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01x01 - Maigret Sets a Trap

Posted: 03/29/16 22:50
by bunniefuu



caption: Montmartre Murders What Are The Police Doing?


Old woman: Just look at that.



Man: We've always got house-to-house...





caption: Case Still Unsolved


Man: Taxi!



How is she?

She's still got the fever. She's not gonna sleep, Dennis, unless I get her something.

I'll go.

No. I know what to get. (BABY CONTINUES CRYING) I'll go to the pharmacy once I put the children to bed.

Shh, ssh, it's all right.



Woman: Chief Inspector Maigret's office...

♪ Bleary-eyed ♪
♪ Still I get no place with you... ♪
♪ ... even though we're gonna have a good time... ♪




Passing man: It's another three streets away yet.




Come in.



Maigret: Who found her, Lognon?

Lognon: A showgirl. Michelle... something or other. On her way to her club. Didn't see anyone.

Maigret: Is it the same?

Yes, Chief. No robbery.

Maigret: No sexual as*ault?

No, Maigret. It's your man again. Two s*ab wounds. One to the back of the neck, one to the chest. But the neck alone would have k*lled her. He's cut her clothing like before. What I don't understand, Maigret, is why your man doesn't use a stiletto or a butcher's knife. The shape and depth of these wounds we're seeing, it's like a penknife. Or something like it.

Maigret: Has the family been informed?

No. But I'll do it. It's my district, Maigret.

Maigret: No, it should be me.



I said it should be me who should go because of the att*cks.


Maigret: Why don't you sit down?

I don't want to sit down! It's all right, it's all right. Can I see her?

Maigret: Is there someone who can look after the children?

(SOBS) Where were you? (SOBS)



If this investigation had been left to the 18th, we'd have made more progress than this.

Well, here's the Chief now. Why don't you talk to him yourself?

Maigret: Janvier, take me to the showgirl who found the body.



We normally walk to and from the club together now. All the girls talk about is the killings. Except tonight I was on my own.

Maigret: Do you always walk home that way? Michelle, I know it's hard... but what did you see, what did you hear as you walked down that street? Tell me everything. Was there a smell in the air, like an aftershave or something?

If I'd been earlier, it would have been me, wouldn't it?

Maigret: (EXHALES) Get a taxi home when you finish work.

But this is only enough for one night, isn't it? What about the other nights? What about the other girls? Are you gonna pay for them, too?




Man: Is there another victim, Maigret?

What's their name?

Was it the same k*ller as before?

Man 2: What can you tell us?

Man 3: Who's the victim, Maigret?

Maigret: The victim's name was Georgette Lecoin. She was a housewife from Montmartre. She leaves a husband and four young children.

Male photographer: Over here, Chief Inspector!

Was it your man?

Maigret: We believe it's the same person who k*lled before.

So that's five, Maigret.

Maigret: Yes.




We want all witness statements within 30 minutes. Who's still out there?

Lucas. Torrence.

Have we got anything? Well, let's find something.

Chief, there's been a message from Comeliau. You're to meet the Minister of Interior at nine o'clock tomorrow.

February the 2nd, a prost*tute, Arlette Dutoir. 17th of April, 8.15 in the evening, a 43-year-old midwife who had just delivered a baby at the ???. 20th of June. Monique Juteaux, 24, a dressmaker. 26th of July, post office clerk, same stabs in the back, same ripped clothes. Now last night. As examining magistrate, Comeliau, I want you to explain why, despite the resources made available to you, the women of Paris are still living with the threat of this man. And why the Police judiciaire are no closer to catching him than they were on the morning of... the 2nd of February.

Minister Morel, Maigret has his best men working full time on this job. His methods are meticulous and I have every confidence

What are your methods, Chief Inspector?

Maigret: I need to understand what attracts this man to these women at this time.

The whole of Paris has theories as to why he's attracted to these women at this time. And the Cabinet is full of theories about what should be done - from establishing a curfew to rounding up every immigrant and and undesireable in Montmartre and interrogating them with impunity until someone squeals. This city has seen enough Gestapo tactics in my lifetime. It's not something I want to see again... let alone authorise.

Maigret: With repeat murders, the k*ller is usually attracted to the same kind of victim. But these women are not similar in age or profession. Nor are they connected with each other through church or background. Their only link is that they were walking through Montmartre after dark. And that they had dark hair. He leaves no witnesses. He makes no mistakes.

Maigret, tell me what I should say to my Cabinet colleagues, as to why Cameliau has not replaced you after five months on this case!

Maigret: Police work can take time, sir.

This time is taking lives, Chief Inspector.

Maigret: I am very aware of that.

It is taking reputations. It's taking mine. And it is taking yours.


Maigret: I'm sorry to intrude but I thought I should return this.

Thank you. (BABY CRIES) Is there any news?

Maigret: There's no news.

Would you mind holding her, please? Thank you. (BABY CRIES) Will you sit down? You can join us if you like.

Maigret: Er... no, thank you.

Do you know when our mummy's coming home?


Maigret: Will you tell me about your mummy?

Man on radio: The fifth victim of the k*ller who has been terrorising the ??? arrondissement this June has been named by the police as Georgette Lecoin, a mother of four young children. She also leaves a 30-year-old husband named Dennis Lecoin. It is understood from neighbours that she left the family tenement in the evening to fetch medicine from a nearby pharmacy for her sick baby, and was m*rder*d as she made her way home through Montmartre. The body was discovered...

Maigret: Good evening.


Man on radio: ... who's been interviewed by Chief Inspector Maigret.

Maigret: I bought us some apples.

Oh, right. I bought some myself today. We've got enough now to start a cider press. But not to worry. I can always make something.

Man on radio: ... any witnesses in the vicinity of Rue Lepic yesterday evening to come forward and to contact investigators at the Quai des Orfevres. According to a police statement, Chief Inspector Maigret has made no further progress in the case that has shaken the City of Paris and...

They were talking in the queue at the grocer's this afternoon about the...

Man on radio: ... no new leads have been established and...


You will find him.

Maigret: Are we not eating?

Oh, we're out for supper tonight. Don't you remember? Dr Pardon's?

Maigret: Oh. Do we have to?

Well, they've already rung to confirm and... he's invited a colleague to meet you. Professor Tissot from the Sainte-Anne Institute.

Maigret: Oh.

I'll get you a beer.

How is he, Louise?

Well, I've never seen him like this before. I watch him while he's sleeping and his face is grey. He won't talk about our holiday this year or anything. It's like life can't continue for him until he's caught this man.

Well, I hope he does. Life cannot continue for any of us until he does.

Drinks, ladies.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I hope you don't find this impertinent, Chief Inspector, but I was with some friends this morning and we were all wondering why the Police Judiciaire were not doing their job.

Maigret: We're doing the best job we can.

Then why haven't you caught him?

Because it's often not that simple.

Why is it not? How many more dead women do they need?

Simone, we were just talking about why this man, who has lived for, 20, 30 years withought ever committing a crime, one day decides to attack these women?

How do you know he's never committed a crime before?

Maigret: Because we've gone back 20 years, both in Paris and the districts, checking prisons and psychiatric institutions for all inmates released. Your institute at Sainte-Anne must have been contacted, Professor?

It was.

Maigret: But we can find no offender that we can place in Montmartre at this time.

So it's obviously somebody new then, isn't it?

Freud would say your man had sexual obsessions. He'd talk about complexes and work his way back to childhood.

Well, thank God Freud isn't on the case as well, with all that nonsense.

I deal a lot with the criminally insane, Maigret. I think what links them--

Can we not talk about his anymore, please?

(QUIETLY) What links them is a need to assert themselves.

They'll have been humiliated in some part of their lives and can no longer bear it.

Maigret: I agree.

I think the majority of crimes which are said to have no motive, and repeated crimes in particular, are a manifestation of wounded pride.

Strong addiction.

Indeed. In fact, some of my patients find it impossible not to boast of their crimes.

Maigret: Our baby would be 24 now. I think about her every day at the moment.

(INHALES DEEPLY) Do you think it's going to rain? I can smell dust in the air. What is it?

Maigret: Something Tissot said. K*llers always have to boast about their crimes in some way. We know that. They like to tell the world... how extraordinary they are. Pride is always their weakness.


Maigret: So how would a k*ller react... if someone else was given credit for his crime?

You're asking me?

Maigret: Yes.

With anger. Frustration.




Who's this?

Get out of my way.

(SHOUTING) Let me through!


Come on, out of the way! Let me through!


Lognon, who have you got there?

Lognon... Is he your k*ller?


Are you taking him to Maigret? Where are you taking him?

Lognon, is he a suspect?

Give us a name!


Did you get a good one?

His hat was hiding his face.

Get back to the paper quickly and then come back here.

If that old grouch Lognon from Montmartre is bringing a man to the and that man is hiding his face in front of us, it can mean only one thing: they've got him.

No, if that was the k*ller, he'd be in handcuffs.

No. I think they've got him.

Maigret: Constable Mazet. Welcome to the Quai des Orfevres. Would you like a beer?

Thank you, sir.

What do we do now?

Maigret: We see if the Press take the bait.

Let's hope they do, Maigret. Let's hope they do.

Here he comes.

Who have you got in there, Chief Inspector?

Is that man a suspect, Maigret?

Who have you been talking to, Maigret?

Maigret: Someone with whom I've been having a conversation.

A witness?

Maigret: I have nothing to tell you.

Do you have him under arrest?

Maigret: Gentlemen, I have no announcement to make.

Who is he, Maigret?

Who's the k*ller, Maigret? How long are you going to keep him in custody?


Want a cigarette?


Is that for Maigret?

Tell me what you see.

There's a young man. Get a description.


Tell us what you see in there.


Go through the dates one more time! February...

Just put it on the table.

That's it. Thank you.

February the 2nd!





Come here. Come here. What did you see in there? Who was in there? Janvier? Maigret?


There's nothing more to say at this stage.


caption: Is this the Montmartre k*ller?


What the hell is going on, Maigret? Why did you not contact me about this? An arrest an important as this?

Maigret: There has been no arrest.

Have the journalists made this up?

Maigret: They've watched certain comings and goings and have made assumptions.

You'd better explain, Maigret. Because the first thing the Minister of Interior did was ring this office.

Maigret: Sir, I have 200 plain-clothed officers taking up positions on every street in Montmartre, checking into hotels under pseudonyms and sitting in restaurants and bars.


Maigret: Because I believe that the k*ller will not be able to stand by and watch someone else arrested and given credit for his crimes. I think he'll strike again and I think he'll strike tonight.


You've set up this whole operation without telling me?

Maigret: Yes sir, But I'm taking complete responsibility for it.

I don't like this, Maigret.

Maigret: Neither do I. But I have to try to draw him out before he kills again.

What do I say to the Minister?

Maigret: Say nothing.

If this goes wrong... I won't back you.

Maigret: My belief is that the k*ller will try to show us he's still out there. Lapointe, I want 12 volunteers from the womens section to walk around Montmartre alone tonight.


Maigret: I want them to be trained in self-defence, and, like the victims, I want them to be above-average height and brown-haired. Thank you.

You want them to be att*cked? He hasn't made a mistake yet, Chief.

Maigret: If we do our job, they'll be safe.

Switchboard operator: Police judiciaire?

This is your number. Your route's on here. Don't stick to it rigidly. Do normal things...

Maigret: Number four, the hair's too light.

... go into a shop...

I'll replace her.

... have a drink, have a conversation...

There will be men in plain clothes on the streets. You won't know who they are, but they're armed. And they'll protect you. Any questions?

Maigret: We won't let anyone harm you. Take care.

Check your routes... and good luck.



Maigret: Hello.


Now there are five murders, my editor wants me to do an article on Jack the Ripper.

Maigret: I'm sure he does.

Drawing parallels. Between Montmartre and Whitechapel. Jack's five and your five. Between Inspector Abberline of Scotland Yard and you. Abberline was haunted all his life for not protecting these women. As an old man, he wrote letters to the newspapers coming up with new theories.

Maigret: The murders he had to deal with were very different to this.

I don't see a difference. I see the old story of a man who is afraid of women. I see the same disgust. A man who is unable to see a woman as a human being. You haven't got him, have you, Maigret?

Maigret: I have nothing to tell you.



Crowd: Ooooh!

The streets feel different tonight. Everyone thinks they're safe now that we've locked someone up.


It's not gonna happen tonight, is it, Chief?

Maigret: I know he's out there. Let's go round again.






Help me!



Help me!




Is she hurt?

Maigret: Did anybody see him?

No. I think Lognon's after him.

Maigret: What happened?

He got away, Chief.

Maigret: Tell your men to keep looking.

Yes, Chief.

Maigret: I'm going back to the Quai. Keep me informed.



Lognon. The Press.


That's far enough. Get back, please!


Maigret: What's your name?

Marthe Jusserand. Police Officer Marthe Jusserand... sir.

Maigret: Did you get a good look at him, Marthe?

For a second, sir. For a second his face was close to mine, but... I don't think I'd recognise him, sir.

Maigret: You saw the knife?

A small knife.

Maigret: What was he wearing?

A dark suit. And... he had brown hair, I think. I don't know. I'm... I'm sorry, it's such a blur.

Maigret: I know. What's that?

Oh, yes.

Maigret: Is this from his jacket?

Yes, sir.

A statement will be issued to the Press in good time.

Thank you.

Marthe, was he tall?

No taller than me.

Aged... 20? 30?

He was young.

Maigret: Young will mean something different to you than it does to me, Marthe.

I'd say... 30. He was a gentleman. And he had a ring on his finger.

Maigret: Wedding ring? Signet ring?

He put his hand over my mouth.

Maigret: A signet ring would be thick with a flat top.

It was a wedding ring.

Maigret: Let's find you a quiet office. I want you to take your time and I want you to write down everything that happened.

Yes, Chief.

Maigret: Before the attack, I saw you with someone else.

He's my boyfriend, sir. We were instructed to act naturally and... as it was past the time the k*ller normally att*cks, I thought I'd try something.

Maigret: If the k*ller saw you kissing a man and then go off alone, you thought it would provoke him?

Yes, sir. Did I do wrong?

Maigret: No. Janvier, could you find her a quiet desk where she could write her report?

Thank you.

This way.

Is this all you've got?

Maigret: Is it possible to know where it was made, Moers?

Everything's possible, Maigret.

You can build a picture of the universe by looking at the smallest thing, even that. Hmm. It looks ordinary enough, but it's actually a very good quality button. Not the kind used for mass-produced suits. This cloth interests me. There's a light blue thread woven through, which gives it a special character. I'd swear that it's not French but from England. The man you're looking for is a man of taste.


What are you doing here?

Has Maigret's prisoner escaped?

Nobody's escaped. Will you go back, please?

The k*ller's att*cked in Montmartre again, hasn't he? Did Maigret release his prisoner?

A young woman was assaulted near the ??? but she got off with a fright. Nobody's been released and nobody escaped.

What was her name?

That's of no importance!

Why? Was she married? Had she no business being where she was?

You put policewomen on the street last night as bait? I had no idea that was what you were thinking.

Maigret: They volunteered for duty.

Well, of course they'd volunteer for you.

Maigret: I've got to go.


caption: k*ller Escapes Police Trap


How far up was this authorised at the Quai des Orfevres?

Maigret will tell you that he took this action independently.

But you knew.


I've given my opinion to the procureur that we need another detective on this investigation.

Minister, he had to try and lure the k*ller into making a mistake.

And what mistake was made last night? What evidence did Maigret get? Does he have a description? I advise you, replace him, Cameliau. Unless you want the calls to grow for you to be replaced?




Maigret: Maigret?

Chief, the button manufacturer is called Mullerbach. Now Mullerbach tells us he sells them directly to the tailors, and he sold this model to about 40, some in Lyon and Caen and elsewhere, but only 28 in Paris.

Maigret: Let's get to all of them today.

Yes, sir.

Maigret: I'll send you some men. Where are you?

A cafe, corner of Rue Michel Bavioine. But that's not all, sir. We've had a bit of luck with that English cloth. I'll cut it short but Janvier found out from the manufacturer they've had only ten orders from Paris for the cloth with the blue thread. Now, we're going to take five each and get round them all this morning.

Maigret: Good.


Maigret: Good.

I'm recalling Chief Inspector Lefors from the m*rder inquiry in Bordeaux. You will hand over all aspects of the investigation to him. Sorry, Maigret.

Maigret: When will he get here?

Tomorrow morning.

That way.

Yes, sir.

What can I do for you, Inspector?

Do you recognise this cloth?

Sure. Why? Do you want a suit?

(SCOFFS) No, I'd like the name of a customer for whom you made one.

Moncin. Thank you. Marcel Moncin.

Moncin? What can you tell me about him?

He's a nice young man. Bought clothes from me for years. There you are.

How young?

About 30. Got a nice wife. She always comes with him, helps him to choose.

Do you have an address?

Sure. Let me see. Yeah, he's in the Boulevard Saint-Germain.

What number?


Thank you.

Chief... Right. So far we have identified three suits. This is the only client which corresponds with Marthe Jusserand's description.

Maigret: Are you armed?


Maigret: And you're sure he's inside?

Well, I've been watching for 20 minutes and nobody's come in or out. I spoke to the concierge and she says they're in.



Maigret: Is Monsieur Moncin at home? May we see him, please?

Maid: I'll go and ask Madame.

What is it, Odile?

Two gentlemen want to speak to Monsieur Moncin.

What do you want?

Maigret: Is your husband here?

Yes, but he's asleep.

Maigret: I must ask you to wake him.

May I ask who... ?

Maigret: Police Judiciaire. I suppose he got home late last night?

What do you mean?

Maigret: Well, does he usually sleep until after 11?

Yes. He... likes to work in the evenings. Through the night sometimes. He's an... artist.

Maigret: He went out last night?

Not that I know of. If you wait in the drawing room, I will wake him.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting, gentlemen. Whoo! I've been, er... well, I've been working very hard just lately... on the interior decoration of a grand house that my friend is building on the Normandy coast.

Maigret: Well, I apologise for disturbing you but I would like to see the suit you were wearing yesterday.

Yes, yes, of course. Excuse me. Well, here we are.

Maigret: You wore this yesterday evening?

Yes, until just after dinner, when I changed into what I'm wearing now before I started work.

Maigret: You didn't go out after eight o'clock?

No, no. I stayed in my office until about, ooh, er... er... half past three in the morning, maybe four o'clock.

Maigret: May I see your whole wardrobe?

Yes, yes.

Maigret: Last autumn, your tailor made you a suit in this material. Do you remember it?

Hmm, yes, I do. Yes.

Maigret: Where is it?

Someone standing at a bus platform burnt the lapel with a cigarette.

Maigret: So... you're having it mended?

Oh, no, no, I hate anything that's damaged, no matter what.

Maigret: You threw the suit away?

Oh, no, I gave it away. I took it out with me one evening when I was walking by the Seine, as is my habit, and I gave it to a tramp.

Maigret: When?

Oh, er, about a week ago.

Maigret: Be precise, please.

A week.

Maigret: Could you call your maid, please?

Yes. Odile? Come here a minute. Please answer the Inspector's questions.

Maigret: Do you sleep in the apartment?

No. I'm on the sixth floor. With all the other servants of the house, sir.

Maigret: Was it late when you went up last night?

It was... nine o'clock.

Maigret: And where was this gentleman?

In his study.

Maigret: How long ago is it since you saw his dark grey suit with the blue thread through it?

The fact is, I don't look after his clothes. He's very... particular.


Maigret: He presses them himself?


Maigret: Have you ever heard talk while waiting at table or at any other time of a burn in the lapel of that suit?

No. I don't listen to their conversations.

Maigret: Hm. Thank you.

Thank you, Odile.

Maigret: I must ask you to get dressed and come with me to the Quai des Orfevres. My inspector will stay with you while you dress.

May I inquire as to why?

Maigret: Only now you ask us why we are here.


Maigret: His name is Marcel Moncin.

And what police station is he from?


Maigret: Take a dozen men and search every doss house, every tramp on the embankment. He says he gave one of them his suit.

Comeliau's office want to know where you are. You sure it's this man, Chief?

Maigret: Yes. Go, Janvier.



How long you been married, Yvonne?

12 years.

And your husband, he works as a... architect?

An architect decorator.

An architect decorator? What does that mean?

Well, he's not... allowed to draw up plans for a building because he hasn't officially a degree in architecture.

So he's not a qualified architect? As I understand it, anyone can call themselves a decorator.

He's not a failure, Inspector.

Does he have many clients for his decorating?

He prefers not to have many. He... is discerning.

Maigret: Were you born in Paris?


Maigret: Where?

In Montmartre. At the corner of the Rue Caulaincourt and the Rue de Maistre.

Maigret: How long did you live there?

Until I got married.

Maigret: Are your parents still alive?

My mother. She still lives there.

Maigret: Were you visiting her last night?

I was working last night.

Maigret: Or on February the 2nd? April the 17th? June the 20th.

I was working last night.

Maigret: Do you get on well with your mother?

Yvonne: Yes, he's on very good terms with his mother. He'll go and see her once a month.

Lapointe: By himself?



What did his father do?

His... father died when he was 14.

But what did he do?

He was a butcher. Look... when will I be able to see my husband? Why-why has he been taken away?

How do you pay for this apartment... and the maid, if you don't work and your husband earns little money?

I have family money.

Maigret: Do you recognise Moncin? Is he known to you in the 18th?

Lognon: No, Chief.

Maigret: Is he the man you chased last night?

Well, he's the same height, similar build. That's about all I can say.

Maigret: He said he gave the suit to a tramp a week ago. Do you believe that?

Maybe the k*ller's a tramp. A tramp in a gentleman's suit.



♪ Patrick Bruel: Ramona ♪

♪ Depuis le moment ♪
♪ Où je t'ai connue ♪
♪ Hélas follement ♪
♪ Je n'ai pas cessé ♪
♪ De penser à toi ♪
♪ Comme un insensé ♪


♪ Ramona, j'ai fait un rêve merveilleux... ♪

Please, do... come in. I'm so sorry, gentlemen. I was doing some housework. Are you sure it's me you wish to speak to, Inspector Maigret?

Maigret: I am sure. Did you see your son yesterday evening?

W-what have the police got to do with my son?

Maigret: Please answer the question.

Why should I have seen him?

Maigret: I imagine he visits every now and again?


Maigret: With his wife?

(SCOFFS) What has that got to do with anything, Inspector?

Maigret: Did your son come here yesterday evening?

Who told you that?

Maigret: He DID come?


Maigret: Nor during the night?

Oh... my son is not in the habit of visiting me during the night. (EXHALES) I'm afraid you have to explain your questions, Inspector, or I warn you, I shall answer no more of them.

Maigret: I regret to inform you that your son is suspected of having committed five murders in the last six months.

(QUIETLY) What did you say?

Maigret: We have reason to believe--

You dare to accuse my Marcel... of attacking those... women?

Maigret: I believe that later today he will be identified by the woman he att*cked last night.

Just... look at these photographs, if you will. Hmm? Just look at them. Look at them. Just look at that face. And now I dare you... to repeat those... abominable... suggestions again.

Maigret: When did you last see him?

Oh, I don't know.

Maigret: You don't remember his visits?


Maigret: When he got married, aged 18, was it with your approval?

What sort of question is that? Are you trying to make me say he's mad? Because what young person does not marry without their mother helping? Where is he?

Maigret: At the Quai des Orfevres.

I... would like to see him. And if you feel awkward about my riding with you, then I will take the metro.

Maigret: My Inspector will stay here and search your apartment.

Your man can do what he likes. I am going to see my son.



Are you going to take a photograph of me? I dare you to do it.


Don't be frightened, Marcel. I'm here. Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! So, what have they been doing to you? At least they haven't beaten you.

No, Mother, no.

I am going to find you the best lawyer in Paris. He will get you out of here. I don't care about the cost. I'm going to spend everything. I'm going to sell the house, sell the--

Oh, be quiet, Mother.

Does that, er... wife know you're here? Is she here?

No, she's not, no.

What does she say?

Maigret: When did you last see her?

Don't push this family, Inspector!

Maigret: I would like you to answer some questions.

I will answer nothing. And Marcel answer nothing. Don't let these... men intimidate you. You are going to be hearing from the most expensive lawyer in Paris ???. Hm.


Maigret: Line here, please.


Marthe? It's the same location and same conditions as last night. I want you to take your time... and see if you can identify any of these men.

I have a feeling it's him.

Turn to your left, please, all of you. Now face front.

Maigret: Marthe?

I don't know. I can't say for definite that it's him.

Let's get them back to the Quai. Come on.

Woman phone operator: Quai des Orfevres?

This is a man Maigret wants placed in Montmartre two nights ago. Or on the 16th, when the woman Lecoin was m*rder*d. One metre, 80 or so. Fair hair. Wearing a dark suit.

Where's Maigret, Lognon?

I don't know, sir.

Chief Inspector Lefors will be leading this investigation from now on. Now he's returned from Bordeaux, you will all report directly to him.

This is your main suspect?

Yes, sir.

Tell me about him.

His name is Marcel Moncin. The Chief believes he owned the suit worn by the k*ller.

But he doesn't have witnesses placing him in Montmartre?

No, sir.

What have you done to place him in the vicinity?

Well, erm... (CLEARS THROAT)...

Have you learned anything from the house-to-house searches?

Not so far.

Where's the Chief?

He's with Moncin in his cell. Comeliau has replaced him.

Found this suit on a tramp down on the embankment. The button's missing.

Has it got a burn on it?

Just like Moncin said.


I think the Chief's got the wrong man.

Maigret: Do you love your mother?

My mother loves me. She loves me very much.

Maigret: She makes you feel special?

She always has.

Maigret: Even though you're not. Are you?

I am... special.

Maigret: What did your father, the butcher, think of you?

He, er... he never spoke to me. The most expensive lawyers in Paris... are coming after you... today.

Maigret: Your mother can't afford an expensive lawyer. Neither can your wife anymore... can she? We've learnt from your concierge that she hasn't paid the rent for seven months. And the money's dried up, hasn't it? You're a failure, Moncin. You don't sell any paintings. You can't work as an architect.

My business is about to take off, so...

Maigret: These women have trapped you in a life that you cannot sustain.

I am... I'm... I'm working all hours.

Maigret: Is that why you started dreaming on the long walks between their apartments of doing something that would prove your strength?

I was not in Montmartre two days ago. And that woman... could not identify me.


Chief, Cameliau's brought in Lefors.

Maigret: Do they know where I am?


Maigret: Go over the dates of the murders with him again. Try and place him in Montmartre.

Tramp found the jacket early this morning. Doesn't know how long it's been there.

Maigret: Where was it found?

Down by the river. His mate took the trousers. Moncin could be telling us the truth, Chief. If he gave it away a week ago, he wasn't wearing it two nights ago.


Maigret: Get it to Moers. See if he can tell us how old the burn is. And if it's less than two days old, then Moncin's lying about when he dumped it. Then meet me at the car.

Comeliau: This is Chief Inspector Lefors. He will be heading this investigation from hereon in. I am sure we're going to have... We expect a very good outcome... I've nothing more to say.


Maigret: Search the whole place. I know the knife's in there somewhere.

As far as I can recall, he was here every evening on these dates. One day, you will see you were mistaken about this, Chief Inspector and then you will be sorry for all the harm you're doing him.

Maigret: Have you not been afraid of him?

I'm not afraid of my husband.

Maigret: Do you love him?

Of course. He's my darling.



Chief, Comeliau and Lefors are in your office.

Maigret: Where's Moers?

He left a message.

Maigret: Get him here now, with the jacket.

Maigret: Lefors, I fear that you may have had a wasted journey. Developments in the past hour make me confident that I have enough evidence to charge our suspect.

You have a witness, Maigret?

Maigret: We have knives - thank you - taken from Moncin's apartment, which I believe will fit the unusual wounds found on the victims. And we have retrieved the suit worn by the attacker. Come in, Moers. Our suspect told us that he gave his suit to a tramp a week ago because it had a burn on the lapel. However, we found the suit only this morning.

And our tests prove the burn is not more than 24 hours old. And if you'd like me to explain, I doused the fabric -

Yes, thank you, Moers. Are you sure?

Certain. And I have made two more burns in the back panel which will be useful control should the case come to trial.

What does this prove?

Maigret: It proves that the suspect was wearing the suit at the time of the attack on Marthe Jusserand.

Charge him, Maigret.

Maigret: Thank you.

Is it over?

Maigret: Yes.

Tomorrow, shall we talk about when we can get away?

Maigret: Yes. I'd like that.



Maigret: Maigret.

There's been another one, Chief.

Maigret: Who was she?

Her name was Janine Laurent.

A service girl working for a family called Durandeau on the ???.

Maigret: How old?


Dr Paul: I've counted at least six knife wounds.

Maigret: Not in the back?

No, four in the chest, two in the throat, which seem to have been delivered after the others, probably when she was on the ground. It's not as clean as the others. There's wounds on the forearms, the hands, the dress is nearly ripped off. But it's the same w*apon, Maigret.


Lapointe: I'll deal with this lot.


Maigret: Is Madame Moncin at home?

Janine Laurent. She left a dance hall near the Place de Terte at about 1:15 this morning. That was the last anyone heard of her?

Maigret: She left by herself?

The boys think so, but they can't be sure.

Maigret: No boyfriend?

Not a regular one. They had the impression she was a good girl.

Maigret: Is that the early edition?


Maigret: Sit down.


caption: Another victim despite arrest


Is my lawyer here?

Maigret: No, but your wife and mother are. Do you want to see them? When did your wife and mother begin to hate each other? I think that your mother felt very threatened by your wife... because she also wanted to be mother... to her little baby doll. I think, at first, she probably tried to contain her jealousy, and tried to control her, like she controlled you.

(FLUTTERY BREATHING) Mother arranged for us to be married, so long as we stayed with her.

Maigret: How long did that last?

Until Yvonne found the place on Saint-Germain. We moved one night as Mother slept.

Maigret: Did you feel free there?


Maigret: Thank you. They both knew that you were the k*ller, didn't they? Maybe not at first, but after the second or third time. And they protected you. Because that's what they do. And one of them tried to protect you last night... so she could keep you... and smother you... forever. The one who m*rder*d last night knows what she did. And the other's jealous that she didn't think of it first.



Where is my husband? Are you releasing him? If the k*ller is still out there, Inspector, I think it's time you acknowledged your mistake. When are you releasing him?

I'd like to see him immediately. Thank you.

Marcel! What have they done to you?! Oh, my beautiful little boy. My Marcel. Release him. I insist you release him!

Maigret: He will not be released because he has committed five murders. And one of you... has just committed another... so that you can take him back... and hide him from the world. (MOTHER SOBS) Subdue him again. Make him nothing.

I am not nothing! I want you dead. I want you both dead! I k*lled them... because I hate you.

Oh, my poor little baby. You need your mother. He's hurting. My little boy is hurting. I would do anything for you. I would die for you. I would give my life. (SOBS)

Maigret: Did you m*rder Janine Laurent in the early hours of this morning?

This is my child. It doesn't matter to me what he's done or what becomes of those... little tarts who walk the streets of Montmartre at night.

Maigret: Did you k*ll Janine Laurent in the early hours of this morning?

Yes, I did. Yes! I did! Because I would do anything for him.

Maigret: In that case, you can tell me the colour of her dress.

It was dark, it-it... it was too dark to see.

Maigret: She was k*lled five metres from a street lamp. What was the colour of her dress?

It was blue.


Maigret: Inspector, take her upstairs and get a signed confession.

Come with me, Madame.

I k*lled them... because I hate you. (ANGUISHED CRY) I hate you! I hate you. Because I... because I hate you! It was your fault. It's your fault! Because... because I hate you. Because I... because I hate you!


'Hello, Maigrets?'

Maigret: It's me.

Is everything all right?

Maigret: Yes, it is.


'Shall we do something tonight? We could go to the pictures or maybe just go for a walk?'

Maigret: No, let's stay at home. I'd like to stay at home.

All right. See you soon.

Maigret: OK.

(She sighs with relief)

(Maigret walks through the streets, content to see everything back to normal)