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04x17 - Baby Come Home

Posted: 04/28/16 10:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Nashville"...

Scarlett: There always is somethin' just under the surface with me and Gunnar.

That's just where it's got to stay.

I'd like you to come back to Wheelin' Dealin' Records, You bet.

I'm going on tour with Layla.

Riff may not make it.

He's looking for a replacement, right?

Welcome back to my tour Miss Juliette Barnes!

She's 16 years old!

Deacon: I did the right thing.

If you did the right thing, why you suppose Maddie ran away?

You're trying to keep me from my career. Sony wanted me, and so did Edgehill.

I'm emancipating from you.

[Camera shutter clicks]

All right, nice big smile.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Such a beautiful home you two have.

Thank you.

Yeah, it's really more hers.

I just moved in a little bit ago.

Well, it's where you're raising your family, and that's what Southern Living readers want to peek into... the amazing life of Rayna Jaymes.


Sid, we want to get the kids in this?

Yeah, that'd be great.

I'm sorry. No, our publicist talked to you guys about this.

It's just gonna be Rayna and Deacon today.

Well, maybe we could get some sh*ts at the benefit tomorrow?

Well, let's... play it by ear. You guys done in here? You have what you need?

Yeah, we're good.

Okay, great. Now, let's... let's head to the kitchen. Follow me.


All right.

The kitchen's really the heart of this home, and I've been lucky enough to enjoy a lot of great family dinners here.

Photographer: Oh, and it's so sunny!

Baby, I can't take all this posin', all this acting like everything's fine and dandy, the duckin' and dodging around what's going on with the girls. It's just...

We got to make some kind of damn move here.

I just don't think the move is ours to make.

I think we're just... [Sighs] gonna have to hold tight and... hope she comes to her senses.

[Cheers and applause]

You look amazing.

Thank you.


First time back in front of an arena crowd.

Oh, it's easy to get 20,000 people to love you.

Thank you.

Thank you, Raleigh!

["One Place Too Long" plays]

Oh, I'm so excited to be back on tour with Luke Wheeler.

Let's pick up where we left off, shall we?

[Cheers and applause]

♪ Life is like a poplar tree ♪
♪ Some are the roots, some are the leaves ♪
♪ Stayin' put ain't stuck with me ♪
♪ I slip out while the city sleeps ♪
♪ I'm gone ♪
♪ Gone, gone, gone ♪
♪ Well, I'm gone, gone, gone ♪
♪ Soon as I get there, I've already left ♪
♪ I get high on every mile, wearin' out the treads ♪
♪ Kinda like the radio keeps playin' different songs ♪
♪ I can't stay in one place too long ♪
♪ No, I can't stay in one place too long ♪

[Crowd cheering]

♪ Change of pace, change of scene ♪
♪ Might as well change everything ♪
♪ Call it runnin', call it movin' on ♪

Juliette's back in the saddle.

Yep. Crowd seems to love her. [Sighs] More importantly, nobody's asking for a refund.

[Chuckling] Yeah.

I'm just glad the press bought Riff leaving for health reasons, especially for his family's sake.

And yours.

Last question you want to hear on national television is "Hey, Luke, how's your former tour mate handling his sex addiction?"

[Laughs] Yeah, well, I'm happy to dodge that b*llet.


Cheers. Mm.

So, how are things coming along with Will's showcase?

No point in launching an album if we don't get solid airplay.

Invited 50 of the top programmers.

Most of whom I have great relationships with.

Still, it's a hill to climb.

You know there's never been an openly gay artist on country radio.

Yeah, which is why it's time to climb it.



[Chuckling] You scared the crap out of me.

Sorry. I was... I was just putting Cadence down.

Oh, I'm sorry.

No, no, no. It's fine.

What are you, uh, what are you doing here? Isn't the show still on?

Am I a horrible person for wishing that Juliette would just be a little wobbly her first night back?

"Horrible" isn't the word I'd use to describe you at all.

Right. Brilliant, captivating, mysterious.

All of the above.

[Both chuckle] Right.

Why didn't you stay for the show?

I've seen it before.

And Cadence was tired.

Plus, I had some ideas for the track we're working on, wanted to get 'em down before I forget.


Do you want to work on them with me?

Sure. Why not?


Just made popcorn. Want some?

Nope. Workin'.

[Cellphone rings]


Hey, it's Will.


You're on the radio!

We're on the radio in Nashville!


Yeah, you'll probably be on the charts by the end of the month.

God knows we're trying, man.

You know, wall-to-wall interviews in like eight different cities. [Chuckles]

Ooh! And guess what. Rolling Stone Country called.

Ah, we're sitting down with them day after tomorrow.

It's nice to have a label head on your side, isn't it?

Luke's got me playing a showcase for, like, 50 programmers tomorrow.

Hey, put Scarlett on the phone. Let me say hi to her.

I would, but she seems to not be speaking to me at the moment.

Oh, what'd you do now?

Why do you assume I did something?

Because you probably did.

So, did you talk to Avery about flying with me on the jet instead of riding on that cramped tour bus?

Yeah, he appreciates the offer, but he politely declined.

He'd rather drive nine hours on a bus than fly one hour with me?

Apparently so.

Is something going on between him and Layla?

Yes... they're recording an album.

There's a mobile studio on her bus. Avery's just trying to maximize their work time.


Juliette, the only thing going on between Avery and Layla is her music.

Wait till you hear it with your vocals doubled. Here.

Take a listen.

♪ They tricked you into thinkin' ♪
♪ Both your wings are clipped ♪
♪ And you ain't ever seein' the sky ♪


♪ If you could see what I see ♪

Thank you.

♪ Maybe then you'd believe ♪
♪ The light you got will always rise ♪

I wish there was a more powerful...

♪ 'Cause there's a great ♪

.. word for "beautiful."

♪ Big world outside ♪

Me too.

♪ Oh, ain't it time you fly? ♪
♪ Life, well, it don't have to hurt ♪
♪ If you could see what I see. Maybe ♪

[Amplified] ♪ Then you'd believe ♪
♪ The light you got will al... ♪

[Both chuckle, music stops]

[Cadence crying]


[Cadence crying continues]

I should really get Cadence back to the hotel.



Great to meet you, Deacon.

My pleasure.

Well, thanks for opening up your home to Southern Living.

It's gonna be a great 50th anniversary issue with you on the cover.

Oh, well, I hope so. [Chuckles]

So, our photographer will be at the Ryman tomorrow night to grab some candids of the family.

Uh... okay. Uh...

And we'll run everything past Bucky, of course.

Great. All right. Thank you, Sid.


Night, Rayna.

Take care.

[Knock on door]


This is for you, Miss Jaymes.

Uh, thank you.

What's going on? What is it?


It's an order to appear in court on behalf of Maddie.

For what?

An emancipation hearing.

What's "emancipation" mean?


Honey, your sister wants to... wants to live independently.

Does that mean she's divorcing us?


Thank you.

Here she is.


Hi, Rayna. I'm David Mannis.

Nice to meet you.

Thanks for coming.

Thank you.

Sorry to hold you up a little bit.

It was not easy getting my daughter Daphne down tonight.

I imagine you're all quite upset.

Yeah, well, they got this thing to court in 48 hours.

I mean, how's that even possible?

Well, in juvenile matters, the court tends to be expeditious.

And what kind of court is it?

I mean, is it... depositions and testimonies... that kind of...

Yeah, 'cause if it is, please get me on the stand, all right? 'Cause I want to talk to this judge.

I want to tell him about Cash. She's like a snake leading her away.

Actually, you're not listed in the action.

I'm sorry. What?

Teddy Conrad is still Maddie's legal parent.

Now, I recognize, of course, that he's in prison, but from a legal standpoint, that's irrelevant.

Look, I'm her biological father, all right? So don't tell me I don't have any rights here.

You would but establishing that legally would take months.

We go to court in two days.

[Exhales sharply]

Can we just talk to Maddie?

We can ask the judge to order mediation at the hearing.

I'm not talkin' about mediation. I'm just talkin' about... havin' a conversation with our daughter.

I've checked with Maddie's counsel.

They're unwilling to wait.

We have no choice but to prepare you and your ex-husband as codefendants.

Tara: The Edgehill deal, Sony offer, current label interest... all of it shows the court you can support yourself.

And you'll make sure that they know that her mom blocked all those offers in favor of a bogus deal at Highway 65?

It'll certainly be our argument.

What are we doing about school?

Um, I signed up for the proficiency exam so I can get my diploma early.

Excellent. And the plan from there?

Pursue a career in music.

My sister keeps texting me, and I haven't responded.

Is it okay if I text her back now?

Probably best not to. For all we know, your parents are using her phone to talk you out of this.

I hadn't even thought about that.

Okay, so when can I contact her, then?

Until you're emancipated, I'd avoid contact with anyone in that household.





Listen, I-I've been up all night.

Can I go first?

I just... I really need to say this.

[Sighs] I like you, Avery.

I like making music with you onstage and in the studio, and I like talking to...


I like you, too.

"It's not you, it's me," right?

It's complicated with Cadence.

And Juliette.

Having my ex unexpectedly join the tour, it's... it's a lot to deal with, and I just think that it's best if we keep things the way they are between us.

Okay, then.

Layla, listen, I-I didn't...

No, it's okay.

You know, it's just... it's too bad.

'Cause we really do have something.

[Elevator bell dings]

Hey! Scarlett, h-hold the elevator.

[Elevator whirring]

What the hell was that?


Seriously? You've been ignoring me and sh**ting me dirty looks ever since we left Dallas. W-what'd I do?

Maybe we've just been joined at the hip for four days and I need some space from you.

[Elevator clanks, whirring stops]

What just happened?

I don't know.

[Button tapping]

Well, that's not good.

Uh, I think we're stuck.

Uh, no...[Chuckles]


So, how'd it come to this?

Well... it's complicated. There was this young woman that we brought in to mentor Maddie in songwriting, and she just ended up being a terrible influence and encouraged her to lie and go play at clubs and now run away.

Well, who is this person?

She's the daughter of...

Deacon's business partner.

Oh. So he brought her into this.

Don't do that.

Look, there's no way we could've known that she was gonna be like this.

And, anyway, that's only part of the problem. Maddie also found out about... that crazy Edgehill deal you made.

How much does she know about it?

Just that there was one and that I kept her from taking it.


What are you asking me to do?

Well, the lawyer has an affidavit that you can sign... basically tells the court that you're in agreement with me.

Let me talk to Maddie first, and then I'll let you know what I think.

When are you gonna talk to Maddie?


She's coming to the prison today?


You're just telling me this now?

Rayna, I heard your side of the story.

Now I'd like to hear Maddie's.

[Gasps] Ooh, look. Cadence, look at that.

That is a treasure chest.

[Gasps] What does she think's inside?

Hi, baby.

What are you doing here?

[Baby noises]

I was just on my way to rehearsal, and I thought I'd sneak a "hello" with my baby girl.

No, I mean, what are you doing here... on this tour?

Avery, this is where Cadence is.

I can't be a mom if I'm not near my daughter.

I'm sorry. It just [sighs] took me by surprise.

That's all.

Yeah, no, it was all last-minute.

I'm still trying to get my set tighter.

Which is why I was hoping that you'd do me a favor.

How do you feel about playing "Dirt" with me?

Onstage during your set?

Oh, come on.

I still can't find a guitarist that can play those riffs like you can.

Yeah, I-I don't know.

[Chuckles] I mean I...

Look, it was Glenn's idea, but I think it's a good one.

I'll let you know. But we really should get goin'.

Say goodbye, Cadence.

Mama loves you.

Bye, baby.

[Elevator bell dings]

Glenn: Yeah, well, with the Oscars coming up, Juliette's kind of booked.

But I'll get back to you.

[Cellphone clicks]



I've been trying to reach you all morning.


Have you heard from Rayna yet about the rough cut of the video?

Uh, no. I'll let you know as soon as I do, though.

Okay. Well, I have some ideas for my album launch party...

Yeah, and I-I want to hear them...

I do, but... Juliette needs me at rehearsal, so I got to go.

I'll call you as soon as I'm done, okay?


All right.


[Cellphone rings]

I'm sitting in a prison, hoping to run into my daughter, so unless this is about business, I'm not interested.

Yeah, I know, but I think that's why you're gonna want to call Scott Borchetta.

Why Scott Borchetta?

Apparently, Cash called Big Machine.

She wanted to set up a meeting with them this afternoon with Maddie to pitch her as a solo artist.

Scott, of course, did not take the meeting.

Ask him to call her back and set the meeting.




[Cellphone clicks]

[Sighs] I got caught in traffic. We start yet?


Why the hell not?

'Cause hardly anyone showed. [Sighs]

Well, I guess, we'll, uh, go ahead and do this.

[Clears throat]

Of course I'd understand if it were an emergency, Pete.

Oh, emergency, my ass.

I guess five programmers is better than none.

I'm hearing everything from food poisoning to car trouble.

Aw, bull crap. They're just too chicken to put a gay artist on the radio.

They're scared about angry listeners calling in, backlash, boycotts.

Maybe we just need to roll back, do a smaller launch.

We might have to.

Going smaller ain't the answer.

We gotta go bigger.

Yeah. Okay. Thank you.

There's a blackout... 10 whole blocks.

City's working on it, but nobody knows when the power's gonna be back.

Can't they just pry this stupid door open?

Apparently, we're in between floors.

Okay, we could go through the top.

Scarlett, it's not "Mission: Impossible," okay? The hotel says the safest thing to do is just relax and wait.

I need a drink.


Since when do you travel with a bottle of 18-year-old scotch?

Since I found out that Autumn was a lying, backstabbing cougar.

Wow. Okay, uh [chuckles] you want to tell me what's going on?

[Scoffs] It was supposed to be a thank-you present for the spa day, but then I go up to her room, and you're walking out of there, wiping her lipstick off your face, which means she was just pretending to be my friend, pretending to care about us. You can Scarlett, look... sleep with whoever you want. I don't care. But did it have to be my idol?

Do you have, like, a list of people who are important to me that you're gonna...

All right, all right. Scarlett, stop.

Stop. I did not sleep with Autumn, all right?

Yeah, she made a play for me.


She invited me to go off with her and hang out with James Taylor.

You love James Taylor.

I know.

But I turned her down. All right?

'Cause I didn't want to do anything that could jeopardize the band.


["Willing Heart" plays]

♪ I'm gonna need an anchor ♪
♪ An anchor ♪



The old "throw the guitar down" trick.

I tried that one a few times myself.

Doesn't make it play any better.

You want to talk about your sister at all?

Rather learn this song... since I'm probably playing it by myself tonight.

First time performing solo, huh?

Well, maybe I can help you.

I don't just throw them, you know.

I play them sometimes, too.

Hi. This is Glenn Goodman.

Sorry I missed your call. Please leave


me a message. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you. [Beep]

Why are you telling Juliette that I should perform with her?

I need boundaries.

And I'd appreciate it if you'd help keep those clear.

So as her manager, please tell Juliette that I will not playing "Dirt" or anything with her.

I'm here for Layla. Thanks.

Thank y'all so much. Enjoy your night off.

Oh, please tell me I have nothing else to do.

I want to get to bed early so I can get up for the Oscar nominations.


What? What's wrong?

Why would Avery think that I want him performing with you?

Well, I might have told a little white lie.


I just thought that if he knew you were on board, he would be, too, and I think that us playing the song together is the best.

Juliette, listen, I took you back as a client because I thought that you had changed, that all this lying and the manipulation...

Look, I have changed. I have changed. I'm sorry.

Okay? It was a stupid move.


I just was hoping that if we spent time together, then...

No. If you really want Avery to see how far you've come, try being honest with him instead of lying to him.




Hey, Robin.

Oh, it's great to see you!

Good to see you. Thanks for having me.

Thank you. Nice Oh, good to have you on the show. to be here with you good people and, ah, all you folks, ah, watching at home.

How many of them are there that watch across the country?

I'd say a few billion or so.

I think I already knew that.

But, um, so we may have a-a surprise in store for you today.

That's right, because originally, we had planned for you to perform, but...

But I-I asked Robin here if, ah, I could bring somebody else out instead, and I did that, ah. because there's an artist and an issue worth sacrificing my time on the national stage for.

What you said, my friend, because you may know him from having come out publicly earlier this year.

Please welcome to the stage...

Mr. Will Lexington!

Yay, Will!

[Cheers and applause]

Hi, Cash.

What are you doing here?

You mean, instead of Scott Borchetta?

He didn't feel like there was any point in going to a meeting with somebody who's already signed at Highway 65.

Where's my daughter?

You know what? She's not here.

And, to be honest, I don't really want to get into this with you, so...

Well, neither do I, but you're hiding my daughter, so...

I'm sorry. She is free to go whenever she wants to.

Why are you doing this?

I'm your daughter's friend, and that is exactly what she needs right now.

If you were her friend, you would encourage her to come home and sort this out.

To a controlling mother and a crazy father?

Excuse me?

Look, I've been there, okay?

And I'm not gonna let Maddie's opportunities slip away from her, like they did for me. I care about her too much to let that happen.

Oh, sweetheart, you don't care about her at all. You care about yourself.

And let me tell you one thing... Nashville is such a small town.

If you keep going down this road, I guarantee you I will make sure that no one... from Music Row to Lower Broad... ever works with you again.

You threatening me?


So, out of nowhere, Deacon just storms in, starts threatening this drunk guy, and pulls me offstage.

At a club, okay?

It was at a club. I don't know. I might have done the same thing.

No, you wouldn't have. You have always supported my dreams.

I mean, you signed me to Edgehill, right?

Listen, all you have to do is just sign this letter of consent the lawyers typed up, and then I can give it to the judge.

I didn't sign you to Edgehill because I thought it was... because I thought it was the right thing.

What... what do you mean?

I mean, I was...

I was being blackmailed by Jeff Fordham.

But, thankfully, your mother intervened and she shut it down.

Why would he be blackmailing you?

Jeff was threatening to... expose some details about my personal life.

Like what?

There was a woman that I was...

...was involved with.

Oh, my God.

I'm sorry.

I never wanted you to know, but you have to understand that your mother has always had your best interests at heart. Always.

[Voice breaking] So, all my parents are liars, then.


[Buzzer, door opens]

Look correct me if I'm wrong here, but didn't you originally drop Will from your label?

Yeah, I-I did.

Uh, I guess I got a little too concerned, uh, about my image.

I'm not proud of it, but, luckily, I came to my senses.

Will, how'd that make you feel?

It was rough.

But I understand why Luke did what he did.

It's risky enough breaking a new artist, but... a gay artist in mainstream country... felt impossible.

Now, with a label head like him having my back, I'm hoping to keep singing the songs I've sung since I was a kid in Texas.

That's right.

[Cheers and applause]


I have to say, you know judging by what we heard earlier, you're well on your way.

Well, uh, if you want to hear it again, that is gonna be a little tricky.

Why is that?

It seems that some people aren't gonna be into playing an openly gay artist on the radio.

[Audience jeers]

Wait a minute. They didn't have a problem playing him before he came out.

Yeah, that's exactly right, but, uh, now radio programmers are scared they're gonna get calls from, uh, a small but loud group of angry, intolerant haters if they give Will some airplay.

But y'all heard his single, right? It's pretty damn good?

[Cheers and applause]

Well, if your viewers at home liked what they heard, they need to call their local radio stations and request Will's song.

We got to get this boy played on country radio.

[Cheers and applause]

[Clapping and chuckling]

[Imitates crowd cheering]

The crowd goes wild.

[Chuckles] Yeah.

That is perfect. I'm telling you, you work that hard, you will be able to play solo anytime, anywhere.

Even if I could... I just... I just don't really want to.

I love singing it with Maddie.

I know.

Is she ever gonna play with me ever again or... even talk to us?

Yeah, absolutely, honey.

Look, we're just... your mom and I are doing everything we can to get her home right now, all right?

I don't get why she's doing this.

I don't, either.

Sometimes the people we love, they do things we don't understand.

She's not coming tonight, is she?

I don't know.

But I am.

I'll be there however you need me.

Come here.



Hey, I only have a minute, but, um, I saw Maddie, heard her side of the story.

Teddy, you know she's gonna just say exactly what she wants you to hear.

I'll sign the affidavit, okay?

Think what she's doing is absolutely crazy. and I just wish I could appear in court to say so.

[Sighs] Thank you.

I'm still not convinced that this whole court thing has to happen.

If I could just get through to her face-to-face, you know?

I tried to.

I told her about Edgehill... everything.

I was hoping it would steer her back to you, but... she just got up and left.

How long ago did she leave?

Ah, about 20 minutes ago. Why?

[Mid-tempo music plays]

You think, uh, since we're stuck here, we should try to prepare for tomorrow or somethin'?

Scarlett, we've been doing interviews for four days straight.

You really think we need to practice?

It's Rolling Stone.

It's just gonna be the same as all the others.

They're gonna ask the same questions.

"Are you really exes?" "Yes."

"Who are your musical influences?"

"James Taylor." "Autumn Chase."

I'm changing my answer to that one.

"Where did you two first meet?" "Working at The Bluebird."

You know, you keep saying that, but it's not where we first met.

We first met... at a street fair you were playing in East Nashville with that little rockabilly trio you used to have.

I went up after your set, introduced myself, and, uh, said I really liked your music, and you were real nice.

You welcomed me to Nashville, and, um... that was it.

How come you never told me that before?

I didn't expect you to remember. I was just a face in the crowd that day.

Nobody special.

You remembered me.

Well, that's 'cause you were the only boy I ever heard sing as high as me.

[Chuckles] That's nice. Thanks a lot.

Rest up for tomorrow, okay?

Yeah, I will. Thanks.


Maddie, please just talk to me.

[Voice breaking] Why didn't you tell me?

About Edgehill, about my dad?

Because it's my job as your mother to protect you from things that are gonna break your heart.

Like what?! The truth?!

You just... you kept it from me! I had Yes, I did. other label offers after Edgehill, but you signed me to this fake deal only so you could control me!

That's not true at all.

This deal is absolutely real for you.

Just as my belief in you as an artist is.

Honey, I want to support you and I want to build you.

And I don't want you to be exploited.

You know that's true. You have to believe that's true.

I honestly don't know what to believe anymore.

Well, believe in us. Believe in your family.

We've always been able to get through everything together.

Everything is already in motion.

Says who?

Says Cash? Says the lawyer?

Honey, listen to your heart. Is this what you want?

I just need to think.

Well, think.

But don't do it at some hearing.

Don't let some court and some lawyer decide how you want your life to be.

I should go inside.

Please come home.


[Knock on door]

I told you I needed to see you hours ago, and you're just now showing up?

I told you I had to go to Juliette's rehearsal.

What do you need?

To be your priority, like you promised. You told me not to worry when you took her back as a client because she was inactive, but... surprise, surprise...

Juliette's joined my tour.

[Scoffs] I was just as blindsided as you were.

Uh-huh. Look, you also told me not to worry because I would be your priority, but, lo and behold, you've been at her beck and call since she got here.

[Sighs] Yeah, okay, look.

You're... you're focusing on all the wrong things right here.

Yes, she's keeping me busier than I'd like, but Juliette being on this tour with you is a great thing.

[Scoffs] How do you figure that?

You have this huge audience overlap with her that you don't have with Luke Wheeler.

Your performance last night was terrific.

Your show's running flawlessly.

Bucky loves the rough cut of the video.

Really? He loves it?


Rayna's gonna love it, too.

My point is, everything is coming up Layla.

And Juliette is absolutely no thr*at to you.

Uh... Cadence is napping, so...

I just wanted to talk to you.


Look, I wasn't completely honest this morning.


It wasn't his idea for you to play "Dirt" with me. It was mine.

Oh. Okay. Well, um...

The answer's still "No."

Avery, I...

I don't want to lie to you anymore.

I want to be honest with you about how I'm feeling.

I still love you.

Juliette... don't do this.

And I know that you love me.

Deep down, beneath all the anger...

This is not going to work.

It will work.

It can work. Because I know what's in there.

I know that it's in your heart.

Yes, of course it is.

Of course it's there, because what we had was real.

What I gave you of myself was real.

And I hate it now. I hate the fact that you're here, because all I want to do is get on with my life, because what you do to me is what you did, and you're gonna do it again!

I am so sorry that I hurt you.

And I destroyed everything, and I-I can't do anything about it.

I can't undo it. All I can do is promise you that I am different.

And if we work together, we could rebuild what we had.

And it will be better than it was before.

[Cadence fusses]


I have to take care of Cadence.

You don't have to answer now. You just take your time.

And when you make your decision, you know where to find me.

[Cadence crying]

[Door closes]


Hey, Mike. Thank you for your help.

Hey, Deacon.

You mind grabbing this stuff for me?

There's some lights here for you.

All right, thank you, guys.

Hey, Paul, I'm gonna take that one, actually. That's my daughter's.

Okay. Yeah, I appreciate it.



Daphne's up getting ready.


You got to see Maddie, talk with her?

Yeah. Yeah.

How'd it go?

I don't know if I got through to her or not.

You think she's gonna come?

We'll see.

All right, well, at least you made contact, right?


And if she doesn't make it, Daphne's ready, all right?

We had a one-on-one guitar lesson, and, uh, she's doing great.

I know. I heard.

Thank you.

Let's go get dressed.

Let's go.

[Door closes]

Hey, so, I talked to your lawyer.

Don't even worry about your dad siding with your mom.

We still have a really strong case.

Do you think that maybe I've just taken this too far?

Maddie, no.

We've got offers coming in from all over... New York, L.A.

You're gonna have a serious career.

I was just supposed to play this benefit with my sister tonight.

She's, like, really upset about it, and I can't even text her back.

Hey, remember what the lawyer said, though.

I mean, that could be your mom texting you.

I talked to her, you know.


When you were in meetings.

She said she wanted to try and work it out.

Well, guess what your mom said to me.

Got to say, you handled yourself like a pro.

Big day, big audience, and you rose to the occasion.

Thanks for having my back, Luke. I appreciate it.

[Chuckles] You got it, son. Now let's get back home.


Don't give me that look.

You ask me, that was a hell of a launch.

Sure... except for the part where you called out country radio on national TV.

[Chuckling] I wish you hadn't have done that.

Yeah, well, now they have no choice but to give the man some airplay when listeners request his song.


Maybe make some enemies, too.

Oh, smile, Kenneth. It's gonna be great.

Probably... for Will. He's got nothing to lose.

Unlike you.

It's so hot in here. You hot?


Burning up.

Buttons are hard. [Chuckles]

Let me give you a hand.


Thank you.


You know, I can't believe there was ever a day that I thought you were nobody special.

You're extraordinary, Scarlett.

First minute I met you... I-I mean, second time I met you thinking it was the first time...

I knew you'd change my life.

Let's, uh... play one of our old ones.

["If I Didn't Know Better" plays]


♪ If I didn't know better ♪
♪ I'd hang my hat right there ♪
♪ If I didn't know better ♪
♪ I'd follow you up the stairs ♪
♪ Stop saying those sweet things ♪
♪ You know I like to hear ♪
♪ The horns are blowing louder ♪
♪ The bailiff's drawing near ♪
♪ Why do I keep drinking ♪
♪ Wasting my time on you? ♪
♪ If I didn't know better ♪
♪ But, damn it, I do ♪
♪ There's a hole in ♪
♪ What you're saying ♪


♪ I can ♪
♪ Plainly see. You've a ♪


♪ Lover that's waiting ♪
♪ But, baby, you're right here with me ♪
♪ Ohh, you might as well be the devil ♪
♪ Ohh ♪
♪ Keeping me out past 3:00 ♪

[Cellphone chimes]

♪ Well, you're the ♪
♪ One with that apple ♪


♪ But, baby, you can't blame me ♪
♪ Oh, why don't you keep drinking ♪
♪ Give me one night with you ♪

Hey! Avery said you could have Cadence for the night.

♪ If I didn't know better ♪


Were we supposed to work tonight?

♪ Damn it ♪


♪ I do ♪
♪ Mmm, baby, I do ♪
♪ Baby, you're right here with me ♪
♪ Sweet Daddy, you know I do ♪

[Song ends]

[Elevator whirs, dings]


[Sighs, chuckles]


Good night.

[Lock beeps]

[Breathing heavily]

[Cheers and applause]

Rayna: Thank y'all.

Thank you so much for comin' out to support FosterMore.

And, you know, it really makes you appreciate family, doesn't it?

I feel so fortunate that I get to...

Oh, my God. I thought you weren't coming.

You thought wrong.

What? Were you gonna play by yourself?

Yeah, but...

No, not anymore.


And, uh, and I also have one of my daughters, uh, here to join us tonight, and... and she's about to come out onstage...

Actually, I have two of my daughters here tonight.

[Scattered cheers]


Would you please help me welcome to the stage my two beautiful daughters, Maddie and Daphne Conrad.

[Cheers and applause]

["Willing Heart" plays]

[Camera shutters clicking]

♪ I'm gonna need an anchor ♪
♪ Someone to call me home ♪
♪ I'm gonna need somebody ♪
♪ To leave the porch light on ♪
♪ If I ever get lost ♪
♪ Out there on my own ♪
♪ I'm gonna need an anchor ♪
♪ Someone to call me home ♪

Those two are the sweetest damn sound in the world.

I know.

Two of them singing together.

♪ If every wish needs a star ♪
♪ If all an ending really needs is a brand-new beginning ♪
♪ All love needs is a willing heart ♪
♪ All love needs is a willing heart ♪
♪ I'm gonna need an anchor ♪
♪ I'm gonna need wings ♪
♪ I'm gonna need a willing heart ♪
♪ To chase down all these dreams ♪
♪ Gonna need understanding ♪
♪ When it's hard to understand ♪
♪ But I'm gonna need your love ♪
♪ No matter where I am ♪

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you.

Oh, my God.


Oh! I'm so happy you're home.

I'm not.

Maddie. No...

Hon, you got to stall 'em, sweetie. I got this, all right?

Steve, play my part. Go.

Where are you going?!

What are you doing?!

Daphne, I'm not emancipating from you.

We're still sisters.

But you... you have to let me go.

Sweetie. Don't do this, baby.

Bye, Daph.

Don't do this, baby. Sweetie. Sweetie...

["Hold Onto Me" plays]


♪ When you feel your world shaking' ♪

It's okay. It's okay, baby. Shh.

♪ When you feel your faith fadin' ♪
♪ When you feel like love is takin' way too long ♪
♪ Baby, ho-o-o-o-ld on to me ♪
♪ Tighter than your sweetest memory of you and me ♪
♪ A place to lay your troubles down ♪
♪ That's what I'll be ♪
♪ Baby, ho-o-o-o-ld on to me ♪
♪ Tighter than your sweetest memory of you and me ♪
♪ When you're looking for an open door ♪
♪ But it seems so out of reach ♪
♪ Baby, ho-o-o-o-ld on to me ♪
♪ On to me ♪
♪ Ho-o-o-o-ld on to me ♪
♪ On to me ♪