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04x10 - We've Got Nothing But Love To Prove

Posted: 12/10/15 06:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Nashville"...

I tried my best to...
to work around you just showing up like this.

I think I'm done pretending.

I called Granddad. I'm gonna stay with him for a while.

You've chosen a lifestyle my fans have trouble with.

My wife does, too.

I just wanted to clarify a few things.

I made it very clear to him "Deacon is my guy."

Might be time for y'all to sign at Highway 65.

With one condition... that you do it together.

Avery: I want full custody of our daughter.

I have no idea where Juliette is.

No one's heard from her in god knows how long!

[Bucky sighs] Finally.

Yes, we just got approval from the city for our street closures.

Thank goodness. Nothing like doing it at the last minute.

Were we able to get more shuttles?

Yeah, let's just pray we need 'em.

You don't want Markus taking the stage to a half-empty lawn.

That's not gonna happen... right? [Chuckles]

Excuse me, Ms. Jaymes.

Hey. Yeah.

The segment starts in 15, and we really need to get Markus wired for sound.

Oh, I sent him over like five minutes ago.

I'm sorry. He never showed.


[Erin chuckles] See ya.

So, uh, have fun in Charleston.



I'll see you when I see you.

That was romantic.

Well, I told you we were casual. [Chuckles]

Doesn't have to be romantic.

[Car horn honks]

Caleb's not picking you up?

Uh, no. Uh, doctor stuff.

He can't get away when he wants to sometimes.

Deacon: There she is!




Hey, Gunnar!

Hey, Deac!

Oh, I'm so glad to see you.

Oh, I missed you.

We missed you.

So glad I got back in time.

Are you kidding? I would've postponed the whole damn thing.

I'm not gonna open the Beverly without you.

Hey, you need a ride, Gunnar?

Oh, I'm good. Thanks, man. Uh, Jesse's giving me a ride.

All right.

I'll see you.

Hey, uh, before you go, I just want to say...

I had a really great time.

I mean, it worked.

We worked. [Chuckles]

Of course we did. We're friends.

Yeah. Friends? We're more than friends.

We're partners.

Partners, okay.


I'll see you at the opening?

Wouldn't miss it.

Okay, cool.

♪ Follow me out to the sea ♪
♪ I'll chase you if you chase me ♪
♪ Ohhh ♪
♪ Come on, let's go ♪
♪ We'll make up for losing track ♪
♪ Of all the fun we can't get back ♪
♪ Ohhh ♪
♪ Come on, let's go ♪
♪ Hey ♪
♪ Let's go out and play ♪
♪ It's all fun and games ♪
♪ Till the stars come out again ♪

So, what'd you think?

I think it's great. Good job.

You didn't like it.

No, I did.

It's just, you know, now that we have our look, maybe we should start figuring out our sound.

What's wrong with our sound?

If we want to get on the radio, maybe we should come up with something that just sounds a little more adult.

But we're not adults.

You're right. Forget it.

Hurry up and eat or we're gonna be late for school.

Will: Oh, you want to see some bubbles, Cady?



Hey, Avery, I got to leave in like 10 minutes.

[Door opens]

Avery: I'll be right down.

All right, it's about damn time!

Dang... dang time.

How you been, buddy? Welcome home.

Hey. There's my girl!

Hey, sweetie, remember me? I'm your uncle Gunnar.

Oh, man, she's getting big!

And I've missed it. Aww!

I'm never touring again... ever. [Chuckles]

Hey, it's Juliette.

Reporter: As we've said before, "shenandoah girl" has to be the Cinderella story for this Oscar season.

When casting for the film was announced, Hollywood was skeptical, but Juliette Barnes was defiant.

Juliette: You know, in a way, I feel like I've been acting my whole life.

You know, what you see of me onstage and in the tabloids, it's not really me.


"Juliette Barnes" is kind of a character...

Well, Will look at this? She knows her mama.

[TV shuts off]

How would she know that?

You guys been showing her pictures or something?

Okay, first, I just got here. Hi.

And second, babies know their mother's voice from in utero.

How would you even know that?

I read stuff.

[Scoffs] I take parenting very seriously.

Look, from now on, Juliette's off-limits. You got it?

And no more TV.

She's too young.

Actually, he's right about that.

[Sighs] All the books say so.


Rayna: Well, he left his phone.

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

[Sighs] What do we do?

Go see if they'll push the segment, and then just grab anybody and everybody to search the grounds.

Okay, I'm on it.

Thanks, man. No, I owe you one, seriously.

Yeah, it's gonna be fun. [Chuckles]

All right, bye-bye.

Dierks is gonna cover for Juliette.

Oh, good. That's one fire out.

Now, can I get you to sign off on these Forbes photo-sh**t selects?

I already narrowed it down to five.

Thought we agreed we're not gonna use any of these sh*ts with Colt.

We got plenty without him.

Being a father is part of what makes you you.

That's why it needs to be part of the brand.

This brand is why my son is not talking to me.

I'll be damned if I'm gonna pour more salt in that wound.

Hey, Luke, there are federal agents here to see you.

[Chuckling] Federal agents?


Send them in.

You know anything about this?


Mr. Wheeler?

Yeah, hi. This is my associate, Gabriella Manning.

Special Agent Simon. This is Agent Madsen.

We're from the I.R.S.


Oh, uh, my business manager might want to be in on this, then.

Well, actually, that's why we're here.

There's been an ongoing investigation of Meyer Hoffman & associates, and I'm afraid you're involved.

Involved how?

Well, Mr. Hoffman has apparently been embezzling from you and several other clients.

We've been told by the FBI that he's fled the country.

Uh, I'm sorry. Where the hell is he?

That doesn't really concern the I.R.S.

Then why are you here?

Mr. Wheeler, you owe the government $40 million in back taxes.

Hey. You're early. Come on in.

Want some breakfast?

No, thanks. I already ate.

You might have some company today.

Gunnar's back.

He's got about a month's worth of laundry to do, so he decided to hit the laundromat.

Okay. Uh...

You know, Cadence really missed you yesterday. What happened?

Were you sick or something?

I was with Juliette.

And I don't want to lie to you about it.

She's back in town?

No, not yet, but I got a text from her a few days ago.

Oh, what do you mean a few days ago?

I didn't know if I should tell you.

Of course you should tell me.

I mean, we're... we're friends.

I know, but Juliette's a friend, too, and she's...

The one who pays your salary?



...I was skeptical, too.

But it turns out she left Luke's tour to go into rehab.

And now that she's clean, she's checked herself into a treatment center for postpartum depression.

Avery, she knows she's sick.

And she's working with this amazing doctor.

No, em, she's manipulating you.

She knows I won't talk to her, so she's using you to get to me.

No, that's not what she's doing.

- I'm telling you...

That is exactly what she's doing!

Juliette hates herself for what she's done, and... and she's afraid to face you.

You know what? I can't deal with this right now.

You should leave.

Avery, I'm here to watch Cadence.

Not anymore.

Please go.

Frankie fought me on the pews, but man, I just had to have 'em, you know?


The Ryman, the Bluebird... all them hallowed places, they got pews.

They treat the music like it's sacred.

I love the whole thing.

[Both chuckle]

Mama would be so proud of you.

Oh, I forgot. I got something else I got to show you.

Hold on.


Wow, it's beautiful.

Rayna's gonna love it.

[Both chuckle]



What's going on? Everybody's waiting for you.

I can't do this.

This is a... this is a big mistake.

This is a huge mistake. I can't do this.

I'm sorry, Rayna.

This is crazy. I'm not a country singer.

And you're... you're gonna put me on a stage in the heart of Nashville.

They're gonna see right through me.

Listen to me.

They're not gonna see through anything.

Markus, this is the best music you've ever done, and the country audience is gonna love you for that.

I mean, hell, I've invested all this time and money into this.

I believe in you. You got to believe in you.

Trust me?

When are you gonna ask her?

Well, tomorrow night at the opening.

All our friends and family are gonna be there... your mama, too, in spirit.


Seemed like a good time.

Time to start moving forward.

Speaking of which, I got to get you home.

Let's go. Come on.

Oh, there's no rush.

I could, like, stay and help or hang or... whatever.

Look, I've been on the road enough to know that the last place I'd want to be when I first got back is anywhere but home.

Something you want to tell me?

Uh, just last time I was home, things were a little off between Caleb and I.

That's all.

Re-entry is always tough.

All I can tell you is the longer you put it off, the longer it's gonna take for things to get back to normal.

So, Markus, are you enjoying your time here in Nashville?

Oh, absolutely, Nick.

I mean, this... this is an incredible music town.

You know, like, the talent here is... is really insane.

My first week here, I walk into this club in printer's alley, you know, it's midnight on a Tuesday, and these cats are just k*lling it, you know?

And... and the music never stops.

It's like that everywhere, and I'm... I'm... I'm really in awe.

He would come into the studio in the morning, just going on and on about whatever music he'd heard the night before.


It really is inspiring, and I think you feel that inspiration in the album.


Listen, I'm looking forward to this record, but some people are not taking your little detour into country music particularly seriously.

I mean, what do you say, Markus, to those critics who think that all of this... just a bit of a lark?

Well, can I jump in on that, please?

Because that... that makes me crazy when I hear stuff like that.

These days, there's not that much difference between country music and... and Boulevard.

The lines are really blurred.

Frankly, this is the best music we've ever heard from Markus Keen.

It's the most authentic, and all I can say is everybody can download the album tonight and hear for themselves.

Rayna Jaymes, Markus Keen, thank you very much for being with us this morning.

And don't forget you can download Markus' brand-new album tonight, starting 8:00 P.M. eastern time.

We can't find any irregularities with the label or any Wheelin' Dealin' investments.

But he embezzled from your personal finances and tried to cover it up by filing false returns.

$40 million?

All right, so, how do we handle it?




At least then you could protect some of your assets.

No, the most important thing to protect right now is the brand, and "bankruptcy" is an ugly word when it comes to business.

Agreed, but so are "back taxes."

We need to handle this as quickly and quietly as possible.

Can you pay it, make it go away?

I don't care how rich you are, nobody's got money like that just sitting around.

So, what do we do?

Well, with bankruptcy off the table, I suggest we start liquidating assets, convert as many as we can into cash.

Do it.

Sell everything and anything that won't draw attention.



Thought you were working?

I was, but I got Dr. Kurihara to cover my patients for the rest of the day.


[Inhales deeply] 'Cause I didn't want to make the same mistake that I made the last time.

That wasn't your fault. That was mine.

I surprised you, and then I carried on about it.

Hey, hey, well, let's just forget about the last time and start over.

I love you.

I love you.

Should I get a restraining order?

No, but you should calm down.

Okay. [Sighs]

If she reached out to Emily, it's only a matter of time till she shows up on my doorstep, and I don't want her anywhere near Cadence.

And that's your decision to make.

Juliette signed the papers terminating her parental rights, and she did so of her own volition.

What if she brings this doctor into it?

What if they try to say that she was mentally incompetent or something?

Avery, listen to me.

You have the power in this situation... all of it.

Are you sure it's not booked?

My publisher was supposed to call and make a reservation.

I'm really sorry, sir, but I'm not seeing it in the system.

Could it be under another name?

[Sighs] If it's not under Cole or Lexington, then...

Hey, Will. You ready to work?


[Sighs] Looks like Casey forgot to call, so we don't have a room.

Hang on, um...

Let me call my roommate.

I bet you we could use his music studio.

Forget it. Why don't we go back to the house?

We can work there.

You sure your wife won't mind?

It's fine.

Okay, then. Let's go.

♪ But tonight feels different ♪
♪ Yes, it does, yes, it does ♪
♪ Yes, it does, yes, it does ♪

Yeah! Whoo!

Okay, that's enough rehearsing, guys.

Oh, my God. Y'all, it sounds so good.

Thank you so much. It's gonna be great tonight.

I tell you what, people are gonna be talking about this for a long time.

Yeah, but what are they gonna be saying?

Just look at this place.

It's gonna take thousands of people to fill this space.

What if... what if Nick Watt's right?

What if nobody buys me as a... as a... this whole country thing?

You're right, that could happen, but we made a damn good album.

If people don't like it, screw 'em.

I wouldn't do anything different.

This has been one hell of a ride, hasn't it?

Yeah, it has.

So, let's go down in a blaze of glory.

[Both laugh]


Let's do it.

Hell, yeah.

Hell, yeah.

All right, guys, great job!

♪ You got your hands in your pocket ♪
♪ Boyfriend in your locket ♪


Cash. Hey, cash. How you doing?


I thought you were still on the road with, uh, Kacey Musgraves, right?

Wait, you opened for Kacey Musgraves?

No, just traveling with her while we wrote together.

I'm sorry. This is Maddie. This is Daphne.

Uh, this is cash. This is Frankie's daughter.

That's probably the coolest name I've ever heard.

Well, thank you. I was supposed to be a boy.

Dad named me after Johnny Cash anyway.

Yes, he did.

Uh, well, do you want to hang out with us?

We're going over to the V.I.P. section.

Yeah, come on.

Yeah, that'd be awesome. Thank you.

Let's go.


It's good to see you.

[Insects chirping]

[Sighs] Well, I don't know when paying $40 million in taxes has ever been good news, but... we'll be okay.

It's gonna take a couple of weeks, but the I.R.S. agreed to our payment schedule.

And they said they'd keep it quiet.



Come on. Let's go home.

Um, it may be a house, but... it's no home, not anymore.

Luke, you've got to stop this.

You can't keep punishing yourself.

He won't even talk to me, Gabriella.

I can't just say, "oh, well," and move on. He's my son.

I know that, but Colt's not living on the streets.

He's with family.

He's with my ex-wife's family, and big surprise... they don't like me too much.

God only knows what they're telling him.

You're right. I'm sorry.

No, hey...

I'm sorry.

Listen, I'm gonna stay a little while longer.

How about I just see you tomorrow?



[Crowd chanting "Markus"]

You ready for this?



And you thought nobody was gonna show up.

Well, I kind of wish they hadn't now.

Oh, my gosh. You're never happy.


All right.

Let's do this.

Let's do it.

[Chanting continues]

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you for coming out.

You know, one of my favorite things about this city is the fact that we know good music when we hear it, don't we?

[Cheers and applause]

And tonight, we have one of the best... a world-renowned artist who chose to come here to Nashville.

So, please, would you give a warm Nashville welcome to Highway 65's newest artist, the one, the only Markus Keen?!

[Cheers and applause]

Hello, Nashville!

[Cheers and applause]

♪ Hold up, what is this feeling? ♪
♪ I can't believe it's got me dreaming ♪
♪ Colors in my mind ♪
♪ Come on, the clouds are rolling ♪
♪ For us, blue skies are folding ♪
♪ Let's see how many we can find ♪
♪ last night, baby, that was nothing ♪
♪ Take my hand, I'll show you something ♪
♪ I can't keep these feelings that I feel inside ♪
♪ I changed my mind ♪
♪ Oh, tonight, oh, tonight ♪
♪ I feel, I feel alive ♪

You know, I got to admit, I didn't think he could pull it off.

But he's good.


Yeah, he's good, all right.

♪ Cast aside these broken hearts ♪
♪ Love songs were never meant for us ♪
♪ But tonight feels different ♪
♪ Yes, it does, yes, it does ♪
♪ Yes, it does, yes, it does ♪

[Song ends, cheers and applause]


He didn't make you use the back entrance?

[Chuckles] No.

Right through the front door, just like a normal person, and he said we could work at the house from now on.

You know, I really think I'm starting to change his mind about things.

You know, if I can get a guy like Wade Cole to be more accepting... Who knows?

Maybe there is hope for a gay artist in country music.

Well, hear, hear. [Chuckles]

Hey, where's Emily?

I thought she was coming around today.

She's still not into you if that's what you're after.


But she's... she's family.

She should come hang with us.

I'll give her a call.

I-I wouldn't do that.

Why not?

Because I fired her.

What?! Are you serious?!

You can't fire Emily. She's Emily.

Look, I just found out that she's been talking to Juliette behind my back, okay?

And then she had the nerve to come over here and try to get me to feel sorry for it.

Emily is supposed to be on our side.

Listen, Avery, I know I've missed some stuff here, but don't you think you're being a little harsh?

No. Look, you guys don't know Juliette like I do.

It's because Emily's so nice that Juliette's using her to get what she wants, and that means I can't trust Emily anymore, and I don't want her anywhere near Cadence, okay?

No. It's not okay.

Emily is a way better influence on Cadence than any of us.

Including you.

Get her back, dude, all right?

Say you're sorry. Admit you're a crazy person.

Just... just get her back.

So, I got some good news recently.


A job offer.

Promotion, actually.


I would be the head of my own department.

That's incredible! Why didn't you say anything?

Well, I didn't think I was gonna get it.

When they called, I was shocked.

I'm not. I knew you were amazing.

Well done.

There's a catch.

It's in Seattle.

[Chuckles] We live in Nashville.

Um... plenty of country stars live in other states.

I'm part of a duo, though, so it's not just about me.

Uh, s-sorry, how would that even work?

Well, I know that I blindsided you with this, so...

We obviously have some things to figure out.


So, let's just, let's... let's sleep on it.

We don't need to decide anything tonight.

Yeah. Sorry, it's just kind of big.

Oh, no, don't wait up, babe.

I'll be at least another hour here.

I know. I can't wait to see you when I get home, too.

I love you.




Getting some numbers in... quarter of a million downloads so far.


At this rate, we're going platinum.

Oh, my!

[Both laugh]

Bucky, I am so sorry, but I got to borrow my label head for one second.

Wait, what are we doing?

Five minutes... that's all I ask, okay?

[Both laughing]

Come on.

Come on.

What are we doing back up here?

Trust me.

Well, I wanted to take you back to where it all began, but I couldn't find a 737, so...


...this will have to do.

I want to propose a toast.

[Both laugh]

To Rayna Jaymes, an incredible woman who... saw more in me than I ever saw in myself.

For that, I'm grateful, really.

Well, thank you.

The album is amazing.

Tonight was incredible!

I'm gonna drink to that.





Markus, what the hell?!

Come on, you know we have chemistry, Rayna.

You cannot do that!

Why? W-what's the big deal?

We talked about this!

If we're gonna work together, you've got to respect me, respect my boundaries.



I don't want to leave Nashville.

I know.

Which is why I'm gonna turn down the job.


Look, I get it.

You live here. Your friends are here.

Your family's here.

You don't want to leave Nashville.

And I don't want to leave you.

So, I think this is a pretty easy decision.

Forget I mentioned it.


Time to wake up.

What in the world?

Oh, yeah, somebody has earned a little breakfast in bed today.

My goodness.

Mm, thank you. What's the occasion?

Are you kidding me? After last night, uh, my dear, you are officially Nashville's hottest label head/producer/ love of my life.

Oh, my goodness.

I'm so proud of you.

Thank you.

Did it really happen? I didn't just dream it?

[Chuckling] It happened.

Honey, it was such a great night.

It was amazing.

I mean, what a victory after all that hard work.

I got to say, uh... you were right.

That Markus isn't so bad after all.

Well, I wouldn't go that far [Chuckles] but...

What does that mean?

Oh, nothing. It does not bear repeating.

Seriously, what?

Well, I mean, after that whole conversation I had with him, he still tries to kiss me at the end of the night last night.

Could anybody be that stupid, you know?

Where is he, Rayna?

What do you mean?

What hotel is he at? Where is he right now?

Honey, no, no.

God, Rayna...

Don't do that.

[Cellphone chimes]

That guy's ass should've been kicked a long time ago.

Well, that's not gonna do anybody any good.

I've got it under control, okay?

[Cellphone chimes]

It doesn't seem like you have it under control, Rayna!

What is that supposed to mean?!

I'm just saying...

Oh, my God.

What are you doing?



Markus is canceling the tour and moving to L.A.?


What are you doing?! Where are you going?!

I've got to talk to him, babe!

You going to talk to Markus in the middle of a fight about Markus?!

This is not a fight.

He kissed me! I didn't kiss him!

There's nothing for us to be fighting about.

However, if he cancels this tour, this album is dead!

Everything, all the hard work, is pointless, so, yes, I'm going to go talk to Markus right now!

Can I help you?

I'm Dr. Kitley, your wife's therapist.

I'd like a few minutes of your time.

I'm sorry you found out the way you did.

There's probably not a good way to find out Juliette's trying to worm her way back into our lives.

You do know that she signed away her parental rights.

I do.

But I also know your wife...


...has been ill, and she's trying to get better.

To have any chance at a full recovery, she needs to bond with the child she gave birth to.

That's not gonna happen.

Look, I'm not the enemy here.

I may be working with Juliette, but believe me, I'm advocating for your daughter.

I advocate for my daughter, okay?

Not Juliette, not you, me.

Then I hope you feel comfortable telling her that when her mother tried to repair their relationship...

It was her father who said no.

[Knock on door]

Rayna, hey.

Come on in.

So, this is how you're gonna play it?

Play what?

Why are you canceling the tour?

Oh, Bucky didn't tell you?

Yeah, um, bandmates called me to congratulate me, and we started talking, and one thing led to another, and now the band's back together.

Seriously? Boulevard just reunited in the last 10 hours since I saw you?

Yeah, it's crazy, right?

Come on, Markus.

Whatever went down between us, we can fix.

Don't throw away everything we've worked for just 'cause of... some stupid kiss.

Look, Rayna, I'm... I'm sorry, but...


...I got to go.

No, look, we started this journey together because you wanted to stand on your own.

You wanted to be heard, you know?

Don't go back from that.

I need this.

You need this. We need this together.


[Sighs] I'm begging you.

Just please.

The story's out. We lost Ford and Walmart.

It's only a matter of time before we lose the rest.

Wait, hold on a second.

I thought you said we had it under control.

The Forbes photographer did some digging after your fight with Colt.

He found out about the taxes somehow.

The piece is gonna be a hatchet job!

No, I paid it all back.

Did you tell them I paid it back?

It doesn't matter!

The perception is that Luke Wheeler is either too dumb or too rich to notice that $40 million is missing, and neither is a good option for business.

Everything I've done is to protect this brand!

Hell, I even lost my own son because of it... because you keep insisting that this brand come first!

I mean, you were the one who... who told us we shouldn't talk to the police!

You were the one who wanted Colt to lie!

You're telling me it was all for nothing?!

Don't you dare stand there and tell me that this is my fault!

It was my job to protect the brand.

It's your job to protect your son.

And for the record, your tax problems started long before we met, so if anybody has the right to be angry here, it's me.

I'm the one who bet on the wrong horse.

So, if you'll excuse me, I'm done cleaning up your messes.

Hey, Deac?

They're getting restless out here.

You still waiting on Rayna?


No. Not anymore.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you very much.

I can't tell you how much it means to see y'all here tonight.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Beverly.

[Cheers and applause]

And, yes, this will be one of the best damn bars in Nashville, but more than that...

This is gonna be a place for dreamers, a place where they can stand on this stage and sing their songs and not only find an audience, but find a home.

That's enough of me talking.

Why don't we get this thing started by bringing forward some real talent?

Ladies and gentlemen, my niece Scarlett O'Connor!

Give her a hand, everybody!

[Cheers and applause]


The very first song here... we'd like to dedicate this one to, well, our favorite dreamer.

This is for Beverly.

♪ You're carrying a heavy load ♪
♪ Blindfolded on a winding road ♪
♪ Ohhh ♪
♪ Don't know where to go ♪
♪ Let's face it, we've all been there ♪
♪ Tangled up in our own despair ♪
♪ Too burned out to care ♪

I'm gonna go get a soda.


♪ Let me give you something to think about ♪

Maddie! Hey! Hey. [Chuckles]



You guys playing tonight?

No, this isn't really our crowd.

Why not?

Well, being in a band with your 12-year-old sister kind of limits your audience. [Chuckles]

Yeah, I guess that might be a drag sometime, huh?


What kind of music would you like to do?

Your kind of music.

My... real... Well...

[Laughs] and me should write together sometimes.



Yes, that would be awesome.

♪ You've got a hand to hold ♪
♪ You've got a hand to hold ♪
♪ You've got a hand to hold ♪

[Insects chirping]


[Lock disengages]

You do know I still have my key, right?

What do you want?

I heard you saw Dr. Kitley.

Yeah, so?

So, what did you think?

I think that she is a complete stranger who doesn't realize that Juliette is capable of saying anything she has to in any given situation to get what she wants.

Come on, Avery. Listen to yourself.

Juliette isn't a monster. She's sick.

This is classic Juliette... hit rock bottom, ask for forgiveness, reel everyone back in, and then she just jumps off the rails again, taking everyone down with her!

Avery, it's different this time.

Look, the treatment center's only an hour away.

Go there yourself.


Talk to her. You'll see that she's different.

Em, she is an actress!

Hell, she's about to get nominated for an Oscar because she's so damn good at pretending!

You wanted her to admit she has postpartum. She did.

You wanted her to get help. She has.

At this point, the only thing holding her back from getting better is you!

I am trying to protect my daughter.

No, you're protecting you, and you know what?

That's fine.

Get a divorce, move to a desert island.

You never have to see her again.

But Juliette was, is, and always will be Cadence's mother.

And there's not a legal document in the world that can change that!

Man: The Beverly presents Tucker Beathard.

♪ Girl, I really did mean it when I wished you the best ♪
♪ Good to hear you're killin' it... ♪

Hey. Can I talk to you for a second?

Yeah, of course.

♪ And findin' your own way didn't take too long ♪

Okay, so, this is kind of sudden.

Caleb has been offered a job in Seattle, and I wanted to tell you first because we're partners, and I want to know what you think.

I don't know how you band work from opposite sides of the country.

That doesn't work. That's crazy, right?

Well, it's, um... it's not ideal.

But... if it makes you happy, then, sure, we can make it work.


I don't know. [Chuckles]

Um... I'll go there sometimes, or you'll come here, but...

We can do it, Scarlett, if that's what you want.

Thank you.

♪ Just like you said you would ♪
♪ But I gotta tell you I can't stand ♪

[Cadence cooing]

Sorry to keep you so late.

[Sighs] When my family's out of town, I just lose all track of time.

That's not a problem.

I think we got some good stuff out of it.

Oh, yeah, me too.

Hey, why don't I make up for the long day and put a couple steaks on the grill?

Maybe we can catch the last half of that game.

I would love that, but, um, a friend of mine's opening up his bar tonight.

I-I got to go.

Yeah, of course. [Chuckles]

Maybe next time.

Listen, Will...

I just wanted to tell you that, uh, I really have enjoyed working with you, and I know I might've come off a bit...

Judgmental early on, but, uh, truth is, I admire you.

A lot.

Whoa! Whoa! What the...

What the hell are you doing?!

Don't look at me like that.

You got no right to judge.

No, I'm not judging.

I'm just... I'm... I'm...

I'm surprised.

I mean... You're gay?

I mean, how... how have you managed to stay in the closet after all these years?

I think I've managed just fine.

I'm one of the biggest-selling artists of all time.

I got more money than I could ever spend.

I got a great family.

And you could've had it all, too, if you'd just figured out how to play it right.

Yeah, maybe so.

But it turns out...

I'd rather be me than you.

♪ So I'm gonna sh**t this last light out ♪
♪ Get a little lost before I get found ♪
♪ I'm gonna burn this last one down ♪
♪ And then turn it around ♪
♪ Before mama and Jesus ♪


Oh, I'm so sorry.

I wanted to be here. You know I did.

Do I? How would I know that?

What's that supposed to mean?

You know what it's supposed to mean.

It means you chose him again.

I chose him?

Yeah, you chose him, just like you did every single time since he got here, and I thought maybe this big night might be a little bit different, but, no, he pitches a fit, you go running.

Will you stop?

I didn't choose him. I had to go, Deacon.

Markus left today. I couldn't talk him out of it.



[Laughing] Yeah, that's good.


That's good for you?

That's real good, yeah.

Okay, good, good... 'cause my label's dead.

You know how important this label is to me.

You're gonna make me choose?

Because you're jealous?

Can't be with you right now.

There you are.

I was wondering w...

Hey, what's the matter?

I feel so guilty.

I asked Gunnar if he thought we could still do the band if I moved to Seattle.

And what'd he say?

He said if it made me happy, we could make it work.

[Voice breaking] It's what I couldn't say to you.

Scarlett, we already settled this.

I'm not taking the job.

You have to.

You have to. You... you're brilliant at what you do.

I can't allow you to throw away everything you've dreamed, everything you've worked for for me when I cannot do the same thing for you.

You're breaking up with me?


You deserve someone who will follow you anywhere.

Well, I should've known better.

[Scoffs] The way this whole thing started, you needed a doctor to lean on and not a boyfriend.

If it weren't for Deacon's cancer, you wouldn't have given a guy like me a second thought.


I'm not one of you.

I'm too... [Inhales deeply] normal.

I'm sorry.

I'm very, very sorry.

You can pack your things when I'm at work tomorrow.

You leave your key by the door.


Thanks for coming over. [Sighs]

To be honest, I wasn't sure you would.

Avery, nothing's changed between us.

I know you think it has, but I'm still the same person.

I know, and I'm sorry.

It's just... [Sighs]

I'm furious with Juliette, and I took it out on you.

I get it. You don't trust Juliette.

And given her track record, I don't blame you.

Juliette has to prove herself, but she needs Cadence in order to do that.

Okay, so... How would this even work?

Y-you'd take Cadence over there, the doctor would supervise the visit, and then you'd... you'd bring her right back?

If that's what you want, yes.

You can promise me that Cadence would never be alone with her, that you'd be in the room the whole time?

I promise.


You can tell Dr. Kitley that I agree to supervised visits, but the termination of parental rights stays in effect.

Absolutely. [Sighs]

You're doing the right thing.

Then why do I feel sick to my stomach?

[Insects chirping]

Sarge. I'd like to speak to Colt.

Then you've wasted a trip.

Listen, I didn't... I didn't come to argue with you.

I just need a minute.

It's okay, Grandpa.


Look, I don't know how to say it, um... but I was wrong, and I'm sorry.

And just... please come home. [Chuckles]

No thanks. I'm happy here.

Don't do this. Don't uproot your whole life just to get back at me.

Nashville is your home, not all the way out here.

You don't get it, do you?

What's wrong between us can't be fixed.

Yeah, it can.

'Cause the reasons we were fighting, Colt, they don't matter anymore.

Son, the brand is dead, a-and I never should've gone down that road to begin with, and I sure as hell shouldn't have made it more important than you, and I know that now.

So, can we please... just start over, okay?

I promise you that I won't make the same mistakes this time.


Is the brand really dead?

Yeah, son, it is.

And what about Gabriella?

She's gone, too.


I guess you lost it all then, didn't you?



So, uh, when are you moving?

I'm not. We broke up.


Are you okay?

Nope. But I will be.

Scarlett! Hey, welcome home!

Hey! It's so good to see you.

Good to see you, too.

And, you... I'm not letting you get away this time.

Come here, buddy! Come here!

No! No! No!

Dude, are you drunk already?

[Laughs] No, but good idea.

Could I get three beers, please?


I'm gonna need one of you guys to drive me home tonight.

Hey, guys.


Avery, what's up, man?


Oh, can we make that four beers?

How are you? I'm good. How are you?

It's really nice to see you.

Good to see you.

What are you doing here? Where's... where's Cadence?

I got Emily to babysit.


Emily's back!

And I agreed to let Juliette see Cadence.

[Inhales deeply]

Please tell me I'm not making a horrible mistake.

No, you know, no matter how rough things get, a girl never stops wanting her mama, so that's good.

To Cadence.


You know, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you getting drunk in honor of my daughter.

Okay, uh, how about to... to us?

That'll work.






I guess some things don't change.

I do support you, Ray.

I do... Your career, Highway 65. That means everything to me 'cause I know how much it means to you.

I just got jealous, you know?

And not because you did anything wrong or because I thought Markus was gonna take you away from me.

It's just...

All that time in the studio, that used to be us, baby.

That was me.

You know how it is when two people are making music.

It's just so... so damn intimate.

I know. I miss you, and I need you.

I'm right here, baby.

[Chuckling] God.

Sometimes I just wish I could do everything all over again.

What would you change?



Except this.

Baby, I love you so much.

Will you marry me?


[Voice breaking] Yeah.

[Chuckles, sniffles]

