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04x06 - Only One Way a Dogfight Ends

Posted: 05/07/16 06:41
by bunniefuu

[police radio chatter]

Is the sheriff in?

Sheriff Lotus is in a meeting. Can I help you?


Gail: I have information he needs to hear.

Can I help you, ma'am?

He wants you to know he won't stop.

Taking those girls was just the beginning.

What is this?

He wants you to see.

You will all see.

What the hell are you doing?

Don't! No!

Don't do it!






[theme music playing]

4x06 - "Only One Way a Dogfight Ends"

[birds chirping]



Where have you been?

What happened to you? Is that blood?


Calvin. Cal...


Get... stop, please. Stop.

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

Nothing... just not so rough.



Wait a second. Are you screwing somebody else?

What? No. Of course not.

We haven't f*cked in months. What is it?

You just... you scared me.

You scared me.

[breathing heavily]

What happened? What's going on?

What happened to you?


No, Calvin.

Calvin. Calvin.


[shower running]

[clears throat]

[shower stops]

[door opens]

Shower's all yours.

Help yourself.

Not really my thing.

You know, I started out in undercover.

Pretty white chicks have to go a little bit further to prove themselves.

So it was either f*ck 'em or smoke their sh*t.

Sometimes it was both.

You don't have to explain yourself to me.


I've been meaning to kick it.

But when you spend your days up to your neck in this sh*t, sometimes I got to get out of my own head.

Do I need to worry about you?


Might be nice if you did.

Wow, you, my friend, have some intimacy issues.

Thanks for letting me crash.

Could have shared the bed.

Just saying.

[door closes]


[alarm sounding]


[alarm stops]


[rustling continues]

[glass clinking]


Who the f*ck are you?



What's wrong?

It... It's...

You want to sit for a second?

No, I don't want to sit.

Helen, you think you could get Hank here one of those snacks that you keep upstairs?

Sure. Hi, Hank.

Want to come with me?

Thank you.

Come here.

What happened? Did he hurt you?

That m*therf*cker.

I left. I couldn't be in that house another second.

He let you leave?

He doesn't know.

I just... grabbed Hank and packed things and...

I don't even know where I'm going, Kurt.

You'll stay with me.

I can't.

That's the first place he's gonna come look.

Not if I find him first.


No, I have to think about Hank.

[whispers] Kurt... I think he k*lled my father.

Randall's dead?

I don't know. They left together and then... and then Calvin... and he was covered in blood.

And... And then he...

it was... he was terrifying.

Okay. Shh. It's okay.

That's my mother's sweater.

It is.

She never wears it.

It looks good on you.

Most things do.

You best clean that glass up before your mother gets home.

Yeah, I'll get right on that.

So how do you fit into this whole... sh*t show?

Your mother and your father and I go way back.

Yeah? Which father?

The one that gave you that smart mouth.

Got it.

So is she Carrie or Ana to you?

There weren't no Carrie before I invented her.

Well, I could use a shiny new life myself.

You want to hook me up? I figure you owe me.

Ain't you the f*cked-up little delinquent?

Hey, I'm just trying to play the shitty hand I was dealt.

Girl, what you were dealt were two parents who would k*ll or die for you.

That's a hell of a lot more than most people got.

[door opens]


[door closes]

What are you doing here?

Missed you, too, Mom.

I'm just surprised to see you.

You changed the locks on the door... again.

Sorry, I should have told you.

Does Grandma know you're here?

I left her a note.

I really don't think they'll miss me.


I'm not going back, Mom.

There's no Wi-Fi and it smells like ass there.

Honey, if the court finds out...

They won't.

I know I can keep a secret.

You stay out of this.

If it makes it any easier, you really don't have a choice.

All right, so why don't we just arrest Calvin?

She'll never testify against him. She's terrified.

She thinks Calvin k*lled her father.


Does Calvin know?

Does Calvin know what?

About you two.



You sure?


'Cause you didn't think I could tell and it took me all of about 10 seconds to see it.

Now, granted, I'm a smarter than average cop and he's a hatemongering assh*le.

Calvin doesn't know.

They can stay at my place.



Just until you find a way to take your brother down.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hey, you okay, by the way? This morning, the burning.

Must have hit pretty close to home, huh?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Can't... get that smell out of my head.

It takes a while.



Can I help you?

I highly doubt it.

Woman: You can't go back there.

You can't go back there.

I know.

That's the swelling, babe. They'll soften up...

Dawson: Sweet Jesus.

Hey, hey, you can't be in here.

And yet I am. FBI. Honey, get out of here.

Dr. David Quick. I have been looking for you.

What's up, Doc?

[door closes]

Why don't you take a seat?

Dawson: Should we try that again?

Performing breast augmentation after being stripped of your medical license, now, that's a felony.

We don't perform any procedures here. Tiffany is a friend of mine.

She asked me to look at her boob job, that's all.

Mm, so why'd you run?

I don't like cops.

Hey, you can't go in there, buddy! You got a warrant?

I don't need one. I'm not a cop.

Dawson: Yeah, look, we can go down that road, but it's tangled and boring and in the end, you'll still lose.

Or you can answer a few questions and I'll forget we ever met.

[snaps fingers] Over here.

Okay. What do you want to know?

Body modifications.

What about it?

You do it?

Now and then. It's a growing field.

So you must do some pretty f*cked-up sh*t.

Quick: Not as f*cked up as the sh*t I turn down.

You wouldn't believe the kind of things people want.

[slams] Hey, Jesus, man! sh*t's expensive.

I'm looking for a guy with horn implants.

You ever do anything like that?


Well, then whip out your files, Doc.

We don't keep files on that kind of stuff.

I can't imagine devil horns is a common request.

They're more common than you think. It's Satan's country out here.

Yeah, but still, it's pretty unique, even for a guy like you.

Who was the last guy you did? I'm sure you remember something.

The kind of people who want this sh*t, they're not exactly model citizens.

I take cash in advance. I don't even ask their names.

How convenient for you.

This is bullshit. I'm gonna call my lawyer.

Yeah. Let's go. He doesn't know anything.

This has not been a satisfying conversation for me, Dr. Quick.

If I were you, I'd call me.

Thank you.

Hey, I barely started working that guy.

He wasn't gonna talk. This might help.

That was on his desk.


You, my friend, have some serious skills.

He was watching you the whole time, so was I.

How'd you do it?

That's the trick, isn't it?

Yeah. Just when I thought I'd seen it all.

Wow, amazing what low self-esteem can do to a sociopath.

I've been trying to reach you.

I've been busy.

We have a problem, Deputy Cruz?

Not at all. But speaking of problems,
remember that matter you asked me to look into?


I looked into it.

You found him?

No, I found her.

Franklin: Exhibit number four was also turned in to our hearing officer five days before this trial began.

Now, if it pleases the court, you'll note that the photograph shows the remnants of a crushed back side door.

This photograph was taken at the scene...

Mrs. Hopewell.

...of a hit-and-run five months back at the intersection...

I'm seeing you around the courthouse quite often these days.

Taking an interest in the law?

You could say that.

You know, I never really had the chance to offer my condolences for the loss of your husband.

You hated Gordon.

No, didn't hate him.

I respected him.

I never took it personally. I'd like to think he didn't either.

He did.


Well, either way, I was very sorry to hear about it.

I'm sorry about your niece.

We both suffered a great loss.

You know, sometimes a loss like that clouds the judgment.

Makes us do things impulsively.

Things we might regret. Do you know what I mean?

No, not really.

No? Well, I'd watch out for it.

You still have so much to lose.

I guess we all do.

I suppose we both should be more careful.

Remember me, sunshine?

Yeah, the bitch who didn't know when to stop asking questions.

Ah, you remembered! I'm so flattered.

I'm also the bitch with the badge.

Did I not mention that the other day?

I don't want any trouble, all right?

Now that's the spirit.

We're looking for a guy with devil horns.

You got people like that in here?

Yeah, body mods.

Right, well, this guy is k*lling girls.

Why don't you scroll through here, see if you recognize anyone?

Look, most of the so-called Satanists that come in here are tourists.

They're assholes looking to be more edgier and bad-ass than they really are.

With the exception of this guy.

Who's this?

That's Bode. Declan Bode.

He's a hardcore ritualist.

Does he come here often?

Nah, used to a while back.

Feeling people out. Maybe looking for followers. I don't know.

Nobody took to the guy 'cause he was a little too committed.

So you're talking about a guy who was so twisted, he creeped out other Satanists? Got it.

Where do we find him?

f*ck if I know.

You knew his name.

Yeah, and that's all I'm telling you, cop.

Where do we f*cking find him?

I don't f*cking know, man.


I don't f*cking know!

The f*cking guy thinks the Devil works through him, all right?

One night the freak comes in here, starts spouting off about how he's talking to Lucifer.

I tell him he's full of sh*t. Guy takes the paring Kn*fe out of my hand, starts peeling back his fingernails one by one, smiling the whole time.

Then he orders a drink. Who the f*ck does that?

Someone we should meet.

See? When we're helping, we're happy.

[crow cawing]

Dawson: Yeah? Well, that's interesting.

Okay. All right, thanks. I'll call you back.

Our boy Declan Bode doesn't have much of a footprint.

No known address. No relatives.

But he does have a prior.

He was convicted of statutory r*pe 15 years ago next county over.

Girl's name is sealed.

Can we get it unsealed?

Yes, but I will need a court order, which won't happen until tomorrow.

Oh, Jesus Christ.

Don't you have any judges you can wake up?

It might surprise you to learn

I'm not very popular among the federal judges.

All right, so what do we do now?

Now we wait.

Just wait?



You're not built for downtime, are you?

The way you move, the way you pace, the way you want to push through every wall without even looking for the door or the key to that door.

You have a point?

That's not the temperament of a man who worked his way up through law enforcement.

Put my feet to the fire, I'd say you're more criminal than cop.

You don't know me.

I know you can't sit still.

I'm guessing you were once made to for a very long time and you didn't like it.

You check the corners every time you enter a room.

That's not police training. That's survival.

Your demeanor towards me is... complicated.

You have trouble making eye contact.

It's not lack of confidence. You've got a secret.

Or secrets.

Maybe I just don't like you.

[chuckles] But you do. Don't you?

Wow. You think you know me?

Let me tell you something. You have no f*cking idea.

Yeah, I check the corners because for as long as I can remember, there's always been someone waiting there to get the jump on me.

And I don't stay still 'cause every time I do, someone close to me f*cking dies!

I'm sorry.

No, you're not.

No, I'm not.


It's nothing.


What is it?

I'm sorry.


[overlapping chatter]

Woman: There is a serial k*ller out there...

It's terrifying.

I know, baby. I know.

I'll take patrol.

It's my shift.

No, I'm pulling rank. I've got to get out of this zoo.




Someone there?

[soft whistle]



[bottles rattle]

Burning the midnight oil, I see.

This is not the place to talk business, Calvin.

That's fine because we no longer have any business to discuss.

The Brotherhood no longer works for you.

Is that so?

Yes, that is so.

Well, that's unfortunate.

Not from where I'm sitting.

I can't help but wonder what Watts will think about this.

Well, why don't we ask him?

What do you think, Randall?

Seems the cat got Watts's tongue.

That's a bold choice.


I thought you'd like that.


So here's how it's gonna work.

Everything that's yours is now ours.

Warehouses, shipments, buyers, I f*cking want all of it.

You can go quietly or you can go bloody, but either way you are gone.


You can keep the head as a souvenir.



I saw you on TV.

I didn't ask for this. He chose me.

Do you understand? He chose me.

You can't stop me. I've been delivered... to feed the beast.

I've become something different, something more.

And you, you're a bug.

A tiny, worthless insect in the face of his power.

f*ck you.

Close your eyes, cop. Close your eyes. [groans]

Cherish the darkness, for soon you will bear witness to his plan.

And only then will I take your miserable little life.



[truck door opens]

[door closes]

Where are they, Kurt?

Get the f*ck off my property.

Where's my wife?!

She's somewhere safe. She'll call you when she's ready.

You are f*cking with my family, Kurt.

My wife, my son.

Do you have any idea what I will f*cking do to you for that?

Where's Watts?

Watts is dead. Where's Maggie?

She doesn't want to see you.

f*ck you. You don't get to f*cking tell me that.

I just did. I'm going into my house.

In two minutes, if you're still here, I'll come back out.

Trust me, you don't want me to come back out.


Do you remember Dad used to take us to the dogfights over in Vandergrift?


I remember I once asked him... if the matches ever ended in a tie.

And he laughed at me and he said,

"There's only ever one way that a dogfight ends."

You remember that?

Yeah, I remember.

There's only one way, Kurt.

I know.

[door opens, closes]


[birds chirping]

[birds chirping]

[coffee brewing]

[alarm beeping]



[a*t*matic g*nf*re]




Are you hurt?

Deva: No.

[g*nf*re continues]

Come on. Come on.

Get out there. Get on the roof.


Go, go, go!

Here, take this. Safety's off.

Two hands. Point and squeeze.

Find a place to hide, wait. You stay safe.

[g*nf*re continues]









[gasps, whimpering]













[no audio]


I am sick and tired... [cocks g*n] ...of fighting for my m*therf*cking life.





Where's Deva?



Are you hurt?

[sobbing] Give me this.

I'm sorry. [sobbing] I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

[phone buzzing]


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Slow down.

[police radio chatter]

[overlapping chatter]

You okay? You hurt?



[sniffles] I just want to go home.

I know.

The thing is, I don't know where that is.

Come here.

[phone buzzing]

Underwood, tell me you have something.

The judge unsealed the file.

The victim on that statutory r*pe is a Kim Newton.

She still lives in the area.

You got an address?

Just emailed it to you.

You're the best. I owe you.

You owe me many. [chuckles]

What is it with this f*cking town?

Can't we go one week without some m*therf*cking army sh**ting at us?

Seems like you handled it fine.

That's because it's already become a m*therf*cking habit.

Thank you.

Baby, there's a whole world out there.

So they tell me.

What the f*ck happened here?

[quietly] Proctor.

What are you doing messing with him?

Are you kidding me?

You don't get to walk into my life every few years and question me.

Hey, hey, Deva could have been f*cking k*lled.

Get out of here.

Come on, Ana.

Get the f*ck out of here!

Who the f*ck do you think you are saying that sh*t to me?!

Do you think I don't know what could have happened there?!

You think I don't know what... [crying]

Shh. Hey, hey, stop.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.



Hello. Can I help you?

Kim Newton?


My parents were the ones that called the police.

I was 15, Declan, he was 25.

I was a quiet girl.

You know, I didn't have many friends in school.

Always the kid in the back row.

Nobody really paid any attention to me.

And then I met Declan.

He told me I was beautiful and I could tell he meant it.

I had never even been kissed before and here was this handsome older guy falling head over heels in love with me.

And I understand now that I was young and impressionable and he manipulated me, but, you know...

I still think he loved me and I know I loved him.

So what happened?

My dad found out.

He wanted to go after Declan with a tire iron, but my mother convinced him to call the police instead.


Oh, I cried for days.

And the sex? Was it perverse in any way?

It was intense, but, no, I wouldn't say it was perverse.

Is Declan in some kind of trouble?

He's a person of interest.

When was the last time you spoke to him?

The night he was arrested.

After that, I never saw him again.

It's a nice piece of property you have.

Oh, thanks. My parents left it to me.

Well, if you think of anything else, give me a call.

Thanks for your time.


Hey, it's Veronica. You disappeared on me this morning.

But, anyway, I tracked down our statutory r*pe victim.

She said all the right things, but my bullshit meter is ringing.

Anyway, I'm going back to the hotel, so call me and I'll fill you in on my...



Oh, sh*t.

[door closes]


I heard you were looking for me.

♪ Baby ♪
♪ Please leave me ♪
♪ I'm so wild ♪
♪ So wild for you ♪
♪ My sticky finger ♪
♪ Is on your face ♪
♪ Is on your face ♪
♪ Understand me, girl ♪
♪ To leave me alone ♪
♪ Forget your home ♪
♪ This is the life price ♪
♪ And the government pleasure ♪
♪ The government pleasure ♪
♪ To leave me alone ♪
♪ Forget your home ♪
♪ To leave me alone ♪
♪ Forget your home ♪
♪ This is the life price ♪
♪ And the government ♪
♪ Pleasure. ♪