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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 03/13/16 23:46
by bunniefuu
It's not Ivy.

Whatever happens, I'll be here.

I'm getting married.

He's taken another girl.

Why take Phoebe?

Maybe he plans to hole up, recreate what he had with Ivy.

Everything's changed, except me and you. I love you.

Ivy, wait!

You don't want us to find him, do you?

You walked up to him, your abductor, and you took his hand.

This was ours.

She's lying to us and making a fool of you.


♪ Kiss your face ♪
♪ Turn your cheek ♪
♪ Lay your head down, lay your head down ♪
♪ Lay your head down, lay your head down. ♪

Be quiet!

I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you, Ivy.

I'm not going to hurt you.

Just take me to my daughter!

No! Em, no, wait!




Trust me. You're safe.

Speak to me, darling.

Are you OK, Ivy?

You're sure you're not hurt?

How about you, Em?

Phoebe's father has been taken to the station.

I'm sure it's a small comfort, but we'll make sure he's charged.


That man deserves to be punished.

He is being punished.

Where are you going, darling?

Bath, that's what's needed.

I'll go heavy on the bubbles, I promise.

I thought he was going to...

Hey, hey, hey...

You were very brave.

I think it's how you like it.

On the hot side of hot.

I'll leave you to it.

I'm sorry.

Just shout down if you need anything.

( Door closes )

Christina, please...

I trusted you.

Why was Ivy left alone out there?

It was a...lapse of judgment.


She was upset.

Upset, how? What had you said?

Ivy asked to be taken to Tim Hobson's on the way home.

It doesn't matter what she asked. You shouldn't have left her.

( Phone rings )

It's not so easy to explain.

That's not us done with this, Tim.

Not even close.


'What went on tonight, Tim?'

Is she OK?

'Not really. Did something happen?'


She, erm...

She had things she wanted to tell me.

'What kind of things?'

What's he... What's he saying?

What kind of things, Tim?


I had to tell her, I'm... I'm married.

And it took you this long to tell her?

'Sorry, I...'

( She hangs up the phone )


I should have asked about...

It's not your fault.

I'm the one who pushed the whole Tim thing. If Ivy had known...

My poor, poor baby.

( Muffled conversation downstairs )

I want you removed as our FLO.

I'm sorry I let you down.

We've, erm...

We've a number of brilliant liaison officers.

We can set up a meeting and get you someone you're happy with.

I don't think we want anyone else.

You lot, what use are you, exactly?

Mrs Moxam, believe me, we understand you feeling frustrated.

A little more than that.

Any more interviews, they take place here.

It all comes through us now.

With due respect, there's a missing girl... We understand.

We'll contact you when we next need to speak to Ivy.

I mean, if we... If we give them space...

Sorry, you go.

How gentlemanly of you.

It's a missing girl investigation.

If we're not careful, it will become a m*rder investigation.

We need total access to Ivy at all times. Which we'll have.

A little...delicacy was required, that's all.

It strikes me this is good for one thing.

Oh, yeah?

It reminds us that Ivy's still a victim in all of this.

( He starts the car )


Ivy didn't know who I was.

I've hurt her.

After everything Ivy's been through... I've hurt her.

Ivy's our strongest lead to finding Phoebe.

I'm relying on you both.

Be Ivy's point of contact.

Better yet... be her friend.

I'd... I'd hate to appear less than professional, sir.

A ten-year-old girl has been in the care of a r*pist for two days.

Your qualms, Elliott, don't really interest me.

We do whatever it takes to bring Phoebe home.

Promise me you won't do anything like that again.

You could have been hurt.

I was fine. You could have not been.

For me.

You're my girl.

( Knock on door )

Come in.

Couldn't sleep?

Do you want to sleep in here tonight?

You'll be OK on the sofa?

That's me all set, then.


( Door closes )

You've nothing to say sorry for.

You're my sister and you come first.

I've found Craig another duvet.

What he had was just too tragic.

He's a good man.

It might help you sleep.

I haven't slept for years.

I remember.

I can't stop thinking about Robert Tarl.

Do you think we should have talked Ivy round to a charge? No, I don't.

I mean, I'm angry. I'm furious about what he did. But... at the same time, I can't help feeling sorry for him.

A father is meant to protect, you know?

To feel, and that.

And I know how that feels.

Angus... don't.

The pull-out will wreck your back eventually.

Get in with me tonight.


( He snores gently )

You slept?

I slept.

Well done.

I just need to grab my work stuff.

No, Ivy, stay put.

I'll see you at the restaurant later, yeah? Yeah, sure. Great.

( Door closes )

My coffee tastes good this morning.

I was joking. You don't need to get me a coffee every day.

I like getting you a coffee every day.

You look like you're going somewhere. We're going somewhere.

Eloise Wye is in the interview room.

We need to know the truth about what happened the day Ivy was abducted.

I told Ivy to meet me outside the corner shop.

Why not at your house?

Because we were bunking.

Why, then, when you didn't show, did Ivy begin walking to your house?

To find me, no doubt.

Was it your idea to go to the arcade that day and skip school?

So where were you?

I had this friend two years above - Sarah.

I thought she was beyond cool and she said to come and bunk off with her.

But Sarah said that Ivy couldn't come.

Said she'd cramp our style.

But Ivy was meeting you at 9am at the corner shop and when you didn't show, she assumed you'd been held up at home and went to find you.

Yes? Yes.

( She clears her throat )

Mark White worked at Sunbridge High.

Did you know him?

That man worked at school?

Did you know him? No.

Did Ivy?


Maybe she talked about him or mentioned an older man?

She didn't know him.

He did work there.

I understand, after everything, you wanting to protect your friend.

But if Ivy was in any way involved with this man....

Involved with...?

You mean, like...?

Care in the community, this is!

Ivy had barely even kissed a boy. And you think...

You're way off the mark.

( Knocking on the door )

I think I've got something on the Carol White front.

A neighbour from way back, who seems to know something about the kidnapper's background.


We'll get down there. Nice work.

Mum will go mad if I leave all of this.

There! The evidence has gone.

They got the address right, but it's for an Alison.

It's what he called me.

What do you mean?

I wasn't allowed to be Ivy.

That man...

Careful, Angus.

I'll call DI Carne. Emma, get me the phone.

Emma, phone, please.

I'm getting it. I'm getting it.


We're going to open the letter now, OK?


What does he say?

"Dear Alison, my Alison, I wanted to write and say I know you didn't leave me. I know you'll be back. Our love is as it always was. As is my forgiveness. Leonard."

And then he ends it with a kiss.

Angus: What does he want?

It's hubris, plain and simple.

Good news is, he's just brought us one step closer to finding him.

How has he? The letter will be analysed to death.

Watermark, style of writing, DNA traces...

All of which will tell us where White was when he wrote it and where he could be holding Phoebe.

But yet, it gives us the chance to open a dialogue with him.

I write back?

We wouldn't ask you to do that.

But it was to me.

We'll have a trained behavioural profiler work up a response.

The police will reply, Ivy.

Not you.

Let's go.

Woman: 'Henry, please call me back. You staying away doesn't look good on you.'

( He hangs up )

( Doorbell rings )

I'll get it.

Ivy, wait, please... Tim.

Don't. I think you'd better go.

Please, I just want to explain.

How are you going to do that?

Er...I don't know.

Have you any idea how difficult it must be for Ivy to trust people?

And you took that trust, my little girl's... and you shit all over it.

( Door closes )

I guess we were smaller back then.

It's the same, isn't it?

Exactly the same.

Why can't he leave me alone?

I just want to get on with things... with my family.

Tim shouldn't have lied.

No. No-one should.

(She sings softly together): Tic-tac-toe...

DI Carne: Surely you're not going to sulk for the next 50 miles?

Ivy's story tallies with Eloise's.

There's no proof Ivy knew White at the school.

But how do you explain the rest?

Ivy's testimony being all over the shop.

The fact that she actively sought him out in a shopping centre.

And now she doesn't even flinch when he writes to her.

She's protecting him.

She isn't.

I'm sorry, I don't want to have the same argument we had last night.

What, in case it ends the same way?

You lot don't half make a racket.

I was watching Countdown and there was this crash.

Loads of your lot charging into Carol's house.

And I bet you didn't find anything.

Well, we were hoping you could help us, Mrs Tedder.

Besides Carol, who else lived there?

Well, it wasn't her house, you see?

It was her fancy man, Greg's.

She and her boy...

Yes, yes, yes, the charmer in all the news.

..moved in back in '78.

Eight years on, she kicked Mark out.

Done her bit, she said.

White would have been 16.

If Dylan was seven, sounds about right.


The kid she had with Greg.

He was a mistake.

"A bottle-of-gin-shaped one," Carol used to say.

A bit on the slow side, though.

It's probably not PC for me to say that.

White has a half-brother.

Brevity wasn't Mrs Tedder's strong suit.

Headlines... She's given us the brother.

The minute we know anything about him, you'll know, sir.

Also, some useful background on White.

Hardly an unusual one.

A social outcast. Tricky relationship with his mum.

Abandonment issues.

I mean, shit parenting doesn't give you a licence.

Or else we'd all be in trouble.

Speak for yourself.

We've had a profiler look at the letter to Ivy.

There are heavy scoring points to White's state of mind.

Erratic, working in haste, prone to mistakes and entirely focused on Ivy.

Which makes me think...

Phoebe's disposable.

Have our man draw up a response.

I want it out there soon as.

If we engage White, we might stand a chance of getting him to hand himself in.

We'll be as quick as is humanly possible, Mrs Moxam.

Ivy, hello.

Have you written your letter yet?

Sadly, it's not quite that simple.

We've been looking into Mark White's family set-up, trying to build up a better picture of him.

Did he have a half-brother?

He never talked about a Dylan? No.

You're absolutely certain that a Dylan Hawthorne was never mentioned by White?



Because he is his half-brother.

Eight years younger.

He never said.

OK, Ivy. Sorry to have wasted your time.

Listen, with Alia being, erm...

Well, I wanted to offer to take you to your appointment with Dr Young later. No need.

My sister's taking me.

Are you OK?

Did something happen with the police?

Everything's fine.

Can we play Snake?

I wish.

It doesn't have it.

And you'd only thrash me, anyway.

There's lots of photos of you two.

I hadn't really noticed.

Is that him?


He wants them of the both of you, not... not just you?

What are all these?

Mostly totally useless. Show me.

I feel left behind.

Better yet.

You can have your very own.

I can't imagine my little sister driving.

Am I safe?

"Slow and steady wins the race" is my motto.

So you're dangerously safe.

( She taps on the window )

It's that girl from the pub. But...

It's Eloise.



Hi, Ivy.



I've dicked about with my hair so much, even I don't know what its actual colour is.

Let alone the metal show.

Sorry, I'm talking too much, aren't I?

No change there, then.

Is it a totally ridiculous question to ask you how you are?

Yeah, totally ridiculous question.

I heard you moved away.

To the Big, Unfriendly Smoke, for my sins.

So where are you staying?


On the sofa, obviously.

You've come to get me to talk to him, haven't you?

He messed up, Eloise.

No arguments from me, I... I don't want to talk about Tim. I don't want to talk to Tim.

Ivy, I don't give a shit about Tim. I came to talk to you.

Woman on TV: 'And we go live to the scene at Sunbridge High.'

'Headmaster Henry Stone can't be reached for comment. Sunbidge High itself...'

( She turns the TV off )

Just missed them.

I told Em to call me when she's dropped her off at Dr Young's.

And she's not to leave her on her own.

Nice shirt.

What's the occasion?

Is it? I don't...

Seeing them get on like this, well, it's... it's a relief.

I'm going to run into the office, make a few calls, keep things ticking over.

Man on TV: 'The continued silence 'has led to a growing clamour from concerned parents.'

Henry, I'm worried about you.

When I don't call back, you should take it as a clue, Angela.

'The Board of Governors have called a meeting tomorrow. I'm worried they'll go for a no-confidence vote in you.'

I think I've got something...

Dylan Hawthorne's medical history.

I even threw in a shiny new folder.

High standards you're setting yourself, Jesse.

I can handle it.

( DI Carne coughs )

I think that's your cue to go.
Born in 1978.

Underwent investigations by a paediatric neurologist.

There's a deficiency noted, but it's typically vague.

Then again, it was the '70s.

Your era.

You know the '70s isn't my era.

And I'll stop you there.

Because Dylan's got a criminal record.

1993, expelled for possession of a knife.

Emma Moxam, I can confirm I feel safe in your car.

Good. I'm glad.

I'll be back here by the time you're done.

Come on in, Ivy.

Mark White, in reaching out to Ivy Moxam, we believe that you're telling us you want to talk.

We're here to listen to what you have to say.

In responding to you directly, we hope the line of communication is open between us.

Our primary concern is the safety and wellbeing of Phoebe Tarl.

I've gone from warm to icy cold on Dylan Hawthorne.

After his arrest, there's nothing. No trail. Nothing.

Maybe he moved abroad.

Yeah, well, wherever he went is nowhere useful for us.

We've got our very own Magnum PI wanting a word.

I really don't want this to be the second time you've taken up police resources, Mr Stone.

Look, I'm not time-wasting.

There's 40-odd testimonies from ex-staff there.

What is it, half-baked recalls of how Mark White liked his tea in the morning?

"Back in 2006, a young man ran up in a panic looking for Mark. When I asked who it was, he took a while to answer. His brother, he said. After that day, I never saw Mark again at the school."

Is it useful?

It puts the brothers together within the timeframe of Ivy's abduction.

It's more than useful, Mr Stone.

Thank you.

I don't really go in for the Good Samaritan side of things.

Why go to all this effort to help us?

It seems you have enough problems of your own to solve.

I just wanted to make it up to her.

We've sourced an old image of Dylan as a teenager.

I've decided to release it to the press.

We have to consider that the brother may be hiding Mark White.

How was your session, darling?

Fine. Thanks.

Is he here - Dad?

No, he had to go to work.

I bet he did!

Are you all right?

Did Ivy hear the news?

Mark White's letter. The police response is all over it.

She didn't want the radio on.

Is she OK?

Did she tell you what she and Dr Young talked about?

I didn't ask.

I think she's sick of us all asking.

I know.

I can't seem to help myself.

She seems happy with you. Thank you for being so good with her.

You're a good girl.

It's just right.

I remember how we used to fight over these, if you got a good one.

You'd want yours for Edward Farr.

Edward Farr...

Oh, boy, could I pick them!

He was the last boy I knew you liked.

And then I came back and you were engaged.


That must've been weird.

What's he like?


How did you know he was the one?

I don't know if I believe in "the one".

A one, maybe.

Maybe not, even.

Did you have a lot of boyfriends, then?

Just Craig.

So he...

He was your first?

And only.

Not that I'm complaining.

You mean you... like it?

I didn't mean to... No, it's...

We're sisters, we're supposed to talk about this stuff, aren't we?

If that's what you want.

Then, yeah.

I do... like it.

When did you know you were in love?

It creeps up on you.

He was just nice to me.

It was nice to have someone be nice.

And Mum liked him, which was...

Well, it made a difference.

Did Dad? He didn't come into it.

Why not?

Well, it doesn't matter.

Your face says it does.

It really doesn't.

Em, what's going on?

I haven't had a choice in not telling you.

I mean, you have to know that.

Dad had... has... another woman.

If you'd call her that.

What about Mum? They're together.

Only because of me?

Chris, what do you think of this?

'It went on for two years. Behind Mum's back. And then one day, everyone just seemed to know. And he left us.'

You've a match.

Dylan's been in the house?

All over it, in fact. If the cellar hadn't been a bleach job, what's the betting his prints would be down there too?

That'd be a hell of a lie from Ivy.

Hardly the first.

How could his brother have been there without knowing about Ivy?

( Hoover running )

'Police search teams have been combing the city...'

It's not going to calm down for Ivy, is it?

Not until they find the bastard.

Come on.

Even then, her whole life will be under the shadow of this miserable, shitty little story.

I've, er, called Carlene.

I thought you could have a night off.

You know we don't smoke in here, Tim.

Oh! Sorry, I didn't know.

Of course you didn't know.

Because Tim here, well... he's not very good at saying what needs saying.

Are you, Tim?

Do you know who this is?

DS Merchant's not coming.

It's just you and me, Ivy.

It's White's half-brother.


You never heard anyone in the house?

Voices, or even just a voice, one that didn't sound like White?

Because we think that Dylan was in that house a lot while you were being held.

Maybe he even lived there.

Do you not feel like talking today?

I just want to be left alone.

Yeah, I get it.

I do, I get it.

I have to be here, asking you these questions.

If I don't, Phoebe's still out there somewhere, in danger.

How would you feel if someone asked you question after question?

I probably wouldn't like it.

But I'd do it if I needed to.

Easy to say.


Ask away.

Why did you become a policeman?

To help people.

Why did you become a policeman?

I guess I needed a... a firm hand. Where's your home?

Bedminster. Not with that accent.

( He laughs )

I was born in Glasgow.

Are your family still there?

You said ask away. My dad is.

And your mum?

You don't know where your mum lives?

OK, I get the point. It's not...

Why don't you know where she is?

I just don't.

You don't want to talk about it.

Why should I?

It's my life, my past.

So don't come into my home, acting like you are trying to help me.

Funnily enough, I am actually trying to help you, Ivy.

I'll put you on the record as never having seen this man.

Never having heard mention of him, never having the impression he was attending on Corbridge Road. Yes?


This is what you've been doing?

Craig, I'm busy.

So busy that I'm left like a tool at the tasting session, promising them over and over that my fiancee will be here any moment.


I'm sorry.

It's been a mad day. I forgot.

I reminded you this morning.

You weren't listening.

Look, we're going to start losing deposits for things if we don't show up.

You still want to get married, don't you?

Of course.

I just think... with everything that's going on... maybe it's worth us thinking about postponing.

There's no such thing this close.

It's either we carry on or not have it at all, so we carry on, right?

I just think everything with Ivy...

Yes or no?

I don't know.

But I...

Craig, just the man.

Grab the other end of this, will you? I can manage.

Don't listen to her. Stubbornness comes before a wrecked back.

Good man.

Thanks, Craig.

( She chuckles )

I hope you've washed your hands.

I'm certain you've more important things to do than to wait here to pass comment on my hygiene practice.

Which, by the way, is a lot better than yours.

I wanted to say sorry.

I went to interview Ivy alone.

I thought she would open up.

She didn't.

I don't like this.

Us not being on the same side.

Me neither.

However, I promise to stop fighting you every step of the way.

( Loud music playing )

Please, Yazz, calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down!

Yazz, come back.

What's she doing now?

I can't even hear myself argue.

But what are you doing in here?


To the best of my limited abilities.

I wanted to make a "Sorry for being in the way" meal.

Well, you are... in the way.

Be fair, Yazz, none of this is Eloise's fault.

Two ghosts from his past is two too many.

I hope you understand.

Sorry, I didn't think.

I should have...

I'll find somewhere else.

Come on, Yazz!

You are this close to following your friend here out the door.

You see how fast she is to shake her head?

I'd barely even got the question out about a half-brother.

To know what's going on in there...


Plans, sorry.

Girl's got to keep hydrated.

Night, then, Jesse.

Care to elaborate on these "plans"?

You know me, I like to keep a bit of mystery.


Got to see a friend.

You know, prove I'm still alive.

But maybe after?

Ivy, love? We're ready.

Our very own cinema. Popcorn and everything.

Dad's found our old videos. Come sit by me.

We thought it might be a nice thing.

Craig, would you dim the lights?

( Baby crying )

'World, meet baby Ivy Moxam. Eight pounds, four ounces. Ivy Moxam, meet world.'

That was the best day of my life.

Well, one of two.

It feels like some low-rent This Is Your Life.

Do we have to?

Oh, he's gone to a lot of trouble.

There's been endless frowning and fiddling with the TV.

Here we go.

'She's waving at you. I'm not sure I'll get her back! She looks just like you.'

We're a family.

Coming into being.

With room for one more.

'Run, girls. Run!'

Arty shot, was it?

Give your dad a break.

I'm tired, Mum.

A week away.

Same cottage, same beach.

We can even see if they've got the same ropey old tennis court.

I thought it might be good for us to get away as a family.

As a family?

Is it too soon, love?

No, it's not too soon.

I've only been stuck underground for 13 years, after all.

I've got this wrong, haven't I?

No change there, then.

Talk to us.

What is it?

Did you ever give up hope that I'd be found?



Of course not. Liar!

Ivy, I knew you'd be back.

I never gave up.

You having an affair, leaving our home, proves you gave up.

Emma? Classy work, Em.

It is not her fault, it is yours!

( She sobs )

Darling... Ivy, please.

You have ruined the one thing I had left.

The past, before...

Tell me what I need to do to make this right.

( She sighs )

Your dad's got nowhere to go.

Try back to his Spanish whore.

He was with her today. I saw them.

I went to end things for good.

I never forgave myself, you know.


( Tapping echoes )

( Hollow ringing )

( Mobile phone vibrates )

( Banging on door )

Craig: Em?

Open the door, Em.

Get out!

This is my room and you're my girl, or at least you were a day ago, so I'm not going anywhere.

You think it's OK to do that?

To scare us, to scare Ivy?

Stop using her as an excuse.

You didn't even think she was your sister in the first place.

( She gasps for breath )

( Phone vibrates )

( Man grunting )

'Eloise here, leave a message and I'll hit you back.'

It's Ivy. I need to talk to you, please.

Ivy: 'Everyone has someone. Their person. Tim has his wife, Em has Craig, Mum has Dad. I'm glad about that, I am. Even Elliott, he has someone of his own.'

Sir, we need an excavation team down at Corbridge.

There's something odd here.

'I should never have left him. All I want is not to be alone any more.'

( Mobile phone vibrates )

I need you to come over.

I can't do that, Ivy.


'I better go.'

There's someone outside!

( Drilling )

He ran off when you came.

Well, you're safe now.

Everyone keeps saying that. I'm not, though, am I?

Not when he...

Will you stay?


No, I can't. Please!

I don't want to be on my own.

I need you over here, Elliott.

To be unreachable in the middle of an investigation of this scale...

Sir, if you'd let me explain...

Does Ivy know about this?

Is this because of last night?

Me asking you to stay over?


What more do you want, Yazz?

I want to feel like you want to make it right.

I don't know what I'm supposed to have done. Answer the question.

All she's been through, and you dare to do this?

Do you know where he is?

Phoebe doesn't stand a chance.

( She gasps )

♪ Don't say nothing, no ♪
♪ I can see when you're lying ♪
♪ Oh, whoa ♪
♪ When you're alone, you're so alone ♪
♪ When you're alone, you're so alone. ♪