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09x18 - Cometh the Archer

Posted: 03/22/16 17:41
by bunniefuu
(theme music)

I could stay here all day.

We may as well, now.

We've already missed the early service.

Julia... I think it's time for us to build our house.


Yes. We've lived here long enough.

And I really want us to have our own home.

You'd have to give up hotel living, endure my cooking.

It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


Should I have said risk?

You might be surprised.

Something else has been on my mind.


I think we should adopt.

Find a child to share our home with.

I would like that.


I rang down for breakfast.

Oh, lovely.

Don't worry yourself, I'll get it.

(door opening)


Julia! Julia, no!

No! Help! Help us, please!

Julia! Julia, no!

No. No.


(opera music)

Brackenreid: She'll be alright. She's a strong woman.

Crabtree: No doubt about that.

Tell me what happened.

I already told you.

Tell me again.

We were home, in bed, which is unusual for a Sunday morning.

Unusual? Why?

Normally I would be at church, and Julia would be at one of her charities.

So you shouldn't have been home.


(Door opening)


Detective Murdoch.

How is she?


Thank God.

Her pulse is very weak.

I fear she could slip into...

She needs blood.

Take mine.

Detective, I really wouldn't advise...

A blood infusion could very well k*ll her.


No, it won't. We're compatible.

How do you know...

Trust him.

Trust me.

There's nothing we can do here.


Come on, Crabtree.

Sir, what if the Detective needs...

What the Detective needs is for us to do our jobs and find the bastard who shot his wife. Come on.

Didn't find anything on the fourth floor, Henry.

Found anything of interest?

Searched high and low, sir, no sign of a w*apon.


I talked to everyone on the Detective's floor, sir.

No one reported anything, before or after the sh*ts.

What about room service?

Excuse me?

According to the Detective, Dr. Ogden ordered room service.

Who took the call?

I don't know.

Bloody hell, Higgins!

Have you not learned anything about being a copper?

Get a hold of the kitchen staff.


You should rest.

You've relinquished several pints of blood.

I'm fine. How is she?

Her pulse is stronger.

You may have just saved her life, Detective.

Requests are taken by the girl at the front desk.

I make them in the order they come in.

Who takes them upstairs?

On Sunday morning there are only two staff.

It was either Miss Winters or Mr. Jones.

It wasn't me.

In fact, I delivered no service order to the third floor.

And you're familiar with the Murdochs.

I am. They're lovely.

Is she...

She's fine.

Did you notice anyone else around the kitchen area?

I did not.

If there was an order for the Murdochs, I would have taken it.


Dr. Ogden was a generous tipper.

Other than Mr. Smith, the cook, and your co-worker, was there anyone else around the kitchen area that morning?

Only Liam.


Liam McFarland. He was a porter.

I told him to get out from where he didn't belong.

Didn't belong?

He'd been sacked a couple of days ago.

Where is he now?

Last I heard, he was staying at the rooming house on Sumach Street.

Stay right there, sir.

What were you doing at the Windsor Hotel this morning?

I work there.

No, you don't. You'd been sacked.

What were you doing?

Hey! (Grunt)

Brandy. Sir, I thought he was reaching for a w*apon.

You pinch this from the hotel?

They had no right to fire me. I did my job.

You mess with the food orders?

Take something up to Detective Murdoch's suite?


You're lying.

I just took the bottle. You can take it back.

Just leave me alone.

Did you see anything this morning, anything out of the ordinary?

Answer him, or you'll be arrested for theft.

Anything? What do you mean, anything?

Why are you asking me?

Dr. Ogden was shot this morning.

Dear God...

There was a man by the bar.

He was asking about her.

Asking what?

He wanted to know where Dr. Ogden was.

What room she was in.

Did you tell him?

I said she'd already left.

But I wouldn't have told him anything, anyway.

Why not?

Because he was odd.

Strange man.

Strange, how so?

Nervous, agitated...

Get up. You're coming with us.

That's as close as I can recall.

Right. Thanks. Sir, what do you think?

Right, you two. Change into your civvies and check into the Windsor House Hotel.

Higgins, you're in charge. Oh, and take Worsely with ya.



Excuse me, sir. Have you seen this man?


Are you sure?

I said I haven't seen him.

Thanks for your help, sir.

Are we to do this all day?

Just talk to everybody who walks past? It's getting us nowhere.

You're the ranking officer, Henry. What else can we do?

I don't know, Jackson.

Whoever it is, he's probably long gone anyways.

Although, we may as well enjoy our surroundings.

I don't know, sir, the doctor just said he wanted to see you.

Thank you.

What have you, doctor?

Her heart rate's normal.

Her temperature is good.

She's a strong woman.

Yes. Yes, she is.

But there is a problem.

Look at this.

She's non responsive to any stimuli.

I see.

It may be from the loss of blood, or the fact that she took a heavy blow to the head when she fell.

And your prognosis?

I fear she may never wake.

I don't recognize him.

He was asking for Dr. Ogden at your hotel.

Wanted the suite number.

Who told you this?

Liam McFarland. He worked at the hotel.

McFarland insists he didn't tell him anything, but said the man seemed agitated, unhinged even.

One of the Doctor's former patients?


Unless the gunman was there for you, sir.

You have made your fair share of enemies.

I have, but then why not simply walk into the room and take a shot at me as well?

Cold feet? sh**ting someone, seeing all that blood, it can change you in a heartbeat.

Or he saw somebody coming around the corner.

Any number of things could have scared him off.

Liam McFarland said that the man walked in and specifically asked after Julia, correct?

That's right.

Then let's assume that he knew her.

And she him.

What do you think he's doing?

Devil if I know, sir.


(grinding sound)


What exactly are we doing?

Richard Caton's research proved that the brain is indeed electrical.

This device can measure slight variances in voltage.

Just because Julia's body isn't responding to stimuli doesn't mean that her mind isn't.

(click) (whirring)

Is it safe, Detective?

Julia, it's me, William. I'm here with you.

Julia, can you hear me?

What are you doing?


Julia, it's me. Can you hear me?

Detective, I strongly object to this.

You're only going to harm her more.

I am not going to harm her.

I am merely seeing if her brain is still active.


By measuring electrical activity.

I ask that you stop this immediately.

Leave me alone.


Can you hear me?

I'm here with Miss James. Say something to her.

Dr. Ogden, it's Rebecca.

Rebecca James.

Can you hear me?

It's not working.

It should be registering some activity.

Sadly, it may be working perfectly.

Get out.


(whispering): Hey!

That might be our man.

Could be.

Ah, the witness would have mentioned the scar.

So much for that.

Definitely not him.

Are you coppers?

What? No.

Good heavens. Never.

Yeah, we're never coppers.

What makes you even think that, anyways?

Just the way you're standing.

I want to be a copper someday.


Good for you. Run along, son.

Maybe we should disperse, try to look a little less... cop-like.

Good idea.

You are going to come through this, Julia.

You have to.

And when you do, we are going to start our family.

Somewhere out there, there's a child who is going to be very lucky to have you as their mother.

Let's start again, shall we?

Julia, do you know that I'm here?

Julia, do you know that I love you?

Julia, can you hear me?

Please. Do something.

I'm sure your machine can do many things, Murdoch, but I doubt it will let you speak to the dead.

She's not dead!

Go home.

Let the doctor do his job.

Her heart is still beating. And I know she can hear me.

And she needs to know that I'm here for her.

She does.

What is it that your machine can do?

It registers brain activity.

It's working.


Julia, Julia.

Julia, can you hear me?

(small laugh)

Julia, the sh**t, did you see the sh**t?

Do you know him?

She can hear you but we don't know what she's thinking.

Yes, I know.

Julia, was it one of your patients from the Asylum?

Alright. Were you able to...


Julia, stay with me. Can you hear me?

Her pulse is still strong.



Perhaps you should let her rest, Detective. Try again in the morning.

Julia, can you hear me?

Julia? Please, come back.

Stay with me. Stay...

Come on, me old mucker.

Let her rest. Good night, Doctor.

Some rest.

Some rest.


I love you.


Good evening, Detective. Your tea.

Thank you, Mr. Jones.

How is she, sir?

She's resting.

That's good.


Thank you.


(Julia groans.)




(dramatic music)

The Inspector wants us back at the Station House straightaway.

One of us should stay here in case our suspect returns.

Worsely. Stay here. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, call the Station House.

Where are you going?

The Inspector wants us.

It's been a long day, Crabtree. Get some sleep.

Sir. As soon as I'm finished going through the files of Dr. Ogden's patients.


What is it?

We're here, sir.

I do have eyes.

I told you to stay at the hotel.

You called us in, sir.

Told us to come straightaway.

No, I didn't.

Bloody hell. Come on, all of you.

Answer me this, you pair of clowns.

Where's Worsely?

I don't know, sir.

We told him not to leave the lobby unless he had to.

Sir. The telephones lines were cut.

They're working to restore service now.

What the bloody hell is going on?

Find Worsely.

I'll check in on Murdoch.
Murdoch? Murdoch?

Oh, no.




Oh, my God. Worsely.


Uh, sir, I found this out back by an abandoned laundry hamper.

The Nessler's reagent indicates chloral hydrate.

A sedative.

Enough to k*ll him?

It's not dangerous unless it's mixed with alcohol.

But it likely put him to sleep.

They wanted Murdoch alive.

They drugged him and then wheeled him away in the hamper.

Sir, I've just been through the letters there.

Who are they from?

Sir, they're anonymous.

They're typewritten. But they're insane.

They're clearly threatening. And they're addressed to Dr. Ogden.

Bloody lunatic.

Are they from someone at the asylum? A patient?

Sir, they mention the asylum. But I don't think the writer was ever a patient there. He makes several references to his wife.

Not by name, I take it?

No sir. But he makes it clear that she spent time at the asylum under Dr. Ogden's care and that she died there.

Do you think he blames Dr. Ogden for his wife's death?

It certainly seems that's so, Miss James.

Get to the asylum and pull any records on women who died while in their care.

I'll see you back at the station.


Oh, sir?


One of the letters I believe references the Detective.

A threat?

Well, it says when his wife is dead, he will be "frozen evermore in his life without love."

What in God's name does that mean?

Devil if I know, sir.

It could have been one of us, Henry.

I told him to stay behind.

You don't think it's my fault that he's dead, do you?

Right, you lot, what do you have?

Sir. We have several women who have died whilst under care at the asylum since Dr. Ogden began working there.

Anyone likely?

Well, this is a name we're familiar with: Sarah Bosen.

She was a patient of Dr. Ogden's. She hurled herself out a window in a fit of fright.

Detective Murdoch investigated.

I remember. Someone scared her to death.

I met the husband. He didn't seem crazy enough to do something like this...

No, sir. And it seems he left the country shortly after her death.

I have an Abigail Martin... age 71, died of heart complications.


No, sir.

Can't be her.

I have a Diana Yeardley.

24 years old. Died of tuberculosis.

Engaged to be married but it doesn't appear she ever wed, sir.

What happened to the fiancé?

He returned to England two years ago.

Look at this, sir. Frances Chapman.

A patient of Dr. Ogden, aged 28, husband noted as causing "multiple incidents" upon the wake of his wife's death.

Right, you two keep searching the files. Crabtree, we'll go see this Chapman.

It'll be a journey, sir.

Residence is in Guelph.

Grab your hat and coat.


Donald Chapman? Inspector Thomas Brackenreid, Toronto Constabulary.

Oh... oh, my.

I've never had the police in my home before.

Would you like some tea?

Where's our detective?

Where is he?


Detective William Murdoch.

Now don't pretend you don't know why we're here.

(drawer opening)

I must ask that you please not touch anything. It would so very terrible if anything were to be broken.

Listen to me!

We know you were at the Windsor House Hotel on Sunday morning.

In Toronto? Oh, yes. Yes, I was.

You were asking after Dr. Ogden.

Yes. I was.

You went upstairs and you shot her.


Is she dead?

You shot her. Then you took Detective Murdoch. Where is he?


You've broken my lamp.

My God.

Sir, you want to come take a look at this?

Stay there!

Those are my animals.

I must ask that you please not touch my animals.

Bloody hell.

What did the letter say?

"Frozen evermore"?

(high-pitched ringing)




(echoing): If there's anyone there, please send help!

No, please no.

Where is he?

I don't know, I don't know...

I said, where is he?

She asked me to, she asked me to, I swear to God.

Who did?

Dr. Ogden.

She asked you to sh**t her?

No, no.

She asked me to come to the hotel!

Why would she do that?

I don't know.

You were sending her threatening letters.

No... No, she wrote to me.

She asked me to come.

The letter is there on my desk.

Read it.

Sir, it's typewritten. There it is on the asylum letterhead.

He could have stolen it.

Listen to this.

"I am locked in a state of guilt, frozen evermore."

"Frozen evermore."

The letter sent to Dr. Ogden said the same thing.

It's an odd turn of phrase. Hard to believe it's a coincidence.

The same person wrote all the letters.

Maybe Chapman forged that one.

I didn't do it. I swear.

Crabtree, do you think...

Sir, somebody could have forged both sets of letters.

And that someone has led us on a wild goose chase.

(intense music)



Hello, William.

It's so wonderful to see you.

Isn't it nice to finally be together?

Miss Pearce.

Oh, please.

I think we can use first names at this point, William.

We've known each other since I was a shop girl. Remember?

Of course you do.

You were smitten with me from the first time you laid eyes on me.

I don't know what you think you're doing...

Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh.


You need rest. I gave you several doses of sedative to make the journey more comfortable.

I was so worried that perhaps I'd given you too much.

Where are we?

Where are we?

We're home, William.

I don't know what you're doing or what you want from me, but I don't think...

Oh, this isn't about what I want.

This is about what you want.

What you've always wanted and always needed.

I am going to give you what you've dreamed of.

A family.

(muffled protests)

Dr. Ogden.

Where's William?

Please sit down, you...

I said, where's William?

That's the thing of it, Doctor. We don't know.

The Inspector? George?

They have a lead on the man who shot you.


Chapman is his name.

He's the husband of a former...

Where are they?

They would be in Guelph by now.

Dr. Ogden, are you sure you should be on your feet?

You just told me my husband is missing.

Where else should I be?

You poor soul. You likely haven't had a meal in days.

Don't resist me, William.

I know it plays against your natural urges.


Let me go.

Now that we're finally fulfilling our destiny?

I don't think so.

People will be looking for me.

If they find me like this...

Silly goose.

Of course they're looking for you.

Your men adore you.

One of them nearly walked in on us at the hotel.

It was quite the ordeal getting you out of there.

And somewhere along the way I lost your hat.

I'm so sorry, darling.

They will find me, Miss Pearce.

Oh, no.

That ginger boy was quite heroic, but he's dead now.

He died for you.

Beautiful, really.

And the rest will be following the trail I left.

But it won't lead here.

My wife?


She is surely dead, William.

And I know that must sound like sad news, but it's actually glad news. Because it means you are finally free.

Oh, I didn't mean like that, silly.

I meant in the grander sense.

Because I know that deep down, you want me as much as I want you.

I've known that ever since our eyes first met.

All I want is love.

Then why do you hurt all those that come close to you?

Because they don't love me.

Isn't that their right?

Isn't that their decision to make?

Not if it hurts me.

If they are nice to me, I'll be nice to them. If not...

My mother wasn't very nice to my father.

Your parents both died when you were young, is that right?

When I was eight.

It was to be such a lovely weekend.

My father took us to the family cabin.

I always loved it there.

I was ever so excited.

But then I found out that my mother had been naughty.

My father caught her fornicating with another man.

He was taking her to that cabin to k*ll her.

And then he k*lled himself.

You must be very angry with him.


He did nothing wrong.


♪ Come in, come in, little Henry Lee ♪
♪ And stay the whole night through ♪
♪ Lie down, lie down, little Henry Lee ♪
♪ And I will take care of you ♪
♪ I can't lie down ♪
♪ I won't lie down ♪
♪ And stay all night with thee ♪
♪ For a finer girl than 10 of me ♪
♪ Is waiting home for me ♪
♪ A finer girl, Henry Lee? ♪
♪ A finer girl than me? ♪
♪ A finer girl than 10 of me ♪
♪ You'll surely never see ♪
♪ I held you in my arms so tight ♪
♪ And gave you kisses sweet ♪
♪ Then out I took ♪
♪ My little knife ♪
♪ And wounded you so deep ♪
♪ Lie there, lie there ♪
♪ Little Henry Lee ♪
♪ As the blood seeps from your skin ♪
♪ That finer girl than 10 of me ♪
♪ Will never see you again ♪

Did you like it?

It's you and me, William.

It was written like it was for you and me.

♪ Come in, come in, little Henry Lee ♪

That's you.


(escalating music)

I can understand, William.

I can understand why you would fall for a woman like Julia Ogden.

But I want you to know that I bear you no ill will.

I can even see why you thought she was the right one for you.

But men make mistakes.

Miss Pearce, the only one...


... that is making a mistake is you...

Shhh, let me finish.

You will see that you and I, it will be so much better.

I can be any woman you want me to be.

A doting wife, a loving mother to your child, and a proper harlot when you desire.

I don't want any of that.

Especially not from you!

After tonight, I will be with your child, and you will see that I was right.

(Julia gasping)

Look at me.

Isn't this pretty?

Our child is going to be born from passion and fire.

(contented grunting)

I knew you'd come around.

Untie me.

I don't know...

How can I touch you?

You don't know how long I've dreamed of this night.



We'll try this again tomorrow.


Eva Pearce.

You think she took Murdoch?

Sir, I think that's who Dr. Ogden thinks took him.

This looks to be the address of a family cabin.

That's no guarantee she took him there.

No, sir. But can you think of a better place to look?

This is good news.

What makes you say that?

Sir, Eva Pearce is in love with the Detective.

If he's with her, there's a good chance he's still alive.


I'm sorry I had to hurt you.

You did what you had to do.

I'm so glad you understand.

It's difficult to admit, but I don't think I can fight how I truly feel for you any longer.

You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that.

I just hope what you're telling me is true.

It is.

You can give me what I've always wanted.

She never could.

I can make you happy.

You can make me happy.

That's what I've been waiting to see.


I need a bit of water.

Say that again?


I'll be back in a moment.

(door opening)

(creaking) (water splashing)

Eva Pearce!




Julia! Get away from here, now!

You were supposed to die.




Look at you, you're bleeding.






(gasping): William.

(whispering): I'm alive.

I'm alive.


Miss Pearce.

(strained): She loved you more.

Look at that.

Eva Pearce?

(Horse snorting)

Doctor. Are you alright?

I'll help you to the carriage.

Thank you, George.

I'd very much like to go back to the hospital, George.

I should say.

Should I ask what happened?

Eva Pearce tried to k*ll Julia, and she didn't succeed.

Can we just leave it at that?

Of course we can.

Go and be with her.


You're still going to build me that house...

I will.

I will.