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01x05 - Like a Sheep Among Wolves

Posted: 05/17/16 09:42
by bunniefuu
Lex: So, what's going on?

Besser: Possible flu outbreak.

Saunders: [Ahchoo]

Cannerts: At 1627, Dr. Saunders succumbed.

Her boyfriend d*ed shortly after that, suggesting that the virus can replicate at an accelerated rate.

Lex: Since the virus spread, it could be anywhere inside the quarters.

You need to hunker down.

Stay indoors. Ration your food.

Lommers: You're a good guy.

We'll need someone to believe in in times like this.

36 hours after all communication within the cordon was shut down, panic has subsided.

I got to talk to Lommers.

I didn't feel good about that.

The important thing is to keep everyone in there calm.

My girl Teresa is 9 months pregnant.

I'm not missing the birth of my daughter.

Teresa: Mom?

Cannerts: If we don't deal with their bodies, we risk a host of other diseases.

We need your help. Burn them.

I need an APB on Xander Paulson.

Last seen with Leo Greene.

I'm at your friends' house now. I'm sorry.



It was July.

Lex had just worked over the fourth and after that, we went out to Sea Island.

He said something about a great meal.

So. Here I am expecting this prime reservation at the Ocean Club.

But we drive through town, we pass by the restaurant.

I'm like, "Where are we going?"

He just smiles.

You lie. He never smiles.

He smiles.

[Chuckles] On Christmas, maybe.

Carry on.


He takes me out to this seafood shack out on the bluff, off of King's Way, near the lighthouse.


And this shack. I am not kidding.

It was the best food I have ever had in my entire life.

I may have had fancier meals, expensive meals, but this place... the ingredients, the preparation, you can feel the love.

Oysters, fritters, oh, and a lobster bisque that would have broken you.

Oh, and the key lime pie, I swear to God.


You're k*lling me.

I'm dreaming about food and the fridge is empty.

But don't stop.

We just... sat there listening to the ocean, and drinking wine.

And the sun was setting and we were just so relaxed.

Not a care in the world.

Just happy to be together.


That was the day I told him I loved him.

I had never said those words to anyone before.

Except you, maybe.

Oh, great.

Now we're hungry and pathetic.



Where the pregnant lady at?


Shelves emptied real quick in my store.

You sure you ain't stealing food for your girl?

The store belongs to her mother.

So, technically, I can't steal it for my girl since she already owns it.


Man, I'm just playing with you.

I got two kids of my own outside this place. Ahh.

Pregnant lady gets what she needs.

You, on the other hand, you might need to skip a meal or two.

I gotta make money. You know what I mean?

Yeah. I know what you mean.


Hey, Mr. Bert. You're back already?

More rats for Dr. Cannerts.

Quentin, you seem to have grown an inch or two since I saw you last.

Doubtful. There's not enough food around here to make me grow.

How are you two doing?

Quentin: We're hungry.

Everyone's hungry. We'll eat soon.

I heard Nurse Helen got a stash of secret cookies before the vending machines went empty.

Maybe she'll share if you ask nice and kindly.

I want the cookies my grandma makes.

Your grandmother takes the cookies out of the box and makes you think she baked them.


How about you and your wife? Do you have enough to eat?

When I met Micheline, she was on a hunger fast protesting nuclear arms.

We'll make do. [Both chuckle]

Maybe with some rat soup.

Eww. Mom?


Speaking of my rats, uh, I need to find my way to the research labs.

I keep getting turned around in here.

Down the hall, upstairs to your right.

You don't know?

First day I met you here was the first time I delivered to this place.

My day off, too.

When a good man like Dr. Cannerts says there's an emergency, you don't mope around about a little free time.

Didn't we see him with the rats before the quarantine?

I can't remember.

Hunger's eating my brain.

OK, Mr. Melodramatic. Come on.

You need to wash up.

Jake: One week in and you haven't bailed on me yet.

You think I'd quit before payday?

You can pay me in French fries, though, right, Chief?

It depends. You like shoestring or curly?

Chili cheese, obviously.

Chili cheese is for holiday pay, Detective Pearson.

Don't get greedy.

I'm a detective now, huh?

If you can decide I'm Chief, then you can be Commander of the Free World, as far as I'm concerned.


I got it.

Take it.

Uhh! Uhh!

Hey, whoa. Don't move. Don't move.

[Cocks g*n]

Pearson. You all right?

I'm fine.

I'm not a thief.

Could've fooled me.

I got two kids. A wife.

We're out of money.

I need anything I can trade for food.

Put the stuff back.

We'll act as if this never happened, all right?

[Sneezes, coughs]

Hey, stop right there. I said stop!

I'm not sick. It's... it's dusty in here.

That's all. [Sneezes, coughs]


Sir, I'm gonna need you to come with me to the hospital.

I'm not sick.

Well, there's nothing to worry about.

Just come check it out, OK?


Pearson, you OK? You took a hit there.

I'm good.

No fluid or nothing.

Sir, come with me.

I'm gonna contact your wife and kids, let them know where you are, all right?

There you go. Keep moving.

Right this way. A little faster, sir.

Walking up to the end of the street where the car is.

Just keep moving. Thank you.

Cannerts: I must declare the virus as highly contagious and fatal in 100% of its victims.

Lommers: I recommend we institute a cordon sanitaire to contain the spread of the virus.

Lex: What I need is the truth.

Jake: Yeah, I'm in the middle of the damn hot zone, Lex.


Lex: If we let anyone out, we're risking the lives of everyone in this city.

Despite the government's best efforts to shut down communication, one determined blogger has managed to expose the disturbing conditions inside Atlanta's cordon, fomenting increased public outrage throughout the country.

Viewer discretion is advised.

Man on video: I will not allow the system to hide the truth.

I want to know how this video got out of the cordon.

There's a hole somewhere. Find it, plug it.

Now more than ever, we need to control the positive flow of information to the press.

[Door creaks]

Lommers: Lex.

Thanks for coming in.

I invited Chief Besser to join us.

I hope that's all right.

Yeah. It's all right.

Lex, it's my job to be decisive, and to recognize when I've made mistakes and to react accordingly.

The PR task isn't for you. I can see that now.

I never should've asked you to do something you weren't comfortable doing.

I apologize for that.

Apology accepted.

Somehow I sense there's more.

Told you he was intuitive.

You want to help the people inside?

That's all I've wanted to do.

I've contacted FEMA, the Red Cross, and the Army.

There are 50,000 meals on their way as we speak.

I want you in charge of a food drop.

Are you interested?

I'll get on it right away.

Chief, I'm gonna need a crew of guys on a planning detail over the next couple of days.

We'll need the food delivered inside the cordon by tomorrow.

We know it's tight. No one's denying this is going to be tough.

Tough? Chief, with all due respect, this is impossible.

We don't have the men or the resources inside to handle a drop of this magnitude.

Lommers: You impress me as someone who isn't deterred by a challenge.

Why does it have to be tomorrow?

Surely there is enough food within the cordon to allow us the time to plan this right.

Actually, by the end of the first week, most of the perishables are gone.

What few grocery stores there are inside the cordon by now have likely been picked over and that's not to mention those who didn't have much to begin with.

In situations like this, people get nervous and they start rationing their food.

Rationing by its very nature makes people even hungrier.

Hunger creates chaos.

You wanna talk about chaos?

Drop that much food into a quarantine zone without preparation.

You are making assumptions about the breadth of my experience in these situations, Major.

Are you familiar with what went on in Sierra Leone?

I know a lot of people d*ed.

They did.

And I was part of the effort to keep people from dying.

And we had a lot of good, smart people working that problem, but in a few key moments, we waited.

We were too cautious.

There was red tape everywhere.

I don't want that to happen here and I don't want it to happen to your city, not on my watch.

So, cheer up, Major.

You're getting food to your people tomorrow.

Jake: Tomorrow?

Lex: Tomorrow.

There's no way. No way.

I need at least a week in here to set up stations and crowd control.

And an unloading zone and a distribution center, but we don't have a week.

Can you make it work?

Ha! Hell no.

Neither can I, but we're gonna.

Spring Street crosses directly over Linden Train Station.

The location should provide a good perimeter.

My team will deliver the food to you.

Your team will control distribution.

Anything else?

Actually, yeah. There is a kid who broke in recently.

Name's Xander. African-American, about 18.

If you come across him, just know he's a good kid.

What knucklehead breaks into a quarantine?

His girlfriend's about to give birth.

You're gonna ask me to deliver the baby, too?

Hey, Jana got a message to me.

She's doing OK.

[Sigh] Lex, I'm sorry, man.

I... I'm sorry I haven't checked on her.

It's been kind of rough the last few days and... if I don't see her at the drop, I'm gonna bring the food to her myself, all right?

When you see her, um, ahem, give her this.

It's a key to my house.

I used to leave it under the mat for her.

Wh-what good is it gonna do her now?

It's a little metaphor called hope, you idiot.

Just give it to her, all right?

Yeah, OK, Romeo.


[Engine revving]


Man: Ha-ha! Whoo!

Way to go! [Indistinct]


[Indistinct] Here, man.

Jana: What do you think is going on down there?

Good afternoon. I'm pleased to announce that in coordination with federal, state, and local authorities, we will be delivering a major food supply in the cordon...

I got first dibs on the prime rib.

Oh, yeah? Gonna get it?

Dennis: Uh-uh. Tony and I went out the last time.

Fair is fair.

Lommers: We ask that you arrive at the location no sooner than 30 minutes before your assigned time.


Suzy: We're really going out to that?

We aren't.

I'm gonna do it alone.



It's bad enough down there for one woman, much less two.

I can't let you go by yourself.

Let Dennis or Tony help.

You were saying?

Man: All right, come on. Let's go.

I was promised two people to work this crane.

I need someone to assist the operator.

I got experience in that.

Used to work construction after high school.

All right, Meese. You're on crane duty.

I appreciate you stepping up.

I could use the specialty pay.

You mean your bookie could use it.

Listen up.

We're on a tight schedule.

So, I need everyone to help out in any way that you can.

All right? Keep the traffic moving and out of the way so that we can unload these trucks safely.

Now, each large box contains 10 smaller ones holding 50 MREs.

100 boxes.

5 on each pallet. That's a total of 20 drops.

I need everything down there in plenty of time for Jake and his men to organize and distribute the food.

Any questions?

Walden: Yeah. How's Jake gonna handle all that with 9 cops?

It's not 9 anymore.

It's 6 or 7 that he can rely on.

Let's bring in the next truck.

Keep at least 4 feet apart at all times.

Wait patiently. You will get a box.

Hey, you two, keep your distance.

Yellow jacket, miss, back up.

Stay patient. Everyone will receive a box.

Once you receive it, please just move quickly to the left.

Thank you.

Man: Your transportation has arrived.

Get in.

Second man: Let's go.

[Cocks g*n]

Third man: Drop the bag, Z.

First man: Now! [Engine revs]

We got work to do.

Second man: There you go.

[Indistinct chatter]

Man: Hurry up. Let's go.

Jake: Sir, everyone, 4 to 6 feet! Please!

Hey, sir, you need to back up.

Everyone, stay 4 to 6 feet apart!

Wait until we call you to step forward.

We need more bodies on crowd control.

These people clearly ignored the staggered pickup times.

You see Pearson?


Where the hell is he? He knows I need him here.

I don't know. He wasn't at roll call.

Hey. Hey, don't do that.

That's not clean, sweetheart.

But I'm hungry.

Where are your parents?

They never came home.

We're handing out some food right now.

I can make sure you get some. Would you like that?


You stay right there.

It's OK. Just... just don't move, all right?



Get her to the hospital, all right?

Keep your distance.

All right.

OK. Go on.

Kate: OK, so, who remembers what we know about a vaccine versus a treatment?

You need a vaccine before you get sick.


Why didn't the doctors who d*ed have vaccines?

Well, they didn't know the virus existed yet.

Dr. Cannerts works in the office of the lady doctor who d*ed from the virus.

Nurse Helen told me.

Oh, yeah?

What else did Nurse Helen have to say?

She said the doctor liked to have a quickie with her boyfriend before rounds in the morning.

What's a quickie?

Quentin, please tell me Nurse Helen did not use those words with you.

Well, I heard her tell the other nurse at the sign-in desk.

They said he always signed in like clockwork after Dr. Sanders' night shifts.

The lady doctor's name was Dr. Sanders?

OK. That's very interesting.


Because Dr. Sanders was supposed to take us for our tour the day of our field trip.

I guess she was too busy having a quickie.

[Indistinct chatter]

Crane got jammed.

Meese walked out on the pallet trying to be a hero and he couldn't keep his balance.


Meese: About time you got here.

Yeah, I'm a little banged up.

Get me out of here.

Tell him how to get out.

I can't.

Why the hell not?

Because he's cut himself and I don't know who he came into contact with.

Come on, guys. I'm not getting any younger.

This is insane, Lex.

What am I supposed to do, Pete?

No one in, no one out. Those are the rules.

One of them just got broken.

So, how about you break the other one?

I can't let you out, Doug.


I break the rules as much as once and this all goes to hell.

Do you understand me?

Yeah. Yeah, Major.

Got it.

Jake could use the help.

He'll set you up with food and gear.

I'm sorry, Doug.

Lex, you can't turn your back on a brother in blue.

Everybody, get back to work.

That's an order!

Man: More. Pass a couple this way.

Second man: ...Lady behind you, step up.

First man: Let's go, guys. Keep it moving.

Next up.

Hey. You seen Pearson?

No. Haven't seen him.

Woman: Jake.



You good?


Yeah. Hey, uh, Lex has been asking me to check on you, so, I suck.

You've been talking to Lex?

Yeah, there's this access line at the hospital for the doctors... it's a long story.

This is for you.

He said it's for hope or whatever.

Man: Jake, we need you over here.

Jake: Yeah. I'll be right over.

This is really great.

Thank you for getting this to me.

Is this supposed to be keeping you busy in here?

Yeah, this and, uh, wishing I could make a girl cry over a keychain.

[Laughs] Yeah.

Only you would turn a quarantine zone into a meat market.


The ladies all lined up.

No. It's not like that.

Katie... she's not like that.


Yeah. Katie.

Here you are.

This is a box of MREs.

It's got enough food to feed a family of 4 for a week.

It's... It's not the tastiest stuff you'll ever have but... but it works.

Heat up the applesauce.

Little trick I learned.

Thanks. Careful.

You, too.

You and Katie.

And Quentin.

Who's Quentin?

Her son.

[Knocking on door]

Katie. Nice to see you.

I could use a study break. Come on in.

I don't want you to use your break for work but I did have a question about the virus.

I find if I can explain something to my students, it means I understand it.

And I was trying to explain for the millionth time how we ended up here.

For the millionth time, I realized I still couldn't.

How can I help you understand it?

For one, Dr. Sanders was M.I.A. in the morning when she was supposed to give my class a tour.

She was already sick, wasn't she?

I don't have Dr. Saunders' whereabouts committed to memory, unfortunately.

Was she coming off a night shift?

The nurses said that her boyfriend was always here on those mornings to see her.

I saw two bodies... her and him, the bearded guy.

They were both dead before Patient Zero... the Syrian guy.

As I said before, people have different resistances.

But Bert was here with the rats before the lockdown because you told him it was an emergency.

I saw the timeline on the news.

Why would you bring rats into a non-research hospital before you discovered the existence of the virus?

Katie, all due respect, the last time I checked, I'm the one with a doctorate in Infectious Diseases.

I'm sorry.

Just trying to get this all straight in my head.

No, I'm sorry.

I... overworked and, uh, overwhelmed.

Please forgive me.

Man: Sir. That way. You...

[Tires screech] Woman: Aah!

Man: Look out, now.

Don't start no trouble, don't be no trouble.

Hands up, po-lice.

Man: Put your hands up.


Officer: Hey, hey, just stay cool.

We cool.

You stay cool.

Man: We're just gonna take all this food.

Second man: All the food.

Xander, make yourself useful and help load the truck.

Xander? Is that the kid who broke in here?

Man: Yeah. He both stupid and crazy.

Second man: Yo, Trey, let me sh**t this cop.

Xander: You sh**t him, every cop outside'll be in here in 5 minutes.

I know you not trying to play hero right now.

Crowd: Oh!

Man: Hey, hey.

Jake: Now it's your turn. Hands up.

Trey: You sh**t me, my g*ng sh**t everyone.

Man: That's right.

Starting with the cops.

Then those sweet people waiting in line.

What a mess it would be.

Doesn't have to be.

If we let you go, you just take the food.

No one needs to get hurt, OK?

Feels right.

Yeah. That feels real right.

Stand down.

Stand down!

[Trey chuckles]

Man: Load 'em up!

Man: Get in the trucks and let's ride!

Meese has a wife and kids.

What are you gonna tell them?

The same thing I'm telling you.

If we let him out, he's a danger to everyone, including his family.

I need you to trust me on this.

Trust you? Meese trusted you and look what it got him.

Officer: Look, you know what the rules are.

The Major had no choice.

Yeah, figured you'd take his side.

Evidently, the color blue doesn't matter to some of you.

Lex: You need to be careful what you're implying.

Meese is one of us.

You fail him, you fail every single cop here.

Officer: Major, check this out.

Those g*ng-bangers are robbing them blind.

Can we get sh**t on the bridge?

Lex: Too many citizens will be caught in the crossfire.

Man: Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Thank you so much for your cool-headed role in this transaction, Officer.

Jake: Transaction?

Trey: Mm-hmm.

You stole food from hungry people.

And you're gonna pay for that.

Actually, they're gonna pay for it. That's the point.

[Engine starts]

See you around.

[Engine starts]

Lommers: You have no...

Lex: You're not listening to me.

Because I warned you that we needed more time.

You certainly did.


And let's look at how it would've ended differently if we had waited.

That g*ng that overwhelmed your men would've been larger, better equipped.

The people would've been hungrier.

At least this way they got 30% of their food.

And now they have to pay the g*ng to get the rest of it.

And some can't even afford anything.

How is that any different than before the cordon went up?

There is more food in there today than there was yesterday.

Now, if you want to call that a loss, that's up to you.

[Indistinct PA announcement]


Damn it, Paul, stop.

Yo! Pearson! Hey!

Where the hell were you, man, huh?

I needed you back there at the drop.

I don't think I'd have been much help.


I'm sorry, man.


You should've told me.

Why? You know some special cure?

Let me take you to the hospital.

OK? We'll get you some meds. Help you through this.

You don't think I know what's happening to me?

Take it easy, take it easy.

I know how this ends.

So, don't give me some crap about helping me.


I'm the only one that can help myself.

That's not true. No, Paul, Paul.

Hey. No, no, look at me, look at me.

Put the g*n down, man.

OK, you don't want to do that.

Jake: It's good.

Paul: You're right.

I don't.

Jake: Paul... [g*nsh*t]



[Man shouting indistinctly]

[Engine revving]

[Tires screeching]

Man: Whoo! [Indistinct]

[Tires screeching]

I'll take that.

Ooh! Uhh! Gimme that box!

[Men shouting indistinctly]

[Keypad beeping]

Come on, come on, come on.

Man: Oh, no. Uh-uh.

[Second man laughs]

[Indistinct chatter]

Man: Get off her.

Jana, run, run! Go! Go!

Get in!

Second man: Don't let him go!


We can't keep taking orders from someone that thinks our people are statistics.

What are you suggesting?

Get her out of there.

Go over her head. Do something.

Get her out of there? We're taking orders from her.

That's the way this works.

The only people whose jobs are threatened right now are yours and mine.

What, so, we're just supposed to take it?

I don't like broccoli, but my doctor says eat it, so I do.

Come on, Chief.

I lost an officer in there today.

People begging me to let him out and me following orders like a good soldier.

I gotta say, sometimes I think those Feds are rowing in a different direction.

Lex, think about who you're messing with.

You know what these Feds can do?

Anything they want.

Fire you without cause.

Suspend your pension.

Force your boss into early retirement.

Nobody's gonna fire you because I'm a pain in the ass.

You work for me, son.

That makes you the pain in the ass I have to answer for.

And right now, I'm telling you to take a b*at and let cooler heads prevail.

And whose heads are those?

I don't know, but they ain't rollin'.

Man: Come on.

You're gonna sell this back to the people you just stole it from?

At a substantial profit.

You got a problem with capitalism?


What you looking at?

Just wanted to say God bless.

He's not eating our food.

We don't have enough for everybody.

Jana: I gave you your share, Dennis, and you, too, Tony.

And not like you guys gave us any when you got food.

I mean as long as we're keeping score.

Dennis: Well, he's not coming in when your 48-hour quarantine is over.

He saved my life.

And he also saved this food, which apparently, you're more concerned about.

We can't allow anyone in. That's your rule, Jana.

Then maybe she should be the one to break it.

Hey. We don't need to hear from you, whatever your name is.

My name is Sam.

And he is in charge of Plant Ops.

So, when it's hot, do you know where to turn up the air?

Or when it's cold, do you know how to turn up the heat?

He knows everything about this building, and we need that.

Oh, for crying out loud.

He fought off the t*rrorists in the garage for her.

Just give him a clean place to live.

My answer is still no.

Then why don't you come out here and kick him out?

I thought so.

Enjoy your turkey tetrazzini.

[Crickets chirping, dog barking]

[Romantic music playing]


Is Madam pleased with the water?

It's vintage from my private collection.

My favorite year.


So, the special tonight is chicken noodle or split pea.



[Siren wailing]

Singer: ♪ Mama, take this badge from me ♪
♪ I can't use it anymore ♪
♪ It's getting dark, too dark to see ♪
♪ Feel I'm knockin' on Heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock-knock-knockin' on Heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock-knock-knockin' on Heaven's door ♪
♪ Ohh, knock-knock-knockin' on Heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock-knock-knockin' on Heaven's door ♪

It's the girl from the food drop.

She didn't have any I.D.

She told the officer her name was Sara.

Hey, I'll store the teddy bear with the other belongings.

Maybe someone will recognize it when this is all over.

Singer: ♪ Mama, put my g*ns in the ground ♪
♪ I can't sh**t them anymore ♪ [Bang]

♪ That cold black cloud is comin' round ♪
♪ And I feel I'm knockin' on Heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock-knock-knockin' on Heaven's door ♪
♪ Feels like I'm knock-knock-knockin' on Heaven's door ♪
♪ Feels like I'm knock-knock-knockin' on Heaven's door ♪

[Sniffles] Aaaaaah!

♪ Knock-knock-knockin' on Heaven's door ♪

We need to talk.

Shower first.


Sorry. I tried to get more, but, uh...

[Sniffles] things didn't go as planned.

I think we're being lied to.

Yeah. OK. Define... define "we."


You know what we saw.

The two people who d*ed before Patient Zero?

I don't care what Dr. Cannerts said.

If they d*ed before him, then they were sick before him.

I think the guy we saw was the female doctor's boyfriend, which means either he got her sick or she infected him.

Either way, this ledger should prove that Sayid came in after Dr. Sanders was already sick, but the pages are missing.

Someone tore them out.


Katie, I just incinerated a little girl's body and collected the ashes of a fellow cop.

OK? Can we save the detective act for the morning?


I'm sorry. Did you have a bad day?


In an endless stream of them, yeah, I did.

Mm. You know who else did?

The 35 people they have crammed into those isolation wards.

My son, who's afraid he'll never see his grandmother again.

Me, when I had to tell my kids who are stuck here that I have no idea when they get to go home, and you know what would make all of that just a tiny bit better?

Something, anything, resembling hope that the people, the doctors who trapped us here, who we're supposed to trust, whose rules we're following, aren't liars.


Tell me what I can do.


How soon before you see your friend Lex?

All I do is take orders.

Follow their rules. And I do it because I believe them.

I believe that it's my duty to hold the line of the cordon, to keep the people safe.

Do you believe her? Katie?

Yeah. I believe her.

She's good, Lex.

In the kind of way that I-I feel like...

I feel like I had to do right by her.

Well, you like her. Now that's new. [Chuckles]

Yeah, that's what Jana said.

You saw Jana?

Yeah. Yeah. She's... she's fine.

She's good.

I gave her your keychain of hopes and dreams.

Yeah, you did.

That, and some pot pies.

Good man.

Well... if the people giving us our orders are lying to us...

I guess we better do something about it.

Did you check the backup security tapes?

Yeah. They tape over them every two days.

OK, well, the hospital is state-run, so, there must be backup drives.

I'll look into it.

Yeah, and I'll see what I can find at the hospital.

There's gotta be something we're missing.

I love this attitude!

Quarantine does wonders for your police work.

Let's not get carried away.

Well, at least you have another cop in there to help you control things.

Wait, who?

Wasn't Meese helping you at the food drop?

Never saw him. I had no idea he was in.

I guess it's still just us, then.

[Engine starts]


It's Meese. Yeah, I'm inside.

Yes, sir. I'll take care of everything you asked me to do.

And the family's debt?


I'm grateful.

Thank you, Officer.

There's a lot riding on this.

Be safe in there.