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03x03 - Saving Captain Rogers

Posted: 03/28/16 09:23
by bunniefuu
Hey, Cap, ran into your old buddy Crossbones.

Where is Cap?

He should be around here somewhere.

All this time, Cap's never unpacked?

Friday, locate Captain America.

I'm not seeing him. His identification card is inactive.

Friday, I need all of his last known locations.

Whoa, Black Widow. Just because his card's down doesn't mean something's wrong.

I see that Captain America filed a travel log this morning, but he didn't register where he was going.

Okay. That is weird.

Cap always checks in when he travels.

So where is he?

Cap! Cap, are you all right?

You have to get up. Cap!


Where's my team?

The Howling Commandos are back at base.

The Howling Commandos?

But the Avengers are... Wait. What year is this?

That Hydra grenade must've gone off closer than I thought.

It's 1944.

And it'll be 1944 tomorrow, if we make it out of this.


Baron Zemo? The Hydra scientist, alive?


Sometimes I think you're my guardian angel and not just my best friend.

Best friend? Bucky, I'm...

I'm not myself.

This has gotta be a dream.

We're here to capture Baron Zemo.

So what say we finish the mission?

It'll be good to work with you again.

Captain America and Bucky.

You've come looking for me, but you've only found your own demise.

Cover me, you fools!


We walked right into this one.

Bucky, get down!


Saved my life again.

That's another one I owe you, Cap.

You up for a little light jogging?

I think we know where he's headed.

Another Cap and Bucky fun run.

Whoa. You ever see a creepy old castle like this before?

I... I think I have.

I wish I could explain this. It feels like déjà vu, or I've traveled back in time.

Traveled back in time?

Okay. You either really hit your head hard, or now you're just pulling my leg.

I honestly don't know.

What I do know is this is Zemo's personal Hydra outpost.

We'll have to fight our way in.

No. I think I know a way to sneak us in.

Then lead the way.

Cap smash.

Hustle, Rogers. Get the lead out.

Everything here looks familiar.

Look out!

That same door caught me off guard last time too.

Last time. I was here to stop Baron Zemo from doing something.

Why can't I remember?

Are you sure you're okay, Cap?

Maybe we oughta turn back.


I'm fine. We should stick with the mission.

Can't keep the Baron waiting.

Yeah. We wouldn't wanna be rude. Another trap?

No, I... I'm just...

It's really good to be on a mission with you again.

Likewise. But don't get all sentimental on me.

Cap, hustle!


I like to make an entrance.

Oh, great. Tony Stark's rubbing off on me.

Ah, Captain America.

I see you've discovered my home away from home.

Zemo didn't know we were coming last time.

You can make this easy on all of us, Zemo, and give yourself up.

Well, where is the fun in that?

Cap's ID may be off, but the reverse trace I put on it has its last known location dead ahead.

Or did you digging through his sock drawer already tell you that?

Your machines are useful, Iron Man, but don't mistake knowing where Cap is for knowing who he is.

You think you know my pal Cap better than I do?

Did you know his favorite ice cream is butter pecan?

No, it isn't. You just picked a flavor old people like.

Yeah, looks like Cap found something as old as he is.

One slightly used European castle.

I'll admit, this wouldn't be my vacation spot.

But to each his own.

The castle's old.

The whole thing is structurally unsound.

Which is probably why there's no one here.

Are you sure about that?

Well, I guess I can cross "storm a castle" off my bucket list.

You're good against traps.

Very good.

But are you good enough against my elites?

Well, I guess we're gonna find out, won't we?

Hydra, att*ck!

Missed me!

Are you sure about that?



Take him to my lab.

No! Bucky!

And him, you can destroy.

Scanning for heat signatures.

I'm picking one up straight ahead.

Just might be our missing Captain.

Bucky! Where's Bucky?

That's definitely Cap. But why is he looking at us like that?

Bucky... Bucky...

Hydra... Stop...

Stop Hydra. Stop Hydra.

Cap, it's me, Tony.

Yours and everybody's favorite Avenger?

Kapitan, es tut mir leid!


Is Cap hearing what I'm saying?

It has to be mind control.

We have to figure out what kind.

I don't think he's gonna sit still for an examination.

Then we'll have to make him.

It doesn't matter how many of you Hydra throws at me.

You're not keeping Bucky.

I won't leave him behind! You hear me?

Come on, Cap. I don't wanna have to hurt you.

What language is he speaking?

Tony, now!

Sorry, Cap.

I'll apologize to him again after he wakes up.

No sign of any marks.

There's no device on him either.

But you heard him. Cap was screaming about Hydra and Bucky.

Maybe he was put under some kind of regressive hypnosis.

It's a demanding technique. Fell out of favor in the 1950s.

And yet, aren't the old ways always the best?

It depends on the ways. We haven't met, Mr....

Uh, Baron. Helmet Zemo.

This castle belonged to my father, Heinrich Zemo.

Baron Zemo. Hydra scientist.

Invented a crude glue called Adhesive X.

He's one of Cap's lower-level baddies.

My father was a genius!

He would've changed the world if not for Captain America's meddling.

I have spent my life rebuilding his legacy.

And now that Captain Rogers is under my hypnotic trance, he will help me recreate my father's greatest triumph.

Let me guess . Cap stumbled onto Daddy's plans for glue, and you wanna corner the market.

Do not insult me. I may not have been able to recreate a super soldier serum, but my efforts were not without results.

But alas, my failed version has side effects.

Monstrous side effects.

S.H.I.E.L.D. clearly missed something in Zemo's file.

Finish them.


Okay. I did not see that coming.

But that I did see.

Do not forget your mission, Captain.

You must find Bucky. You must save him.

Bucky. You must save him.

Run, Captain! Run!

Bucky, hang on!

Bucky! Bucky, can you hear me?

Help me-e-e!

Last time, Bucky and I went this way, but...

It was here. I remember it.

Zemo sicced those Hydra crumbs on me while he escaped this way.

Bucky, I'm coming!

This was Zemo's secret laboratory.

I remember everything now.


Bucky, what have they done to you?

Captain America, the last man alive who knew how to enter my father's secret lab.

I knew not how to find the lab, but I knew how to find you.

To hypnotize and trick you into retracing your footsteps and leading me here.

I may have failed to perfect a super soldier serum, but my father succeeded.

Only two appear viable. But it will do.

And to think I never would have found it without you, Captain.

Hail Hydra.

These things are starting to slow down.

Yeah, you're right.

Zemo Junior's serum's only temporary.

I've got an idea.

How about a lift?

When in doubt, drop something heavy on them.

If that's Cap, I'm gonna glue my fist to Zemo's face.


You must forgive my outburst.

The transformation may not be pleasant, but the results are well worth it.

A formula that works.

My father's serum belongs to me now... me and the army I shall raise with it.

Zemo, let Captain America go.

I no longer have any need for Captain Rogers.

But since he imprisoned my father, it's only fitting to imprison him inside his own mind.

As for you, your end will be swift.

Your end is now!

You will not fare well against a real super soldier!

There's only one super soldier in this room, and it ain't you!

Do not feel sorrow.

You could never hope to defeat my genius.

It is unparalleled.

I don't know what's going on out there, but it doesn't matter.

I gotta get Bucky outta here before they bring the whole place down.

Let's take this fight outside.

I'm not taking any more chances with this evil grape.

Don't let up on him.

You dented my ride.

Cap, is that you?

Bucky! I was starting to get worried that...

You have to get out of here, now!

I know. We both do.

This isn't what happened, Steve.

This isn't real. You have to get out of here.



I won't leave you.

Cap, forget me. Save yourself.

I won't let it happen again!

I lost you once. I lost so much.

I will always be your best friend, but you gotta snap outta this.

I need you to live.

Hmm. You're right. I have to let you go.

Now go and show him what a kid from Brooklyn can do.

Thanks for saving me, again.

We only just met, Iron Man, but this is good-bye.


Get away from my friends.

Look who's back in the game.

Impossible! You broke my mind control.

Well, it matters not. You've lost, while I preserve my father's legacy.

Copying other people's science and using it for evil doesn't sound like very much of a legacy to me!

Do not pretend to be superior.

I will honor my father.

Use his science to bring humanity to its next advanced stage, and cut away the dead weight that holds me back.

On behalf of the dead weight, no, thanks!

Good to see you back, Steve.

Good to be back.

We can still end this peacefully, Zemo, but the Avengers are never going to let men like you control this world.

Then, by all means, try and stop me.

The super soldier serum!

No! What have you done?

Zemo, leave it!

The entire cliff is going to collapse!

The serum must be mine!

The legacy of the House of Zemo!

Let me go!


I got you.

And I got you.

This count as you saving Cap's life, or is this one mine?

As far as I'm concerned, you're both lifesavers.

Not detecting anything except a bunch of water and a bunch of rock.

Zemo's hypnosis may have been old-fashioned, but that technique is foolproof.

How did you manage to break free?

I didn't.

A friend saved me.

This new look is impressive.

We never pegged you as the type to... decorate.

Thought you'd never unpack.

Is that what you two thought?

It's like you don't know me at all.

I guess seeing Zemo spend his whole life trying to recreate history made me realize I wanna honor my past, not live there.

Not like Zemo did.

Thank you both for coming after me.

I've always had friends I could count on.

It's nice to know I still do.

You always will.

Although as a friend, I gotta tell you, this room would look a lot better with a couple of touch screens.

Maybe a TV in the corner?

I like things quiet in here.

White noise generator.

I know you can hear Hulk's snoring. We all can.

You're one to talk.

You know, we can hear you during your naps, complimenting yourself in your sleep.

Okay, okay. Hear me out.

What about an ice-cream machine?

I know butter pecan is your favorite.

Isn't it everybody's?