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09x16 - Bl..dy H.ll

Posted: 03/09/16 01:40
by bunniefuu
(theme music)

(regular hubbub)

Just a bit higher, Jake.


Jake! Hold on, Jake.

Oh! Oh God! (Panting)

Oh boy.

Come on, Jake.

Hey, careful!

It's alright. I know what I'm doing.

Are you some kind of nurse?

A doctor in training.

How deep is it?

I don't know, I...

I think it's obstructing his windpipe.

Oh God.

Hold still, Jake.

Oh! Oh no! Please no!

What have you done?

Oh no. Oh no!

Oh no!

Give me something to staunch the blood.

Sure. Come on.

Hold on!

I can't stop it!

No... Jake!!


(sniffing and sighing)

Handcuffs are hardly necessary.

I'm not a common criminal! You can't do this.

You've got no right.

What's going on, Crabtree?

Sir, we received a call from a woman who says she found her silver tea set in Mr. Crawford's pawnshop.

Her stolen tea set, sir.

'Course it was stolen, Higgins. We don't arrest people just for selling a tea set.

What have you got to say for yourself, Eddie?

My shop's in Station Five's jurisdiction, Tom.

It's Inspector Brackenreid to you.

Oh and by the way, any Toronto Constable can arrest any thieving bugger anywhere in the City of Toronto.

Well I'm not paying twice is all I can say.

Paying twice?

Paying who? For what?

Nothing. Never mind.

Higgins, find Murdoch.

Crabtree, take him to the interview room.


Oh! Ugh...

Look, I didn't know it was stolen.

She can have her tea set back.

'Course she can have it back.

I'm not interested in bloody tea sets.

I want to know what you meant.

About what?

About "paying twice."


It was just a slip of the tongue, Tom.

Who were you paying?

Someone from Station House Five?

You were in possession of stolen merchandise, correct?

As I said before, I didn't know it was stolen.

Right, Murdoch, I think it's time we did a complete inventory of Mr. Crawford's pawnshop.


O... OK, look...

I shouldn't be telling you this.

I mean, it could get me into a lot of trouble.

You were making payments to Station House Number Five.

To whom?

I don't know.

Don't play silly buggers, Eddie.

I don't.

I put the money in a hollow brick at the back of my store.

And some constable from Station Five takes it.

We need a name.

The only name I know for sure is of the fellow who started collecting back in June '89.

Who was it?

Jeffrey Davis.

Chief Constable Davis?

He was a... constable back then.

I knew the man was dirty.

That was fourteen years ago.

If Davis was taking money then, he's taking more now.

We have to take this to the Mayor and the Board of Control.

Sir, we are talking about the Chief Constable here.

If we're going to go after him, we have to make it stick or we'll both be out of a job.

I'm willing to do it if you are.

The glass shard must have pierced the aorta.

Was the blood under pressure?

It was just... relentless.

It's possible it may have punctured the vena cava.

You mean if I hadn't removed the shard, he could have lived?

Its removal may have hastened blood loss... but probably wouldn't have prevented it.

You made a judgment call, as all doctors do.

You mustn't blame yourself.

It was two months after I opened my store.

Davis claimed I was fencing stolen goods.

Were you?

Do you want my help or not?

So you made a deal?

$5 a month to leave me alone.

It's 15 now.


It's the cost of doing business.

What's this?

It's your statement.

Read it over and sign it.

I'm not signing this!

You want to take on Davis, do it without me.

Sign it... or go to jail.

Well then, lock me up.

You think I'm more scared of you than I am of Davis?

Do you know what he did once, when I missed a payment?

Bugger stripped me naked and kept me in a freezing jail cell for 2 days.

God only knows what he would do if he found out I ratted on him.

Right, then. It's off to the cells with you.

Sir, wait.

Even if he does sign it, to go to the Board of Control, we need more than just the testimony of a known criminal.


We require more evidence and in order to get that, we'll need his cooperation.

I'll tell you everything you want to know, alright? I'm just not putting my head on the block, next to yours and whoever else you drag into this.

Chief Constable Davis isn't going to jeopardize his position for $15 a month.

You don't think Davis is behind all this?

What I'm saying is if Davis is involved in this, others must be paying, also.

So, how do we find them?

I've asked George to go to the police archives.

Sirs, the arrest records from 1890 to the present.

Thank you, George.

What did you want them for?

Never you bloody mind. Get back to work.

(George sighs, frustrated.)

Don't look at me like that! Crawford's right; If they get involved in this it's their necks on the line as well.

So what do you want with all this?

I'm only interested in the ones for Station House Number Five.

We're looking for businesses targeted with several arrests followed by a period of inactivity.

The end of arrests would mean the start of making payments.


I'll make a list of the businesses I believe are paying.

And I'll pay them all a visit.


They were all making payments the first Tuesday of every month.

That's today.

I made it clear to them they're to continue making the payments.

Good thinking.

Later, Leslie.

So what now?

We wait for the Constable from Station House Number Five to collect, and we follow wherever he leads.

How do we prove where the money came from?

I can't see a bloody thing.


But... under the ultra violet light...

(Brackenreid sniggers.)

You're to use these bills to make the payment.

Why "these" bills?

Just do it.

You're making my payment for me?

Don't get excited, Eddie.

We're not making a habit of this.

I'll follow him, you take the call box.

Why are you following me?


I saw you making your pick-ups.

I saw you drop the money in the call box.

I want to know who it's for.

I just put it in the call box at the end of my shift.

I don't know where it goes from there.

You're lying!

There's $160 in the pouch.

It should be 165.

Five bucks is my cut.

Look, Constable.

You're standing at a fork in the road, here.

If you want to come out of this with your world intact, you better start talking.


I once saw Constable Shriver take the money and leave it under a bench at Allen Gardens.

Later, a man sat on the bench then left with it.

Who was the man?

If he heard I snitched, that'd be the end for me.

Tell us who it was and we'll make sure he goes to jail, not you.

It was Chief Constable Davis.

I'll keep an eye on the call box. You go to Allen Gardens.

Whoever picks this up, I'll follow him and meet you there.

Take this one to Station House Four on your way.

This way, Constable.


You're going the wrong way.

Bollocks. What is she doing?

Just put it back.

Put it back!

Bloody hell.

Oy! You in the mink! Drop it!



Inspector Brackenreid.

You are under arrest for the possession of the proceeds of racketeering.

Sir! What's happening?

Get Murdoch. He's at Allen Gardens.

someone: What are they doing?

someone: Why is...?


Good morning, Rebecca.

Are you feeling any better?

I've been doing some thinking and...

They brought him in last night, after you left.

I think you should conduct the post-mortem.


No, I can't.

I'm responsible for his death.

If you are, you need to find out how, and learn from your mistakes so as not to repeat them.

I don't think I have it in me to be a doctor.

Nothing I've seen in you leads me to believe that.

But if you're uncertain, this is how you find out.

I can't.

A true doctor needs to make decisions and live by those decisions and never shy away from the truth.

I'm sorry.

Did you really feel it necessary to parade me in handcuffs in front of my own men?

In my own Station House?

I don't see this as being your Station House for very much longer, Inspector.


Chief Crown Attorney Gordon.

I got your message.

It's as we feared.

Inspector Brackenreid picked up the money.

(sighing): Do you have anything to say for yourself?

I'd rather hear what you two have to say.

Very well. As you know, two weeks ago, we uncovered a racketeering ring run by Constable Peakes.

From Station House Number Five. Your old station.

Peakes is dead but Chief Constable Davis felt it was important to investigate to determine the extent of the corruption.

Oh, did you now?

We discovered several illegal businesses were making secret payments.

We know that Peakes ran the operation. But we wanted to find out who, if anyone, had stepped into his place.

We heard rumours you'd been going to these businesses demanding that they continue to make payments.

You have the right to silence of course, Inspector, but... given your position and tenure with the Toronto Constabulary, we were rather hoping you could explain yourself.

I was conducting my own investigation into corruption at Station House Five.


By yourself?

Given the target, I thought it was wise.

Who was the target?

Chief Constable Davis.



What's going on here?

Inspector Brackenreid has been found in possession of the proceeds of corruption.

He claims in his defense that he was investigating me.

Can you vouch for this, Murdoch?

Yes. We both were.

Of course he would say that, Inspector Brackenreid is his close friend.

He may even be in on the scheme.

I doubt very much if Murdoch is on the take.

His wife has more money than he'll ever earn.

All the more reason.

Can you supply corroborating evidence of anyone else other than your colleague?

Eddie Crawford.

The pawnbroker?

Crawford's payments were marked with an ink that's visible only under ultra-violet light.

Why would we do that unless it was our intention to prove where that money came from?

You make a good point.

If the money is marked, I'll accept your story.

What am I supposed to be seeing?

I don't understand.

I do.

Eddie switched the bills.

It was a set-up from the word go.

Have you any other evidence to support your claim?

Constable Jenson was responsible for the pick-ups.

He's in our cells.

Take him to the Interview Room.

Sir, I believe Constable Jenson may speak more freely if Chief Constable Davis isn't in the room at the time.

Why is that?

Because he told us the intended recipient of the money was Chief Constable Davis.

This is some kind of ploy.

I'll be the judge of that.

I never said the money was going to Davis.

What did you say?

I told him, as far as I knew, the money went to Peakes.

But Peakes is dead.

I know.

I... I... I said I don't know who gets the money now.

Maybe no one.

That's when his eyes lit up.

Get me Eddie Crawford.

Yeah, I told them I was making payments but I never said nothing about Davis.

What about this marked money they gave you?

They never gave me any money.

You lying bastard!

Sir, sir, sir! Worsley!

Get him out of here.

You just earned yourself a trip to the cells.

Murdoch, will you escort...

I know my own way.

Sir, Chief Constable Davis is behind this.

When he found out Inspector Brackenreid was on to his corruption, he conspired with Eddie Crawford and Constable Jenson to turn the tables on him.

So far, the only evidence put forth suggests that Inspector Brackenreid attempted to...

/insert himself into a racketeering ring for personal profit and nothing else!

Like you, I am a man of evidence, Detective.

Davis knew that we knew he was corrupt.

He must have figured we would eventually uncover the truth.

He used our own ambition against us.

All these years, I thought that Davis was thick.

Turns out the man's a bloody genius.

Sir, our situation is a product of our own stupidity, not his brilliance.

In hindsight, it should have struck us as suspicious that two men would independently point to Davis.

As soon as Shriver went downtown instead of Allen Gardens, I should have smelled a rat.

I wanted to believe. That was my mistake.

Sir, how did you come to be holding that money?

A woman in mink took it out of the bin.

She dropped it as I gave chase and I was just about to put it back when they collared me.

The onus will be on the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

It's not about putting me in jail, Murdoch.

It's about shutting me up.

I'll lose my job, I'll lose my pension...

Oh God, Margaret will be in the poorhouse.

Surely there's a chink in this elaborate scheme.

It's not that elaborate, Julia.

It simply requires the testimony of two men who are sticking to a lie.

What about the woman?

If she hadn't have taken the money out of the trash, the Inspector would never have put his hands on it.

She must be part of the plot.

Even if I were able to locate her, Julia, I fear that she would simply fold her story in with the others.

I don't know.

The Constable and the pawnbroker were both part of Davis' scheme.

The mystery woman, she just ran off into the night.

Davis may not have intended for her to be found.

(door opening)

Doesn't seem fair, does it?

(door closing)

To lose your job, your pension.

To be sent to a prison with a bunch of convicts you helped put away.

I hear they don't take kindly to that.

Come here to rub it in, have you?

I'm not here to gloat, Tom.

I don't want to see you destroyed over a momentary... lapse of judgment.

My only lapse of judgment was underestimating you.

Yes, but you did and here we are.

Me standing here and you sitting there.

What is it you want, Davis?

I've come with an offer.

An offer?

A position has opened up at City Records.

It's not police work and it won't pay much. But... you'll keep your pension and stay out of jail.

And what do you get?

Peace of mind, knowing that the constables at Station Five won't be harassed.

That police manpower won't be wasted on fruitless investigations.

You want me to call off Murdoch.

I want you to understand that this salvation I've arranged for you is contingent.

(Clicks tongue twice.)

Sir, this is blackmail. We can't just give in.

This is my life we're taking about, Murdoch.

I may not be a copper anymore, but at least my family won't end up in the poorhouse.

Sir, if you'll just give me a bit more time, I can prove th...

I've already submitted my resignation.

It's done, it's over.

Good morning, Detective.

Tom, Mr. Dilbert in City Records is expecting you.

I'll be there shortly.

I've just got to get this lot home first.

Your badge, Tom.

Good luck.

Sir, I still think...

Stand down, Murdoch. That's an order.

My final order.

Davis: Get back to work.
Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Dilbert.


I'm Dilton Dilbert. Can I help you?

I'm Thomas Brackenreid.

You're late.

I came as soon as I was able.

I'm not interested in what you are able to do.

I care only what you do.

This is your key.

Don't lose it.

We open our doors at eight thirty sharp.

Be here five minutes prior. Lunch is at twelve.

We close for an hour. Be back here five minutes prior.

We adhere strictly to the standards of civic comportment.

In dealing with the public, your tone of voice will at all times be even and articulated.

Cuss words of any sort will be subject to an immediate fine of five cents.

Five cents?

Per expletive.

A string of colorful invective will prove quite costly, I assure you.

So what do I do?


You will be replacing Miss Samantha Shier and Mr. Kenneth Page in indexing.

Hello! Goodbye.

We are in the process of converting to a new filing system.

Essentially, we're combining the accessibility of a bound volume with the mutability of an open file system.

Every piece of paper in every file folder is to be punched and placed in a two-hole binder in concordance with the index.

How many file folders are there?

See for yourself.


Bloody hell.

That will be ten cents.

How much?

Per expletive.

Detective Murdoch.

Just wanted to let you know that I'll be overseeing Station Four until a replacement for the former Inspector can be found.

In fact, I'd encourage you to apply for the position.


You seem surprised.

Given my complicity in attempting to prove that you...

I appreciate your loyalty to your friend, Detective.

I don't hold grudges.

As long as it is understood that... this whole affair is... water under the bridge.

It is understood?

This is your template.

Lay it over the edge of the document and mark the holes... like... so...

Remember that these are original documents so, accuracy is... essential.

Alright. I'll... give it a go.

I don't want you to "give it a go."

I need you to understand that what we're undertaking here is nothing less than revolutionary.

If you say so.


What binder is that?

Office Machinery Acquisitions. Typewriters.

Ah, so, let's say your typewriter breaks down and you need to find out if it's still under warranty.

Where did you last work?

Police Station House Number Four.

Search in the index for Police Station Number Four.

Find the volume number and tab colour.

Go to the volume, find the tab.

Compare the lot numbers and you have your date of acquisition.

That's very impressive.

Cross indexing is the key.

What do you think of tab colour versus number?

Colour! You can see it at a glance.


It's, uh, it's my innovation.

Should we have a drink.

Well, get started and let me know if you have any questions.

(horses' hooves on stone pavement)

Miss James?

Are you alright?

Oh, don't mind me.

I'm just... I've had an upset is all.

Well if misery loves company, you have plenty of it right now.

I heard about the Inspector.

The Detective says we'll prove him innocent.

I don't know if we will, but as my Aunt Marigold says:

"If you don't try, you'll never know where trying may have taken you."

Ah, George.

Come with me, please.

Take care, Miss James.

Sir, what exactly are we looking for?

The woman who took the money out of the trashcan.

I can't imagine she'll still be here, sir.

No, but the impression she left behind might still be.

Think about it, George.

If the woman had simply removed the money from the trash bin the Inspector would have known right away that she was part of the scheme.


To seem inconspicuous, she probably threw out a piece of trash herself.


And if we can identify what that item is, we may learn something about her.

Well good, it's all still here.

Yes but, sir, how can we possibly know which piece of trash is hers?

It happened after 8:30 p.m.

Now, I need you to remove all of these items and take them back to the Station House, paying very careful attention to the order in which all the items were placed in the bin.

Oh, and George...


... Chief Constable Davis can know nothing of this.

Understood, sir.

Thank you.

This is pointless.

Henry, this might be the only way to exonerate the Inspector.

It's also a good exercise in the logic of detecting. For example, we know that this paper is this morning's edition.

So it was obviously discarded after the woman left.

So, we know it's not that. Also, this wrapper is from a sausage vendor who, I know, finishes at six in the evening, so, unless she was eating a sausage for two hours, it can't be that either. Now, that leaves us with these four items.

A broken ball-and-cup toy, a glove, an old sandwich and a balled up piece of newspaper.


Uh... Chief Constable!

The... Detective is not in right now.

What is all this?

A... a... all this what?

This garbage.


Don't tell my nephew that. This is his favourite toy!

I told him I would fix it for him.

Yes, and I was just, uh... enjoying my lunch.


(Higgins laughs sheepishly.)

Fix your toys on your own time.

Yes sir, of course.

(inaudible whisper and moaning)

W... w... wait!

Higgins! That's evidence!


Welcome back, Miss James.

Have you made a determination?

Nothing definitive, but the shard of glass completely missed the vena cava.

What about the aorta?

Not even close.

Then, what caused the hemorrhage?

I don't know yet.

I'm still looking.

Take as much time as you need.

There's something fishy about the telegraph machine file.


Not quite right.

There's a purchase order for a telegraph machine purchased for Police Station House Number Four last August.


We never received a new telegraph machine.

Well, then it's a content issue.

If there is a discrepancy, that is the purview of accounting.

We're not here to read the files, but to file the files.

(frustrated sigh)


We've determined these are the only items that could've been discarded in the time period in question.

A child's toy... unlikely.

As is a torn man's glove.

The sandwich, a possibility.

I can't imagine she'll still be here, sir.

No... but the impressions she left behind might still be.

She was reading the newspaper while she was waiting.

It's the evening edition.

Hot off the presses at eight o'clock, sir.

She likely bought it from the newsboy at the corner.

Well done!

Yeah, I remember a woman wearing something like that.

What else can you tell us about her?

Was she young? Old?

Was she attractive?

Oh no.

She was very ugly. She wore a lot of rouge and powder, but it didn't really seem to help.

And she... had an accent.

What kind of accent?

I don't know. I never heard it before.

(Italian accent) Was it Italiana? Did she talk like this?


(Swedish accent): Then maybe she was Swedish?

No, not that.

(Hungarian accent) Possibly Hungarian then? She sound like...


That's it!


She was Hungarian?

If that's what Hungarians sound like.

That's exactly what Hungarians sound like.

Uh, anything else?

She had scars on her wrists.

Almost like she tried to do herself in.

What is all this?

It doesn't just end with Station House Number Four.

Every Police Station in Toronto is listed as receiving equipment they never got.

How do you know?

I telephoned them.

On city time?

My lunch time.

Look, I understand. You used to be a policeman.

You see a problem and you want to... blow your whistle.

But it is not our job to blow whistles.

If we don't, who will?

We don't just work for city records, we work for the City of Toronto.

I will look into it.


I don't know, but there must be a procedure to follow and I will follow it.

Thank you.

A Hungarian woman?

Yes. She may have attempted su1c1de.

The newsboy saw scars on her wrists.

Sir, perhaps she tried to k*ll herself because she was ugly.

She tried wearing powders and rouge to cover up, but it didn't work and...


It's just a theory, sir, but consistent with the facts as reported.

I thought that, maybe, if she had attempted su1c1de she may have been committed to the asylum for a period?

The fact that she's Hungarian narrows the search considerably.

I'll look into it.


I was told I might find you here.

What is it?

I think I've found a way to nail Davis.

The fraudulent acquisitions were all made after October of last year.

When Inspector Davis became Chief Constable.

That can't be a coincidence.

Bloody hell.

Mr. Dilbert, are you all right?

Who are you?

I'm Detective Murdoch from Station House Number Four.

I work with the Inspector.

I don't know what happened.

I was...

I was compiling the evidence from city acquisitions and I heard a noise from behind me and that's all I remember.


Yes, I'd reported the fraud to the Board of Controls.

They said to compile any evidence I could find, so I did and...

It's gone.

Someone's taken it. All of it!

Mr. Dilbert, did you tell anyone else about this evidence?

Of course not. I adhered strictly to procedure.

It must be the Board of Control that's behind this.

Or elements thereof.

This is a lot bigger than Davis.

Mr. Dilbert, would you be willing to help us bring down the people who did this to you?

Damn right.

Swear jar.

So, Alderman Hubbard, what do you make of all this?

I'm not surprised.

I used to be on the Board of Control.

There are two men on the board I've long suspected of graft, but their support runs deep into City Council.

Do you think the Mayor could be involved?

No. Almost certainly not.

But I can't go to the Mayor with only suspicions.

How is this for evidence?

Insufficient given the magnitude of the accusation.

What about Chief Constable Davis?

He's involved in this alright, but until we can prove there is a "this" we're still no further ahead.


What about the woman he hired to set me up?

Right. Julia, did you find out anything?

Yes. There was a Hungarian admitted to the asylum after a su1c1de attempt two years ago.

Did she cut her wrists?

No, "he" cut "his" wrists.

"He"? Oh.

Oh, but... the newsboy did say that she was rather unattractive.

If we could get this person to cooperate, perhaps we could strike some kind of deal with Davis in exchange for testimony.

A bloody deal?

No chance. Bollocks to that.

After what he's bloody done, he going straight to bloody jail.

And no, you're not getting another sodding nickel.

Sir, there's a lot more at stake here than just Chief Constable Davis.

What's the patient's name?

Vidor Szabó.

Do you have an address?

I do.

(voices and bells)



Remember me?

No. Why would I?

We had a brief encounter a short while back.

You dropped a leather pouch full of money, I picked it up.


I was never there.


Where you were.

Sir, is this the mink stole she was wearing?

Yes that's it.

Odd; a woman's mink stole in the room of a bachelor.

I dress up occasionally at certain events that cater like-minded sorts.

Then, a couple of weeks back, we were raided by the constabulary.

I thought my life was over.

Instead, I got a visit.

From Chief Constable Davis.

All charges were dropped in exchange for a favour.

If you wore the dress and pretended to steal the money.

Have us look for a woman instead of a man.

Davis continues to impress me.

I'll tell you what: We'll make our own deal.

Your freedom for your signed confession.


I'm not going up against that man.

He would k*ll me.

(sound of a door)

Good Lord, Rebecca!

When did you get in?

I haven't left.

You've been here all night?

I had to know.

I wouldn't have slept otherwise.

And have you an answer?

I have.

The deceased had an aortic aneurysm causing a massive hemorrhage.

That's why he fell from the ladder.

When I turned him over, his lungs collapsed, and the blood that had pooled in his abdomen entered his chest cavity.

Then, you removed the shard, allowing the blood to flow out of his body.

It neither hastened nor Ret*rded his death.

You're absolved.


You know you didn't need absolution.

Yes, but it feels good to know I have it all the same.

How difficult is it to find a man's address, George?

Sir, I've tried. But he's got one of those Hungarian names that are tricky to spell.

This is how you spell it.

S-Z... ? Sir, how could I possibly know they'd throw a zed in there?

What is this is all about?

Sir, we're trying to locate a suspect involved in a...

A robbery on Albert St.

Which we should be getting back to.



You're leaving town.

I'll pay your way.

I don't want to leave.

I don't care what you want.

You're leaving. Now.

I dressed up.

I took the money from the trash bin.

You said that would be it. We had an agreement!


Stop blubbering and start packing.

I have a carriage waiting.

Stop your blubbering!

I've heard enough.

Chief Constable Davis, you're under arrest.

We heard everything.


I didn't say anything.

Did you say anything?


I'm afraid it's your word against ours.

And our deal is off.

Looks like you're going to jail after all.

You've forgotten who I work with.

I dressed up. I took the money from the trash bin.

You said that would be it. We had an agreement!

(slapping and sobbing)

Stop blubbering and start packing.

I have a carriage waiting.

Stop you blubbering.

Well played, Tom.

It's Inspector to you.

They've rescinded my resignation.


Of course, it's not looking so good for you.

Fraud, racketeering, as*ault.

What do you want?

A full confession, including your as*ault on Mr. Dilbert and your collusion with the Board of Control.

I can't give you the Board.

Your choice.

You can have a job and keep your pension... or you can do five to ten in the company of men you've sent to prison.

They don't take kindly to that, I hear.

What's the job?

It just so happens there's an opening in City Records.

(clicks of the tongue)


someone: Welcome back!

Sir, welcome back.


It's good to be back, thank you, Crabtree.

Your office awaits, sir, but first...

Ah. Alderman Hubbard.

I apologize for intruding on your homecoming.

I just came by to thank you for helping me clean up the Board of Control.

I was just doing my job.

I know it involved a sacrifice.

That's alright.

Davis got what was coming to him.

How about a drink?


Every piece of paper in every file folder is to be punched and placed in a two-hole binder in concordance with the index.

And how many... file folders are there?

You can see for yourself.

Bloody hell.

That will be ten cents.

How much?

Per expletive.

Announcer: On an all-new Murdoch.

I'm here to investigate a mur...

Announcer: Flirting with danger...

She's mesmerizing.

That's her job, George.

Announcer: could make him...

Murdoch: Tread carefully; she may be trying to entrap you.

Announcer: ... the next victim.

Murdoch Mysteries, next Monday at 8:00 on CBC.