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09x09 - A Matter of Trust

Posted: 12/07/15 06:59
by bunniefuu
Kids: Yay!

♪ Give presents ♪
♪ All you can carry ♪
♪ No matter how you dress up ♪
♪ Be festive ♪
♪ And merry ♪
♪ And jolly Merry Christmas! ♪

I love you.

Looks great.

♪ Hang some lights ♪
♪ That you can see ♪
♪ All the way to the moon ♪

Okay Rudolph, full power!

Previously on "Heartland"...

No, please do send me that report.

Thank you. Ugh!


That was the insurance company.

They got Carson's report and the loft failed his inspection.


Announcer: Put your hands together for Hudson's very own Extreme Team!

(Cheering) We're going to start things off with their youngest rider.

Introducing Georgina Fleming Morris.

(Heavy thud, clapping and cheering)

She did it!


(Truck rumbles)

(Truck rumbles to a halt)

(Birds chirp, Keys jingle)

(Envelope rustles)

(Birds chirp)

(Blanket shifts)

(Possums chatter)



Come on, Phoenix, keep up! (Clucks tongue)

(Hooves thud) Good boy!

Good boy, Trouble.

(Hooves thud)

Samantha: Eyes up! You look where you wanna go!

Easy, easy.

Oh, come on, keep your reins steady!


Okay, find your core!

That's it. When you're centered, they're centered.

See how they're heads are up now?

(Hooves thud)

(Hooves strike loudly, Heavy thud)


Nice! (Claps)

That was amazing!

Thank you so much for coming over, Sam.

Hey, we're on the same team, right?

I'm happy to help.

I'm always so impressed by how you handle your horses in class.

I just... really need some extra advice.

Look, it's not a problem. Anytime.

You're gonna be a real threat someday, little girl.

Just don't come looking to steal my headliner status, okay?

Yeah, like that'll happen.

(Cell phone rings)

Oh! Hey, Claire. What's up?

Are you kidding me? That's awesome!

I'm at Georgie's place. You know, Georgie.

The new kid. Yeah, okay. Okay, I'll call you later.

(Phone beeps off)

That was Claire. You know Claire?

She finally got permission to borrow her dad's camper for the weekend.

Oh cool.

Yeah, so road trip!

Me and Claire and some of the other girls on the team are hitting the road to Jasper.

It's gonna be epic.

(Awkward pause)

Hey, you know what?

(Phone chimes)

How about...?

Oh, sh**t! I was supposed to meet my boyfriend in town 15 minutes ago.

Look, I'm so sorry. I gotta go.

(Car engine starts)

See you later, kiddo.

See ya.

(Car rumbles away)

(Car rumbles)

Kiddo? Really?

(Door bangs shut) Hey, Georgie!

Is Amy around?

Uh, I don't know.

I think she might be in the office.

What's in the cage?

Don't ask.

(Running footsteps)

(Blanket rustles, possums chatter)

Oh, they're so cute! Hi, little guy! Hello.

Amy: I don't understand how anyone would think that possums make good pets.

Well, it's pretty clear they learned the hard way that they don't.

They were so desperate to get rid of them, they just dropped them on Bob's front step and ran.

Isn't there space for them at the reserve?

None that really work.

Well, can we keep 'em?

No, we can't them, Georgie.

They're not pets, they're wild animals.

So are you gonna let them go, then?

I can't. They're not indigenous to Alberta.


It means they can't survive in this climate.

Amy: So... what's your plan?

Well, I'm gonna phone Fish and Wildlife and let them deal with it.

In the meantime though, we're gonna need to find a nice dark place for these guys 'cause the more stressed out they get...

The more they stink.

You're pretty cute, but you guys reek.

Aw... Come here. Hey, Georgie, don't put your finger in there.

They got more teeth than a piranha.

They'll bite you.

I'm gonna name you guys Stinky and Minky.

Whew! God, what are those? Pew!

Uh, no. Don't even ask.

How 'bout a picnic lunch with me and Katie?

I have a pretty cool surprise for you.

(Possums chatter)

So you know how I did my taxes myself this year?

Ran the numbers better than any accountant could... all legal of course.

Anyways, it turns out there is a big tax refund Mommy hoped she would get.

Tax refunds are actually pretty cool.

Long story short, I got it... the tax refund... an unexpected little windfall... so... I've decided we all deserve a break.

So we are going on a vacation to a place called the Dominican Republic (Phone chimes) just the three of us! It'll be a girls' week!

Katie: What's the Domino Republic?

It is a beautiful island with lots of beaches and tons of fun stuff to do.

We're even gonna stay in a nice hotel.

You wanna see?

We can go scuba diving and...

(Distracted) Mmhmm. Mm-hmm.

And we can practice our Spanish, right?

Are you happy?

I'm really glad you're happy, 'cause this is gonna be the best!

Yeah! It really is!

And ooh, see the pool? I can teach you to swim.

See the pool, Georgie?

We can go out on a boat. Oh, oh, look.

There's a sunset ride on the beach you can do.

Cool, hey? Do you wanna go ride a horse on the beach?

A Matter of Trust

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪

Okay, guys.

How about right under here?

Oh yeah, that'd work.

(Cage rattles, Possums chatter)


There you go.

(Possums chatter, power tool whirs upstairs)

(Metallic clattering, saw whirs loudly)

Okay, come here.

Hey, what're doing?

Well, we gotta get at the wiring somehow, so...

Yeah, the best way through the floor is right here.

No, no, Dad, stop. Stop!

Hey, hey, hey. What? Why?

Why are you doing this?

You know why we're doing this.

Because the insurance company ordered that we bring the electrical up to "code."

That's why we're doing this. Okay, but no. Dad, stop!

There is no way you're going through our brand new floor!

There's gotta be a better way.

And I told him that too, but would he listen?

'Kay, fine. There is another way, but it is the opposite of convenient.


(Footsteps thump on stairs)

Okay, I can, uh, bring the new wiring down through here, ceiling, over here.

New breaker box there, tie it into the old junction box.

Okay, so do that because there's no way you're ripping up our floor.

Yeah, well, that would've been faster, but... who's in a rush, right?

Oh wait, you two.

Help me.

(Truck rumbles up outside)

(Door bangs shut)

Hey, Caleb. How are you doing?

Not great. I think I got a problem.

So this is Rusty.

He's the one with the strained tendon, right?

Yeah, but it's totally healed.

I've been hoping to get him back on the circuit sometime this week, but... I mean, look at him. He's just... not up to it.

Well, he seems pretty lethargic.

Yeah, and he doesn't have much energy either, but I figure if anyone can get him back on track, it's... it's you guys.

Amy: Okay. And you're sure his tendon's completely healed?

A-Absolutely. Yeah. Hey?

It could be his immune system.

Sometimes with injuries like that, you know, everything heals, but the horse is weakened.

Yeah. I could put him on some herbal supplements over the next few days and see if that helps.

Okay. That's the plan.

I mean, just-just do whatever you guys think is best.

Look, between you and me, this guys could put me back on the podium.

I just... feel it.

(Birds chirp)

Lou: You guys should come inside and take a look at the pictures on the hotel website.

It's amazing.

Hey, Georgie, is everything okay?

You seem... kinda distracted.

Uh, yeah. I'm fine.

I just gotta go check and see if Phoenix has enough water in the barn.

Okay, well, don't be long.

Come on!

(Grass crunches underfoot)

(Texting taps)

(Possums chatter)

(Phone chimes, possums chatter)

Hi, Stinky and Minky. Hi!

(Cage door clicks open)

You guys don't bite, do you?

(Possums chatter)

You know, you're kinda funny looking.

(Footsteps thump on stairs)

Hi there!

(Georgie gasps)

Ty: Amy?!

You down here?

(Possums chatter)

(Door creaks open and shut)


(Rooster crows, birds chirp)

Jack: So you're leaving in two weeks?

Mm-hmm. Can't wait.

Mm. Too humid for me.

(Laughs) You've never been.

Never will.

I am jealous. Why can' you just take me with you, Lou?

Any other time, but this is all about me and my girls, right?

Seven days of sand (High-five), sea, and sunshine.

Speaking of trips, I just found out about an Extreme Team trip I need to go on.


It doesn't interfere with our trip does it?

No. No way. It's this weekend.

We leave Friday after school and get home Sunday.

Hmm. Um, short notice.

How come you didn't mention it before?

Well, it was kind of a last minute thing.

Where is it?


Long drive. So who's going?


The instructors and...

Yeah, yeah. The usual.

So can I go? (Sighs)

Well, I gotta go check on those possums, make sure they're doing okay.

Jack: Possums! What're you talking about?

There's no possums in Alberta.

Don't worry about it, Jack. They won't be at Heartland for long, okay?

The trip...?

Let me think about it.

(Door creaks closed, light switch flicks)

Great. No power.


How are you guys doing, huh?

(Cage rattles)

Oh, sh**t.



Amy: No! Remi wouldn't have done that, Ty!

And besides, those little guys would've put up quite the fight and she doesn't have a mark on her.

Well, something happened to them.

They didn't just get out on their own.

(Sighs) We'll find them, won't we.


Well, it would help if we had some lights in here so I could actually find those little buggers.

I find it kind of romantic.

(Sighs heavily)

Don't you?


Don't look so innocent.

Amy: (Laughs) Ty!


(Texting taps)

(Footsteps creak on stairs)

Hi, sweetheart. So what kind of an event is this?

I don't see it on your schedule.

Well, it's not an "event" event.

It's like a team building thing.

A chance to bond with the other girls.

I'm the newest and it doesn't help that I'm the youngest.

This'll give me a chance to get to know everyone and feel like I'm a true member of the team.

When I worked in New York, we would do things like that.

We had entire weekends dedicated to learning to trust and rely on our co-workers.

It was fun.

Yeah, that's it.

I knew you'd get it.

It's just for building team spirit.

It'll be amazing.

Well, I will try not to take it too personally that you're sounding more excited about this trip than our trip.

Well, of course I'm excited about our trip.

Spending a week at a hotel on the beach, I've never done that before! It'll be awesome!

It will. And we deserve it, you know?

So can I go this weekend?

(Sighs) Let me sleep on it.

(Light kiss) Good night.

Don't stay up too late, okay?

(Door thumps shut, stairs creak)

(Dialing beeps)

Hi, Dad! Yeah. I-I just wanted to ask you a question.

Um, I have a chance to go on this really neat trip with the, with the Extreme Team this weekend.

I was just wondering if I could go?

Yeah, I just wanted to check and see if it was okay with you before I ask Mom.

So you're okay with it?

Okay. Awesome! Thank you! Okay. Love you!

Okay, bye.

(Birds chirp, insects buzz)

(Hooves thud, birds chirp)

(Amy clucks her tongue)

(Hooves thud)

(Tack jingles, Rusty snorts softly)

(Water splashes)

There you go, bud. That's it...

(Water flows, Rusty drinks)

(Laughs) Yeah, that's a good boy.

You like that, don't you, Rusty?! Don't you?

(Water splashes)

There you go... (Chuckles)


Georgie: Hey, Rusty. Hi, baby.

(Rusty grunts) Let's see...

What're you doing?


(Birds chirp outside, Rusty chews loudly)


(Receding footsteps)

(Bucket thumps)

Seriously, what's going on?

I'm looking for the possums. They escaped.

Wait, they escaped? You're kidding.

No, I'm not kidding, unfortunately.

I bet they made a new home in here.

It's nice and dark, just like they like it.

(Door thumps open)

Can they survive in... you know, a strange place?

(Door thumps shut)

Well, they're pretty smart, but there are lot of predators, Georgie.

Not to mention the cold nights, which their systems can't handle.

Do you wanna help me look?

No! I-I gotta go to school.

(Sighs heavily)

(Door clicks shut)

(Screen door creaks open, snaps shut)

So I've been thinking about this Jasper trip and I need to talk to Peter about it first, but...

Well, I-I talked to him last night.

You did?

Yeah. He says he's okay with it if you are.

Oh. All right.

(Lunch items rustle)


Well, okay. But I want to talk to your coach, get a few more details.

Wait, Trudie?

Well, I... I think she's away... judging some event.

I'm sure she still has her phone, sweetie.

Wait for Katie. You guys can take the bus together.


Oh. Thank you.

Katie, let's go!

(Possums chatter, drill whirs)

Okay. Hold the box steady.

(Possums chatter)

We'll just drop a couple of these in, we'll be done in no time!

Shh, shh, shh!

Just hold it steady, please.

No, shhh! Shhh!

What is wrong with you?!

I'm hearing something. I hear... it's like a...

It's like a whistling.

You don't hear that? Seriously?

(Drill whirs) I hear this, okay?

Let's put this in here. Okay, hold it. Steady.

(Possums chatter) That's it. There it is!

Oh, Jack, come on! (Drill whirs)

(Birds chirp outside, envelope rustles)

Hey, Peter, it's me.

Um, can you give me a call back when you get a chance?

There's just... something I want to discuss with you.

Okay. Thanks.

(Paper rustles)

(Dialing beeps)

Hi, Trudie. It's um... it's Lou Fleming, Georgie's mom.

I'm good. Hey, do you have a minute?

I just wanted to get some more info about this team-building trip.

The one this weekend, to Jasper.

Georgie was telling me about it.

(Birds chirp)

(Amy clucks her tongue)

Come on, Rusty.

Get up! Get up!

(Amy clucks her tongue)

(Hooves thud)

Come on.

Amy, have you seen those possums?

Well, they weren't happy in their cage, so maybe it's just as well.

I hate not knowing where those guys are.

Aww... (clucks her tongue)

Did someone get too attached to little Stinky and Minky?

(Clucks her tongue, hooves thud)

How's this guy doing?

Well... he still doesn't have a whole lot of energy.

But... I don't know, I did take him for a big ride up to Weber's Creek, so maybe he's still tired out.

Hey, Rusty? What do you think? Call it a day and fix you up some oats and honey?

Well, I gotta head into the clinic.

Can you do me a favour and just... keep an eye out for those guys?

Yes. I will send them all your love.

Thank you. (Chuckles)
Hey, Georgie.

(Feet scuff)

(Door opens and closes)

(Shoes thump on floor)

This trip? Trudie didn't know anything about it.

But she did tell me there's a rumour going around that a bunch of the older girls are driving to Jasper for the weekend.

And it has nothing to do with team building.

Okay, maybe it doesn't, but it's still important.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but if I had, you never would've said yes.

Really? That's your excuse?!

I have to go. Sam invited me.

She's the most popular girl on our team. In our school!

And she asked me!

Georgie, come on! You know better than that!

No. You don't understand!

This is the first time this group of girls have ever even noticed me!

Half of them don't know my name and the other half, they treat me like a complete baby.

Don't exaggerate.

I'm not exaggerating!

This could be a real chance for me to feel like a true member of the team.

These are nice girls, Lou. Nothing bad's gonna happen.

Okay. I get why you wanna go.

What I don't get is why you couldn't have been up front with me in the first place.

And that is why there is no way I could say yes to this.

Well, Dad said I could go, so I'm going.

Excuse me? What did you tell him?

That it was an event?

That it was a team-building experience?

Because there is no way he would have said yes if you told him the real story.

Well, Dad doesn't grill me like you do, because unlike you, he actually trusts me!

How can either of us trust you when you don't tell the truth in the first place?

You know, Georgie, I am surprised at you, and I'm disappointed.

You didn't have to handle it this way.

(Door opens)

Peter, how could say yes to this trip without knowing all the details first?

No! It is not a team trip.

This is a bunch of the older girls going on a joyride to Jasper.

You think they're gonna be drinking hot cocoa and going to bed early?

Well, I don't understand how you could say yes without talking to me first...

Yes, okay.

Well, this is a perfect example.

You know, Georgie is becoming an expert at working us.

(Sighs heavily)

(Phone chimes)

(Sighs, texting taps)

(Texting taps, phone chimes)


(Footsteps creak on stairs)

(Knock at the door, door creaks open)

I spoke to your father and we are agreed on this... there will be no Jasper trip.


Why? I can't even count the reasons, Georgie.

But most of all, because you weren't honest with us about this trip and what it was really all about.

As it stands now, neither of us feel you should even be allowed to stay on the Extreme Team.

What?! That's not fair!

You weren't fair!

You lied to your dad and you lied to me.

You just sat there and told me what you wanted me to hear.

Isn't that true? Georgie, isn't it?

Just leave me alone!


I think you need some alone time.

I'm not some kid! (Sighs heavily)

(Door closes)

(Crickets chirp)

(Scratching sound)

(Soft taps)

Ty. Do you hear that?



What is it?

I don't know. Where is it coming from?

(Scratching sound)

Sounds like underneath the floorboards.

I know what that could be.

(Footsteps thunk on stairs)

I don't hear it anymore.

(Rasping breaths)

(Rasping breaths)

Oh no. Ty!

It's Rusty, he's sick.

(Weak snort)

Come on, Rusty. You have to drink something, please.

(Rusty snorts)

Hey, guys! I got your message to come by!

Does this mean my boy's good to go?

Um... no.

Why, what's wrong?

He's not eating or drinking.

And it's like he's having trouble swallowing, but we're not sure why yet.

What do you mean you don't know why?

The symptoms just started this morning.

I just sent some blood tests to the lab, Caleb.

Scott's gonna have a look at them, too.

But if he has a weakened immune system, then he's more susceptible to disease.

Maybe he's allergic to whatever you guys are giving him?

No. That's not possible. What we're giving him is healthy and natural.

Hey, listen to his breathing.

I mean, what's going on, man?!

We're gonna figure this out, Caleb, okay? I promise.

But in the meantime, I need to move Rusty to an outside stall, because whatever he has might be contagious.

This is crazy!

I brought him here to get better, not worse!

(Rusty snorts weakly)

(Screen door snaps open)

Katie: Wait up!

(Screen door snaps shut)


Can you wait up, Georgie?!

(Screen door snaps shut)

What's going on?

That Jasper trip Georgie was talking about?

Nothing to do with the Extreme Team.

Just a bunch of the older girls taking off for the weekend.

She lied to both Peter and I about it.

She's playing us off each other like a pro.

I don't know how to handle this, Amy.

You're doing great.

Georgie's the one who made a mistake here.

And Lou, no matter how well you deal with this whole separation thing, it's gonna be rough on Georgie.

Yeah. It's rough on all of us.

You know, and that's why I was looking forward to this vacation so much.

Just spending time with my girls.

And now...

Hey. I'll make you some coffee.

(Door creaks open and shut, birds chirp)

Ty, what is it? What does it say?

The blood tests make it look like it's EPM.

I was afraid of this.

The symptoms match exactly, Caleb.

Difficulty breathing, swallowing, eating, drinking.

Okay, but... exactly what is EPM?

Equine protozoal myeloencephalit...

It's a neurological disease.

Domestic cats, raccoons, skunks...

They can all be intermediary hosts, but it's mainly transmitted by uh... possums.


In their feces and their urine, there's something called Protozoa.

It's-it's very dangerous.

And a possum does his business, let's say on some hay, and Rusty were to eat that hay, he might as well have swallowed poison.

'Kay, no. That's impossible.

We don't have possums in Alberta.

I've never seen one.

(Sighs heavily) Look, Caleb, um...

Tim: All right, Jack, I got...

(Taps floorboards)

Do you hear that?

(Taps floorboard)

Jack! Can you hear... Three! Can you hear this?!

(Tapping floorboard) Jeez! Jack!

Yes I can hear you.

Okay, you can hear-okay.

Okay. Can you hit the breaker... Dad? Yes?

Can you just keep it down? We're in the middle of something, please.

Well, I'm kind of in the middle of something too, right?

Huh? For you.

Okay, just a second. And...

Hit it! (Switch clicks)

Jack: Yes sir, everything's working!

And you wanted to hire an electrician!

(Laughs smugly) I don't think so...

(Possums chatter)


(Ladder Clatters)

Jack: Possums. (Possums chatter)

Okay. This'll do the trick.

That's not gonna hurt them, will it?

With any luck.

No, no, it won't hurt 'em.

I baited it with sardines, see?

Let's just hope they like what we're offering up.

I'll stick it right up in here... like so.

Now all we have to do is wait.

(Gate latch clicks, Gate squeals open)

(Muttering) Possums. Are you kidding me?

Sorry this happened, Caleb.

Let's just focus on getting Rusty better, okay?

Well, that hasn't exactly worked out so well so far, has it, Ty?

I brought him here because he had a weak immune system and you poisoned my horse.

I take full responsibility, Caleb.

I'm still waiting to hear back on some other tests, but if it is EPM, we're lucky because it's at an early stage.

But even if it isn't, okay, these dr*gs aren't gonna do any harm.

Only good.

This will slow down the reproduction of the Protozoa so his immune system can k*ll the rest.

Well, you told me that he had a weak immune system.

How's he supposed to fight it, hmm?


I'm doing my best, Caleb! Okay?

If you wanna hire another vet, I get it.

No. Just... do it.

(Sighs heavily)

Jack: That dirty hay's gotta go, Tim.

What was Ty thinking bringing those damn possums into this barn?

He should've left them at the animal reserve?

Well, I'm sure if he could've, he would have, Dad.

(Loud metallic snap)

Bingo! (Claps hands together)

What did I tell ya? (Laughs)

Let's see what we got here, now.

Oh yeah, look at this.

(Possums chatter) Yes, sir.

Amy, you thought I was the only one who liked sardines.


Look at that. (Chuckles)

(Possums chatter)

Wildlife official: Possums!

(Possums chatter)

Crazy pet people!

They probably ordered these guys online.

(Tailgate bangs shut)

Big business, you know. Big!

(Dog barks in the distance)

I still can't believe they caused it.

How could the hay become that toxic so fast?

It usually takes weeks for the poison to build up.

(Phone chimes)

If it's not EPM, what could it be?

I don't know.

I just missed a call from Scott.

(Truck engine starts)

(Printer whirs)

I tested Rusty's levels of an enzyme called "cholinesterase."

A low level is a bad sign... and his are extremely low.

That's strong indicator carbofuran poisoning, which has almost the same symptoms as EPM.

Okay, but what is carbo...?


It's-it's found in pesticides.

Rusty must have ingested some recently.

No. How? He's been here a few days and I know exactly what he ate the day before he got sick.

Well, sometimes it can be found in contaminated water.

None of us are sick.

I don't see how our water could be contaminated.


Amy, you said you went on a ride with Rusty yesterday.


Where'd you go?

To Weber's Creek.

Did he have a drink?

Yeah, he drank from the river, but it was crystal clear.

Okay, I need you to show me exactly where you were.

(River water flows, tack jingles)

Amy! That could be it. See that garbage?

I didn't come this far. I never saw it.

It's just been dumped here.

Do you know if there's a farm on this property?

I don't think so. I think it's a park reserve.

(Birds chirp, water flows)

(Water drips, Screws lid on)

I'm gonna take this into the lab, get some tests done.

(Car engine rumbles)

Hey, Sam.

So your mom told Trudie about our little plan for the weekend and guess what?

Trudie called all our mothers to tell them that there's no Extreme Team event in Jasper.

So we got shut down thanks to you.

I should have known you're not mature enough to deal with this.

(Car rumbles away)

Lou: So those girls were lying to their parents too.

Georgie, it serves them right to get caught.

Yeah, but they blame me! They hate me now!

I can't go back to school or Extreme Team again.

Come on, Georgie.

No, it's true!

So it doesn't matter if you won't let me go back to the team because it's all completely ruined anyway!

And that's my fault?

Well, I'm not the one who called Trudie!

What kind of mother would I be if I hadn't?

A mother who trusts me!

You know what? I don't wanna go on the stupid "girl's trip" with you and Katie anymore!

The last thing I wanna do is spend time any time with you.

(Stomping footsteps)

Caleb: So it had nothing to do with possums whatsoever?

No. Contaminated water.

I found traces of a pesticide in Weber's Creek.

I am so sorry. I took Rusty for a ride.

I let him drink from the creek. I had no idea.

We need to get him started on injections of atropine sulphite as soon as possible.

It has a high success rate of reversing the...

Okay, that's-that's good with the vet talk.

I trust you. Let's just get this fixed.

(Kit rattles and clicks open)

(Gloves stretch and snap)

(Sighs heavily)

(Crickets chirp)

(Sighs heavily)

(Crickets chirp)

(Birds chirp)

(Zipper zips)


Can you knock? What happened to privacy.

We need to talk.


(Footsteps thunk on stairs)

(Phoenix grunts restlessly)

(Grunting restlessly, hooves clop)

You need some exercise, don't you, huh?

Georgie too busy again?

Yeah, I don't know when she's gonna find time for you anymore.

Katie: Please wait!

Please stop, Georgie! I can't go as fast as you!

Hey, young lady!

You need to exercise Phoenix when you get home from school.


He's doing that weaving thing again!

He's bored out of his mind!


(Birds chirp, insects buzz)

(Clear breathing)

He's breathing much easier.

You wanna give him some oats, Amy?


Hey, Rusty. You want some of that?

(Eating hungrily, Amy chuckles)

That's a good boy.


I think he might get to the podium after all.

That's a good boy.

(Hooves thud, birds chirp)

(Water splashes)

(Water splashes)

You want a drink there, Phoenix?

(Birds chirp, Tack jingles)

(Water flows, Phoenix drinks)

(Door opens and snaps shut)

Good news! Rusty is way better, even after only two injections!

(Fridge door bangs shut)

What's the matter?

Georgie and I got into a huge fight last night.

She said she doesn't want to come on our trip anymore.

She never wants to spend time with me again.

Lou, she doesn't actually mean that.

I know, but she left for school without even talking to me. Without saying goodbye.

Hey. Do you remember how many times we did that when we were kids?

(Phone rings)

(Phone beeps on)


Uh, yes, speaking.

What? No. Georgie's not ill. What do you mean?

Are you sure? That's not possible! She...

I'll be right there!

What is it? (Phone beeps off)

That was Georgie's school. She didn't show up today.

I don't believe this, Amy!

She is skipping class on top of everything else!

If she thinks she can get away with this she is so mistaken!

I will ground her for a year!

So? What's going on?

I don't know.

Well, we talked to her teacher and the principal.

She didn't show up at her first class.

Then we ran into Jade.

She had no idea where she might be.

Hasn't even seen her for two days.

Same thing with Adam. Nobody knows.

I thought she might've gone to Jasper just to spite me, but I ran into Sam and that's not happening.

I tried to call her cell, but there's not answer.

Yeah, me too.

Katie, honey? Tell me something.

When the school bus dropped you off, did Georgie go in with you?

Yeah. She took me to kindergarten.

Well, did you see where she went after that?

(Running footsteps)

You know, she's probably gonna waltz in that door, any minute, like nothing happened.

Yeah. You two had a fight, didn't you say that?


Well, maybe and you know Georgie maybe she went to see her brother in Fort Mac.

So you think she ran away.

Well, it's something we have to consider, isn't it?

Do we have a number for him?

I do. Right here.

(Dialing beeps) It's ringing.

I'm gonna try Peter again.

Nah... he's not answering. He must be at work.

It's going straight to voice-mail.

Peter, pick up the phone.

Jeff, it's Jack Bartlett here.

I need you to call me back when you get this.

There's a chance that Georgie might be on her way to see you and we need you to let us know as soon as you hear anything, if you do. So... thanks.

Lou: Peter. Call me back, please.

Okay, I uh... I spoke to all of Georgie's teammates.

Not one of them had any information.

Now she has been missing since this morning, so we can't sit around and wait.

We need to call the hospitals and Lou, we... we have to report her missing.

Now, Amy...

This can't be happening...

Just stay with-with Lou, please. Call the hospitals.

(Raspy, laboured breathing)

(Raspy, laboured breathing)

(Weak, raspy breaths)

(Raspy, laboured breathing)

Okay, well, if you hear anything from her, Jeff, you get in touch.

Amy: So she's not in Fort Mac?

Oh yeah, we'll let you know from this end too. You bet.

I was at the police station. I spoke to Officer Radkey.

She's going to be in touch with you.

Any news?

I can't stand this. I gotta try her phone again.

(Phone beeps on)

Please, answer the phone, Georgie.

(Phone rings upstairs) Please...

It's just ringing. It just keeps ringing.

(Distant continuous ringing)

(Door creaks open, phone rings loudly)


(Drawer scrapes open, phone rings)

(Phone beeps off)

(Crying) She doesn't want me to find her.

(Jagged breath)

(Siren wails in the distance)

(Traffic rumbles)

(Heavy footsteps)

(People chatter)

(People chatter)

(Traffic whooshes, people chatter)

(Paper rustles, traffic whooshes by)

(Traffic rumbles)

(Cars honk, traffic rumbles)

(Paper rustles, traffic rumbles, siren wails)

(Cars whoosh by)

(Car whooshes)