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01x08 - The Greatest Good

Posted: 04/19/14 12:16
by bunniefuu
Sally Blakely was diagnosed a year ago. Oesophageal cancer.

Just after 7pm she started looking in a lot of pain, according to him, and within ten minutes, he'd given her three injections.

So you charge me with assisted su1c1de and they bump it up to manslaughter.

An immediate custodial sentence in the upper range of 8-10 years is the minimum that should be considered.

What exactly are you telling me, Mr Schaeffer?

We're just trying to locate Mr Blakely, Your Honour.

He's bolted.

Well, I'm down near Gerringong, which is not good news.


Because a bushwalker just found Steve Blakely's body.

Car park of the Lions Gate Hotel.

Blakely and Novak?

Blakely pulled this file out two days before he died.

He was going to reopen the investigation.

Oriana Vasilich.

Did Blakely have a suspect?

Danny Novak.

Don't f*ck up what you've got by getting involved in things that don't concern you.

What are they looking at Dad for?

Because they think he k*lled Dianne Vasilich's daughter, Oriana.

Mr Moreno, I find you not guilty.

You're free to go.

Are these photos from...

A Russian website.

This is Ruby Moreno.

The Vasilich family had nothing to do with that m*rder.

Blakely's m*rder's a small part of it.

If you wanna sort this mess, ask yourself, how did Alex Moreno manage to get acquitted?

Pull out Judge Renmark's decisions over the last two years.


Something was dodgy in Moreno.

I'd tread very carefully if I were you, Ms King.

They're all connected.

Blakely, Nelson, Moreno.


Especially Renmark.

He's dead.


Judge Renmark.

You seriously need to think about getting this Clarke guy off the street.

He's a bad man.

Get the f*ck away from her!

I know what you do to young girls.

You r*pe them.

I tried to talk him out of charging you.

Doesn't matter.

And the jerk is playing the victim for all he's worth.

Your Honour, I ask that this witness be declared hostile and seek leave to cross-examine.

You know he's the one who spread the rumour to the press about you and Erin?

Maya, how old were you the first time Mr Nelson visited your bedroom?

I was seven years old.

He wasn't the one creeping into Maya's bedroom.

It was Dad.

You liar!

He picked on me all the time.


Every step, I cut myself more.

He didn't lift a finger.

My feet covered in blood.

The feet of Blakely's corpse.

Whoever k*lled him cut up his feet, remember?

It's Drew. It has to be.

Just because he hated his father?

You've been trying to find a plausible explanation for the feet.

This is it.

The pathologist's report was inconclusive.

It can't be a coincidence.

Drew's clearly psychologically disturbed, to act as a witness against his sister.

Psychologically disturbed enough to k*ll his father.

Hang on, hang on.

We have no forensic evidence tying him to the m*rder w*apon or burial site.

Not yet.

He's got a watertight alibi.

Drew was on his mobile to Jack.

It's hard to imagine anyone else knocking Steven Blakely off.

Hardly what you lot would call beyond reasonable doubt though?

You saw how much anger there was in him.

Now's the time to talk to him.

He's rattled. Look, family.

Isn't that where the vast majority of murders are committed?

It's the first place you look.

And we did.

But now you have something you didn't have before.

Look, OK, I'll bring him in for a chat and I'll apply for a search warrant.

Thank you.

Interesting business in there.

Don't expect any praise from me.

Let's go. Come on.

Explain to me how trashing my reputation and Erin's was going to help you get a favourable report on your silk application?

Or did you think I'd find it funny?

It was a big miscalculation on your part.

You know, it's a shame your mate Renmark died.

I could have been sacked and now enjoying life working in a bookshop.

Renmark wasn't my mate.

Bullshit. He's the one who told you I was reporting on you for silk.

That was Jack Rizzoli.


You cops really look out for each other, don't you?

Was he in on the scoop too?

Both have a good laugh about the big lesbian scandal?

You ever do anything like that again, I'll make sure you lose your job.

Hey, Andy, you got a warrant for Drew?

Turns out he really hated his old man.

That's not exactly a crime.

Except if your old man's been knocked off.

We've already interviewed him. It was the first place we started.

He was pretty intense in court.

Intense? The man has just lost both his parents.

Then he has to stand up in front of the whole world and explain how his father r*ped his sister?

I'd be f*ckin' intense too.

I know, but if he's got motive, we need to eliminate him.

He's already been eliminated.

Not forensically.

We've never looked at him for any physical connection to the crime.


No, that's true, that's true.

If that little prick has set me up... that would mean that whole phone call thing could've been bullshit.

I don't understand.

I haven't done anything.

I called you that night to see if you were home.

And I was. You came over to see me for an hour or more.

We talked about Dad, mostly.

You remember that.

I called you on your mobile.

You could've been anywhere.

I was at home.

I came home after court.

Or you went straight to Steve's to knock him off.

Then you raced back here to meet me.

To let me provide you with the world's best alibi.

Because who's gonna question me, right? That's what you thought.

No. No!

Then Dianne Vasilich turns up.

Very bloody handy! I do not like to be made to look like a liar!

Drew, if there's anything you want to tell us, courts like an early guilty plea.


Then you took the chance to pay Steve back for a childhood disagreement.

He was my friend!

You little prick!

He was a decent bloke!

He k*lled my mother.

Seeing her like that made him feel weak, and he couldn't handle it.

What'd you do to him?

I told him I was glad he was going to jail.

The arsehole. We had a fight.

He was so furious, he just kept yelling.

I thought he was going to have a heart attack.

And then he pushed me.

He shoved me into the wall.

I thought he was going to k*ll me, he was so strong.

I just wanted him to stop.

Forensics found soil and some tiny seeds in his car, under the accelerator pedal.

They must have dropped off his shoes.

The dirt and the seeds are particular from one area -


Drew buried Steven Blakely's body.

Oh, he k*lled him too, don't worry about that.

His DNA was all over the cricket bat.

We assumed it was his, or he and his father played with it, but the bat belonged to Maya.

Oh, a crime of passion.

He's not going to succeed with self-defence.

After he hit Blakely, Dianne arrived through the back door.

Yep. He hid in the study, heard someone come in, yelling.

Then silence, then the same steps racing out.

So, Occam's Razor is a load of hogwash.

So if anyone's to say 'I told you so', now's your chance.

The b*mb attack?

He says he doesn't know anything about it.

We've still got the team looking at that.

If there is anything to find, Janet, we will find it.

We've turned his house and his car inside out.

I'll keep looking, but, you know, this could just be a messed-up kid who hated his father.

The m*rder of Steven Blakely was an isolated incident.

Are you serious?

As much as I hate to say it, Janet, Steven Blakely was the one who was connected to Moreno and Nelson, and maybe Renmark too.

It might be the reason he k*lled Sally.

Ah, Jack, sorry, have you got a minute?

See ya.

Is charging Drew the right thing to be doing at this stage?

Absolutely it is, yeah.

What if he does have some connection to Moreno and the rest of them?

There's nothing linking the two of them...

Because they've retaliated before.

We'll keep security detail on you as long as we need to.

Don't you worry about that.


So my family and I keep living apart indefinitely?

We will find out.

You can't promise me that.

No, I can't.

I want my life back.

It's just a matter of time, Janet.

These people are rattled.

They'll make mistakes.

Yeah, it's the mistakes I'm worried about.

I will sort this. That's not a promise, but I do believe it.

Thanks for coming in, Mrs Moreno.

I don't understand.

There were cameras hidden in the house.


The police are finalising their investigations at the moment.

We went to that house more than once.

Is that the only photo, or just the only one you've found so far?

Are there hundreds of photos of Ruby floating around?

This is the only photo we need to prosecute.

This is a still from a video.


She's taking off a bikini top.

The video didn't stop here.

She'd take off her whole top, and maybe the bottom half too.

She would be naked.

We don't know where the video ends.

But they wouldn't stop at this still.

They would use the rest of it.

They would sell the rest of the stills.

After everything with Alex, attacking an artist's integrity, and now this?

These people have to be stopped, but we need your help to convict Timothy Clarke, the man we found with this photo on his computer.

A photo he bought from Russia?

A Russian website.

Don't they understand that these are real children?

What do you need?

We need to prove your daughter's age.

Birth certificate?

The defence won't accept that, I'm afraid. We'll need you in court.



And her photo?

We'll need to use that too.

Without it, and your testimony, we have no case.

The best thing you can do at this point is help to convict the man who has this photo.

You'll be helping to protect other children.

By letting more and more people see my daughter like this?

Letting them imagine what comes next?

I'm sorry.

I'll have to think about it.

There's not too many decent blokes left these days.

All bloody corporate types.

They come into the force, you know, with MBAs shoved up their arses.

They all want careers, vocational training, KPI assessments.

Whatever happened to bloody getting scumbags off the street, huh?

Andy Campbell?

You're joking. Shit.

Better bring him in.

Something actually go right?

DNA results on items from the Oriana Vasilich m*rder scene.

Positive match.

Finally got the bastard.

Danny Novak, put your hands where I can see them.

Oh, what the f*ck!

Put your hands up! Up!

Get up! Now!

I haven't finished my coffee yet.

Do you mind?

What are you doing?


Let him go! Dad! Dad!

You can't do this. He has rights.

He's got rights!

Mind my head.



I can give you five minutes.

Are you sure that's OK?

Yeah, just five minutes, OK?

Sorry it took so long. Did you get a cup of tea out of 'em?

They only just put these back on.

They obviously don't trust you.

Do you need anything?

Water, or...?

No, no, no, I'm fine.

Nobody will tell me anything about what's going on.

It's a mistake, sweetheart.

They're harassing you.

No, it's just like searching the house.

They're getting their stats up for the month, that's all.

It's that girl, isn't it?

Oriana Vasilich?

There's nothing in it.

Well, you didn't know who she was.


That's what I keep trying to tell them.

It was so long ago.

I mean, nearly two decades.

People are bound to get things wrong, make mistakes.

Exactly. So go back to work, sweetheart. I'll see you at home.

OK. It's my turn to cook.

Yeah, can't wait.

See ya.


You OK?

You came.

Of course I did.

They think he k*lled that girl.

I know. Andy called Janet.

Everybody knows?

They probably know more than I do, which wouldn't be hard.

How was she k*lled?

I don't know, exactly.


I'm gonna hear eventually.

Her body was never found so nobody really knows.

No body. That makes prosecution pretty difficult.

Yeah, it can.

And Oriana, she was blackmailing politicians and all sorts of people.

God knows what else she was up to.

Not exactly a model citizen.

I'm so sorry.

There's nothing to be sorry for.

I know how you feel about your dad.

My Dad never hit me when I was growing up. Never.

He never raised his voice.

He read me stories every night, sitting on the floor beside my bed.

And if I got scared by a giant or werewolf or witch, he would stay there on the floor until I fell asleep.

One morning he was still there when I woke up, fast asleep.

He never missed a sports match or a music performance or a speech night.

He cooked sausages at fundraisers and sold charity chocolates to his workmates and he taught me to play tennis.

Come here.

The Nelson jury are on their way back.

It's too quick.

Doesn't necessarily mean an acquittal.

Drew's derailed it.

Once he's convicted, we've got grounds for appeal, but that's too late.

They might still convict Nelson.

Owen and I are heading there now...

See you there.

Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honour.

On the first count, that between January 1996 and July 1999, the accused, Keith Gordon Nelson did have sexual intercourse with a child under 10, namely Maya Sally Blakely.

How do you find the defendant, guilty or not guilty?

Guilty, Your Honour.

And on the second count that between January 2000 and December 2003, the accused, Keith Gordon Nelson did have sexual intercourse with a child under 16, namely Maya Sally Blakely.

How do you find the defendant, guilty or not guilty?

Guilty, Your Honour.

Bail is revoked.

You will be remanded in custody and brought to this court for sentence.

My client has been very clear with his instructions.

Come on, you and I both know he hasn't got a hope in hell in appeal.

You told him what happens to guys like him in prison?

Kiddie fiddlers aren't exactly popular.

He's adamant. We just want some names, that's all.

Can I talk to you?

Janet, I've got it under control.

Nelson has information we need.

You know I can't talk to you about any of this.

Please, David, I wouldn't ask unless it was really important.

I can't. I'm sorry.

Thanks for trusting me to do my job.

Why would I trust you with anything?

I won the case.

Nelson's not going anywhere.

Yes, he's appealing, but he'll probably change his mind after a couple of days in prison.

A guy like him's not gonna like it much.

Too scared to come in on the first lap?

I don't bite, despite everything you've heard.

You don't stop, do you?

You must be pleased about the Nelson verdict.

Relieved would be more accurate.

But I'm sure you're not here just to feed my ego.

One of the first things I was taught at law school was anyone who represented themselves had a fool as a client.

If I'm pleading to this as*ault thing, should I get someone to represent me?

Well, make the plea for me?

You sure you want to plead?

Well, I hit him. Never too late to change your plea.

To what?

Defence of another.

Well, he hasn't been charged with anything.

I'm not supposed to know that he's a filthy paedophile, nor am I supposed to use my knowledge of where he lives to go and harass him.

You've been seeing a psych, haven't you?

No-one's been telling stories out of school.

Anyone in Sex Crimes gets dragged off to see a psych whether they like it or not.

So, you get your files, and then you do the plea yourself.

It'll have much more emotional impact.

You make it all about your panic att*cks, your nightmares, your emotional distress because of the work you do.

Show that I'm incapable of doing my job?

Yeah, I'm sure you could get Tony to write a statement saying he's worried about your mental health.

Plead insanity?

Not quite.

But you want to avoid a criminal conviction on your record, so you go for diminished responsibility on account of PTSD.

What's Moreno doing in here?

No idea.

He just turned up, wanted to see Owen.

Probably pissed off about his wife being hassled.

I don't want my daughter involved.

Should have thought about that before you handed around her picture.

Yeah, I should have thought about a lot of things.

If we don't use your daughter's photo, we won't be able to prosecute the man who had her picture.

Oh, please. Come on, he's got other photos in his collection.

Can't you use one of them?

Problem is, we can't ID any of the kids.

If I could ID them, will you leave her out of it?

There are some of my photos on the same website as Ruby's.

You take pornographic pictures of children, including your own.

They didn't know about the cameras.

They weren't being hurt, OK?

I never thought they'd find out.

I don't want Ruby to know that there's photos of her circulating on the internet.

If she knows that I'm the one responsible, she's going to think that I'm some kind of...

What? A monster?

I'm admitting that I took illegal photos, alright?

Isn't that enough?

You'll still get a prosecution, just without Ruby, and you'll have me as well.

I think we'll stick with what we've got.

Thanks all the same.

I'm offering to plead guilty.

Talk to the cops.

I don't trust cops.

You want to save your daughter, you tell me everything you know.

Everything. Who, what, why, where, when, how.

These people, they are dangerous.

Not my problem.

Might be your daughter's, but it's not mine.

I can't.

Right, fair enough.

Thanks for your time.

Who'd you sell 'em to?

I can't tell you that.

Then you're not much use, are you?

Who'd you sell the photographs to?

I need names.

I didn't sell them directly.

Don't f*ck me around!

Either give me something I can use or you're wasting my time.

The man who acquitted me, Judge Renmark.

He's someone who received the photos.

And he's dead. No use. Who else?

Alright, OK. There's another guy, Keith Nelson.

Yeah, he's in jail.

This is bullshit.

You're giving me names of people you know we can't touch.

Forget it.

If they know that I told you this, they will k*ll me.

There is a post office box.

Everything goes through there.

Remind me why you let Owen Mitchell quit the force?

I'd like to say it's because he's a smartarse, but the truth is he found a way to make a lot more money.

He is wasted at the DPP.

What have you got?

Same as the others.

Found it in a very interesting post office box.

Harvard Mark Solutions is a business registered to one Andrew Blakely.


He might not be running things.

This just says he was involved.

The USB and a bunch of disks were in the box.

They were sourced from everywhere, collated and distributed from Russia.

Well, how much material do they all contain?

Haven't counted exactly, but thousands.

Tens of thousands of images.

Some comparatively innocent, others...

Well, t*rture would not be an exaggeration.

All children, wide range of ages.

Until I started here, I had no idea what sick puppies humans are.

I'm with you.

At least K*llers have the decency to knock their victims off.

So they're getting digital porn via the post?

This time, yes.
Found a mailing list?

Still ploughing through all the material, and we'll confirm who's in charge, but we can't assume it's Drew off the back of this.

What, you're thinking Steven Blakely?

Steve, Renmark, Nelson, or maybe someone else entirely.

Drew will know.

Jack's personally escorting Drew in from remand.

I imagine he'll be very ready to talk after that.

Tell me about this.

One of the places Dad sourced the images.

Mostly Eastern European.

Always got 'em sent by snail mail.

It's harder to trace.

Dad didn't know anything about IT.

All he knew from work was that if you used the internet, you left a footprint.

I used to deliver things for him while I was still at school, for cash.

No idea what was inside the packages.

I opened a package one day, had a look.

When he found out, I thought he was going to k*ll me.

But he just sat me down and told me I was involved now.

If he went down, so did I.

But this is your business.

Dad used my address.

I had to do what I was told.

Keith Nelson. Was he one of your father's clients?

Yeah, he was one of them.

I can give you a list.

And what about Grenville Renmark, the judge?

We know someone was with him when he died.

We've got your DNA on record.

Won't take us long to make a match.

Renmark wanted to take over running the business.

I didn't want to keep going.

He wouldn't listen to me.

He wanted to show me how in control he was, so he paid someone to set a b*mb in Janet King's car.

Go on.

Well, I was furious.

I confronted him, and he didn't like that. He grabbed me.

We were in this car park, up high.

There was no-one around.

He was dragging me over the edge.

I tried to get away from him.

He was strong. And then he fell.

You didn't push him?

No, I... I didn't...

He was trying to push me over.

So he fell?

Yeah. Or jumped, I don't know.

We had a hold of each other, and then we didn't.

I didn't even hear him land.

Jack said if I cooperated you'd go easier on me.

Jack, you offered Steve's k*ller a deal.

Well, we don't need Nelson now.

Drew's given us the lot.

What the bloody hell...

Hey, hey, hey, we've cracked it.

You should be at the pub.


Hey, Steve was not one of us, OK?

I know it sticks in the guts, but we've just got to accept that now.

It's only Drew's word.

No, it's not.

Steve had all the right links.

He was of the same vintage as these blokes, the same ranking, the same power.

You can't expect a kid like Drew to tell these guys what to do.

He'd shit his pants at the sight of anyone who was anything like his father.

Guys like Steve kept this state safe.

He made sure it ran smoothly.

He kept the shitheads in line.

He knew who to lean on to get things happening.

By blackmailing paedophiles?

They're the scum of the earth, right?

Why wouldn't you lean on them?

Get them to shit themselves.

Keep them in line. Get 'em to do what you want them to do.

Arrest who you want, jail who you want.

Look at it from a different perspective.

I'm not saying it's right, but the bottom line is this - we've got him.

And even without all the theories, all the questions have been answered.

Got some news.

News you need to tell me outside of the office?

Drew Blakely ran everything under his father's guidance.

Jack has a theory.

Steve was blackmailing the guys in the ring to get the results he wanted, in trials, government policy, keeping scumbags in line, for the greater good sort of thing.

It was Steven.

And what else?

What else did Drew say?

Oh, looks like he k*lled Renmark.

After Renmark revealed he'd organised the car b*mb.


There was a connection.

You know, I might not have even been there.

He didn't care if it was just Ash and the kids.

They can come home now.


Yes, they can.

Hi, darling. Why aren't you answering your phone?

Look, I've got some good news but I want to tell you, so can you call me, please?


Love to those beautiful children and you. Can you call me?

Would a drink be unseemly?

We are celebrating, after all.

Well, I'm sure the sun is over the yardarm.

Oh, I'm sure it is. Somewhere.

Ah, I'm not exactly match fit.

Could be entertaining.

I doubt it.



Mmm. Ooh, so that's it, end of story.

Yes. My police guards have been dismissed, and we can finally go home.

The esteemed Steven Blakely ran a highly organised child porn ring.

Went undetected by staying off the net, was assisted in this by his IT genius son, who hated him.

Members of the ring included the judiciary, the public service, then who knows who else from the top end of town?

How thoroughly depressing.

And who knows how many of Renmark's judgements were tainted.

Oh, could f*ck us up for years.

Hundreds of decisions overturned.

The State'll be in a mess, and God knows how many crims just roaming around.

You've been amazing through all this.

I don't know how you carried on.

I know I couldn't have.

You're a fine human being.

You really are.

Don't you dare make me cry.

Make us both cry, we'll really be in trouble.

Alright, that's it.

Back to the fray.

All this wasn't the fray?

Oh, Tracey has about 300 files with your name on them.

Thank you.

And if you tell anyone I went soft on you, I'll deny everything.

Good news, thank the Lord.

If you want to back up that truck, I'm ready to tackle any files you have waiting.

I don't believe anyone's ever accused me of being a truck driver before.

Ms Badir, you've heard the summary, and you wish to plead guilty to common as*ault, is that correct?

Yes. Yes, Your Honour.

Are you ready to proceed with the plea now?

I am, Your Honour.

As an officer of the law, I should know better than anyone else what constitutes as*ault.

Despite this, I att*cked the victim, Mr Clarke, without any reason or provocation.

To say that I'm humiliated by my own actions would be a great understatement.

I am appalled by what I did.

I'm not excusing my behaviour, but all I can say in mitigation, Your Honour, is that I operated at the time under a misapprehension that the young girl in question needed my protection.

If the young girl was in no way distressed, why did you think she needed your help?

Well, I...

It's just a feeling I had, Your Honour.

A feeling? I see.

As a solicitor, I deeply regret my actions, and I can assure you there's no need for specific deterrence, as I will not be doing this again.

Usually on a charge such as this, I would take into consideration the fact that you have no prior convictions and order a Good Behaviour Bond.

However, as an officer of the court, you should have known better.

Your conduct must be of a higher standard.

Therefore, I'm sentencing you to a community based order for a period of six months, during which you shall be required to perform 40 hours of community work and attend upon a psychologist for no less than six months, that being the duration of the order.

If I was going to go down, I should have taken Clarke with me, instead of grovelling like that in front of him.

That's the most sickening thing I've ever done.

My mouth was so dry I couldn't even look at him.

I bet he was smiling.

He wasn't smiling.

The only thing that made me keep my mouth shut was knowing he was going to get convicted.

We can't use the Ruby Moreno photo.

What? Why?

Moreno gave us information on the whole Blakely porn ring.

Ruby's photo was the trade-off.

Clarke gets away with it?

For now. He's on the cops' radar, though. He'll f*ck up again.

And you guys didn't tell me because you thought I needed protecting?

Now I feel just a little bit patronised.

I'm sorry. It's just that you were so nervous.

Oh, with good reason, as it turns out.

You should let the Law Society know about your conviction, rather than them finding out through the system.

Take the initiative.

Oh, you can actually say something useful. And legal.

I wish I'd never laid eyes on Timothy Clarke.

How did you end up in the same random car park as Clarke?

He suggested you do something dodgy, didn't he?

Yes, I did. Found his address and told her he was a very bad man.

The dodginess was my instigation.

Uh, uh, don't protect him.

I'm not.

So, got any more juicy stories for the tabloids?

Look, Erin, I'm really sorry about that.

I don't want an apology.

You actually did me a favour.

Proved to me you're not my type at all.

I could have lost my job.

How'd you go?

I got convicted and he walks.

So much for justice.

We could use someone like you in the force.

I'm not big on uniforms.

Come straight in at detective level.

You know, you've got plenty of experience in criminal law.

That's got to count for something.


But I want to be a lawyer.

I'm good at it, when I'm not assaulting perpetrators.

Yes. Yes, you are.

And you know what else?


I'm proud that your first instinct was to save someone in trouble.

And it's what makes you such a good lawyer.

I believe there's some good news.

Yes, there is.

Can I have a look?

Drew seemed so, I don't know, weak or something.

But to k*ll a judge?

Well, he hasn't admitted to k*lling Renmark, not yet anyway.

There's his father too.

Blakely was a big, strong man.

With enough motive, you can do anything.

Hang on a second.

See this?

You s*ab me in the eye with this pen and you could k*ll me, Janet.

Can you see the initials on that pen?

Mm. G and R, I think.

Well, that'd be right, wouldn't it? Granville Renmark?

I just need to make a phone call.

Do you mind?



Hey, Janet.

Hey, come over for a drink.

Look, I was just wondering, that pen that was found with Renmark's body.

Was that ever DNA tested?

What's the interest in the fountain pen?

Sounds like you're having a party.

We cracked the code, didn't we?

Fat bastard, we got him.

Yeah, Jack's shouting the drinks.

Look, I might leave you to it.


Can I borrow your phone?



Are you OK?

You're joking, right?

That pen belongs to Jack Rizzoli.

I've seen it.

He talked about it being a m*rder w*apon.

Do you remember that?

GR. Giacomo Rizzoli.

And it puts him at the scene of Renmark's death.

Why would he not say he was there with Renmark unless he's hiding something?


So Rizzoli told Owen that I was reporting on him for silk.

Renmark was on the silk selection committee.

He led us in completely the wrong direction for the Moreno defence.

When we first dragged him in, he was on about being an artist.

Then his lawyer turned up, told him to put a sock in it.

If you want my opinion, that's the line they'll run with.

He pushed us to prosecute Dianne Vasilich, before Blakely's body was found.

He took me off the task force in the middle of everything.

I'm running the investigation into the biggest shitstorm this department has seen in years!

I know. I tried to suggest somebody else but they wouldn't budge.

Don't worry, the task force continues, just without you.

And he gave Drew his alibi.

Drew only confessed about Renmark and the b*mb after Jack had been with him.

Maybe Renmark wasn't behind the b*mb.

It was Jack.

He tried to k*ll me and my family... when he thought I got too close to the truth.

Does he know that you were coming here, meeting me?

No, it's OK.

I thought I was meeting Lina.

'Cause he could have people anywhere.

OK, you take the taxi.

You head straight to the safe house.

You do not call anyone. No-one.

I told Ash to come home.

I will call her.

Don't tell her anything.

I won't worry her, I promise.

We'll get some security guys for you, OK?

You stay there until you hear from me.

Andy, it's me.

There are no security guards here yet. What's happening?

Can you call me?

OK, you listen to me.

I don't give a f*ck how short-staffed you are.

I want security back on that safe house now.

Call me when it's done.

I also need someone to run a mobile number for me.

0491 570 159.

I want to know where that phone was on Thursday the 4th.

Come on, Andy. Come on.

Oh, thank God.

You know, I was just about...



I've cancelled the security guys.

You don't need them.

Thought I'd give you the VIP treatment.

Drive you home myself.

Ah, my car's still at the police headquarters...

I got it out. It's right here.

Thought you'd like things to be as normal as possible.

That's very thoughtful of you.

Look, it's late and I'm happy to drive myself home in the morning...

It's the least I can do.

I haven't packed.

Everything's really unorganised.

Sort it out tomorrow.

What you need now is a night underneath your own roof. Come on.

Leave it.

I said f*cking leave it!

Don't be so f*cking stupid!

Get out.

No-one's going to believe I k*lled myself.

I don't want to hurt you.

I just want to talk to you.

Talk? Like you talked to Renmark, and Blakely?

I didn't k*ll Blakely.

Drew did. He hated him.

Now get out of the car.



Andy knows you ran the ring with Steven.


He had nothing to do with it.

It was Drew.

I was watching it for months before I realised it was him.

You dropped your pen when you k*lled Renmark.

This one?

From the evidence room? Huh?

Now you ready to listen to me?

I wanted good people to be safe.

Just like you do.

That's all I want.

All those sickos, they're not gonna stop.

If they don't get the stuff from Drew, they'll just get it off the net or some other place.

Right now, at this moment, they'll do whatever I say.

I have this power over powerful people.

The system works.

This state hasn't been this safe for years.

All I need is you to keep quiet.

Keep quiet?

You tried to k*ll my children.

They were never going to get hurt.

It was a f*ckin' b*mb.

It was controlled!

Now listen to me.

All the kids in those photos, from Eastern Europe, they are impossible to identify.


I can't do anything, nothing at all, to help those people.

It's not just about those children.

It's about Ruby Moreno.

It's every kid that Alex Moreno took a photo of, it's every kid in the Blakely beach house.

They are all under your care.

Those images give me a way of controlling things, a way we'd lost.

You are sacrificing children.

I'll resign.

OK? I'll resign. I'll walk away.

Yeah, I'll just walk away.

You can prosecute all the guys in that ring, all of 'em.

And let me tell you, there's a lot of them.

But it'll shut down without me and Drew.

It will. It'll shut down.

You just don't get it, do you?

You don't get it!

If I go to prison, every case that I've worked on in the last decade, all of them, every single one of them, they will be overturned.

They will be appealed.

And that's a lot of offenders back out there.

You want to be part of putting that scum back on the street?

Listen, I'm not taking responsibility for anything you've done.

Janet, I just... need you to get on board.

Or what?

Are you going to get rid of me?

There's Novak, Moreno, Tony, they all know things.

Andy'll know I'm missing.

He'll have alerted people.

Please. Please, Janet.

You can help me convince them.

I won't help you.

If you want to keep me quiet, you're gonna have to k*ll me.


So the cops have charged everyone involved.

You wanted all this sorted out.

Neat little ribbon.

A second high-ranking police officer dead was not exactly what I had in mind.

Yes, well a lot of things have happened which are not exactly what we had in mind.


Yes, tragic.

Jack was a fine man.

Not exactly the words I'd choose.

A great loss for the public.

Are you actually going to do this?

What'd be the point of doing anything else?

It'd destroy the public faith in the force.

Well, we wouldn't want to destroy anyone's faith.

I appreciate your support, you and your department, at this difficult time.

I know you worked closely with Jack.

It must be devastating for you all.

Yes, quite devastating.

But you're to be congratulated.

I believe that without the tireless work of you and your departments, some of these perpetrators might not have been apprehended.

Well, we do what we can.

You're way too modest.

Under your leadership, the department is flourishing.

Which brings me to the purpose of this meeting.

Ah, the purpose.

In light of the achievements of you and your staff, I'd like to increase your funding.

I'm thinking an extra 10 million a year.

I'm sure you'd be able to put that to good use.

In light of our achievements with Blakely, and other related matters.


I see.

Well, if you're that pleased with our achievements, perhaps you could stretch it to an extra 20 million.

I'm sure with a little shuffling we could manage 20 million.

We can find a way to arrange that.

Good. Then we're agreed.

It appears we are.

Giacomo, Jack Rizzoli, served his community with distinction for more than 30 years.

He joined the police officer straight from school, intent on a life of public service.

There was no doubt in anyone's mind that he would move quickly through the ranks.

His intelligence, his courage, his support of his fellow officers, his exemplary character, all these attributes were apparent in Jack from very early in his career.

He was a mentor and friend to many.

It would not be too much to say that he was, indeed, an inspiration to all who worked with him.

What a bloody circus.

Should have brought a bucket.

Although we mourn his loss today as colleague and friend, we can take comfort in the fact that he leaves behind a fine legacy, and a police force inspired by his example.

Thinking of expanding the department.

A dozen extra solicitors.

What do you think?

Half a dozen crowns?

Think about it.

Hymn number 345, We Shall Sleep, But Not Forever.

A right royal piss-up is required after this charade.

Not with this mob of arselickers.

You and me and Andy Campbell.

Drink to forget.

It's on the department.

We've come into a bit of money.

The government throws a good bash when they're rewriting history.

Oh, it's happened before, it'll happen again.

At least this time all the bad guys are dead or in jail, which serves the rest of us.

For the greater good.

There's another conspiracy.

She'll go to the grave believing she had the perfect son.


Another time. I've got a date.

Have fun at the pub.

Shall we?

They're not expecting us back at work, are they?


Stop worrying about Tracey.

We're drinking because we earned it. And it's on Andy.


Oh, I don't think so.

Thanks, Andy.