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01x09 - The Happy Couple

Posted: 05/20/16 09:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Catch"...

What's that?

That is a gift from the princess.

How much can we get for it?

Not enough.

Tell me about the Kensington Firm.

What are you doing?

Pick a side.

Until you do, we're done.

Is the Christopher thing taking over?

A little.

Call my therapist.

Rhys: The Kensington Firm has now expanded into North America.

But the U.S. is my territory.

Was your territory.

Alice Vaughan's the one who cost you America... and Benji.

We have to deal with her.

We have to find out what she knows.

So I'll pay a visit to her therapist.

I'll make her a very persuasive offer.

When Alice arrives...

Alice Vaughan?

Jessie Philips. Please come in.

Tell me everything.

We're going to steal a package.

What is the package?

Leah Wells.

Why is she in handcuffs?

She's a counterfeiter.

I can get you out of here.

My terms are non-negotiable.

I want Paul McCartney.

She named her dog Paul McCartney?

She did.

Rhys: The dog and the package are both gone!

You didn't just steal from me.

You stole from Mummy. And I'm going to tell.

Rhys: Did you know about this?

No, of course not, Rhys.

I know all about you and Alice Vaughan.

I suggest you stay loyal.

You asked me to choose.

I choose you.

You're working with Dao?

I am.

As a C.I.... a confidential informant against Rhys Griffiths.

How did this happen?

Rhys knows about you.

About us.


He's been surveilling you, taking pictures.

We'll get you out of here.


Someplace safe.

No. I'm not leaving.

If Rhys is watching me, he'll know something's up.

Let me take that.

So you're fine with this?


Are you?

Are you fine with this?

The three of us working together?

If Rhys knows about Alice, it's not safe.

As long as you do what Rhys says, I'm not in danger, right?


Then let's do this.

So, what's he offering you?

Reduced sentence... 5 to 10 years.

Depending on what he gives us.

He gets blanket immunity.

He's not getting blanket immunity.

You need to talk to my lawyer.

There's no time.

[Cellphone vibrating]

Then there's no deal.

It's Rhys.

I'll call you.

I can't just let you go.

I can't just blow my cover.


I'm calling my lawyer right now.


[Door opens, closes]

What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

Rhys texted me.

After you stole his counterfeiter.

Apparently he wants to make a deal.

Did he not tell you?

Trouble in paradise already?

What are you two doing here?

You texted me.

You invited me.

No, I didn't.

Says so right here.

Sybil: No, he didn't.

I did.

Well, Jamison did.

I can't be bothered.



Hello, Mother.




What is this?

What is going on?

We're having a family meal, darling.

Won't you sit down?

Well, this is nice, isn't it?

All of us together again.

Ben's back in the family at long last.

And all we need now is you.

Is that why you're here, Mum?

To ask me to come back?

Oh, I think you know why I'm here.

You've stolen something from me.

I didn't steal Leah Wells.

I made her a better offer.

But, lovey, you're in no position to be making offers.

You're starting from scratch.

You've got nothing.

I've got Leah Wells.


And if you want her so much, maybe you should make me an offer.

All right.

Tell Mummy what you want.

I want what is mine.

Oh, for God's sake.

I want what was taken from me.

[Sighs] This again?

When Dad d*ed, he made it perfectly clear that I was the one to succeed him.

Mum chose me. Get over it.

Yes. And do you know why?

Yes, because he's a man.

No, because he didn't want it.

What does that mean?

Do you know what your problem is?

Bad parenting.

You want so much, Margot.

"Mum, may I have your credit card?"

"Mum, may I have your car keys?"

"Mum, may I have North America?"

It's exhausting.

No wonder Ben broke up with you.

Uh, waiter, can we have some menus, please?

Do you want to know the secret to a good relationship?

Oh, this'll be good, coming from the woman whose husband k*lled himself.

Your father didn't k*ll himself. He was m*rder*d.

I assume you know that because you m*rder*d him.

The secret to a healthy relationship is not wanting anything.

Tell her, Ben.

I don't want anything from you!

Of course you do, darling.

That's why you pulled this little stunt with Leah Wells.

You want Mummy's attention.

You want Mummy to tell you how clever you are and how pretty you are.

You mean the way a normal mother treats her daughter?

It's a bit late for that, don't you think, Mum?

Yes, I suppose it is.

You will give me what's mine, or I will take her from you.

You will give me what is mine, or I will take it from you.

Um, do I get a say in this?


Oh, shut up, Rhys.

Margot, wait.


Margot, wait.

Let her go.

You're with us now, remember?

Good boy.

Now... is anyone else having a starter?

Valerie: I cannot believe I let you talk me into this.

I thought you said, now the divorce is final...

No, Gordon and I are fine.

Um, it's just...

Just that, um...

You know what?

I'm gonna go.

Oh, my God.

You and Dao.

I am not discussing this with you.


In fact...

How's it going in here, guys?

You almost done?

Gordon: Yeah.

I'll take this to the AUSA in the morning.

Have her call me if there's any problems.

Thank you.


It's nice to finally meet. I've heard a lot about you.


Good night, Agent Dao.

Good night.

Bonne nuit.

I cannot thank you two enough.

You know, if Christopher... sorry, Ben.

If Ben really can bring down the Kensington Firm, he will get immunity.

He will go free.

That is, if the Firm doesn't k*ll him.

Now, as your friend, I have to ask you, is that what you really want?

After what he did to you?

To both of you?

'Cause I got to be honest here.

There's a part of me that wants to put him away for the rest of his life.

You're a good person, and I know you want to do the right thing, but how do you know he won't do this to you again?

[Mouse clicking]

Alice: He says he's changed.

How so?

He's giving it up... his whole life with them.

He's going straight.

Well, that's what he's telling you.

No, he's... he has a plan.

He's taking steps.


What sort of plan?

What's, uh... what's he doing?

Did he say?

Did he tell you?

And what makes you think you can trust him?

[Camera shutter clicking]

Did you know about this?


Allie, no.

But this is on me.

This is my fault.

I will take care of this.


I don't know yet. I'll figure it out.

How much have you told her?

Everything. I told her everything.

Did you tell her about me and Dao?

No, I was about to, and then I saw the necklace.

Did you confront her?

No. Of course not.


But I'm going to.


Leave that to me.

This woman has done nothing but hurt me.

So now I'm going to return the favor.

Valerie: Not by yourself, you're not.

Are you sure?

I know it's a lot to ask.

Are you kidding?

Margot Bishop targeted us, stole from us, and nearly put us out of business.

This bitch is going down.

[Door beeps, opens]

Where have you been?

I'm sorry.

Rhys wants me to find Margot.

He wants to find the counterfeiter.

What do we want? What are we doing?

What's going on?

Sybil is in town.


All right, since when?

We had a family meeting last night.

Family meeting.

That's funny.

See, I thought we were family.

Reggie, you and I are brothers no matter what.

Which is why...

I want you to take this and go back to Cabo, Morocco, the place in Rome... just get as far away from here as you can.

What is going on?

The family is going down.

And I'm trying to keep you out of it.

What about you?

Don't worry about me.

Reggie, please.


[Exhales sharply]

You are getting rid of the one person you can trust in all this.

You know that, right?

I do.

But right now, you just have to trust me and go.

He said, "The Firm is going down."


Does he know you're here, telling me all this?

Reggie: No.

But if Ben is going after Rhys and Sybil, then we're all on the same side.

We can do it together.


Let the three of them take each other out.

We don't need Ben.

[Dog panting]

Hello, Paul McCartney.

Whoa! Hey!

What's going on, little man?

How you doing?

Leah: Hello, we're back!

Leah, this is my associate, Reggie.

Ah. [Chuckles]

The man who h*jacked my dog.

The man who rescued your dog.


Reggie will be working with us from now on.

Um, not without your partner's approval, he won't be.

Excuse me?

Your partner?

Margot and I agreed to a 50/50 partnership.

We agreed to a 50/50 split.

I don't do partnerships anymore, thanks to Ben.

Okay, so wait.

Uh, relax, handsome. I got this.

Have you ever staged a counterfeiting con, England?

Because I can print money all day long, but unless you know where to sell it, how much to charge, and how to distribute it, you're gonna get us all busted.

You need to get over your ex-boyfriend, start trusting people again.

Make me and Reggie full partners.

Time to start living and loving again.

Am I right?

Ben: You'd like us to find Leah Wells?

Um, not just yet, Benji. I have another job for you two.

Who are these pretty people?

Morgan Foster and Stephanie Duncan.

She's a lawyer. He runs a non-profit.

They're to be married in a few days.

And we're to kidnap them, hold them hostage?

You want them dead?

Please say "no" to all of that.

You're to secure invitations to their wedding.

Is that it?

Well, that's quite a lot.

The wedding will be the social event of the season.

Lots of security, an impossible get... for anyone but you.

What about me? I'm as good as him.

Nearly... aren't I?

You'll have to work together on this.

But what's the con?

How do you mean?

Well, once we've been invited to the wedding, then what?

Well, if you're invited to the wedding, I'll tell you.

Morgan: Is it me?

It's me, isn't it? It's me.

Or maybe... maybe I don't have the right body for a tuxedo.

I mean, my ass looks all right, but...

[Murmurs indistinctly]

Do you have something more... like that?

Now, that is classic.

This is bespoke.

May I?


Wow, wow, wow.

Carlos made it.

Carlos, you can't make this man a tux?

Uh, well, it's too late.

I'm... I'm getting married on Saturday.

Not in that tux, you're not.

Carlos, you can make him a tuxedo by Saturday.

For me?

Thank you.

It's a done deal.


The whole wedding industrial complex is... it's out of control. You know, you hear about it, you see your friends go through it...


And you swear it's never gonna happen to you, and then you find yourself standing there in a tux that you hate when your fiancée calls you to say that the restaurant you booked eight months in advance... eight months... for your rehearsal dinner has a rat problem.


I swear. This wedding is cursed.

I mean, every cell of my being says, "You love this woman.

Don't ruin it by marrying her."

Are you married?

Hey, it's me.

Can you do me a favor?

My friend...


Morgan has lost the space for his rehearsal dinner.

Don't tell me it's because of a sudden rat infestation.

How do these things happen?

[Clicks tongue] And so efficiently, too.

The wedding is Saturday, so I'm assuming the dinner is Friday?


Can you do that?

Great. Thanks.

My friend owns the Weatherby, so call your fiancée.

We'll arrange for a tasting, and if you like it, it's yours.

Wow. Uh, who are you?

Charlie Nicholas.

Happy to help.

Danny: So, this is your real therapist...

Jessica Philips.

And what did she say when you spoke to her?

She said Margot had a g*n and gave her this.

Alice: She didn't deposit it?

Sophie: She was too scared to.

She still is.

But no contact information for Margot?


And no record of a Margot Bishop entering the country.

And the only alias we have is Jessie Philips.

Even the QR19 software couldn't find a match.

So we don't know anything.

We don't know where she is, what she's doing.

We have no way to find her.

We actually do.

I am so glad you called.

Me, too.

Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.

I think I've been lying to myself.

How so?

This whole time I've been chasing him, I've told myself it was because I wanted answers.

I needed to understand how this happened to me.

And now that I'm getting answers, now that he's telling me everything...


What's he... what's he telling you?

That it wasn't his fault, of course.

That it wasn't him who set me up.

It was his partner.

A partner. Hmm.

He says they were together for 15 years, that he was loyal to her, but that he felt like a prisoner, being with her.

He says that he could hardly stand to touch her, that she repulsed him.

He says that he would have left her a long time ago, but that this woman is so fragile, so damaged that he was scared to leave her.

He was scared that she might hurt herself, or him.

Or... me.

I'm sorry, may I have a glass of water?

Yes. Absolutely.

Of course, he may be telling her the same things about me.

But, then, I can't help thinking, what if this woman really is a monster... and he does love me?

[Van door slides]

How'd it go?

Danny: You okay?

I think I'm done with therapy for a while.

Are we live?

We are live.

Will you let Agent Dao know?


Now all we have to do is wait for Margot to make her move.

Oh, my God. Mmm.




You guys. This is so...

So, so good.

So good!

I mean, you just want to slow down.

Just taste every bite.

Every bite.

What did I tell you? I'm so glad.

Well, we love the food.

We love the space.


Honey, why are we sitting here, pretending that what we think matters?


What do you mean?

Well, it's... it's my mother who should be sitting here.

She's the one that picked the original restaurant, that horrible tux.

She tried to pick my dress.

And I get it. They're paying for it.

It's their party, their friends.

Yes, we will know six people at our own wedding?

I'm not joking.

Oh. That doesn't seem right.

You should be able to invite whoever you want.

Morgan: But it's not about us.

At this point, it's not even about the marriage, you know?

How about you guys? Are you married?


God, no.

[Scoffs] You see?

Honey, why can't we do that?

You know, make the commitment to each other without the circus and the politics?

Yeah, I know.

How long have you been together?

Well, we're...

15 years.

Shut up.

Wow. That's amazing.


Let me explain.

And I'm not going to lie... it hasn't been easy.

How do you do it?

What's your secret?

Open relationship.


Stephanie: Uh, you see?

Open relationship.

Open relationship.

Mm-hmm. I knew it.

Why can't straight people have that?

[All chuckle]

Well, you know, we... we have hit a bit of a road block.

We're trying to write our vows right now...


And it just feels disingenuous.

Yeah, because, you know, you have to promise forever, and...


I can't promise that.

I can't, either.

I really can't.

Stephanie: I know.

No, no. You can't promise that.

What you can promise is that you will grow tired of each other.

Wow. Sweetie.

[Light chuckles]

You will have an affair with your personal trainer.

You know, who knows?

We just don't know. We don't, do we?

We don't know.

We don't know.

But I think the point we want to make to them is that we don't make those promises because we know we're going to keep them, we make those promises to guarantee we keep them.

He's right.

Thank you.

You're right.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

You're right.

Thank you.

He's right.

Marriage is not about love.

No, that's not what I'm saying at all.

Love is about love.

Marriage... is [sighs]... is the merging of...


Of... of capital, property.

It's... It's... It's a business proposition.


Is what it is.

Stephanie: That's... That's totally right.

He's right.

I don't want that.

No. I don't want that, either.

Oh, my God. I love you.

I know!

I love you so much!

I love you, too! I love you so much!

Oh, honey.

So, are we doing this?

I think we are gonna do this.



Oh, my God. We're doing this.

We're doing this.

[Both sigh]

We are so happy for both of you.

If there's anything else we can do...

Are you kidding me?

No, I mean, if it weren't for you guys, we wouldn't be doing this.

No, in fact, I'm gonna call Mom right now, and I'm gonna tell her this wedding is off.

The wedding is off. The wedding is off.

[Claps hands] Yes.

Thank you.

Well... maybe you'd like to call your mom.


The portrait may not seem like a security feature, but people remember faces, so it has to be just right.

Every strand of hair in place.

That's it.
Margot: Can you get this animal away from me?

[Dog barks]

Hey. What's wrong?

Did you know Ben's been seeing her?

That he's been seeing her for this entire time.

Did you?


Well, I've been seeing her, too.


I've been posing as her therapist, trying to find out what she knows about all of us, and until today, she's been insecure, shy, confused, but now, apparently, he's been telling her how fragile I am, unbalanced, repulsive.

She went on like this for 50 minutes.

[Leah chuckles]

I'm sorry, do you have something to contribute?

Well, if we were partners, maybe.

Oh, for God's sakes.

She spent 50 minutes telling you how terrible you are?

Sweetie, you've been made.




[Rustling in purse]

Who is this woman?


She's a private investigator.

[Van door slides]

Danny: All right.

She stopped. This must be the place.

We going in?


Where's Agent Dao?

He's saying we have to wait for clearance.



And that we can't go in without a warrant.

No, the FBI can't go in without a warrant.

We can do whatever we want. Come on.

Where do you think you're going?

Margot's gonna get away.


If we go in without a warrant, the courts will throw out the case, and she will get away.

[Radio chatter]

Still warm.

We just missed them.

At least we have a warrant.

Search the rest of the building.

[Cellphone rings]


Margot: Poor Alice.

Duped again.

I'll be sure to bring that up in our next session.


At least we got here in time to keep them from taking their equipment.

Even so, they left with their hands full.

Judging by the range of serial numbers, they made over 20,000 hundred-dollar bills.

Wait, that's...

$2 million.


Fake dollars.

Which they won't use.

Counterfeiters never use their own money.

You think they'll try to sell it?

Not if they're smart.

Not if the FBI's looking for them.

[Cellphone clicks]

What do you think they'll do with them?

We need to burn it.


Absolutely not.

See, this is why I don't have partners.

Reggie and I worked too hard on this batch to just set it on fire.

Wait, what?

She's been teaching me.

See, Reggie has the right attitude.

Yours needs an adjustment.

[British accent] You're just a little bit British.

I'm starting to miss Alice Vaughan.

You and I made a deal for 50% of the take.

No take means no deal.

No deal means you need to get out of the car.

I beg your pardon?

[Scoffs] If you don't want to sell it, Reggie and I will, and he'll take your half.


And you'll get caught.

The FBI and Alice Vaughan will be searching everywhere for this money.

Which means we'll have to move fast, but at least we'll make a profit.

All in favor?

I vote for profit.

Look at that. Two votes for profit.

How you voting, Parliament?

[Sighing] Oh, God.

What the hell? Let's make some money.

Ohh! Boom!


God help us all.

[Dog barks]

That'll do it. [Chuckles]

Leah Wells is considered one of the finest counterfeiters in the business.

Insiders say that the quality of her work is better than the U.S. Treasury's, and her bills are collector's items on the black market.

But at the moment, she's on the run, with no safehouse, no equipment...

And $2 million in fake cash.

If she does try to sell it, it'll be somewhere the FBI won't think to look.

Does she have any L.A. contacts?

Her first arrest was in L.A., actually.

A counterfeit ring involving foreign-currency exchanges.

You think she'll go back to her roots?

I don't think she has a choice.

So we monitor every currency exchange in the city?

Sure, why not? There's only... 104 of them.

So, if we each take...


Thank you.


We should be able to get it done.

Wherever she goes, the exchange is gonna want to move those bills quickly.

So they'll lower their rates to attract more business.

Can you guys do some competitive-rate shopping?

See if we can pick up a couple million collector's items?

Well, we could lie, tell her the wedding's on, invitation's in the mail.

She'll never know.

She probably already knows.

Oh, God. She's gonna chop our bollocks off.

No, she's not.

If she could have pulled this job off herself, she would have.

She needs us.

Why, though?

For what?

Let's tell her the truth and find out.


Hello, Jamison.

Mum, Benji's got something to tell you.

Hello, loves.


Is now a bad time?

Listen, we... we can come back.


No, your timing's perfect.

We were just discussing the importance of family.

George, this is my son, Rhys, and our dear friend Ben, who's been like a son to me for the last 15 years.

These boys mean the world to me.

And everything I've done in my life... every decision I've made... has been to provide a future for them, for our children, our sons.

Well, you have sons, don't you?

[Gasps] Look!

Oh. Oh.

[Children laughing over tablet]

Aren't they gorgeous?

Oh. [Chuckles]

[Exhales shakily]

Please, not my sons.


Not my boys. Please.

Oh, now, now.

I'm sure you'd do whatever you can to protect them.



You're a good father.

And I give you my word...

I'll see to it your sons are well taken care of after you've gone.

Now, darlings.

What did you want to tell me?

Good news, Mum.

We've just been invited to a wedding.


She sh*t him?

She had him sh*t.

Sybil likes to keep her hands clean.

Who was he?

Well, she called him George.

He had two sons.

She promised not to harm them so long as he gave her an access number.

But once he gave her the number...

She hurt George instead.

Does the access number have anything to do with the wedding?

Well, if it does, it's worthless now.

The wedding has been called off.


Rhys got a little too empathetic with Morgan's Mommy issues.

Does Sybil know?

She'll find out.

And then k*ll you.

She won't have to.

Morgan and Stephanie love each other, right?

So all you have to do is convince them that marriage is still worth it.

You still believe that, don't you?

That part wasn't a lie.

I do.

So, if you believe it, they will, too.

This is gonna be the end of me.

Don't get my hopes up.

No, I'm serious.


We still have plenty of time.

To do what?

Go somewhere Mum'll never find us?

To score two invitations to this wedding.

Well, thanks to me, there is no wedding.

Thanks to you, there will be.

Their parents are furious with them.

Their friends are all calling.

They're gonna want an escape, and you're going to give them one.

Oh. That's nice of me.

An all-expenses-paid getaway to the Weatherby, during which time, we'll convince them that their lives won't be complete without this wedding.

And how are we going to do that?

As the happy couple, Charlie and Andy.


Which one am I again? Am I Charlie?

You're Andy.


Well, in that case, I should change, because I don't look like an Andy at all.


Hey, Morgan, Stephanie.



[Laughing] Hey.


I'm so glad you could make it.

Oh, so are we.

Yeah, we didn't tell anyone where we were going.

We just left.

And so you should.

This is so generous of you.

Yeah, we're so grateful to you guys.

Where's Charlie?

[Sighs] He...

Well, the thing is, he's...

You broke up?

We broke up.

When? How did this happen?

You know what? It's not important.

Not important?

You guys came here to get away.

No. Well, you were there for us.

We're gonna be there for you.

Now, tell me everything. Just... Just give it to me.

How did it happen?

He asked me to marry him.



Yesterday, just after you left.

We were sitting right here, and he got down on one knee, and he proposed.

It was really lovely, actually.

Oh, my God. What did you say?

Well, I said no, of course.


I'm not gonna sit here and say to you and Morgan that marriage is an outdated concept and then turn around and marry him.

Yeah, but you love him, don't you?

Of course I do.

But you love Morgan.

Yes, but...

Y-You've been together for 15 years.

Which you would think would be proof enough that I want to be with him, but no.

He wants... He wants it made public.

He wants it to be legal, now that it actually is legal.


He wants me to stand up in front of God and everyone, and... and say, "I love this man so much.

I am proud to be able to call him my husband."

Oh, my God. This is all our fault.

No, it's not.

It is. It is.

You two were happy.

You were doing fine, and then we showed up.

We ruined everything.

You showed up and reminded me of what really matters.

I don't want to spend my life with someone who can only commit to himself.

Andy loves you.


You know that.

He says he loves me.

But don't tell me you love me. Show me.

Show me you believe in something bigger than yourself.

That's what weddings are. They're an act of faith.

Show me you have faith... faith in me, faith in us, faith in yourself.

Did you tell him that?

Morgan: All right? You good? Yeah.



Look who I found.

Hi, Charlie.




We haven't ordered yet, if you guys want to...

Uh, honey, maybe we should give them a minute to talk.

We'll be at the bar. Mm-hmm.

We'll just be a second.

[Whispering] Ah. Take your time.

All right.

How'd it go with her?

Okay. All right, I think.

I'm not sure. I-I'm doing all the talking.

Ben: Oh, what a surprise.

Right. That's enough.

How's it going with him?

Just fine.

Just fine.

Ben: He's just so nice.

Rhys: So is she.

I mean, they're so perfect together.

I'm almost jealous.

It's funny, 'cause that's how they feel about us.

Well, you know what?

We have been together for 15 years.

Off and on. It's not the same thing.

Well, here we are. We're still together.

And things are better when we're together.

I think, anyway. Don't you?

Don't you agree?

Watch this.



What are you doing?

Just go with me.


Will you marry me, Charlie?

Oh, my God.

We're not kissing.

Say yes.


Say yes.

We're not kissing.

Say yes.

Oh, my God. I think he's doing it.

All right. No need to have a great, big gay panic about it.

I'm not.


In that case...

[Both chuckle]

He said yes!


He said yes! I can't believe it.

They're getting married!

Oh, my gosh!

Morgan: Wow. Wow.


You two, full of surprises.

Oh, the two of you have been such an inspiration.

Thank you.

Oh, well, the feeling is entirely mutual.

And, um, we don't want to steal your thunder, but...

No, but we did just decide, just now...

Both: The wedding's back on!

Both: The wedding's back on!




[Both chuckle]

And we would really love it if you guys came.


Absolutely. Of course.

Of course.


Thank you.

Um, hey, maybe we should make it a double wedding.

Your mother would love that.

[Light chuckles]


What? I'm joking.

Four currency exchanges dropped their rates dramatically this morning.

Each one received a deposit of close to $200,000.

So Margot's spreading it around.

Why these four?

They're all owned by the same parent company.

Athenia International.

Leah Wells is using her old contact.

Does Athenia own any others?

Just one... National Mutual, downtown.

We should go.

We should call Dao.

So he can delay us long enough that we lose her again?

We should be there now, before Margot arrives, so we can shut down her whole operation.

[Computer beeping]

♪ Is someone listening? ♪
♪ Okay ♪


♪ Let me tell you the story of that guy ♪


She's here.

Headed towards the manager's office.

Valerie: [Through radio] Copy that.

Wait till she's isolated, then move.

Cover the east entrance.

Copy that.

[Van door slides]


[Both chuckle]

I think this means he likes me.

Of course.

Also means he needs to go potty.

Here. I'll take him.

No, no. That's okay.

I think Sir Paul and I got this.


All right. Be right back.

Come on, little one.

Ho! Here we go.

Ahh, all right. Do your business.

♪ Intense sex ♪
♪ Now I'm living ♪
♪ My own life ♪
♪ Got you out of my mind ♪
♪ I've been wasting ♪
♪ Too much time ♪

[Cellphone clicks]

[Cellphone rings]



You're walking into a trap.

AVI and Alice Vaughan... they're here.

Find an exit now.

I'll meet you on the Southwest corner of the intersection.

Grazie. Ciao.

Valerie: [Through radio] Something's not right.

She knows.

♪ ♪

Let's go. Come on.

♪ Now I'm living ♪

[Engine starts]

Everybody move in.

♪ My own life ♪

[Tires squeal]

Black sedan heading east on Flower.

[g*n cocks]

I'm afraid our time is up.

[g*n cocks]

Valerie: You should be afraid.

She hasn't said a word.

Which is why I invited someone she might actually want to talk to.


Margot Bishop has vital information on the inner workings...

You're cutting her a deal?

And you're negotiating it?

Only because we all want the same thing... to take down the Firm.

If she chooses not to cooperate, goes away for good, no questions.

And what if she does cooperate?

She was going to sh**t me.

One step at a time.

I want to see if she's even willing to talk first.

You have five minutes.

[Door closes, door opens]

It's not bad enough I'm in prison, but now I have to be in here with you.

Why aren't your hands cuffed to the table?

You sold out.

You sold us all out, didn't you?

They want Sybil.

They want the Firm.

They are willing to work with you.

Who's "they"?

Agent Dao? Alice Vaughan?

Is she here?

Is she watching us?

We've been spending time together, Alice and I.

You did a great job convincing her that I was the one who targeted her firm.

That I'm the one to blame for everything.

Well done.

She has no idea who you are.

Or that you'll betray her again.

Because you will, because that's who you are.

That's what you're really in love with... the con itself, the challenge of making someone believe in you.

When the truth is, you don't really exist.

You are no one.

You are nothing.

And she will come to find that out just as I have.

You can talk to Agent Dao.

He'll tell you what your options are.

I don't have any options, Benjamin... and, you're about to find out, neither do you.

Where is she?

She left.

Margot Bishop is a horrible woman, and you cannot listen to or trust a word she says.

The irony is that until about two seconds ago, I was gonna come in here and tell you the exact same things about Christopher... Ben.

But I'm not anymore.

Because Margot Bishop is a horrible woman, and I'm not.

So instead, I'm gonna remind you, we don't know.

We don't know if Ben is gonna hurt you again.

Or if Dao is gonna hurt me.

Or if I'm gonna hurt Dao.

We don't know.

[Cellphone vibrates]

Now answer the phone and find out.

[Cellphone clicks]


Ben: [Through cellphone] Allie.

You can't let her get inside your head.

But she's not wrong, is she?

If she were right about me, we wouldn't be on the phone right now.

And you never would have seen me again.

We are going to get through this.

We are going to get through this.

Good night.

Good night.

[Cellphone clicks]


[Cellphone beeps]

You're coming with me.

[Handcuffs click]

[Elevator bell dings]


What is this? What... What's happening?

It's a prison break, darling. Get in.

[Handcuffs click]

[Knock on door]

Hello, Jamison. She wanted to see me?

Sybil: Yes, Benjamin. Come in.

[Door closes]

You seem surprised to see me, darling.

Almost as surprised as I was to hear you've been working with the FBI.

Let me explain.

No, that won't be necessary.

All I require is your attendance at the wedding.

We have a job to do.

And now we have sufficient collateral to ensure you'll do your part.

What's the collateral?

Alice Vaughan, of course.

Benji stole this for you, didn't he?


He always was one for extravagant gestures.

How do you do, Ms. Vaughan?

I'm Rhys.