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09x18 - Resolutions

Posted: 03/21/16 05:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland"...

Cassandra! Pull up!

I'm trying!

I can't believe Caleb would buy you a horse that bolts like that.

Some guys buy their girlfriends jewelry... not Caleb.

You have something I need, Bob; private land and plenty of black bears.

Go to hell.

That's the wrong answer.

You look beautiful.

You don't look so bad yourself.

When I found these rings in my condo after you left I knew for sure that I did not want this marriage to be over.

Oh my God!

The miniature horse, we have to go grab them!


(Monty Whinnies)


(Wheezing, coughs)

Georgie, get up!

(Flames crackle)

Thank you!

(Flames crackle)

(Hooves thunder)

(Muted, slowed hoof thuds)

(Eagle screeches) (Spirit whinnies)


Easy. Okay.

Whoa. Settle.

What happened to him?

The usual. He's still a little skitzy.

But he's gotten a lot better that's for sure.

Yeah. At least he's not bolting.

So, it's New Years Eve.

Do you have anything special planned with Ty?

I'd like to.

Have you even celebrated your anniversary yet?

No. Ty's been crazy busy at the clinic and now, with the fire and everything, he's gonna be helping Bob at the reserve.

I'm not sure we'll get a chance to.

So how do you know?

How do you know what?

When you love someone?

I don't know. You just do. Why?

Oh, come on. You gotta tell me now.

You're blushing? You never blush.

It's... Adam...


The night of the fire.

We never would have saved the ponies without him.

There was all this smoke.

And he just went right into the pen.

He was so awesome and brave.

Okay. Well, here is a question for you.

How do you feel when you see him?

Oh, uh... I don't know.

Kind of sick. But in a good way.

That's a pretty sure sign.


Yes. Tell me more.

(Door slams)



What's going on with Peter?

What? There's nothing going on.

What makes you think there's something going on?

He's still here.

He didn't jump on a plane like he usually does.


And I saw the two of you huddled together at the party last night. What did he say?

Okay. C'mon, dad.

You really wanna know?


Okay. He-he wants to...

He says he's willing to do whatever it takes to make our marriage work.


Yes. Look, I know you've never liked Peter, but this is my decision to make. Okay?

So make the decision.

And what decision would that be?

Take him up on it!

Oh, come on, Tim.

It's not up to you or anyone else to tell Lou what she should or shouldn't do.

And besides since when have you ever been on Peter's side?


Since he finally started listening to me.

(Hooves thud)

(Clicks tongue)

Look. I don't know what to do yet, okay?

It's not an easy decision to make.

Well, no one says that it is.

How hard can it be? Think of the kids.

I am, dad! I do!

Don't you think I know how happy they are to see him?

How they wish I could just make this all better?

Lou, if you pass on this opportunity right now you're making a big mistake.

Tim, just let it go.

He's offering you everything you've been asking for.

Dad, I'd love this to work!

But I'm honestly not sure it would.

Not after all the water that's gone under that bridge.

Is this about dad wanting to come home?

Is that what this is about?


Then let him!

Why can't you two get back together?

You can make it work. I know you can!

Everything could go back to normal.

It's not that simple.

Then stop making it difficult and give it a chance.

I'm going to untack the horses.

(Footsteps crunch in the snow)

(Heavy sigh)



Good to see you. Do you wanna go hang out?

Umm... I'd like to, but I can't.


My dad... he's really ticked off about the reserve thing.

That we put ourselves in danger.

But nothing happened to us!

If we hadn't gone in when we did, all of those animals could have died.

He has to understand that.

Actually, he doesn't.

He thinks we risked our lives to save some random horses.

That's ridiculous! We had to do it!

Yeah, I know but...

But what?

My dad thinks you're a bad influence.

He says we can't see each other anymore.

He'd k*ll me if he knew I was here.

You can't be serious.

You didn't stand up to him? You just gave in?

Look Georgie. I tried. But he...

I thought you were brave!

I guess I was wrong.

You have no guts at all.

(Horse snorts)


(Spirit snorts)

(Grunts with effort)

Okay, this doesn't feel right.

Don't move.

Stop. Stop!

Hey, boy. Hey.

(Effort grunts)

(Exhales) All right.

All right now... to the side.

(Spirit nickers)

No, no, no, no, no!

No! What are you doing?!

Whoa, boy!

No! Stop! Aghhh!


♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪

Georgie! Wait! Stop!

(Hooves thunder) Whoa! Whoa!

You're riding a horse.

(Spirit snorts)

Yeah, I am.

How else was I supposed to catch up to you?

I'm not as gutless as you think I am.

Guts or no guts, you never should have taken this horse.

He's crazy and unpredictable.

So are you.

That's why we've got this problem in the first place.

Take my advice... walk that horse back to the barn before it kills you and run home to your daddy.

(Spirit whinnies wildly) Georgie! Wait!

What's he doing? (Spirit nickers)


(Owl screech)

(Truck rumbles up)

(Tires crunch on snow)

(Door opens and shuts)


I got your message.

So the cops nabbed the guy!

Yeah. They did.

That's great news!

So did you tell them about the phone calls and the threats?

No. I didn't have to.

A neighbor saw the guy's truck leaving the reserve.

Got the plate number.

Wow. So that's it then.

What a relief!

I guess.

A waste.

Well, you can rebuild it, Bob.

I'm not rebuilding anything.

It's over.

What do you mean it's over?

(Bags rustle)

Hey, Peter.

Hey, how are you?

I'm good. How are you?




Um, so I was thinking it's New Years Eve...

Maybe I can take you out to dinner.

Actually, Lisa is making dinner for all of us.

Oh, don't let that keep you, you both go.

Yeah. Okay.

Um, what do you think?

Angelo's bistro in town maybe... Reservation 7 or 8...?



Heyyyy! (Kiss)

How are you doing pumpkin?

I'm not a pumpkin.

You're not?!

What are you then!

I'm Kitty-cat!

You're a kitty cat! How did I even forget that?

Um... so, dinner? Yeah?

Yeah. Sure.


Okay. Okay. I'm coming.

(Approaching hooves thud)

Hey! Hey! Come on now, Monty!

You gotta stick up for your food.

Amy's fallen in love with the guy and I just gotta make sure he eats.

Here. Come on, Monty.

There you go, bud.

Talk about taking these guys out of the frying pan and throwing them in the proverbial fire, eh?

A lot of good rescuing them from that petting zoo did.

I just put them in real danger.

It could be a lot worse.

They are all okay.


Look, there's really not much you can do here for the next day or so.

I gotta work the phones, start trying to find homes for all these guys, so... you can take off.

I get it. Okay?

I can only imagine how you feel right now.

But you can't just walk away from this.

Yeah? That's just what I'm gonna do.

(Hooves thud)

(Wind whooshes)

(Approaching snorts, hooves thud)

(Pained grunting) Can you just stop?

Hurting a bit?

Just so you know, I did try talking to my parents.

But they didn't listen.

And I can't go totally against them.

Well, why not?

They have to know how you feel.

How do you feel? Do you think I'm a "bad influence"?

Yes. Yes, you are.


But it's not a bad thing. It's been fun.

I've never had so much fun in my life.

(Spirit snorts) Whoa! What's he doing?

How do I stop?!

How do I stop?!

Whoa! Spirit!

(Snorting) Whoa!



I told you you can't be riding him.

We should switch horses.

I can handle him.

Let's just go back to your place.

My butt is k*lling me.

No. I can't go back yet. My dad is there and...

I don't know what's going on between him and my mom but...

I have to stay out of their way.


So let's keep riding.

Give me some tips.

Okay, tip number one; Take your fanny pack off.

It makes you look like a total dweeb.

Tip number two.

Loosen up your reins. Just relax.


(Hooves thud lightly)

Hey Georgie, can you give me a call back.

I see that Adams bike is here and the horses are gone so I assume you're out riding.

But don't let Adam ride Spirit, okay?

Just give me a call. Bye.

(Beeps phone off)



How's Monty?

He's good.

The other horses are still picking on him, but he's starting to hold his own.

And Bob? How's he doing?

He's pretty depressed. Ready to give up.

Poor guy. I can't even imagine.

I offered to help him but he just sort of blew me off.

So I'll give him some space.

That could be good because I have an idea.

Oh oh. That could be trouble.

Ty, we have to do something for our anniversary.

We can't just forget about it.


So I was thinking that we could maybe pack our bags and go somewhere for the night.

You know, like to the fishing cabin, we could stay over, just the two of us.

It would be special.

Yeah, sure. Sounds good.

Are you all right?

Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm fine. I just...


I just really wanna get away with you.

Okay. Let's do it then.



You know, what you said was true.

Wow. Can you repeat that?

No. I won't.

But I will stand up to my dad.

My parents can't always tell me what to do.

I'm in charge of my own life, right?

(Branch snaps, Spirit whinnies wildly)


Spirit! Whoa!



(Landing thud)


(Nervous snorting)

Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

Spirit! (Spirit whinnies wildly)

I can't believe that horse ran off with my bag.

What am I going to do?

That is a very small problem!

No, it isn't!

Spirit is gone! He doesn't even belong to us!

Amy's going to k*ll me if we don't find him.

Why are you so worried about your stupid fanny pack?


Because my cell phone was in it.

Okay, when we find the horse, you can find your phone.


Come on, put your foot in.

Here we go. Okay.


(Clicks her tongue)

So where are we going?

It's a surprise.

I don't want a surprise, Peter.

Just get in. Come on.

Come on.

(Doors open)

(Door slam shut)

So there is a piece of property about three miles west of here.

It's a beautiful little house on it, some acreage... and it's for sale.

(Sighs) Don't do this, Peter.

Do what?

Just don't act like you can walk back into my life and take it over.

Make decisions.

What decisions? I'm not making any decision.

"Let's go for a drive".

Oh and "this is where we're going to live."

"This is where we're going for dinner."


Okay. We don't have to go out to dinner.

We don't have to go out at all if you don't want to.

Good. Because I would actually rather just have dinner at home with the girls and the rest of the family.

And you too, of course...

Okay. (Sighs)

Listen, um...

I know I can't expect you to agree to get back together just like that.

I know that.

And I know that it might be too late for me to try and make this work, but I have got to try.

You know the whole reason I wanted to bring you out to see this house is because I want you to know that I mean what I'm saying.

I need you.

I really do and...

I miss you...

(emotional) and the girls.

And I'm gonna be closer to you guys.

And uh...

I just realized without you guys my whole life is just... just empty.

(Emotional exhale)

Well, the other night you brought up, something... someone...

I told you that that's over. It is over.

And I also told you that it is the worst mistake I have ever made in my life.

That day when she walked into your apartment, in front of Georgie... that was my wake up call, Peter.

It was mine too. It was.

When I saw your ring on the table... I just...

I felt like, I felt like I was being ripped apart.

And I'm so sorry.

(Emotional exhale)

I just wanna know if maybe we can... just put all that behind us?

I don't know. I'm trying.


I'm trying...


Let's just um, let's go back inside.

(Door opens and slams shut)


(Hooves clop)

We should just go back.

No. I need to find him.

Whoa! What's wrong?!

Are you okay?

Just hang on to me.

Yeah. I'm good.

Do you have anything to eat?

A granola bar or something?

No. Why? Are you hungry?

No. I'm fine.

Okay. Let's go.

Okay. We're gonna head out.

Where are you going?

Oh, you're gonna miss Lisa's dinner.

I know. I'm sorry.

We're heading up to the fishing cabin to bring in the New Year.

Hey, can you tell Georgie to give me a call when she gets in, please.

Okay. You check the road conditions before go.

It gets bad out there.

We'll be fine. Don't worry, grandpa.

Amy, he's right. The road to the cabin is closed.


I should have checked earlier.

I don't believe this.

(Wind howls)


Where are you, boy?


Come on, bud.

(Landing thud, pained groan) Adam!

What's the matter? What's going on?

I can't go any further.

Why? What's wrong?

(Weak exhale)

Adam, are you okay?

I'm diabetic. I need my kit.

It's in that fanny pack.

Why didn't you tell me? You never told me.

I don't tell people.

Why not?!

(Weak exhale)

(Panicked sigh)

I need to call someone.

Oh. There's no service.

(Worried sigh)

Can you make it over there?

I'll try.

I really wanted to go to the cabin.

It was important for me and Ty to be able to get away.

It's not the end of the world, Amy.

Why are you being so emotional?

I'm not being emotional!

Yes you are.

Look, I don't mean to sound selfish, but I'm the one here who has to make a decision that's gonna affect the lives of my entire family, and I'm calmer than you are.

I'm sorry.

Lisa: Lou! Katie's looking for her red sweater!

It's in her bottom drawer.

Did you see it?

Here. At least we're out of the wind.

Here. Are you warm enough?

Take this.

No. Keep it.

Where-where is he horse? I can ride.

You're not getting on a horse anytime soon.

Then you go.

I'm not gonna leave here.

My kit... I need it.

But you'll be all alone and that's not good!

Georgie. Just go.

Okay. Fine.

Georgie and Adam should be back from their ride by now.

There's gotta be a reason why they're not.

I'd go out and look for them but I don't even know which way they went.

So I probably never find them.

Amy, don't worry about them, okay?

They're fine. They're out on a trail ride having fun.

You know, young love.

Don't get yourself all worked up.

I'm not worked up, Ty.

(Stressed sigh)

Come here. It's okay.

I just really wanted to get away. Tonight.

You know just the two of us.

Some alone time.

Okay. Tell you what.

We'll do dinner with the family.

We'll come back here.

I'll build us a fire.

We can toast The New Year...

And our anniversary...

And our anniversary.

And the future.

And the future. Okay?

(Phone rings, vibrates)

2 seconds.

(Beeps on)

Hey, Bob.

Uh. yeah. I can be there in ten minutes.

Sure. Okay.

It must have been important, Amy, otherwise he wouldn't have called me.

Do you want to come for a quick ride.

No, I should probably stay here for when Georgie gets back.

Okay. She'll be fine.

(Wind howls, cabin creaks)


(Flames roar, horse whinnies)

(Flames roar, coughing)

(Hooves thud lightly, tack jingles)


Where are you, boy?!

Come on. We gotta find you.


(Hooves thud lightly)

Good boy.

Hey, boy.

Good boy.

(Spirit nickers)


(Horse snorts)

(Hooves thud lightly)


(Curious snorts)

(Tack jingles, hooves thud)

Good boy.

Good boy.

Good boy. Come on.

Good boy!

(Nervous snorts)

(Muffled sound of door opening)

(Door slams)

Adam, I've got your ugly fanny pack thing.

Adam talk to me! I don't know what to do!

Adam, talk to me!

I don't know what to do!

I don't want to hurt you!

Do I just stick the needle in?

(Pants) No!

What do you mean no? Where do I do it?

No! No. The sugar!

It's in there.



The sugar? Not the needle?

Not the needle.

(Relieved exhale)

Is it enough?

You okay?

(Heavy breathing)

Okay. Tell me what actually would have happened if I'd given you that needle?

You would have k*lled me.

Wow. Sorry.

That's okay.

This is all my fault.

Your dad is right. I'm a total trouble magnet.

Yeah. Yeah. You are.

We should have just gone home like you had said.

I get that.

The whole thing with your parents...

They're both kind of messed up.

All parents are kind of messed up.

No way. You're lucky. Your parents are normal.

They've got their faults.

They're totally overprotective.

They have been ever since I was diagnosed.

I'm the typical only child.

That explains a lot.

What's that supposed to mean?

I'm kidding.


What do you hope will happen with your parents?

I don't know.

I've gotten kinda used to the separation.

We still feel like a family in a really weird way.

Mostly I just want them both to be happy.

Isn't that the most important thing?

For two people to be happy?


Are you feeling better enough to ride?

We should head back before it gets dark.

I think I'm good to go.

Thanks to you.

You're a rock star.

You saved my life in the fire. I guess it was my turn.

(Eagle call)

Yeah. He's looking great.

I think he'll be ready to go back soon.

All right. Well, this guy is ready to go now.

Which is good. One less mouth to feed.

Bob, you see that eagle.

Wouldn't have made it without you.

And neither would this owl.

That's what you do here, man.

That's what makes this place worth it.

Look, I appreciate the pep talk, but I don't think you fully get it.

This guy? The one they arrested...

He didn't just thr*aten me and the reserve, he threatened the kids that work here.

So now I'm not just putting animal lives in danger.

I'm putting peoples lives in danger. Kids.

If something were to happen, like I can't deal with that, man.

They got the guy, Bob. He's going to jail.

Yeah. For how long?

(Wings flutter)

(Bird screeches)

Look, I gotta face facts, man.

What if the poacher comes back?

Then we'll fight him.

I told you. I'm here to help.

(Various bird sounds)

I believe in this place, Bob.



I'll give it one more chance.

(Knocks on door)

(Door creaks open)

I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

There's no need for that.

No, I was selfish.

And I really do want to help.

So let me know what can I do?

There is nothing you really can do, Amy.

I have to solve this for myself.

And I haven't figured it out yet.

But I understand why you wanna get away from this crazy family.


Especially for your anniversary.

Peter and I let off wish balloons from the dude ranch on our first.

That must have been amazing.

Yeah. It was.

Hey, if you and Ty want to get away, why don't you spend the night at the dude ranch?

I kind of screwed it up for you on your wedding night.

Well, we can't Peter's there.

He can stay in your old room.

Are you sure?


Are you sure?

Yeah. Of course I'm sure.

You can come and have a nice family dinner, have a glass of wine, and not have to worry about driving back here.

All right. I love it.


It's a great idea.

I was thinking, do you remember our first dates here?

Of course.

Pretty special...

(Exhales) Yeah.

(Birds chirp outside)

Look at you...


Okay, I'll see you at dinner.


Oh, I got a bottle of champagne. I'll bring.


(Door slams)

(Tailgate clunks open, ladder rattles)



What? You're not even talking to me now?

What kind of a friend is that?

So, you two, uh...

Looks like you're patching things up?

That's good.

For him... not me.

I hope it's what you want, Lou.

(Retreating footsteps)

(Door opens)

Hey, Lou, hold up!

I'll just catch a ride with you.

(Engine turns)

(Truck rumbles)


(Tires crunch in the snow, engine roars)

(Hooves thud, tack jingles)

Oh great.

My dad's here.

Where have you been?

Your mother has been worried sick.

We were just out on a trail ride.

No big deal.

I thought I made myself perfectly clear.

(Door opens)

Lou. I'd like you to meet Jim Parker, this is Adam's father.



This is Peter, my... husband.

Hey Jim. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Grandpa, have you offered Mr. Parker a drink or a coffee or...

No, thank you. I'm not here to be social, I'm afraid.



I'll get right to the point.

My son has always had an exemplary code of conduct.

He has never been in any kind of trouble.


And all of a sudden he's been getting himself into scrape after scrape.

And it just so happens to coincide with him tutoring your daughter, Georgie.

Okay. Now wait just a minute...

And today, he was out with her again, getting into God knows what.

I told you... we were out for a trail ride.

I don't care where you were.

You guys and this situation you got going on.

I don't like it.

And I told you.

I don't want you seeing each other. Understand?

Peter: This is the first we're hearing about any of this...

No. I don't understand.

You can't just tell me that. You don't even know Georgie.

We're friends. She's probably my best friend.

She just saved my life out there.

Excuse me?


I lost my kit and she found it for me. Just in time.

She's amazing. And brave.

And totally awesome.

I'm sorry dad, but Georgie and I are gonna hang out no matter what you say.

So what am I supposed to do, son?

Let you guys just keep screwing up?

I'm bound to screw up!

People screw up all the time. Nobody's perfect!

But hey! I'll try.

I promise that I will try.

I'm really sorry if you think I'm a bad influence, Mr. Parker.

I don't mean to be. Ever.

I like Adam way too much.

Okay. I think that there is some explaining to do here... but maybe we do it over dinner.

Mr. Parker... Jim, Would you like to stay for dinner, both of you.

No, thank you.

That's really nice of you but my wife and I We have some guests coming over.

Can I stay?

No. I want you home.

And your mother is, she's worried enough.

Fine. But I'm coming to pick you up later, you better be here.


Can I throw my bike in the car?


It was nice meeting you all.

Lou: Good to meet you.

Nice to meet you. You take care.

Happy New Year, Jim.

All right. Thank you.

(Door opens and shuts)


So what is this about saving Adam's life?

He's exaggerating.

I wanted to talk to you about what I said.

(Heavy sigh)

Listen, I know what you said.

And you're right, Georgie.

I'm making this difficult, I'm trying, honey.

No. No. You and dad...

You need to do what's best for you.

I want you to be happy.

We'll all gonna be fine whatever you decide.

We're fine now.


(Amy laughs) Yeah.

Everyone, I know it's not quite midnight.

But I think that since we are all together Maybe we should toast the New Year right now.

Lisa: All right.

And to all that it will bring.


All: Cheers!!

(Glasses clink) Happy New Year!


I just like to say that I'm very glad and fortunate to be back at your table, especially with my three beautiful girls.


All: Cheers!

(Glasses clink) Right over there.

Yes. And we better get going.

Because we are gonna spend the night at the dude ranch cabin.

Like we were supposed to on our wedding night.

Ah yeah. And you didn't forget the key this time.

She didn't. Thank you, Lou.

It's right here.

Oh good.

Happy anniversary.

Happy Happy New Year!

Have a lovely time.

Goodnight guys.

Have fun.

All right. Can everyone pitch in and we can get this cleaned-up.

Lou: Yeah.

Jack: Yep.

Not you, you've done enough.

Oh you sure.

You guys go sit by the fire.

Yes. Absolutely.

Okay. Thank you.


Katie, you wanna go play in your room.

Okay, mommy!


Good girl.

(Sighs) That was nice.


Yeah. Thanks for inviting me.


I hope that's a sign.


You know, actually, we should-we should talk.

You wanna...?


(Fire crackles)

(Relaxed sigh) Okay.

I might as well just say this.

This single parenting thing...

I've just figured it out.

And I feel like we both have.

And we're good at it.

You know, I'm so proud of us.

But I can't go backwards, Peter.

I have to go forward.

I just have to...

So no, I don't think we should get back together.

Okay. (Clears throat)


Is it that Mitch guy?

No. This isn't about Mitch.

And this isn't about Sylvia either.

This is about me.

I'm not worried about the girls as I used to be.

We're gonna be great parents to them.

And they are gonna be fine and happy and...

But, all this time, I've been looking out for the girls, and now I have to look out for me.

And figure out what it is that makes me happy.

Because I don't even know anymore.

(Big exhale) Okay. I should go.

No. No. No. Please. Stay.

(Heavy sigh)

Look, I'm-I'm not gonna forget about your offer.

And I will always love you.

I just... I can't do this.

Not right now.



(Retreating footsteps)

(Relieved sigh)

(Fire crackles) (Ty groans)

There we go.

All right. That should warm this place up a bit.

Hey. I forgot something in the truck.

Can you keep an eye on this for me?

Yeah. Sure.

Okay. I'll be right back.

(Retreating footsteps, door opens)

(Approaching footsteps)

(Relaxed sigh)

I could tell by the look on Peter's face what your decision was.

(Sighs) I'm sorry.

Don't be, Lou.

(Heavy exhale)

I trust you.

You and Peter will handle this.

So will you and Casey.

So you know?

Everyone knows.

I mean, why else wouldn't Casey have be at our New Years eve dinner?

We took a break.

My idea.

I don't know if it was the right one or not.

But I'm the one who opened my mouth and suggested it.

And she didn't disagree so...

We haven't talked since.

I'm sorry.

You weren't trying to get Peter and I back together because you and Casey couldn't make a go of it, were you?


I just want you to be happy, Lou.

I want you to be happy too, dad.

Lisa: All right! Who wants some bubbly?

Come on, where's Jack? Oh!

Everyone you gotta come outside.

Bring the glasses.

You won't believe it!


(Door opens)

What took you so long, you were gone forever.

(Door creaks shut)

Happy anniversary.

Oh Ty! No way!


(Laughs) Monty! You look so cute!

Thank you.

You're welcome.


♪ I will be the one to hold on ♪
♪ When the walls around us are undone ♪

Oh wow.

♪ Waters pacing over rivers edge ♪
♪ For I will breath to be your lover ♪
♪ Many layer of us uncovered ♪

Look at that...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! (Glasses clink)


Happy New Year!

(Glasses clink)

Happy New Year! (Glasses clink)

Happy New Year.

♪ We build a house of us ahead ♪
♪ And talk of all our good and many plans ♪

Adam! You gotta to see this!

♪ I will last when all is lost ♪
♪ And never once a worried cost ♪
♪ I'll gladly offer you my final bow ♪
♪ I will be the one to hold on ♪
♪ When the walls around are undone ♪
♪ And waters pacing over rivers edge ♪

Oh wow!


Just for us.

♪ This I promise you ♪

Happy anniversary.

♪ This I promise you all of my life ♪

I have a gift for you too.

You do?

I do.

What have you got?

You're going to be a father.


(Small laugh)





(Both laughing)