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04x01 - The White Lioness

Posted: 05/11/16 12:06
by bunniefuu
[birds calling]

[music playing on radio]

[music continues]


[engine and music turn off]

♪ ♪

[faint g*nsh*t]


[doors creaks loudly]




I'm looking for the...

[engine revving loudly]

♪ Tram wires cross northern skies ♪
♪ Cut my blue heart in two ♪
♪ My knuckles bleed down the tattered street ♪
♪ On a door that shouldn't be in front of me ♪


[faint siren blaring]



[computer ringing]

[ringing continues]

Hi, Dad.

Oh, hi, hi, hi.

You made it!

How is it?

It's, uh...

It's sunny.

Be good if you were here.

How's Klara?

She's good-- she's at nursery.

When's your speech?

My speech is, uh... not till Saturday.

Wear your nice suit.

Yes, and I have shaved.

You nervous?

Um... no.

I'm just not quite sure how to pitch it.

Just say what you feel.

I don't want to waste anybody's time, is all.

You've got good instincts, Dad.

Just follow them.

Sure, I will.

I just, uh...

You know, I want it to...

I've come all this way.

I just want it to... mean something.

[call ends abruptly]




[elevator beeping]

After you.

Man [yelling]: What are you doing here?!

Man: Mr. Hedeman, please...

Hedeman: Eh? Why are you wasting time here?!

Man: This is not the time or the place.

Hedeman: Where's my wife?

Mr. Hedeman, please, we are at a conference.

Can we deal with this later?

You've got all these extra staff now, haven't you?

Man: Please, we are investigating the case.

We're doing the best we can.

Hedeman: Well then, find her!

She's out there somewhere!

Why aren't you doing anything?!

Get off me!

[trailing off]: Take your hands off me!

I said get off me!


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

So today, day two, we have another gentleman to speak to you-- something of a legendary person here in the Western Cape.

A one-time communist, firebrand, freedom fighter, joining us today in his capacity as chair of the Tourism Committee, please welcome Mr. Max Khulu.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Please, please.

Thank you.

Thank you, Colonel.

You're welcome.

So, looking out of the shining windows of this brand new hotel, one of many hundreds, it is not hard to see how tourism provides one in every 12 jobs in South Africa today.

You good-looking foreigners want to come here and spend your good-looking money.


I think it's a brilliant idea.

But we must be considerate hosts.

We must take care of our guests.

If our guests do not feel that they will be safe, they will not come.

It is the duty of our police force to ensure that never happens.




Julian Van Heerden.

Kurt Wallander.

I have a gentleman, a Swedish gentleman, living out at Sir Lowry's Pass.

Axel Hedeman.

His wife's been missing for ten days.

Yeah, I've read about it.

To be blunt, he's causing us a lot of difficulty.

And he's refusing to cooperate, he's talking to the press...

I think you saw he brought them here.

It's never easy just waiting for news, as you know.

Look, uh...

I was wondering if you could maybe talk to him.

You know, countryman to countryman.

I think he needs some reassurance that we're not just corrupt amateurs.

Well, I'm sure ultimately he understands that...

I would really, really appreciate this.

I'd be grateful.

Could I see the case notes?

Yeah, of course.

I'll even get someone to drive you out there.

My sergeant can meet you...

The case notes will do.

If you give me the address, I'll drive myself.

You do understand that his wife is missing, so we're not closing down certain avenues.


Thank you.

Thank you very much.

♪ ♪

[kids shouting]

Detective Inspector Wallander?

Sergeant Matembu?


Mthembu, sorry.

We appreciate this.

There was no mention in the file of a background check on Hedeman.

We did put in a request.

We're still waiting to hear back from the Swedish police.

The one place in the country you know she isn't, and here you are.

This is Detective Kurt Wallander.

I'm from Sweden-- Ystad Police.


It's about time.

Maybe you can do something about finding my wife.

Come on, guys, don't just leave them there.

Take them inside and put them on the counter, yeah?

Otherwise, they'll be stinking next time we use them.

Most of them are ex-offenders.

What do you do for them, sir?

Gym, soccer...

Some kind of male role model.

That's my side.

And your wife, what did, uh...


She's a teacher.

What's that nasty cut you have there?

I teach them boxing.

Don't look at me like that.

That's the way they look at me when they're not helping-- not looking.

Why aren't they looking?

How can there be nothing after...

This type of inquiry is very difficult to rush.

After 72 hours, you're not looking for a person anymore.

You're looking for a corpse, right?

It's been more than 247 hours now.

Mthembu: Mr. Hedeman...

Wallander: I've seen the case notes, and Sergeant Mthembu and her colleagues are doing everything they can.

I know it's frustrating, but if you talk to the press and not to the police, it's getting in the way of the investigation.

You may be decreasing the chances of them finding your wife.

Do you think she could still be alive?

Yes, of course she could.


Right, well, thank you.

Come on, guys, off you go.

I'll see you at the center.

We'll be in touch, sir.

That was helpful, thanks.

Oh, you're welcome.

Yeah, um...

Enjoy the rest of your conference.

Oh, that's right.


Oh, great.

Nice to meet you.

You too.

[engine revving]

Sorry, uh...

Where Inga was going that day, is that somewhere she'd been before?


It was an outreach center.

She went to pick up some textbooks they weren't using anymore.

She never got there.

Do you have an address?

I've got the directions somewhere.

Right, thanks.

[door creaking]

This is the place.


This is a faith-based program, yes?

Everything here is faith-based, one way or another.

You need it.

I thought being here might challenge my faith.

Has it?

It has.

But not in the way I was expecting.

Thank you for this.

I need you to chase up an information request for the local police here.

Woman: Do you have a name?

Yeah, the name is Axel Hedeman.

He's from Degeberga.

Okay, leave it with me, I'll call you back.

Yeah, as soon as possible.


♪ ♪
♪ ♪

[engine turns off]




[door creaking]


[flies buzzing]

[dialing number]

[continues dialing]

[phone ringing]


Hi Grace, it's Kurt.

[metal creaking in wind]

[faint chatter]

How'd you find this place?

I got lost.

The map's wrong.

Maybe Inga did the same thing.

Hedeman never gave us this.

He gave us an address, that's all.

Hedeman could have hired somebody to do his dirty work.

She could have been followed.

Where better?

Cutting their fingers off, does that mean anything in tribal, or...?


It means something to the man who has his fingers cut off.

Good shot.

Everyone out here has a g*n.

Let's talk to Hedeman.

♪ ♪

[phone ringing]

Yeah, hello?

Woman: Hi Kurt, I have the information you wanted on Axel Hedeman.

He has a previous conviction-- aggravated as*ault.

Right, okay, hold on a sec, let me just...



Anything since?

Okay, thanks.

Okay, bye.

He's not here.

So, Hedeman has a criminal record in Sweden.

Aggravated as*ault.

Ten-month suspended sentence.

He broke his girlfriend's arm when he was drunk.

It was 2001.

It wasn't his wife?

Nothing reported since.

He did say he was going to the community center.

Shall we?

Man: The ANC has forgotten its principles, and we have forgotten our promise: the basic and fundamental promise that the wealth of this country...

Grace: Municipal elections.

His name's Bernie Meyiwa.


Max Khulu's protégé.


The ANC has been dominated...

Six months ago, a white student tried his luck with a 9-millimeter. who have abandoned our principles.

Men who think that they can come here and lie to you and fool you with lazy, costly words and rhetoric.

Instead of building luxury houses, luxury hotels where rich foreigners can line their pockets with your money right next door to your community, we should be building you affordable homes!

We should make sure that you can feel our wealth!

You can feel the improvements!

You can feel that there is someone better for you, for all of us, to go!

So, is he gonna get in?

Well, I'm gonna vote for him.


Hedeman: Come on, keep your guard up!

See? That's what's happens.

Keep your elbows in, elbows in!

That's it, come on!

Mr. Hedeman.

Do you recognize this, sir?

Yes, I recognize it.

Where did you find it?

She never takes this off.

It was found at an old stock farm off the road your wife would have taken.

According to a map you gave the Detective Inspector here.

But why would she...?

Did you find the car?

There was a wrong turn on the map, so Inga might have got lost.

Why didn't you give the map to us, sir, when you reported your wife missing?

It would have helped.

No, I...

I gave you the address.

I didn't think...

You have a history.

We all have a history.

Some of us overcome it.

[phone ringing]


Excuse me.


No other sign of her?

No, nothing.

She, um...

That was the first time she drove on her own here.

She was afraid of being on her own.

Being lost.

Excuse me, sorry.

I have a match on the prints.

Belongs to a low-level g*ng member.

A tsotsi.

Mr. Hedeman, we'll find her.

Grace: You have something for me?

Man: Yeah.

The boy's name is Victor Mabasha.

Member of the 26s.

It's a prison g*ng.

Interviewed in 2012 in Pollsmoor about the m*rder of a prison guard-- his initiation into the 26s.

Not charged-- lack of evidence.

What else?

He's nothing big.

A foot soldier.

He's just a kid, isn't he?

They're all just kids.

I mean, they don't live long enough to grow up.

He hangs out at a shebeen.

Bomba's, near Khayelitsha station.

Is this reliable?

As reliable as any of the other leads.

Right, so we take a detachment out there, you see if there's any connection between Mabasha and the Hedemans, specifically see if he was one of their projects.

Do you want to come with me to Bomba's?

Some real sightseeing.

It's fine, Sergeant.

Thanks for your help.

We'll need a statement concerning the stock farm.

I could send someone over to the hotel.

Wallander: Sure, sure.

Enjoy the rest of the conference.

All right, thanks.



Thanks, Kurt.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[dialing number]

[phone ringing]

Operator: The subscriber you have dialed is not available at present.

Excuse me.

Good day, sir.

Do you know where Khayelitsha station is?

♪ ♪

[kids shouting]

[men talking loudly]

[reggae music playing]

Hi, um... Bomba's?



Excuse me.


Left, up there.

Up there, it's left.

Right, thank you.

Easy on the Umqombothi.


[man shouting]

[dance music playing]

[people talking loudly]


Do you have a sparkling water?

Yes, yes.


[phone ringing]


I... I'm not.

Who are you?

I'm just... Kurt.

Go sit there.



I'm not South African.


I'm not South African.

I'll just show you my ID.

I just want to talk.

Just talk, that's all.

Take the money, we can talk.

Do you recognize her?

I just...

Listen, listen What happened out there at the stock farm?

How did that happen?

You must be in real pain.

I just want to find out what happened to her.

That's all.

Where do you come from?

I'm from Sweden.

And so does she.

I come from a country called Sweden, we both come from Sweden.

It's all right.

Look out!


[engine revving]

♪ ♪

[dogs barking]


Officer: ...lines of enquiry, but the location was linked to our lead.

Reporter: ...there were several g*nshots, is that correct?

Officer: We're still gathering evidence.

Once we have all the information, I'll be holding a press conference.

Reporter: Do you believe that Mrs. Hedeman could still be alive?

Officer: Absolutely.


Officer: We remain positive that we will find her.

I can assure you we have our best team out there looking for her.

What are you doing here, Kurt?

I just...

I thought that you'd be...

I'm sorry.

I tried to call.


So you should have waited for a reply.

We have people.

You know about surveillance?

Khulu wants to see you.

Both of you.

Get Max off my back, for God's sake.

Reporter: There have been reports of a sh**t in Khayelitsha involving a Swedish national this afternoon. Reports suggest that the sh**t was linked to the recent disappearance...


Sir, was I wrong in assuming that the purpose of your involvement was to limit bad news stories?

Max, try to be polite.

They're guests.

Behave yourself.


These Swedes should behave themselves!

Max has a habit of talking to people like he's addressing a public meeting.

Take your pills, dear.


Pleasure meeting you.

Both: Thank you.

So, how did our Swedish friend know to search for this boy in the Flats?

I was just looking for my own...

Did you see the sh**t?

He was wearing...

I can't... no.

I know that he was white.

And a registration number?

No, I didn't get it.

Do you think it was her husband?

Axel Hedeman does have a history of v*olence.

So, he hired this boy Mabasha to k*ll his wife for him?

It's a possibility.

These are cut from the plants I kept in the garden at Pollsmoor prison.

This tsotsi has been in Pollsmoor.


How much would he get for a life?

Grace: Next to nothing.

Max: Ten thousand rand?

So that's what a man sells his freedom for.

I wish we'd known the price 30 years ago.

[peacocks calling]

Do you have anything more?


I appreciate you taking the time to come here, Sergeant.

Keep us informed.

I think we'd all like to put it to bed as soon as possible.

As much as it's been a pleasure, Mr. Wallander, I don't expect we'll be seeing each other again.

[peacocks calling]

♪ ♪


Sorry, I'm...

Wallander, from...

I've lost my room keys.

107-- sorry.

Okay, no problem.

All right, sorry about that.


[men laughing]

[g*n clicks]

Okay, put the g*n down.

I'll talk to you if you put the g*n down.

What are you doing?

Let's go.

Let's go.

[men laughing]

Turn right.

Victor, where am I driving?

You don't need to know.

Just drive.

Drive on.


You need help, Victor.

You need medicine, water.

We both need to eat.


Why'd you bring me here?

Shut up.

Victor, you came to me for some reason.

You're keeping me alive for some reason.

So you tell me what that is, we can do something about it, yeah?

Listen to me.

You're Swedish, yeah?

Yeah, yeah.

There's snow?

Where you come from, there's snow, yeah?

Yeah, and I can help you.

I want to help you, all right?

If you're going to help me, I want to go there.

What happened to the white woman?

If you tell me that, I can help you.

We can go.

Bad spirits.

Bad spirits took her.

They lead her to that place.

Is she dead?

I didn't touch her.

I didn't k*ll her.

She screamed-- she shouldn't have screamed.

He was angry.

Who was angry?

Was that the man who tried to sh**t you, the man who cut your hand?

I don't know why I tried to help your friend.

But you did?

You tried to help her?

He took her away.

Where'd he take her?

Victor, is this even safe?

Does this man know where you might have gone?

[flies buzzing]

My mama was k*lled by witchcraft.

My uncle took me to the city.

To his friends...

So I could have a second chance.

Victor, who was this man?

Can you tell me who this man was?

Where did he take my friend?

[speaking Xhosa language]

Victor, we need...

[shouting in Xhosa]

Okay, okay, okay...

If you got to...

If I sorted it so that you could come to Sweden with me, you'd see plenty of snow.

Sweden's a good place.

We try and help people who've been hurt.

You can't help me.

You won't help me.

What's this for, then?!

I'm going to help you, I said I'm going to help you.

That's all I've said.

I can't help you if you don't tell me what I need to know!

Why you were there?

I was training.

He was training me.


Training for what?

To sh**t?

To sh**t who?

The black man.

100,000 rand.

That's how much the lives of important people are.


Victor, who were you trying to sh**t?

Call the police.

I'll tell them that I'll do it.

[faint banging]

Tell them that we have a deal.

[faint banging]

Victor: Go to Sweden.

I'm coming to Sweden with you.

Woman: Hello, how can I assist you?


Yeah, my name is Kurt Wallander.

I need to speak urgently to Sergeant Grace Mthembu.

Woman: Sergeant Mthembu?

Just bear with me one moment,I'll see if she's at her desk.

[engine revving loudly]

Come on, out of the car.

Out of the car, come on, please!

Come on, come on, come on!

Come on, out of the car!

Come on, come on, out of the car!

Out of the car!

[engine revving]


[gasping]: Friday...


It's okay.

It's okay.


[flies buzzing]

There's never a dull moment with you, is there, Kurt?

The bike is registered to a man called Meyer.



Wallander: Victor said he was training to sh**t someone at the farm.

A black man, someone important.



It was the last thing he said.


It has to be the day of the sh**ting, doesn't it?


Yeah, there's a big election rally on that day.

At Five Sisters.

Bernie Meyiwa.



[phone ringing]

Woman: Hello?

Grace: Yeah, I need to speak to Van Heerden, now.

If this man wanted me dead, why train up a boy like that?

Why not do it himself?

Grace: With all respect, sir, a white man kills you, it's a tragedy.

A black man kills you...

It's political.

People will blame the ANC.

30 years ago, would you have listened to this?

30 years ago, I was in prison.

It's the same fight, Max.

If I don't go up on that stage, they'll say I'm a coward.

And they'll be right.

They need to see that I can face these battles.

And I can win.

If you're dead, you're no use to anyone.

I will not be silenced by a white man with a g*n.

You will catch this man, and I will speak.

And I will win.

Okay, yeah, thank you.

They've found Meyer's flat.

♪ ♪


He was a security guard, part-time.

Western Cape Homes.

He's been working there since October 2013.

Grace: Get over there.

Take a unit.

This is the company that's involved in one of the developments that Bernie Meyiwa is trying to stop.

So do we need to...

The security detail on the Five Sisters rally's been told.

Kurt, get some rest.

I'll call you.


Your keys.

[waves crashing]

Our role as a police force is simple: maintain social order by fighting crime.

[talking echoes]

[waves crashing, birds calling]

[talking echoes more]


[dialing number]

[phone rings]


Grace, it's Kurt.

I found Meyer's car.

It's near his flat.

And I've got his sat nav.

He's been making repeated trips to somewhere called Pinelands.

It's near Forest Drive.

That's Department of Defense land.

It's a disused military base.

Could be where he took Inga-- I'll see you there.

Wait, Kurt, why don't...?


[footsteps echoing]

[flies buzzing]

[flies buzzing]

♪ ♪


[engine revving]

[engine revving]

[engine stops]

[g*n clicks]

Grace: Kurt?!


[loud thud]

Grace: Wallander?!


Inga Hedeman's body's back there in one of the water tanks.

Are you okay?

[dialing number]


I need to speak to Van Heerden.

Of course, please hold.


Max: Meyer, what the hell is going on?

[peacocks calling]

[call ends]

What is it?


That doesn't make any sense.

It's him.

I heard the peacocks in the garden.

Are you sure?

I'm sure, Grace.


Okay, anything else you'd like to add to the statement?

No, that's it.


Here you go, signature at the bottom.

You okay?


I need to go through this.

You need to get some sleep.

I'll call you tomorrow.


You just take care, yeah?

Yeah, yeah.

♪ ♪

Max Khulu set up a trust owned by a holding company registered under his mother's maiden name.

It holds a 75% stake in Western Cape Homes, and has done since just before the company bid for a new luxury housing development out in Sir Lowry's Pass.

The trust also owns the land being developed.

Borrowed millions of rand just to buy it up.

He's put absolutely everything into this.

Past evidence says that it'll quadruple in value, making Max Khulu a very rich man.

Unless, of course, Bernie Meyiwa's elected and puts all these developments on hold.

So, 100,000 rand doesn't seem like very much to invest in having Bernie Meyiwa k*lled.

I used to...

My mother...

She died of HIV.

Max Khulu came to open the clinic where my mother was.

I just thought he was different.

[peacocks calling]

We'd like to talk to your husband.

About what?

What's the matter?

I wasn't expecting to see you again, Mr. Wallander.

We just want to talk to you about one or two things, sir.

I have to go to the rally.

Perhaps tomorrow.

Your trust owns a stake in Western Cape Home, is that correct?

Through a holding company registered in your mother's name.

I believe they're part of the trust's portfolio.

Western Cape?

A few shares, I think.

To me, it seems as though the trust is the majority shareholder.

No, I don't believe so.

Your information is wrong.

Were you aware that the man who trained Victor Mabasha also works for Western Cape as a security guard?

Tell Colonel Van Heerden that I will see him at the station at his convenience and answer any further questions.

But right now...

May we see your phone?

That's not the one you used, is it?

It's not the one you used to call Meyer.

I don't know anyone by that name.

You should know he's dead.

He's dead, and Bernie Meyiwa's going to stop that development.

Was there anything else?

Bernie Meyiwa stands for everything you fought for, sir.

That's why I will stand beside him today and make sure that he wins.

The car's ready, darling.

The maid will see you out.

How many million rand has he got invested in this?

A couple of hundred.

When's Bernie Meyiwa scheduled to speak?

20 minutes.

Why is he so calm?

[birds calling]


Crowd [chanting]: Khulu!

Max: Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you, my people.

Thank you.

Thank you, my friends.

Today is a day for my friend.

My hope.

Our hope.

Comrade Bernie Meyiwa.


Crowd [chanting]: Bernie!


Why did Meyer need a second training ground?


But he's a professional-- why have two?

Maybe he was training another kid?

He would have needed a backup.


Let's find him.

Grace! Grace!



Bernie: Thank you!

My friends.

Thank you for coming.

[in the distance]: What do I promise you?

I will make sure that you have a share in the wealth of this country.

They say that Bernie Meyiwa is simplistic and idealistic.

I say, "What the hell is wrong with that?"


Wait, wait, wait.

Meyer's dead.

There's no money.

I know who you are.

I know why you're here.

There was another boy just like you.

Maybe you knew him-- his name was Victor.

Another boy with a g*n.

He's dead.

He's dead now.

You can live.

Listen to that man.

Listen to what he's saying.

That's who you'll be k*lling.

You'll be k*lling him for nothing.

...when we have been caged and trapped for so long!

We need to show our young men and women that they can still hope.

We owe them this hope!

We will deliver that hope to them together!

Just walk away.

Walk away.

Walk away. iAfrica! iAfrica!

Crowd [chanting]: iAfrica!

Bernie: Mayibuye!

Crowd: iAfrica!

Bernie: Mayibuye!

Crowd: iAfrica!

Bernie: I promise you that there will be a change.

And when we decide that it is time for a change together, when we have made up our minds that we will stand shoulder to shoulder... iAfrica!

Crowd: Mayibuye!


Crowd: Mayibuye!


Crowd: Mayibuye!


Crowd: iAfrica!


Crowd: iAfrica!

Bernie: There is no force in the wonderful land of ours-- there is no force in this world-- that can stop us!



The sh**t?

He's gone.

So has Khulu.



♪ ♪


[waves crashing]


Do we make a difference?



Not much.

What I do know is that we should never stop trying.

We need to remember that every little counts.

Recently, I met a young man called Victor Mabasha.

He was just a boy, really.