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02x07 - Pretty Little Lawyers

Posted: 05/04/16 09:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stitchers...

Cameron met a girl.

Camille: And?

Her name is Nina.

I would actually love to meet Nina.


Trust me, I am so far from perfect.

Wouldn't know that by the way this guy talks about you.

Do you want to discuss that wall in your bedroom?

Not all roads lead to Daniel Stinger.

Does Kirsten know you're here?

I'd rather she not know.

Liam believes my joining his gym was a coincidence.

You weren't at the university library last night.

Of course I was.

Straight up, were you there?


Wait, that's weird. There's a boy here.

What happened in that stitch when you went silent?

Nothing. Cameron?

I was created in the form of someone your subconscious trusts.

What's your name?


I'm Cameron.

You can't be real.

Young Cameron: There's something waiting for you at your doorstep. When you go home and see what it is, you'll know I am.

More midnight graffiti?

Sorry, didn't mean to wake you.

Oh, you didn't. Leftover enchilada did.

She was screaming my name.


So what happens when you run out of wall space?

Start tagging the bathroom?

Uh, well no. Hopefully, I'll have found my father by then.

Go back to sleep.


Here's hoping I have my favorite dream.

What's that? You, Jon Snow, and Beyoncé?

That's the one.







Oh, no.

(theme music playing)

♪ Take me inside ♪
♪ Take me inside ♪

Anna Parker. 25. First year associate.

No history of health issues.

I get that a young woman doesn't just drop dead at work, but why are we on this case?

This law firm's client base includes billion-dollar corporations, U.S. government agencies, as well as entire countries.

Countries? What's a lawyer charge a country?

Enough to protect the details of its legal matters.



(scoffs) What are you doing here?

I'm a partner.

The NSA's on this?

You know I'm NSA?

I've heard a thing or two about you the past 20 years.

(chuckles) It has not been that long.

Sure as hell couldn't tell by looking at you.

(clears throat)

Detective Quincy Fisher.

Yeah, I'm sorry. Fisher, this is Sam Lewis.

He's an old friend.


What can you tell us about Anna?


She was wonderful.

She was bright, dedicated.

This is terrible.

Anna had such a promising future.

She have problems with anyone?

Not that I'm aware of.

You think someone k*lled her?

We're not sure at this point.

Whatever I can do to help... just let me know.

Thanks, Sam. We'll be talking.

I'm sorry it's for this reason, but it's really good to see you.

You too.

(clears throat)

Still with me, Mags?

Don't even.


That is completely not what happened.

Uh, I was there. I saw you.

You saw me pretending to restock that bin just to talk to you?


Someone's full of himself.

Oh, it's called confidence.

It's part of my charm. Always has been.

That's why you're so attracted to me.

Well, that and...

I've missed too many opportunities in the past, and I didn't want to miss you.

Careful, you keep talking like that I might fall in love with you.

We both know it's too late.

You're smitten.


(phone chimes)

Are you kidding me?


(sighs) I gotta run.

Oh. Pavlov's dog much?

Hey, look, do-over on breakfast? Tonight?

You're on.


I'll make my world famous Horchata French toast.

Tell Kirsten I say hey.

And I was just restocking that bin.

Sure you were.

Um, so I ordered Anna Parker's cell phone records and personal emails.


Fisher checked her family, friends, neighbors. There's nothing amiss there.


Look, Linus, I know I misled you about the library...


You lied to me.

It has nothing to do with you.

Then who does it have to do with?


You know what?

Just forget about it.


Is there a problem?


Oh, there's our little mermaid.


Hey, hold on. What exactly do you plan to do with that thing?

Cameron's asked me to do a pre-stitch physical.

Oh, like hell.

Look, I'm not an idiot, okay? I know something's been going on inside those last few stitches, and since you're not willing to share that information with me, at least I can make sure you're physically okay to stitch.

I'm fine.

Fine, really?

You went all Banksy on the wall of your bedroom.

You insist that you've been seeing some little kid in your stitches.

You're a lot of things, Kirsten.

Okay? But fine's not one of them.

Hey. Hey, wait a minute.

You know what? There were 300 lawyers and support staff that worked with Anna at the firm every day.

That's a lot of potential suspects to narrow down, so let's just get on with it. Okay?

Stations, everyone.

Kirsten: Anna's at the firm.

She's with four other lawyers.

They're going through a mountain of documents.

Taking notes.

Can she identify the case?

Can you see what the case is?

All the boxes say Fugate versus Newberry Automotive.

Newberry Electric Cars are gaining heat in the Eco-car industry.

Yeah, not so much when their batteries blow up.

Fugate versus Newberry is a personal injury lawsuit.

Mother and three children were severely injured when the battery in their car caught fire.

And the firm is defending Newberry in the case.

Someone new is here.

Hey, hey, Chief!

Expensive suit, handsome in an older-guy way.

Sam Lewis, senior partner.

And he's not that old.

Stopped by to thank Anna for the help on the depo prep.

Don't worry, you'll all get your chance... when I think you're ready.

Hey, Anna, great job.

Anna was Sam's favorite.


The other lawyers didn't like that.

Um, Sam?

I found a memo from Bonnie Newberry to her lead production engineer.

She knew the batteries could be deadly, but she kept making them anyway.

It says there that the cost of safety modifications would have put them out of business.

And that memo was written before the...

Before the Fugate accident.

Good save.

This could have k*lled us at trial.

Sam, Newberry has to settle the case.

Stop production.

Make the batteries safe.

Hey, it's not our place to tell our client how to run their business.

It's our job to defend them.

Kirsten, we're on the move.

Hey, Anna.

I want to go over that memo you found with Ms. Newberry, but I can't find it.

Oh, you took it with you, remember?

I have no idea how that got there.

I'm sure it was an oversight.

Ms. Newberry, you have to settle the case, recall the batteries. If you don't...

What? Tell me, with your vast business experience what happens if I don't?

Anna just pissed off the client.

I'm sorry, Bonnie.

Anna's a bit eager.

It's a rookie mistake.

That rookie is off my case.

Well, I can't do that.

That's my best associate.

Young Cameron: Believe in me now?


There it is again. The anomaly.

Can you get a trace on it?

I know how to do my job.

Kirsten: I got your note.

What are you doing here, what do you want?

I have something important to tell you.

Kirsten, what's going on?

I'm running a trace, but Kirsten only has 20 seconds left in the stitch.

Move her to the moment of death.

Hey, I... I wasn't done there.

No time. 12 seconds, what do you see?



Dying. Kirsten, make the bounce!

So as she was dying, Anna was dizzy, she had chest pains, and everything went all yellow.

It sounds like she was poisoned.

Um, I did some research.

Apparently, Bonnie Newberry left a string of figurative bodies in her wake on her rise in the auto industry.

Yeah, Anna found a memo proving Newberry was guilty.

Flat-out told her to settle. Newberry was pissed.

She wanted her off the case, Sam said no.

Maybe she didn't want to take no for an answer.

I know your time is short Mrs. Newberry.

So I'll get down to it.

About Anna Parker's m*rder.

Awful. Anna was such a lovely young girl.

I really enjoyed working with her.


Where were you last night?

Maggie, is your agent implying something?

It's okay, Sam, I don't mind answering.

I was home. I had dinner guests.

Feel free to check with them.

Were you happy with Anna's work?

She seemed to be a brilliant woman.

Eager, always helpful.

Hmph, please.

Ms. Baptiste, if your associate has something to say, let's hear it.

No, I'm sorry about that.

Did Anna express any concern about your case?

Communications between attorney and client are privileged, Maggie, you know that.

Then generally.

How was your interaction with Anna?

We had some spirited discussions.

More like all-out brawls.

Hold on.

You and Anna argued two days before she was k*lled.

I can't let...

You wanted her off the case.

Don't respond to that.

You were worried Anna had information that could sink your company.

I don't like what you're implying.

What am I implying?

Bonnie, don't.

That I k*lled Anna.

Did you?

We're done here.


How's your day goin'?

You and your girl blind-sighted me.

Trust me, she is her own girl, but we need to find out what happened here.

Sorry, I have an obligation to protect my client, who your agent just accused of being a m*rder*r.

Uh-uh, no, Ms. Newberry brought that up first all by herself.

Any idea why?

Yeah, because she didn't k*ll Anna.

Listen, I indulged you when you requested this interview.

I really want to help you find Anna's k*ller, but that display in there?

Wow, Mags.

Not cool.

So not cool.

There he is.

The mono-syllabic Sam you used to know?

No, the cool Sam.

And look at you now, the winner-takes-all lawyer you've become.

Said by the NSA hard-ass you've become.

How'd you know about that disagreement?

NSA hard-ass, remember?

No, no, no, no, no.

If one of my associates talked to the NSA out of school, you have the obligation to inform me.

Anna didn't.

But someone did k*ll her. Come on, help me out here.

Bonnie's now off limits, but tell me what you need.

Records, files, whatever.

You got it, I have nothing to hide.

You couldn't even if you tried.


Beautiful hard-ass, but still...

Oh, double espresso.

Kirsten never has a second cup at home.

Airplane? It's that major motion pic...

Why are you so ragged?

Oh. (laughs)

Why are you always judging me?

I'm not, I just want you to know that you can still talk to me about things.

Oh, like in-stitch anomalies?

Like anything.

I know I can still talk to you.


Okay? 'Cause nothing's ever gonna change that.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


Anna's tox screen came back. She was poisoned with oleander.

Death by flower?

It's a shrub. Grows everywhere around SoCal. It's poisonous.

Lab says there was a fairly tight window from ingestion to death and that it was most likely in liquid form.

Uh, like an iced tea?

Hm, mm-mm.


Excuse me if I want to live.

There was no tea at the crime scene. Are you sure?

There was a glass in front of Anna when she d*ed.

The k*ller must have removed it.

Should I be worried?


How do you know?

Because you're not dizzy or seeing yellow halos.

Or dead.

So, Anna got the tea here at the firm, someone at the firm got to her tea.

One of the associates Anna worked with, maybe?

All right, let's divide and conquer, see what we can squeeze out of them.

And keep the results of the tox screen to yourselves.

Anna and I were work friends.

You know, like, "How was your weekend? Mine with the fam was awesome."

Did she have any problems with anyone here?

(phone chimes)

Oh, that's Danska, the nanny.

She's taking the baby to Griffith Park for the pony and train rides.

I'll just text, tell her not to forget the hand sanitizer.

Then I'm all yours.

So did you notice anything suspicious last night?

When you're focused on your work, Camille, do you notice anything else?

I'm a multi-tasker, Jen.

Just like you apparently. So did you?

Notice anything out of the ordinary?

Like what?

Like maybe someone near Anna's office around the time she d*ed.

Perhaps your client, Bonnie Newberry?

Why are you asking me about Bonnie Newberry?

Why are you answering all of my questions with a question.

Am I?

You know us lawyers. Deflect. Avoid.


That reminds me of a joke.

How do you know when a lawyer's lying?


His lips are moving.

But seriously, all I'm allowed to say is what's in court filings, that Anna and I were working together for Bonnie Newberry on the Fugate matter.

And on this case, by any chance, did Anna piss some people off along the way?

I really want to help you, Linus, but all I can say is that...

That you and Anna were working together with Bonnie Newberry.

On the Fugate matter.


Randall Cooke, here.

Agent Goodkin, NSA.

I'm late, I know.

The Yale alum meet and greet went long.

What can I do you for Agent Goodkin, NSA?

(chuckles lightly)

"Please pick up those gluten-free cookies. Thanks." Send.

(Kirsten clears throat)

You married? Kids?


Too bad, are you dating anybody?

No. Now about the...

So sad.

Look, we know that Anna was upset about the faulty batteries Newberry was manufacturing.

So we know that she wanted to stop your client from hurting people.

Why would you think I would know about that?

If you do not stop answering my questions with a question, I promise I will hack you and sext every judge in Los Angeles from your account.

Oh, that's better. Thank you so much.

Okay. So, could Anna have been making an end run around your client and gotten herself k*lled because of it?

If we may, let's get back to the part where an NSA operative threatened a private citizen.

Randall: It was horrible, finding her like that.

You ever see a dead body, Agent Goodkin?


Now I understand that Anna wanted Newberry to settle. Is that true?

From where are you inferring that?

Little bird told me.


Well, let's get your little bird in here.

Because actori incumbit onus proband.

The burden of proof falls on the party who advances the proposition.

That would be you and your little bird.

Sorry, I am not at liberty to say.

I signed a confidentiality agreement when I started here, and...

All communications we've had about our case, the people they allegedly injured, and how our client was or was not responding to the complaint...

Are covered by attorney-hyphen-client privilege.

California CCP prohibits me from discussing that.

Am I a suspect?

Because if I am, I'm gonna take the fifth on that...

And invoke my constitutional right against self-incrimination.

I think it's time I lawyer up.

There. I just hired myself.

And myself advised me to tell you jack...

On that note, you need to leave.

By the way, have you thought about getting a dog?

This way, you won't be so lonely and sad.

I hate lawyers.

So what'd you get?


For the next 24 hours, no one respond to me with a question.


Those bloodsuckers have no respect for the badge.

I take it you got nothing too?

Oh, guys, I got something.

Yeah, I learned Latin from the most arrogant, entitled, asshat I've ever met.

Okay, everyone, just breathe.

We will find Anna's k*ller in spite of them.

Okay, well, on that high note, I should get going on that research.

Where are we with Anna's refractory period? Be careful.

Uh, tomorrow morning, at the earliest.

How dangerous is the research?

The records I promised are ready for your review.

Thank you.

And by my review, he means yours.

See what you can find, nothing's too small.

Oh, guys, um...

I had dinner plans.

I told Nina I work in video games and she's already wondering why I spend so much time at the office.

We're talking about solving somebodies m*rder.

No, no, no, it's fine. We got it.

No, Linus is right, actually...

No, yeah, we got this.

Are you sure?

Yeah. Uh... besides, you'd probably just slow us down anyways.

Awesome, thanks guys.

I mean, how long could it take?

We really should call Cameron back.

No. No, he had plans with Nina.

We can do this.

Anna just d*ed.

There's no way all of this could have been generated between then and now.

Yeah, it wasn't.

They're just burying us in work to screw with us.

Right, well, look for anything that tells us who was in the office around the time that Anna was poisoned.

(phone chimes)

Well, it was not Bonnie Newberry.

Fisher just confirmed she was out that night.

I guess we can cross her off our list of suspects.

Well, that's something.

Yeah, or not.

You know, maybe she had someone at the firm poison Anna.

We got phone logs for all 1,200 employees for the entire week leading up to the m*rder.

Yeah, and this is keycard records for all eight floors of the firm for the past two weeks.

I really, really hate lawyers.

So glad I didn't go to law school like my father wanted.

You? A lawyer?

I don't see it.

Yeah, me neither.

I mean, I got accepted everywhere, but science has always been my jam.

So Nina and Cameron together doesn't bother you?

No. No, I'm really happy for them.

I think Camille's seeing someone.

Where did that come from?

Last week.

She told me she had to study, but then she wasn't at the library, where she said she would be.

And tonight she has to do mysterious research for Maggie.

I don't think she's dating anyone.

I mean, she'd tell me if she was.


You guys save any for me?

Got as far as my car and realized I can't leave you two alone to do all this by yourselves.

Sure, you can.

No, he can't.

Please, grab a box.


You can't bail on Nina.

Too late. Already did.

Wasn't my finest relationship moment, but, uh, I think she gets it.


What I don't get is why someone in the mail room called the psychic hotline 85 times.

All right.


Well, thank you for walking me to my door.

And they say chivalry's dead.

Don't I get an invite?

You said Kirsten was working late tonight, right?

That's plenty of time for a quick nightcap.

I don't do quick.

Me neither.

But I will if it gives me 20 more minutes with you.

One drink.

We're out of wine. Is beer okay?


Looks like I have an IPA or a lager.

What are you in the mood for?

Something different.

Liam, I... I can't.

Kirsten, she's...

But it's not about her.

It's about me and you.

I know, I've just been worried about her lately.

She's been so caught up trying to find her father.

Really? Why now?

He left when she was young.

She wants to get to know him, and I've been helping her track him down.

Maybe I can be helpful.


I can be very resourceful if I'm motivated.

Liam, this isn't a good idea.


(light switch clicks)


Hey. No no no. Hold on.

Let me explain myself.

Oh. Oh, okay. Explain to me why you're hooking up with Liam in my kitchen?

Okay, uh, we ran into each other in the gym, we...

When did you even get back?

I never left.

We got to talking, one thing kind of lead to another, Camille and I have a real connection.


You know, Linus just asked me if you were seeing someone behind his back, and I stuck up for you, I said no.

It... I... I didn't mean to hurt Linus or you, that's not what this is.

Right. How is secretly seeing my ex-boyfriend not hurting me?

Hey, the last I checked, you broke up with me.

So we don't have to justify ourselves to you.



(door slams)

I think you need to go.

(elevator door dings)

You couldn't have gone through everything last night.

We didn't, we're fried.

But we'll pick up again after we stitch.

We did find something, though.

Anna made a call from her office to the plaintiff who's suing Newberry.

Well, that's unethical. She could be disbarred for that.

Did you at least narrow the field of suspects?


The only other associates who used their keycards to access Anna's floor around the time she d*ed was Jen, Randall, Morgan, and Christine.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean that there was nobody else who got up there.

Hey, guys.

Uh, sorry I'm late, I was just...

Anna's gonna hit her best by date.

We're stitching in five minutes.

What happened?

Kirsten caught me with Liam last night.

Not with-him with him, just with him.

Did you tell her the truth?



Is it?



Com check one, two, one two.

I hear you.

Mission clock set to five minutes, please.

Okay, let's see if we can handle the truth.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark. In three, two, one, mark!


Anna just caught Randall making out with a woman in the break room.

Can you see who?


Morgan: Are we really going to let Ms. Goody Two Shoes blow the whole case for us?

Seriously, what's her deal?

She does that, how're we going to keep our billables up?

Different memory.

Anna just walked in on the other associates talking about her behind her back.

Oh, yeah? Why? 'Cause she was doing her job and doing it well?

And did they ever once give her an ounce of credit for being on their side, by their side, protecting them, just trying to do...


Just trying to do her job.

Did Kirsten hear what the other associates were saying about Anna?

What were they saying?


We don't have much time, so listen to me carefully.



I'm picking up the anomaly again.

Find the source.

You have a sister.


Um, Cameron, I'm sorry.

Uh, any one of them could have wanted Anna out of their way.

My parents had another daughter?

Your father did with his first wife, Elizabeth.

Anna's memories are fizzling. Only one memory hotspot is registering.

Okay, let's get there.

What's her name?

Her name's...

Kirsten, we're on the move.

No, wait! What's her name?

Not enough time, brace yourself.

Her names Ivy Brown.

Damn it, Cameron!

Oh, I'm sorry, princess. Is there some place you wanted to be?

No, it's okay.

I'm back in the same memory I saw last time. Newberry's here.

The anomaly's gone.

Are you out of your damn mind?

You trying to destroy this firm? Destroy me?

Sam, I'm sorry.

I don't give a flying crap.

That family was hurt.

That's not our problem.

But they're telling the truth.

We don't represent them, Anna. Our job is to...

Let our clients k*ll people?


To represent our client to the fullest extent possible.

If we don't, we can be sued, sanctioned, or disbarred.

Do not blow this, or I...

You scanned the memo?


You sent it to the LA Times?


What the hell were you thinking?

(alarm beeping)

Memory collapse imminent.

Anna's done, Kirsten, make the bounce.

Anna wrote an email to the LA Times.

She attached the incriminating memo.

Did Sam know?

Yeah, he threatened her.

That doesn't sound like Sam. I know him.

Yeah, knew him 20 years ago. People change.

The associates hated Anna, because she was the best of all of them.

And Sam was mad because she had a conscious that was interfering with the case.

I'll talk to Sam.

Yeah, but how do we get the others to talk? The sharks?

We throw some blood in the water and watch them eat themselves.

(door closes)


I've seen that look before.

When I put my darks in with your whites and ruined half your wardrobe.

Yeah, this goes way beyond laundry.

Did you k*ll Anna?

You got into it with her over Newberry because she didn't like what your client was doing.

You knew she had sent an email to the Times with proof Newberry's batteries were dangerous.

Firstly, I deny everything you just said.

Secondly, even if everything you said was true, none of it is admissible in court until you fully disclose how you came about this information.

Thirdly, the NSA seems dangerously close to violating the Fourth Amendment.

And finally, all emails generated by my employees are work product and therefore confidential.

Did I leave anything out?


The part where you tell me if you k*lled Anna.

You can't believe that, can you?

I knew about the email.

That email would have destroyed your case, ruined your career.

If it had been sent.

But it wasn't.

She swore she didn't write it, she thought someone around here was trying to sabotage her.

It was just a draft.

I checked the system.


I didn't k*ll her.

Then one of your associates.


They may be K*llers on the job, but real K*llers?

No way.


Randall: Ah.

Agents Goodkin and Clark, back for seconds, I see.

We're all here like you wanted.

Here's what we know: Bonnie Newberry wrote a memo saying she knew her batteries were dangerous.

Someone stole it from Sam's office and planted it with Anna's paperwork.

To further mess with Anna, someone got on her laptop and drafted an email to the LA Times, attaching that memo.

Snarky comment?


What a surprise.

Hm. Two days before Anna was m*rder*d, there was a fifteen second phone call that came from inside of her office to a Mrs. Fugate, the woman who's suing Newberry.

Phone records from the firm.

Anna's cellphone records, which show that she couldn't have called the plaintiff because at the exact same time, she was on her cell ordering take-out because she was working late. Again.

Ergo... that's Latin for "therefore"...

Someone not Anna made the call.

Someone who wanted to discredit her.

Cameron: That certain someone is one of you.

Now, if any of you know who it is, you have the moral obligation to tell us.

You two are precious. I mean it.

Was this your whole plan?

To bore a confession out of us?

Good on you for all that fancy research.

Sit down, Randall. We're not done.

Oh, I know, we're not.

Because I did some research too.

And a little free advice, Agent Goodkin, you might wanna step down from your moral high ground.




Your daddy didn't teach you morality, did he?


You didn't know.

Care to share your daddy issues with her?

One of you m*rder*d Anna.

Looks like I struck a nerve.

What's he talking about?

His father is James Miller.

The man behind the $3 billion Ponzi scheme that wiped out how many people's life savings, Goodkin?

This isn't about me...

Dad's not getting out of Lompoc any time soon, is he?

What is it, another, what, 14 years left to go?

Meanwhile, you're sitting pretty in a fancy loft, spending all that money he stole.

Cameron, Cameron.

I love this guy. I'm serious.

Son of a bitch.

Forget Randall, okay?

My father, really?

My father?

Hey, calm down.

Look, he's not even in my life.

You don't have to explain to me.

Yeah, I do, okay. That money? It came from my mother's side.

Then she got divorced and I changed my last name to hers.

I get it.

Look, I'm not my father.

No. I know you're not.

We both have, um, criminal, absent, pathetic fathers.

Except the only difference is you're desperate to find yours and all I want to do is forget mine.

Hey. Fisher called, guess what he found?

The source of the oleander.

Now, for double or nothing, guess what I found.

Our very own "smoking g*n"?

A whole freakin', sizzling, armory.

Wow. Welcome back Agent Goodkin.

Sorry about before, I didn't realize how raw the whole Daddy-in-jail thing is.

Oh, it's okay. One of you can say hi to him for me.

Keycards on the table, please.

No questions.

You heard the man. Keycards, now.

So, back to the phone call to that plaintiff.

While we were going through that mountain of paperwork that you tried to choke us with, we came across the keycard logs which happen to track every move you make in and out of the building.

Hello, handsome. What? What's that?

You want me to tell them what?

Oh, okay. I got it.

Don't you just love keycard logs? Here's the dealio.

According to this hunk of burning love here, only one of you was in the building last Tuesday at 3:00 a.m., when the call was made to the plaintiff from Anna's office.

Eeny, meany, miney... mommy.

That's impossible.

My husband was away, I was home with my baby.

At your house? Where according to our investigator, there just happens to be a poisonous shrub.

Did we mention Anna was poisoned?

Christine, don't say another word.


Mr. Cooke?

Tell Sam we need him in the conference room right away.

Yes, sir.

Are you acting as Christine's lawyer or as a concerned friend?

Right now, both.

Hm, you, a friend? Doubt it.

Where were you really at the time of that call?

Don't answer.

Oh, that's a nice bracelet.

Did your, um, husband give that to you?

Or do you think he's gonna want it back when he finds out that you and Randall have been hooking up?

So I'm gonna ask you one more time.

Where were you at the time of that call?

Randall would do anything to be a star. He's used you.

You took my card.

That night, you made that call.

Stop talking.

You always hated Anna.

Shut up.

You did everything you could to make her look bad.

I swear, Christine, if you don't shut your mouth...

I'm gonna...

What? You're gonna k*ll me too?

You have zero evidence.

I did not k*ll Anna.

I did not poison her with oleander.

How did he know she was poisoned with oleander?

We didn't mention that, did we?


Sam, I'd like to retain your services.

Cameron: He's about to be arrested and charged for the m*rder of Anna Parker.

You want to lawyer up?

Go elsewhere.


Drop it!

You told us to do anything to win the Newberry case.

Anything legal.

Maggie, feel free to sh**t that douche.

Anna was going to blow the lid on what Newberry was doing.

She was gonna ruin everything, and I couldn't let that happen.

I was protecting our client.

Look, I...

I thought that oleander would just make her sick. I measured it.

Look, I didn't mean to k*ll her.

Well, if you're not gonna sh**t him.



Poor guy.

Please don't say it.

They're gonna throw the book at him.

Oh, god, that's awful.

I was too much about the win.

Well, Randall Cooke is not a k*ller because of you.


I should have listened to Anna sooner.

I spoke with Bonnie Newberry, convinced her to settle.

I'm not sure she's gonna be able to salvage her company, but at least no one else is gonna get hurt.

There he is.

Promise not to ask you about your Dad or if you're okay.

I'm okay.

So then do you want to go to dinner and talk about how very okay you are?

I can't.


Nina, mm-hmm.

Um, tell her I say hey.


You did good work, kiddo.

Phew, I'm just glad somebody thinks so.

Come again?

It's nothing, sorry. Thank you, Fisher.

What's going on with you? Are you okay?

Yeah, maybe one day I'll tell you all about it.


Okay, the job's over, are you gonna talk to me now?

Well, that depends on...



Mr. Ahluwalia? Hi.

Samir, please. Good to see you, Camille.

Dad, what are you doing here?

I could ask you the same question.

Mr. Ahluwalia, right on time as usual.

This must be your son.

I didn't think you could make it to sign the document.

What document?

The medical power of attorney.

We need to talk.

(dog barks)

I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? Again.

You wanted to be the one to tell her, so tell her.

Camille has been seeing Liam on my orders.

I didn't realize that you had the power to order other people to sleep around.

It never got that far.

I think that Liam has been working with your father.

Camille is trying to get that information out of him.

(scoffs) What?

Wait, you're saying that the whole time... he was seeing me...

The proposal was fake?

We're trying to find out if Liam was setting you up for something.

I haven't gotten anything yet.

Listen, Kirsten, just tell me what you want me to do.

'Cause I'll call it quits right now if that's what you want.

It's your choice.

We'll find Stinger some other way.

I don't want you to see Liam anymore.

It's too dangerous.

I'll do it.