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03x19 - Cape May

Posted: 04/22/16 02:18
by bunniefuu
Nik: Given her abrupt drop in blood pressure and pulse, I diagnosed a placental abruption.

We performed a successful emergency C-section.

She was having chest pains, shortness of breath... classic symptoms of an amniotic fluid embolism.

Her lungs were no longer functioning.

I had to get her to a trauma unit.

We were losing her.

And she went into arrest.

That's enough.

I kept her alive long enough to become a mother.

What a desperate thing to say.

I don't want to die.

Everyone dies someday.



Time to go, Mr. Red.

Time to go.

No. No, no, not yet.

I want another one. I want another one.

I paid and I want another.

‭No. You go.

It's Friday.

It's too long for you.

You go.




Mr. Red.



You trying to get yourself k*lled?

Cape May.

Cape May, New Jersey.

That's 200 miles away.

Cape May it is.



Don't go, Lizzy.

Please, don't go.


Now go.

And stay away from us.

Red: Everyone dies someday.

You say something?


Marvin, it's Raymond.

I'm taking a leave of indeterminate length.

Suspend all transactions.

Pay off all my outstanding debt.

If you need additional funds to cover any shortfall, execute a wire transfer from Barbados.

Dembe has a power of attorney letter on file should a signature be necessary.

How much for the cab?

No, you're good.

No, no.

How much do you want for the cab?

You're kidding, right?

That's plenty.

Thank you.
















I'll find a blanket.


May I help you?


You're okay.

Talk to me.

It's not that he died.

It's not even the way he died.

It's in the things I said to him... just before he died.



You okay?


There's someone here.


He's here to k*ll me.

There. There he is.

See his shadow?

Stay away from the window.




I found the intruder.

He put up a fight.

I had no choice but to k*ll him.

You must think I'm crazy.


We'll have hot water soon.

There's wine.

And I can make a risotto.

Do you think we'll have hot water tonight?

By the time we finish dinner, it should be hot.

This is superb.

The rice is just right.

Canned mushrooms.

Best I could do.

It's excellent.

You aren't hungry.


Who's trying to k*ll you?

Does it have something to do with what you told me before?

I'm sorry?

You said you lost someone.

Harsh words were spoken.

Words you regret.

I was out of my mind.

There was no one.

Just me.

You don't have to lie.

Neither do you.

You're no hungrier than I am.

You're not enjoying a single bite of that.

I told you this is...


The quality of the cooking is wholly irrelevant in this case, isn't it?

Given the circumstances.

And those are?

You tell me.

Tell yourself.

Say it out loud.

It was a Hobson's choice.

There was a woman and her child.

Both were doomed.

Both would die.

I could either save one or lose both.

I chose the child.

It was... it was the worst thing I've ever had to do in my life.

Worst thing by far.

You didn't have a choice.

There's always a choice.

I was arrogant.

I presumed that there was an order to things, that there was... that if I nourished and protected and taught the child, she would be safe...

...and happy.

And she was neither.

No matter what I tried to do, all I brought her was misery and v*olence, and eventually...



And now you're dead.

You believe ‭there's nothing left for you.

It's that obvious?

Nothing about you is obvious.

What brought you here?

I honestly don't know.

You've been here before.

Once, a long time ago.

I was a very different person then.




What can I do for you, Officer... Duncan?

We got a call from a neighbor.

He noticed lights inside.

Oh, Yeah. I was afraid that might happen.

That's why the candles... didn't want to alarm anyone.

I take it you're not trespassing.

Oh, good God, no.

Jack and Ida are old family friends.

Offered the place for the weekend.

Mind showing some identification?

No, no, no. No problem.

I'll be right back.

If you don't mind, I'd prefer waiting inside.

Of course. My mistake. Please, please.

It's a bit chilly out.

Wait here. I'll get my I.D.
I'm sorry you had to come all the way out here on such a cold night.

Didn't mention you had a friend.

Yeah. My wife, Abigail.

She's feeling a little under the weather.

Didn't touch a bite, it looks like.


I can go upstairs and wake her, if you'd like.

No. No, that's okay.

Everything appears in order.

You said you're a friend of Jack and Ida's.

Yes, I said I was a friend.

Poor Jack.

Miss the hell out of that man.

Yeah, yeah. It's a crying shame.

Ida just hadn't been able to keep the place up since he passed.

Enjoy your stay, Mr. Donnelly.

Thank you, Officer.

He knows.

I don't think so.

He'd have to be very good at hiding it.

We'll see.

Water should be hot.


How did you know Jack was dead?

I didn't say he was dead.

I said I missed him.

Woman: Still, why would you miss him?

State of the place.

Hasn't been maintained.

A man wouldn't let that happen if he was around.

You said "Poor Jack"?

Jack's Shack.

He took pride in that.

Decorated it, carved his name on it.

It's falling apart.

I figured he was either sick or dead.

Could have been Ida.

I went with Jack.

Men don't usually last as long as women.

You sound like an actuary.

I am, in a way.

Have you ever k*lled anyone?


That's an odd question.

Have you?



But never anyone who didn't deserve it.


Me, too.

I know.


There aren't a lot of us.

You learn to recognize it.




Woman: Behind you.





You all right?

Yeah. Thank you.

You know him?

It doesn't matter.

He's one of them.

Not the first, not the last.


Why did you go into the water?

What made you decide?

You've never k*lled anyone who didn't deserve it.


That is a fine thing.

A noble thing.

But not terribly difficult.

That's true.

Have you ever spared someone who deserved to die?

There was a woman I loved.

She was... my life.

My heart.

And she died.

She left behind a little girl.

One last, precious piece of herself.

She'll need protection.

Tom: Only if you're in her life.


Stay away.

I won't let you make the same mistake with her...

...that you made with Liz.

I would give anything to be a part of that child's life, but a man made it clear I would never see her... hold her... watch her grow.

And I knew in that moment, I would never be any part of that beautiful little girl's life.


He was her father.

And to harm him would be to harm her.

A mortal sin.

Her mother is gone.

The father is what she has left in the world.

Her father.



Man: Gregory, do you copy?

Did you copy that?

We don't have much time.

They're coming.

Red: This'll work.

I'll drive.

I'm not leaving without you.

Yes, you are.

No. I'm not.

Those men are after me.

It's my problem, not yours.

You made it my problem the moment you walked into the ocean.

I didn't ask for your help.

Let me go.


Why not?

What difference does it make to you?

Have you ever seen the aftermath of a su1c1de bombing...

We're wasting time.

‭I have.

June 29, 2003.

I was meeting two associates at the Marouche restaurant in Tel Aviv.

As my car was pulling up, a 20-year-old Palestinian named Ghazi Safar entered the restaurant and detonated a vest wired with C4.

Let me go.

The shock wave knocked me flat, blew out my eardrums.

I couldn't hear.

The smoke...

It was like being underwater.

I went inside.

A nightmare.


Parts of people.

You could tell where Safar was standing when the vest blew.

It was like a perfect circle of death.

There was almost nothing left of the people closest to him.

17 dead, 46 injured.

Blown to pieces.

The closer they were to the bomber, the more horrific the effect.


That's every su1c1de.

Every single one.

An act of terror ‭perpetrated against everyone who's ever known you...

Everyone who's ever loved you.

The people closest to you... the ones who cherish you... are the ones who suffer the most pain, the most damage.

Why would you do that?


Why would you do that to people who love you?

I have no choice.

There's always a choice.

Is there?

That little girl.

The one you told me about?

The one whose father you spared?

What would you do if you knew... knew... that as long as you drew breath, as long as you continued to exist, her life would be in danger?

She would be hunted, and she would be k*lled.

What would you do?

What would you do?

My child is being raised by someone else.

I am her mother... and I am death to her.

So this is what I'm doing.

I never wanted this.

I know.

Then go.

I can't.



You still have time to go.

I don't know your name.

Don't be ridiculous, Raymond.









You okay?

We need to clean up and clear out.

There's something wro...


Where are you?

No. No, no, no.



Did you see a woman walk into the water?


I didn't see no woman.

You sure?

Yeah. I'm sure.

Mister, the only living soul I've seen on this stretch in over two weeks is just you.

Just me.


Canned mushrooms.

Best I could do.

Behind you.


Just me.


Just you.


Could I, please?

Please. I want to buy it.

Ain't worth anywhere near that.

It is to me.

Okay, then.

To Katarina, love Papa.

You had no choice.

It was me or Masha.

I'm sorry.

Raymond, you did save me.

Through her.

It was the only way.

You chose well.

Man: Hey, Mister!

You okay?

Seem a little lost.

There's someone I need to see.