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03x04 - A Quiet Dog

Posted: 03/05/16 06:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bitten...

I know every wolf in this territory and I do not know you.

Elena, I am your father.

I have been tracking a very dangerous Russian Mutt.

Sasha Antonov.



I haven't seen you in a long while.

I've been very busy with my work, sheriff.

Surprised you haven't heard, I'm not the sheriff anymore, just Karen now.

The hell is all this?

Counterfeiting material.

This is Bucky Durst's stuff.

Isn't he one of us?

I am guest here.

Whose guest?

Up there, big house.


The Russian Pack isn't run on loyalty, it's run on money.

Those briefcases are not as full as they used to be.

There is the weakness.

Until you've gone through the Change, you don't know anything.

The new strength you'll get, the heightened senses, all those things need to be mastered.

Probably wouldn't last one day out on your own.

If Roman lives and he finds out that you have my blood in your veins, you have Antonov blood, he will stop at nothing to k*ll you.

He wants to destroy every trace of me.

There was a time when I would've helped you, Roman.

But that time is past.

Who do you think you are, Danvers?

I have your son!

He att*cked Elena, I will not let that go, Roman.

Now you and I will settle this, and then you're going to go home.

I am taking control of events, Roman.

Are they still in there?



Thirty years of history, the whole reason for the blood feud boiled down to one conversation.

Look, Jeremy can't get Roman to back down if he doesn't know what's at the heart of all this.

He needs all the leverage he can get.

Do you think Jeremy really wants to do this?

What do you mean?

He was ready to hand over Alexei and Katia.

To wash his hands of all of the Antonovs.

That was just for show. Okay?

To get Roman to see we were serious.

He used them as pawns, Clay.

He wants what's best for you.

For all of us.

I know. But I...

You asked him for help.

He's giving it to you.

Are you saying you don't trust him?

I'm saying that Jeremy's focus has been on bigger issues.

And I don't agree with all of his solutions.


Come on, let's go to bed.


I won't be able to sleep.


Jeremy: Thirty years of running.

For one moment of humanity.


It was...

The lowest point of my life.

That was at the heart of all this?


Her name was Natalya.

Natalya Navikev. She was Roman's daughter.

Because of me, she d*ed.

It was the beginning of the blood feud that now extends to my children.

All three of them, should Roman ever find out about Elena.

I can make Roman see reason.

I have his son.

And he has a problem back home that I can solve, that will ruin him if it's not dealt with.


You're taking an enormous risk.

I don't know how to repay you.

My help comes with a price.

Of course. Of course, anything.

When this is over, you and Alexei and Katia are going to leave.

And you're going to cut off all contact with Elena forever.

You will also tell her that getting in touch was a great mistake on your part.


My Pack has been under att*ck since you got here.

And Elena is being torn apart between her loyalty for us and the unknown with you.

Your presence is pulling at the seams of my household, causing discord between Clay and Elena, Elena and myself...

And you will leave before those relationships are torn apart forever.

You're asking me to break her heart.

Jeremy: And we will help her mend it.

Clay, and Nick, and myself.

We will take care of her because we're her family.

Now, you and your other two children will be safe and free.

But in exchange, you will never see Elena again.

[Theme music]

[Vehicle approaching]

Good faith negotiations.


But I must come to a place of your choosing.


And, you have Konstantin as your hostage.

No harm is going to come to your son.

I give you my word.

Roman: As long as I do what you say.

It's a dangerous game, Danvers.

You put me in this position.

You att*cked my Pack members on my territory.

I am giving you a way out of this that saves face for everyone.

Anything else?

This guy, all your men, they'll have to stay away.


What our host says may be true.

Be ready.

Shall we?

Is it far?

We have an office right here where we won't be disturbed.

I'll take you up. Sasha will be here in a moment.

[Engine starting]


[Heavy machinery rumbling]

[Heartbeat thumping]

Sasha's here.

You're certain we won't be interrupted?

The Sorrentinos have owned this company for years.

They're going to close for the day soon.

Private enough to talk.

And public enough that you and Roman will stay civil.

Clay will be nearby to make sure we're not disturbed.

Whatever it takes to get this done.


You sure you can do this?

I have to.

[Suspenseful music]

[Speaking in Russian]

That language is from my past. It has no place here.

The years have not been kind to you.

Nor you.

Ah, but for me, it's been life's riches.


For you, it's cowardice and lies.

It has hollowed you out.

Let's sit and talk about this like men.

You control everything about this meeting, but you will not control what I say.

After 30 years...

No one gets to do that.

[Glass thud]

[Chain clinking]


Hm! I was wondering if it was going to be you guarding me next.

Now you know.

You knock me out, bind me in chains.

I must say, it is not five-star service.

You held a Kn*fe to my throat.

After that, the welcome mat got rolled up.

Hm, and no one knows where we are so there's no chance of my being rescued.

We just want this over with.

My father and Sasha Antonov in the same room together.


I would dearly love to hear that conversation.

You've never met him?


My father's chased him my entire life.

A ghost I was never sure was even real.

What is he like?

What do you think he's like?

Hm, according to my father he's a liar, a coward, a man he trusted, who turned around and betrayed him.

Does that sound like the man you've met?

We've barely even talked.

I gave you a good life.

Made sure you had everything.

And you, it's like you put that on the floor and pissed on it.

And now you hide behind this wolf who owes you nothing.

The stench of your weakness is overpowering.

The blood that you have spilled to find me, the lives that you have ruined...

You put all our lives at risk!

I disobeyed you.

I found something more important than your orders, than your precious Pack.


It was our Pack! Roman, Sasha, enough.

We're going to sit down.


I don't expect this day to end in fellowship.

But there is much at stake here.

Already, blood has been spilled, on my territory.

And already threats have been made against my Pack.

That ends today.

Nothing will settle this except Sasha's life.

It is fair exchange for what he's done.

Jeremy: I know you feel that way.

But I believe that I have something to offer that is even more valuable.


Just checking in, you okay?

You know, for people who want to keep their secret hidden you're not exactly subtle with your art.


I think it's understated, with a hint of whimsy.

Is my dad going to be okay?

Jeremy knows what he's doing.

And Clay is there just in case anything goes wrong.

And, if Jeremy gets Roman to drop his vendetta, what happens to us?

Well, that's up to Jeremy.

My dad wants to stay close to Elena.

And Alexei needs to be around other wolves, I get that.

But I don't want to stay here.

Well, it's not really a decision for me to make.

I mean, what's my life look like in Bear Valley?

I get a job at a coffee shop? At a book store?

Do you even allow that?


I mean, with what I know, would I even be able to leave the house?

What if I just disappeared?

You wouldn't even know I existed.

I could go to Montreal, Chicago, New York...

I'd vanish.

Be an anonymous girl in a huge city.

It'd be the safest thing in the world for everybody.

No, look, Katia, the safest place is here, trust me.

Well, for now, maybe.

But what happens next?

What happens to me?

[Phone beeps; remote phone rings]

Woman: [On phone] Bear Valley Sheriff's office.

Hey, Allison, it's Karen.

Allison: How's civilian life treating you?

It's good! Listen, I was wondering if you could do me a favour.

Allison: Sure thing. You name it.

I saw a suspicious character in town, foreign, Russian I think.

I got his plates, um, it's probably a rental.


Allison: I thought you'd retired.

Huh, I have.

Allison: You should be on the lake, fishing.

I have been fishing.

Look... I just... I just don't like the look of this guy.

Allison: Okay. Just this once.

What are the plates?

Okay, I'm going to send them to you right now.

What was your life like, before this?

Before you became a werewolf?

It doesn't matter.


Was it difficult... to walk away from?

It was easier than lying all the time, keeping secrets from the people that I loved.

I didn't have anyone to walk away from, no brothers, no sisters.

My parents d*ed when I was young, so...

You were an orphan.

That would make it easier.

What do you remember of your parents, your mother, or your father.

It's none of your business.

Of course.

Growing up I often wished I was an orphan.

My father could be... forceful.

When I was 16 I dared to eat before him.

It was a mistake.

I was starving, did not think about it.

When I realized what I had done, I dropped my food and begged for forgiveness.

What happened?

He smiled and...

Held his hand out for me to shake.

When I obliged he took my hand and... [Thud] slammed it on the table.

Then he pulled a Kn*fe he had hidden in his belt and plunged it right through my hand.

I was stuck there for the rest of the meal, unable to eat.

Konstantin: That is who my father is.

That is how he has remained Alpha for so many years.

Lessons are taught at the point of a Kn*fe.

"Forgiveness" is not a word my father knows.

What do you have, Danvers?

What can you offer to help me forgive?


[Soft piano music]

Elena: [Soft chuckle]

Konstantin: It must be difficult.

The only woman in a world of wolves.

They must always be... after you.

I made my choice.

Hm, mating for life. An unusual choice.

Everyone tells me I'm unique.

I agree. The only female werewolf.

Why is that? Why are you the only one?

Maybe it's my childhood.


You survived being bitten because you were an orphan?

No matter how difficult that was, how does that make you so much stronger than any other woman who's been bitten?

Jeremy helped me through the Change.

Jeremy: The cost of this feud goes beyond blood.

It goes beyond just pride.

Nothing is more important than pride.

But in a territory as vast as yours, pride alone is not enough to rouse the wolves from their dens.

Sometimes a little extra incentive is needed to get them to answer your call.

And lately, they have not all been responding.

What is it you think you know, Danvers?

I know you rule your Pack by fear.

But also with money.

And lately, your circumstances have changed.

More money is going out than is coming back in and the cost of loyalty is increasing.

Your ability to lead is weakening.

To absolve the sins of the past you're giving me advice on my leadership?

We have the means to counterfeit money.

If you agree to a truce, there will be much more.

You think I can be bought.

No, I think you can see the bigger picture, Roman.

I think you can see beyond this feud.

This will guarantee that the Navikevs rule Russia long after the world has forgotten the name "Sasha Antonov".


Alexei, we're guests here.

You can't just eat all their food.

Well, Nick told me I could have whatever I wanted.

Nick was just being polite.

Something you should try.

I've got to fill the time with something.

I can't just wait.

It'll be okay.

What makes you think this meeting's going to work?

What makes you think it won't?

Imagine if this thr*at wasn't hanging over our heads...

We would be able to start our lives for real.

You sure have a lot of faith in them.

If this doesn't work...

I don't want to run anymore.

The waiting, you know, it's just driving me crazy. This... hoping other people will get us out of this mess and...

It'll work. They'll get it done.

Well, we've got to do something.

Like what?

Something! I don't know, take control for once.

I'm so sick of being on the sidelines of my own life.


Karen: I Really appreciate the favour, Dave.

Dave: [On phone] Not a problem. Anything for an old partner. Heard a rumour that you retired, though.

[Chuckle] What would I do if I retired? I'm blue to the bone.

How's Baltimore?

Dave: Crime-infested, drug-riddled.

Same as ever.

Karen: Uh-huh.

Dave: Hey, I'm not surprised you needed a little help tracking this guy down.

What do you mean?

Dave: The guy's name is Victor Larnov. Nothing in the U.S., but a real nasty record in Russia. Charged with as*ault, withdrawn. Attempt m*rder, attempt m*rder, Ag as*ault, all withdrawn.

A bad guy.

Dave: Yup. What the hell's a guy like that doing in Bear Valley?

Karen: Great question. Thanks for the info, Dave.

Dave: Let me know how this goes down. And hey, be careful.

Karen: Yeah, you bet.
[Engine ignition]

Other women have had guides who were just as experienced but none of them survived the bite, physically, or mentally.

What is it about you, Elena Michaels, that makes you so special?

[Rustling] It is very skilled work.

We Folded a Mutt into our Pack. He was a counterfeiter.

He made that.

With this.


It is an intriguing proposal, Danvers.

Money, for the life of a Judas.


We'd have to discuss the particulars.

Of course.

Perhaps it is genetic.

What is?

Something in your blood that helped you survive the Change.

Your mother and your father were both descended of wolves.

It seems that made a difference.

[Sigh] My parents were doctors. Humans.

I think maybe they were not.

You don't know anything about my family.

I was wondering, why did your Pack get involved in this feud?

Why not just hand the Antonovs over to Roman?

Why are you so interested in their welfare?

This is our territory.

Any blood spilled here is our problem.

It is more than that.

Sasha was hidden for years, we weren't able to find a trace of him.

Then, suddenly, he risks everything to come here, to spend time with... you.

Hiding out here. Why?

For his children.

To give them a better life.


But for which child?

There were rumours 30 years ago of a baby girl.

Sasha's child.

My father was unable to confirm them.

Then Sasha shows up here. You defend him.

Risk relationships for him.

The sort of thing you would do for family.

The sort of thing you would do for your father.

Do you know, Jeremy, what is at the heart of this?

What led to three decades of hatred?


You know?

This man, this mudak, k*lled my daughter.

I didn't k*ll Natalya.

As surely as if your hands were on her neck.

But they weren't my hands, Roman.

They were yours.

I asked you to take care of Natalya when her mother d*ed.

To watch over her.

I knew that I could not risk being part of her life.

I trusted you to protect her.

Instead you ruined her.

I fell in love with her!

She was my daughter!

And you k*lled her!

She couldn't live after what you did!

You showed her what you are!

What we are!

You left me no choice but to k*ll my own daughter!

Konstantin: I'm sure he did not tell you who your mother was.

I'm sure he did not tell you that he was responsible for her death.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Sasha doesn't mean anything to me.

His selfishness, his stupidity.

That is why your mother d*ed.

She gasped her last breath while he stayed hidden...


You're right, it was my fault!

I took a reckless chance!

But she was your daughter, my God!

I expected you to...

You left me no choice!

There was nothing else I could do!

Of course you had a choice!

You could have let her live!

You could have trusted her with our secret!

Jeremy, certainly you agree!


That is the one thing that protects our kind.

Humans can never know our secret.

That's too great a risk.

But my children, Katia and Alexei, surely they cannot be punished for my mistake.

My daughter d*ed, you k*lled her.

And, because of that, you have to pay.

Everyone with a drop of your blood in them has to pay!

Roman, it's been over 30 years.

You have to let this go.

Roman: She was my daughter.

You're defending a man who's been running away from the truth for 30 years after causing your own mother's death.





My father is going to k*ll Sasha today.

Because your mother was my sister.

Roman's daughter.


I'm not a Navikev.

You are.


[Chain clinking]

And you are also an Antonov.


Therefore you must die.

[Chain clinking]

[Fighting grunts]

[Electricity crackling]

[Engine stops]

[Glovebox clicks open]


Elena: [Panting]

[Fighting grunts]





[Broken glass clinking]


[Object thumping]



Ugh! What the hell are you doing here?

I just want to help.

Not happening.

My father's in there, something goes down I have to protect him!

What you need to do is get the hell out of here.

I can help.

If Roman and his men find out you're here, they will k*ll you.


I'm not going anywhere.

Roman: Perhaps you are right, Jeremy.

This sickness has been infecting me for too long.

Maybe it's time to cut it out.

Are you ready to start discussing the terms?



We've wasted enough time.

Now, we move forward.

[Suspenseful music]

Come here, come here, come here.

Listen, listen!

You watch the entrance. If you see anything, you yell. Got it?


[Door opens, closes]

You stay right here. Don't move.


[Heartbeat thumping]

[Heavy breathing]

[Approaching footsteps]


[Fighting yells]

[Bone cracking]


[Vertebrae cracking]

Danvers, what is going on...


You are right, Danvers.

My Pack means everything to me.

This coward isn't worth it.

But you must vow to never help him again.

Let him suffer, outcast and alone for 30 more years.

It's a fitting fate.

You have my word on that.

Then it's time for this to end.

Just like that?

The past needs to be buried.

The future needs to begin.

But not for him.






[Gasping, moaning]





Alexei: [Screaming]

[Fighting grunts]

Move away!

I can't do that.

Then you have decided!

[Flesh creaking]

[Screaming in pain]



[Menacing growl]


[Heavy impact]


[Tires screeching]


[Indistinct shouts]

[Tires screeching]


Was that Roman?

I think so.

What happened?

[Door opening]

Roman tried to k*ll Sasha.

Clay, I need you to hunt him down.

Jeremy, Alexei was here.

He had his first Change and ran off.

Did anyone see him? I don't think so.

Clay, you've got to find him quickly before someone else does, okay?

Elena, I need you to stay here with me.

Please go get the medikit out of your car.

[Beep; remote phone ringing]


Jeremy: Nick, get Katia out of the house and out of sight. Jeremy, look, Alexei is missing.

We've been looking for him but he's gone.

Don't worry about Alexei, Clay is on that.

Just get Katia away from Stonehaven, some place safe.

What's going on, what happened?

Jeremy: I think the Russians are coming after her.

Call me when you get on the road.

Go grab your things, we're leaving.

What happened, where's Alexei, where's my father?

I'll find out what's happening as soon as we get moving.

Just, please, just hurry.

I'm fine, I'm fine, help Jeremy.

What is she doing here?

Jeremy: I don't know.

How did she...

I don't know!

[Bag zipper opening]

Let me deal with her, you take Sasha.

Jeremy, I'm so sorry.

You did everything you could.

Okay... I'm okay, Elena.

I'll be right there.

Yeah, yeah.

What are you going to do?

I need to find out what she saw.

I thought you said Stonehaven was safe, being part of the Pack was safe.

I'm taking you someplace safer.

Running and hiding, if I could make a living at that I'd have my career figured out.

I didn't think I'd ever miss living in Dawson City.


[Airplane engines humming in distance]

Is it done?



It is just the beginning.

Danvers has taken Sasha's side.

He's an enemy to us now.

You left me to fend for myself and nothing is resolved?

You survived.


They know where we are. We have to move.

Find another base.

I have a place already.

And what happened to that girl, Elena?

I left her alive.


You wondered why Sasha was here, why he's interested in Elena.

I have the answer now.

Clay: Alexei!


Alexei: [Gasp]


Hey, hey, are you all right?


What happened?

I can't remember.

I, uh... there was... it was moving.

What was?

I don't know.

Alexei, think hard, what did you k*ll?

I was in the forest and I could smell fear.

And then it was running and... And I had to chase it. I just... I just had to.

You smell like gasoline.

And I had to hunt.

And I did, I did it.

I was a wolf! [Panting]

It was... It was incredible.


Alexei, this is human blood.

What happened?

Who did you k*ll?

[Laboured breathing]

I've just checked the house, the Russians haven't been here, so they're either still coming or they've changed their plans.

And Katia and Alexei?

Nick is taking Katia to a safe house and Clay is tracking Alexei.

[Sighing] His first Change.

I should have been there.

Just, stop.

Okay, you need to rest.

Your face.

No, don't.

[Eerie distorted effects]

Are you all right?


[Stuttered breathing]