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09x15 - Making a Move

Posted: 02/22/16 23:14
by bunniefuu
Whoa boy!

She said that she could jump him!

She said that I was the problem!

I just hope that nasty gash doesn't leave a scar.

I guess we'll just have to see.

A spreadsheet is actually why I agreed to go out with you today.

It worked for choosing a school why not for finding a guy.

You know how crazy that sounds, right?


Billy listen, I think I might have been a little hasty turning down that job.

Yeah. Well, I think I like to take you up on your offer.

I won?!

Yeah! You won!

(Chanting) Llama boy!

♪ ♪

(Hooves thud)


(Steers bellow)

♪ ♪

Hey Mitch.


So, how have you two been?

Well, the bromance continues, thanks to you.

Maverick here is back to his old self.

You're just out checking cattle?

Yeah. Jack thought they might need some hay hauled up to them while he's away, but they seem like they're doing fine to me.

I know it's just been a few days, but how're you liking the job?

It's pretty great, actually. That Jack's a good guy to work for.

You know exactly what's expected of you.

He left some pretty detailed chore lists though.

Oh, you think he's bad?

Just wait till you meet my sister.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. She's pretty much the queen of lists.

Well, I guess, it's good to be organized.

I look forward to meeting her. All right. I'll let you get back at her.

All right. See ya.

(Sighs) I have got to get my own place.

Why? Living at home can't be that bad.

My mom's on my case twenty-four seven.

We just really need some space from each other right now.

You think I could stay at Heartland for a couple of days?

Ah, yeah. You can probably stay in Amy's old room.

Lou gets home tonight you can come for dinner and ask her.

Cool. Thanks.

Order is up!

You know, it's only been opened just over a week, but I guess it's really catching on.

Lou is going to freak.

Well, I hear their signature burger is to die for.

We should check it out!

Nah. The line's too long. And I should probably get home.

You know, looking at your phone every ten seconds is not gonna make Adam text you back any faster.

I just don't understand, I texted him hours ago.

We're supposed to have a tutoring session tomorrow.

(Chuckles) Okay, kid. What's really going on?

This is not about tutoring.

Okay. The last time I saw him I may've kissed him.

Whoa. Really?

Yeah, but now I don't know what's going on.

And it's driving me crazy... I haven't seen him all week.

Ever since he got elected, he's been doing all this class president stuff.

He's all over my feed.

Since when are those two friends?

"Congrats to my worthy opponent, Olivia, for making the extreme team!"

And when did Olivia make the team?

(Door opens and clicks shut)

You're home! Hi.

Hey! I just got here a few minutes ago!

So where are the girls?

Georgie's out with Jade.

And Katie is with Abraham. But Vanessa is gonna drop her off.

Oh yeah. No, no, no. I got some errands to do I'll just run by and scoop her up.

Okay. How was your trip?

Ah, New York just never disappoints. The food, the wine, the shopping.

I spent an entire day at a spa, just being pampered.

That sounds like exactly what you need it.

It was. I feel totally rejuvenated.

And you know, this trip honestly helped me gain a fresh perspective.

On what?

Just life.

Realizing that it is okay to be single and career-oriented.

A lot of my girlfriends out there are unattached and they're just fine. You know, better than fine.

Anyway, I just don't need a man in my life complicating things right now.

I just wanna focus on work and the girls.

Lacey? Hey there.

I'm sorry to just drop by without calling first.

Is Budget Buster okay?

He's doing just fine. Thanks.

I'm here about Olivia, actually. She just made the extreme team.

Oh... That's great.

It's very exciting.

Um, I've been talking with her coach, and Olivia is going to learn to roman ride.


I'm wondering if you'd be willing to help her get a bit of a head start?

Uh, I don't think I should be the one you're talking to.

Oh, nonsense. Trudie said that you did an amazing job with Georgie.

Yeah, it's just I don't know if it's a good idea.

Look, Olivia is going to learn one way or the other.

That's fine, I just don't feel comfortable.

And I didn't really feel comfortable when Georgie rode Budget Buster without permission and injured him.

I think you owe us this.

She would need to find horses.

We bought Olivia two new trick horses. They both have roman riding experience.

All right.

So? Is that a yes?

(Reluctant breath)


I can't wait to tell Olivia the news! She'll be thrilled.

When can I bring her by?

I'll have to check my schedule and I would like to work with the horses first.

No problem. They're both on the trailer. I'll leave them with you... as long as you don't let them get hurt.

Let me know when you're ready for her. How is tomorrow?

Yeah. tomorrow will be fine.


(Hooves thump)

Okay, let's do this.

(Hooves thunder)

(Clicking her tongue)

(Hooves thunder)

Step up. (Clicking her tongue)

Come on, step up.

(Hooves thud)

That's it.

(Clicking her tongue)

(Hooves thud to a stop)

And whoa.

(Car rumbles up)

(Doors slam)

Hey. Whatcha you doing?

Olivia's step-mom dropped by...

Yeah, I heard, you know, she made the extreme team.

Yeah, and these are her new horses.

Lacey asked me if I can teach Olivia how to roman ride.

(Sighs) I can't believe you'd do this.

Georgie! Wait! Look, just let me explain!

(Truck rumbles up, engine cuts out)

(Door slams)

(Footsteps crunch in the snow)


Hello?! Hello! (Knocks)

Yeah. Hold on! Hold on a second.

(Door clicks open)



♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪

What're you doing here?

Why... why are you camping out on my property?

Your property? Ah...

I'm Heartland's new ranch hand. Jack Bartlett hired me.

Jack Bartlett is my grandfather and I know nothing about a ranch hand.

Your grandfather?


Okay. Look, I don't know what's going on here.

But I had no idea that the uptight woman I went for a walk with, had any connection with Heartland.

Okay. I'm not uptight... And how could you not know?

Well, you didn't mentioned it in your profile and the date was kinda short, if you remember...

Yeah. Whose fault was that?

Look sorry. I just... I think this is just a big misunderstanding.

You can't park your trailer here.

Jack said that I could.

Well, is my property, so I call the sh*ts.

And I have guests booked to stay here next week.

And I can't have them looking at this... eyesore.

Just talk to Jack, okay? He'll clear this up.

Yeah. I'll talk to him all right... because this isn't going to work.

You have 48 hours to get that trailer off my property.

Two days? That's not gonna happen.

Suit yourself. I'll have it towed.

Cut me some slack, okay? I don't have any place to park it.

Look, I'm sorry, but that's not my problem.

(Door slams, engine turns)



It isn't bad enough that she's on the team... now she's roman riding?

Lacey already talked to your coach it sounds like it's a done deal.

Yeah, but why do you have to train her? She's a horrible person!


No. Don't you remember last year at the extreme team tryouts? She pretended to be my friend, and then completely stole my signature move!

Yes, I remember that...

Then it was the reverse fender drag, and now it's roman riding! She's always coping me. And you know that!

You're right. I do. And that's why I told Lacey that it wasn't a good idea.

Well, then I don't get it. Why are you doing it?

Because she brought up what happened when Budget Buster was here.

Look, I know I shouldn't have ridden him. and I'm really sorry he got hurt.

I know you are, but that was really serious, Georgie.

And Lacey and Olivia were really good about it that it felt impossible to say no to this.

Grandpa, I need to talk to you about the new hire.

I can't believe you didn't discuss it with me first.

Don't forget your backpack, sweetie.

And there's no way he can park his trailer at the Dude Ranch.

It's... so please just call me back.

Mom! Mom!

Hey, sweetheart! I missed you so much.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, I'm just really glad you're back.

Me too.

It was nice of you to cook, Jade.

Well, it's the least I could do since I was hoping that I could stay in Amy's old room for a couple of days?

Things are kinda tense between me and Mom right now.

You're welcome to stay. At least somebody around here checks me first.

I really think you need to give Mitch a chance.

You know, I cannot believe Grandpa would hire him without consulting me first.

That was a family decision.

And that junky trailer?

Why would he let him park that at the Dude Ranch?

I'm trying to run a business. And appearances count, right?

Georgie, Katie... dinner!

Lou! Listen! Mitch is a good guy.

I got to know him when I worked with his horse, okay?

He's a veteran, he's hard working, he's trustworthy...

Trustworthy?! You don't know the half of it.

I mean, how can you possibly know that?

Look. I just don't think it's gonna work, okay?

A full-time ranch hand affects the bottom line.

What do you think, Dad?

It's not a bad idea.

See? Even he agrees with Grandpa.

No. I didn't say that.

I'm just saying you girls might need a little more help around here.

Why? We've been managing fine so far.

Well, Jack's not getting any younger.

And I'm not always gonna be around to help pick up the slack.

Are you going on the circuit with Casey again? You just got back.

No. I... I'm busy. I got a lot of things on my plate.

Like Jade; we gotta look at this sponsorship thing again.

Well, why the sudden rush?

Why not?

If you know what you want in life you gotta go for it.

So, you up for a strategy meeting tomorrow?


You know, Dad, you're right.

And I'm feeling the same way too.

It's time for new challenges. New opportunities.

See? Right there. That's what I'm talking about.

Just not new hired help.


That's a nice one.

Yeah great, but the rent's way too high.

There is no way I can afford any of these.

And Mom's already pays for my truck.

I can't ask her to help pay for rent too.

Especially since it's my idea to move out.

So what are you gonna do?

I have to get a part-time job.

(Phone beeps)

Did he finally text you back?

Yeah. Looks like he's free for the tutoring tomorrow.

So how are you going to handle this?

Handle what?

C'mon, Georgie. Talk about awkward.

I mean, you kissed him... you haven't seen llama boy since, and now he's mister popularity.

You saw that photo of him and Olivia. What's the deal with that?

There is no deal. Are you sure about that?

Don't worry, I've got this.

Cool. I'll leave you to it then.

Oh, Lou, you're not doing work already, are you?

It was nice to get away but now I have a ton to get caught up on.

And I have to factor in a ranch hand on the Heartland payroll.

We've always managed to pay Caleb. I don't see what's the difference is?

It's been a while since Caleb worked here with any regularity.

And costs have gone way up since then, but our fees haven't.

Okay. You'll figure it out. Even Dad thought it was a good idea.

I have to admit, it wasn't the reaction I expected him to have.

Katie wouldn't let me leave until I promised to take her riding.

She has you wrapped around her finger. You know that?


This can't be right...

Have you checked in at Maggie's since you got back?

I was.. I was planning on it. This week... yeah.

Our weekly sales figures... it's a third of the normal take.

It's probably that food truck.

What food truck?

Bandit Burger. It's been opened about a week now, across the street from Maggie's.

It was super busy this afternoon. Line up down the block.


What?! When did this happen?

(Chuckles) That's great news, Cassandra!

Yeah, we'll have to celebrate?

Ty is actually visiting his mom right now. So maybe when he gets back?

Okay. Bye.

What's going on with Cass?

Well, Caleb moved in with her.

I guess things are getting pretty serious.

So when's Olivia getting here?

She should be here any minute.

Hey Amy, did Cass say what Caleb was doing with his trailer?

Uh, no. Why?

Can I grab his number from you?


So I guess you heard? Isn't it great?

I'm glad to see you aren't taking your epic defeat too hard.

As class president? Please, I'm so over that.

Actually, you know, it's lucky that I lost.

Now I'll have more time to focus on the extreme team.

Great. Well, I'll see you at practice.

You're not sticking around?

No. I have a tutoring session.

It must be nice to finally have a popular friend.

Yeah. No thanks to you.

Are you still upset about that stupid video?

Get over it. Okay? Adam has tons of friends now.

I did him a big favour. And Adam thinks so too.

Wait. Do you like, "like" him, or something?

No! No, it's not like that! But he is my friend.


All right. You ready? I'll hold them while you get into position.

That's it. Now stand up.

I can't...

Sure you can. I've got the horses.

You're fine.

Okay. Now take your reins.

You all right?

I don't think I can do this.

I'm just gonna walk nice and slow. Okay?

I have the horses. It's all right.

It's all about having a stable foundation.

You'll be fine.

Okay. Step up. (Clicks her tongue)

Okay now. Keep looking forward.

(Whimpers) Agh!


That's okay. We'll just... We'll go again.

(Frightened breathing)

This is supposed to be our lunch rush.

Where is everyone?

Over there.

Don't panic, honey. They'll come back.

Yeah? When? You know, our bottom line can't sustain an empty diner very long.

You know, that guy doesn't have the same overhead we do.

He doesn't have staff, or plates, or tables, or even chairs!

I'm gonna go check it out.

That's what I'm gonna do.

Whoa. Where is everybody?

Don't ask.

I guess now wouldn't be the best time to hit you up for a part-time job?

I can't make our strategy session.

Why not?

I'm gonna meet Caleb. I'm gonna rent his trailer.

Where's Caleb going?

Well, he is moving in with his girlfriend.

So you really wanna live all the way out there alone?

Can you even afford it?

Well, I need a part-time job.

A regular job is not gonna give you enough time to train.

I gonna have to cut back a bit on our training...

No, that's not gonna cut it.

Jade you gotta work harder than ever.

I really need a place of my own.

Okay. so you've made up your mind in this.

I have.

Well, that's too bad.

Guess I was wrong about you... you don't want it bad enough.

Thank you.

Excuse me? Sorry.

I'm just gonna pop through here. Uh, excuse me!

I'm sorry but you're gonna have go to the back of the line.

Oh, no, no, no. I'm not a customer...

I own Maggie's. It's just across the street.

I couldn't help but notice that this truck is interfering with street parking and pedestrians access.

We're abiding by the town bylaws.

Well, that may be, but you know, idling engines have been known to contribute to a number of different health problems.

Wanna try a hotdog? It's on the house.

Uh, no. What I want to know is how you get away with charging these astronomical prices! Oh my God.

That sounds like sour grapes. I'm gonna have to ask you to step back.

I've got actual customers to serve.

Maybe you should try minding your own business, and not mine.

I have legitimate concerns!


I'm a local business owner. And I have every right to voice.

What are you doing?

I'm saving you from embarrassing yourself.

Are you following me?

Are you serious? I have work to do.

I'm here to pick up the feed, as per my job description.

Listen, let me make something clear, okay?

Since it seems like you're gonna be sticking around.

Nobody in my family needs to know anything about our little date. Okay?

No problem. Nothing to know.


That's good. Keep your attention forward.

Stay focused.

There you go.


AGH! Oof!

(Pained breaths)

Olivia! Hey. You okay?

I'm fine. It's no big deal.

It happens all the time when you first start out. Just ask Georgie.

You know, I'm sick of hearing about Georgie and how great she is!

What do you mean?

Nothing. Just forget about it.

No. Hey Olivia.

What is going on with you?

You can talk to me.

No. I can't. I should go...


Sorry I was late.

Yeah. What's up with that?

I was hanging out with the guys and I totally lost track of time.

So you have "guys" now?

This class president thing has really blown up.

Yeah. I noticed.

So you're friends with Olivia now too?

I saw that picture you posted congratulating her on making the extreme team.

She's more like a sorta friend.

She said she was sorry about the video.

And I thought that was a cool thing to do.

It would've been even cooler if she hadn't released it in the first place.

Or maybe you think she did you a huge favour, because you got all these cool friends now?

It's not about that...

I just don't see the point in holding a grudge.

Olivia's not so bad...

You have got to be kidding.

What's up with you? Why are you so bugged by Olivia?

Do you think I "like" her, or something?

I don't care if you do.

So then this has nothing to do with what happened the other day?

You mean that kiss?

It didn't mean anything.

Then why'd you do it?

People kiss all the time.

Yeah, right.

It was no big deal. At least not to me.

So I don't know why you're still thinking about it 'cause I'm not.

(Phone beeps)

I've gotta go.

But we haven't even been working for that long.

That's not my fault. You were late.

I see... okay.

Thank you.

(Beeps phone off)



What did you two talk about?

(Small laugh)

Thanks for helping me load that truck, Tim. Appreciate it.

Yeah. No a problem.

Any word on that food truck?

Ah, they are abiding by town bylaws.

They're more than 25 meters away from open restaurants and they're not interfering with pedestrian traffic so...

Anyway, I have to go pick up Katie. Can you keep an eye on things here?

I'll pick Katie up. Let me do it. I promised her a ride.

Okay. Thanks, Dad. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Nice to meet you.

Yeah. Likewise. You too.


Maybe it is sour grapes.


I mean, people obviously seem to like their food.

Why you wanna eat standing up is beyond me but... maybe I need to change things up around here.

I mean, Smokey and the Bandit Burger, Reservoir Hotdogs with a side of Citizen Kale salad.

It's kind of fun, right?

Forget gimmicks. Look...

You just gotta wait it out.

Places like this they're the hot go-to spot right now, but then it's over.

Or they run into problems with regulation.

I hear one big problem is access to potable water.

Water that's safe to drink? I doubt that's an issue.

Besides what do you know about this stuff?

I know things. I get around.

Yeah. Clearly.

Look, I was only trying to help.

You want to help?

Get your trailer off my property.

Wow. You're something, you know that?

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hey Dad.


I thought I take Katie for a ride.

I thought you had a meeting with Jade?

Oh, Jade's got more important things to do with her time.

Yeah. Looks like she's been wasting mine for months.

Okay. What's going on with you?

Me? Nothing.

Wait. Did something happen on the circuit with Casey?

No. Why do you ask that?

I don't know, you've just been a little off.

Like when Lou asked you about it at dinner.

Well, I wasn't with Casey. I was in Texas.

You were in Texas?

Yeah, I got a job offer from a junior college to coach their rodeo coach.

Wow. That's... That's amazing, Dad!

Yeah. I went down to talk to them about it. Check it out.

So you're going then?

I'm waiting on the official call so... it looks that way.


Uh, is Casey gonna go with you then.


(Big exhale) I guess this explains why you've been rushing things with Jade, getting a sponsor.

Yeah. Jade was... the one good thing that I thought was happening with the rodeo school but...

If she doesn't want it bad enough it doesn't matter that I'm going.

Dad, come on. Jade is a teenager.

She's just getting her first taste of freedom.

Have you even told her you're leaving?

I think maybe you should.

Yeah. I will.

So when is it that you go?

Probably within a few weeks.

Have you told Lou?

No. Not yet.

She's got a busy schedule. I'll tell her soon.

I really cannot...

I can't believe you're going.

I'm really gonna miss you.

Pretty sweet setup, huh?

And now that I've scored this place, I think I'm gonna throw a party.

Like a trailer-warming party?

Yeah. Like that.

I'm thinking tomorrow night. You should come.

You should bring whoever you want.

Like who?

Like Adam.

I don't know. Things with him are kind of weird right now.

He's got all these new friends.

And it's like he's forgetting who his real ones are.

Sounds like this class president thing is going to his head.

It gets worse. He was saying how Olivia is not so bad, and I kind of lost it.

I told him the kiss didn't mean anything.

And I think he might've actually liked me, but doesn't matter now because I completely messed everything up!

Well, that's why this party is such a genius idea.

It's low pressure, so you guys can just hang out.

See what happens. Come on. I'll take care of everything.

All you have to do is show up. What do you think?

Good night, sweetheart.

(Door opens then shuts)


(Hushed) Hey. I'm in here.


You helped Jade move in?


Actually she's having a party tomorrow night to celebrate...

You haven't even let me finish.

That's because you're not going.

Why? It'll just be a few friends.

Yeah. A few older friends.

They're not all gonna be older. Adam's going...

Look, I know all about Jade's parties.

And you're just gonna have to sit this one out.

You don't care if I ever have any friends or not, do you?!

Oh, I'm glad to hear your mom is doing so well.


(Knock) Hey.

Okay... I will. I love you. Bye.

(Beeps phone off)

Oh, that bad, huh?

Only a handful of customers today.

And I just got into a big fight with Georgie.

She wants to go to this party at Jade's house.

Apparently Adam might be going, but I know there is gonna be college kids there so there's no way I can allow that, right?

Well, sounds like Georgie had a pretty tough day too.

Why? What's going on?

No party, and Olivia.

I knew, I shouldn't have agreed to coach her.

Yeah. Well, Olivia can be... challenging.

Yeah, but it's not just that.

It's almost like she's lost her confidence or something.

Well, that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.


I know. You're right. I'm sorry.

And I think Georgie and Adam had an argument when he was here today.

I don't think Adam being her tutor is a good idea anymore.

Georgie has a little bit of a crush on him.

A little bit?! Why? What happened?

While you were gone, Adam tried to kiss Georgie.

He did what?!

Yeah, but she handled it. It was no big deal.

But then, she surprised Adam by kissing him.

This is the first I'm hearing of this?! Why didn't she say anything to me?!

Lou, you didn't run home and tell Mom about your first kiss.

I know, but that is hardly the point, Amy. Okay.

I need to know what's happening in my daughter's life!

And what's going on with everyone? Why is everyone trying to kiss someone?!

What do you mean?

(Sighs) Mitch... He tried to kiss me.

Are you kidding me?! When did this happen?

Before he worked here. He was one of my infamous online dates.

OMG! Okay, I need details.

Okay. But you have to promise to keep it to yourself.

And I don't tell Dad because he actually seems to like the guy.

Yeah. It kinda makes sense why Dad would want Mitch to work out though.


Dad was gonna tell you but...

(Phone chimes)

Everything's set. He said yes. You have to come!

I really want to, but I...

I gotta go.

Who was that?


Adam's definitely going to her party.

Look, I know how important this is to you...

I have to be there.

I need to fix things with him. You don't get it.

I get it more than you think, Georgie.


Believe it or not, I was your age once too, okay?

So? If you promise to keep in touch by text...

What? Seriously you're letting me go?

Hold it. I am trusting you here, Georgie.

And I want you in by ten thirty...

Ten thirty? The party will just be getting started...

Don't push it.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

Hi girls.

Grandpa, can you drive me to ballet class?

You bet I can.

Why don't you go grab your slippers.

And uh, I have to talk to Grandpa alone for a minute.



Lou, there's something that I need to...

I know. I know about Texas.

Amy told you...

It's okay.

I get it.

You do?

I mean, I'm not gonna say I'm happy about it.

But people have to move on with their lives.


(Sighs) I wasn't sure you'd come back.

Yeah, well, it's not like I really have a lot of choice.

So? You wanna get them tacked up?

Not until you tell me what's going on.

Maybe I can help.

Well, you can't. Not with this.

Look, you don't seem like you wanna be here.

And honestly from what I've seen, you're not ready for roman riding.

I have to be! Okay? That's all she talks about! They bought me two horses!

That's all who talks about?

My step-mom.

Look, just forget I said anything.

I just need you to help me understand.

Because I was there when you performed the reverse fender drag a year ago.

And you were amazing! So where's that girl?

I practiced really hard for the tryouts all year.

And I was so excited to learn that I finally made it.

Well, it's a big accomplishment.

Yeah, if it's for real...

Why wouldn't it be?

I overheard my step-mom talking to the coach.

It turns out my parents made a really big donation right around the time of the tryouts.

So you think that's the only reason you made it?

I'm not good enough, so they just bought my way onto the team!

(Grunts) Mmm.

Excuse me.


What have you got there?

Okay. You can't sit in my Diner and eat food you bought somewhere else!

No, no! That's it. If you want to eat that, eat it outside!

(Man groans)

You know, Maggie's has tables and chairs and bathrooms all of which all cost money to maintain! Thank you very much.

You know, I don't blame you for wanting to sit down to eat!

But maybe you think about that the next time you're trying to decide where to buy your lunch! Okay?

Really? Unbelievable!

Seriously? You too?

Don't start, okay?

I just came by to tell you to call off the dogs.

What dogs?

My buddy came by today to haul the trailer away. It's in storage.

Storage? I thought you were just moving it somewhere else?

Well, I don't really know where that would be, because I don't have any land.

My parents sold their place, they don't have any land.

Bottom line is: I have no place to put it...

Wait? Where are you staying?

I'm couch surfing... among other things. What do you care anyways?

You made it perfectly clear it's not your problem.


She thinks that's the only reason she made the team.

The donation had nothing to do with it...

I'm not the one who needs convincing. I know how good Olivia is, but if she doesn't rebuild her confidence then I'm afraid she could get really hurt.

I would be happy to work with her... you know, go back to basics.

Thank you, Amy. For everything.

I'm really sorry. Are you mad?

No. I should be the one who's sorry.

(Relived sigh)

(Truck rumbles up)

(Wood clunks)

If you've come here to give me another lecture on commitment, I think I'll take a pass.

Yeah, I might have been a little hard on you.

The truth is, Jade...

I was trying to fast-track things because an opportunity has come up for me... south of the border.

You're leaving?

I'm waiting on an official offer, but yeah, it looks that way.

Are you closing the rodeo school?


So I was trying to help you as much as I could before I left.

So, you brought me all this way and now you're dumping me?

You're the one with other priorities. Remember?

This might be for the best.

We'll each be doing what we should be doing, for ourselves.

No hard feelings.

You don't care about me at all...

Oh Jade, hold on a second.

No! You hold on.

You're rude, you're mean, and you always have to be right but that's what makes you a good coach.

Everybody got better because of you! All the students talk about it.

They do?

You said you believed in me.

And now you're just throwing in the towel?

I'm gonna tell you this once.

You're a natural. This doesn't have to end here.

You've got what it takes.

You just have to decide if you want it.

I do want it... but how am I supposed to do it without you?

(Rock music plays loudly)

(Loud party chatter and music)

(Flames crackle)

Thanks for picking me up. You think Adam's here yet?

I don't know.

What's up with you tonight?

I want to be a bronc rider. But Tim's right.

I don't have time to commit if I have to juggle school, training and a job.

So what are you going to do?

I have to move back home where it's rent-free.

Maybe I get a sponsor and things will change.

But for now, at least I'll have more time to practice.

I'll be right back.

♪ Something new that we can try ♪
♪ A pretense to having fun ♪
♪ ♪
♪ It's all gone wrong and I know why ♪
♪ You act like a loaded g*n ♪

I... I need to go!

I'll drive you!

♪ So blow my brains into the sky ♪
♪ Clean it up next time ♪

(Computer keys clack)

Wow. You're home early.

Georgie, what's wrong? Are you okay?

Georgie, what happened?

Adam was at the party with Olivia.

And I saw them and they they were kissing...

Oh, sweetheart. It's okay.



Why Grandpa is driving?

Your grandfather offered to drop you two off at school.

Indulge him, okay?


I told Jade I'd help her pack up the trailer after school, okay?

Sure. Yeah, I'll pick you up after work.

Okay. See you at Maggie's.

(Engine rumbles)

Buckle up.

(Truck rumbles away)

(Approaching footsteps)


(Clears throat) Hey.

Hey. Any word on that food truck?

No. Business is still really slow, but...

Oh look, I've already got a full slate today. I don't have...

No, no. It's not work.

A friend is looking for a tenant to rent his trailer.

And I called him on your behalf. Okay. I mean, it beats couch surfing or wherever it is you're sleeping these days.

This is his address and phone number.

This is in the middle of nowhere.

Okay. This is what I get for feeling bad and trying to help you out?


Just call him or don't call him. It's up to you.


Hey. Where did the food truck go?

Oh, they got a complaint.

So they just left?

Something about potable water.

Potable water? Really?

Yeah, does that mean something to you?


Well, whatever it was... I guess Bandit Burger thought it was too much of a hassle and they moved on.

I gotta get to work.

(Small chuckle)

(Approaching car rumbles)

So have you talked to Adam?


You guys almost done?

Just one more load.

Need a hand?

Ah, I think we're okay, actually.

All right.

(Truck rumbles up)

So you decided to check it out after all?

Yeah, I may as well.

I might be able to put the trailer right there.

It's actually pretty convenient.

You know, you can even ride to Heartland from here.

Kinda sounds like you want me nearby.

Or I just don't want you couch surfing your way back to my dude ranch.


I do owe you a thank you though. For getting rid of that food truck.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Really? Potable water?

You're trying to tell me you have nothing to do with that?

(Phone chimes)

Oh. Sorry. I gotta get going.

Hot date?

(chuckles) If it was? Would that bother you?

Are you kidding me? Please...

(Small laugh)

(Engine turns and rumbles)

You okay?

I guess so...

Remember just breath.

You're a great trick rider, Olivia. It's just you and these two guys.

So take it slow, and try to enjoy it, okay?



(Hooves thud)

It's okay.

That's good.

Now pick a spot in the distance and focus on it.

That'll help you keep your balance.

There you go.

(Truck rumbles up)

That looks amazing!

(Amy laughs)


That's the Olivia I remember!

That's it right there! That looks awesome!

You've got this!



That looks amazing!

Oh my gosh.

Nice job.

Thank you.

Looks like you're starting to get the hang of it.

Um, for what it's worth... I'm sorry. About Adam.

If I'd known...

You probably would've done it anyways.

Yeah, probably.

(Sighs) No big deal. I'm already over it.

♪ Let the tide rise ♪
♪ It's in our favour ♪
♪ The sea is never gonna lose its water ♪
♪ Let the tide rise ♪
♪ It's in our favour ♪
♪ The sea is never gonna lose its water ♪
♪ Let the tide rise ♪
♪ It's in our favour ♪
♪ The sea is never gonna lose ♪



Ah, I just I...

I just got off the phone with Texas.

So, it's official?

Well, actually, I called them...

I turned down the offer.


Well, according to Jade, I'm making an impact with the students at my rodeo school so who needs Texas.

Must have been really nice to hear.

Girls, the truth is I want to be here with the two of you.

And with the grandkids.

And hopefully, maybe there will be more grandkids some day.

And no job is worth missing out on that.

Dad, I'm so glad you're staying.

Me too.

♪ Ohhh, it's getting better ♪

On the next Heartland...

I saw you guys kissing, okay!

I thought you said that didn't mean anything?

Wow, for such a smart guy, you can sure be dumb sometimes.

Isn't love...

I should go.


Don't go.

Do you want to hang out or not?

Heartland returns Sunday March 6th on CBC. Hello Goodbye, next on CBC.