lord.

We have to contain this.

Conceal our...


Where is he?

(Woman screaming)

(Groaning, woman continues screaming)

Man: My lord.

Catherine: How is he still alive?

What do we do now?