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03x14 - A Streetcar Named Desire

Posted: 02/27/16 08:44
by bunniefuu
Freya: You will all fall... one by friend, one by foe, one by family.

Rebekah: When I am buried, the family part of the prophecy will be over. Elijah, do it!


Stefan Salvatore, welcome to New Orleans.

That, that is the mark of the Phoenix.

You've seen this before.

Tell me you have not been careless enough to make an enemy of Rayna Cruz.

Why do you think I'm here, Klaus?

The missing ingredient is the heart of an unsired vampire.

They need my heart. Or one that's identical to it.


Then maybe you can tell Aya to let me bring back Kol permanently.

Kol's been dead. He can stay dead a little while longer.

But my life could end at any minute.

All I wanted was to delink my friends from Klaus.

Now I finally can.

The b*ll*ts are white oak.

My beloved brother suffers in a box.

So I will end his suffering by ending you, his sire.

I've come to make a proposal.

I suspect our world can change with a bang.

(Crickets chirping)

(Old-timey French song playing)

Aurora: I can see why my brother liked you.

Such the strong, silent type.

This isn't silence, Aurora.

It's patience.

Give me what's in your hand, and I'll give you what you want.

But you see, Aya, what I want, I have.

A w*apon that can k*ll the unkillable and make the Mikaelsons suffer nearly as much pain as they've made me suffer.

Unfortunately, Elijah is one of your targets and my sire.

If you k*ll him, I die, too.

As would my brother, who drowns endlessly at the bottom of the ocean.

k*lling Elijah is the only mercy I can offer him, Aya.

But what if there was another way?

Help me sever the link between the Originals and their sire lines...

And maybe I'll show it to you.

You know, Aya, when all this is over, we should be better friends.

When this is over, we can be anything we want.

Now... come and lie over here.

Cynthia will guide you.

This had better work.

Close your eyes.

(Chanting in foreign language)

(Squeals) Tristan!


(Both laugh)

Oh, I missed you.


Tristan, I'm so sorry.

I failed you.

Shh, darling. It's all right.

It's all right.

My circumstances have been beyond horrific, but a light has appeared.

Aya hasn't forsaken me.

Her witches made this place.

Drew my mind here.

Though my body drowns, here, I can read and play music and see you.



If I have to burn the world to drain the oceans, I will find you.

Of this, I have no doubt.


But first, I have a little show in store for you today.

A comedy. Or a tragedy, depending on who you are.

And you and I have front row seats.

You daggered Rebekah?

And you're just telling me now?

She sacrificed herself in order to protect us.

And to protect her, I've told Niklaus and I'm telling you.

No one would have known Rebekah's whereabouts if Aurora had taken my life.

The prophecy says you three will be felled by friend, family and foe.

Rebekah was fallen by family.

That leaves friend and foe.

You and Klaus have a lot of foes.

Just one or two.

Thankfully, not many friends.

Freya, this is Stefan Salvatore, an old friend.

One of my trickle-down sirelings. Long story.

Stefan, this is Freya, my brand-new older sister.

Also a long story.

Stefan needs a favor.

You're an old "friend," are you?

Well, that kind of depends on your definition.


You got everything you need to break the sire link?

Almost. Aya's getting the rest.

I should be ready by sunrise.

It'll be fine. I promise.

You may feel some warmth when the spell begins, but it'll pass when the link's broken.

I know that face.

Crazy spell.

Substitute hearts, creepy witches helping you out.

What if the warmth is the last thing that I feel?

I'll be careful.

I get that. And I am game.

But we are on a tight rope with the Mikaelsons.

I mean, that's not just anybody's heart.

Jackson was a friend to them and he was to us.

I know, Marcel.

And I know it's a long shot, but if I don't save you, then I can't save Josh and I can't save Kol.

I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you guys.

So, um, just full disclosure. I dated your sister once.


While that seems like a great story, let's get back to your wound.

A mystical vampire huntress stabbed you with her magic sword, Klaus k*lled her, but... surprise, surprise...

She regenerates.


And won't rest until you're dead.


So no matter how far I run, this wound acts as a beacon, drawing her to me.

So, I guess you could say it's been a bit of a rough week.

(Chuckles) Well, I can't cure the wound, but this paste will mask its signal.

Rayna Cruz won't know how to find you.

Just let that dry, and you'll be on your merry way.

You know, not that I was expecting a, uh, parade or anything, but why is everyone so eager for me to go?

Stefan Salvatore is not the problem.

But if you are so determined to find foe amongst friends, then look no further than Marcel.

After all, did he not steal Jackson's heart and deliver it to the very people bent on harming us?

Marcel is the least of our troubles.

What's troubling the Mikaelsons? Oh, let's see.

Well, there's Elijah's super secret society of ancient vampires...

The Strix would still be clamoring over Hayley's heart if it weren't for Marcel.

Freya: One of their more zealous members, an old flame of Elijah's, is trying to undo my mother's most powerful spell.

Klaus: And now Aya and her mob are free to break the sire line. You know, we have made many glorious enemies over the years, brother, but if they sever their link to us, then they will all come for our heads.

Not without the white oak.

Aurora has the last of it.

Then she dies first.

You once told me you wanted to use her head as a footstool.

Why wait?

(Phone vibrating)


(Phone beeps)


I see.

The Crescent wolves... They found Aurora.

(Crickets chirping)

(Old-timey music playing)







Hello, gentlemen.

I had planned on taking a different head tonight, but yours will do just fine.

I am getting so tired of having that vile w*apon pointed at me.

Creator destroyed by his own creation.

I suppose there's a certain poetry to that, wouldn't you say, Niklaus?


(Labored panting)

Get... Klaus... out of here.

sh**t me and you die.


For now.

(Chanting in foreign language)



(Wind howls)


What is this?



Oh, Nik.

The funny faces you make when someone surprises you.

So good to see you both again, especially today.


How the hell are we here?

Ooh, I know the answer to that one.

It's representational magic.

Something in the room represents each one of us.

Apparently, it's what allowed Aya's witches to drag you to this chambre de chasse she created for me.

Perfect. We find what represents us, we break free.

Tristan: You can certainly try, but until then, my Strix are preparing a spell that is unlike any other in history.

We are going to sever the link which binds your lives to ours.

Are we, now?

Mm-hmm Our second-rate Napoleon, desperately trying to leave his mark on the world with those filthy little claws.

Even if, in the end, he's left with nothing but the scars of his failures.

Oh, rest assured, it will work.

Soon our fates will no longer be tied to yours.

And once that's done, as your bodies remain helpless and your minds remain here, Aya will use my white oak to fulfill the prophecy.

Tristan: So, you see... today you die.

And with your sire lines torn from you, you die alone.

Until then, how shall we pass the time?


Oh, dear.

Perhaps I've gotten too close to that which represents me in here.

Oh, you mean the swords?

(Laughs) Hardly, darling.

Though between a sub-par piece of art and a broken relic, I suppose you'd have to choose the swords, wouldn't you?

If only out of denial.


Maybe we can't hurt each other in here, but when I'm free, I'm going to cut you in half.

How's Cami?


Who says we can't hurt each other in here?

Let me guess.

I'm the chessboard.

Not exactly, but this room was designed by someone who knew you, intimately.

So you should ask yourself, how does Aya see you?

You realize that I'm here because my people love me. You're here because those exact same people loathe you.

You've driven them to this.

It's a prison of your own making.

Shackled to your miserable existence from the moment I sired you.


We are your children.

We came to you. We begged you to lock yourselves away until the prophecy window had passed, to, for once, bear the burden of being our creators.

Would you mind terribly if you spared me the deadbeat dad lecture?

You know, I'm almost grateful for those hundred-odd years I spent compelled being you.

It taught me so much.

But nothing more important than how to not be you.

Where you betray, I prove loyal.

Where you abandon, I remain.

And should you find a knight or two in shining armor still foolish enough to fight for you...

They will die right alongside you.

I had no idea that Aya was gonna take Klaus and Elijah down.

And regardless, why the hell are we trusting this guy all of a sudden, huh?

He's the one who ran off with Aurora the first chance he got.

You can hardly fault a man for following his heart.

Yet the moment she started raving about firing white oak into Klaus, well, words were said, hearts broken, veins drained.

You're one to talk about trust.

Who was it that handed my dead husband's heart to the people that helped m*rder him?

I bought your life with that heart.

But, hey, you know what, you called me here, so if you have another plan, please, let's hear it.

It's simple. We storm the coven houses, stop the Strix from completing the de-siring spell. Period.

Okay. Well, that's easy for you to say.

You're not sired by anyone, now, are you?

It's not just about de-siring...

We've got to stop an execution.

What are you talking about?

A lovesick teenage witch with a runner-up heart is somehow going to break the sire link?

I'm sorry, your darling Davina is in over her head, and Aya knows this.

She will let Davina de-sire both brothers, then test the spell's success by firing a white oak b*llet into Klaus's heart.

I mean, it's win-win for her.

If you live, Marcel, well, she's won.

If not, at least she's eliminated the rival sire line.

Including me.

His prophecy witch said she saw Klaus die and his entire sire line burn.

She watched us fall, she watched us burn, every soul Klaus ever turned.

When Aya tests this spell, Klaus will fall either way.

And if Davina fails, as she likely will, the two of us will die as well.

Stefan: Actually... make that the three of us.

Aurora: You know what, Nik?

Maybe this is the piece that represents you in here.

(Imitates hooves clopping)

You do quite fancy yourself the white knight, don't you?

You even carved one out of white oak when you were a boy.

The one you turned into b*ll*ts to bury in my brother's heart.

Like I said, there's more than one way to hurt you.

I do like seeing how hard you work to save the few who still care about you.

There's Elijah, Cami...

Hmm. It's a pretty short list.

Mention her name again and you'll regret it.


The white knight indeed.

But do you not also claim to be a king, darling?

Oh, yes.

That's more fitting.

And yet the king is both the greatest and the weakest piece on the board.

It flounders around once all its defenders desert it.

Much like what will happen to you when that sire link breaks.

Once their chains fall, they'll clamor for a piece of white oak to shove into your heart.


Wait, you don't actually think they fight for you because they love you, do you?

They have to, Nik.

You're their eternal burden.

Stefan: Could use one of these access tunnels to slip into a back room.


What? Worried about getting a little dirt on your thousand-dollar shoes?

Actually, I'll be doing most of the heavy lifting since the vampires we're facing are, what, seven times your age?

Is this really the best help we can get?

Doesn't matter.

We're not getting their bodies back.

Strix from all over the world are flying in to make sure that this spell goes off.

They're guarding every entrance and exit.

Well, you're their leader.

Call a meeting, schedule a retreat.

Order them to stop.

Nah, nah, nah, nah.

I do that, Aya has no problem staging a coup.

Marvelous. I guess it's on me to come up with our grand plan, then.

Hayley: No need, Lucien.

Freya figured out a way to get the boys out of the chambre.

She just needs a strong enough power source.

I'd channel Finn, but he's all for letting our brothers perish.

So I'll channel Lucien.

The older the vampire, the better the battery.

Hayley: We're gonna buy her some time, keep the Strix occupied.

Wait, so you want me here holding hands with the leftover sister while you take the two toddlers and tackle the Strix?

You must be jok...

That was impressive.

Well, I work better with quiet.

Marcel: Wait, so the plan is that the three of us are gonna keep 100 of the world's most ancient vampires occupied?

Well, there could be another way.

All you have to do is get us to the front door.
Stefan: Are we close?

A few more minutes.

That's a cute kid.

Yeah. She is.

She the reason you're here?

In a trunk with a stranger, going into a fight we may not win?

She's not the only reason, but yeah.

Maybe I just don't want her to grow up without a father.


Guess that depends on the father.

I could have done without mine.

If it weren't for my brother, I probably wouldn't have survived the guy.

So he stood up for you and now you're risking your life for him?

Yeah. Something like that.

You know, I never understood the brotherly bond until I met Klaus and Elijah.

They hurt each other more than anyone, but... they're vicious when it comes to protecting each other.

And the ones they care about?

So who's on your homepage, huh?

Ah, Caroline.

Klaus had a thing for her.


And I'm pretty sure that I snapped her neck once.

Yeah, well... she's toughened up since.

I don't think you'd win round two.

And she's also in Klaus's sire line.

Is she the reason why you're here?

In a trunk with a stranger, going into a fight we may not win?

I guess we both have our reasons.



(Playing minor-key melody)

Why, holy heavens.

Look at you two.

How could a woman really love either of you?

Even if she can stomach all your treachery, she's left to face your brother.

And here we go again with the same tune you've been singing ever since you came to town:

"How Elijah ruined our love."

I speak of both of you. Did you not rip Aya from Elijah when you forced him to abandon his loyal Strix?

Just as he tore you from me?

All in the name of "always and forever"...

A ridiculous concept that ensures both of you spend your immortality alone.


It appears I've struck a nerve.

Elijah: Tell me something, Aurora.

Have you met your brother Tristan?

Between deception and rampant abuse, he frequently, repeatedly, isolates and abandons you. Of course, he's painfully aware of something that we've known all along: You... are a deranged and ridiculous child who cannot be left unsupervised.

Do you know, I think the greatest mercy that I ever paid my brother was to compel you to leave him.

Et voila!

Ten centuries later, he came to that conclusion all by himself.

Well, look at that.

So it appears I've struck a nerve.


(Footsteps approaching)

Any problems?

No. We're nearly there.

After today, one man's recklessness will no longer weigh on the shoulders of his sires.

Thousands of vampires across the world will be freed from the tyranny of the Originals.

I'm really glad you're here, Marcel.

Stay close by when it happens.


I'm not going anywhere.

(Footsteps approaching)

Did you know?

Know what?

She's going to k*ll them.

Klaus first, then if the sire line is proven broken, Elijah won't last much longer.

I didn't know.

But does that really change anything?

If it fails, and Aya puts Aurora's b*llet into Klaus's heart, I die.

Josh dies.

You don't think I can do it.

It's too risky.

And either way, Klaus is gone.

Your boyfriend, Kol's brother.

My sire.

I get it.

Klaus saved you like you saved me.

You think you owe him, but you don't.

He's taken far more than he's given... from you, from me, from Kol.

He's had his turn.

Two years ago, you asked me to find a way to break the sire link because you wanted to k*ll Klaus.

I swore to you that I would find a way to do it.

Now I have.

You trusted me then.

Circumstances have changed, all right?

Things are different now, D.


We've always protected each other.

When you had me shunned, I was furious.

But now...

I get it.

You'll always protect me, no matter what.

Even if I hate you for it.

You deserve to be free of Klaus.

We all do.

But I can't do this if you don't trust me.

I'm scared, Marcel.

You're the only family that I have.


So are we in this together?

Because if so, I can do it.


No doubts, no hesitation... I can do it.



(Sighs): It's time.

Hey, listen, I... know we don't really know each other, but my life is... sort of in your hands, so let's make this count.

(Groans, sighs)

(Crickets chirping)

I'm ready.

Are you sure?

Take your time.

Aya: If the girl is ready, she's ready.

All of us have waited long enough for this.

The unsired heart will bind the sisters' magic to these waters.

Once the pool's fully charged with the Mikaelson blood, I can break the sire link.

(Chanting softly)


Did you have to tie me up?

This will hurt.

I need you not to move.

You're a dark one, Freya Mikaelson.

Vervain ropes. Penetrating spells.

Throw in a Pinot and a cheap motel, and you've got the beginnings of a romance.

Well, you'd have to survive this first.

(Ropes creaking)

You see, there's an anchor locking my brothers inside.

Something representational.

That's why they can't get out.

(Sighs) But I'm going to bust into this little mental prison and shatter it from the inside.

And it's going to take most of my power and probably all of yours.

Oh, luv, my stamina's never been an issue.

Go on, have at it.

I'll be bound to the edge of my seat until your return.

(Breathes deeply)

(Freya chanting)

(Distorted grunting)

(Chanting continues)



Find me what represents you in here.




(Women chanting)


(Chanting continues)

Freya: Oh, God.

It's starting.

(Chanting continues)

(Women chanting)


We may have an issue.

(Chanting continues)

I need you to focus.

Show me what represents you, so I can break you out.

The kings.


The knights.

If you've lost contact, send men to the front gate to check the...

(Shouting, screaming)

Well, if it isn't Rayna Cruz!

(Grunting, clamoring)

Which is it?

The kings or the knights?

We need to decide now.

(Women chanting)



I'm sorry, D.

We need to get them out of that water now.



How perfect.

Even in this crucial hour, your ignorance blinds you.

Even if you never learn from your sins, at least you will die because of them and I get to watch.


Take the queens.

The women we betrayed represent us.

Aurora... Aya.

Onlúcan et permettre mon ostium.

Onlúcan et permettre mon ostium.

Nemo unus animabus carnem.


(Muffled screaming)


(Water burbling)

(Bones cracking)

Nemo unus animabus carnem.

Marcel: Davina, stop.

(Chanting continues)

Onlúcan et permettre mon ostium.


Nemo unus animabus carnem.


You've had your time.

(Chanting continues)


No. Davina's breaking the link.

(Cries out in pain)

(Grunts in pain)

Nemo unus animabus carnem.



Nemo unus animabus carnem.


(Chanting continues)


(Gasps, panting)

I felt them leave.

My sire line is broken.

♪ Ooh... ♪

So we remain connected, you and I, in spite of everything that you have done.

♪ Ooh... ♪

I can't let you hurt my family.

And you can't hurt me more than you already have.

♪ Ooh... ♪

I stood by you, Elijah.

All of us were willing to die for you, and how did you repay it?

Betrayal, abandonment.

You were not forsaken.

Yes, I failed you.

For this, I will never forgive myself... but I cannot forgive... this.

If your life were chained to a man... who left you despite your devotion, what choice would you have but to break free?

So... end this.

♪ Holding on ooh ♪
♪ You find yourself ♪
♪ You find yourself ♪
♪ You find yourself ♪
♪ Holding on ♪
♪ Ooh you find yourself ♪
♪ You find yourself ♪
♪ You find yourself ♪
♪ Holding on ♪
♪ Ooh you find yourself ♪

End it, Elijah!

Or I'll take that g*n and k*ll you just to finally be free.



That's more mercy than Jackson ever got.


(Withdraws blade)


♪ Let your heart be bright ♪
♪ Now, oh. ♪

(Rumbling, glass clattering)



The witches.

It's all collapsing.

We don't have long.



Oh, Aurora, it's so strange to have spent an eternity together, yet there's so... still so much left to say.


I can't lose you again, Tristan.

I won't lose you again.

I'm sorry.

(Rumbling continues)

I love you.



No. No.

(Aurora crying)

(Aurora screams)



Welcome back to the real world, luv.

I thought we might revisit our chat about what hurts and what does not.



Courtesy of my dear sister.

Oh... what are you doing?

You made me realize today what a monster I've been, and I am sorry that I didn't do this sooner.

You can't just leave me here!

I had the right idea when I bricked up your portrait.

Behind walls is where you belong.

Then just k*ll me.

Please, Nik, just k*ll me!

Oh, I think not.

Not with the only one who loves you rotting at the bottom of the ocean.

I wouldn't grant you the mercy.

So, while the fish eat him...


And the worms eat you, just know it was I who took everything from you.



Where's my stuff?

Your bag's over there.

I figured, after what you did, I'd better get you out before the Mikaelsons came back to hurt you.

You mean like you hurt me?

I asked you to do one thing for me.

To believe in me.

To choose my side.

I asked you to choose me.

But you didn't.

Wait, D.

Listen. Hey.


I am always on your side.

All right? I always have your back.

But sometimes the things that you want, they aren't worth the price you have to pay to get them.


Keep telling yourself that.

Enjoy your freedom.

So... the spell worked.

We survived.

I saved you and you saved me.

Funny how that works, isn't it?


I'd be happy to let this be the end.

Am I too optimistic in thinking we'll never see each other again?

Well, that depends.

Are you going to do the right thing?

By whom? I assume you don't mean my brother.

By her.


I love her.

I know that you did once, too.

I promise I will only do right by her.

Thank you.

You know, um... there is someone else you should be thanking.

Marcel had to fight for me, for his own survival.

I'm talking about Hayley.

For some reason, she cares about you.

Enough to risk her own life.

Take your own advice.

Do right by her.

(Exhales shakily)

You okay?

Never better.

And you... take care of yourself, old friend.


What's wrong with me?

You hemorrhaged an enormous amount of mystical energy, enough to create a nexus vorti.

It's nothing a good night's rest won't cure.

Where did the energy go?

♪ All the king's horses and all the king's men ♪
♪ Never put my heart together again ♪
♪ In these rivers of tears, I am drowning, drowning ♪
♪ There are wolves in my head and they're howling... ♪

Davina: The blood of two brothers, the ash of their dead.

♪ In the palm of my hand... ♪

The blood of two brothers, the ash of their dead.

♪ Now I'm broken and bleeding... ♪

Le sang des deux frères, les cendres de leurs morts.

Le sang des deux frères, les cendres de leurs morts.

Le sang des deux frères, les cendres de leurs morts.

Le sang des deux frères, les cendres de leurs morts.

Le sang des deux frères, les cendres de leurs morts.

Le sang des deux frères, les cendres de leurs morts.

♪ Lost it all ♪
♪ Lost it all... ♪

(Chuckles softly)

I never doubted you for a second, Davina Claire.

♪ Lost it all. ♪