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02x03 - Morgane

Posted: 10/31/15 00:35
by bunniefuu
What do they want?


To keep us from leaving.


Because we’re dead.

Four years ago, our bus had an accident.

No one survived.

We’ll perform an anticipated delivery.

The father is not Thomas.

Who is it?

He was born last night.

We’ll be reunited.

Everything’s almost over.

I’m dead?

You need our help. You’ll be safe with us.

Don’t trust them.

I’m scared.

It’s Toni?

It’s not him anymore.

I need to be able to trust you.

Yes, Dad.

Why aren’t you dead too?

I swear. I’m like you.

Victor has a brother?

He has a brother, yes.

She scares me.

A new expert. He’s here for the flood.

Have we found all the victims?

We’re still looking for corpses.

Including the police officers.

35 YEARS AGO Wake up.

I love you.

You’re cute.

Get dressed. I need to go home.

What’s your name again?


Isn’t that a girl’s name?

I guess not.

Hurry up.





Milan! I’m begging you!



Lucy, are you OK?

What’s wrong?

It’s Milan. He’s close. He’s looking for us.

What does he want?

To do harm.

I won’t let him.

More have come?

Let them in.

Are you OK?

I didn’t know he was dead.

Their deaths occurred about six month ago.

Your colleagues were all k*lled with a handgun.

They were dead when they were tied to the trees.

We’ve found 21 bodies. One is missing.

We’ll soon know who.

Why were they tied to the trees?

I’m sorry.

Have you ever seen something like this?

This size? Never.

What do you think caused this?

It’s often because of the deterioration of the underground layers.

It happens after a sudden rise in the water level, or a diversion of a river.

Here, it’s more a landslide or a soil compaction in the lake.

We’d need to see the damage further from here.

Is it recent?

I don’t think so.

Is there a connection with the flood?

I don’t know. It’s far from the town.

We’ll know by exploring the hole.

If that’s the cause, you’ll get a medal.

Why did you search here?

I’m used to coming here when I’m in the valley.

Were you living here when the dam broke?


I remember the news. There was a lot of deaths.

Did we know what happened?


They couldn’t reach the bottom.

They went down to 150 meters. And then it’s too narrow.

What if we used the cameras that are used for drilling?

They can go down to 1500 meters.

We can try, but we don’t have that.

We’ll do what’s necessary.

We’ll wait for the gear, and we’ll keep you informed.


You’ve come back here?


Have they found Audrey?

Not yet.

Audrey is dead.

Why are you here, then?

Hi, Jérôme.

What do you want?

Have you seen Léna?

Sorry, we’re not really in touch anymore.

We can go look for her with you.

No, thanks.

I don’t have good memories of this place.

What are they all doing here?

What have you told them?

You’re waiting for them to come back.

We’re looking for answers, just like you.

I’m just looking for my wife and my daughter, now.

My two daughters.

Obviously, you can’t help me.

Help me.

Is she still sleeping?


She’s pretty.

Is she your fiancée?


How do you know her?

I met her at the bar where Toni used to work.

Why has she come to see you?

I don’t know.

You have hurt her, too.

Is she dead?




You need to go home.

Who is it?

Is he like you?

Have you seen my sister? Do you know where she is?

You need to leave.

I saw Toni.

He’s returned.

Where is he?

I’ll tell you if you tell me where Camille is.

I don’t know.

Maybe he knows.

Don’t talk to him.

I’ll take you to her.

You know where she is?

I’ll take you there. Don’t come near him.

What are you doing?

I’m going hunting.

I need to find something to eat.

What about her?

She’s going home.

Don’t lie.

I’m taking her to her sister.

And where is her sister?

She’s dead.

Let her go. Don’t hurt her.

Take her to the clearing. Set her free.

Help her join her sister.



That’s why we’ve returned.

To help them join us.

I can’t.

She trusts you.

Take her.

Take her to the clearing.

She needs you.

Do you hear me, Serge?

All right.


That’s better.

It’s over. It’s over.

It’s over, now.

You scared me, you idiots!

During the first days, I couldn’t sleep either.

But I’m better, now.

Were you always hungry?

Yes, but that has eased up too.

Those who are keeping us from leaving, are they dead too?

Why do they look like zombies, and we don’t?

I don’t know.

Maybe because they died a long time ago?

Did they do that to you?

They won’t hurt us if we stay inside.

How long have you been here?

Five, six months.

It’s hard to tell.

Why have you come back before us?

I don’t know.

Where are our parents?

The flood caused everyone to evacuate.

Do my parents know about Camille?


They haven’t left, then.

They’re looking for us.

My parents wouldn’t forget about me.

They can’t look for you.


Your parents are dead.

They committed su1c1de.

I’m sorry.

What about my parents?

I don’t know.

I’m sure you’ll see them again.

Have you seen how beautiful he is?

He wanted to marry me.

We’re running out of room.

If Milan finds us, we’ll have to move.

You know where?

We’ll find a place.

Do you want me to stay?


Your son is waiting for you.

Bring him to us. We need him.

Where is the baby’s room?

We haven’t prepared anything yet.

I can keep him in my room.

Put him upstairs, on the floor.

I’d prefer she stayed a few more days in the hospital.

Don’t worry, doctor. I’ll watch over her.

A nurse should stay with you.

At least for today.

That’s not necessary, thanks.

Adèle, we’re here to help you.

Having a baby can be upsetting, but it can also be terrifying, especially when you’re alone.

I’m OK. I know all that, thanks.

All right.

How do you know that song?

Isn’t it beautiful?

Nathan loves it.


He needs a name.

Go to your room.

And don’t come near him.

You’re crazy.

Adèle, I understand your anger, but… don’t turn it against Chloé.

And your daughter is right.

Your baby needs a name.

If Chloé had been a boy, he would have wanted to name her Nathan.



You must have told Chloé about that.

I haven’t.

The song she sang to him, it was one of Simon’s songs.

He wrote it for me.

She can’t know it.

It’s him. It’s the child.

Simon is haunting us through him.


This child… is the prolongation of Simon’s existence.

The prolongation of your love for him.

I don’t have any love for him anymore.

You were terrified when he came back.

You were right.


Go away.

Get out of here.

I don’t want to see you anymore.
It’s Paul, Louis’ brother.

He’s returned last night.

Hi, Paul.

Her name is Julie. She took care of your brother.

Hi, Louis. You see who’s here?

It’s your brother, Paul.

Come here.

Go ahead.

Esteban? Are you OK?

Do you want a madeleine?

Yes, please.

Louis, do you want something?

No, thanks.

Why is she dressed like that?

She’s cold.

She’s not like us.


There are more and more of them.

If I were you, I wouldn’t stay.

Things won’t get better.

I’m not worried.

The boy doesn’t need you anymore.

He has his mother, and his brother.

You took good care of him, but it’s over.

You don’t belong here.

Where would I go?



We can’t leave, anyway.

We can’t. But you can.

They know you won’t say anything.

We need to look for him.


We can’t go out.

You want us to stay here? Esteban is in danger.

You shouldn’t have told him about his parents.

You wish I had lied to him?

You like lies, don’t you? Like when you said you were att*cked?

Is it him?

No, it’s the guy from yesterday.

Open the door.


Give me the key.

No, Camille.

There’s nothing to be afraid of. He can help us.

You don’t know that. He’s like them.

He’s like me, like Audrey.

Stop it, Camille.

Give me the key.

You won’t go out.

You’re insane!

I need to get some fresh air.

You should stay here for now. It’s safer.

Are you still hungry?


We’ll give you something to eat.


Do you remember anything, now?


I just remember I climbed on the parapet, on the dam.

I wanted to jump, but this young woman, Julie, she stopped me.

I remember nothing after that.

Do you know where the others are?


Were you with them?

I told you I don’t know!

What will happen to me?

What will I become?

As long as you stay with us, you’re safe.

I’d like to find my brother and my mother.

Get some rest.

Maybe you’ll remember other things.

Don’t give him any food.

Take turns so that he’s never alone.

You start.

Esteban learned his parents were dead.

They died because of me.

They asked me if I knew where their son was, if I saw him.

I told them he was waiting for them.

They would have done it, anyway.

You think so?

I’m sure.

You died a long time ago?


When were you born?

October 1st, 1957.

You’re really old.


You’re as old as my dad.

Why aren’t the others like us?

What others?

Those who live in the domain and don’t want us to leave.

Because no one was waiting for them.

No one wanted them to come back.

Was someone waiting for you?


Your parents?


Are they alive or…

I don’t want to talk about it.


Stop! Stop it.

Stop! Stop it.


You’re hurting me! Stop it!

Stop it! Let go of me!

Let go of me! You’re hurting me!

Let go of him!

What’s your problem?

What’s happening?

We were just playing.

Yes, we were playing.

I thought…

Paul, come have a wash. Louis, you’ll come after.

Are you OK?

I’m sorry.

Are you gonna leave?


Well, I don’t know. Maybe.

You promised.

I know, but…

Now that they’re here, maybe you don’t need me anymore.

I don’t need you. You need me.

You don’t have anyone but me. You’re alone.

The child would have been unhappy with you.

What child?

The one you were bearing, when he att*cked you in the tunnel.


It’s good that he’s dead.

You shouldn’t come when I’m not here.

I know. I’m sorry.

Is the baby OK?

I’m afraid she might hurt him. She doesn’t like him.

I’m here, now.

You’ll take him with you?

If you do, take me with you.

Don’t leave me alone.

Of course.

Don’t worry.

It’s us.

You had me scared.


Where are we?

You have to take me to my sister.

Your brother is at the Helping Hand.

It’s late. We need to go.

I knew you’d fail.

It’s simple, Serge.

You either let her bleed to death or you finish her off.


Come on!

Do it, Serge.

Do it, Serge. Finish her off.

Do it!

Shut up!



Stop cheating, Toni.

I’m sick of it.

Since you cheated, you don’t get to replay.


Where is she?

What have you done to her?

What have you done to her?

What have you done to her?

Let go of me!

What have you done?

Take him downstairs.

Take the children home.


Put that away, quickly.

Toni, Serge, come on.

Put him with her.

She’s dead?

She’s saved, now.

She needed to have her sins washed away.

Why have you locked the door?

For your safety.

You said you’d give me something to eat.

We need to be careful.

There are many of us. Resources are limited.

If you tell us where the others are…

I told you I don’t know.

You’re lying.

I’m going home.

Let go of me!

What’s happening?

He has to talk.

What are you doing?

You were right, Sandrine.

I was wrong. Now, I know what they’re capable of.

What’s going on?

We’ve lost the signal.

Something is blocking it.


No idea.

What was that?

I’m closing.

You know him?

I’ll take care of it.

I don’t know what to do with him.

Hello, Jérôme.

What do you want?

I’m also looking for someone. And I think I can help you.

Too late.


“Be at ease, answered the nixie. I will make you richer and happier than you have ever been before. You must only give me that which has been born in your house.”

You’re leaving?

Thank you.

“The nixie descended into the water again, and consoled and in good spirits, he hurried back to his mill. He had not yet arrived there when a maid came out of the front door and called out to him that his wife had given birth to a little boy. The miller stood there as though he had been struck by lightning. He saw very well that the cunning nixie had known this and had cheated him.”

Good luck, Julie.

“Why are you not happy with the beautiful boy? He told her what had happened to him, and his promise to the nixie. What good to me are good fortune and prosperity, he added, if I am to lose my child?”