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03x03 - Right Behind You

Posted: 02/27/16 06:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Bitten".

Who is out there?

The Wolf.

The one who betrayed you.

Where is he?

He's with her.

The she-wolf.

Elena, I am your father.

I'm tired of being att*cked.

This is the course I've chosen.

We're going to stick to it.

Now this Pack will be strong.

This is how we will restore order.

I hate this.

Roman: I have been tracking a very dangerous Russian Mutt for years.

I believe he is in North America.

Sasha Antonov.

I've never heard that name.

Sasha: The name Antonov comes with a heavy price.

It affects my children as well, so we've been living in hiding with Katia, Alexei, all of their lives.

Today, the name of Escobado comes to an end.

Escobado: Let Roman take the prize.

Buy his friendship with my head.


[Wet crunch]

[Muzak on store P.A. system]

[Suspenseful music]

Mr. Danvers.

I haven't seen you in a long while.

I've been, uh, very busy with my work, Sheriff.

Oh... I'm surprised you haven't heard, I'm not the sheriff anymore.

It's... just Karen now.

Well, Just Karen, why don't you just call me Just Jeremy?


I hope it's happy news.

It's good. Yeah, it was my decision.

I came to Bear Valley looking for a quieter life, and after last year, I realized I was not going to get it being a cop.

I can understand the appeal of a quieter life.

You look fantastic.

Very relaxed.

Sure don't miss the uniform.

No, this is much better.

You artists know how to embellish.

Not necessary in this case.

This living really suits you.

[Suspenseful music]

So, you doing some work up at Stonehaven?

Never seems to end.

You know, I volunteer at the youth centre.

There's always kids looking for work.

I'm sure they'd help you out.

I think I can handle this on my own.

But thank you. I will keep that in mind.

It's good to see you in town.

You too, Karen.

I'll try not to be a stranger.


You know, we could've just b*rned them like the others.

I don't want to do anything that's going to draw attention towards Stonehaven. Especially not with Roman in town.

Who's he looking for?

He just had a name: Sasha Antonov.

It would be... be hard for a Russian Mutt to move around without someone hearing about it.

We should put Elena on it.

What's going on with her?

A lot's happened.

That's why she's being so distant?

Well, things are changing, you know, the Pack's growing.

She'll adjust. She always does.

She seemed particularly concerned about Roman the other day.

Well, I don't think she likes him.

Seems a little bit more than that.

She not telling me something?

Huh. She definitely doesn't trust him.

I don't blame her.

I don't trust him either, but he is the Russian Alpha and we're not going to start anything with him right now.

Yeah. She's tense.

We'll bury that today.

I'll talk to her when the time is right.

We're here for her.

We always will be.


[Effort gasps]

[Bones cracking]


[Grunts of effort]

♪ ♪

[Birds chirping]

Elena: Where are we?

Clay: Home.

Escrow can close by the end of the month.

I just need to sign the papers and give them a cheque.

It's... it's amazing.

Look, we can fix it up in no time just the way you like.

Best part is, it's surrounded by a nature preserve:

1000 acres of pristine forest.

Does Jeremy know?

He knows I've been looking at this place.

I've never kept anything from him until this morning.

Jeremy knows Roman's here for Sasha.

What did you tell him?

I lied for you, Elena.

Telling him the truth is up to you.

You can't keep them a secret.

It isn't fair to Jeremy and it isn't fair to me.

I know, but... You know that Jeremy's been different lately.

Just... I don't know how he's going to react anymore.

This whole other family that I knew nothing about?

I don't know what to think.

It shouldn't change anything.

Doesn't change you.

No, but...

Maybe it... it helps me understand.

When you first saw me, what did you feel?

I was pulled towards you.

Like no one else.

I felt it too.


Maybe we found each other because my father is a werewolf.

We found each other.

That's all that matters.

You still have to tell Jeremy.

I know.

I know.

And another jet landed at a private airstrip just outside of Attica.

It's got Russian tail numbers.

Roman's bringing in men.

I need to know how many.

Why wouldn't he run this by us?

Sasha Antonov. What do we know about him?

Nothing came up in any search database.

I have no idea how long he's been in North America.

Cracking Russian records is next to impossible.

We have to find out what's going on in Mother Russia.

You know who to phone.

Are they here?

I have brought six men with me.

Not enough. Send for more.

That is difficult.

The districts are grumbling about money again.

They will need... convincing.

I don't care how you get them here.

Get me what I want.

Danvers will become suspicious if we bring too many men over.

Then don't be an idiot about it.

Be discreet.

Yes. Of course.

But this is his territory.

We cannot do as we please.

He knows where to hunt for Sasha Antonov better than we do.

If he is even hunting.

That witch saw Antonov with Elena Michaels.

They could be trying to hide him.

Why would they do that?

To spit in my face!

After 30 years of running, Sasha comes here. Why? Why now?

What could he have told him to make Danvers take such a risk?

These Americans, you can't trust them, Konstantin.

They're always playing some game.

We're smarter than them.

I want answers.

We need to keep a close eye on them.

Especially Elena.

It will be done.



[Door closes]



Always a pleasure to partake of your hospitality. This isn't exactly a cigars and scotch type of visit, Karl.

We want to hear about your time in Russia.

Ah, yes.

Two years ago, I spent about a month trying to get the niece of an oligarch to part with her hard-earned allowance.

She proved unyielding in all areas.

How about Roman's Pack? Any contact with them?

As a matter of fact, I did see something interesting in Smolensk.

[Coins jingling]

Roman rules his Pack primarily through fear.

But Russia is a big territory, so he's installed district leaders, men loyal to him, and he regularly tours the federation.

Any slight, real or perceived, and it is the district leaders that are held responsible.

Roman didn't keep that territory together for over 30 years by threats alone.

And there speaks an Alpha.

Before I left, I met his second in command.



Now, not much is known about him other than his loyalty to Roman, but he was holding court with these leaders, handing over briefcases that were filled with cash.

Nick: Konstantin is the carrot.

Roman is the stick.

Karl: And so balance is achieved.

But it is precarious.

The Russian Pack isn't run on loyalty... it's run on money.

And I've heard grumblings.

Those briefcases are not as full as they used to be.

There's the weakness.

Konstantin handles the money, and I... can handle Konstantin.

I don't get it.

What's that supposed to be?

She looks like a butterfly.

Well, why not take a picture of a butterfly?

It's artistic.

Yeah, okay, cool.

We need to get out of here.

We wait for Elena.

We just met her. Aren't you curious?

Like... don't you want to get to know your sister?

Roman's out there!

Who knows how long before he finds us.

Jeez, stop being so jumpy.

He ordered our mother torn to pieces.

Yeah, I know that.

And I can't un-see it. Ever.

But you know, we're grown-ups now.

I'm almost a wolf, I can fight back.

Well, almost a wolf is not a wolf.

[Vehicle approaching]

Shh, shh! Quiet, you two.

[Car door closing]

[Snapping fingers]

It's okay.

[Sigh] I brought you food.


It's not much, but it'll make you feel somewhat normal.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


I'm starving.

Sasha: Roman, is he still here?

Yes. And he's looking for you.

How could he possibly know we came?

Did your fiancé tip him off?


Look, I trust Clay with my life.

Besides, Roman had to travel from Russia.

He would've been on the move way before we met.

We were very careful.

Not careful enough.

Sasha: And no one else knows about us?


But I have to tell Jeremy.

Then we have to disappear.

Oh, great. Let's... let's pack up the truck.

Three, four days, we're in California.

It's not that easy.

If Roman knew we were on the move, he's tracking us somehow.

We have to get rid of our phones.

We need new set of fake identities, everything.

Let me help you.

You're safe here for now.

Roman can't manoeuvre without Jeremy knowing, and Nick is better than anyone at disappearing a wolf.

He can get you into a new town, away from Roman.

What makes you think Jeremy will want to help us?

You're our sister.

He's got to help us, right?


I'll handle it.

[Door opening]

I've been waiting for you.

Join me.

Want some tea?


[Long sigh]

I know that you've been troubled that I have brought Mutts into the Pack.

The way I've done it... you think it's too harsh?

It's not my place to say.

Yes, it is.

It's exactly your place.

I need your perspective as much as anybody's.

It's very important to me.

I'm worried.

You always ran the Pack as a family.

Our family.

Now it's... it's like an army.

It's an army to defend our family.

It is needed after everything that's happened.

Bucky turned against us, Jeremy.

How many more are going to do that?

And what about Roman, huh?

You know, you've been on guard ever since Roman got here.

Is there something you're not telling me, Elena?

A couple of days ago, a man contacted me.

A werewolf.

He's on the run.

Sasha Antonov.

He's a very dangerous man, Elena.

Roman's been hunting him for years.

He has his family with him, a teenaged boy and a girl.

He has a human girl with him?

And does she know?

Yes, but...

Jeremy, she's known her whole life.

That doesn't matter.

How can you be so reckless?

Why didn't you tell me?

Does Clay know?

Elena, does Clay know?


But I wanted to be the one to tell you.

You didn't tell me.

What are you trying to do to us here?

I was trying to find a way to bring it to you with a solution. That's not your place.

We're going to find them... and we're going to turn them back over to the Russians.

You can't.

Why not?

Sasha is my father.

My real father.

You need to tell me everything.

Right now.

Sasha Antonov?

Jeremy Danvers.

I think you've heard of me.

Yes. Elena said you might be coming.

We need to talk.

There's a place in Minnesota, right? That your father owned?

A farm, yeah.

Could they stay there?

If they're desperate.

It is Minnesota.

They'd need new identities too.

All right, sure. Easy.

Couple birth certificates and driver's licences, couple new passports, and hey, while we're at it, let's get them some jobs...

Yeah, I know, it's... it's a lot.

I know that.

It is a lot.

And it can be done, it just takes time.

They don't have time.

Are you sure Jeremy will go for this?

[Sigh] He's talking to my father.


"My father".

We have to help them.

We have to.

[Long sigh]

[Whispering] Please.

You've seen the way Jeremy's been acting these past eight months, right?

I'm just saying he may not see things the same way you do.


Let me see what I can do, okay?

Thank you.

You know, Dad says when you change into a wolf for the first time, it's brutal pain, then release, like having an orgasm.

Ugh! [Chuckling]

Seriously, why would you tell me that?

That's what he said.

Well, there are some details you should keep to yourself.

[Door closes]

Jeremy: So you were on the run for years?

Sasha: Yeah, a long time.

Who's that?

I don't know.

Jeremy: Roman described you as a very dangerous Mutt who should be hunted down and k*lled on sight.

We have a complicated history.

That's none of my concern.

Seems you've already made your decision.

You know, before this place was closed down, one of the workers got his hand in front of the wrong hose.

The silica took all the flesh off in seconds.

It's a dangerous world.


I'm not going to hide you, Sasha.

I won't take that risk, there's too much at stake.

But I will not tell Roman that you're here.

I owe that to Elena.

And if you leave now, I will turn a blind eye to your daughter.

You're going to have to go into hiding again.

You've done it before.

You're going to do it without our help.

This isn't Pack politics.

It's all Roman's personal vendetta.

So if Roman d*ed, the Russians wouldn't come after you?


This is only between him and me.

Well... if something tragic happened to Roman while he was here, that would be his own fault for not letting me handle this on my own.

Good luck, Sasha.

As you said, it's a dangerous world.

[Deep breath]


Anything you need to take with you.


Dad says we're leaving tonight.

What about Elena? She was going to help us.

Change of plans. What else is new?




Dad, why are we leaving?

What's going on?

You remember how I showed you to throw knives?

Yeah, sure, you made me do it for months.

Okay, okay.

It's the same idea with other objects.

You find the balance point.

You throw overhand; you use the strongest muscles in the shoulder.

Yeah, I get it.

I'm not stupid, Dad.

No, no, you're not stupid.

But you're young.

These things that I'm teaching you, you will need them one day.

I may not always be there.

What do you mean?

What do you mean, you're not always going to be there?

You're not leaving us...

You sweet boy.

You are too kind for this world.

I wanted to make you tough, but I just couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to take that kindness out of you.

I needed it in my life.

For that, I'm sorry.

It's okay, you know, I...

I need you too.

So, go, okay? Pack.

I have to prepare.

Prepare for what?

Dad... Dad, whatever you're thinking about doing, don't.

Listen to your sister, she always knows what to do.

It's a.... dangerous world.

[Grunt of effort]

[Hard impact]

Car's gassed up. Wherever they want to go, we can take them.


You think it'll be tonight?

Soon as Jeremy gives us the okay, we can head out.

Every minute that they stay here is another chance for Roman to find them.


You need to come see this. Now.

What are you doing here?

I told her we should come here.

Uh... Our Dad is...

I don't know, he was...

We think our father's trying to k*ll Roman.

Please, you have to help us.


[Door closing]

Nick: You know, this isn't necessarily what I had anticipated when we agreed to meet.

Konstantin: So much of business is posturing, the dance of the peacock.

And here there's no desks to hide behind, no expensive suits.

Just the naked truth.

Well, plus towels.

Well, your choice.

All right. [Clearing throat]

The naked truth, then.

Konstantin, my Pack has offered to deliver Sasha and his family as soon as we find them, yet you are still here in North America.


You say you will deliver them swiftly.

Why should we not wait until you do?

And if the tables were turned, I'm not sure Roman would enjoy us setting up shop in St. Petersburg.

If this was St. Petersburg, we would be side by side, yes, but then tracking your enemy together.

Are you suggesting that we're not cooperating?

That is simply not the case.

To think so, Roman must be a very suspicious man.

In our country, he needs to be.

You're in trouble back home.

Not in the least. You, on the other hand, after what has happened over the last while...

Your numbers are down.


We've rebuilt. No worries.

Our worry is the Antonovs.

You made an offer to deliver them, yet you are doing nothing to try and find them.

And how exactly would you know what we're up to?

It is simple.

Bring them to us and we get on a plane to Russia.

[Playfully slapping knee]

I promise.

We will sit still until then.


Jeremy. They've been watching us the entire time.

[Engine stops]

[Shouting in Russian]


Take it easy, you two.

What's the problem?

Move, woman.

Earl, get your car out of here.

What did I tell you about double parking?

I'll handle this.

[Engine ignition]


No problem.

No English.

I got that.

Do you want me to call someone for you?

No, no, I am guest here.

Whose guest?

Up, up there.

Big house.



I go.

Okay then.

[Camera shutter clicking]

[Plate clattering]

I can't believe how hungry I am.

Get used to it.

You got any ketchup?

That's chicken salad.

I like it on everything.

We don't have ketchup.

Make it quick. I don't want to spend my time watching you eat.

I can take care of myself, you know.

Is that right?


My father taught me.


Look, prep all you want, train all you want, but until you've gone through the Change and come out the other side, you don't know anything.

The new strength you'll get, the heightened senses, all those things need to be mastered.

You probably wouldn't last one day out on your own.


Probably wouldn't last one minute.

You get to clean this up.


[Door banging shut]

You can't att*ck Roman.

I knew Katia would warn you.

That is good. Apart from me, you are the only one they are safe with.

Yeah, they were safe with you until you decided to go on a su1c1de mission.

Are you kidding me?

Jeremy made it clear to me he was not going to protect us.

But I know you will look after them.


Jeremy said that to you?

I cannot ask any of you to fight my fight.

This will all be over soon, one way or another.

You're going to come back to Stonehaven with me.

You're going to pick up your kids and I'm going to help you disappear, for good this time.

Is that really what you want?

To save your lives, yes!

Why isn't that what you want?

I can't have what I want.

What I want is my children free from running and hiding.

To spend time with you, my daughter.

I want to hear your stories, to... to make up for...

It's not that easy!


No, it isn't.

Not in this life.

So I must do what I must do to finish it.

[Door opens, slams shut]

[Dialling beeps; remote phone ringing]


[On phone] Jeremy, I'm with Sasha.

He's planning on attacking Roman.

What are Katia and Alexei doing in this house?

They came to me, what was I supposed to do?

Dammit, Elena, the Russians are watching us.

If we are caught protecting the Antonovs, it's going to draw a line in the sand that's going to drag everyone into this conflict, [On phone] possibly a w*r.

So it's true.

You're not going to protect them.

You're putting me in a very difficult position.

Look, I know, but Alexei and Katia are innocent.

[Stammering] I don't care about the rules! They don't deserve this!

There has to be something that you can do.

I made a promise to Roman to turn them over.

I can't go back on my word.

Look, Jeremy...

I wouldn't know what to do if I were in your place, okay?

You have to do what's right for all of us.

And after everything that we've been through, I hate to ask you, but please, Jeremy... you have to help me save him.

You're asking me to risk everything.

He's my father.

They're my family.

My hands are tied, Elena.

I'm sorry.

This is his fight alone.

[Soft sobs]

[Camera shutter clicking]

I have to go.

Sure. You go off, att*ck Roman, and get yourself k*lled.

And then what?

Have you even thought about Alexei and Katia?

Huh? You expect me to take care of them?

They are your family.

If Roman is dead, the Russian Pack, they will leave my children alone.

What makes you so sure?

This is Roman's blood feud, not theirs.

They will move on, it will all be forgotten.

You avoided him for 30 years, you can do it again.


No. It's different now.

Why? Huh?

Why is it different?

Because of you!

I was... God! Oh, my God, I was stupid... stupid fool to come looking for you!


If I do not k*ll him, if Roman lives and he find out that you have my blood in your veins, you have Antonov blood, he will stop at nothing to k*ll you too.

That is how a blood feud works.

He wants to destroy every trace of me.

No, he won't.

Clay, the Pack, they will tear him apart.

Well, it will not get to that.

I won't let it.

Is she inside?

She must be with Antonov.

Look at you, you're sick with fever.

You cannot fight like this.

Useless. I will call someone else.

It's nothing.

I change, it goes away.

What about the girl?

We take her alive if we can.

But if she gets in the way, k*ll her.

Roman's not going to leave our territory till all of the Antonovs are in his possession.

No... not willingly.

I didn't build up our numbers to start a w*r, Nick.

I did it to avoid w*r.

To keep all of you safe.

I know you're there, Clay.

And I assume you have an opinion on this.

[Sigh] Roman's been hiding things from us.

He's not the only one, is he?

This is Russian Pack business.

Roman, another Alpha, asked me to help him track the Antonovs and then turn them over, and I'm breaking that promise.

Roman's been watching our every move.

Clearly he doesn't trust us.

I don't trust him, but if I was in Russia hunting a Mutt who'd wronged my Pack, I would expect the same support from him that he expects from me.

You actually think Roman would help you hunt a Mutt?


He would.

'Cause he holds on to our traditions firmly.

Which means that if I take the Antonovs under my protection, I am f*ring the first sh*t in a w*r with the Russians.

Look, I can make them disappear.

I can get them fake documents.

And what... how many of Roman's men will be running around our territory?

What other options do we have?

Jeremy... you can't hand them over.

Katia and Alexei aren't a thr*at.

How do you know that?

We don't even know them.

They're her family.

We're her family.

I'm not going to enter a Pack w*r over a handful of strangers that I didn't know existed two days go.

Call Roman.

I want to meet him.

Roman is outside of Russia, away from his fortress.

It may be a handful of men.

That's nothing; he's vulnerable.

He's not going to expect it.

Jeremy is right. It's the only way to end it.

Why would Jeremy tell you to do this?

[Eerie music]

Someone's here.

One to the north, one to the south.

It's a pincer move.

They're closing in.

[Suspenseful music]



[Growling continues]

[Yelp of pain]


[Wolf snarling]

Sasha: [Yelling]


[Grunt, panting]

[Gasp, grunt]

Konstantin: Stop right there.

Unless you want me to cut her throat.

Let her go. Please!

Why do you care?

I don't want any more suffering on my account.

That is good.

Now, what are you going to do here?

You're going to try and find some...

[Grunts of fighting]

Are you going to k*ll him?

As much as I'd like to, I can't k*ll him.

This is Roman's second in command.

Ah, he is much more valuable than that.


Gather your things. We need to leave.

Did you find our Dad? Is he okay?

Everything is fine.

Let's go, we do not have a lot of time.

Where's Elena?

All of your questions are going to be answered shortly, but if you want this to turn out well, you do what I say. Do you understand?


This has gone on far too long.

Clay, bring them in your car.

Follow me.

Please, I just want to find out what's going on.

Where are we, Clay?


This isn't good, I know it.

You're important to Elena.

I won't let anything happen to you.

And what if your Alpha tells you different? What then?


I thought so.

Stay close to them, I don't want them running away.

Where's Elena?

Clay. Go.


[Suspenseful ♪♪]

They brought us right to Roman.

We should've never trusted them.

Oh, this can't be happening.

Elena wouldn't let this happen.

She's our sister, right?

No, don't you understand? It doesn't matter.

Even if she's with us, she doesn't have any say.

The Alphas stick together. We're dead.

Roman: Do you have them?

Jeremy: Clay, show him.

Clay, please, I thought we were friends.


Jeremy: That is Alexei, Sasha's son.

His daughter is here too.

This is good.

I knew I could rely on you, Jeremy.

Is that why you were following us?

Roman: Contingencies, options, plans.

That's what we do, we are Alphas.

We take control of events before they take control of us, no?

I don't remember you asking whether you could have more men on my territory.

Jeremy, you see treachery where there is none.

I'm in a foreign land, one of my dangerous Mutts on the loose.

I only want to make sure that this does not become a problem for you.

Your thoughtfulness is duly noted, Roman.

I see his children, but where is Sasha?



It's okay.

You see... the bond between our Packs is strong.

I will not forget this, Jeremy.

Put them in my car. I will leave tonight.


No? I don't understand.

There was a time when I would've helped you, Roman.

But that time has passed.

Who do you think you are, Danvers, to talk to me like that?

Why wouldn't I just take them?

Because I have your son.

He att*cked Elena... put a Kn*fe to her throat, and I will not let that go, Roman.

Now you and I will settle this.

And then you're going to go home.

What are they to you?

Why are you doing this, Danvers?

I am taking control of events, Roman.
