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02x20 - Djibouti Call

Posted: 03/21/16 23:03
by bunniefuu
IED. Pulse 168 and thready.

BP 74 over palp, multiple shrapnel wounds to abdomen.

Two large bore IVs with normal saline wide open.

Any more on the way?

No. His partner was KIA.

Tim Armstrong! I need you to fight to stay with us, you hear me?

Yes, sir.

Let's establish a hemostatic field.

And I want two units of blood.

Give me a scalpel...

(doctor's orders fading)

(beeping sound increases)

(”The Devastator” by Stormy plays)

♪ Ooh... ooh-ooh ♪

(horn honks)

♪ Ooh... ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Well, they call me the Devastator... ♪

You must be my new trainee.

Yes, sir. For the commute.

Dark and sweet. You did your homework.

Let's see if it carries over.

You can brief me on the new case on the way.

I'm excited to work with a team of geniuses.

What are they like?

They're unique.

He's just a... devastator
He's just a...

I don't know. I don't think he's trying.

I'm tired. It's my second song.

Uh, the agreement was three songs.

Just dance, monkey.

Oh, a ten-year-old just called you a monkey.

Life working out how you planned?

Truth or Dare is the closest I can get to gambling.

I need the rush.


I have your paperwork.

So, the contract you signed for the game show auditions have language on the back called, um, “boilerplate”"

I know what boilerplate is.

Why does it seem like you've just recently learned the term?

Well, it's been a while since I looked at some of my old law books.

They are full of information.

Anyway, the point is, they have the right to refuse you from being on the show.

Like casinos can keep out card counters for being too good.

Mom, we dared Toby to dance.

Great. Well, maybe you can dare him to turn in his case summaries on time.

I just can't believe they'd play this dirty.

Well, it's not the first time that the mentally-enabled got hoodwinked for believing everyone's as straightforward as we are.

Ostracized for being too smart.

You know, it's Mensa all over again.

You've been discriminated against before for being a genius?

Uh, sort of. Picked on.

Treated different. Shut out.

But not “discriminated against”"

Ahem. Who here has the law degree?

I hope that was rhetorical.

Uh, actually, I have it right here.

Ah, Americans with Disabilities Act prevents you from being discriminated against because you're physically different.

Is that the spirit of that statute?

Hep! Who here has a law degree?

He is being denied simply because his brain is different than most people.

Same reason why I couldn't get a license to operate a crane.

What now?

Anyway... let's forget the contract claims.

If the Megan Dodd Pediatric Wing is going to be a reality I'm gonna have to lean on these fat cats to give in or face the consequences.

They'll have to watch your commercial on a loop?

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but then... I get to sue you.

♪ ♪

Client, I'll be back with good news.

He's just a devastator
♪ Love stimulator... ♪

Not sure how good a lawyer he is.

Me neither. But he's so enthused.

Toby, you might want to take your bra off.

Cabe's trainee arrives today.

Why would I do anything for that jerk?

Jerk? You haven't met him.

We know his type-- prom king, football star...

You have to stop hacking people's records.

He's the type of guy who would put your head in a toilet and then flush it.

A practice known as a swirly.

The kind of jerk that would dog on the only girl in shop class.

Only a madman would do that.

You are brilliant and perfect.

Okay, what did I say about talking to me like that at work?

Not to.

Walter: You need more than a high school degree when evaluating someone.

Thank you, Walter.

So I pulled his college record.

And we're back to normal.

Chess team captain, Division 3 Collegiate Geography Bee...

Toby: Oh!

This guy knows his nation-states.

There's a big gap in his history.

It's a total black hole.

You're threatened by an intern.

You know what, in a few weeks he'll move on to a different division of Homeland.

(chuckles): The efficient move is to accept him as part of the team.

You'll barely notice him.

Team Scorpion.

Meet my new trainee, Tim Armstrong.

Hello, I am, uh, thrilled to be here.

Well, hi, um... welcome aboard.

Thank you.

Um, you got a little bit on your...

I think they noticed him.

(keys clatter)

Thanks for letting me borrow your new car.

Rides like a dream.

Um, Tim, I'm Walter O'Brien.


This is Sylvester Dodd, Toby Curtis...

Dr. Curtis.

Paige Dineen, her son Ralph, and Happy Quinn.

Happy, I read up on the micro jack device that you designed to save that kid in the sinkhole-- that was brilliant.

Um... thank you.

Uh, yeah, I-I-I actually helped her build that.

I'm her boyfriend.


Cabe: Camp Hasley, the only permanent U.S. military base in the continent of Africa, located in Djibouti. Strategically located between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Tim?

The open water and flat terrain permit for unencumbered sound wave travel.

Our mission is to install a newly developed audio surveillance system. With the base's proximity to lawless regions on the continent and the Arabian peninsula...

The base could pick up on t*rror1st chatter.

Yes. From incredible distances.

Now, the tech's so powerful it can hear conversations from hundreds of miles away, then dig out that specific frequency amidst all the audio clutter so that we can hear it clear as day.

That's impressive but a basic setup.

Any decent audio engineer could do this. So why us?

The Feds want it properly installed, and they want it installed yesterday.

They know we're good and fast, and they're willing to pay you for it.


Guess we're going to Africa.

Toby: You know, we like to learn about the people we're working with, Timothy. 'Cause we're like a family here at Scorpion.

There's a chunk missing from your online history.


(chuckles) No. It's a... valid question.

I was a SEAL.

I did some top secret missions.

Last year, I caught some shrapnel, some of which is still lodged in my lower back.

So the Navy medically discharged me, and I'm appealing their decision.

If I don't win, then I figured that Homeland would be another option for me to serve my country.

Now, I requested Scorpion detail because I've read about all of you.

And... you're amazing.

Now, hopefully I can learn something being here, despite the fact that your intelligence has me completely intimidated.

Well, he's telling the truth.

We are amazing.

Tim, let me show you around.

Yes, sir.

He seems okay.

Well, that was an act.


I profiled him. He's clean.

Luckily, he's just a trainee.


Walter, a guy comes in with Channing Tatum's body and Mitt Romney's hair and you don't like him.

May I posture a theory?

You may not.

You know that Paige respects you.

And if you respect Tim, then Paige will think it's okay to respect Tim and might start to like Tim.

You're very, very wrong.

(speaking indistinctly)


Papa-Don't-Preach, you're worried Cabe's found a new son figure that fits his macho mold better than you do.

That's preposterous.

You don't want Daddy finding a shiny new toy that he likes better.

We're done here.

Man, he is messed up.


Welcome to Camp Hasley.

We appreciate your help with our project.

Our pleasure, Major Janeway.

Uh, question. Are there any monkeys on the base?

Okay, don't embarrass us in front of the Marines. They make me very uncomfortable.

They are human-like and yet they still throw their feces.

Lots out in the wild but none on the base, per Se.

Sylvester: Wonderful. Thank you.

Tim: Are they always like this?

No. Sometimes they're weird.

The equipment recently arrived. Not completely unpacked yet.

Okay. We'll get right to it. So, Cabe and Tim can break down the rest of the boxes.

Sly and I will handle the software.

Happy can rig the equipment. And Paige and Toby, put up the parabolic antenna on the roof, yeah?

Copy that!

I'm afraid to ask.

Cabe dared me on the plane that I couldn't eat eight boxes of Saltines by midnight. I'm already two boxes in.


Long flight.

I needed something to shut him up.

♪ ♪

Digital conversion software is running.

Sweet. Now all I have to do is open this box, and we should be...

Cabe: No.

That is not involved with this project.

I've got the receptors working.

Let's take this baby for a spin.

Whoa. You can't just eavesdrop on other nations without prior authorization.

Paige and Toby are on the roof securing the antenna. Try them.

Sylvester: Got our building.

Turn it on.

Tim: Um... (chuckles) are we sure we want to eavesdrop on teammates?

It's not eavesdropping. It's testing our work.

And, actually, listening in on the thoughts of a genius is an educational experience.

Toby: “Djibouti” is fun to say. Sounds like “ja booty.”

Hey, Paige, you wearing sunscreen?

Don't want to get burned in Djibouti.

It's illuminating.

Tim and I have some business with Major Janeway.

So, uh, you guys dot the I's and cross the T's.

We'll be back in an hour or so.

Walter: Okay.



Did you see how he opened the door for Cabe?

He lifted the handle and he turned it.

How else would he know that there was something wrong with the knob if he hadn't been on the base before, huh?

I don't know, Nancy Drew. But who cares?

We're here to set up a pop stand and get paid.

A pop stand that is incredibly easy to assemble.

There is no logical reason why we were brought here. So something's wrong.

But now that we're here, we have access to the base's intranet, so...

You know, I don't think the base would appreciate us snooping.

We were brought out here to set up a high-tech listening device.

Snooping is exactly what we've been paid to do.

You know what, it was awfully weird that Cabe wouldn't let me open that box.

Maybe... you should open the box.

Look, even if we're careful, things could still go sideways.

Are you ready for this?

We don't have an option to not be ready.

(starts engine)



This is an incredibly advanced 3-D printer.

High-end, non-commercial government prototype.

Antenna's securely fastened.

What's going on here?

We think Tim might be hinky.

Walt's looking him up on the base's system.

Why would there by data on Tim in Djibouti?

“Ja booty.”

Never gets old.

Because we're being deceived.

Tim is not who he's pretending to be.

We walk from here.

Stay behind me, stay quiet. Sound'll get us k*lled.

♪ ♪

Copley's the one in white.

The rest are bodyguards.

Now's our chance.

Let's go.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Okay, our Intel says it's a 12-by-12 box with a large knot on the side.


Hey, is this it?


This is what Jennings died for.

(indistinct voices approaching)

All right.

They're back in the warehouse. Hurry up and scan this.

It's 10:45. We got to get this scan back to the base and get my team up to speed and working on it.

And get back here before this bowl goes anywhere.


You go ahead, I'll catch up.

You-- stop!

Get the truck!

We got friends!

I'll cover you. Start the jeep.

(engine starts)


We got enough of a lead to make it back over the border to the base.

Yeah, well, that's gonna be tough to do when you're running out of fuel.


Aw, they must've hit the fuel t*nk.

All right, new plan.

You take the scanner and you head back to the base and finish the mission.

No, Cabe.

I already lost one man over this detail, I'm not losing another.

Well, it's not your call.

Here goes nothing.

I work for a buyer.

I was just trying to confirm whether or not you really had artifacts.

Well, tell that to my boss when you wake up.


♪ Scorpion 2x20 ♪
Djibouti Call
Original Air Date on March 21, 2016

This is not about suspicion, this is about having all the facts. Facts that you hope will prove your preconceived opinion that Tim isn't telling the full truth.

In other words: suspicion.

Timothy Armstrong.

Spotless service record, master chief petty officer, citations for meritorious service.

That's mildly impressive.

It's impressive.

Yeah, well this is straightforward except for...

Ooh, a PDF classified SCI.

Sensitive Compartmental Information?

That's like Top Secret Plus. You click on that, you're committing some serious crimeage.

Okay, on 8/12/2015, Master Chief Petty Officer Armstrong and Petty Officer Third Class Jennings were victims of an IED attack just over the Djibouti border.

Armstrong survived despite extensive injuries. Jennings' wounds were fatal.

That's what got me my discharge.

Uh, we were just... snooping into your record.

That report is from our first attempt to infiltrate the operations of Shane Copley, South African trafficker in stolen antiquities.

He's the man who has Cabe right now.

And hopefully...

What do you mean, has Cabe?

When we got hit with the IED, that was our first attempt to recover important antiquities. Today was our second.

It went south.

Where is Cabe?

Across the border in Mukaria.

Look, this'll all go a lot easier if you just let me explain what's going on.

Okay, then hurry.

For years, t*rrorists have been raiding Middle Eastern museums, taking priceless antiquities to sell on the black market.

Now, the cash from these sales fund training, fake visas, advanced expl*sives.

So a 3,000-year-old pot becomes a b*mb in a concert hall.

And Copley brokers these deals for millions in cash.

So, he's their funding?

He's indirectly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people.


Is Copley a k*ller?

He'd do anything to protect his business, but he's not stupid.

He wouldn't k*ll Cabe without interrogating him first to find out why he was around his warehouse.

Great, so now he's just being tortured.

Yeah, thanks to Tim, who left him behind.

No, he kicked me out of a jeep.

I can see Cabe doing that.

We're on a military base. Call for backup.

No. Copley's smart enough to... stay across the border in Makuria. That's an enemy government.

We send in troops, that's an international incident.

Cabe and I knew that when we went out this morning.

We knew that we were we going out alone and that there was no help.

You rooked him into a su1c1de mission.

The government assigned a mission, and Cabe said nothing but “yes”"

Why keep it secret from us?

Because... he knew we might take fire.

Okay? Our orders are sh**t to k*ll.

He knows that's not your thing. He was trying to protect you.

I don't like being lied to.

Happy: Uh, no one does, but the more you chatter, the less likely we find Cabe.

Now quiet, I am recording the outgoing message on his voice mail.

So you can plug his vocal signature into the eavesdropping software.

Yes, now quiet.

Cabe: Hello, you've reached Cabe.

Please leave me a message.

How the hell you turn this thing off?


Hey, after we save Cabe, remind me to make fun of him for that.

Okay, now I download his voice sample.

And I'll position the parabolic antennae towards Copley and his stash house.

Approximately 15.77 degrees north, 39.7643 degrees east.

Okay, and once I cancel out all the other frequencies, it should leave just Cabe's voice.

If he's alive.

When Jennings got k*lled I carried his body four miles on my back trading fire with hostiles.

I don't just leave people behind.

Uh, Cabe's alive. I hear him.

Cabe: If I wanted to steal it, I would have and you would have found it on me.

It ain't simple logic?


(Cabe grunts)

Oh, God, they're beating him.




Oh, God.


That stung a little, eh?

He's just getting warmed up.

So, one more time.

Who do you work for?

American military?

And where's your friend who was sh**ting at us?

I'm doing recon for a client.

They want to buy an item.

They'll beat any price.

And you heard about this item where?

Antiquities market is small.

People talk.

And so will you.

I'm gonna wait for the Sampsons.

Work him over until he tells you whether he was trying to steal the bowl for himself or someone else.


(Cabe grunts)

Bowl-- what bowl?

This one.

A 4,000-year-old ceremonial vessel used in fertility rites.

Black market value:

$5 million.

Who's out there buying a $5 million bowl?

Someone with a ton of bread.

Any billionaire can buy a McLaren, but that is special.

And if you have the morals of a hyena, owning it'll make you feel special.

So what exactly was our mission here?

Well, if Copley was just k*lled or captured, another person would just take his place.

But if we can surgically inject a forgery into the market, then it could collapse his entire organization.

So once the buyers realize it's a phony, Copley'll be discredited, his operation'll be shut down and nobody'll know if he's selling knockoffs or the actual McCoy.

Preying on the innate human behavioral traits of cynicism and distrust.

I like it.

Our plan was to sneak in, scan the original, copy it and replace it with a fake.

How do you copy a 4,000 year-old bowl?

I think it might have something to do with this incredible 3-D printer that we weren't supposed to open.

Yes, incredible but not flawless.

It can fabricate vulcanized rubber and industrial plastics in minutes, but DARPA hasn't been able to figure out how to make it work with organic materials.

And that is where Scorpion comes in.

Well, is the bowl even our focus anymore or do we just get Cabe and get out?

A SEAL lost his life for this.

Knowing Cabe, he's not going home until our mission's complete.

We're now officially two-pronged.

Luckily, both our prongs, Cabe and the bowl, are in the same compound.

On the counterfeit bowl prong: whether we copy it or not depends on the kind of organic material we're talking about.

This. The type of clay-laden soil used to make the bowl.

It's only found here in this area of Africa.

Okay, so, we need to reconfigure the software in the printer, Sylvester?

On it.

I'll adjust the output jets so that they're compatible with the clay.

Now, our Intel has the buyers-- a couple from New York, the Sampsons-- arriving in less than two hours, so we need to get all this done before the real bowl is sold to them.

Well, my team can handle the fake bowl, can you take care of the buyer issue?

Well, luckily, Copley's men didn't get a clear look at me.

So... I have an idea.

But I'll need to reach out to the Djibouti ambassador and get the name of his tailor.
♪ ♪

How's it coming?

Almost there.

Now we just need to bake it to oxidize the cobalt in it, which would change its color and make it appear aged.



Still nothing to say?


Your breath stinks.

Eat a mint.

(chuckles softly)

You've got a smart mouth on you.

Now it's time to shut it up.

Sir, the buyers are early.

Spread some plastic under him.

I'll be back.

Welcome to my shop, Mr. and Mrs. Sampson.

You're eager. I like that.

Pleasure to be finally meeting you.

It's hot in the desert, isn't it, sweetheart?


I'm so pleased to have you as my guests.

Funny way you have of showing it.

When dealing with a $5 million purchase, care must be taken.

(chuckles) No payment until we have the bowl.

When dealing with a $5 million purchase, care must be taken.

Fair enough.

Let's go inside and do business.

All right, they're inside.



Yeah. (grunts)


Shh, shh.

Okay. Now, we need to get to that shed.

Slight problem. The stun g*n that Tim gave us back at the base must've been hit by a stray rock on the drive.


It's broken.

We need that.

No, we don't. We just need to replicate what the stun g*n was supposed to do for us.

With what I have in my medical bag and the thorns and berries in that bush over there, we can do it.

Come on.

(whispering): Happy. Happy. Happy.

Okay, Paige, we're in.

This coffee is delicious.

Africa's finest.

We've heard a great deal about your acquisitions.

If this purchase goes well, you can expect to see more of us.

And our money.

Speaking of which, there has been a price adjustment.

The bowl you want is in great demand.

Just today there was an attempt to steal it.

And several months ago, U.S. military tried to track it down.

You don't say.

Yeah. But an IED k*lled one, sent the other one away like a hurt dog.


The price is as quoted, or we walk and we take our cash with us.

And, please, enough talk of v*olence.

We came here for art.

Let's go see it then.

This way.

Paige, we're not ready. You got to slow him down for 30 seconds.

Put the fake one in.



Uh, not good.

I don't think anybody heard.

Don't worry.

The guards won't k*ll you because I'm gonna k*ll you first.

Okay, Paige, uh, you got to stretch those 30 seconds.

Sly just broke the bowl.

We've got to do some surgery.

They broke the bowl? Oh, God.

Oh, God.

It's just... this piece is... beautiful.

Can you, um, tell me a bit about it?

Of course.

Okay. I'll get the clay from under the warehouse.

You grab that, uh, old helmet and pull the wires from the lights.


All right.

And also, on the inside of this particular pot, researchers found remnants of 8,000-year-old olive oil.

Remarkable. Maybe we can purchase it on our next visit.

I believe that when you find something rare and beautiful, you should hold onto it.


So, tell me, where did you find this beautiful woman?

(chuckles) We... (chuckles) met in Paris.


At a cafe. She was drinking a latte and she smiled at me, unaware that the foam remained right over her lip.

Well, this is getting interesting.


She was absolutely captivating.

There's nothing more stunning than seeing perfection with a slight imperfection.

It makes the perfection stand out even more.

Okay, pieces are together. I've been frying this metal helmet. It should be hot as heck under it. Be careful.

Let's hope so. The electrical current will heat the helmet.

The helmet will heat the clay.

Heated clay will give off water vapor, which turns it from brown to blue.

And looks exactly like the rest of the bowl.

In theory.

(insect buzzing)


You sure this'll work?

The thorns are slathered in anesthetic. The berries are gonna weigh 'em down so they travel faster. And the rolled up spec is gonna work like a perfect blowgun.

So, no, I have no idea if this is gonna work.


(insect buzzing)

He thinks it's a mosquito.

Hit him again. Look, look, look, he's groggy.


Okay, Mongo's coming this way.

What do we do?

Plan B: try to run past him and get to Cabe.



No! No, no, no, no.

Oh, no, you don't! Don't! His g*n!

It's perfect.

Just needs to be sanded down on the bottom.

I'll do that. Okay, take the real bowl and get out of here.

What if they show up before you've left?

Just protect the real bowl. Go.



(grunting) Hit him with another dart!

They're back by the crates. (shouts)

(g*n clicks)

Thank goodness.

The cavalry's here.




(Sylvester screams)


Well done.

(panting) Untie me.

I'd be happy to show you the rest of the collection later.

But for now, why don't we go see the bowl you came here for.

Yes. Good idea.

Uh, it's a bad idea. I'm not ready.



Is, um... is this piece seventh century stoneware?

I have to say, I'm confused by your desire to focus on the salad when the steak is waiting for you right inside this room.

Please forgive my wife. She... just loves to window-shop.

(chuckles) Well, I love to complete business, so let's do so.

It's of museum quality.

Because a year ago, it was still in a museum.

Paige, we're almost finished getting Cabe free.

Now, you guys have to talk your way out of there before he looks in your bag.

There are monkeys everywhere!

4,000 years old.

Created by ancient hands.

You won't find another one like it.

Whoever made this is a genius.

But it's chipped. Here.

There seems to be a loss of mass in transit, and this glaze is more vulnerable than expected.

It's 4,000 years old.

It doesn't live up to the photographs from the museum archives.

If this is a negotiation ploy...

I don't need to negotiate.

I either want a piece or I don't.

This piece, in person, underwhelms.

Maybe another deal, another day.

Now, you listen to me.

We had a deal. You gave me your word.

Mr. Copley.

Sir, we have a situation.

Can it wait?


Sir, there's a couple outside... claiming to be Mr. and Mrs. Sampson.

Well, that is ridiculous, because we are the Sampsons.

Are you?

Or are you friends of the man we caught here earlier?

All of you trying to steal what's mine?

How dare you accuse us...

Open their bag.

Give it to me.

I suggest you hand it over.

What the hell is this?

There's no money anywhere in there.

Are you playing games?

Nothing but crackers.

Richards, we're not gonna lose this sale.

Take the two of them out the back and into the desert.

Who knows?

Maybe in 4,000 years time, someone will be digging you up.

Okay, you got me.

I was trying to steal from you. But my wife had nothing to do with this.

Well, then it's a shame you're the reason she'll die.

(whispers): Okay, Paige, I need you to take one step closer to Tim.


(both grunting)

Come on!

Get after them!

Okay, I'm gonna meet you guys at the access road.

(exclaims) I'm stuck!

Just pull your arm out. There you go, come on .




(Paige gasping)

Floor it!

Paige, you okay?

She's in shock, we got to get her back to base.

It's not gonna be that easy.

Look, on that ridge ahead!

They got a*t*matic weapons.

Put it in reverse.

No, then we'll be headed back to Copley!

We passed the compound's gas t*nk. Put it in reverse.

(g*nf*re continuing)

Cabe, g*n.

Look, I know what you're thinking, but a b*llet's not gonna cause an expl*si*n.

That's why you need to get the flare from the back.


Guys, Paige is in bad shape.

(g*nf*re continuing)

Go forward!

Toby: Come on, Happy! Get your booty in the car!


Oh! Oh, it's really sore.

The ambassador's tailor needs to make thicker bulletproof jackets.

It's not like the movies. Rounds don't just bounce off you, it's more like getting hit with a sledgehammer.

We'll ice it on the plane.

Do you think it's gonna play out like you planned?

Happy: It worked.

They just completed the sale of the fake bowl to the Sampsons.

And our little light show made the piece even sexier.

Copley got an extra two mil out of 'em.

Well, he's not gonna get to enjoy it.

As soon as the Sampsons go to have that bowl authenticated, his operation's gonna be discredited and Copley'll be arrested and tried.

I look forward to telling Jennings' widow that news.

Thank you.

Cabe: Let's pack it up.

Major Janeway has the curator of the North African Antiquities Museum heading over.

We got a bowl to return.

Listen, all I'm saying is that I didn't lose the dare if the crackers, which were the integral to the dare, were captured by international criminals.

I'll buy you some more boxes tomorrow if it'll keep that mouth closed.

Doc, you got a second?

What's up, honey bear kitten pie?

Nothing, stupid dummy moron jerk.

You know why I'm annoyed.

I'm terrified that I don't.

The Truth or Dare has to stop.

It's like mental methadone.

I need to wean myself off of gambling. I am still hooked on the endorphin rush. You don't know how it feels.

(piano tinkling off-key)

Does it feel like that?

Do you need to do any more dares?

Okay, then.

(piano tinkles off-key)

Oh, boy.

This looks bad.

Hey. I, uh, I have something that might help with that.

Oh, it's gruesome.

I'll try anything.

It's a remedy that we use out in the field when we get banged up.

It's butter, honey and salt.

That's it.



All right. And it will help keep the swelling down and it will help out infection.

Thank you.

Uh, thank you for, uh, what you did for me today.

I was just doing my job. Protecting my teammates. That's it.

Well, it's much appreciated.

Look, really, it should be me thanking you.

I mean, if you wouldn't have calmed me down when Copley was talking smack about how he k*lled Jennings, I...

I would've lost it.

And we would not have gotten out of there alive.

I was just doing my job.

You do it very well.

You okay?


(door opens)



Hey, where you been?

Been trying to get ahold of you all day.

I was in Africa.

I'm your attorney, you don't have to lie to me.

Anyway, I met with the lawyers for the game shows.

I laid out our legal argument, our statutory authority and I... I set forth our demands.

Perfect. How did it go?

Security threw me out.

I have a court appearance next week for disturbing the peace.

Look, man, you-you seem like a nice enough guy.

Maybe you should, uh, try hiring someone... like a real lawyer.

Like someone who's actually won a case.

Yeah, I-I tried, but nobody would take my case.


Okay. Well....

I'm really sorry I let you down.

Hey, Heywood, hold on.

You know, this whole building is full of people who feel they didn't fit in or couldn't do anything right or felt rudderless at some point in their lives.

But we were all given a chance through Scorpion.

Are you asking me to join the team?

I'm not a genius.

That is abundantly clear.

No. Wh-What I am offering is to keep you on as my lawyer.

You do?

I promise you will win your first case.


Yeah, deal.

Okay, come on, let's start brainstorming some strategies.

All right.

Did some really important work today.

We did.

Any thoughts on our newest member?

Well, he's probationary for Homeland, not part of Scorpion.

I thought he was competent, he handled himself well, you two were able to work together.

I'm glad you're pleased.

Normally I'd be impressed, but since I've met you, well, you've set the bar so high.

Did Toby tell you I was threatened by you and Tim?

On the flight back.


I don't feel jealousy.

Jealousy is when you worry about how you compare to someone.

But when your IQ puts you in a one in 1.7 billion situation, no one can really compare.

That's good to know.

'Cause he could be around for a bit.

(Paige chuckles)

Same spot, it's kind of weird.

Well, only got shot a month ago, so, sure.

(both speaking indistinctly, chuckling)