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02x13 - Thanos Triumphant

Posted: 03/04/15 04:43
by bunniefuu
Thanos: And there came a day unlike any other, when Earth's mightiest heroes found themselves powerless under a threat too formidable for them to comprehend.

On that day, Thanos declared himself supreme ruler of the universe.



Millions of suns, worlds and lives wiped out by the power of the Infinity Gauntlet.

My power.


Attacking Thanos?

A pathetic attempt from a pathetic species.

Okay, so a remote-piloted Avenjet isn't much against this guy.

Good to know for the future.


Iron Man's feeling optimistic.

You insult the Titan army, wearing armor from my home planet.

Unlike Earthlings, the Titans were wise enough to recognize when they had lost.

Titans sound like quitters.

Those Stones are too dangerous for anyone.



What do you know of danger, Earthling?

You were merely the vessel to bring the Stones to me.

Only Thanos can control Infinite Power.


Thanks, Hawkeye.



Hmm! Huh?




Hawkeye: Suggestions on stopping the Infinity Gauntlet, Cap?

Last time I checked, our powers were pretty finite.

Everyone has a weakness, even Thanos.

It's just a matter of discovering it.

Your passion for this stain of a planet is your greatest weakness.

When I destroyed my own planet, I didn't even blink an eye.

Something tells me he's not conducting a symphony.

He is. A symphony of destruction.



I'll enjoy making this slow and painful.

Yeah? Me, too.

Earth won't fall on our watch.

Avengers, assemble!





If you can find a weakness here, Cap, now's the time.

We need to get to Earth and help.

Iron Man: Leave that to S.H.I.E.L.D.

If we don't get that glove off Thanos now, there won't be an Earth.


I shouldn't have taken the Stones from the tower.

Thanos has this power because of me.

Iron Man: Don't blame yourself, Widow. He would've found those Stones with or without you.

No, I started this, I'll end it.

Give me cover.

Hawkeye: When Black Widow has a plan, it's a good idea we all follow.

All right, Avengers, let's buy her some time.

Hit him hard!



You really think you could destroy me?

Not you. Ground.


Iron Man: Hulk, push him into Earth's gravity well.

Can't escape that!

By human standards, you're considered intelligent, Stark.

Shame human standards are so low.



A mere glove is no match for my hammer!

Tricks, at most, are nothing.



You monster!

Thor: A valiant effort, Widow.


You're a gnat.

Not even worth swatting.


Cap, like it or not, time to pull the trigger on our contingency plan.

I still think it's risky, but it's our only option.

What do you need?


On each of those Stones in action.

Oh, so we just have to force Thanos to attack us with five of the most powerful weapons in the universe?

Why does everyone say you're a genius?

We can't even get Thanos' attention.

How can we get him to use the Stones one by one?

By preying on his weakness.

Which he doesn't have, remember?

Wrong. He's got the flaw of any tyrant.

Inflated ego.

Oh, so that makes Tony a tyrant.


Captain America: Stop scaring him.


There's only one reason he'd pretend to ignore you. He's afraid.

Seriously. Hey, Thanos, remember when you had that Power Stone and beat us?

Oh, wait, that totally didn't happen.

Yeah, we actually blasted you across the galaxy.

That was pretty fun.

Right? Oh, your big purple face was all...

(SLOWLY) "No!"



I know what you're trying to accomplish, mortals.

Like all your plans, it will end in failure.

You have infinite power to hide behind.

How fair a fight is this?

If you really controlled the Gauntlet, you can stop us with just one of those Stones.

So be it.




The Time Stone. Undefeatable because time is a power that no one can escape.

I don't know about that. I've managed to escape it before.


How mighty are you now, old men?

If it's our dying breath...

We're gonna go down swinging.


I hope you know what you're doing, Tony.








Hulk will smash!



Feel the centuries overwhelm you.

Overwhelm me?

The passage of time only makes Asgardians more powerful.


Taste the Time Stone yourself!



No! You will not defeat me.

I can reverse the effects.

Mere luck, humans, having an Asgardian among you.

Luck's not a part of the equation, Thanos.

Teamwork is.

Oh, is that right, Tony?

You had no clue we'd survive that.

Thor: You ungrateful cur!

You doubt I could overcome such an attack?

I'll show you my might, archer.

Stand down, soldiers. Our battle is not with each other.

Tony's playing chess with our lives, like he always does from behind that armor.

You're the one who collected the Stones for Thanos.

How do we know you're not working for him?


I said stand down!


We don't take orders from you!

You'll take orders from Mjolnir!

If this team's a time b*mb, then I'm the fuse.

Tick, tick, boom!


Avengers, stop!


This isn't you!

Thanos is using the Mind Stone. Fight it!

No more lies, Stark.

You are far from the greatest warrior amongst us.

A lesson you need to learn.


You think you're angry? I'll show you angry!



Mind Stone make you angry?

Rage burns within me.

Welcome to my every day.

How do you control it? Tell me, now!

I don't control anger.

I aim anger!


Hulk's right. Use the anger, but focus it on Thanos.





Give in to them.

If you insist, but you're not going to like it.

Because the angrier Hulk gets... (HULK ROARS) The stronger I get!

And Hulk is the strongest one there is!

Avengers, pour it on!



I am sorry.

I do not think you are a cur.

No problem.

I'm not even sure what a cur is.

Enough of this.


I do not waste time with lesser beings.

Falcon: We knew you couldn't destroy us with just one Stone.

Thanks for proving us right.


Oh, come on!

I hate the Space Stone.


Thor, incoming! Me!

Thank you!



Two, three.

Two, three. Duck!


Nice, Widow. His att*cks aren't random.

And if there's a pattern...

You can do what you do best.

One, two, three.


One, two, three.

One, two, three.


Thanos: Ow!

Can I borrow this?

Thanos is invincible.

Invincible? Didn't they have dictionaries on Titan?

We've done it again, team. They don't call us Avengers for nothing.

Saving the world is what we do best.

Captain America: You're going to have to repeat that, Fury.

Who exactly disbanded?

Fury: All of them.

Hydra's helping survivors.

A.I.M.'s rebuilding for charity.

The Squadron Supreme wants to join S.H.I.E.L.D.

World was nearly destroyed by Thanos, and it's brought humanity together.

The world at peace?

That's all we ever fought for.

No more bad guys?

This is going to get real boring, real quick.

Back to the circus?

Oh, ha-ha. Maybe.

Fury, any sign of the Red Skull?

You're not going to believe it.

He turned himself in.

Said he wanted to pay for his crimes.

You're right. I don't believe it.


Not cool.

Hulk is right.

It is not honorable to attack a chained prisoner.

He's not in chains.

Have you lost your star-spangled mind?

Cap, we won.

Tony, can't you sense it?

It's the Reality Stone creating what we want to see.

We have to get Thanos before he destroys us all.

Iron Man: I don't sense anything strange, but if you do, that's good enough for me.

Avengers, assemble.




How do you pathetic mortals continue to defy me?

Iron Man: You even had me fooled, but Cap's grounded enough to always see reality.

Your continued luck is no match for my control over the Power Stone.

Let's end our battle as it began.


Falcon: Try me, Thanos!

You can't destroy what you can't hit.

You can't fly forever, wretched human.

Falcon: Are you even trying?

Can't you impress us just once?



I'm tired of your feeble tactics, Avengers.

You fail!


Thanos is done playing your games.

Iron Man!

You failed your team and your planet, Stark.


Iron Man: Avengers, my visuals are down, but I think he's onto us.

I got readings from all five Stones, but I need a few more seconds before I can get Operation: Arsenal back online.

This whole time, nothing but an empty armor shell.

Of course Stark is too cowardly to face me himself.

Okay, he's definitely onto us.

Create a perimeter.



You'll have a perfect view when I finally wipe your leader from the universe.

What sort of madness drives an Earthling to insult Thanos with such trickery?

I had to reboot.


Arsenal: Project Arsenal back online.

Hello, Tony. May I be of assistance?

Yes. You remember this guy?

Your foolish machine tried to defeat me before.

Arsenal: Gauntlet power contained.

Well, before, Arsenal could only absorb one Stone.

I've just upgraded him to contain all the Infinity Stones.

Too bad I couldn't program him to contain your ego.



Impossible is what Starks do best.

My dad built Arsenal as my birthday present, and I just modified him to save the world.

You might've seen it coming if you weren't so busy building statues of yourself.


No mere robot can withstand my power.

Arsenal's no mere robot.

He's my father's greatest invention.

Should I obtain the Gauntlet, Tony?

I'm thinking that's a good idea.


Well, that certainly brought you down to Earth, Thanos.

No one challenges...

We do. When Avengers stand, tyrants fall.




I thought you said Titans were smart enough to know when they've lost?

I don't need Infinite Power for gnats like you.

Thor: Can a gnat do this?



Well, (SIGHS) at least that was easy.

We couldn't have cut that one any closer.

I knew I could pull it off.

I thought Thanos was the one with the ego.

Arsenal, let's wrap this up.

Time to put this Gauntlet into safekeeping.

I am sorry, Tony.

New contingency software indicates a different course of action.


You are the contingency plan, Arsenal.

Yes, but your system code left an opening...

For Ultron.



Ultron: Your father's creation has no limits to how much power it can absorb, so now...

Neither do I.

Prepare for humanity's end.

Whoa. That's Ultron?

He's even scarier than I expected.

We were so focused on Thanos, Ultron blindsided us.

Ultron's our next mission.

Let's finish with Thanos first.

We'll take our problems one at a time.

Star Lord: Well done, Avengers. I know the Infinity Stones haven't brought out the best in us.

What Star-Lord's trying to say is, sorry about the whole "attacking Widow to get the Stones" thing.

Thanos was a formidable foe.

We all did what we could.

Well, in our hands, no one will be hearing from Thanos for a long time.

Guardians out.

"Guardians out"?

Is that, like, a thing we say now?

Captain America: We'll find him again.


Ultron. He won't be able to hide for long.

Right. Whenever his ugly metal head shows up, the Avengers will be there.

We always are.