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01x15 - Older Cutthroat Canyon

Posted: 03/29/16 02:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Blindspot"...

Go! Come on!


Does this mean you've changed your mind about working with me?

I don't trust you.

And whoever I was before, I don't trust her, either.

I'm dating your sister. I've been meaning to tell you for weeks.

I spoke to Reade. He told me things were serious.

The last thing that I want is you or Sawyer to lose someone that you love.

Been looking into Carter's disappearance, and I can't find any evidence as to where he was in the hours before his car showed up on that bridge, but there's a bunch of traffic cameras near it.

If you find anything, you bring it to me and only me.

This the guy you're looking for?

No, that's his car.

So who the hell are you?

The people we work with will stop at nothing to make sure this plan succeeds.

If you refuse to cooperate, they'll k*ll Agent Weller.

I was starting to think you weren't gonna show.

Well, you made it pretty clear I didn't have a choice.

What do you want?

I need you to install this in your team's vehicle.

What is it?

A GPS tracker.

So we can more effectively keep tabs on your whereabouts.

You think I'm stupid?

That's not to follow me, it's to follow them.

You install it in the vehicle's ECU, behind the glove box and next to the fuse board.

It looks just like the chip you'll be replacing.

Okay, listen, I...

I know what I said last night may have... eroded some trust between us.


I never trusted you.

(grunts and sighs)

(electronic voice) How's your head?

Stop looking into Tom Carter's disappearance... or people you love will start to die.

Or I could just k*ll you now with your own g*n.

(trigger clicks)

Remember that sound... how easy it was to get to you.

We'll be watching, Agent Reade.

(cellphone chimes)

(canvas tearing)

So you called me in here before the crack of dawn to tell me you have nothing?

The DOT guys told me they found this new camera, and I...

I jumped the g*n, there was nothing there.

I've had it in for Jane ever since she got here.

When Fisher brought up all the Carter stuff, I... kinda wanted it to be true.

Been all over Weller about his lack of judgment when it comes to Jane, but the truth is, I've been guilty of the same thing.

So you don't think Jane had anything to do with Carter's disappearance?

No, ma'am.

The next time you get a moment of clarity, tell it to your diary.


Okay. What do we have?

This is something. This is big.

I mean, I don't even... Yes, okay.

This is security footage last night from a high-end contemporary art gallery in Chelsea.

So this gentleman in the pig mask took great pains to break in and steal one painting from the new ZOMO exhibit set to open this morning.

ZOMO? Why do I know that name?

He started out as a graffiti artist before the art world turned him into a media darling.

Super elusive. No one even knows his real identity.

Okay, so... what did pig boy take?

That's where we come in.

He stole ZOMO's newest piece, which was included at the last minute.


The burning rose.

That's right. The burning rose.

This is nearly an exact depiction of one of the most prominent tattoos on your body.

The thief walked past paintings worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and ripped this one right out of the frame.

(police radio chatter)

Excuse me.

Are you with the FBI?

Yes, we are.

Special Agent Weller. You are...

I'm Kristy, ZOMO's assistant.

Perfect. He's gonna have to come in for questioning.

Yeah, good luck with that.

Excuse me?

You need to see that badge again?

Sorry, um, it's this way.

I didn't mean to... I've worked for ZOMO for seven years.

No one talks with him, no one meets with him, no one knows who he is, including me.

So you don't know who you work for?

Do you know how long this is gonna take?

Because I have, like, a line of people waiting outside to see the missing painting.

To see what? It's been stolen.

Some things are more meaningful in their absence.

If you and ZOMO don't talk to each other, how does he communicate with you?

Postcards, no return address.

"Do this, do that." Um...

This one was attached to the painting when it was sent to the gallery.

Before it was stolen, obviously.

"Kristy, hang this."

Tasha, bag this.

This guy gets paid, doesn't he? Where do they send his checks?

ZOMO's a cash-only business. Deals with a pretty annoying system of rotating drop points and couriers.

I'm telling you, this guy makes J.D. Salinger look like an extrovert.

Okay, let's see what we're looking at.

Or... not looking at.

I left my radio in the car, so I'll meet you in there.


What's up with you?


Then get your head in the game.

(police radio chatter)

If you refuse to cooperate, they'll k*ll Agent Weller.

(cellophane crinkling)


(shuts door) (sighs)

"Ultimatum." What does that mean?

Who knows?

Honestly, it wasn't really one of my favorite paintings anyway.

Felt a little soft.

I've worked for ZOMO for seven years, and that self-portrait is the closest I've ever come to meeting him.

This is the only room that the thief had blacked out the cameras in.

The burning rose painting was the only one taken?


I would have taken one of his earlier pieces myself, but...

This statue's been moved.

Um, sculpture.

Are you sure?

Yes, I am.

You see those marks?

Hey, whoa, you cannot do that.

Hey, how come the thief didn't black out this camera?

Um... I don't know. I've never seen that before.

This doesn't belong in the gallery?

Everyone out! Team, move!


Is everybody okay?

I think I'm good.

All good here.

Help me. Somebody help me!

Reade, call an ambulance!

No. Oh, no. You're gonna be okay.

You're gonna be okay, Kurt.

(siren blaring)

He lost a lot of blood.

But no major organs were hit and, um... and, uh, he's got one of the best trauma surgeons in the city working on him.

He's gonna be fine, Sarah.

You sure you're gonna be all right by yourself?

Yeah, I'm okay. Just catch the son of a bitch.

We will. I promise.

I love you.

I'll get there as soon as I can.

Yeah, okay.


Hey. How is he?

Still in surgery.

Until we hear otherwise, we're just gonna have to take no news as good news.

We should be there...

Look, I know this is hard, but if you want to help Weller, let's find the person who did this to him.

Every second we waste makes that tougher.

Right! So let's drill down. Who's our prime suspect?

ZOMO, right? He painted the picture that put us there, and the b*mb was hidden inside his sculpture.

Okay, did we get any prints off that last postcard he sent to his assistant?

Just hers.

And with traces of latex. Same with the painting.

So I guess he's smart enough to use gloves.

And you still think that the bombing was specifically targeting us?

Gallery footage confirms that the camera by the fire alarm was added after the thief blacked out the security camera.

And it's hooked up to a wireless transmitter.

So he could watch and wait for us.

Maybe he just has a thing for law enforcement in general.

No, he stole one painting.

That one. He wanted our attention, he wanted us.

And do we know how ZOMO knew about the image in the first place?

Maybe he was one of the architects of Jane's tattoos.

But Jane was sent to us. These tattoos are revealing crimes.

Why suddenly try and k*ll the people you're trying to help?

Maybe the person who painted the rose and the person who stole it and tried to k*ll us are two different people.

So, just to recap, ZOMO did or didn't design Jane's tattoos, did or didn't paint the burning rose, and then did or didn't steal it and try and blow us up?

Looks like we're making progress.

Look, we know one thing. We need to find ZOMO.

This is a self-portrait, right?

So maybe there's a clue as to who he is here.

What, we look for a guy with an "X" on his face?

How often does ZOMO use photography in his work?

This is the first instance I've seen.

Other than sculptures, he's a paint and stencil guy.

What if this photo is the actual view from his studio?

Find the view, find ZOMO.

That's a hell of a long shot.

It's the only shot we got. Patterson?

Yep, on it.

We ran this photograph from ZOMO's self-portrait painting through Bing street view, and we got a match.

This apartment complex is on a street in Dumbo.

Based on the height and angle of the shot, it had to be from a commercial loft building across the street.

And get this... The owner said one of the tenants on the second floor pays cash and never shows his face.

It has to be him.

How do we know that ZOMO doesn't want us to find this place?

The last time we followed one of his paintings, it led us to a b*mb.

We can't just go in there waving our FBI flag.

Well, then... let's not go in as FBI at all.

This dog can really smell bombs?

Well, if it can't, then it's one terrible b*mb-sniffing dog.

Zapata, you still there?

Ready and waiting around the block.

Just say the word.

We're at the door now.

What do you think, Harvey?

Well, he's not sitting, so... no b*mb.


ZOMO's in there, he's bleeding.

How bad?

Bad. He's not gonna last.

Jane, it might be another trap. What are you doing?

There's no b*mb, and he's gonna die in there. We gotta take that chance.

(g*nsh*t, glass shatters)


sh**t in northwest building across the intersection!

That's the community center... move! Move!



Jane, you all right?

(gasps) I'm okay.

Uh! I'm okay, it got me in the plates.


Where's Zapata?

Upstairs, I think they got him.

I got a sn*per's nest with no sn*per.

He's in the wind.

I thought you had him.




sh**t's on the street! The target's not us, it's Jane!

I repeat, the target is Jane Doe!

He's on the move. Go!

Her comms.

Where's Jane? Was she hit?

No, she's gone.


(police radio chatter)

Hey, Kurt.

Welcome back.

It was a trap.

The bomber was after Jane.


The shrapnel from the b*mb nicked your jugular, but they were able to repair the damage.

You need to rest, okay?

The doctors said you have to avoid strenuous activity.

But you're gonna be fine.

Why do you both look so worried, then?

Whoever did this, it wasn't ZOMO.

We just found him m*rder*d in his studio.

The k*ller was just using him as bait, lying in wait with a sn*per r*fle across the street.

For Jane.

We got him?


What else?

Jane is missing.

Has he got her?

No, she ditched her comms and ran off after the suspect made a play for her in the street.

She's not running. She's protecting us.

How can you know that?

Jane's not a coward.

She's not selfish.

We're only targets by association.

So she's removed her proximity. She's trying to draw him away from us, and now she's out there alone.

Let us worry about Jane.

You need to take the time to recover.

Kurt, what are you doing?

I'll recover later.

Kurt, come on, you just had surgery.

You need to stay in that bed.

Keep fighting about it while I'm getting dressed.

(change clinking)

(phone ringing)

Joey's Pizza.

I need to cancel my order.

Are you sure that's necessary?

Just tell him.

According to the ID we found in the studio, ZOMO's real identity was Eric Buchman.

He was a fine arts student who flunked out of Columbia five years ago, apparently to become one of the most notorious artists of the 21st century.

More notorious now that he was m*rder*d in his own studio.

So... first, our mystery man tries to blow Jane up at the art gallery and then falls back to plan "B," using ZOMO as bait to try to take her out at his loft?

We need to get Jane back before he gets to plan "C."

You really think we're gonna find her if she doesn't want to be found?

No, which means that we have to find him.

So what do we know?

Almost nothing... He doesn't leave much behind.

No ID through facial recognition, no prints.

What about tracing the sn*per r*fle?

No serial number.

We're trying to analyze the fragments from the gallery expl*si*n.

The shrapnel is a combination of old steel and aluminum.

From what, we don't know.

They just caught ZOMO's assistant Kristy at JFK trying to board a plane to Bhutan.

It's an interesting time for a vacation.

Especially to a country with no U.S. extradition.

Sounds like we better have another talk with this girl.


Is it you? Are your people trying to take me out?

You think I'd meet you alone if we were trying to k*ll you?


Don't lie to me.

I remember him from before. He's part of your group.

Wait. What? Remember who?

The man who just tried to k*ll me and my entire team.


It has to be Cade.

Start talking.

He's one of our founding members.

Integral to the design of this plan.

We should have paid attention to the warning signs, but his strengths outweigh his flaws.

Till they didn't.

And who made that call?

You did.

Cade was always volatile, but... after we put you in play at the FBI, something inside him just... broke.

He started going on these rants, saying... it was all a mistake, that we were no better than the people we were trying to stop.

And when we wouldn't listen, he made an early play for your life.

The safe house.

Once Cade splintered off, we couldn't trust the FBI to keep you safe, so we sent someone in to move you.


But, as we learned too late, Cade had gotten there first.



(both grunting)

You saved my life that night.

After that, Cade disappeared... and we've been trying to find him ever since.

We had our own protective detail keeping an eye on you in the meantime.

I have to tell my team.

Tell them what, that someone's trying to k*ll you?

They know that already. How do you explain the rest? Huh?

How do we stop Cade?


Yeah, you and me.

I can't go back and risk endangering my team while he's still trying to come after me like this.

We k*ll him.

People like Cade don't stop for less.

But if we're gonna take him down, we'll need to gear up.
(door hisses closed)

If you weren't an accessory to these crimes, why are you fleeing the country?

My boss just got k*lled.

I'm out of a job. I wasn't... "fleeing."

This is crazy. He should still be in the hospital.

Feel free to tell him that.

I'm sure he knows.

How did that burning rose get on ZOMO's canvas?

Kristy, whoever did this will be facing charges of breaking and entering, robbery, the bombing, and, now that ZOMO is dead, m*rder.

I didn't do any of this!

Then talk to us.



A few days ago, ZOMO got an anonymous message.

Threatening to expose his identity if he didn't meet him in Carroll Park at 4:00 a.m.

How did they figure out who he was?

I don't know.

But he said when he got there, this guy just handed him a sketch.

And said he wanted him to paint it for a show.

The burning rose.

I don't get it.

Why would ZOMO go to the park if this guy was threatening him?

Well, ZOMO's whole artistic life was based on mystery.

My guess, he was too curious to stay home.

And when he found out he was being blackmailed to make art, well, he would have eaten that up with a spoon.

He told you all this on a postcard?

(crying) It wasn't supposed to end like this.

You're ZOMO.

Aren't you?

The only prints on that postcard were yours, 'cause you wrote it.

Who went to the park? You, or this Eric Buchman front?


But you're the artist.

I was the artist.

And Eric... wasn't just a front.

He was my boyfriend.

We started ZOMO as an experiment after we met at Columbia.

And when it caught on...

we wanted to see how far we could push it.


I guess we found out.

When they told me Eric was k*lled in my studio, I...

I'm sorry, I couldn't think, I just, I...

I ran.

I just want to disappear. I just...

I just want it all to go away.

Where were you when Eric was k*lled?

I was at the gallery, dealing with insurance for the ZOMO paintings.

We're gonna have to keep you in protective custody until this case is resolved.

I'm sorry for your loss.


Our suspect had a sketch of the tattoos.

He either had access to Jane's FBI file or had access to her before she came to us.

Either way, it's huge.

Weller. Your neck.

I'm fine.

You're not fine.

You're bleeding, you need to go back to the hospital.

I need to stop this guy from k*lling Jane.

After that, I'll go to whatever hospital you want.

(traffic noise) (country music playing)

♪ Somebody's gonna try tonight, just wait and see ♪
♪ Somebody's gonna try tonight... ♪

Are you gonna tell me what we're doing in here?

(door opens)

Well, this can't be good news.


What, I only see you when you need something?


Hey, stranger. Oh... right.

Guess I am a stranger.

She's not too happy with us at the moment.

You warned us that might happen.

We're gonna need some supplies.

I heard. Follow me.

Goes without saying, don't use your FBI sidearm until this over.

We don't need anyone tracing your movements through federal b*ll*ts.

Ah, we got longarms in the trunk, in case you need 'em.

And with Cade, you'll need 'em.

This'll get you anywhere you need to go, and quick.

A little, uh, conspicuous, maybe.

Look, you didn't give me much notice.

So, you don't like it, you can buy a bus pass.

We got burners, case you need to reach out, can't get to a payphone... One call and toss.

You should have started with the phones first.

Yeah, it's a little anticlimactic.

All right, buddy, sorry to steal your toys and run, but...

Hey... Look after him, will you?

Thank you.

You got it.

(machine g*n fire)




(tires screeching)

(groaning and coughing)

(groaning) Oh, I'm sorry.

Oh ho, I'm sorry. I messed up. I messed up.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Cade must have followed me here, and he waited for you guys to show.

This isn't on you, this isn't on you.

(groaning) Don't look at me like that.

I owed you one.

Now we're even.


(Oscar crying)

Oscar, I'm so sorry.

We have to go.

(police sirens approaching)

Oscar, we have to go now!

What are you doing?

I'm making it look like a robbery, so it's easier to explain in a police report. Get in the car!

(sirens approaching)

We're gonna have to ditch this car and steal another one.

We can't risk using it now.

I'm sorry about your friend... Our... our friend.

But if Cade found Danny, who else can he find?


What does that mean?

You found something?


My team's been working the metal fragments and the shrapnel from the Gandhi b*mb.


They're old. Like, way old.

Based on the shape and the composition, it looks like they're the offcuts from old ACSR conductors.

Power lines.

There can't be too many places around the city they could have come from.

There's four.

But only one near Carroll Park, where this guy arranged to meet ZOMO.

The Red Hook Power Plant.

Anything else?

Yeah, it's the only one that's been decommissioned. It's empty.

All right, so send some teams to those other plants just in case.

Tasha, Reade, you're with me.

Got it.

What's happened now?

They found another body.

One of ours. He was tortured and k*lled a few hours ago.

That must be how Cade found Danny.

He knows too much about us.

We can't beat him, not like this.

Every second you're out here puts you in more danger.

Well, what's the alternative?

I mean, you said it yourself, he's not gonna stop coming after me.

We stop playing his game.

We pull you out of the FBI.


No, I... I thought this mission was the most important...

If you die, mission fails.

Once we deal with Cade, we'll find a way to put you back in play.

I won't leave my team.

You've already left them.

To protect them, and it's gonna be hard enough as it is to explain where I've been.

If I disappear completely, I might never...

Please. We can't lose you.

I can't lose you. I can't.

They need me.

Well, then do it for them.

As long as Cade's alive, your presence puts them all in danger.

You know I'm right.

We need to find a new car.

See anything?

Maybe Patterson was wrong.

Maybe not. Flashlight off.

(alarm sounding)

(b*ll*ts ricochet)

On me!


(door rattling, Weller grunting)

We're trapped.

Sorry, Ms. Weller, it says your brother checked himself out earlier today.

Wait. It says he was under your care.

Who is this?

(phone beeps off)

How is he?

He's not there.

What's he doing?

This was a mistake. I should be with them.


You're not gonna find out what's wrong?

I'll deal with it once I've got you secured.

No. I want to know.

Check in.

(engine starts)

Check in now!

I'm sick of being kept in the dark.

I want to hear.

Gotta get through that door.


Come on.

No signal in or out.


Hey, Weller, why don't you take it easy?

Yes, I'm sure. Cade just called this line.

Says he's got all three of them on a ship by the old Red Hook Power Plant.

We'll handle it. Just get her safe.


We have to help them.

No. That's exactly what Cade wants you to do.

Why do you think he called Hobbes?

You think I don't know that? It doesn't matter!

You heard him yourself. They're handling it.

We'll get him back, I promise.


You have to trust me on this. This isn't your fight right now.



Back away.

Taylor, you're not gonna do this.

I don't give up on my friends for anyone.

They're not your friends, Taylor.

Look, it ain't happening.

We're stuck.

Uhh! (clang)


You hearing that? It's hollow.

Get over to this side.


'Cause of the ricochet.


Oh, nice.

Think we'd all fit through it?


Let's hope that has gas in it.

Wait, what?

Help me find a hose to fit into that hole.

We gotta fill the door with gas.

That's too thick.

Look at that.

Here. Try and fit that in that hole.

Can you do it?

Yeah, yeah.

Need something to seal it. Got a rag?

Here you go.

All right.



Well, see...


How did she find us?

Jane! Get us out of here!

Hit that button!



(buzzer sounding)

Keep going!



No! Jane!

Where's Oscar?


Not in front of them. Don't k*ll me in front of my team.

"Your team." That's interesting.

Where's Oscar?

I want him to watch you die for what he did to Marcos.

He's not here.

You're lying. Take a walk.

Jane! Jane!

No! Uhh!

(both grunting)


All right.



Tasha, hold it in there.

(air hissing)

That's it. That's enough.

Keep it sealed.

We gotta fill it up.

Seal the hole. Keep it sealed.

We got to keep filling that door.


Okay, stand back here.

Take some cover.



(knife unsheathes)


(Weller, distant) Jane!



Jane! Jane!

Are you hit?

I heard a g*nsh*t.

He fell in?

Yeah. I shot him in the stomach.

What the hell are you thinking?

You can't just disappear like that!

I was trying to protect...

It was reckless!

You can't take those risks.

It is not your call.

(chair squeaks)

You're right.

How did you trace the team to the power plant?

I didn't... I tracked the assassin from ZOMO's studio back to the ship.

I was surveilling him, trying to figure out what he was up to, when the team showed up.

Why didn't you alert us to your presence?

I couldn't without alerting him to yours.

And then when you guys didn't come out, I waited for the right moment and I went in after you.

Do something like that again, and you're done.

I'm sorry.

Are you okay?

No. I'm not.

I lost you once before.

I spent most of today thinking I lost you again.

What would you have done... if you were me?

Exactly the same thing.

Coast Guard didn't find a body. Said the current must have taken him.

Her story feels off.

You still don't think she's connected to Carter's disappearance?

No, I don't.

I mean, who the hell goes back to work the day they have surgery?

Seriously, what is wrong with you?

What'd you want me to do?

Stay at home, watch soap operas?


That's what normal people do.

(grunts softly)

Yeah, comin'.

Hey, bud.

It's been a long day.

I'm not here to talk to you.

(chuckling) Right.

Come in.

I'm going to bed.


(sighs) It was a crazy day, huh?


Sarah, I've been thinking a lot... about what you said to me earlier, and it made me realize...

I don't feel the same way.


I can't do this anymore.

If this is because of Kurt, I mean, he...


Like, he doesn't...

It's not about Kurt.

You don't know me, and...

I've got issues.

I don't believe you.

I know you.

And I know that you love me, too.

No, I don't.

I'm sorry, Sarah.

(door shuts)

The water's actually not that bad once you're in.

Wow you almost seemed happy to see me for a second.

What happened?

You're not the only one who can hold their breath.

Cade's grudge seemed like a lot more than just a difference of ideals.

It felt personal.

He wanted you to watch me die because of what you did to Marcos?

What did you do to him?

We all made sacrifices.

No. That's not good enough, not today.

Cade lost someone close to him once, and he held me responsible.

Were you?


You always act like everything is going completely according to plan, but today, Cade proved that wasn't true.

What else aren't you telling me?

How worried should I be?

Cade's dead. We beat him.

Things are back on track.

So what now?

Now you go home.

I'll see you tomorrow.


(distant thunder)

(tires screeching)