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02x14 - Left of the Boom

Posted: 02/15/16 00:21
by bunniefuu
(tires squeal, truck brakes hiss)

Female news anchor: ...Ohio girls who left home last week to join the fundamentalist Islamic group Hizb Al-Shahid.

Dr. Amani, how does a group like this convince two 16-year-old girls to leave home to join a violent extremist group in Libya?

Hot bearded dudes with g*ns, I'm guessing.

Shh. Shh.

Amani (on tv): I think they work like any group trying to recruit believers.

They appeal to what's missing.

You feel like your life is boring and empty?

Your parents don't understand you?

Come join us and help build paradise on Earth, restore Islam to its rightful place in a new world order.

Oh, come on. They couldn't have joined the Girl Scouts?


Woman: But these kids had to know they were joining a violent extremist group.

The name, Hizb Al-Shahid means, "Party of Martyrs."

You've got the su1c1de bombings, the beheading videos...


Little early in the morning for the worst of humanity.

Who wants waffles?

Censoring media access much?

Hey, first step to tyranny.

So proud.

Listen, as opposed to that...

Mom is hosting a conference this week featuring Noura Al-Kitabi.


I think we should all go.

Isn't that the girl who got acid att*cked?

That is the the young woman who stood up against the Saudi government to demand an equal education and the right to work.

And, yes, she was violently assaulted, but is committed to speaking out.

That sounds cool.

It's way cool.

And we're talking weapons-grade?

Well, that can't be good.

Hi. Good morning.

Good morning. - Morning.


Hang on.

Listen, about Alison's parent-teacher conference today at 11:15... I have not forgotten.

I got it covered, if you can't make it.

Oh, no, I will make it.

Not least because I am hosting a Worldwide Partnership on Girls' and Women's Education.

I hope you realize this means you have to make it to mine, too.

Yes, of course. I will. I want...

Whoa. When is that? I don't... Hang on. Hold on.

Blake, listen, will you just put that file together for me, and I'll bring it to the NSA meeting, and just keep me updated if there's anything? Okay?

Thank you. Bye.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Another day, another potential disaster no one will ever hear about.

Here's to government work.


Bye. I got to go. Love you.

Love you.

Bye. Love you, love you, love you.

Bye. Love you.

Bye. See you.

Dalton: You're telling me DOD and Cybercom, the entire intelligence community, none of you could stop China from stealing a key piece of our defense?

To be clear, Mr. President, the data acquisition may not have included every component of the long-range strike bomber.

And when will we know for sure? When one of them is heading for us?

Sir, um, I have a relationship with Foreign Minister Chen.

Maybe I could reach out and determine the extent of the breach.

She did it before with the space station.

At least then we'd know what we're looking at and proceed from there.

See what you can find out.

If I could also mention the truckload of uranium that was stolen outside of Tiraspol in Moldova last night.

CIA is aware of the theft.

We're fully tracking the situation, sir.

Do we know who stole it, or God help us, what they plan to do with an entire truckload of uranium?

Elizabeth: Well, the theft could lead back to any number of interested parties.

There's been a rise in organized crime in the area, as well as several politically-motivated groups.

Let's hope those Ukrainian rebels aren't getting the band back together.

I'd like to propose State's International Security and Nonproliferation Bureau take the lead on tracking this.

Head up a team.


Intelligence, Energy and Defense will give you all the support you need.

Dennis: Sir, if I may?

One truckload of spent fuel rods likely stolen by Moldovan thugs, with no expertise in handling the material, is hardly what I would deem a priority situation for Intelligence.

Ephraim: Given our concerns over the recent cyber breach in Defense, I would concur.

If I can answer that...

Furthermore, our threat analysis rates small-scale acquisition of radiological material a significantly low threat.

Based on what evidence?

Since 9/11, there have been only two known threats to weaponize radiological material.

Well, my WMD team felt that it merited a report, and I'd like for them to follow up on it... with support.

Because I-I do think that it was the lack of cooperation between our offices that provided the conditions for the worst t*rror1st attack in U.S. history, which, until then, was unprecedented.

Dalton: Intelligence certainly has its hands full dealing with the cyber breach.

State will take the lead, as I believe I said.

We'll keep the China breach under the radar, obviously.

And I don't want to make any deals with China.

Just get the truth.

Yes, sir.

Mr. President.

General Ellerman, it's great to have you on the team.

It's a pleasure to serve.

I was told there'd be donuts.

Well, we'll set you up over at State.

Looking forward to working with you.

Don't ever make the president repeat himself again.


(low, indistinct conversation in background)

Can I just ask: Has CIA always been that territorial, and I just forgot?

No idea.

I tend to let the kittens fight it out.

About your, uh, your Women's Education thing...

You mean my Worldwide Partnership for Girls' and Women's Education Conference that I am hosting?

I got a request from the Saudi ambassador... the girl you've got as your keynote speaker...

Noura Al-Kitabi. You do actually know this stuff.

They want to know if you can look for someone else.


Apparently, this king is sensitive about her.

She's been critical of the royal family, we've got this big arms deal in the works...

You're asking me to disinvite an internationally-renowned champion of education... a girl who was acid-att*cked for it, no less... to protect an arms deal?

And not publicly offend one of our most important allies in the Middle East? Yes.

If the royal family has such a problem with what its most celebrated citizen is saying about them publicly, maybe they should... oh, I don't know... give half their citizens the right to an equal education.

Oh, yeah...

Or how about just letting them drive?

Why don't we start there?

I thought you might see it that way, so I made a counterproposal.

No one from our side appears with her publicly.

I'm hosting the conference.

How can I not appear with my keynote speaker?!

This arms deal creates 5,000 new jobs, most of them in swing states.

But by all means, you tell the president you want to put that at risk so you can get your picture taken with a teenager.

She's 20, and neither one of us is even worthy enough to shine her shoes, so don't strong-arm me, Russell.

Once the arms deal goes through, the two of you can go on Amazing Race if you want to.

Just lay low, avoid the cameras.

That's all I'm asking.


All right.

I'll get word to Prince Asim.

No, I will.

Since he should have come to me about it in the first place.

Gently, please.

Nadine: This is the full itinerary for the Education Conference for your approval.

Segall University requested an additional appearance with Noura Al-Kitabi at their STEAM Foundation.

Yeah, I actually won't be appearing with Noura at any public events during or around the conference.

Apparently, the king doesn't like to feel criticized by a college student, or he won't buy our F-18s.

The itinerary will be adjusted.


All right, I, uh... I need to speak with the Saudi ambassador.

I'll set up a call.

Ma'am, Walter Nowack from the International Security and Nonproliferation Bureau is waiting in the conference room.


Do they have windows on the first floor?

Because that dude looks like one of those deep-sea fish that's never seen the sun.

Elizabeth: Walter.


It's nice to see you again.

A summoning to the seventh floor.

I'm all atwitter.


We wanted to review your report on the stolen uranium in Moldova.


You know Jay Whitman, my senior policy advisor?

In name if not in deed.

Good to meet you, sir.

Just Jay.

Can I get you some coffee?

Please. Please.

Have a seat.

Yes. (laughs)

You know, we-we still use disposable cups on the first floor.

It's astonishing to think of detritus from the Colin Powell era still moldering in a landfill somewhere.

Like so many of our shouts into the void.

Milk or sugar?


Thank you.

Walter, we're, uh... we're gonna be putting together a team on this situation in Moldova, Ah.

And Jay will be your point person.

It's a shame my report of five months ago warning of the effect of corruption on securing nuclear material in the former Soviet states...

...failed to gain any attention... but here we are.

So, organized crime is your operating theory?

Uh, theory.

You're familiar with Transnistria?

Little breakaway region of Moldova that the EU can't seem to control.

It's a hotbed for drug and arms smuggling, human trafficking and other... recreational activities.

After the last election, the crime syndicates now exert their influence at the very top levels of government.

It's not my operating theory, Jay.

It's... it's reality.

As I said in my report... fi... five months ago.

I'll send you another copy.

I'm sure we still have it.

Good. Now... looking more closely at the details of our uranium heist...

Here's the truck leaving the nuclear facility.

Here's the driver.

Ah, ah. This is the guy I'm interested in.

Jay: Who is that?

That's the chief inspector of the power plant.

The inspector was in the truck?

Ah. Well, it seems the reach of the first floor once again exceeds that of the so-called intelligence community.

And we do it all with disposable cups.

Walter, I'm sorry. I-I have to run to another meeting, but we'll talk soon.


Well, we shall bask in the fading glow of your attention.


I know.

Too much.


Hey, I can just make Alison's parent-teacher conference.

Will you get the cars ready?

I would, but you have a visitor from the FBI in your office.

Marguerite Sanchez, Deputy Director of Counter-Terrorism?

She said it was urgent.

Like miss-my-daughter's-conference that-I-promised to-go-to urgent?

Well, if you're asking me to weigh Quakers versus t*rrorists, I think the Quakers can wait.

All right, have the cars ready.

I'm gonna see if I can make this quick.

Yes, ma'am.

Woman: As you may be aware,

I've been heading up a team investigating the Omer sisters.

Right, the Ohio girls who were recruited by Hizb Al-Shahid.

We've been working with assets in Libya, where supposedly, they joined up with their recruiters three days ago, but no leads.

Then the Tunisian government came through with this.

Uh... here.

It's from a security cam outside a mosque in Tunis where the girls stopped on their way to Libya.

Elizabeth: Just a guess, I'm thinking those are not the recruiters they were expecting.

We've determined they're agents of the Saudi Arabian government.

Which, it turns out, is where the girls are being held.

They never made it to Libya?

No, ma'am.

And the Saudis took two of our citizens without ever bothering to tell us, even with wall-to-wall news coverage about it?

The only answer we've been able to get from the Saudi Arabian government is that their intelligence indicates the girls were gonna be used in a plot against Saudi Arabia.

Wait a minute, that doesn't... that doesn't make any sense.

Why would Hizb Al-Shahid plot a strike against Saudi Arabia (chuckles): when it's basically an open secret that Saudi Arabia is where the group gets most of its money?

We've never been able to prove that.

I know.

But if we could, I might have leverage to find out what the Saudis are hiding.

(deep sigh)

Without it, it's just a bunch of puzzle pieces that don't... really fit.

You can see why it seemed above my pay grade.


I hope it's appropriate that I came to you.

Of course.

I wish more of us reached out.

You think it's a departmental thing or a guy thing?

That's okay. Don't answer that.

Will you excuse me just... for one minute? I'll be right back.


Already calling Henry, ma'am.

Oh. And listen, that meeting with the, uh, Saudi ambassador is now officially urgent... no more phone call.

I want him in my office.

Of course.

Elizabeth: So no passive-aggressive shaming from the Quakers about missing the conference?

It's okay, you can tell me.


Babe, they're happy they could get one of us.

Yeah, they're happy to get you.

I've seen those teachers flirt.

And you totally encourage it, by the way.

I encou...? How do I encourage it?

By not engaging.

By being just unavailable enough that it's like total catnip.

Like that...

I bet, I bet.

So, how was it?

She's doing great. Her math scores are up.

She's even eligible for an AP calculus course next semester.


S.A.T. prep is going well.


(sighs deeply)

There's a social thing.

This girl's getting bullied online.

They suspended the kids who put up the Web site, but they're notifying the parents of everybody who posted on it.

She didn't.


"Ella Barnes is style free."

Well, I don't know if I'm disgusted because she participated in it, or... relieved that this is the worst she could do.

I was pretty disgusted.


There was a big talk at school about their letting the parents deal with it however we choose.

Well, I-I say... no screens for a month.

Or, you know what, we'll just take the phone away entirely.

I mean, this is... this is total mean girl crap, and I hate it.

(phone buzzing)

Yeah. But I don't just want punishment.

I mean, I... I want to talk to her.

I want her to do some soul-searching.

Yes. Full religion professor... go.

Jay's here.

Jay's here?

(whispers): With his baby.

Hey, Jay. Come on in.

Thank you...


Oh, wow!

Look how big!

I'm so sorry to just show up, but driving's the only thing that makes her sleep, and...

Are you driving your daddy crazy?

I'm so sick of driving around the block.

(chuckles): Oh, are you kidding? We're so glad to see you.

And now the driving's not even working.


Okay, here, let me just try.

You sure?

Yeah. Ah. - Thank you.


Oh. Right.

No females can resist his charms.

Henry: I heard that.

Bet you don't miss having babies.

Tonight I might. Long story.

I'd offer you a glass of wine, but since you're driving...

Water? Juice?

Not juice. Not juice.

You know, in about six months, she'll be sleeping through the night, and you'll actually look back on this time... with nostalgia.



It might be about more than just the baby.

(turns on faucet)

Yeah, I kind of thought so.

(turns faucet off)

Stolen nukes got in your head?

A little.

Maybe a lot.

That inspector from the plant... why was he in the truck?

To advise on proper disposal?

All the other disposal runs took place during the day.

This was the only one at night.

The thieves shot the driver point-blank.

But this inspector... there's no trace of him.


Thought of that. But then I went digging in all the files... from the nuclear plant, and... found this.

Uh... sorry.

It got... drooled on a little.

It's a report to replace the power plant's security supervisor, dated two weeks before the heist.

And who ordered the rehire?

The inspector.

So you think that the inspector wanted to hire his own... security guy who'd... look the other way?

Yeah. I think he was in on it.

DNI, CIA, they... they think t*rrorists don't want to bother with nukes because it's too much trouble.

But if the uranium comes with its own nuclear physicist to show them how to use it?

I'd call that getting the most bang for your buck.

Looks like I've still got it.

(laughs softly)

At least one of us is gonna get some sleep.

(whispers): Oh, look...

(sighs): Yeah. Yeah.

Huh. You are definitely onto something.

I was hoping you wouldn't say that.

You know, we had a researcher at the same nuclear plant in Moldova targeted by a local crime boss...

Ion Gurian.

The researcher refused to sell Gurian some radiological detection devices so his g*ons could scrape out all the cesium and do... God knows what with it.

A few days after his refusal, the researcher started... getting death threats, so we had to grant him asylum, and now... he teaches at MIT.

It's another report I sent upstairs. I...

So we should find this inspector who clearly gave them what they wanted this time.

No. The inspector's... in the wind.

You want to focus on Gurian.

Get eyes on all his usual haunts.

Wait for him to try to sell, get a team in, and trap him.

Shouldn't we check out the power plant?

Look for other leaks in the staff?

(chuckles) If... if you want to waste resources tailing some mid-level dupes, go right ahead, but I am telling you where you're going to get a hit.

Well, how do...

(chuckles): Walter... you don't actually know that.

Did you ever read The Odyssey, Jay?

(sighs, laughs wryly)

Of course.

Yes, I-I, I mean, you know, it's... it's been a while.

So, Odysseus comes home... after the w*r... it's been 20 years... but he wants to surprise all the suitors who have been trying to steal his wife, so he's dressed like a beggar.

And no one recognized him and he slaughtered all of the suitors.

Nah-nah-nah... someone does recognize him.

His dog... Argos.

He's been put out on the dung heap, covered in fleas, on the brink of death, but as his master passes by, Argos looks up, wags his tail... and, having seen his master one more time, he dies.

Argos knew.

How did he know?

He looked past all the noise to the truth.


I'd still like to put some surveillance on the plant.

Belt and suspenders.

Yeah, I... I get it.

You're scared.

You think you can stop it if you plug up every hole, but you can't stop it, Jay.

This stuff is everywhere.

It's not if, it's when.

So all we can do is try to look past all the noise, all the fear, plug up the biggest hole today, and maybe... keep it from happening tomorrow.

That's it.



I know, I know... (clears throat) back to my dung heap.

I'm doing a column on homemade spa treatments... can it wait?

No, not really.


You didn't think it was important to mention that?

(sighs): No. Because I didn't actually post it.

Stacy Henworth thought it would be hilarious... since fashion is my thing... she posted it in my name.

I know that sounds lame, but it's the truth.

So you knew she did this in your name, you did nothing to refute it, but you still think you're not culpable?

Not totally.

Hm. Okay.

If that's the way you want to look at it.

I'm disappointed, but I appreciate your honesty.

What was I supposed to do?

That's a good question.
There you are.

Good morning, Madam Secretary.

Does it mean that it's any... less urgent if you don't lie in wait at the elevator?

Or are you just trying to keep me guessing?

You'll never know.


This is the report from Jay and the ISN Bureau.

The nuclear material was detected in a warehouse outside of Chisinau in Moldova.

CIA is tracking it for a possible sale.

Wow. Coordination between departments.

It's enough to warm my heart.

Despite the, you know, deadly material possibly being sold to nefarious agents.


Good morning, ma'am. Prince Asim of Saudi Arabia is waiting in the conference room.

And Marguerite Sanchez from the FBI is waiting in your office.

Marguerite is back? Did she say why?

She didn't choose to share that with me, no.

I suggest we prioritize Prince Asim.

And, just to reiterate our strategy with the ambassador...

I know.

Stick to the education conference, don't wreck the arms deal, but do find out everything I can about the two Ohio girls that they have in their custody.

Being careful to avoid any intimations of wrongdoing on the part of Saudi Arabia.

Message received.

No claws.

Will you, uh, tell Marguerite that I will be with her as soon as I finish up with the prince, okay?

Yes, ma'am.

I think you're going to want to talk to me first.

Prince Asim, I am so sorry to keep you waiting.

It's not a problem, Madam Secretary.

I'm sure you're greatly occupied with preparations for the education conference.

Yes, we're really looking forward to Noura Al-Kitabi's address tomorrow.

Which I will be viewing remotely.

We're grateful for your cooperation.

I hope you understand.

Of course.

As you know, our long alliance with the royal family is one we highly value.

I did wonder, though, as our long-term ally, why it never came up that two of our citizens were being held in your custody?

I assume you're referring to the Sudanese sisters.

Perhaps when they joined an international t*rror1st group targeting Saudi Arabia, they forfeited their right to protection from a country they willingly abandoned.

The Omer sisters were born in Ohio, so their U.S. citizenship isn't really open to interpretation.

What is, though, is whether or not they were involved in a plot against your country.

Because, well, our intelligence reveals nothing of the kind.

It may be possible that American intelligence doesn't know everything, Madam Secretary.


That is true. That's true.

Our intelligence did uncover, however, several verified documents detailing the transfer of funds indirectly from 12 Saudi citizens to the international t*rror1st group Hizb Al-Shahid.

Damning evidence, no doubt.

And surely something that your country wouldn't want the United States, your longtime ally, best oil customer and primary arms dealer, to know about.

Secretary McCord, you need to be careful about what you're implying.

Well, then let's not talk in implications, Prince.

Let's be open with each other, as friends should be.

I think that your country is scrambling.

I think the royal family has turned a blind eye to your citizens' support of terrorism in the past, only this time actual U.S. citizens are joining the ranks, and rather than take the risk of letting them come home where they might reveal who supports their group, you're holding on to them.

Maybe until this arms deal is done, or maybe indefinitely, I don't know.

My guess is you guys haven't figured out that part.

That is a great deal of speculation.

It is.

I hope I've been clear on one point: We'd like our citizens back.

I will take up the matter with my superiors.

Thank you so much, Prince.

Thanks for coming in. I really appreciate it.

I assume our arms deal is in no way impacted by this conversation.

Not in the slightest.

Uh, let me show you out, Mr. Ambassador.

Might have used my claws... a little.


Looks like we got a possible buyer for the nukes in Moldova.

CIA has a team about to move in.

Circle back to you on this?

Walter: The buyer is some middleman.

We don't know yet who he's working for.

Hopefully we can stop the sale before it gets that far.

How did we know to watch this warehouse?

(chuckles) Lucky guess.

Don't be so modest.

It was half instinct and half science.

See? She gets it.

That's why she's the boss.


(doors closing)

Ah. (chuckles)

Yes, yes.

Back to the first floor for me.

I had Blake send down some cups for you guys.

Real ones.


Now, if you want to give us a gift... read our reports.

Dalton: You're just in time.

They're moving in on the exchange of the nuclear material.

Jay: Any Intel on the buyer?

Vitalie Morescu.

We still don't know who sent him.

He has affiliations with multiple groups.

Jackson: A Moldovan gadfly... that's just what we need.

(silenced g*nshots)

Special Ops team leader: Entry Point One clear.

Team moving in.

(door opening)

What's the holdup?

Team leader: No access.

Team retreating for Entry Point Two.

Why is there no access?

I don't know, sir, our floor plan indicated a doorway.

It must've been closed up.

There's another point of entry.

Yeah, if their cover hasn't been blown.

(shouting, g*nf*re)

Special Ops member: I've got contact right.

Rooster, pull front security.

Rooster down!

Special Ops member: Enemies in front, Divot down.

Team member: Rooster down!

Charley and Whiskey down!

Charley's hit.


Special Ops team leader: Dark Horse HQ, we have Divot 4 Charley and Rooster 5 Whiskey down.

We need evac.

The floor plan was the best Intel we could get, Mr. President.

I'll look into it with the commander.

You're the director, Ellerman.

It's on you.

Tell me we at least got the uranium.

Team leader: Buyer has vacated.

We have members searching the perimeter, no sign.

Package is secure.

We'll have full Intel tracking that buyer, Mr. President.

That buyer has gone underground now.

Along with whoever sent him.

At least they didn't get the uranium.

Not today.

Henry: Kids, I got food.


Eh, uh, those dumplings are for Mom.

I have got to get her eating better.

What's wrong with dumplings?

I mean, you got your ground-up pig meat perfectly packaged into a little envelope of starch.

It's like the ideal food unit.

Could you not say "pig meat" please?

Why is she working late?

Because it's a regular weeknight?

Henry: Hey, Mom's job has a lot of perks, too.

Box seats to The Wizards is not my idea of a perk.

Okay, how about a personal meeting with Noura Al-Kitabi after the conference tomorrow?

Are you serious?


What? Dad, that's amazing.

Jason: Oh, sure. Yeah.

I actually have a math study group, so I can't go.

Hey, maybe you could skip study group.

You guys are always after me about math, and now, all of a sudden, you want me to drop it?

I just meant you could skip a session, so we can meet an amazing human being.

Maybe I'm just not up for it.


We'll miss you.

I know you're mad at me for not standing up for that girl.

I'm not mad at you.

No, it's worse... it's like you're just done with me.

Hey. Hey.

No, it's fine.

I don't deserve to worship at the feet of some living saint, anyways, since I'm obviously a weakling with zero character.

Come on, Ali, I never said that.

I should have stopped them, I know that, but all I did was laugh because I wanted them to like me.

God, that girl stood up to the Saudi Arabian government and I can't even stand up to Stacy Henworth?

I'm the worst.

Okay, you're far from the worst.

But you did give in to fear and weakness and that's how most of the worst stuff that human beings do to each other is allowed to happen.

But here's the thing: We all do it. I've done it.

No, you haven't.

You-you think there haven't been times when I wish I'd said something, or did something to stop something, when I knew it was wrong?

That's why we need heroes.

They inspire us, so that maybe next time, we dig a little deeper to find our best self.

Even if it feels risky.

I just want you to be proud of me.

I am.

I want you to be proud of yourself.

Can I have one of Mom's dumplings?

No. (chuckles)

Elizabeth (exhausted): How's Ali?

She's a flawed mortal fumbling towards enlightenment.


Aren't we all.

And I'm being unavailable in a way that's totally irresistible, right?

(slow, steady breathing)

What's the emergency?


Then why are you doing the elevator ambush?

Force of habit.

(elevator bell dings)

Good morning, Madam Secretary.


I know you saw that the Omer sisters were returned from Saudi Arabia last night.

Yeah, and all it took was a diplomatic boxing match.

I have the full revised itinerary for the Worldwide Partnership for Girls' and Women's Education conference this afternoon.

We're setting up a remote feed in your office.

Hate that, but thank you.

Marguerite Sanchez from the FBI is in your office.

She never wants to tell me why she's here, which I'm trying not to take personally.

Good. Don't.

Oh, I just came along for the ride.



I see you're taking me at my word to reach out more often.

Sorry to bother you, Madam Secretary.

It's no bother, I promise. I'm very glad we got such fast results getting the Omer girls back home.

We did, and thank you.

I wanted to tell you personally that it turns out Hizb Al-Shahid was, in fact, planning an attack on Saudi Arabia.

Ah. So... in other words, I was wrong.

Oh, no, believe me, it happens all the time.

You can ask my staff.

What was the target? Did you find out?

That's why I'm here.

One of the sisters admitted under interrogation that she was assigned to visit the home of Noura Al-Kitabi, gain access as an admirer of their daughter and then detonate herself, taking as many of the family members with her as she could.


We're adding additional security.

We've alerted the family as well as the Saudis, but I know that Noura is your guest speaker this afternoon.

I thought you might want to tell her yourself.

Thank you for coming to tell me, Madam Secretary.

I completely understand if you want to cancel your appearance today.

Uh, we're prepared to do that.

I don't want you to do anything that you feel might put your family at greater risk.

My family has raised me to demand my rights as a full human being.

That is why we have been at risk from the very beginning.

(speaks Arabic)

I understand.

I look forward to seeing you at the conference.

Unfortunately, Noura, I-I won't be able to be there.

Of course.

I understand. You're very busy.

(speaks Arabic) Sorry, I just got on Twitter, but my mother can't see this.

Well, do your mother a favor and just...

...stay off of Snapchat.

That's where I officially lost control.

Don't worry, Madam Secretary.

Like my father says, everything will be as Allah wills it.

Blake: I think you want the auxiliary...


I-I know what AUX means.

Oh. Sorry, forgot who you were dating.

I just made this worse for myself, aren't I?




How does it look, ma'am?

(applause on TV)

Like somewhere I'm supposed to be.

Thank you to Segall University, (security gate beeping) to the Department of State, and to all of you.

It is a total thrill to be invited to join the Worldwide Partnership for Girls' and Women's Education today.

This is something I never would have imagined for myself two years ago, when I gave a speech at my school about education reform in my country. I was excited about our first coeducational university in Riyadh, where I hoped to one day study architecture.

I wanted to work like my father.

I wanted to run for a government position.

I also wanted to meet the members of One Direction.


"Story of My Life" was my jam.

Please do not judge.

But when I applied for the architecture program, I was told I could get a degree, but I could never practice my skill until there was "a workplace clear of men."

Seeing my discouragement, my father suggested I post my speech online, calling for an end to gender segregation in the workplace.

So I did.

Two days later, there was a man waiting for me outside my home, where he threw acid at my face.

(attendees murmuring)

After the attack, when I saw what I looked like, I wanted to die.

Jay: Hey, we're watching in here?

No one reads my e-mails.

Sorry, I was touching base with Walter.

We just got some really weird news from Moldova.

But it can wait.

No. What is it?

CIA tracked who was trying to buy the uranium in the raid.

It was Hizb Al-Shahid.

The same group that recruited the two American girls.

Wait, what?!

I know.

It's a crazy coincidence, right?

I don't know if that's a coincidence.

What do you mean?

On the one hand, you have Saudi Arabia, who does not want us to know that their citizens are funding Hizb Al-Shahid, so... they take those girls hostage in order to cover it up.

Meanwhile, in Moldova, we have a group trying to buy uranium, something no other t*rror1st group has been able to do.

Back in Saudi Arabia, we learn that Hizb Al-Shahid is targeting the family of Noura Al-Kitabi, and now, you're telling me that that's the same group that was trying to buy the uranium?

Yeah, but both situations were contained.

What if it isn't?


What if their whole point was to put their main target right there in front us, while we all stand back and watch?

We have to shut it down.


The conference!

Shut it down! Now!

Blake, please call...

Yeah. Yeah.


Noura (over speakers): So today I speak for the invisible.

Can I check your bag, please?

Noura: Sometimes it's hard to accept that this change won't happen in my life.

But I know this change.

Pat down.

Is possible.


Right here.

Noura: Dignity begins with a simple act of respect, like accepting that the thirst for knowledge does not belong to one gender or tradition, but to all of mankind.

Woman (over P.A.): Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, we ask all audience members to please proceed calmly to the nearest exit.

All right.

Ladies and gentlemen, the conference is now closed.

There'll be no further admittance at this time.

Woman (over P.A.): Please proceed calmly to the nearest exit.

What's going on?

This way. Now.

Woman (over P.A.): Please stay calm and exit on both sides...

I'm sorry.

(people clamoring)

Man: Hurry, this way. This way.

There's an exit over here!

Woman: Excuse me, sir...

(alarm beeping)


This way, everybody. We need to get out.

Allahu Akbar!

(people screaming)


(distant sirens wailing)

Woman: Dr. McCord, I need everyone in the car.

We have to call Mom.

We've got to get you home.

We will. Come on. Everything's gonna be okay.


I'll see you at home.

Everything's gonna be okay.

Go! Go!

(sirens wailing, engine accelerating)

Matt... anything yet?

Signals are all down. We'll keep trying, ma'am.

Jay is on with Head of Security right now.

I would like to know that my family is alive before they take me to the bunker.

All three kids are with security.

They're fine. They're fine.

They're being taken to St. Anne's Hospital nearby.


Wait. Why are they going to a hospital if they're fine?

They have to be checked for radiation exposure.

It was a dirty b*mb?

I need you to come with me, ma'am.

What about Henry?

Still locating him.

Well, if the kids made it to safety, I'm sure Henry did, also.

(sobbing, screaming)

Listen to me, listen to me, listen to me.

No! No! No! No!

Hey, hey, hey, look at me, look at me.

Look at me. Look at me.

I got the bleeding stopped, okay? You're okay.

There's help on the way. You're all right.

(woman sobbing)