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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 03/14/16 00:33
by bunniefuu
Want to know how the trick is done?

Du bist ein strohmann.

It's a straw man operation. You are the straw man.

No offence.

Your name is Andrew Birch.

You are a merchant venturer, decent history in commerce, no skeletons, no murky deals.

Maybe you and I have done deals together, maybe we haven't. let them guess.

So, I go to the clowns, the brokers, venture boys, flexible banks and I say, "This fellow Birch, he's a very smart cookie, brilliant plan. Just needs backing. Something to do with agricultural hardware. Quick profits. He's my gift to you. He's clever. He's handsome. He's good with all the right people. Didn't want you missing out. The Company is called Tradepass. Double your money in four months, max."

It's trust Dicky time.

And they do.


We register the company in Cyprus. You have a bank in Geneva.

No questions asked, no accounts to be filed. You...

..are my lead actor.

You're my main man, my star.

We make the deal. No-one really knows what we're selling.

No-one wants to know. They don't care, All they care about is the money.

They don't want to know what's really at stake, because if they did they wouldn't sleep at night.

No-one can know where the money comes from except you and me, Andrew.

We know.

( Knock on door )

It's 11 o'clock.

We're having a business meeting, darling. I thought I told you.

A business meeting with Thomas?

Not Thomas.


Andrew is coming aboard.

Well, I'm not part of your little venture, so what do I call you?

Your son is leaving, if you'd like to take him to the airport.

Oh, bloody hell.

Come here.

Hello, what's this?

It's a goodbye present.

My, God! Boy's got talent.

My son, the painter.

Very good, Danny.

It certainly is. That's terrific, Dans, thank you.

Now, better get a move on.

Aren't you coming?

Can't, I'm afraid. Work.

Give your old man a hug.

Jed'll take you to the airport and your mother will be at the other end.

Come on now, chin up.

Goodbye, Thomas.

Bye, Danny.

He's not Thomas any more.

He's Andrew.

Jed, darling...

But I'm still Jed and your dad's still your dad so...

Is that right?

Come on, baby.


What do you want?

Please sit down.

Your girlfriend tells me you're going to take her to Istanbul.

Very romantic.

I did what you asked.

And how's the sleeping?

Still bad. You are not good as a confessor at all.

One good deed at a time.

Isn't that what the good Lord says?

Where did you get this?

Lucky dip.

Don't bullshit me.

Who got you this?

Someone on the inside?

Don't make trouble with me Juan.

I'd much prefer to be your friend.

I think you would prefer it, too.

Now look here. I've got code names and I've got numbers and I've got pages to cross-reference, but what I don't have is someone to join the dots for me and tell me what the bloody hell is going on.

Will you leave me alone?

You have my word.

( Bushes rustle, footstep outside )

( He breathes heavily )

Jesus Christ.

What is wrong with you?

What the hell do you think you're doing?

No-one saw me.

You saw no-one see you. It's not the same thing.

Where's Roper?

He left last night for a meeting in Geneva.


I really don't think this was a good idea.

I'm sorry if my recklessness upsets you.

Just tell me what you were doing in his private study.

Same as you.

I just wanted to find out more about the man who's employing me.

I'm not employed by anyone.


I'm in a relationship, Andrew.

Business or pleasure.



Is this your son?

Why do you have that?

Is it your son?


Where is he?

He lives with my sister. She takes care of him.

Well, why isn't he here with you?

Because I left him.

I was 17, I couldn't be a mother.

My sister had a kid already and her husband's a really nice guy.

He doesn't do meth for breakfast, so I think I made the right call.

Does Roper know?

He wasn't supposed to know.


Because that's not what he bought on the Upper East Side.

I'm young and beautiful.


So why are you here? Why'd you come and see me?

You know, I actually have no idea.

What do you want from us?

Jed, I'm not your way out of this.

That's not what I'm asking.

I think you should go.

Go home along the beach.

Make sure...

If anyone asks, say you couldn't sleep and you went for a night-time stroll.

Make sure they see you.

Be nice to Roper.

Make him happy.

Make him believe it.

Why the hell would I listen to you?

( He sighs )

( He sighs )

Come on, mate.


What are you...?

( Tyres screech )


( Tyres screech )

( He pants )

Right, look.

Investors in Trade Pass, translated by the Spaniard.

Names on the left, numbers on the right.

So Roper buys MOD-certified weapons for 300 million, is cash-flowed by people who know nothing about what they're trading in, but the investors are guaranteed 20% profit at the end of 12 months.

So Roper pays back 360 million at the end of the deal, but look what he sells it for.

What's that?

Estimated sale price. His dad was an auctioneer.

That's a profit of 240 million.


It's not bad for a year's work. And look at this.

Who are Halo and Felix?

( Phone rings )

There we are.

Rob Singhal, IEA.


It's Mayhew.

I think he's on the warpath.

An unmarked van forcing me off the Mall.

DOOR SLAMS Is this what it's come to?

This is London, for Christ's sake!

They were probably trying to scare you.

They picked the wrong man.

They'll get a Whitehall knife-fight like they've never seen. Your budget is tripled.

Don't ask me where I got it from - best you don't know. How many more people do you want?


Intelligence-gathering, analysis, six minimum. People I can trust.

You choose them. You choose everything. And get Steadman back here. Tell him we're joining forces.

You get a new kit. New everything.

OK. Rex, you need to sit down. Can I show you something?

Where did you get this?

Rex, who are Halo and Felix?

I don't know.

Could you make a guess?

Good trip?

It was all right.

It was all right?

Two days of meetings with Swiss bankers, Corky.

Wasn't exactly Babylonian.


I didn't get you a snowglobe, if that's what you're wondering.

How's the homework coming?'s pretty good, I think.

Oh. Better be. I'm going to be testing you.

( Jonathan chuckles )

Where's Jed?

I'm don't know, actually.

I haven't seen much of her, to be honest.

Ah. Thar she blows...

Jed, darling.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, too.

Come on, I want to show you how much I missed you.


Top floor. One hour.

So you're joining up.

Send the kid back to Mummy, and then it's off to work we go.


Thanks to some very clever footwork by some queens unfriendly to the cause, you're going in my place.

Corky, I have no idea what you're talking about.

You see, the chief, though he'll deny it, is an incurable romantic, whereas Corky here is a sceptic.

And my professional and personal view is, you are poison.

But you saved his little boy's life, so you're Mr Untouchable.

I think one's becoming a tad deranged, Corky.

And then of course there's the case of the night-time naughties while Roper was away.

"Barefoot she walked along the beach, to the old cottage where the hero awaits."

Now if that isn't an airport novel waiting to be written...

She came for advice, that's all.

Do you have any idea what he'd do to her... if he knew?

The damage he would do to that beautiful, sweet face?

Even Dr Shimon, Mr Plastic Fantastic might find that a bit of a challenge.

That's the fire you're dealing with.

Or don't you care?


Of course I care.

Well, good.

Well, then, don't ever go near that girl...


Waist to floor, 45.

Please turn around, sir.

Thigh, 23.

Please turn around, sir.

( Jonathan chuckles )

Chest, 41.

Waist, 32 and a half.

Please turn around, sir.

I do believe the tree-trunk has filled out a little.

You been raiding the fridge while I was gone?

Well, er...I was laying in supplies.

All right, so we'll take two of those, one of the birdseye, Prince of Wales, and then one in the grey - what was that called?

Er, Super 100, sir Super 100.

Yes. Now, can you do all that by Wednesday, because Mr Birch is embarking on a very important trip.

Of course, Mr Roper.

Ah, Jed, darling. Come and see our boy.

Doesn't he look grown-up?

Very nice.

Thank you.

All right.

Time to pay the man, Andrew.

Er...we can charge all this to your account, Mr Roper.

No, no, no, no - Mr Birch will pay for his own clothes, won't you, Mr Birch?


( He gasps )

This is a farewell to my love, who after a night of wine, song, and assorted pleasures of the flesh, will be returning to the villa with Corky here while we continue with our journey with our new friend and colleague, Andrew Birch.

Andrew Birch.

Thank you very much.

Andrew Birch.

Who's hungry?

Tabby: I am, Boss.

I can see that, yes!

( Laughter )

Where are you going tomorrow?

I don't know.

Waiter: Sir, would you like to order?

Er...why don't you just bring us a mass of seafood?

Er...clams, squid, oysters et cetera.

Get rid of these bloody flowers, will you?

Yes, of course.

Las flores, por favor.

I'd like a lobster salad, please.

Oh, I'm afraid we don't have any more lobster, madam.

( Mimics waiter's speech )

Corky: What do you mean there's no lobster?

It's fine.

Sir, I'm sorry.

(Mimics accent): I'm sorry - so you so should be.

What is this out here?

This is the sea.

This is a seafood restaurant.

There are many lobster living out here, very happy, laughing at your three Michelin stars.

Corky, do shut up.

It's fine - I'll have the fish, thanks.

Do you have fish in your fish seafood restaurant?

Yes, we do, sir.

( Laughter )

Oh, I would like to make a toast.

To the lovers.

The perfect pairing.

Beauty and elegance entwined.

To the lovers!

All: The lovers!

Let no man tear them asunder.

What's wrong, baby?



Of course it's bloody business.

Will you miss me?

Yes, I will miss you.

Why don't you take me with you?

What the hell's that?

What is this? What is this?

Corky, sit down.

It is for another table, sir.

I'll tell you what it is, my naughty little greaseball.

This is a lobster sodding salad!

Yes, sir.

So why did your ugly friend over there just tell me that this beautiful lady couldn't have a lobster-sodding-salad?

They pre-ordered this morning.

( Mimics waiter's speech )

Only the lobster salad for pre-orders.

( Corky mimics speech )

Take your hand off my lobster.


Jesus, Corky!

Jonathan: Come on, come on, come on, come on...

Andrew Birch to the rescue?

Come on... Come on...

Come on...

Where you taking me? Where you taking me?


Come on.

Sit down, sit down.

Sit down.


It's OK... Shhh...

I am so sorry.

Customer: What the hell's going on?

Andrew Birch.

I must apologise for my friend's misbehaviour.

I think you bloody well should.

Allow me to buy you lunch.

Perhaps I could re-order the entire meal, another bottle of champagne...

What about your friend there?

You'll have no trouble from him, sir.

Would that be all right?

Thank you so much.

I'll take your word for it.

Yes, sir, thank you.


All right.

Isn't he a charmer?

So smooth.

To the victor!

And to the blind man...

..who cannot see the human bloody hand grenade in front of his bloody eyes.

( Chair scrapes )

( Phone rings )

Thank you.

Nice and prompt, Harry.

What are you doing, contacting me like that?

I was in a hurry.

Do you want to see why?

Where did you get these?

Who are Halo and Felix?

It's all right, I'm on my own.

Richard Roper is buying arms under the counter from British and American arms companies.

And people on the inside are aiding and abetting.

And getting paid to do so.

5 million.

I shouldn't be here.

Sit down, Harry.

Listen to me, Harry.

I like you. I've always liked you.

Ever since I was in the River House.

You're a decent man.

You're just too easily led.

I didn't want to be part of it, I swear.

Who is Halo?


So it's, er... money to cover all the River House expenses, yeah?

Including you?

And who's Felix?

Langley in London.

Barbara Vandon.

So what's Dromgoole doing for his money?

Falsifying MOD end-user certificates.

And are you helping him to do that?

Oh, Harry!

That's corruption, it's... serious fraud, and it's a gross abuse of government.

And it's a very long custodial sentence, and a humiliating end to a decent career.

Is that what you really want?


King's College library.

Pick them up tomorrow, 10am.

Looking forward to it?

Very much.

Although I'm not quite sure what "it" is yet.

That's half the fun.

All of the fun, come to think of it.

( Phone rings )


Nicely dealt with at lunch, by the way.

Thank you.

I suppose drunken guests were meat and drink to you in the hotel trade.

( Jonathan chuckles )

Yes, er...

Among other things.

I'm sure.

The mind positively boggles.

( Sandy chuckles )

( Sandy sighs )

Everything all right?

Never better.

We fly tomorrow at ten.

Listen, I need to talk to Sandy.

Can you entertain Jed?

We might be a while.

Jed, darling, the old codgers need to talk.

Andrew's going to buy you a drink in that beautiful bar up on the terrace.

And if I were you, I would accept quick.

Looks like there might be a lot of takers.

When are you back?

I don't know.

Who are you?

You come into our lives...

..disrupt our balance...

..everyone's attracted to you.

Who are you?

Are you Andrew Birch?

Are you Thomas Quince?

Are you Jonathan Pine?

Tell me.

I can't.

How long do we have?

He said a while.

Where's your room?

( Lock bleeps )

( They moan )

( They pant )

( He groans )

( They pant )

No way. I don't think they can have a damn thing.

Doesn't matter what he has - it matters what he THINKS he has.


Who "he"?

Fellow called Mayhew.

Tight-arsed Foreign Office creep trying to make a name for himself.

River boys got him pegged as a nuisance -

I don't know what he already has, but they're definitely spooked.

What do you want to do?

Call the Haven, bring the whole thing forward.

Will do.

So what do you make of our new frontman?

Oh, I like him.

He drinks less than Corky, but doesn't have the same elan.

Still, swings and roundabouts.

You are such a bloody snob, Lord Langbourne.

Yeah it's me.

Just a small change of plan...

Ah, there you are!'s a timing issue and it's...

Thought you might have eloped.

I had a little headache.

My gallant found me a Nurofen, though.

Did he really?


Well, that is very decent of him.

No, no, no. No...

I am for my bed, and you are for my bed, too.

Just in case you'd forgotten, you and I are not going to see each other for quite a while.

See you in the morning, Andrew.

I won't wake to see you off, so best of luck.

Thank you.

OK, so we're looking at seven arms deals, all in the last six months.

Fake MOD end-user certificates, fast-tracked by the River.

You can see on the certificates the end users are the governments of Italy and Bulgaria.

We now know that not to be the case. They're being exported by a company called Farrago Holdings.

Export licenses granted - they can ship when ever they want.

Where did you get these?

A boatman gave them to me.

OK, so the toys are in transit.

The question is - where are they really going? And how the hell are they getting there?

We're focusing on three ships - the Nemesis, the Marquis, the Leila Jane.

All three were registered in Cyprus to Farrago Holdings.

Farrago's a front company - it's impossible to trace the directors.

What's the cargo?

Crops and farm machinery.

All three ships have already gone off their bearings in the Atlantic Ocean.

I'd say two are a smokescreen and one's the real thing.

And what about Roper, Grace?

Well, he was in Palma. He left on a private jet this morning.

Plane's registered to Trade Pass Holdings.

Director is Andrew Birch.

Birch? Who's that?

We've run searches on him - nothing's come back.

Who's on the plane?

Birch, Langbourne and Richard Roper.

Where's it going?


That's where Apostol's going, the Spanish lawyer.

We need to split units. You need to get to Istanbul now.

Take Pearl and a team with you.

What am I looking for?

A familiar face.

I think Andrew Birch is someone closer than we think.

Sir, we'll be approaching Istanbul in around ten minutes.

Thank you, Mags.

You ready to shine?

( Jonathan chuckles )

( Knock at door )


Rex, how are you?


What are you...?

I'm fine.


Angela Burr from the IEA.

You know her personally?


A little, yes.

And do you know what she's up to?

Erm...aside from the fact that she's working on Limpet, not really. Erm...

Micro-management isn't my style.

Well, she's been ruffling an awful lot of feathers.

I think we should appoint a new head of the IEA.

I have some suitable candidates.

I particularly like this one.

Are you serious?


Angela Burr is closer than anyone's ever been to cracking Richard Roper's offshore operation.

You really believe that?

I know it, I know it.

I've seen it with my own eyes.

What is it you're not telling me, Rex?

( He sighs gently )

Pamela, if I show you this, it has to be for your eyes only.

This is operational material.

You know, there are lives at stake.

( She gasps )


We know who Halo and Felix are.

All right, then.

Keep Angela Burr where she is.

Yes, Geoffrey, it's Pamela.

( Muslim call to prayer )

Dicky, remind me of the name of that bellydancer.

Never knew it.



Andrew Birch.

I have three suites and two rooms booked in my name.

Of course, sir.


Thank you.


Here we are, ready for you, sir.

Thank you.

All done?

All done.

( Phone rings )

Boss's office.


( He sighs )

Angela Burr has got hold of these.

( Harry sighs )

How the hell...?

We suspect a Spanish involvement.

Which means...


What's the matter, Harry? Why the flare?

Dromgoole's got the Trade Pass papers.

He knows they came from you.

How does he think I got them?

He thinks the Spanish lawyer helped you.

Is that what he said?

( Phone rings )



Need to get a message to the Spanish lawyer in Madrid. Tell him to re-divert to London now.


I can't do this, Angela. I'm not sleeping.

Shut up and listen to me.

How did he get them - did they come from Galt?

They came direct to Dromgoole.

I got the feeling they came from above.

From above? Is that what he said?

( He sighs )

Are you sure it was her?

Who else could it have been?

I said no-one, Rex. I said not a bloody soul to see those papers.

I was defending you. She was going to get rid of you, Angela.

What happens now?

I get Apo out, quick-time.

Give him a new ID, new life.

Put it all on him to save Pine - if it looks like Apo was the only mole in the operation, we might just be OK.

( Phone rings )

Yeah, Joel, What is it?

'The Spanish lawyer booked a flight to Istanbul but never made it.'

He's not answering his cell and nobody in his office knows where he is.

I'm heading to Madrid right now.

OK, call me when you get there.

( He sighs )

( Muslim call to prayer )

( He sighs )

( Phone rings )

( He sighs )



What's wrong?

I just need to know that you're there.

Jed, we have to get off the line.

( He hangs up )

Where's, er...Apostol?

Is he meeting us there?

Apo's crocked, I'm afraid.

Looks like he's screwing his tart somewhere.

We have a Turkish substitute.

But we don't need Apo.

We don't need anyone.

We just need you and me.

Banker: Mr Ertun will sign as representative of Farrago Holdings' full jurisdiction.

I will sign as witness from the private members' bank.

Mr Langbourne informs me that Mr Birch will sign for himself as director of Trade Pass Limited.

That's correct, sir.

When would you like to sign?

What's wrong with now?

( Ertun laughs )

I have not had time to review these documents properly.

It is a very complicated process of sale.

The origin of the machinery is unclear.

I'm not even sure when the transfer of goods is going to take place.

Oh, you don't need to concern yourself with that now.

Mr Langbourne...


I was brought on at very late notice.

I need time to study the documents.

Could you ask Mr Apostol to give me a call on the phone, explain to me the nature of the deal, and I'll be happy to proceed.

Mr Apostol is indisposed, which is why we're here, and why you're being paid so well.

I'm sorry.

I cannot sign a blank document.

They're not blank.

There are words all over the place.

Look, Mr...


Mr Collins, it's blank to me.

Jonathan: Mr Ertun, let me explain.

To be completely honest, I haven't read the documents either, and I'm supposed to be signing them.

The choice we have is not to do the deal today or next week - the choice we have is to do the deal today, now, this minute...

..or we don't do the deal at all.

All you need to know is that Trade Pass is buying farm machinery from Farrago Holdings.


You see, ultimately, Mr Ertun...

..this is about trust.

I trust you... and, er...

LOCK CLICKS ..I'm asking you to trust me.

It really is that simple.

We were told you were the right man for the job.

Perhaps we were wrong.

No, no, no, no.

Wait, wait.

You can trust me.


Well, let's get those documents signed, shall we?

Mr Birch is a busy man.

Banker: Just before we get to sign those papers...

To authorise the transfer of funds from the Trade Pass account, Mr Birch will be subject to a biometric verification.

It'll take a minute to extract your iris scan.

( App bleeps )

You'll be able to use this later on on your smartphone and your computer.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

If you sign here...

( Pen scratches on paper )

Do you think I might, er... take a look at the current bank statement?

Don't see why not. It's his company.

( He sighs )

Thank you.

( Thunder rolls )

Frisky: Ciao.

Ka tev iet.


We go single file.

Yeah? Keep your hands clear and visible at all times.

Unbutton your jacket, Sandy - they want to see we're not carrying.

OK? Right, Sandy, come on.

Lord Langbourne.


Long trip on the high seas, sailor boy?


( They chuckle )

Er...we got a little lost in the ocean.

But we got here in the end.

You did.

Who is Mr Birch?

This is Mr Andrew Birch.

You are a great enthusiast for tractors and agricultural materials?

That's right, yes.

Want to feed the world.

Like Bono.

( They laugh )

Let's get on with it, shall we?

This way.

Could we open this one, please?

Yeah, OK.

( Jan gives orders in latvian )

Roper: Frisky and Tabby, you want to pick a couple each - make sure they're bona fide?


Very much.

Wait till you see the rest.

Everything all right with you two?

Frisky: Yeah, it's all good.


I think it's signing time.

Sandy: Yes, good evening, this is Sandy Langbourne, Trade Pass, for authorisation.

I'm handing the phone to Mr Andrew Birch.

( App bleeps )

Thank you.

'Please put Jan on the line.'

'The purchase has been authorised - it's all gone through.'

( Jan chuckles )

Jan: It's all yours, my friends.

( Jan speaks latvian )

And this is for you, Mr Birch.

To seal the deal.

This is the best vodka from my home town, Daugavpils in Latvia.

Is it?

Yeah! But, shh...

This is contraband.

( They laugh )

Thank you very much.

Thank you!

I appreciate it.

Thank you.

( They speak Latvian )

Right, let's get this stuff ashore and onto the trucks, shall we?

( Laughter )

So how does it feel knowing that for the next 24 hours, you own enough weaponry to start a w*r?

It feels good.

Sure you won't join me?

No, I'm fine, thank you.

Where are they going?

To the Haven.

We'll fly out there tomorrow. Buyer will meet us there.

You know, I had my suspicions about you.

Suspicion is, unfortunately, a tool of my trade.

Corky's jealousy is very infectious.

Though it's not really jealousy - it's lust.

What he'd give for a night with you.

Actually, I know exactly what he'd give.

Cos he claims it on expenses. "Uncorking," he calls it.

( Jonathan laughs )

Hundred bucks a time.

Probably get it for less here, seeing as they more or less invented it.

So what's your tipple?

Men? Women?

Young? Old?

Get you anything.

I'm fine, er... thank you, though.

So you don't drink, and you don't screw.

Not sure I can trust a man with no appetites.

Well, er...'ll have to trust this one.

Don't have to.

I choose to.

Grace: It's gone midnight. You should really go home.

Angela: I'd rather be here, thank you.

Doesn't your husband mind?

Mind what?

You always being here. I mean, I know mine would.

My husband knows why I do this.

He knows about the school sports day.

I mean, he shouldn't.

Mr Burr's not cleared for anything more than... cooking risotto and taking the bins out.

But I had to tell him about the school sports day.


I was in Baghdad in 2003, and, erm...

I was attached to...

..the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission.

Catchy title.

And, erm... we'd had reports of an incident in Rayat, on the Iranian border.

Kurdistan. And the satellites couldn't make anything of it. So... the Head of Station sent me.

That's not entirely true - I volunteered, actually.

Mr Burr was absolutely furious when he found out.

But, you know, what's the point otherwise?

And, erm... when we got there, it was a sports day, well, it had been a sports day.

You know, running races, long jump, picnics.

It looked like it had been a really lovely day.

Until someone had dropped two...

..gas shells on the playing field.

One was sulphur mustard...

..and one was methylphosphonofluoridate.

I don't know how your organic chemistry is.


Yeah, so... the idea of the mixture was, erm... to stop people from getting masks on.

The, er, mustard gas burnt the hands and faces of the children...


..melted the skin, and erm...

( She clears her throat )

Which allowed the sarin... attack the breathing muscles.

And a lot of the kids had...

..lung tissue around their mouths and on their faces.

( She sighs )

And that was the first time I saw Richard Roper.

Roper... supplied the gas.


SHE SNIFFS No, sorry.

Erm, no, he had nothing to do with it.

Er... No, that's not the point at all.


..started selling...

..sarin... after that event.

Because of it.

He saw what I saw. He saw...

112 children... and 58 adults, and he thought, "Business."

That's the Richard Roper I know.

Yeah. So Mr Burr knows I'm married to him and I will have his child.

But I have to be here.

( Phone rings )

Grace speaking.


It's Singhal. There's a problem in Istanbul.

( Phone rings )

( He groans phone continues ringing )

( He picks up receiver he sighs )


( Knocks at door )

Get in. What the hell do you think you're playing at?



'What's wrong?

'I just need to know that you're there.'

'Jed, we have to get off the line.'


Well, what?

Well, are you conducting a relationship with that girl?

What business is that of yours?

(Oh, God.)

Yes, he's here.

Yes, it's what we suspect.


Angela: Now, you listen to me, Jonathan. This is what you are going to do.

You are going to go back to your room, 'and you collect your money and your passport,' and that is it. Do you hear me?

Then you're going to down to the foyer, where you'll meet Rob and Pearl.

'They will put you in a taxi which will take you back to the airport.'

Why would I do that?

We're pulling you out because you've blown it.

I don't think so.

'His girlfriend calls you from Roper's house phone in the middle of the night,' and you think you're safe?

'If I leave now,' you have nothing.

I will have you not screwing up my operation - that's what I'll have.

Without me, you don't have an operation.

'The arms were taken off a boat called the Leila Jane' in Istanbul Harbour late last night.

They're now being taken by road to a place called the Haven.

'If I stay on the inside, I can take you directly to the arms,' and deliver you Roper and whoever's buying them, caught in the act.

Without me, you've got nothing. You don't have Roper in possession of chemical weapons, you can't arrest him for corporate fraud, his name's not connected to Trade Pass.

You have no phone taps, no witnesses. His deal will go ahead, and you'll be powerless to stop it.

'Am I wrong?'

Just leave. That's an order.

( Receiver slams down )

The foyer. Five minutes.

( Door slams )

( He sighs )

( Bangs on door )

What the hell are you doing?

I need to speak to the chief. Now.

He's asleep.

Then get him up.

I'm sorry, boss.

This better be good.

( Jonathan sighs )

We're being watched.

What do you mean?

There is a British man and woman in the foyer.

He's Asian, mid 30s, she's 40s, I'd say, but they're English.

And I'd lay good money they're law enforcement.

How can you be so sure?

You've been on the run, you notice these things. Trust me.

Tabby, check 'em out.

Yes, sir.

Rob: Still waiting.


'They're police, all right.'

Right. I want a full evacuation.

I want all of us all on the road in ten minutes.

Anybody home?

( He gasps )

Guys, you take the front car with Tabby. Sandy, you get in with me.

Dicky, what the hell's going on?

Coppers. Let's go.

That's the backup.

Get in the car!

( Car engine starts )

Go, go, go, go!

( Tyres screech )

( Tyres screech )

You all right?

I'm fine.

( Gardner coughs )

I'm fine.

He's gone.

( She sighs )

( Bangs desk )

( She sighs )