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02x19 - Chapter Forty-One

Posted: 04/26/16 15:05
by bunniefuu
Latin lover narrator: All right, let's recap this bad boy. Jane and her family were living at the Marbella because their house flooded, but she and Michael had signed the lease for use of their own, and they planned to move in after they got married. Meanwhile, Rafael had requested more time with his son.

I want to be the man most present in Mateo's life.

And speaking of family bonds, Rafael's brother, Derek, was back in town, and at first, Rafael didn't trust him.

Did you know our mother was a crime lord?

There's got to be something on his boat.

Good, so search his boat.

But it turned out Derek was telling the truth, and, oh, yeah, Petra's long lost twin showed up.

My long lost sister.

And, well, she was slightly less polished than Petra.

Did you steal a wallet?


I stole three wallets.

And she was also kind of crushing on Rafael.

Leaping lizards!

I know, straight out of a telenovela, right? Well, imagine this. Jane's father had just broken up with her mother, Xiomara, and now he was hooking up with the head writer on his show. And speaking of plot twists, remember our crime lord, Sin Rostro? Well, she was k*lled by the crime lord, Mutter. I know, I know, a lot of crime lords to keep track of. Anyway, one's dead, one's on the run, and Detective Michael is on the case. At least I hope he is. Anyway, let's dive in. Like many girls at the age of seven, Jane Gloriana Villanueva saved her money in a piggy bank. However, unlike many girls at the age of seven, Jane Gloriana Villanueva never spent said money.

Jane... it's not gonna fit any more.

And the whole point of saving money is so one day you can buy something.

No... the whole point of saving is so that you have money in case of an emergency.

Not when you're seven.

You don't have to worry about money, okay.

Please, just buy anything.

Fine, another piggy bank.

Yes, from a very early age Jane had her priorities straight. And to this day, they haven't changed.

Ooh, okay, these are reasonably priced.

Which one do you think: the cute giraffe or the classic stripe?

Oh, it's got to be the giraffe, right?


I feel like that could be Mateo's spirit animal.

Big eyes, gentle.

Totally, plus it can spark a lifelong interest in zoology, or African studies.

That's a lot to put on a rug, but sure.

All right.

It's going in the cart.

Oh, that's a little more than I was planning on spending.

You know what, I'm just gonna put it back.

No, don't.

Come on, we have two incomes now, and it's our first home together... it should be special.

Plus, what about Mateo's zoology career, huh?

Yeah, okay.

I'll just leave it in my cart overnight and think about it.

Of course, you will.

Aw, isn't this nice? Things are so good.

(doorbell rings)

Alas... knowing telenovela structures as I do, I'm a little worried.

Room service.

My two favorite words.

Uh, right here is good.

Coffee's hot and here's your paper.

Thank you very much.

Oh, my God.

What is it?

Yeah... I don't mean to sound smug, but I did see this coming.

"Detective Cordero had a conflict of interest right from the start"?

Are they talking about me?

I-it must be.

"His connection to the Solano family compromised the entire investigation," said one source.

That's ridiculous.

Your relationship with Rafael is what helped you set up the sting.

That's not how they see it. They said that I got Sin Rostro k*lled, let Mutter get away, and I'm quoting, "Left a giant mess behind" with no leads and no arrests."

I don't understand.

Where is all this coming from?

A mole in the police department.

It has to be.

But why?

I don't know.

I got to get down there.


This is going to blow over.


Remember, today's news is tomorrow's trash.

Yeah, I know, you're right.


You're right.

Yeah, unfortunately, they still have to get through today.

How the hell did they know about my boat?

What are you talking about?

It's in the article, man.


You were the only one who knew.

I didn't tell anyone.

Technically, untrue, by the way. Actually, completely untrue.

Petra: Are they ever going to let this die?

They mentioned the Marbella four times.

I mean, you have a few murders in your hotel and...

Hey, uh... you want to, maybe, change a diaper?

No, no thanks, I changed one a few days ago.

But I'll hold the other one while you do it.

Great, thanks.

Yeah, no problem.

Honestly, I feel so much better.

Those pills...

Ah, yes, thanks to modern medicine Petra's great depression has lifted.

Well, I am glad they're working.

Me, too. (chuckles)

I mean, now I-I can accept that I'm just not one of those maternal moms, and I'm fine with that.

They're cute in small doses.

Aren't you, Anna?



Anyway, let's talk about their trust funds.

Yup, Petra is definitely back to her old self.

I have a copy of the estate plan in my bag.

Mm. And is it the same as Mateo's?

Of course.

I mean, they're siblings.

Anezka: Hello to you.

And speaking of siblings...

Hi, Anezka. Good morning.

Oh, right. Somebody's crushing hard, but, come on, is anybody shipping these two?

Off to work?


Oh, I just loving dress.

I feel like... real princess.

Mm, 'kay, relax, it's just a waitress uniform.

Petra... be nice.

(moans softly)

How is the waitressing going?

Scott says she's doing a great job.

You are wasting this?

Where I am coming from, people are k*lling for this.

Yeah, she's not doing a great job.

No problem, we do serve large portions.

Thank you.

But she is the boss's sister.

Seriously, I have never been more bitter about pooling tips.

I know, she's a disaster.

Thank you for covering my tables.

I just cleared newspapers from the lobby, hospitality, the gym...

What are you two doing?

Stay on top of your tables.

Settle down, Vests, just 'cause you can't fire her doesn't mean you have to take it out on us.

He can't exactly fire Jane, either.

Damn, Daniel.

Back at it again with the vests.



I'm just frustrated.

Work has been miserable lately.

Plus, you're on day three without your kid, right?

But you get him back tomorrow?

Ah, the heart of it.


Trust me, I get it.

Shared custody's hard.


It sure is... which is why when this happened, it felt like a stroke of good luck.

(laughs) Hey!

I thought Rafael was taking him to the zoo.

Um, Mr. Solano had to work last minute so we're going for a walk, and then I'm gonna make him dinner and put him down.

Oh, well, I'm done with my shift. I'll take him.

Are you sure?

Of course!

I've been craving some extra time with Mr. Sweetface.

Oh, I'm just annoyed because we said that we'd call each other before we called a sitter.

(growls faintly)

Yeah, wait, what are you doing?

Uh, do you think I could be a silent movie star?

(laughs) You?


Ha, ha, in Rogelio's show there's this part, a 1920s lounge singer with an amazing voice who's a silent movie star, but no one can ever hear her.

Oh, that's like Little Mermaid tragic.

But then she gets to sing a song at the end of the episode.

Oh, my God, stop.


So what do you think?

Should I ask your dad if I can audition?

(laughing): I don't know if that's a yes or a no.

It means... go for it.

I mean, you and Dad are in a much better place, right?

Plus, Dad's been in a really good mood lately.

True, for the record. Rogelio was in a really good mood, and here's why.

Yeah, okay, that music is approved, mm-hmm.

Move on.

It is very sexy when you approve things.

I got to go, and this isn't happening again.

Yes, this is what you said the last 12 times.


I'm late for casting.

We still don't have an Eleanor Roosevelt.

Good luck, and remember, we want to capture Eleanor's inner beauty but on the outside.

See you later.

Again, this isn't happening again.

Again, that's what she said the last 12 times.

What do you think, Mateo?

Do we need the rug?

It really ties the room together.


Is that a yes or a no, hmm?


(doorbell rings)

Oh, who is there?

I'm sorry to bother you.

Just here to get my son.

What's wrong?

It's my day to have Mateo.

I know... but I saw him with Chepa and we agreed that if something came up, we'd call each other. Why didn't you call me?

Because it was my day, and, frankly, I just really didn't want the judgment.

There's no judgment. I mean, if you're feeling guilty I'm not feeling guilty.

Because you requested more time and you're not with him...

There it is, that's the judgment.

Stating a fact is not judgment.

I just don't need to feel constantly guilted, okay?

I want to say something without you getting mad.

Well, the implication that you can't express your opinion without me getting mad is making me mad.

I-I just... don't want to start this whole thing and have you spin out.

Is this you trying to not make me mad?

I think some sort of custody arrangement might be good for us.

With lawyers?

Because they make things contentious.

That's why I was thinking that we use a mediator.

You know, keep things friendly, so everything is established.

You know, all the rules.

Things are getting more complicated the older he gets.


It would just be nice to have everything on paper 'cause I don't feel that this gray area is helping us or him.


Okay, let's do it.


I'll set it up. Thank you.

Thank you.

It's a good idea.

Geez, even the suggestion of mediation is making things better.

So, I'll drop him off tomorrow?

Mm-hmm, good-bye, Mr. Sweetface, I love you.

Want to come to Daddy?

Mateo: Mom-mom.

Oh, come here, buddy.


Hey, you can let go. (Mateo cries)

Okay. All right. (grunts)

Hey, little man, it's okay.

(Mateo crying)

Separation anxiety kicks in at this age.


(Mateo crying)

Yup, it's separation anxiety, all right.


Come on, you deserve it, Jane. Let's do this!

(squeals) Okay, I did it.

Hi, sorry, I just bought the stuff for Mateo's bedroom.

Let the zoology passion begin.

Are you okay?

I got fired.

Oh, dear, I'm... speechless.

(dramatic piano music plays)

How can they do this to you?

I mean, you're the reason why Sin Rostro isn't still out there terrorizing people.

That's not how the department sees it.

The article embarrassed them, they needed a fall guy.

Oh, Michael.

Technically, I'm on six months unpaid leave pending further investigation but it feels like a formality.

I can't believe they're doing this to you.


I can't believe I'm unemployed.

We just signed a new lease.

Yeah, well, maybe we'll just back out of it.


No way, you love that house.

I love that house.

It's a miracle we even got it.

I'll just... I'll-I'll find another job.

I'll start making calls tomorrow.



In the meantime, I'll pick up some extra shifts at work.

I thought you were hating it.

No, it's actually been... kind of fun lately.

Latin lover narrator: Yeah, not technically true, or, like, true at all.

I'll talk to Scott.

More shifts?


Oh, really?

Thank you, Scott.

In fact, I have the perfect job for you.

You can train Anezka.

I asked you to hold the onions but there are onions on here.

You're right.

So sorry.

Oh, oh.


You know, I-I do teach all day long.

You'll be great.

Okay, yes.


I could do this. Hmm.



(glasses break)


Xiomara, hi!


What a pleasant surprise.


Join me for a shoe shine.

So, what brings you to the set of the world's favorite telenovela?

Well, I... I have a favor to ask, and you can totally say no.

Go on.

Is there any way that I can audition for the part of the silent movie star lounge singer?

I wouldn't expect any preferential treatment.

Don't be ridiculous, I'm a huge proponent of nepotism.

There's no need to audition.

The part is yours.


Of course!

Rogelio, they're ready for you.


Now, I must go and make love to the gorgeous Eleanor Roosevelt.

# AnActorsLife.



(talking low, indistinctly)


(talks indistinctly)


There you go.


I'm not eating that!

Of course not.

We'll make you another one.

Sorry about that... She's just training.

Okay, sneezes are another thing.

If you have to sneeze, sneeze away from the food.

Also, maybe try to smile.

Why would I smile?

I working.

Right, you want people to feel welcome.

They're your guests.

Okay, I make smile.


Well, maybe try a little more relaxed.

Oops, no, it was better before.

A-and be conscious of your body language.

The best servers are invisible, floating from one table to the next, and remember, the customer is always right.

No one is always right... except Czar.

Okay... let's pretend every customer is the Czar.

Now take this to the kitchen and ask them for a new one.

(phone whooshes)

Oh, God.

Oh, Alba, I know you meant that as a nice gesture but...

Woman: Excuse me?

Could we get more iced tea?


I told you Evan's on the wait list?

You did.

So, I offered this guy $1,200 to help him write his supplemental essay, to just push him over the top, and suddenly it's not enough.

And maybe it was because she missed Mateo so much, or because she was stressed out about money, or because she was responsible for training a woman who was currently pulling ice cubes out of a customer's glass with her fingers.

Excuse me.

(ragtime music plays)

And then I pitched myself as a grad student and a T.A. and I said I'd do it for a thousand, and she said yes!


I know!

Who knew there was this crazy business?

Helping people with their college essays?

Are you kidding me?!

That's like a fun Saturday.

Only for you, Jane. Only for you.

And best of all, I get to do it at home with Mateo.

I can't believe it.

And you got the part in Tiago.

Things are looking swell, I tell ya.

I was doing, like, a '20s thing, there.

Oh... ha.

What's going on?

Your father's sleeping with Dina.

Writer Dina?

What? No.

How do you know?

He did the sex sniff.

Okay, I don't know what you're talking about and I don't want to.

Too late, I do.




Sorry, not in the mood.

Seriously, I didn't need to know that.

I just... I didn't think he'd move on so quickly.

I know, Mom.

Is it gonna be too hard to work with him?



I'm just absorbing.

I'll be fine.

Exes work together all the time.

Which brings us here, now.

Okay, so let's start.

Can I get a little history?


(both chuckle)

Um, well, it started, uh...

Actually, sorry, I can't hear this for the 99th time.

(ragtime music plays)

(dramatic piano music plays)

(cheerful piano music plays)
We're planning on being true co-parents.

That's right.

That's great.

We should hammer out the hypothetical details, just in case.

Of course.


Okay, then.

Let's dive into the nitty-gritty.

Hypothetical nitty-gritty.



I assure you, Xiomara is a brilliant actress.

We ran lines together all the time.

Has she acted in Spanish before?


Has she acted on camera before?




I see what's happening here.

Someone's a little jelly.


You know, the green-eyed monster?


I'm not jealous. I'm pissed.

(record scratches)

This bar should be on the other side of set.

We discussed this.

You are not allowed to hire anyone without consulting me first.

So your ex-girlfriend better be great.

Eileen: Great... so... you'll each have him every other Christmas until he's 18, and then Mateo can choose.

Latin lover narrator: Can I just say, these two don't seem nearly as relaxed as they did when we left.

Right, but...

I know, I know, it's just hypothetical, you're going to do them together.

Got it. Okay, on to summer vacations?



How many days will you each allow the other to take Mateo on vacation?

A week. A month.

A month? A week?

Uh-oh, those are not the same things.

What-what if I want to take Mateo to Europe?

For a month?!

No way!

I-I can't go that long without seeing him.

Anyway, wait, t-t-this is just all hypothetical.

No, actually, this is not hypothetical.

This is something that I really want to do someday.

Are you serious?


One of the only positive childhood memories I have is the month I'd spend with my father travelling in the summer.

So then travel with him for a week, ten days.

It's too short.

I just can't agree to a month.

But this is important to me.

Yeah, well, it's important to me to see my son.

Our son!

How about we all take a breath and see if we can agree on...

Please, just stay out of this.

No, I can't.

You're actually paying me not to stay out of it.

Look, you've only had one meeting.

You can't go in there thinking you're gonna be the most agreeable couple ever and it'll be easy.

I never expected that.

Latin lover narrator: I beg to differ.

Just keep in mind that you both want what's best for Mateo.

That's the priority.

You're right.


Good luck with your interview!

Oh, it's okay.

(Mateo crying)

Remember, Jane, separation anxiety is totally normal.

Yeah, I know.

Bye-bye, baby, bye.

(Mateo continues crying)

And from her baby...

Nice clear voice and smile.

To her babysitting job.

Is there anything else I be getting for you?

No, that'll be all.

Thank you, Anezka.

Scott said she was doing great.

She's gonna be great, if it kills me.

How are the girls?

Oh, they're-they're good.

Apparently, very well taken care of if Rafael should die.


Oh, th-their trusts.

You know, you went through this process, didn't you?

Of course, took forever.

I know, it's really overwhelming.

It's a lot of money to manage.

It certainly is.

You're the one managing it, right?

Oh, yeah.


Who else? (chuckles)

Thank you, Anezka.

That's not your order, is it?

Not even close.

I'll fix it.

Oh, dear. Looks like Rafael doesn't trust Petra with the... trust.

Rogelio: Trust me.

You're going to be great.

Just stay on your mark, and deliver your line just like we rehearsed.

Got it, I'm ready.

(whispering): Yes.

And... action!


Men aren't really my deal.


Oh, oh, my God, I said that in English. I'm so sorry.

No, it's fine, don't worry, it's fine.

First take, first take.


And then I say...

And then I get the idea for the New Deal.

Are you ready?

Got it, I'm ready.

Let's go again.

(Rogelio clears throat) And... action!



God, I'm so sorry, I forgot, I-I was trying not to say it in English and I-and I-I completely blanked.

Rogelio: It's fine, it's fine.

Let's go again.


You're off your mark.

Stop looking at the camera.

Just... read it off my chest.

I don't think acting is really her deal.

I'm so sorry.

I know I was terrible.

I-it's just the cameras threw me, a-and the pressure.

Don't worry.

This always happens.

We'll fix it in post.


Thank you.

I'll see you tomorrow.


She read off your chest.

How are you gonna fix that in post?

I don't know, special effects.

I mean, I saw Jurassic World.

Are there really dinosaurs?


How hard can it be to raise her eye line just a couple of inches?

Jane: All right, let's do this.

Ready, Evan?

Okay... so, to get off a college wait list, you really want your supplemental materials to communicate something that you didn't put in your actual essay.

What are your priorities, your passions?

I mean, I like helping homeless people, and, like, poor people, and... blind people.

And that's your passion?

No, honestly, it doesn't matter to me.

You can write whatever you want.

Excuse me?

Yeah, I'll just give you some notes whenever you're done.

Mrs. Hutchinson, I'm so sorry to bother you, but there's been a little misunderstanding.

Um, Evan seems to think that I'm going to write the essay for him.

Of course, you're going to write the essay for him.

Why else would I pay you a thousand dollars?

(quietly): Oh.

I can't believe he's already asleep.

He was happy and easy and adorable, if it helps.

No, it doesn't.

So... are you gonna write the essay?

No, definitely not.

It's against my school's honor code, and my own personal code of ethics.

I just meant, it's a lot of money.

(door opens)


Hi, hey.


Latin lover narrator: Looks like somebody could use a drink... or... a nice, long talk.

The interview was just a courtesy.

My reputation is ruined, no one's getting near me.

Hey, it's your first day looking.

You'll find something and we're okay for now.

You're gonna make up my salary with your new essay writing business?

If I need to, yes.

I thought I'd talk to your dad, actually.

See if he can ask his P.R. people for advice.

Help... contain the damage.

Maybe change the perception of me out there.

Unfortunately, my publicist said that the best thing to do is just wait it out.


You address things with the press, you'll just fan the flames and extend the story.

I'm sorry, bro.

Oh, it's okay.

Thank you for asking.

Come in.

You don't have a lock on your door.

Rogelio, you just had a serious run-in with a mentally ill stalker.

You have to be more careful.

I know, it's just all the locks, well... that's how she kept me prisoner, so...

Dina: So what?

You still need locks.

Come here, I want you to watch something.

Okay, I'll leave you to work.

Just be careful, that's all.


Don't speak.

Just watch.

(speaking Spanish)

I-I don't understand.

Is this the best you can do?

I mean, what about the dinosaurs?

That was a $150 million movie.

We don't have that budget.


Yes, you were right.

I will tell her.

No, no, don't say that.

Let's just see what Jane counters with.

I really don't want to move off the one month.

Okay, thanks, Eileen.

Wow, you're not just automatically giving Jane everything she wants; I'm in shock.

What's that supposed to mean?

Are we both really going to pretend that Mateo's trust and the twins' trust are exactly the same?

If you die, Jane controls Mateo's trust, but I don't control the twins'.

Some lawyer does.

Yes, that's correct.

Look... even though you and I are in a good place now, it hasn't always been that way.

I mean, you've done some things.

(upbeat music plays)

Sorry, sorry, I forgot people don't want to read TV.

Yes, I know, okay, but... well, things are different now, aren't they?

Very different, and I like the place that we're in... but if you're asking me if I trust you as much as I trust Jane... the answer is no.

And you can understand why, right?

So, why'd you come back?

Extreme financial duress.

That's not important.

What's important is getting you into college, so come on.

Tell me a little something about you.

What do you like?

I told you.

I like helping homeless people and poor people, and...

And blind people, right.

Besides that.


You're into drumming?

Okay, I'm not "into" drumming.

Drumming is my life.

That's why I want to study music.

And there it was, a priority. Perchance even... a passion.

Okay, now we're talking.

No, stop, please.

I know why you're firing me.

I blew it.

I'd still like to use your voice for the song, though.

Of course.

Actually, this is all probably for the best.

It's a little hard for me to be around you and Dina, anyway.


Rogelio, come on, it's obvious.

Look, it's very, very casual.

I don't think so.

I think you like her a lot.

That's ridiculous.

Dina's a writer.

She wears hoodies and jeans.

She's not nearly glamorous, charismatic or TMZable enough for me to be with.

If you say so.


(speaking low, indistinctly)

Dina: So, like, more singers...

(gentle guitar music plays)

(fast-paced piano music)

♪ ♪

No, you take.

Stop, stop.

No, but is...

Latin lover narrator: Looks like the Czech is having issues with the check.

Everything okay here?

Customer overpay.

I didn't overpay.

I'm good, thank you, good-bye.


Thank you. Have a nice day.


Anezka, remember, the customer is always right.

So sorry, Jane, it's just he pay too much.

Oh, my God.

No, he didn't.

You got a tip.


For good service.

I did?


Yes, you did!

You got a tip!

I got a tip.


I got tip!

(both laughing)

It was only 3.5%, but still, a tip, a tip!

Jane, there's a woman out there who wants to speak with you.

Oh, okay.

Be right back.

Marry the salt shakers.

Do you, salt, take you, salt...

What, no, stop.


On the other hand, it'll keep her out of trouble.

Actually, finish the ceremony.

Hi, there.

The essay's a disaster.

It's all about drumming.

Evan wants to be a musician, it's his passion.

It's a hobby.

He loves music.

So, he can love it, it's not a career.

He's applying to the university's economics program.

Trust me, I know what's best for my son, and I'm the one paying you to write the essay to get him in.

Remember, Jane, the customer is always right.

Got it, I'll rewrite the essay.

Thank you.


I float.

You no hearing me.

Good job, Anezka.

Everything being okay?

Yeah, it's just, uh... this mom is getting in the way of her kid.

And just like that, Jane realized something.

I don't want to be the kind of mom who gets in her kid's way, and travelling Europe for a month, while totally over the top, well, it would be pretty cool for him, and even though I can't imagine it, I don't want to stand in his way.

And it's important to you, so...

Thank you.

Now, let's talk about what's important to me because I'm gonna need a whole bunch of Easters in a row if you're taking him for a month.

Yeah, okay.

I think I can work with that.

So, how did it work out with Xiomara?

She was great, a class act.


Funny thing, she kind of knew we were a thing, though.

What? Somehow, she sniffed it out.


Did you tell her we're not?

Of course, but, I mean, we kind of are though, right?


We've been seeing each other every night, sexually, things are stupendous...

Stop, stop.

This... is just casual, Rogelio.


I was just testing you, making sure you were not overly invested in me because that can get uncomfortable.


Well, don't worry, I'm not.



I feel good about this.

So do I.


I really think as long as we both prioritize Mateo, then we'll be fine.

I totally agree.


Come on.

(Jane laughs)

(piano music plays)

I got first tip!

All because of Jane.

Oh, I just loving Jane.

Okay, enough about Jane already!

You being okay?

Yeah... yeah, no, I'm fine.

I'm sorry.

Jane's great.


Nothing, we just... we have a complicated history, which mostly involves me being horrible and Jane being a perfect human being and sometimes... sometimes, it just gets to be too much.

What is this complicated history?

For one she... she got accidentally, artificially inseminated, which led to...

Bye. Bye.

Mommy would love to play with you, but she's got to work.

Bye, bye, baby.

(door closes, Mateo crying)


Well, I not thinking Jane is perfect, not at all.

Rafael does.

Well... maybe that is being something that will change.

Uh-oh, I think someone's wheels being turning... and to be fair, Jane is certainly not feeling so perfect at the moment.



♪ ♪

Michael: Are you okay?

Latin lover narrator: Only this time, Jane could no longer be silent.

No, I'm not.

(crying): I'm writing this essay on priorities and mine... they feel all wrong.

I'm sorry.

No, no, no, what's going on?

I just... Rafael and I have a custody plan, and it's good and it works, but it means half the time, Mateo's somewhere else.

(crying): Half the time, my heart is somewhere else, and I just want the time that I have with him to be with him, you know, Mm-hmm.

And not just working so that we can afford this house.

Yeah, I get it.

Why didn't you tell me how you were feeling?

I didn't want you to feel bad, or pressured.

Isn't that the whole perk of this marriage thing?

We share the pain and the pressure.

That's the whole perk?

Well, okay, one of them.

You don't have to take on this whole thing alone, anymore.

So, tell that crazy lady you're not writing her kid's essay, and we don't have to give up the house yet, either, because I got a job.

You did?

A very, very temporary job for now... because I'm not gonna sit around and wait for my name to be cleared... so, I am working for your father, actually.


I'm his new chief of security.

His situation needs upgrades, systems in place...

You're trying to make it sound cool, aren't you?

Yeah, a little bit.

But who cares?

You and Mateo are my priority.

(romantic piano music plays)

Don't act all shocked, I just gave you that shift, I'm not taking it back.

Scott, come on.

I just need a little more time with my son.

Well, too bad.

Rafael: Really?

'Cause I think we can make it work.

Oh, uh, of course, of course, Mr. Solano.

Latin lover narrator: Rogelio's right, huh? This nepotism thing's not half bad. Uh-oh, I don't like that look in her eyes. Huh, that's weird. That's where Jane goes to school. I'm sorry, I can't bear to watch this.

(tape fast-forwarding)

Anezka, no, you can't put an ad for that in the school newspaper! Jane could get in big trouble!

I signed the estate plan.

An independent trustee is fine.

Thank you, and look... you have changed.

I know that.

It's just a-a process.

Yeah, yeah, it is.

And frankly, I think I've made more improvements than you.

Wait, what?

When you're up against it, you still lie, instead of just coming clean, facing the consequences.


I hope you change that soon.

Damn, Petra!

What's up?

I told the police about the boat.

It was early on.

It was before I knew you, before I trusted you.

But now I do, and I'm sorry I did it, but I-I just don't want to lie about it.

Well, I... really appreciate you telling me.

It's better to be honest.

It's a go.

Let's take him down.

Oh, dear, I wish I'd never heard that.