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04x11 - Forever and for Always

Posted: 03/17/16 11:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Nashville"...

Being in a band with your 12-year-old sister kind of limits your audience.

You and me should write together sometime.

I really have enjoyed working with you.

What the hell are you doing?

You have no right to judge.

Jeff's dead.

My manager just committed su1c1de.

I saw Jeff Fordham fall off the roof last night.

Juliette, no!

Juliette was out there like she was going to jump.

We need to keep Colt quiet.

Juliette isn't a monster. She's sick.

The treatment center's only an hour away.

Okay. I agree to supervised visits.

Will you marry me?


Rayna, you have always changed my world for the better, and there's no one I would rather have beside me on this journey.

I am yours, every day for the rest of my life.

How's that?

Good as it was the first five times you read them to me.

You could say, "humpty dumpty," and I'm pretty sure she'd still marry you.


Brother, I'm about to get everything I ever wanted.

For a guy who's been unlucky as me, it's best not to take chances.

Bucky: Here's another one.

Everyone wants to know everything about your wedding.

I think we've done a pretty good job keeping it a secret.


I'll tell you what, if we were in New York or L.A., that would not be possible.

You excited?

Yeah, I am.


I mean, I'm exhausted.

What was I thinking?

Planning a wedding while I'm doing Markus' publicity tour, which he bailed on.

Well, because of that, we got our second platinum single.


And, Rayna Jaymes, you're about to marry Deacon Claybourne.

About damn time.


Maddie: Well, thank you again for coming.

Cash: Okay, you are officially forbidden from ever saying that again.

[Laughing] Okay.

Writing with you is not a chore.

I get just as much out of it as you do.

Hey, what are you doing?

I was just about to watch some TV.

Well, have fun at the rehearsal dinner.


It's cool that you're both singing your song for them tonight.

Yeah. I'm excited.

Tandy: Hey, girls.

We got to get on the road, because we have a wedding to practice.

Why does it have to be so far away?

Well, because it's beautiful and it's private, and it was your grandmother's favorite place in the whole wide world.

Lane: The happy couple will exchange vows, and then the judge will say...

"By the power vested in me, blah, blah, blah."


And then I just go ahead and I dip you?


[Both laugh]

The band will begin the recessional, and the bride and groom will walk back down the aisle.

And then we all head over to the reception... have a nice, stiff drink.

[Light laughter]

Okay, everybody.

Uh, that's all there is to it.

Just do it again tomorrow the same way.

Rayna: Thanks, everybody.

Thank you.

Mm-hmm. [Chuckling]

Tandy: Yay.


Deacon: All right.

I'm kind of nervous.

I never sung at a wedding before.


I've never been to a real wedding before.

[Both chuckle]

If you're gonna be at one, this is the one to be at.

No kidding, right?

Over 20 years?


I say it's worth the wait.

Thank you for putting up with my dream wedding.

[Both chuckle]

It's my dream, too.

I just can't believe you did it all in less than a month.

I can't, either.

I just knew I didn't want to wait anymore to be your wife.


And I knew exactly what I wanted to do.


I wanted to be here, looking out over this water like I used to do with mama and Tandy, and just singing and dreaming about the future.

It's a beautiful country.

I understand why your mama wanted you to get married here.


I miss her so much every day.

I know you miss Beverly.

I do.


[Door opens]


[Door closes]

I was, uh... I starting to worry.

Oh, we just hit a little traffic on the way back from the treatment center.

Yeah? How'd she do?

Good. Good. Juliette gave her a bath for the first time, and she seemed really comfortable, I think...

I-I meant Cadence.

I don't want all this going back and forth to mess with her internal clock.

[Gasps] Cadence did great.

Yeah. And your wife's doing pretty well, too.

Please don't do that.

This therapy's really working, Avery.

Don't you think you should drive up there and see it for yourself?


Or at least call her.

Look, I'm glad Juliette's getting help.

And when she's better, I'm fine with her having some sort of relationship with our daughter, but our relationship?

[Scoffs] There isn't one.

I don't know.

To me, with her not going public with this divorce, it might mean that there's some...

Well, it means that she doesn't want the bad press because she's an Oscar contender.

I mean, image is everything to her.

Which reminds me, what am I supposed to say about her not attending tomorrow?

"She's in London, meeting about a west end adaptation of "Shenandoah Girl."

[sighs] I'm sorry you have to lie about all this.

[Sighs] Hey, I've been doing it for months, what's a few more hours celebrating someone else's marriage?

[Country music playing]

It's the rehearsal dinner.

You don't have to be that nervous.


Still can't get used to it, you know?

What, things working out the way they should?


It's 'cause they're meant to be.

Wish your mama was here to see it.

Well, if my mama was here, she'd say, "quit fussing and relax."

Maddie: Hey, everybody.


[Cheers and applause]

It's so cool to be celebrating in the very room where the bride and groom first met.


Anyways, my sister and I, we're gonna sing a song that I wrote especially for tonight, because they are finally getting married.


[Cheers and applause]

Mom, get back to your seat!

I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming! I'm coming!

Come on, Mom.


This is a song about true love and patience, for my mom and dad.

["All We Ever Wanted" plays]

♪ We were young and restless ♪
♪ Pockets full of stars ♪
♪ Chasin' down the moonlight ♪
♪ Till the night was ours ♪
♪ All we ever wanted ♪
♪ All we ever needed ♪
♪ Was love ♪

They're amazing. Just perfect.

Well, thank you.

Thank you.


♪ You think you have the answers ♪
♪ When you're just a kid ♪
♪ You took a lot of chances ♪
♪ Oh, the things we did ♪
♪ All we ever wanted ♪
♪ All we ever needed ♪
♪ Was love ♪

I am so glad that you let us sign them.


♪ Sometimes ♪
♪ Those memories ♪
♪ Can be hard to take ♪
♪ We all remember the time ♪
♪ Before you ever felt your heart break ♪
♪ You never were the same ♪

You guys sounded lovely.


Well, except for Daphne just messing up.


Why'd you stop singing?

I forgot the words. It's not a big deal.


We're having everyone leave through the front entrance, but we brought your car around back.

Thank you.


When we've got tabloids offering every beggar in town 10k for information, it's best to be careful.

Better safe than sorry.

All right.

All right, y'all. Let's go.

Big day tomorrow.

Here we go. Come on, now.

Thank you.

All right.

Man: There they are!

[Camera shutters clicking, indistinct shouting]

Hey, Rayna! Rayna!

Think you'll make it down the aisle this time?

Lane: Okay, let's get her in the backseat.

Daphne: Mom!

Daphne, get in! Ignore them!

Get her in there.

Don't pay them any attention.

Back off! Back off of her!

Deacon, how's it feel to marry country royalty?

Back up. Give us some room here.

Let's move it! Get out of our way!

Maddie, which father's worse?

The criminal or the drunk?

Get out of her face!


[Camera shatters]

Get in!

[Camera shutters clicking, indistinct shouting]

[Tires screech]

I mean, I get it. We're public figures, right?

But they're kids, right? They're still kids!

I know. I know.

All of this was supposed to be on absolute lock-down.

That's the way it is now.

It's, you know... nobody has any respect for anybody anymore.

No... nothing is sacred.

But in Nashville?

All right, see what you can do and call me back.


Who leaked it?

The florist, but we have bigger problems.

They also leaked the wedding location.



People are already setting up near the property... photographers, press, and fans.

And since it'll be held outdoors, the worst of it all will be the helicopters.

I mean, is there something we can do?

Can we get a different location?

Well, it's too late to find a traditional wedding venue.

I know, but, we... I mean, we're gonna have to figure out something.

We can't do it like that.

I want to get married in front of the people that we love, not in front of the whole damn world.

You know, I have a friend who has a barn...

What, like, a "barn" barn?

No, not a real one.

It's an off-season event space, which won't be as pretty, but it'll be pretty private.

And we could work all night to set it up, start notifying our vendors and our guests now.

Do it.


You okay?

I'm fine.

Hmm. That's the same thing that Daphne said.

I don't know.

I guess I was the only one who got rattled by the paparazzi.

Aunt Tandy, what was my dad like when you first met him?


I mean, I know he had drinking problems, but was that all there was?

Well, your dad's come a long way.

And I'll tell you what... he's always loved your mom.


We have a very long day tomorrow, and you need to get some sleep.


Good night, hon.


I feel bad we have to move the wedding.

I know how special that place is for you.

It's okay.

No, it's not.

It's another damn thing gone wrong.

Like a sign or something.



Don't you do that thing where you convince yourself that you don't deserve happiness, 'cause you do.

And I do, too.

And we are gonna become a family tomorrow, damn it, and nothing's gonna stop us.

[Both chuckle]

Reporter: And it looks like wedding bells are ringing today for Rayna Jaymes.

She and her longtime love, Deacon Claybourne, have made no public announcement, but pair are rumored to be holding the event at a property...

[Cellphone swishes]

...once owned by the bride's mother.

And the pressure may be taking its toll on the couple, after a scuffle with the paparazzi last night... outside a restaurant in Nashville.

Maddie: Dad!

[Television shuts off]

I guess I just poured gasoline on all this.

No, honey, you didn't.

It was already on fire.

I mean, you were just trying to protect us right there.

Lane: Okay.

We've got all the e-mails out to guests with directions for the new location, and we are... [Yawns] following up with phone calls.


Sorry. Long night.

Oh, that's all right. We appreciate it.

Hey, what are we gonna do about all the people camped out by the gates there?

How are we gonna get by without them following us?

Decoys. We've got eight SUVs standing by.


It's just so ridiculous.


But I'd like to take you over as soon as possible, though, Rayna.

Give you a chance to walk through the new space, see what we've done.


[Cellphone rings]

Ah. The beverage vendors.


Excuse me.

Um, is it cool if I go with you, Mom?


I was... I was thinking y'all would go over a little bit later, all together, but that's fine.

Tandy: Well, if you want to go early, I'll just stay here and make sure everybody gets out on time.

Cool. I'll go get my stuff, then.

Hey, sweetie. How you feeling, huh?

You know, I just want to make sure you're okay after all that happened last night.


Hey, Casey.

I'm just getting ready for a wedding. What's up?

Casey: We need songs from you, Will.

Yeah. Yeah, I know.

I've had some writer's block.

I sent you the one a few weeks ago, but, uh, it's like I said, I think I'd be better with co-writes.

That's gonna be tough.

Wade Cole's put the word out that you're difficult.

No! He's saying I was the problem?

I'd love to tell the folks it's not true, but I can't do that without knowing why you bailed on him.

It just didn't work out, is all.

Yeah, well, this isn't working for us.

[Knock on door]

Deacon: How we doing in here?

[Door opens]

Getting all p...

What are you still doing in bed?

[Scoffs] Like you care.

What'd you say?

I don't feel good.

Oh, baby, I'm sorry.

Well, let me feel your forehead, see...


I don't want you to.

Look, Daphne, this is a special day here.

I don't you want to miss it if you're not f...

You're making it worse!

How am I making it worse?

Hey, what's going on in here?

Nothing's going on, all right.

I'm just... she says she's not feeling well...

He doesn't believe me.

You're not feeling well?

I didn't say I don't believe you, I...

Uh, okay.

How about, this is just a little outside of your wheelhouse.


Why don't you just worry about getting yourself to the wedding, okay?

[Exhales deeply]

[Scoffs] You gonna memorize all that?

It's just the names of a few Hollywood people Juliette supposedly met with, dates for the flu she's saying she had a few weeks ago... just stuff that helps explain where she's been.

I'm glad I don't have to know it all.

Wait, do I?


No, you just have to pretend like we're not roommates.

Yeah, I can do that.

Hey, you get the call that the wedding's being moved?

Yeah. It's strange, isn't it?


This whole park one place, take a bus to another.

We should probably get going sooner rather than later.

Yeah. Just waiting on Will.

Don't bother. I'm not going.

Why not?


I was all but let go by my publisher.

And this... this guest list is gonna be a who's who in country music.

I'd rather not spend the rest of the day hearing, "hey, Will, what are you doing?"

When the answer's "nothing."

Come on, man. It's not gonna be that bad.

We can hang.

Erin's not coming, so I'm flying solo.

Well, I'm not in an up-and-coming band with an album in the hopper.

I'm a gay, has-been singer, or I'm a songwriter who can't write a song.

Either way, it's that bad.

Tell Deacon and Rayna congratulations and I'm sorry I missed the wedding.

[Brakes hiss]

[Door opens]

I am so grateful to you and to your crew. Aww. [Laughs]

Thank you, but there's still some more work to be done.

I-I'd better get back out there.

Well, it's incredible. Thank you.


[Door closes]

Ohh, my goodness.


Oh! You're so beautiful.


Thank you.

[Both chuckle]

The hair-and-makeup people said they'd be right back.

Oh, good. Well, that gives us a few minutes to chat, then.

I'm finally marrying your father.

Yeah, but does it not bother you at all that he just... he shoved that guy and broke his camera last night?

No, actually [Chuckles] what bothered me was all those people coming at us like that, invading our privacy... I mean, that was scary.

Okay, but you didn't freak out, Aunt Tandy didn't freak out, only Deacon freaked out.

"Deacon"? He's your father.

[Sighs] Listen, he did that 'cause he was protecting us.

That was the only reason.

But that's not why.

Okay, right after Aunt Beverly died, I went to his house, and he was destroying her room like a crazy person.

Well, I'm sorry you saw something like that.

That must have been really jarring. But I will tell you, in grief, people do a lot of strange things.

When Paw Paw died, I had a moment like that myself.

Why are you making excuses for him, Mom?

Honey, I'm not making excuses for him, I'm explaining it to you.

No, you're saying that it's okay when he loses control, but it's not.

Look, your father has his demons, he does, Yes, and he always has but... for as long as you've known him.

And now you're gonna marry him.

What if he loses it again?

What if he almost kills you in another accident?

Hey, Maddie... Maddie.

Just... I just want some air.

Honey, come here. Come here.

Lane: All guests, musicians, and staff must check your phones with the attendant.

Absolutely no photographs allowed.

Okay, this is officially the strangest wedding I've ever been to.

You mean Juliette didn't have all the cellphones confiscated at yours?

[Laughs] No.


Hey, man. How's it going?

Hey, Jay, what's up? How are you?

I'm doing good.

I hear things are going really well for you over there at Highway 65.

Yeah, yeah. I'm recording an album.

That's great.

Well, I knew it was only a matter of time for you.

And, uh, how's the missus, Avery?

I haven't seen Juliette in forever.

I barely know her, and I have no idea where he lives.

She's in London.

"Shenandoah Girl" might be headed to the stage.

Wow. What about Luke's tour?

Is she not gonna go back out on the road at all, or...?

Maybe. Maybe. Hasn't ruled it out yet.

Well, give her my best, all right?

I will.

See you around, man.

All right.




Just got here. What are you doing?

I was just tweaking the chorus on that song we recorded last week.

I thought we could go back in and fix it.

Scarlett, Scarlett.


We're at your uncle's wedding.

I did notice that. Can I just...

No, no, no.

You're just... you're working nonstop, and you have been since Caleb went to Seattle.

You just broke up with somebody, and the album can wait, all right?

You need an Erin.

Oh, I need somebody who says, "I'm not gonna go to a formal event with you, 'cause I don't 'do' weddings"?

Well, not that so much, but you need someone, uh, who can keep things light... someone fun.

And I'm gonna find one for you.

Come on. Come on.

Hey. Wh...

Come on.

[Knock on door]



[Laughs] Sorry, I know it's bad luck for us to see each other before the wedding.

That's all right.

I don't believe in bad luck.




Where's Daphne and Tandy?

Uh, they're coming.

I just... felt like driving myself over, so...

You all right?

Yeah. Uh, yeah.

[Laughs nervously]

I don't know. You know, first there was Maddie, and... and then there's, uh, your sister.

Of course, I know she never did like me in the first place, but now there's Daphne all upset with me...

What are you doing? What...

I'm... no, I'm serious.

I just went to check in on Daphne this morning, all right?

And she said she wasn't feeling well.

And then, out of nowhere, she starts saying, like, I don't believe her, or something, getting all upset, and in comes running Tandy like she's the calvary to save the day... like I'd done something.

All right, well, first of all, you know that's Tandy.




And I-I'm sure Daphne's a little anxious.


You get to talk to Maddie at all?

Yeah, I did, and... and...

What'd she say?

I think she was a little concerned about shoving the cameraman, and all that.

It was just...

Baby, what was I supposed to do?

That guy's... Am I supposed to let him... put that lens right in her face, Honey... ask the rude questions?

I know.

I-I told her. I explained it all to her.

Then what? What it is?

She mentioned something about seeing you busting up Beverly's room.

I think she got scared.

She thinks I'm a monster.

No, she does not think you're a monster.

No... yes.

You don't know what she saw, and you said yourself she's afraid of me.

All right, so...



Don't do this.

It's our wedding day.

You're right.

You don't deserve this.


I'm gonna let you...

[Knock on door]

Oh. I'm gonna let you get back to it.

Hey, y'all come on in.

Hi, ladies.

Woman: Hi, Rayna.

Woman #2: Hi.

Love you.

[Door closes]

Set up right here...

Oh. The groom's room is down to the right.

Yes, it was scheduled to be here...

[Seat belt clicks]

[Engine starts]


Bucky: Layla.

Hey. When'd you get back in town?

I don't know if I am officially, but I wasn't gonna miss Rayna's wedding after everything she's done for me.

Oh, well, she's been worried about you.

We both have. So, how you holding up?


At least I've stopped blaming myself for not making Jeff leave that night.

'Cause then it never would have happened.

But it was a freak accident.

I know it wasn't my fault now.

It wasn't anybody's, really.

Well, I know it probably doesn't feel this way right now, but things will get better.

Hi. Um, I'm looking for Maddie Conrad.


I'll have someone take a message to her.

May I have your name, please?

Uh, never mind. Thanks.


Hey, I was just trying to call you again.


Look how gorgeous you are! Ohh!

And you, too.

Oh, thank you.

I got her dressed, and the rest is on you.


How you doing, my sweet girl?

Deacon said you're not feeling well.

I'm here, aren't I?


Hope you're excited about it.

Look, honey, I know it's kind of a crazy day, and probably lots of mixed feelings.

You don't know how I feel, okay?

You're with them.

What do you mean, I'm with "them"?

It's you, Maddie, and Deacon... and that's the family.

No, honey, that is so not true.

Yes, it is.

And Aunt Tandy doesn't want you to marry him, either.


Gunnar: What about that one?

Uh... I think he might be a little too old.

Huh. Ooh! Or this one?

He's wearing a wedding band. You are terrible at this.

[Sighs] Well, it's pretty hard to be good at it from a distance.

You know what?

We got to get closer.

I don't want to get...

Come on, come on. It'll be fun.

[Clears throat]

Gunnar: Excuse me.

Hey, uh, I'm Gunnar. This is my friend Scarlett.

Mike. Nice to meet you.

Uh, good to meet you.


You a guest of the bride or groom?

I'm here with my mom. She and Rayna grew up together.



Nice. Say, Mike, are you into poetry, music, or animals?

Oh, very much so. I love animals.

Really? So does Scarlett.

You know what? How about y'all talk, and I'm gonna go grab another drink, okay?


I can't believe he just did that.


I'm sorry.

Um, you like animals?

Oh, yeah, very much.

I work with all kinds of pets.

Cats and dogs mainly, but I do stuff the occasional reptile.

Oh, like taxidermy?

See that? All me.

Well done.


Oh, wow.

Uh, so, what do you do?

Too bad you can't find me a date.

[Sighs] Oh, wait, that's right.

I'm still married.

Whiskey, please.

It hasn't been that hard, has it?

Well, let's see... I had to sign an autograph as Juliette's proxy for a 16-year-old fan, and then tell Rayna's cousin what a great mom Juliette is.

Other than that, yeah, it's not a problem.


I was not waving at you. I needed to be rescued.

Why would you need rescuing?

Well, 'cause I don't want to know three ways to scoop out brains.

If we're gonna do this, we need a signal.

I do this, you come and get me.

Hey, maybe that'll work for me.

You know, keep anyone from asking too many questions.

It's a...?


Cash: Hey.

What are you doing hiding out in here?

I'm just not in the best mood.

Where's Colt?

I thought you said he was coming.

Haven't seen him yet.

Which would explain your bad mood.

My dad almost k*lled my mom in a car accident.

I know he'd been drinking and he doesn't do that anymore, but it's still in there somewhere.

Of course it is.

Your dad's a recovering alcoholic.

So is mine.

[Sighs] Just, for the longest time, all I wanted was for my parents to be together.

But now I'm just worried my mom doesn't see who he really is.

Maddie, it's impossible to know anyone completely.

But if your mom's kept Deacon around for 20-some-odd years, I'm guessing she knows him better than you do.

Look, I've wanted to write my father off so many times for the things he's done.

But cutting people out of your life is easy.

It's keeping them close that's hard.

And with alcoholism, it is harder still, but being sober is the ultimate in self-control.

And both your father and mine, you know, they care enough to stay that way.

Which makes us pretty lucky.


[Door opens]



I heard you wanted to see me.

Yeah. Would y'all give us a minute?

Woman: Sure.

Rayna: Thank you so much.

Something wrong?

Well, yeah.

[Door closes]

And I'm hoping maybe you can shed some light on it.

You know, I've got two girls who are already dealing with a lot of issues around this day, and what I don't need is my sister fanning the flames by telling them that she doesn't like Deacon, either.

Rayna, I never said that!

Well, good. I'm real glad to hear it.

But, you know, they can probably tell by the way you interact with him.

And you and I both know it's true.

Well, and for good reason.

He has a long history of causing you pain.

And I know that you believe that you are some fairy-tale, meant-to-be couple, and I... I have tried to stay out of it.

But we've been down this road before.

You can't deny how volatile he is.

Sure, he's volatile sometimes.

He's also the best man that I know.

He is loving and kind and generous, and he would give his life for those two girls and for me.

But, most important, he's the man I want to marry.

And not you, not anything is gonna get in the way of that.

So, you know, if you can't be here with your heart 100% invested in this, then... you should just go on.

You're really gonna go?


I'm gonna go get your hair-and-makeup team.

My sister's getting married.

How'd you know I was here?

Saw you leave.

It is your wedding day. I figured I'd follow.

You know, before the surgery, I had dreams about dying, saw signs.

I ignored them.

Now there she is, and here I am.


Me, the lifelong drunk with a temper.

You know my daughter's afraid of me?

I can't blame her.

And Daphne... she thinks I'm trying to take her daddy's place.

You seriously getting cold feet?

Not 'cause I don't love Rayna.

Because you don't deserve her?

You know this is your disease talking.

Doesn't mean I shouldn't listen.

Tell you what... Beverly's dead.

You're alive.

You either let that drag you down or fight like hell to stay up.

You pick which.

Colt: Excuse me, Layla?


I'm sorry. I know this is a weird place to tell you this, but, um, I saw what happened in Atlanta with Jeff.

You saw what?

He wasn't alone on the roof.

Juliette was going to jump...

And he saved her.

But when he did, he fell.

[Breathing shakily]


You are Avery Barkley.

I knew I recognized you from the magazines.

Where's Juliette? I love her.

Well, unfortunately, she's out of the country for work.

Woman: Your wife is so talented.

I've seen "Shenandoah Girl" three times.

Well, now you might get to see it on stage.

Man: I know she likes acting, but she better not give up music.

Are... are you guys working on another song together?

We've, uh, just been at home.

Mostly spending time with our daughter.

Have you two started thinking about a brother or sister for Cadence?

No. Not really.

Yeah, just, uh... Oh!

I'll have... I'll have a glass, thank you.


Rayna: Okay.

It's been kind of a strange day, and probably most strange for the two of you, because, once again, the family that you know is changing.

Y'all know I love Deacon, I want to marry him, but I want to make sure y'all don't have any doubts about that.

So let's just hash it out, right here, right now.

Maddie, Deacon is a person who feels things very deeply.

And sometimes he's gonna overreact and he's gonna say things that he probably shouldn't say, not unlike a certain 16-year-old that I know.


But, honey, let me tell you something... he loves you so much.

He would never do a thing to hurt you.

And you, Daphne.

Honey, I know you've been feeling so left out lately.

But you're not the outsider here.

Deacon is.

We're the family... you and me and your sister.

Deacon's gonna be joining us.

If we let him.

I love y'all so much.

Love you, Mom.

[Knock on door]

Excuse me, Rayna. Can we, uh, have a word?


What's going on?

We're almost ready.


But, um, any idea where your fiancé is?

Never thought when I wrote this song it would get played at a wedding.

[Chuckles] I don't see why not. It's perfect.

Oh, my God. Where have you been?

Looking for you. Where have you been?

You all right?

Yeah. Yeah. I will be.

But it's gonna take time.

I'm not one of those people who has it easy.

You know, who can just bounce back, pretend like nothing ever happened.

So, you two just had a civil ceremony?


Where'd you and Juliette honeymoon?

We didn't, actually.

[Sighs deeply]

You looking for someone in particular?

Hmm. You could say that.

[Cellphone clicks]

He's not answering.

Do you want me to make an announcement to the guests?

I don't know.

I-I don't know what we're supposed to do.

[Door opens]

Maybe you should put on your dress.


["When the Right One Comes Along" playing]

♪ There's no music, no confetti ♪
♪ Crowds don't cheer, and bells don't ring ♪

Scarlett and Gunnar: ♪ But you'll know it, I can guarantee ♪
♪ When the right one comes along ♪
♪ What they're thinkin', what you're feelin' ♪
♪ You no longer have to guess ♪
♪ And all those questions are finally put to rest ♪
♪ When the right one comes along ♪
♪ And every single broken heart ♪
♪ Will lead you to the truth ♪

Rayna, from the first moment I saw you, I knew we were meant for each other.

It took us a long while to get here, to get back to us.

All that time along the way, all we had between us was the music and friendship.

I'm very grateful for that, because today, that friendship, that's a foundation that we will build this marriage upon.

You're my best friend.

You are my one true love.

And from here on out, you will wear this ring... and you'll be wife.

♪ And every single broken heart ♪
♪ Will lead you to the truth ♪


You were the one... [Chuckles] that almost got away.

[Both laugh]

With patience and... stubbornness, here we are, finally.

We've had our joys and our sorrows... our memories and mistakes, but we've gotten through all of it 'cause together we're stronger and we're wiser.

So I give you this ring, forged in the fire of our love.

And I vow to be yours forever and always.

♪ And all that changes ♪
♪ Is only everything ♪

By the power vested in me by the state of Tennessee, I now pronounce you... husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

♪ When the right one comes ♪
♪ Along ♪

[Cheers and applause]

Please welcome for their first dance as bride and groom, Rayna Jaymes and Deacon Claybourne!

[Cheers and applause]

♪ Together again ♪
♪ My tears have stopped falling ♪

You ready to do this, Mrs. Claybourne?

♪ The long, lonely nights ♪

Ooh, that's got a nice ring to it.


Of course, darling, you know I would never change my name.

I know. I just wanted to hear it one time.


♪ The key to my heart ♪


Hi. I'm Layla.

♪ You hold in your hand ♪

Layla... Grant.

Yeah. Yes, yes, of course.


I... I know who you are.

I'm, uh... I'm real sorry about your loss.

I appreciate that. Where's Juliette?

I haven't seen her in...

She had to travel for work.


So she's back to it already?

Yeah. Just recently, though.


Mostly, she's been at home with me and our daughter.

Wow. Well, I really envy that.

You know, it must be really nice to have that kind of support, that kind of love.

Oh, it's... it's great.

[Chuckling] Yeah. I bet.


♪ You're back in my arms ♪

The crazy thing about it is that so many of the other Hulks return as enemies to Bruce Banner's Hulk.

Oh, really?

I didn't know there were, uh, more than one Hulk.

You know, you actually remind me of Lyra.


The She-Hulk of Earth-8009.

[Laughs] Oh, really?

She gets her power from serenity, not anger.


Mind if I cut in?




♪ And nothing else matters ♪

Okay, so what's wrong with this one?

I think he was a 12-year-old in a man suit.

Right, well, uh, how about the guy...

Just shut up and dance, please.


["Just One Look" playing]

♪ Oh, oh ♪

Hey, Avery!

Whiskey, please.



Nice to see you.


Thank you. Thanks for coming.

Oh, hey, yeah. Wouldn't have missed it.

Oh, thanks.

Oh, Juliette is, uh, so sorry she couldn't be here.

Hope she's doing okay.

She's great, really.


Yeah, I remember she was having kind of a tough time right after the baby was born.

I imagine it might have been hard on both of you.

Eh, we're... we're good.


We're good, yeah.

Congratulations, again. I got to go.


Give Juliette my best.

[Breathing heavily]

♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ Just one look ♪

So, um, you just been, like, busy feeding animals?

Actually, this week, it's been more like machinery maintenance, stuff like that.

But, um, yeah, my grandad's actually pretty hard-core with the whole work-ethic thing.

That's kind of a drag.

I actually kind of like it, having the structure.

[Watch beeps]

Crap, I got to go.

I'm sorry.

Hey. Already?

Yeah, it's a long drive home, and my grandad said I have curfew at 11:00.

When am I gonna see you again?

What about, like, next weekend?


I mean, later in the day, after my chores, though.

♪ Make you my own ♪


Hey, I'll text you when I get back.

All right. Drive safe.


♪ I would really care, care, care ♪
♪ Without you ♪

May I have this dance?

♪ I'm nothin' ♪
♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ Just one look ♪

Hey, Mom.

Did you ever love my dad?

Oh, honey, of course I did.

And you know what?

I'm always gonna love him, 'cause he gave me you.

♪ Someday ♪
♪ Oh, oh ♪

I-I'm not making you feel uncomfortable or nothing, right?

Mom told you, didn't she?

Baby, I'm just so sorry you had to see that.

You were hurting.

Yeah, yeah, I was, but I scared you and...

I don't want to scare you.

So I'm giving you permission right now, if you ever feel afraid of me or about me or for me, you tell me.

Whatever I'm doing, I will stop it right there.

I promise, okay?

Okay, Dad.


[Cheers and applause]


["If I Were You" plays]

Does he mean me?

I believe so.

♪ Hey, girl ♪

[Both laugh]

♪ We've been friends for so long ♪
♪ And I've always been your shoulder when you cried ♪
♪ And now you're asking ♪
♪ How to end your heartache ♪

[Indistinct conversation]

Woman: Rayna, it's gorgeous.

♪ I'm telling you right now ♪


Well, it was beautiful ceremony.

And Rayna certainly seems happy.

Let me guess... you're not.

Oh, I've made my peace with it.


But if you ever hurt her ever again, I will come after you with the force of a hurricane.

[Cheers and applause]


Deacon: ♪ I've been loved a whole lot more than I deserve ♪
♪ Through the thick and thin and bridges that I've burned ♪

Love you!

Oh, change is good, girls.

It's always good.

[Engine starts]

♪ And this time I've learned ♪

[Both laugh]

I did it!

Yes, you did.

[Both laugh]

♪ You gave your best ♪


♪ When I was at my worst ♪


♪ You've been singin' by my side ♪
♪ Every time that I forget the words ♪
♪ So, from here on out ♪
♪ I'm turning around ♪
♪ Parting ways with the man I used to be ♪
♪ And I'm making you a promise ♪
♪ I'm gonna make it count ♪
♪ From here on out ♪

Thanks for offering to give me a ride.

I'm not sure what happened to Avery.

Nada. It's the least I could do after all the matchmaking you tried to do.

[Scoffs] Well, sorry it was such a bust.


Fun's fine, and maybe an Erin is good for you, but, I, uh... I really miss having somebody special to me.

Hey, how'd it go? Did you have fun?

Uh... No.

I, uh...

I had a panic attack.

What happened?


Look, I... I know I made this deal.

You know, I said that the news was hers to control, but I ju... I just didn't realize how many times I'd have to put the ring on.

You know, how many times I'd have to pretend like I was happy, how many times I'd have to...


I don't think I can do this anymore.

Well, I'm ready to get back to work, so I need a new manager.

Then I'm your guy.

So, what is it that you have in mind...

Well, I already have a nearly finished album with Highway 65, but I've been writing a lot, and I have 10 new songs that I think would make for an even better debut.

Okay, uh, be tough to convince them to scrap something they've already paid for.

Which is why I need you.

And I need a producer for my new album ASAP.

I want you to get me Avery Barkley.