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03x09 - Savior

Posted: 12/10/15 23:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Originals"...

Freya: If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall...

One by friend, one by foe, and one by family.

I'll find you.

You won't.

There are things lurking in the shadows, and in the face of these, you are nothing.

Aurora: The serratura.

My brother and Lucien want to use it to lock you and your siblings away forever.

Klaus: Which is why they sent a legion of Strix to collect my sister.

I decided to put her someplace safe...

At the bottom of the ocean.

Elijah: Records show the very night our sister was taken.

All we need to do is match the path.

With the latitude I plucked from Aurora.

You presume to know me?

I will end you for what you did to Camille.

Tonight, I'd like you to stay here, where I can protect you.

Rebekah (voice-over): Marcel once asked me what it feels like being daggered.

I told him it's like a deep, dreamless sleep, but this is no ordinary dagger.

This stake ensures I feel everything...

The aching cold, the suffocating darkness, the burn of my veins crying out for blood, and the long agony of waiting.

Right where he said it would be.

Open it.

This Mr. Elijah Smith paid big money to have this dredged out of the gulf.

What's ever in it, it's got to be worth a fortune.

I say we renegotiate.

Elijah: I'm afraid that. Was my final offer.





Hello, sister.

Tell me I didn't miss Christmas.

[Elise Legrow's "You, me, and a Christmas tree" playing]

Do they, like, pay you?

Klaus: Handsomely and with a generous Christmas bonus.

Isn't that right?

Legrow: ♪ this Christmas ♪

So you just compel her to nod and agree with whatever you say?

I compel her to feed me and to hang the occasional Christmas ornament.

She can say whatever the hell she wants.

You seem better.

Yeah. Thank you for letting me stay here for the past couple days and giving me space to not talk. Heh.

♪ Trust me, baby, I... ♪

Why didn't you go with Elijah to help Rebekah?

I hope it's not to stay and baby-sit me.

It's not a good idea for he and I to spend hours together in confined spaces, given that the prophecy foretells one family member felling another.

You don't think he would hurt you?

I don't know what to think...

♪ On a Christmas Eve... ♪

And that damn fortune teller's predictions continue to unfold despite all our efforts.

[Cell phone vibrates]

It's Vincent. I have to go.

Taking over my bar.

You don't really strike me as a jazz fan.

You're a Strix now, Marcel.

What's yours is our and vice versa.

You should be grateful.

You need my help, as I imagine the Mikaelsons still want your head.

This venue is brilliant.

A neutral space where magic is useless.

It should do nicely, at least until I install a suitable regent to Shepherd the local witches.

Well, that might take a while.

See, the last regent was shunned and the one before that m*rder*d.

No one's really eager to step up.

As a member of this organization, you should know that we do not wait for men to step up.

We step them up.

Ok. So we install an Ally as regent.

Good plan if you can find a witch willing to do your bidding.

In fact, I have a candidate...

Young, malleable.

His name is Van Nguyen.

It seems someone k*lled his mother.

As it is Christmas and I am, despite reputation, a charitable man, I made an offer.

He'll use his powers to do as I ask.

[Brass band playing "hark! The herald angels sing"]

[Cami gasps]

You're jumpy.

Maybe that's from being jumped so many times.


I haven't been out since everything.

What's up?

I need fed you to make a house call.

Kinney got fired last week.



No, but he... He's a good cop.

Yeah, he was a good cop until he started having blackouts, going Mia when he's supposed to be on duty.

I mean, there are gaping holes in his reports, arrests he can't explain, missing evidence he can't explain, and now he's isolating, he's not coming out of the house, he's not taking my phone calls.

I'll go see him. There has to be something I can say.

Thank you.

I know you needed space, Jack, but I kind of eventually thought you would come home.

Right. To the apartment Elijah compelled somebody to rent us and the bedroom that looks in on his library.

Do you love him?


Just tell me the truth for once.

You knew... You knew when you married me.

It's been a year.

I have stood by you, I have fought for you, I have loved you and you daughter, and do you know what the worst part is?

Coming out of those woods just now, seeing you sitting there, I'll be damned if it wasn't the best thing I had ever seen.

Even when I'm pissed as hell, I would rather be near you than anywhere else.

Now what kind of fool does that make me?

My feelings for Elijah are complicated...

But that doesn't mean that I love you any less, Jack.

I chose you, and I choose you again every single day.

Can't that be enough?

It's our first Christmas together.

I've never had a happy one.

I just want a quiet night with you and hope, our family, and I don't care if their house is on fire.

For one night, I will let it burn.

Just please, please come home.


I'll meet you there.


Go on.

How many days has it been?

Please go relax.

I'll be up shortly with your next dose.

No, no.

Let's try to avoid another episode.

No, no. I will not relax until Niklaus is buried alive.

We need to get back the serratura and lock them all away in a pit of fire.

It's being taken care of, darling.

Here. The sister has been researching the medallion since it's been in the Mikaelsons' possession.

By end of day, we'll have what is ours, and we'll have taken care of the only witch willing to protect them.


I think I prefer the bottom the murky sea to that restroom.

Still hungry, are we?

I'm not hungry, I'm angry...

Staked your ex, drowned by Nik's.

You two need a lesson in women.

Could the lesson not be yours to learn, Rebekah?

Didn't you damn one of them to eternity, viciously antagonize the other?

Those lunatics actually believe the prophecy.

You don't, do you?

You'd be foolish to ignore the manifestation of these omens.

We can't be k*lled, Elijah.

This prophecy does state one of us will fall by family.

Well, I would never harm you, you k*lled half the Navy rescuing me, Freya hates traitors.

Yes. Freya. Let's not forget her allegiance to Finn.

I do want to trust her, but...

So that leaves Nik.

Do you think he's learned his lesson about backstabbing his family?

Oh, I think he learns that lesson all the time.

He's just a terrible student.

Do you ever want to just rip out his heart and see how long it takes to grow back?

Unh! Ohh.

What is it?


What do you get the girl who has everything this Christmas?

A cure to a magical mark growing on her bloody arm.

[Brass band playing "God rest ye merry gentlemen"]

[Car beeps]


I'll warn you... I'm armed.

Aah! Aah!





[Knocking on door]

Will, you in there? It's Cami.

I assume you called first.

I've been told turning up at someone's home uninvited could be considered rude.

Are you seriously following me?

Klaus, I don't need a bodyguard or some white night trying to protect me.

I'm here as your friend.


Vincent said he'd be home.

Shh, shh.

[Heart beating]


Oh, my God! Will! No!


Will: You shouldn't have come here!

Will, it's gonna be ok.

Just drop the g*n.

Insert empathetic psychobabble here.

It's not ok!

Put the g*n down!

Or what, you'll save me the b*llet?

I am the definition of worthless!

I try and try to make a difference, but there are things lurking out there in the shadows, and... And in the face of them, I am nothing.

Do you understand?

It's Lucien's compulsion.

Is there anything you can do, Klaus? Please.

Invite me in.

Hey! I got your text.

What happened?

She got jumped.

3 vampires all dressed like yuppies.

The Strix.

Yeah. She needs your blood.

You ok?

Kind of hard to ignore it when someone needs your help, huh?

They took it.

The serratura.

I was meeting with a witch from the bloodline who built the lock.

I was hoping she could help me destroy it, but it's not possible.

She said the only way to get rid of it is to use it.

We have to get it back and lock something else away, anything but my family.

Great. Why don't we pay Tristan a visit and ask him really, really nicely?

I'm afraid we have a far more urgent problem.

Well, to be fair, I am the prettiest urgent problem you have ever seen.

Marcel: I opened this gym for warriors.

You're not welcome anymore.

Excuse me.

Van Nguyen, the kid whose mom went after Davina...

Family business got shut down.

He can't put food on the table for his sisters.

Life's a bitch in the ninth. What else is new?

Today, Tristan transferred 50 gs into Van's account.

Tonight, Van will ascend to the regency.

The leader of the witches will be some kid with a debt to The Strix.

Meanwhile, you're here, fighting shadows.

Marcel, you got no idea what I fight.


Whatever it is, it's gonna be a lot worse when you have the blood of your people on your hands, all because you sat back and let it happen.

Since when have you given a damn about my people?

I'm New Orleans born and bred.

So are you.

Yeah, witches and vampires have been fighting for power since this city was a swamp, but we are all New Orleans, and now you're gonna hand over 9 powerful covens to some outsider!

Witch business ain't your business.

I think you should back off.

Or what? You gonna get another little teenage girl to do your dirty work?


I have been holding back my power for a long time.

Today that stops.

See, I came here for a little bit of clarity, and I think I just got that.

I'm gonna take back the regency, Marcel, but you ain't gonna like what I'm gonna do with it.

While I cannot take away the feelings of worthlessness that haunt you now, I can tell you you will learn to live with them.

I certainly have.

I have also come to find that the very thing you believe is worth the least matters most of all.

There is beauty in the courage of the fragile fighter, those who persevere despite all they've been through, those who still believe there is good in the world.

Us dark things often find we need that light the most.

What you do not see in yourself others see in you.

You do matter.

Have you a family?

Yeah, a sister. Baton Rouge.

Go to her. Enjoy Christmas.

In the new year, you will return to your captain, and he will welcome you with open arms, and, detective, you will remember today as your darkest day.

Tomorrow will be better, the day after better still.

You will go on.

Give me the bad news, doc.

Freya: Aya's stake was cursed.

It infected you.

As this mark grows, you will go mad.

Left unchecked, you will become a relentless, unstoppable ripper.

Aya always was thorough.

Strix always employ a safeguard.

In the event that we were successful at retrieving your body, you were cursed.

You see, if one is on a rampage, one is not difficult to hunt.

Can you fix this?

The spell is carved here.

I can... I can reverse it.

I just... Need some time and a hell of a lot of magic.

Jackson: She was fine. Hayley healed her.

This scratch is not healed.

This is poison.

This is an assassination attempt.

She's waking up.

You ok?

I feel weak.

Jackson: Those vampires must have stabbed her with something.

So The Strix are fond of this slow-acting poison.

There is an antidote.

If I can get my hands on it.

For this, I'll need a pure silver knife, some white muskroot.

I'll get the knife.

I'll track down the root.

Freya, you can barely float a feather right now, let alone save the world.

I'll channel Finn.

Oh, lovely.

My fate rests in the hands of our black sheep of a brother that we have trapped in a necklace.

I'm sure he's just leaping to help.

Well, he's the only other powerful witch here, and you and I are out of options, sister.

He's packing.


What you did...

Was nothing.

It was not nothing.
[Cell phone vibrates]




Finn: The pain you endure for these monsters you call family.


It isn't worth it, sister.

It is. It has to be.

The ingredients are complicated.

Klaus: I don't need the recipe.

I know exactly where I can find the antidote.

I'll be quick.

If The Strix have been using this poison for centuries, then Lucien has a cure, I guarantee it.

Probably keeps it tucked away next to his cure for werewolf bites.

I'm sure he won't mind if we break in and borrow it.

You go. I'll be fine.


If I'm going to save my sisters, I can't be worried about you.

Right now, the safest place for you is with me.


[Hope crying]

Don't fret. I haven't gone full hellion yet.

No more than usual.

Well, that's good. I wouldn't want to have to kick your ass before I got to hug you.

You know, we need to talk about your sartorial choices.

This is positively darling.

That is not mine. That is Cami's.

She has been staying here the past few nights.

Actually, Jackson and I have our own place now, although we still can't manage to stay out of Mikaelson drama.

You don't seem to mind the family drama when you need something from us, like a decent dress or a babysitter.

Excuse me?

But when you're looking for someone to blame for your unhappiness, we seem to be the enemy.

Rebekah, you're wrong.

This... This isn't you.

I am wrong.

I believed we were friends, nearly sisters, but the last time we spoke, you were planning on taking hope away from this family forever, so where do you stand, Hayley?

Are you a friend, are you family, or perhaps...

[Gags, coughs]

You've been a foe all along.



You are dying for her.

Let Rebekah go.

Let them all go.


It will just be the two of us again.

I will save her.

If I am at all important to you, brother, help me.

Freya, stop, please!

No! Don't touch me!

Do not stop me.

Listen to me.

We must help Rebekah, but we must not lose you in the process.

Help me or get out!


This will strengthen you.

As will my power just this once, sister, for you.



Be honest. You want Klaus dead, don't you?

Rebekah, I have been busting my ass, trying to fight this prophecy at the expense of my own family.

Ha ha! You mean that fake husband you've been parading around in front of Elijah?

Do you know the agony it causes him?

Perhaps you like it, knowing you still have the power to break his heart.


Ugh! I can't do it.

I can't focus.

She's burning up. I guess a hospital's out of the question.

A hospital won't help her.

You're wrong.

It kills me to hurt him.

Well, it hasn't yet, luv, but it might today.

You tore my brothers apart.

If they turn on each other, as the prophecy suggests, it's because of you!

Where's Hayley?

[Coughing and gagging]

You stay with her, please.


Listen to me. Listen to me!

Rebekah, look at me! Rebekah!

Control yourself.

Dear brother, I have control.



Ha! Yaah!

Unh! Aah!

Klaus: Rebekah!


Not her.

Not her either!

Rebekah: Aah!

Rebekah: Dear, sweet Cami.

You're so afraid that you'll ruin her, you keep her behind glass like some breakable object.

She's not precious.

Nik, every woman that you and Elijah bring into our lives turns to poison.


She'll grow toxic, too.


I'm ok.

In her heart.


Did you get the muskroot?




No! No! Aah!

Freya: Hold her!




Well, that was annoying.

[Brass band playing "Joy to the world"]

You ready to go?

Am I the world's worst mother for letting my teething toddler gnaw on something that's been around for a millennium?

Hope's tough. I think she can take it.

Are you ok?

Oh, you never get used to the feeling of a fist around your heart.

I'm really sorry.

I know I promised that we'd spend the night alone.

I even had this really dumb plan that we were gonna drink hot whiskeys and watch "it's a wonderful life" together, yet here we are.

You don't need to apologize.

Today, it was me that saw their house on fire and decided not to let it burn.

Why did you decide to help them after everything?


I don't know. I felt like one of my pack was in danger, and I acted.

I mean, don't get me wrong.

My in-laws really suck...

But, hey, they fought like hell to protect each other today, and I respect that.

I was born to love you, Hayley, and if that means I have to deal with the Mikaelsons, then ok.

I'm in.

If we leave now, we could still catch the end of "it's a wonderful life" before her bedtime.

I got a better idea.

[denmark + winter's "merry little Christmas" playing]

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Have yourself a merry little Christmas ♪

Said you wanted a happy family Christmas.

Well, the family's all here.

Elijah: Merry Christmas, little one.

♪ Next year, all... ♪

Klaus: Thank you for helping Freya.

Unfortunately, we're all out of Mason jar moonshine.

Ha ha ha!

Rebekah: Well, Nik, you are positively merry tonight.

All that therapy must be paying off.

Oh, no.

Yes, I know it's not exactly a bonfire, but I improvised.

Come on. It's tradition.


We write our wishes and then burn them for luck.

Strangely, I don't recall wishing for an influx of enemies, and yet year after year...

Elijah: How odd. Forever on Santa's naughty list.

♪ Merry Christmas ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Merry Christmas ♪

One of us is still meant to fall by family.

Right now, what concerns me is our enemies.

They have the w*apon they intend to use against us.

They cannot know that we found you, Rebekah.

Our best advantage is if they believe you are lost at sea.

Then I can't stay, can I?

It's ok.

My wish already came true.

We have this moment.

Rather lonely place to spend a holiday.

Have you no special love to spend it with?

Oh. Right.

Don't tell me.

You planning on taking over the gym, too?

Hardly. I can't stand churches.

I need your expertise, Marcel.

I've been informed that our chosen regent, the young Van Nguyen, has been rejected by the ancestors.

Rejected, huh? Well, Nola witches aren't easily manipulated, especially the dead ones.

And yet there's a rather dramatic ceremony happening in the cemetery right now.

Someone is ascending to the regency as we speak.

I assume you've had your ear to the ground.

Who is it?

Uh, his name's Vincent Griffith.

Ah. The witch who was once inhabited by Finn Mikaelson.

Yeah, that's him, and he isn't gonna be so easily bought.

You have a merry Christmas now.

Woman: ♪ we wish you a merry Christmas... ♪

[Hayley laughing]

[Bicycle bell dinging]

♪ We wish you a merry Christmas ♪
♪ And a happy new year ♪
♪ And a happy new year ♪

Rebekah, so soon.

Rebekah: Take care of our brothers, Freya.

God knows they need it.

Bye, baby.

I'm so sorry about what I said, Hayley.

It's fine.

You know, when I left last, I thought for sure you'd hate Klaus forever.

Oh, I will, but even when you hate him...

You're always leaving.

And I always come back.

Run far and fast, stay on the move, and should you happen to meet some handsome fool, know your weaknesses.

Ha ha!

Well, perhaps it's time our roles reversed.

I'll run away from love if you run toward it.

Freya: 100 years ago, I snuck into a Christmas ball here.

I wanted so much to be a part of it, but I thought I was forever fated to be an outsider, always looking in.

I know this hasn't been your most elegant family Christmas, but, well, it's already been the best one I've ever had.

I suppose some things are worth the wait.

You look...

Don't say tired.

You've lived long enough to know you should never tell a woman she looks tired.

I was going to say contemplative.


A penny for your thoughts.

I was thinking about you and what Rebekah said.

Is she right? Do you see me as this fragile thing that needs to be kept behind glass to protect me from Aurora...

Don't. Please.

When I think of all the ways she could have hurt you...

She didn't.

Klaus, she didn't...

Because of you.

I've lost count of the amount of times you've been there for me and everyone you care about, but today, you saved someone who doesn't mean a thing to you.


Because you wished it.

Because what's important to you is important to me.

What makes you happy makes me want to keep you so.

What scares you I want to tear apart.

I do not wish to watch you from behind glass, Camille.

What do you wish?


No. No, no! Finn!

All right. Y'all wanted me. You got me.

You got me, and I ain't in the mood for pomp and circumstance.

Our city is collapsing, and I'm gonna need all the guidance I can get.

Tristan: Congratulations, Mr. Griffith.

The regent witch of New Orleans...

How grand.

Let me guess...

Lord Tristan de Martel.

You know, I've always despised churches, but cemeteries I love.

Churches celebrate fairy tales, guardian angels, patron saints, but cemeteries hold concrete proof that not one of those things can save you from the inevitable.


So your Strix vampires, they've been watching me, tailing me, listening to me, so they know I'm not an easy target, and I'm sick and tired of good people falling victim to the trash that The Originals bring to town.

Now normal people can't enforce justice on vampires, but I will.

I can, and I will, so...

You guys keep watching me, but know for sure I'm watching you, too.

That's very brave.

A vigilante witch that fears no vampire?


Or so it seems, but I know someone you do fear.

So if you don't do as I ask, I'm certain Finn Mikaelson will.


Man: ♪ dark days riding on a stone cold heart ♪

I got your message.

♪ Break my will, tear us apart ♪
♪ There's a lone candle burning... ♪

I was halfway to the airport when I suddenly got the urge to rip out my taxi driver's jugular.

I only just resisted.

♪ There's a calm to knowing when your back's against the wall ♪


I'm afraid so.

♪ Will you make your peace... ♪

Freya can try something else.

What if we've run out of time?

I already went after Hayley.

Who's next... Freya herself, hope?

And even if she can...

You don't want to run.

You know I always hated it.

♪ Ya ooh... ♪

Hide my body.

Don't tell a soul, especially not Niklaus.

Let him be happy just for once.

This is our burden to bear, yours and mine.

♪ Ya ooh ♪

And when the year that the prophecy foretold is over, have Freya work out a cure, wake me up, and throw me a hell of a party.

I can't.

Why not?

Maybe the only way to stop this stupid prophecy is to embrace it, control it.

If we can control it, then maybe we can change it.

When I am buried, the family part of the prophecy will be over.

You will be over to trust them again...

Freya, Hayley, Niklaus.

You can stop anyone, friend or foe, that comes at you, so do it, Elijah!


Do it!

Shh, shh, shh.

♪ These are dark days... ♪

Elijah, do it!

♪ Dark days ♪
♪ These are dark days ♪
♪ Dark days ♪

[Piano playing "God rest ye merry gentlemen"]


You should play more.

Oh, I never stop playing.

[Stops playing]

I compose whole sonatas in my head, brother.

You had a good day then, my love?

Mmm. Yes.

A beautiful day.

And here's to an even better tomorrow.

[Playing "God rest ye merry gentlemen"]




No, no, no. No! No! No!
