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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 01/25/16 05:55
by bunniefuu
I believe I have the pleasure of speaking with Count Bezukhov?

You're a Mason?

Sic transit gloria mundi!

I love you, more than anyone I've ever known.

Well, that's enough for me.

Yes, but I'm not in a position to promise you anything.

Father, I'm afraid I'm going to need some more money.

How much? 43,000. What?

Natasha, this is Prince Andrei Bolkonsky.

May I request the pleasure of a dance with your daughter Natalia?

Of course.

Go to her, don't let her get away! Propose to her.

I will.

Why doesn't he come?

It's been three weeks.

Did he say he would?

No... but he loves me, I am sure of it.

Did he say so?

Not in so many words. But how could he look at me as he did and not mean it?

And you?

Do you love him?

I do. I think I've loved him since the first time I saw him at Otradnoe.

It's not like it was with Boris, or anyone. It's...

It's so deep, it frightens me.

So it must be true love, mustn't it?

I suppose it must, my dear.

Well then, why doesn't he come?

I don't know, my darling.

If it's meant to happen, it will happen.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Go to bed, and see what the morning will bring.

I can't, Mama. No more talk.


Firstly, this marriage would not be ideal in terms of family, wealth and distinction.

The Rostovs are a perfectly good family, Father.

That may be, but you could do better in that respect, and you know it.

Secondly, you are not in early youth and your health is not strong.

You have never fully recovered from the wound you took at Austerlitz.

And you're in love with this girl, you say.

Very deeply, Father.


Triumph of hope over experience. All right.

Will you do this for me?

Take a year, go abroad, take a cure, find a tutor for Nikolushka, and if, after this year, your passion for this girl is still so irresistible, marry her then.

Can you do this? To please me?

( Hoofbeats )

( She sighs )

( Horse whinnies )



Mama! It's him!


It's him. What am I going to do?

Prince Andrei Bolkonsky.

Oh! Prince Andrei, it's a pleasure to welcome you here.

It seems so long since we last saw you.

Countess Rostova, may I request your permission for a private conversation with your daughter?

Of course, Prince.

Come with me.

I loved you at the moment I saw you.

May I hope... you love me?

Yes, yes! Yes, I love you.

( She sobs )

I have to tell you that my father made it a condition of his consent that the marriage not take place for a year.

I have some business to conduct in Switzerland.


It cannot be otherwise.

I know a year seems like a long time, but it will give you the chance to test your love.

Our engagement will remain a secret.

I consider myself bound, but you should not.

I want you to feel perfectly free to change your mind.

So long...

No... I'll do it.

I'll wait.

( They chuckle )

( She laughs )

Thank you again.


( She gasps )

( Dog pants )

( Hounds bark )

( Barking )

( Thundering hooves )

Come on, Rostov, keep up!


( Barking )

( Dogs bark and whine )

Dammit, lost him!

( Horses whinny )

You, quick! Go around the side.

Cut him off.

Find him! Find the wolf!

You heard him! Search over there!

Come on!

( Horse whinnies )

( Barking and shouting in distance )

( She gasps )

(Whoa, whoa, whoa!)

( Wolf pants )

( She gasps )

( She gasps )

( Bugle sounds )

( Barking, hoofbeats )

Cut them off!

Quick! Cut them off!

( Men sing )

You rode well.

Thank you, I love to ride.

You weren't in at the finish, though. No.

God, he was a big one.

Yes, he was.

I'm glad I didn't see the end.

So, what's this engagement all about, then?

Well, I'm engaged, that's all, and I'm very happy.

He's a wonderful man, Nikki.

Is he? I met him once.

Seemed a bit of a cold fish to me.

Oh, no, you're wrong, he isn't! No, he's very...

He's intense, and deep. And he loves you?

Yes, of course, he loves me! Well, then, why did he go away for a year?

Why not announce the betrothal?

It's as if he's ashamed of our family! No. You don't understand, and I don't want to talk about it with you any more! Suit yourself.

( He clicks horse on )

Nikki, my dear, you must know that things are very serious with our finances.

As a woman, your sister has no claim over Prince Andrei's estate and nothing your father tries ever seems to work out, and he has such a generous nature that everybody takes advantage of him.

And you, my dear Nikki... with all that business about the card game and your friend Dolokhov, that was a terrible blow to the family fortunes.

I know, Mama, and I'm sorry.

I know you're sorry, and I know you'll be very glad to hear that you have it in your power to make all things well again.

How can I do that?

You remember Julie Karagina?

You used to be playmates together. Er, yes...

She has grown into a lovely young woman.

And now that her brothers are all sadly...dead... she is an heiress of a great fortune.

Would you really demand that I sacrifice my honour and my feelings for the sake of money? No, no, of course not!

You've misunderstood me. Of course, we wish for your happiness.

But you could be happy with Julie Karagina, you could manage to fall in love with her, there's nothing wrong with her at all!

Really, Mama, I can't just command my feelings!

I do understand, of course I do - and I hate having to ask this... but our situation is desperate, and, as our son, you are the only one who can help.

I'll think about it, Mama.

That's all I can say.

These things have a way of working out, my dear.

Don't be cast down - Christmas is coming!

( She groans ) More expense!

This is what we need - forget our troubles and get out to see the real old Russia.

Uncle Mikhail lives the way we used to in the old days, everyone together! Oh!

Welcome, welcome!

Uncle Mikhail!

We are honoured!


Countess Natasha, Cousin Sonya!

There we are!

Petya, how you've grown!

Come on, come on, out of the cold, come inside!

Sit, sit, make yourselves comfortable! Thank you!

Anisya, our guests are here!

Don't worry, we saw you coming.

Look at this!


You are welcome - please, sit, eat, drink...

Oh, delicious!

What a spread!

I'm so happy you're here.

( Mikhail chuckles )

I didn't know Uncle was married! Well, he isn't.

( Quiet chatter )

( She sings in russian )

( Hushed chatter )

( All chatter )

( All begin to sing )

( All sing )

( All sing loudly )

( All clap in time )

How does she know what to do? It's in the blood.

( She yells )

( Music gets faster )

( All cheer )

( Cheering and applause )

( She pants )

He looked just like an ordinary man, like an officer, but it was him!

Now, what she should have done was keep him talking, but she got so frightened and she tried to run away, and he grabbed her!

( They gasp )

You don't need to worry about him here now.

But you can tell your fortune... if you go out to the barn at night. How? What do you do?

You stand and you listen... and if you hear knocking, that's bad, but if you hear grain pouring, it's good.

But I don't suppose any of you would go out there.

I would.

I'm not scared.

Show me the way?

Yes, miss. Follow me.

That's the barn there, miss.

Don't look back.

( Door creaks )

( She gasps )



Are you cold?

Not a bit.


No, I'm perfect.

We could live like this, in the country, all the time.

I wish!

Do you? Do you really?

Of course, I love Andrei. Of course, I do.

And I miss him and I long for him, but at the same time... Look! The comet!

You know, people say it means a great change is coming.

I sometimes wish nothing would ever change... it could be just you and me and Sonya, like this.

Stay like children.

Not possible.

Tonight, it is.

Mother, Father...

I have something I want to say to you before I return to my regiment.

( Teacups clatter ) I must tell you... that I am in love with Sonya... and I want us to be married.

I know it's not what you want for me, but my feelings can't be denied and I want Sonya to hear this, too.

I love her.

I've never loved anyone else, I could never marry anyone else.

And that's all there is to it. I'm sorry.

Nevertheless, you go against your parents' wishes.

Well, you are of age, Nikolai, so you can marry anyone you choose, but neither I nor your father will give you our blessing!

Please, don't let us quarrel over this, Mama... Ilya! Speak to him.

My dear boy, if it weren't for the circumstances, we couldn't wish for a better match than Sonya.

She's a dear girl and we're very fond of her... What circumstances?

You know the circumstances very well!

Our family affairs are in disorder and we've been expecting you to help put them right!

Your conduct so far has had the opposite effect, as you well know.

Besides, Sonya is your cousin.

How you could have let her wheedle her way...

My feelings are my own, Mother, and I can't go back on my word.

Then you'd better know that I can never recognise that intriguer as my daughter! "Intriguer"?!

How can you use such a word about a girl who's always loved you like a daughter?!

Sonya is not to blame for this in any way!

Have you no feelings for her at all?

I have nothing else to say to you!

Mama, I...!

( Sonya sobs )

Perhaps I should go after her.

No, no, let me - I can explain to her.

It will be all right, I...I...I know it will.

( Footsteps retreat )

'That ungrateful girl!'

After everything we've done for her! ( She sniffles )

She's not ungrateful, Mama, you know that, really.

None of this is her fault, she didn't know that Nikolai was going to speak out.

Truly, she's never expected anything from him.

And now, my son hates me! ( She sobs )

He doesn't!

Oh, he doesn't!

He wants your blessing.

Listen, if I can get him to promise he won't do anything in secret.

He'll go back to his regiment, and who knows, perhaps his feelings will cool down. Oh, now you know so much of love.

( She sobs and gasps )

Don't let him go with any bad feeling between you.

Because who knows what may happen.

Nothing I ever think, or do, or say ever seems to make any difference.

Our family is in ruin!

I'm the only one who cares.

( She sighs )

Oh, Mama.

( They sigh )

Take care, Petya.

I love you!

I love you, too.

Look after yourself.

I will, Papa, I will.

( They sniff )

Yah! Yah!

Prince Bolkonsky: That's it! That's it! Make haste!

Is this our house, too? Mm-hm, this is our Moscow house.

It smells funny.

It just needs airing, darling, that's all.

I expect your grandpapa will be redecorating it in cheerful colours.

He certainly will not! It's perfectly fine as it is.

We will dine at six.

I am going to my study and will not to be disturbed until then.

I have much work to do, important political work of the kind that women and children CANNOT BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND!

Forgive me, Mademoiselle Bourienne.

Oh, dear Prince, I quite understand...

Do you? Do you?

Oh, you dear little thing!

When I talk of the stupidity of women, I refer to THAT one, not you.



How can you take advantage of his weakness like that?

You play up to him!

You make a fool of him and yourself and me!

( Retreating footsteps )

Do you think Prince Andrei will be in Moscow by the time we get there?

Has he said anything definite?

No, not absolutely definite.

Don't get your hopes up too high.

He'll come when he comes.


What is it, my love?

Andrei's not coming after all! Oh!

( Count Rostov sighs )

He says his wound has reopened, and his doctors have insisted he have rest and treatment for it.

He sends his respects to you, and his...his love to me, and his disappointment, et cetera.

( She sobs )

But why couldn't he come and have his treatment for it here?

He has to respect his doctors' advice, my dear.

A long journey might have a very bad effect on his health.

Take heart, I'm sure you'll see him before too long.

But I want to see him now!

Before long I'll have forgotten what he looks like!

( Retreating footsteps )

( She sighs )

( Chattering )

That's the daughter.

Oh, so, that's why we're here. Not a beauty.

But a prize, Boris. A prize. Best behaviour.

Prince Bolkonsky.


An honour to be invited on your name day - many felicitations - may I present my son, Boris?

Honoured, Your Excellency.

Yes, well, you're very welcome.

Ah, Rostopchin!

It's Count Rostopchin, Mother! He's the Governor of Moscow!

Talk to the Princess!

( He sighs )

Princess Marya.

Boris Drubetskoy.

Such a pleasure to meet you at last.

May I ask, how are you enjoying Moscow?

I have seen very little of it, sir.

Then perhaps you will allow me to show you some of its finer points?

I believe you know my friend Bezukhov?

Bonaparte behaves in Europe like a pirate on a captured ship.

And his ambition knows no bounds!

It'll come to w*r again, mark my words! No, no, Prince.

Our Tsar has the wisdom and courage to hold him in check.

But I tell you this - our wars with the French will be unsuccessful as long as we meddle in Europe.

Let us keep our borders safe and strong, and then we have no need to fear Bonaparte.

Let him venture into Russia, and we'll send him home - squealing, with his tail between his legs! Eh?!

( Thumping on table )

Well said, Prince! Well said!

( Animated murmurs )

May I sit with you?

Oh, yes. I was hoping you would.

( He sighs )

So, how did you like the young man?


Boris Drubetskoy.

He was making himself very agreeable to you.


Yes. I suppose he was.

Would you consider marrying him?

Well, I sometimes think I'd marry anyone to get away...

I don't think he means to be cruel.

I know, I know, forget what I said.

( She swallows a sob )

Will you tell me truly, Count, what's she like, this Natasha Rostova?

It's only...

Andrei is risking so much in opposing our father.

Is she really worth it?

How can I answer a question like that?

For myself...

I would say, there's no-one like her.

She's enchanting.

I...I don't know.

But to me, yes, she'd be worth anything.


( She chuckles )

Honestly, Mother, I tried my best, but it was hopeless.

She hardly seemed to notice I was there.

There's something clearly wrong with her.

Perhaps she's mentally deficient.

There's always Julie Karagina.

She likes me, and she's quite as rich as the other one.

She has other suitors, Boris. I know how to handle her.

She likes romantic poetry, anything melancholy, weeping willows and so on.

Plenty of sighing, you know?

She imagines she's had a tragic life.

God knows why...

Well, there you are, then.

The thing is, could I bear to be married to her?

( He sighs )

What a sad face.

I can tell that you have suffered... as I have.


You and I, Julie, sometimes I think we are both too sensitive for this cruel world. Yes.

The blind, uncaring masses...

But you're actually getting on quite well, aren't you?

Ah, Julie, I play their games because I have to.

But in my heart... I... I so love the drawing and the verse you put in my album, Boris.

"Ah, rustic trees, your shade conceals my sorrow... Ah, cloudy sky, will I find light tomorrow?"

Do you know, I believe you will!
Is your son not with you?

Boris? No, he spends all his time at Julie Karagina's these days.

Of course, you haven't heard!

He's the accepted suitor, they're going to be married!

Oh! What...wonderful news!

Your former admirer, Natasha.

Don't tease me, Papa, we were just children, then.

I'm very happy for Boris, Anna Mikhailovna.

Yes, he's done very well for himself, but who deserves it better?

He was always such a good boy.

( Laughing ) He was!

And your fiance is coming soon?

Yes... Yes, that is...

Such a long time to be separated, you must feel it.

But his father, you know, he's a very difficult old man, and getting worse by the day - we dined there a little while ago...

Very strong opinions! Oh, dear...

Oh, but the little Princess Marya's very, um... soft and sweet.

A sister-in-law can be a sharp claw, but this one wouldn't hurt a fly.

If I were you, I'd go and call on them tomorrow with your father.

What do you think, Papa?

I suppose we should, yes...

I'm a little frightened of the Prince.

He gave me a terrible roasting not so long ago over my failings with the militia.

( Women laugh )

I'm sure all that's forgotten, Ilya!

I think Anna's idea is a good one.

When Prince Andrei returns, you'll be already acquainted with his sister and his father.

I suppose so. Well, that's settled, then.

Now, then.

( Door bell rings )

Would you be so good as to wait here, sir?


( Staff whisper indistinctly )

Well, bless my soul, this is odd.

( Door slams )

Is someone ill, I wonder?

Bolkonsky, from inside: What?! I don't want them in my house!

I never asked for them!

You can see them if you like!


( Natasha gasps ) Perhaps we should go...

My dear Count Rostov, I'm so sorry you have been kept waiting.

The Prince is indisposed, but Princess Marya will receive you.

I am her companion.

Please, come this way.

Dear Princess, you see, I brought my little... singing bird.

I'm so sorry my father can't receive you. Well, another time.

But for now, it gives the two of you the chance to get acquainted.

How do you like Moscow, Countess Rostova?

Well enough, thank you. I grew up here, it's my home.

Oh, but of course!

It is we who are the country mice.

And I must say, I love the shops and the theatre so very much.

But the Princess is not such a one for the pleasures of the city, are you?


How delightful this is! You two must have so much to say to each other!


Perhaps, mademoiselle, we should leave them together?

( Door opens )

Ah! Rostov! I didn't know!

As God's my witness, I didn't know!

And this is the young countess?



Well, you see, I know nothing of this, you must forgive me.

As God's my witness, I didn't know!

And no-one said anything to me ABOUT IT!

Good morning.

( Door slams )

Natasha, I think we should be going. We've come at a bad time.

You must come to us for the day, Princess.

A pleasure to meet you, mademoiselle.

Oh, wait!

Dearest Natasha...

Please know that I'm... glad my brother has found happiness...

I think perhaps this is not the time to speak of it, Princess.


( Door slams )

Natasha: 'Oh, it was horrible!'

I was horrible to her! ( She sobs )

But she was so cold and stiff with me! And the old prince...

( She sobs ) They don't like me.

They don't want me in their family.

( She weeps )

Oh, if only Andrei would come!

( She cries )

Three and a six...

( Dice rolls )

Good afternoon, Count!

Good afternoon.

Boris was just telling me he's very keen to be initiated into the mysteries of the Freemasons.

You could arrange that for him, couldn't you? Really?

You're truly interested? Of course I am.

It would be so good for his career, wouldn't it, Pierre?

That is not the true purpose of the Order!

To become a Mason, you have to vow to purify yourself and dedicate yourself to building a better world - you have to live for your fellow man.

Yes, that, too, of course! Absolutely!

You'll help him, won't you, Pierre?

Pierre's awfully high up in the Masons -

I think he might be Grand Master by now! Helene!

These things are not to be spoken of outside the house. I keep forgetting!

You will help him, won't you?

You are truly serious?

As serious as any man can be, Count Bezukhov.

Bazdeev: 'What have you done with all these good things that have been given you? You need to purify yourself. Listen to your conscience. Look at yourself.'

All: Sic transit gloria mundi!

'Ask yourself...' ( They moan ) '..are you content with yourself? With your life?'

( He coughs )

We just won't go, Natalya.


It's only a little turn.

Go to the opera, enjoy yourself, my dear!

And you can tell me all about it.

It'll take your mind off things, you'll see. I don't want to go.

I don't want to see anybody.

Let me stay and keep you company.

I don't need company. I just need a little rest, that's all.

Come and kiss me.


Now, go.

GO! time you'll have to be better...

I'm not nagging, but I do think it would be nice if you tried a little harder...

Just popped in to say what a pleasure it is to see you back in Moscow, Count Rostov.

Very good of you, dear boy.

I say! Look there! Isn't that young Dolokhov?

And why is he dressed like a Persian?

Ah, yes, he was in the Caucasus, and then he became minister to some prince in Persia, and k*lled the Shah's brother there.

That's Anatole Kuragin, the Countess's brother.

Very attractive, no?

Ah, here's the Countess herself.

Fine woman, isn't she?

She's as beautiful as everybody says.

( Hush descends )

( She sings aria )

Count Rostov, you must introduce me to your lovely daughters.

Of course. Here's Natasha, and this is my niece, Sonya.

I'm so happy to meet you.

My husband has talked of you often. I should so like to know you better.

Count, may I invite your daughter to sit with us?

I'm sure she'd be delighted.

Go on, Natasha, we shan't be far away.

Come and sit by me.

Not you, Bilibin, off you go.

Merci, bien.

De rien.

That's such a pretty dress.

I wish I could still wear something like that.

You know I have no-one to talk about clothes - would you come and advise me? Advise you?

I wouldn't dare! Well, you can come and tell me what you like then.

We can try things on together, would you like that?

Yes, very much.

Then we'll be friends.

Now that I've found you I won't let you go.

( Natasha chuckles )

Ah! My brother Anatole.

Well... here we are.

This is very nice, isn't it?

Yes, it is...

You mean the opera?

Not just the opera.

You know... all of it.


You're so lovely.

You mustn't say that!

Whyever not?

It's the truth.

And I was brought up to tell the truth at all times.

( Opera singing fades )

Listen, we're having a little party tomorrow evening.

Just a few friends.

Please, do come.

Vous serez la plus jolie.

Venez, et comme gage donnez-moi cette fleur.

( He chuckles )

( She gasps )

( She breathes raggedly )

( She gasps )

( Music drowns conversation )

I want you to go to Otradnoe.

The marshal there, Count Rostov, has failed to produce half the men required of him.

The army still needs to be maintained, even in this time of so-called peace.

Rostov needs someone to ginger him up a bit.

Do you know the man, at all?

No, I don't.

I do.

He's a very good man. Not practical, I suppose, but who am I to talk of such things?

I'm very fond of him. The whole family are delightful.

Well, there you are. You can mix business with pleasure!

Oh! No, no, no, Countess! Keep still.

Everything must be perfect for when the Prince returns!

I'll only be a minute.

Yes, miss.

They said you weren't decent, but I told them you wouldn't mind - and you don't, do you?


You look adorable.

Well, the word has gone round, you've conquered Moscow already.

It's quite funny, my brother came for breakfast this morning, but he couldn't eat a thing. Can you guess why?

No, why?

Oh, look at you blushing!

I'm sure you know very well the effect you've had on the poor boy.

Anyway, you're to come to us this evening.

Just a little party. Mademoiselle George will be there - she's promised us a recitation, and she's dying to meet you.

I've already asked your papa's permission.

Will Pierre... Will your husband be there?

No, he's had to go away on business, otherwise I'd send him to fetch you.

Oh, I don't know. No, I think I should stay at home.

But that would be such a shame - to deprive Moscow of your charms when you've only just arrived!

Prince Andrei wouldn't want you to shut yourself away, would he?

No, perhaps not.

Oh, it's just a little family party!

( They laugh )

You will come, won't you? Just to please me?

Just for an hour?

With your dear papa - he's such delightful company!

Oh, you won't refuse me, will you?


Well, that's settled, then!

A ce soir!

( Door closes )

Countess Bezukhova, good evening! You're very welcome.

You came.

"J'ai concu pour mon crime une juste terreur - J'ai pris la vie en haine, et ma flamme en horreur. Je voulais en mourant prendre soin de ma gloire, Et derober au jour une flamme si noire: Je n'ai pu soutenir tes larmes, tes combats - Je t'ai tout avoue - je ne m'en repens pas, Pourvu que de ma mort respectant les approches, Tu ne m'affliges plus par d'injustes reproches, Et que tes vains secours cessent de rappeler Un reste de chaleur tout pret a s'exhaler."

( Applause )

There's dancing in the other room. Come and dance with me.

No, I don't think I should. Just one dance.

I think we really should be going. My wife's not very well, you know?

Oh, please don't deprive us of your lovely daughter, Count.

Come and sit with me and watch the dancing for half an hour.


Half an hour?

Very well, why not?


I haven't been able to think of a single thing except for you.

I'm in love with you.

I've been in complete torment... Please! You mustn't say such things.

I'm engaged... I'm in love with someone else. What is that to me?

Don't you understand, I'm madly in love with you?

You feel something, too. I know it.

Don't leave me. Dance the next.

( She gasps )

I can't!

( She pants )

You make such a lovely couple.

I'm sorry you have to go so soon.

( Footsteps approach )

( She gasps )


( She gasps )


No, no, please...! What can we do?

I can't call on you openly. Am I never to see you?

I'll get word to you somehow. We have to be together.



Say yes.

Give me your word!

No, no!

Ah! Well, there you are!

I thought I'd lost you. We really must go.

If you please, miss... a man asked me to give you this.

Thank you.

You're welcome, miss.

Anatole: 'Since last evening my fate is sealed - to be loved by you, or die.'

So, she's the love of your life and you want to elope with her?

Are you going to tell her about the Polish girl? Good God, no!

Because you're still married to that one, aren't you?

Who else knows about her? No-one. Just you... and Pierre Bezukhov.

Well. We'd better hope the little Rostov girl isn't going to confide in him, then. Why would she?

Look here, Dolokhov, are you going to help me or not?

Did you read it?

Yes, I couldn't help it.

Sonya, he loves me!

And I...I love him!

But what about Prince Andrei? Oh, that's... That's all over.

What? You're refusing him? I just told you, that's all over!

I can't believe it. You've loved him for a whole year, and then, in three days... I know, I know...

I know, but I feel as if I've always loved Anatole.

I know now that I've never really loved anybody before, not even Andrei.

I have no will when I'm with Anatole, it's like I'm his sl*ve, I'd do anything for him.

Oh, God!

Oh...what am I going to do?

Well, I don't understand, how could you let it go so far?

Sonya, you don't know what it feels like to be in love like this.

I do know what it feels like to be in love, Natasha.

And SUFFER for it. But... this feels strange and wrong.

What's stopping this man from asking for your hand properly?

If that's what he wants, why can't he come to the house?

Why doesn't he ask your parents' consent?

What if he just wants to...seduce you?

How can you say that, after you've read his letter?

He loves me, Sonya!

I'd do anything. I'd... I'd run away with him!

But you'll ruin yourself! I don't care if I ruin myself, I WANT to ruin myself!

The sooner the better.

And this is...this is none of your business!

Just leave me alone! Just go!

Well, I won't let it happen.

I'll tell.


If you do, you're my enemy forever! I'm not your enemy.

Don't you see that what you're doing is wrong?

You don't understand anything!

Oh, just go! Just... I hate you!

( Door closes )

( Pen scratches )

( Knock at door )

If you please, miss, there's a lady to see you.

( She sighs )

Princess Marya, I wasn't expecting...

I have been in despair because of the misunderstanding that happened between us.

My brother loves you and I will love you, too.

I'm so sorry you weren't properly received the other day.

And Papa, too, he's not against you, he's old and crotchety with us all.

Can you forgive us?

Of course. There's nothing to forgive.



I have something to ask you.

Will you tell Prince Andrei when he comes that our engagement is at an end, and I cannot be his wife?

Oh, dear, we must have offended you deeply...

No, it's nothing to do with that, it''s me.

I'm the one who's at fault.

I made a mistake.

But tell him, please, that he is released from the engagement, and ask his forgiveness.

I'm sorry, that's all I can say.

( Night-time bustle )


Come on!

( She gasps )

( Horses whinny )

Come with me, quickly. She'll be out directly.

You're to come with us, sir, to the Countess.

No, that's not right, she's to...

What do you mean? What Countess? You're to come with us, sir.

( Grunting )

( Clattering )


Let me through, damn you!

We've been betrayed!

( Gate clatters )

( She sobs )

( She cries out )

Better that they should get away.

It'll be a long time before he shows his face in Moscow again, surely.

Nevertheless, we have to face it, Ilya, she's ruined.

But, my love, nothing happened.

Her reputation is ruined - do you think it's possible to keep a thing like this quiet?

What will Prince Andrei think when he hears about it?

He'll throw her over and then everyone will know why...!

Poor, poor girl... "Poor girl"?

SHE brought it upon herself!

( Both sigh )

I think... I think I must challenge him, Natalya.

And get yourself k*lled?

Oh! How's that going to help?!

( She sobs and sniffles )

Has she got anything to say for herself?

Nothing. Except she has asked for Pierre Bezukhov.


( She sobs )

Ah, Pierre! Such a silly situation...

Wherever you are, there's depravity and evil! You, come with me.

Yes, yes, yes.

What was your intention with regard to the Countess Rostova?

My dear fellow, you needn't take that tone... Answer me!

You couldn't marry her - you're married already!

Was your plan to ruin her?

I love her!

You liar!

Scoundrel! I'll smash your head and spill your brains!

Pierre, for God's sake!

Have you letters from her? One. One note.

Hand it over.

( He pants )

Now, you are never to make contact with her again, never to SPEAK her name in society, and if I find you in Moscow after midnight tonight, I WILL k*ll you.

Do you understand?


( He pants )

( Ornament clunks )

( Retreating footsteps )

( Footsteps approach )

Have you seen him?

Yes, I've seen him.

What did he say?

He's left Moscow.

Tearfully: Was that your doing?

I will go to him, wherever he is!

I don't care what anybody thinks!

Natasha, he could never be with you honestly. He's a married man!

He has a wife in Poland!

No, I don't believe you!

It's true.

( She sniffles )

( She sobs )


( She cries )



Please, no...

All right.

All right.

( She sobs bitterly )

It's all right.

( She weeps )

(It's all right.)


Andrei: 'My dearest Natasha... I have been thinking of you constantly these past few months, and now I am recovering, our separation will at last be over. I shall come to you as soon as I arrive in Moscow.'