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01x02 - Holding Out for a Hero

Posted: 03/10/16 11:43
by bunniefuu
I heard an expl*si*n.

Did we get att*cked by shape-shifters again?

(Startled gasp)

No, but could you cover up?

I'm seeing a few too many shapes shifting over there.

What happened?

I'm guessing a combination of gravity and middle age.

To that.

Oh, well, um, Oliver and Chase were talking about science, I got bored, I yawned, something flew out of my mouth, and voila, I set the table on fire.

He found another super power. It's a fire grenade.

Fire grenade? That's lame.

I'm calling it my yawn b*mb.

Yeah, 'cause that's much better.

So wait, you just discovered something you didn't even know you had?

How many powers were in that space rock?

That's tough to say.

It didn't really come with a manual.

And even if it did, I probably wouldn't read it.

This is just like you guys when you unlocked new bionic abilities.

Oh, yeah. Except that our abilities come from a highly advanced infrastructure, and theirs come from a magic witch pebble.


Either way, this is a great opportunity for the team.

We can teach them to hone their abilities the way I trained you.

Superhero school. That sounds like fun.

School? Ugh, boring!

Well, that's the last time that umbrella stand att*cks us.

Good news, ladies.

I'm about to teach my first class of superhero school.

I'm out.

Right behind you.

Okay, guys, I will be your instructor, and Chase will be my apprentice.

What? Why am I the apprentice?

Because you don't know anything about superheroes.

Oh, and you do?

Hello! I'm Donald Davenport.

Just because you wear disturbingly tight unitards does not make you a superhero.

You ever try fitting into them?

Yes, it does.

Okay, Kaz, let's start your training by giving your fire grenades another go.

I want you to use your grenades to hit the bottle in the middle and leave the others untouched.

Got it.

You might wanna back up.

When it comes to learning, Kaz doesn't.


You did it.

Yeah. If our enemies are 16-ounce bottles of water, I think I'm ready.

Great job. Okay, Oliver, you're up.

Now since you have ice- and water-based abilities, I want you to use your cryo blast to freeze the bottle on the left.

No problemo, teach.

Is that an ice cube?

I don't know what that was.

Let me try again.

Okay, yeah, that was an ice cube.

I don't get it.

It worked fine when you froze Roman and Riker's black swarm.

Try to focus.

I am focusing.

Well, focus harder.

How about you go stand over there harder?!

Oh, come on!

I don't know whether to train him or call the refrigerator repairman.

It's okay, Oliver. We'll fix it.

Kaz, why don't we see how your grenades handle rapid fire.

I mean, I haven't really tried it before, but I imagine it goes something like this.

Wow! You're a natural.

And Oliver, you're leaking all over my floor.

So, how do you like Centium City?

It's great, but it's kind of overwhelming.

I mean, I'm just a small-town alien girl.

Yeah, that's never gonna stop sounding weird.

What I mean is, I've been to school, but I haven't experienced much of the real world.

Me neither.

I couldn't be more socially awkward.

And I don't know why I'm so excited about that.

This is gonna be so great.

I finally have another girl around.

You're like the sister I never had.

Well, I mean, Chase acts like an old lady, but it's not the same.

Wait. You think of me as a sister?

Of course I do. Bring it in.

What are you doing?

Having fun with my new sis.


(Bones crack)

Aw, your tiny bone pops are adorable.

Ow, okay!

Hey, Chase. Can we talk, smart guy to smart guy?

Well, we can talk smart guy to smartest guy.

What's up?

I'm just not getting this whole superhero thing.

Yeah, me neither.

We've been over this. Magic witch pebble.



I mean, when I used my cryo blast to freeze the black swarm, it worked perfectly.

But earlier today, I was...

A dud?

I was gonna say...

A failure.

No, I was thinking...

A disaster.

Would you let me finish?!

It's weird.

In school, I always picked up things quickly, but for some reason, I just...

I can't figure out these powers.

Something's off.

I think I know what's off.

Your world is upside down 'cause you're usually the A student, and Kaz is the F student.

It's psyching you out that he's better at this than you.

What? No, that's crazy.

He is not better than me, despite all the overwhelming evidence that says otherwise.

I just need your help.

Okay. Maybe you just need some practice.

We can focus on one of your other powers.

It might be easier for you.

Yes, that's a great idea.

Ooh, I have another super power that sh**t a water vortex from my hand.

I call it... cyclone fingers.



You dispense ice and water?

Do you also have a vegetable crisper?

I think just one more should do it.

There you go.

Wow! I am smokin' hot.

You know, I don't think that's gonna come off.

Nor should it.

Quick, help me!

Wait, what's going on?

That's gonna come off, right?

I told Skylar she was like a sister to me, and then, out of nowhere, she started throwing me around like Adam does with Chase.

She gave me a wedgie.

Girls don't do that.

(Laughs) Yeah.

(Mocking laughter) Yeah, what?

That's how all the girls on Skylar's planet are.

Yeah, they're beautiful and friendly, and incredibly violent.

They treat each other like brothers.

I know it seems weird, but she's acting like that because she's bonding with you.

(Chuckles) That's great.

You know, all I ever wanted was a sister, but instead, I get a steel cage she-beast that assaults me in my own home.

She's coming! Hide me!

You have an invisibility app.


Hey, guys.

Oh, I think Bree wants to play another game.

I can hear you breathing.

Wow, she really likes you.

You're doing great, Oliver.

Maybe I was wrong about Kaz getting into your head.

Let's try it again.

Okay, that's good.

We're good.

I said we're good!

This is amazing!

Chase, I can't thank you enough.

Well, there's always money.
Hi, guys.

Oh, hey, Kaz. What a coincidence.

Chase and I were just not thinking about you.

What are you guys doing out here?

Not much. Just perfecting this super cool new power.

Check it out.

Cyclone fingers.

Uh... Oliver?

Don't worry, I got this.

That was really good, bud... up until that last part.

Mr. Davenport, are you okay?

Help. I'm hanging on by a hair.

My luscious, full-bodied hair.

Help me!

How you doing, Mr. Davenport?

Speaking of which, what is he hanging on to?

Uh, that would be a Daven head.

He put a giant bust of his own head on the building?

No. The Daven head came first.

He built the tower to support it.

I knew he had a big head, but I never thought it would save his life.

I heard that, new guy.

Hey, Oliver, I'm thinking we should change the name of your cyclone fingers to irresponsible wind of doom.

I thought it was perfected, and so did he.

Whoa, don't rope me into this.

I'm still trying to figure out you super freaks.

I hate to interrupt, but could one of you heroes get down here and save me?!

Can you pull yourself to the top of the head?

I can't get a foothold.

It's too slippery.

My face is too perfect.

Okay, I'll be right down.


What am I saying?

You two can fly. Get down there and save him.

On second thought, why don't you go down there and save him?

Why not me?

No offense, but I don't trust you with your own life.

If Mr. Davenport needs a cold beverage, you'll be the first person I call.

I got this.

No. I got this.

Actually, I can still hear you, and my vote's for Kaz.

Or Chase, even though he can't fly.

Don't worry, Mr. Davenport.

I'm coming to save you.

(Oliver screaming)

Sorry. Still working on the landings.

You know what's weird?

You both look equally disappointed in me.

We are.

Lost her finally.

(Skylar yelling)


Okay, that's it.

Ow, ow, ow!

(Taps floor)

That really hurt. Nice.

No, not nice.

Skylar, I can't do this anymore.

Bree, we're heroes.

"Can't" is not in our vocabulary. Let's rumble!

Okay, look, this might be the way that you do things on your planet, but here, sisters don't throttle each other to show their love.

We do it by pretending to be nice and talking behind each other's backs.

Oh, well, I've been doing that, too.

Bree, I'm sorry, but I told you.

This is all really new to me.

The city, having a sister.

It's okay.

I get it.

This is all new to me, too.

That's why we're lucky we have each other, so we can figure it all out together.

But I can't do that if you're pile-driving me into the floor.

Why didn't you just say something?

Oh, were my screams too subtle?

Okay, from now on, no more physical v*olence.

Thank you.

Except once a week?


Once a month?

Not a chance.




Ow! What was that for?

Happy Flag Day, sis.

Any chance you could move your hand over a little bit?

Oh, yeah, and right after that, I'll just plummet to my death!

You can fly. Why aren't you saving us?

I keep messing up.

What if I do it again and one of us dies?

Well, if you're talking about me, that would be a tragedy of epic worldwide proportion.

What about me?

If this was about you, we would be hanging onto a giant bust of your head.

Why isn't Oliver saving him?

I better fly down and get 'em.

No, don't.

Ah, you inherit the old man's building and bank account if he splats?

Say no more.


Oliver needs to save Mr. Davenport himself.

The reason he's having trouble with his powers is because he's insecure.

You're outshining him, and it's getting into his head.

Wait, okay, so he's intimidated because I'm so good at it?



You know, I hate to say it, but I may need another super power just to rein in all this awesome.

The more you succeed, the more it shines a light on the fact that Oliver is struggling.

The only way for him to get over that is to make him feel like he can do it.

So we're gonna let him save Mr. Davenport.

Well, all righty then.

Let's go make some popcorn and see how this train wreck turns out.

Oliver: Oh, great.


I'm starting to get chilly.

Okay, it's official.

You are the worst superhero ever.

(Cracking sound)

Your face is cracking.

Forehead or cheekbones?

Not you, the Daven head.

Our weight is pulling it off the base.

No, your weight is pulling it off the base.

I was doing fine till you got here.

Would you do something?!

Okay, uh...

I know exactly what to do.

Kaz, help!

I'm sorry, buddy.

There's no way I can carry both of you.

Nice. That excuse sounds pretty believable.

Actually, it's the truth.

I just realized, Oliver's the only one with super strength.

I couldn't save 'em if I wanted to.

Wait. So Mr. Davenport's life is really in Oliver's hands?

Yeah, his wet, slippery, ice cube-y hands.

What are we gonna do?

I'm sure Chase will come up with something.

And what if he doesn't?

Then I guess we're gonna die!


I'm too young to die.

I'm too young to die.

You're just about the right age.


We're running out of time.

Oliver, you have to do something.

You're the only one who can save us.

You're right.

And fly!!



Oliver: I'm flying!

Hey, I did it.

I'm a hero!

Yeah, but, uh, next time you save a guy, pick a better hand hold.

Sorry. It was tough to get a grip with all your shifting shapes.

I can't believe he came through.


Oh, sorry. I mean, uh, Yeah, I can't believe you came through.

Just out of curiosity, what was your back-up plan in case Oliver here didn't save me?

Preserve your real Daven head in the name of science.

I was... I was gonna get a spatula, and meet you down at the sidewalk.

(Forced laughter)

Hilarious! I'm leaving everything to Bree.

I'm proud of you, Oliver.

Thanks. Oh, and by the way, you were right.

Once I stopped worrying about Kaz and started believing in myself, everything came together.

Hey, you really stepped up when it mattered, and that's part of being a hero no one can teach.

Well, except me.

Congrats, bud.

I guess we're both good at this superhero thing.


Were you eating popcorn while I was hanging off the edge of the building?

Ah, yeah.

Did you at least save some for me?

Uh, no. I thought you were gonna fall.

Hey, Mr. Davenport.

Oh, hey, guys.


Okay, I'm from another planet, and I've never seen anything that weird.

I'm gonna Daven puke.

All right.

And to think we could've just let him fall.

Ha ha!

What's going on?

He's making a mold of my face to replace the broken Daven head.

But if they're only doing your head, why are you wearing that outfit?

Because I look great in it.

Do we have any super powers that can make me unsee this?