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12x17 - I Wear the Face

Posted: 04/08/16 03:06
by bunniefuu
Meredith: Backaches, jaw pain, nausea.

Hey. Did you eat?

Amelia got dinner.

It's nothing special.

Just a little pasta from our regular place.

Sit down. I'll grab you a plate.

I got it.

♪ Flower ♪

In men, these things are probably exactly what they seem like.

Amelia's back.

What's that supposed to mean?

You leave all the doors open... everywhere, all the time.


Hey, uh, try the artichoke.

Bathroom doors, cabinets, everything... open, all the time.

But in women, they're all symptoms of a heart attack.

Hey, Mer, do you want some wine?

Unless that's not... Is that...

It's fine.


You invited me back.

It's fine.

Just close a thing once in a while.

Mer, if you've changed your mind, say the word.

I can go.

No! It's fine.

Sometimes the symptom is actually hiding what's going on underneath.

So, which resident are you guys nominating for the Preminger Research Grant?

I'm gonna go to bed.

Me too.

We were just sitting down together.


Early morning.

It's all in the way it presents itself.

"The winner of the grant is awarded one full research year in residence at the Preminger Research Center.

Each attending will nominate one candidate and submit them to the Chief of Surgery, who will then review and make a decision based on..."


I didn't know I was eligible to apply.

Yeah. It's open to any resident, any year.

You gonna apply?


I just got to Grey-Sloan.

I can barely find the bathrooms.

"Is resourceful."


Do you think that I should write that I'm "resourceful" or "inventive"?

Mm, put that you're both.

Put that you're annoying when you think out loud.

Why are these spaces so small?

These spaces cannot contain how awesome I am.


Yes, this is gold.

See? I just won this thing.

You don't even need an awesome application.

You have Shepherd in your corner.

Oh, I did, until you took over her service.

I didn't do it!


Webber's scramble did it.

Well, when you apply next year, Shepherd will have your back.

And Grey. And Torres.

You'll be set.


Remember when they all hated you?


Okay, I'm done.

Me too.

Press "submit" on three?

1...2... 3.

I did not meddle!

You meddled. You are a meddler!

He is the father of that baby!

Suing his ex-wife for fraud is no way to be a father.

That hussy wouldn't be an ex-wife if she hadn't signed those divorce papers without disclosing her pregnancy.


This is April Kepner we're talking about!

And this is my grandchild that we're talking about that I won't get to see unless Jackson overturns that divorce and gets his parental rights back!


You better stop saying that!

Hey, I'll say what I want!

I am trying to help my son.

And you are a meddler, a busybody, a helicopter mama, a nosy Nellie, a buttinsky!

That is trash talk!

All up in the bug juice.

You don't know the flavor, woman.

We said - no trash talk in the bedroom.

We said no work talk in the bedroom.

Just for the record, I am right.

You are wrong.



I still think - I should wait until next year to apply for the grant.

Why? You're eligible now.

Technically, but they always give the grant to a senior resident anyway.

Except for when they don't.

So you think I should try?

Look, if this is what you want, then sure... apply.

It's just...

I'm finally getting settled in here.

I have friends.

I just... met Sofia.

I don't want to run across the country for a year.

I can wait.

I want to be here.

Well, I can accept that.



So, you are 14.


Are your parents here? Who brought you?

I took the bus.

Is this gonna take long?

I have to get back for my history test.

Um, well, I mean, it just kind of sounds like a cold.

I-I know, but it's just (COUGHS)

M-My stomach just hurts when I cough... or sneeze... or move sometimes.


Let's take a look.

Can you lean back?

Can you lift up your shirt for me?


I-I'm pregnant.

Okay, you buried the lead there.

Um, page O.B.


I don't understand.

You haven't called back any of the family law attorneys I recommended.

Ma, I really got to prep this nasal reconstruction.

Oh, well. We have choices.

Money is no object.

My baby needs a lawyer, and I'm gonna get you the best.

Oh, I'm done having this conversation.

Reynolds is hard to get a sit-down with, but you're an Avery, and that ought to get us a phone call.

I'm not sure I want to Avery this yet.

Oh, yes, you do you want to Avery this.


April has the power... all the power.

You better get some power.

So, there's an organ procurement at Overbrook?

Yes, heart and liver. Patient is getting critical.

I am so glad... not about the patient, about the procurement.

It is the perfect excuse to ditch Bailey's budget meeting.

I want to ditch Bailey's budget meeting.

I think we got it covered.

Oh, come on, Owen. It's a budget meeting.

Okay, fine. I'll meet you in the ambulance bay in 10.

DeLuca's getting the coolers.

We're... W-What are you doing?

DeLuca's coming?



Finish up a consult.

What are you doing here?

Pierce asked me to cover a heart recovery with Grey.

It's my heart recovery, and you're making us late.

Well, I got here as soon as I could.

What happened to Pierce?

Said she had a budget meeting.

She didn't want to ride with DeLuca.

Then why isn't DeLuca here?

Why am I here?

All right.

We're good. Let's move.



How long have you been feeling pain?

Since like 6 a.m..

Who's your doctor?


Have you been getting any prenatal care at all?


Oh, my God!

That's my mom!

What is she doing here? You called her?!

No. No, I didn't, but...

She can't know.


She doesn't know I'm pregnant.

You can't tell her. Please!

I won't.


Yes, I-I-I promise.


Jenny, um, I can help you talk to your mom.

No, y-you can't. She'll freak.

You're six months pregnant. She's gonna find out soon.

Why not tell her so that she can help you?

Because this is not what we do.

That's what she says any time I forget to do the dishes or get a "B."

"This is not what we do, Jenny."

I'm not supposed to even have a boyfriend, so this would (COUGHS)


Dr. Kepner, this is...


What are you doing here?

Did you track my phone again?

Yes, I tracked your phone again.

Mom, that is so invasive.

I pay for the phone. I get to know where it is.

Same goes for you.

It's the middle of the school day!

Why are you even tracking me right now?

Well, you're not in school, are you?

This is not what we do, Jenny.

Hi. Jenny? I'm Dr. Robbins.

Um, I hear that you're having a little...

A little abdominal pain.

Um, and Dr. Robbins is an abdominal doctor, so, um... we're gonna take Jenny up to C.T. to get a closer look, and we'll let you know as soon as we get the results, all right?


Hey, hey, guess who's joining you on Shepherd's DBS implantation.

Uh, can you get me up to speed?

Getting a little face time in with Shepherd before the meeting tonight?

I am the wind beneath her wings, and I just need to be sure she remembers that.

Well, I've got your back.


Let's go.

Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait.

Let me lead.



That's very nice.


No, don't clap for that. That was... That was garbage.

Uh, Dr. Blake and Dr. Shepherd and, uh...

And who is this?

Haven't seen your face before.

It's a nice face.

This is Dr. Edwards.


Why are all the doctors in this hospital so hot?

Well, that's... Seriously.

It's like a... It's like a condition of employment here.

Let's talk about your brain.

Edwards, business time.

Kyle Diaz, 34.

Diagnosed two years ago with relapsing and remitting multiple sclerosis.

Increased symptoms recently.

How come you know so much about me and I haven't even met you yet?

Symptoms include persistent tremor in the right hand.

Yeah, this damn thing showed up right as I was landing a 13-city tour.

Uh, only time I had bad timing.

I prayed for a long time for this break.

I mean, this is...

This is big.

Yeah, it's huge for me. I mean, I'm the opening act.

The audience won't be there to see me, but (CHUCKLES)

But I swear they'll leave knowing my name.

And I have to kick ass, but I can't.

Not with this... wobbly hand.

Well, deep brain stimulation has been proven to help alleviate intractable tremors like yours.

So, when I wake up, maybe I can show you how I really play.


The... plan is to actually keep you conscious while we operate, using M.R.I. images to target the general area of concern.



No, I figured we'd be using intraoperative micro-recordings to precisely locate the nucleus.

Exactly, and how will we know when the procedure is working?

Having our patient perform delicate motor skills while we introduce the electrodes.

In Kyle's case, he will play the guitar.

Wait. So, I'm (CHUCKLES)

I'm gonna play the guitar while you are poking around in my brain?

That way, we can know exactly when we've nailed the tremor.

Well, that's impossible.

No, it's possible.

You'll be awake and able to play.

No, for you.

I mean, I don't know if you know what happens when... when women hear me play.

Your hand is gonna get a little shaky.

Well, I'll push through it.

And Blake and I will be performing the operation.

Edwards, I need you with Kyle.

I'll be... Blake's assisting?

I need you to monitor the tremor, let us know when we got it.

Well... it's gonna be one hell of a first date.

Arizona: (SIGHS)


Her mother really doesn't know?


That's got top be a lot of work, hiding it for this long.

Yeah. It is.

It's a hard thing to keep under wraps.


Aren't we sort of obligated to tell the mother she's pregnant?

I mean, if the kid's in danger...

Mm, legally we're obligated not to, unless the patient gives us permission.

If it were my kid, I'd want us to break that law.


Oh, Warren.

What do you see here?

Blood in the lesser sac.

Is that an aneurysm?

Yeah. Splenic artery aneurysm.

What are the risks?

If it bursts, it could cause an instant massive hemorrhage.

The patient and the baby both could bleed to death.


Now can we tell the mother?



Richard: Hmm.

Is that your name up there?

(SIGHS) Seems that way.

Bowel resection with Dr. Webber.

They say he's good.

Easy on the eyes, too.

Some men would send flowers.

Nasty-ass necrotic bowel is nice, too.


Complicated procedure.

Gives us time to talk.

And since we are at work... no subject is off limits.

I'll see you in the scrub room, Dr. Avery.

You can yammer on all you want.

Doesn't mean I have to listen.




So, who do you like for this Preminger thing?

You know, who I don't work with is Edwards, but Cristina really liked her.

Amelia loves her. Why aren't we moving?

Bridge traffic.

Amelia moved back in, you know?

Did you know that?


She was asking about you.

Yeah, well, you can tell her that I'm not an alcoholic if that's what she's worried about.

I don't think that's what she was worried about.

I think she's one. That's what she's worried about.



Shepherd drinks.

I bought her one once.


Months ago.

I didn't know.

You did that.


You did that to her?!

I did what? I didn't know.

I-I asked her. She said yes.

She didn't tell me she was an alcoholic.

You did it!

Hold on! Wait!

We have a job to do.

The two of you can k*ll each other later.

A bubble in my artery?

Did I hurt the baby?

No, no.

It's so big that even a sneeze could have made it bleed.

Yeah, and the good news is that the bleeding has stopped, but the splenic aneurysm could burst at any moment.

Yeah, which would be very dangerous for you and for your baby.

Oh, God. Oh, God.

April: Jenny, listen, I can fix this.

I can operate and make sure that it doesn't bleed.

Surgery? Unh-unh.

If we do surgery, my mom will find out for sure.

Maybe she should.

I mean, don't you want your mom's help and...


She'll send me away o-or make me give my baby away.

Can't you just give me some pill to make it stay the way it is?

We could give it time.

Keep you under close observation.

And there's a chance that it could resolve on its own.

Then let's do that. We'll wait.

Jenny, it's far less dangerous to do something about it right now.

I think if your mom had the information, she would... she would opt...

You said we can wait.

I want to wait.


Then we wait.

The better option is surgery.

The only reason she's choosing to wait is to avoid telling her mother that she's pregnant.

She has the right to tell her mom when she's ready.

She's 14!

She needs her mom's help to make this decision.

Y-You're thinking like a mother because you're about to be one, but you're not.

You're not her mother.

We're her doctors.

What if it were Sofia?

April! We can't.

We can tell her about the splenic bleed, but not about the pregnancy.

She's just gonna put her baby and herself at risk.

Jenny's the patient.

She has the final say.

It's the end of the discussion.

This day is already on my nerves.

I've rounded on both Grey and Torres' services.

I've finished their post-op notes.

My beautiful, genius brain is on fire.

I'm gonna get this grant.

My beautiful, genius brain is being wasted.

I've got to hold hands with a hot rock star while Blake assists with his brain surgery.

Ooh, wait. Back up.

No, no, don't.

He's hot, but he's nasty hot.

Like in-your-face hot.

He keeps aggressively eye-sexing me.

He's not my kind of thing. It's a distraction.

Oh, God, I haven't had sex in so long.

Oh. I had sex this morning.

I thought we were sharing.

The point is, Shepherd needs to see me shine today, and there is Blake being all shiny, too.

(GASPS) I knew it.

You hate that Shepherd is taking Blake under her wing.

Because it's my wing!

Blake has been on neuro for, what, two weeks?

And she gets to scrub in over me?


Blake probably can't even clip an aneurysm.



Come on, she's from Dillard.


All right, listen, I know you don't want to, but...

No, you listen.

She sat across that table, looked my son in the eye, didn't say a damn thing about the pregnancy, treating him like he's some inconvenience, and he is the baby's father.

Well, that may be true, but we should be helping them through this.

What choice do we have other than to fight?

A lawsuit, though?

If Jackson can make a case that April committed fraud, he's get a shot at getting full custody of that baby.

If April's gonna fight dirty, Jackson can, too.

This is about my grandchild.

Oh, really?

Because I don't see a grandchild.

All I see are two kids in trouble.

And they aren't your kids.

Maybe just keep your opinions to yourself.


But you're my wife.

And I think I should be able to tell you when you're making a wrong turn, and this is a very wrong turn.


Nathan: I can't believe we sat in traffic for an hour.

You can just relax. We made it.

What are they doing? Are they already recovering the heart?

No, no. Hunt, something's wrong.

Hey, what are you doing to our heart?

Crapped the bed about two minutes ago.

You guys are Grey-Sloan?

What are you saying?


It's in V-fib. Arrhythmic.

We're trying to keep it pumping to perfuse the other organs.

Okay, move aside. Let me see.

You told me this was a good healthy heart!

He became hyperkalemic.

We tried to reverse it with insulin.

Then why is it fibrillating now?!

Okay, Hunt, just let me work. Charge it 20.

Woman: Charge.

Meredith: We have no heart, we have no liver.

One's no good without the other, they'll reallocate it.





Come on!

Come on, baby! Come on!


It's gone.

This heart's dead. I'm sorry.


Amelia: We need to do the calculations with M.R.I.

I need someone to go supervise Kyle's head frame.

I can do it.

I can do it.

Blake, go.

I was hoping to be in the field, assisting.

I need you with Kyle. He likes you.

He thinks I'm a challenge.


Then challenge him. He'll be calmer.



So, the Preminger Grant nomination is tonight.


I'm not gonna discuss a confidential recommendation.

I know. I'm not asking.


I'm just hoping you bear in mind our significant history when making your recommendation.


I'm not asking!


Edwards, look at me.

You and I are not allowed to discuss whether or not I will be singing your praises to Dr. Bailey tonight.

To do so... would be unprofessional, unethical, and not at all cool, so... I am not going to discuss it.



All right.

She said, "She's from Dillard," like it's a welding school.

And what'd you say?


I just stood there.


I know, I know. I didn't have my words.

Why didn't...

Why didn't I have my words?!

Well, just say your words now.

Okay, okay.

I... thought we were friends.

No. Weak. Better words.

I know this place can be competitive... and that you can be an insecure bitch sometimes, but you would not be talking behind my back if you weren't scared to death that somebody might give you a run for your money!

And I might be from Dillard, but I am here now.

I'm right behind you, breathing down your neck, and I am a dark freakin' horse!

Drop the mike and walk away.

♪ You can break me down and shake me ♪
♪ Don't try to rearrange me ♪
♪ No way that you can change me, it's impossible ♪

And I'm having sex tonight.



I'm inviting all you lovely people over to the house tonight for dinner.

Oh. Like a... Like a dinner party.

We're not doing that again.

Just takeout. Whatever.

Just come over at 8:00, and I'll feed you.

But we have the nomination meeting for the Preminger Grant.

Fine. 8:30.

Ben and Bailey will be going home at 8:30.

I'm having great sex tonight.

I might be having sex tonight.

I mean, I don't know yet. We don't really plan it.

You guys have to come.

Amelia just moved back in, and Meredith and Amelia need to ease into it, okay, or it's gonna be... It'll be...


It's gonna start as something small that will snowball into something big, and there will be blood.

This thing is fragile.

But if you guys are there, then it can stay nice.


Oh, so, you want us to come to be a buffer?

Yes. Thank you.


Like a human shield?

You get it. So, you'll be there?

No. God, no.


♪ Now you're gonna have to watch ♪

So, for now, we wait to see if your daughter's abdominal bleed resolves on its own.

You think waiting is the best option?

Well, it's what Jenny wants.

Jenny is 14.

When I was 14, I was stealing street signs and getting knocked up by my loser boyfriend, so forgive me for not trusting a 14-year-old to make judgment calls.

I'm asking what you think.

I think that surgery is the better option.

Then that's what we'll do.

Of course, you know, with surgery, there are... are always risks.

Surgery would happen when?

Today or...

Actually, there is one more thing.

Dr. Kepner.

What is it? What are not you telling me?!

There is also the risk that Jenny could lose her baby.

Her what?

Jenny is pregnant.


How long?

Mom, listen...

How long?!

I-I don't know.

Like six months or something.

Why would you tell her?!

Look at me, not them. Me.

How many times have I told you, "Be careful, be smart"?

Not to end up like me.

How many times?!

Yeah, Mom, like a million times that I am your biggest, stupidest mistake!

Sorry I messed up your life so bad!

Jennifer, that is not what I meant!

And I'm sorry I'm screwing my life up, too!

Go ahead.

I'm just waiting for you to say it...

"This is not what we do, Jenny"!

It's not.

You screwed this up.

She needed to know all the risks.

No, she didn't.

Yes, she did.

If she was gonna convince Jenny to get that surgery, yes.

How's that going so far?

There's a risk either way.


Are you done with your side?

Ah, working on it.

It's just these...

Damn adhesions. Yeah, I see them.


I've been here before.

We need enough space to get a secure closure.

I'm talking about Jackson.

Looped PDS.

Jackson's father could be loving and generous and fun.

He also could be a child... selfish, spiteful.

When we ended, he just wanted to hurt me, so he took the only thing that mattered.

He took Jackson.

He took him across country, thought he could take my boy from me and that I would just roll over.

I told him he didn't know who the hell he married.

I fought for my son, and I'm not about to stop fighting.

Richard, w*r is ugly, senseless, and scary as hell, but there are some things worth going to w*r over.

Maybe you can close without me.

We can monitor each cell in his brain.


Dr. Shepherd, you have plus 10 y, minus 20 on z.

Almost there.

Keep him talking.

Kyle, what kind of music do you play?

Oh, now you want to get to know me?

Right now, it's my job.

How's he doing, Edwards?

Why don't you... try to play me something?


Uh, persistent tremor. No improvement.

Don't you think it's a little weird that you're seeing the inside of my brain and you haven't seen the inside of my apartment?

You do not know when to quit, do you?

Come on. Amuse me.

You said it's, like, your job or something.

Dr. Shepherd, he's developed a left facial droop.

Signal's getting distorted.

I have a small hemorrhage here. What next?

Uh, pull back on the probe, close him up, and wait for the bleed to stop.

Or you can control the bleed right now.

Use a biopsy needle to irrigate the bleed, then dilute and suction until it stops.

Good call, Edwards.

Biopsy needle.

I ca... I can't feel parts of my face.

What is happening?

You have a very small bleed in your brain.

Don't worry... Dr. Shepherd has it under control.

Syringe. Blake, now.

What's she doing?

She's free-styling.

She's a rock star, too.

All right, I'm right here.


What happened?

I was giving her a routine abdominal exam when her pressure bottomed out.

It hurts... so much.

Tell me what's wrong.

We're gonna take a look, okay?

Ben: She's hypotensive, and her crit's at 18.

Tell me what's happening.

It's not labor.

Your aneurysm has ruptured, and I know you didn't want surgery, but now we have no choice.

We're gonna get you into the O.R.


They've got you, honey.

Everything is gonna be fine.


What a waste.

How's that?

Such a waste.

The heart.

I'm sorry for your guy.

Well, maybe if we'd gotten here sooner.

Well, it wouldn't have made a difference.

The heart was in V-fib. Damage was done.

They should have known...

You're right, you're right.

It couldn't have been your fault.

It was never your fault, not with Amelia...

I didn't know, all right?

If I caused her a problem, I'm sorry, but she didn't tell me...

Disaster happens wherever you are because you are there, like with Megan.

All right, no!

Owen, I'm not gonna do this again!


Okay, no! All right?!


I think you're starting to drive yourself crazy.

It's him.

At some point, you just have to learn to let go.


Amelia took that drink.

It doesn't matter who offered it to her.

She would tell you that herself.

Riggs tried to talk your sister off that chopper.


She needed to be with her patient.

He tried to go. She wouldn't let him.


That's what he told you... t-that he...

That's what he told me.

Meredith, he didn't say anything to her.

He wasn't anywhere near that chopper.

He was off screwing some woman from Supply Corps... again.

That's why Megan got on the chopper... to get away from him.

My sister was leaving him.

When I said we hate him, I meant it.


You hanging in there, Kyle?


Oh, hey.

You're all right.

Loss of speech is normal.

It's temporary, okay?

Hey. It'll come back.

Dr. Shepherd's almost done.

Stay with me, Kyle. Almost done.

You're okay.

Give me a minute.

Dr. Shepherd, there isn't any...

She said give her a minute.

Bleeding has stopped.

Kyle, check your hand.


No tremor.

Okay, can you... speak now?

You miss me?


Welcome back, Kyle.

I showed you my moves.

Time to show us yours.

All right, come on.

Your turn to free-style.



♪ Are we going insane? ♪
♪ Do we need to explain? ♪
♪ I feel like we know it ♪
♪ Am I doing it right? ♪

This wasn't my fault.

♪ 'Cause when you show me that candlelight ♪

Telling the mother.

Stress doesn't just cause arteries to rupture.

You know that.

I do.

Doesn't make it right.

It felt right.

It felt like she needed to know, like it was the right thing to do.

I know the feeling.


This is not the same thing!

I'm just saying that I know... how... you felt... in that moment.

I know.

♪ It won't be daunting ♪
♪ Somehow I don't think I'd even care ♪


Turn around.


God bless your heart.


I'm glad you told me... about Jackson's father.

Now you understand why I'm doing this.

Not a bit.


It was an awfully sad story. (SCOFFS)

But it was your story, not theirs, and stop trying to make it theirs.

I don't have a choice, Richard.

(SIGHS) The woman I married... believed in second chances... that anything was possible... and that the glass doesn't always have to be half empty.

And you said your ex-husband didn't know the woman he married.

Well, I do.

♪ I can lose it all, it won't be daunting ♪

I'm only letting you yammer on because your hands are so magical.


Well, that's a start.

♪ 'Cause every time I'm with you, I feel wanted ♪

We had to remove your spleen to stop the bleeding.

But the baby's fine.

Good fetal heartbeat, very strong.

And my mom?

She's waiting to see you... whenever you're ready.


Okay. Warren.


♪ Show me you like it ♪
♪ Show me you like it ♪
♪ Coming out ♪

Is she okay?

She is.

And the baby?

They're both fine.


Don't speak.


This just... isn't what we do.


♪ I can lose it all, it won't be daunting ♪

You tell me when you're in trouble.

You don't walk around scared and alone, not when you have me.

Do you hear me?


Not when you're having my grandbaby.

♪ 'Cause every time I'm with you, I feel wanted ♪
♪ We could make believers if we dare, yeah ♪




Listen, what I said before, that was just me being...


I deserve that.

You could have said a lot worse.

I did... earlier.

(SIGHS) I'm very sorry.

The attendings got out of their meeting.

Already? Did you hear anything?

Uh, yeah.

I heard that Penny applied, which is weird because she didn't say anything.

You applied? When?


The deadline was at noon, and I decided I should at least try, even if I don't really have a chance.

Oh, you have a chance.

Alex told me that your name came up... a lot.

Actually, uh, Grey had your back.

Shepherd even.


I just don't understand why you didn't tell us.

You pretended to be all cheerleader-y.

It's just... EIt's a little... - Snaky.

I wasn't trying to hide anything.


Never saw it coming.

Well played.

I wasn't playing anything.

I just decided...

Yeah. Wow.


Good luck.


Nathan: On the 8th, he had...

4.2 just to make s...

Excuse me.



Mate, this has to stop.

Oh, you're right. This has to stop.

Megan called me right before she...


All right, she told me... everything.

So, yeah, you should just stop...

'cause I see you.

You can't do this.

You can't just come in here and pretend to be some nice guy, pretend to be this hero and lie and fool everyone, like Grey and Bailey and Pierce and Amelia.

You can't just take more people away from me.

You can't do it, and I won't let you.

Benjamin Warren!

Miranda Bailey.

You didn't submit your application for the Preminger Grant!

No. Of course I didn't.

But what do you mean, "of course"?

You're asking me why I didn't apply for a grant that's gonna take me across the country?

W-What, am I supposed to jump at the chance to leave my wife and kid for a... a year or more?

But it was an incredible opportunity.

We could have figured something out.

You know, it's... it's not my turn.

Not right now.

You're Chief. We need to be here.

And you're okay with that?

Well, it'll be my turn sometime.

You know, and when it is, you'll, uh...

You'll do the same for me.


Come on.


So... who'd you pick, Chief?

Are you kidding me?

It's me.

I read the e-mail five times to see where I got it wrong, but I didn't.

I won.

Bailey gave me the Preminger Grant.

Are you kidding me?!

Why do you keep saying that?

Oh, no.

No, yeah. N... Well, it's just...

Yay, you!

(LAUGHS) Come on, let's go celebrate.

You recommended Blake?

I recommended you.

Well, then why did Karev say you...

Then Blake's name came up from a few people.

They asked my opinion. And what did you say?

Well, I'm not gonna tell you what I said.

I gave an honest answer to a question.

You sunk me.

I endorsed you.

After that, it's out of my hands.

You have been trying to find a way to get rid of her for months, and to use this, you go right past somebody who you know deserves it more... someone who has been there for you, who stepped in when you couldn't even handle doing your job.


This is the attendings' lounge.


Are you all right?

Am I all right? Yeah.


You lost that shine in your eyes.

I liked that shine.

I'm fine. I'm shiny.

All right, I just played a private concert for you with my brain open.

I think you can give me something.

I got screwed over by a friend today. That's all.

The redhead?


That sucks.


When I started playing, I had all these musician friends.

And, you know, we'd hang, and we'd jam together.

We grew up together, you know.

And then I started booking gigs, selling out those gigs, and, you know, I had the fans and the girls, and it was fantastic.

It was everything we had hoped for.

It was... It was everything we had talked about, you know?

And then when I went to share it with them... they weren't there.

All my friends were gone.

Poof. Just like that.

But it turns out they weren't my friends.

They were my competition.

You and I are a lot alike.

Okay, how is that?

Well, you're smart.


Incredibly good-looking.



But with the goods to back it up.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go to sleep...

'cause my head hurts.

I'm supposed to watch you.

I'm okay with that.


I had a crappy day.

Mm, me too.

I found out why Owen hates Riggs.

I don't want to know.


Do I want to know?

I'm here!

We can see that.

Really? With the cabinets?


You open, you close.

It's not that big a deal.

It's tedious.

Oh, my God, I was promised sisters.

I just got you guys back in the same house.

I've never had sisters. It's nice.

But it's going to implode.

You know it, and I know it.

So have at it.

Go to town over the cabinets.

If you're gonna k*ll each other, just do it already.

I can't keep this family together by myself.

Meredith: (LAUGHING) Nobody asked you to.

We're adults. We're going to fight.

A lot.

I'm annoying.

She is.

But I don't plan on kicking her out anytime soon.

So, are you good?

I'm not homeless.

I'm good.


Though Maggie is starting to get on my nerves.


Well, you wanted sisters.

You got 'em.

Close the cabinet.


I was just on my way to your place.

I really don't have time for one of your lectures now, Mom.

No, I was coming to say that I was sorry, to...

(SIGHS) - apologize.

I doubt that.

No, let me finish.

I overstepped, but you are my baby, and if somebody messes with you, watch out.


Well, I was just protecting my baby.

You know I'm a grown-ass man, right?


As long as I'm living, my baby forever you will be.



I do need to let go.

Roots, wings.

You can fight your own battles.

Yes, I can.

And if you don't want to fight April on this, maybe there is another way.

I mean, we're still all family.

Maybe you can go to counseling, or I could get the two of you in a room together, and we could...



I... This is gonna take some practice.



Honey, what are you going to do?

I'm an Avery.

Somebody messed with my baby, so I got myself some power.

♪ I just want you to be, be, yeah ♪
♪ Forever mine ♪
♪ Be forever mine ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Forever mine ♪
♪ Be forever mine ♪

I'll round on Jenny in the morning after you've been in.

♪ Oh, and there's nothing I can say now ♪

All right, good night.

I think Jackson's gonna sue me... for custody.

Full custody once the baby's born.

His mother... She is... awful.

I overheard her saying it, and I just want to...

I... I am... I am so... mad.

I am furious.

I feel like my skin is on fire!

Oh, my God.

Sorry. I know. I'm ranting.

But I don't have anyone to talk to, and I need to talk to someone.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

And I've been treating you like crap...

You need to talk to me. It's fine.

I'm here... for whatever you need, 'cause... we're friends.

Rant away.

And then... we'll think about what to do.

♪ Be forever mine ♪

I already thought of what to do.

I'm not gonna be the victim.

He can't do this.

I won't let him.

April, what did you do?

What happens when the gloves come off and you stop hiding behind your mask?

♪ I just want you to be forever mine ♪

I just don't want to... hurt her.

You know, it's in my power not to, so...


Here's to that.

Do you need a drink?


Hey! Dr. Avery.


Dr. Jackson Avery?

That's right. Do we...

You've been served.

Have a good night, guys.

What's your next move?

Do you take your best shot and see where it lands?

♪ 'Cause now I'm lost up in the clouds ♪

Or do you hang back, wait a minute, and see if you get sucker-punched?

♪ I just want you to be, be, be ♪
♪ Forever mine ♪
♪ Be forever mine ♪

"I don't want to fight.

Whatever you want to do, we'll do."

It's your move.

Oh, no.

♪ Da, da, dee, da, da-da, da, da-da ♪

A restraining order.

April filed a restraining order against me.


You can either retreat or go out swinging.

So, what you gonna do?