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01x01 - A Darkness Surrounds Him

Posted: 05/21/16 06:45
by bunniefuu




Woman: I'm not letting you drive six counties over with somebody I don't even know!

...for stealing his daddy's car, what, six damn months ago?

Girl: That's not what happened.

And he didn't mean to steal it.

Mindy, I raised you better than this for you to be giving me this bullshit right now.

His dad...

You are 16 years old!

Yeah, I'm older than you were when you got pregnant!

That does not make it okay for you to run wild!

If anything, it means the opposite!

Mindy Prairie Austin, can't you see I'm trying to protect you?

Oh, protect me from what?

It's a concert! Six of us are gonna be there.

What's gonna happen?

The answer is no.

Do you have any clue what this means to me?

What this could do?

All my friends are going!

Let's not get overly dramatic, dear.

If you want to hang around and be with your friends some other day when you don't have to drive a hundred miles outside of town...

You know, I could have lied!

You will not be going out forever!


Why don't you go to your room?

I am sick of this!

Mom, you can't just yell at me every time you feel like it.


I could've just said I was going to Sarah's and you'd have never known.

You think about that? Don't I get any credit for that?

Great job. I am so proud of you.

You're still not goin'.

I hate you!


Joshua, put away the chips.

You already had dinner.




Man on radio: Keep listening to WFKK with Bobcat Joe to win your share of the biggest free ticket raffle in West by gosh Virginia.

Up next, we got a little Conway Twitty coming your way.

♪ He put his arms around her shoulder ♪
♪ And with a voice that sounded older ♪
♪ He said, "Mom, I got something on my mind" ♪

Policeman on radio: Attention all cars.

We have a possible 503 in progress at Main and Park.

Anyone in the area, please respond.

The boys will get it.

Where you at with the new playground equipment?

Anderson: Don't try to distract me.

It's going well.

Thanks for comin' to the potluck.

A little of that makes a little of this okay, right?

Isn't that how it work?

Whatever your motives.

There would've been something missing without the chief's chili.

Yeah... heartburn.

The point is, we are almost to our fund-raising goal and you two fine public servants are about to put us over the top.

I'm gonna make sure there's a little plaque with your names on the teeter-totter in honor of this generous contribution.

Lord willing.

Ogden, you get a read on that?

Does it mean he's got a terrible hand and needs help or he's got a great hand and is bluffing?

There's your answer. Fold.

I ain't so sure.

Much as I hate to disappoint them kids, I think I'm gonna make you show me them cards.

All right then. Call, raise, whichever.

Just quit wasting time and give me my damn money.

This better be life or death, Florence.

It's Mrs. Austin.

Says it's urgent.

I'm out.

Past time to call it a night, anyway.

Wife is going to be pissed, so...

No, come on. That...

That... that can wait.

I'm gonna hit your little boys' room on my way out.


Just don't forget to open a window this time.





What can I do for you, Betsy?

(SIGHS) Reverend... it's Joshua.

You have to help him.

(SIGHS) What is it?

It's just like you've been talking about on Sundays.

Like the Conners boy and Miss Martindale.

You sure? I mean, there's a... there's a lot of things...

I'm sure.



♪ ♪




Woman: Kyle!





Woman: Kyle, come on!



Kyle, you assh*le!

I can see you!


Let me in!

You know I'll stay here all g*dd*mn day if I have to.


Please go.

And leave your sorry ass all alone?

Not a chance.

You can't be here.

It's worse than I thought.

How long has it been since you ate a vegetable?

Do you even remember solid poop?

This isn't healthy.

Why are you here?

I'm checking in on you, shithead.

Because I care about you.

You know people do that, right?

Care about other people?

Things are that dull with your real family then, huh?

I'm not even going there with you.

Why didn't you call me when you ran out of food?

Were you out of minutes or somethin'?

I lost that phone.

Is this you punishing yourself?

Take a f*cking shower already.


I appreciate your judgment, really do, but you can quit making me your mission.

I'm doing just fine.

You don't owe me anything.

Bullshit you're fine.

Look at this place.

Maybe your little savings account will last forever.


You still haven't had the water turned on.

I don't need it.

And bullshit I don't owe you anything.

You know better.

It's my home, Megan.

Please let me get you some food.

Let me get you out of here... at least for an hour.

Maybe you'll luck out and the place will burn down while we're gone.

One hour?

Then you'll leave me alone?

All right.

I'll meet you out front... Don't.

I'll meet you out front in five minutes.

♪ ♪











Morning, Reverend.

It is a fine one.

Any change?

I'm afraid not.

Thank you.

I got donuts too.

But I'm afraid they didn't survive the drive over.

Is he awake?

I brought him some food this morning, but I don't know if he ate it.

He scares me.

The Lord would never abandon one of his children.

And neither would I.

Now... let's see about your boy.

♪ ♪

They really do need to get more organic produce here.

The selection is pathetic.

Organic shredded wheat.

High in fiber. Poops be solid.

You shouldn't have brought me here.

I don't know what I ever did to make you hate me so much.

I don't hate you, Megan.

Then why do you avoid me like the plague?

If I get you this, you'll call me next time you need something... and not the one person on Earth you're not supposed to call?


Do your 12-year-old students notice your condescending tone or is that just me?

Pretty much just you.

I don't want you to get in trouble again.

Is that so wrong?

I won't call her.

Soup preference?



Woman: Kyle Barnes is here.

That must be a sign, I tell you.

Kyle Barnes?

Uh, yeah.

We went to church with your mother, Kyle.

Do you remember me? Florence Hall?

Uh... okay.

It's been a long time.

It's good to see you.

And you too, dear.

Haven't seen you in church in a long time.

You really should attend a sermon.


I'll try.

We're asking everyone in Rome to pray for the Austin boy.


You know the family?

Uh, I don't. No.

Their son, Joshua, bright boy.

He's fallen prey to dark forces.

It's like what happened to your poor mother all over again.

It is such a shame. So terrible.

And so soon after the Conners family.

Reverend Anderson has been visiting little Joshua all week.

Can you keep him in your thoughts and prayers?


I can do that. Sure.

You were always such a sweet boy.

We should be going, Flo.

I hope I'll see you soon at the service.

I'll try.


Thank you.

Are they kidding with that f*cking nonsense?

"Dark forces"?


Your mother was sick, and some people in this backwards town are crazy.




Reverend Anderson: Come on!

Come on! Come on!

Come out and face me, coward!


In the name of Jesus, I command you to release this child!

You're hurting him!

Go downstairs!

Look into my eyes and see the power I hold over you.

The power given to me by the Almighty God our Lord.

No... power.

You don't belong here.

In the name of Jesus, I cast you out!


Oh my God.

Oil of the spirit and the holy water of the cleansing of God...



Baby, wake up.

Betsy, get out!

Just wake up, baby.

Get the f*ck out!






Heavenly Father, please grant me the strength to overcome this evil I now face!

Allow me to drive this demon out Joshua!

So that his body can be filled with the Holy Ghost and put back upon a path to your glory!


Kyle: Appreciate this.

Megan: The hell?

Is that gratitude?


Shut up.

Man on radio: Your father was a coal miner.

Your grandfather was a coal miner.

This boy those women are talking about... you hear anything?

Don't go down that road again.

I remember when you first moved in, before Mom and Dad adopted you.

You thought there were demons hiding in every shadow.

And Anderson really filled your head with some bullshit.

I'm just worried about that boy.

Yeah, well, not much you can do there.


You lost?

If you're gonna backseat drive, climb in the back f*ckin' seat.

Where are you taking me?

Come on! You've never even seen the new house!

Oh, my...

It's been two years!

Damn it, Megan! No!

I know you don't want me around your daughter.

Your husband hates me.


A nice dinner will be good for you.

You can shower with actual hot water.

I'll give you some of Mark's old clothes.

Oh, God.

Holly loves you.

You don't hate us enough to jump from a moving car.

I'll take that as a win.

Uh, Megan brought me over against my will.


Look, Mark, I'm the only person who wants me here less than you do.

Believe me, man. You know how she is.

Do I ever.

Megan: Honey, is that you?


Nice shirt.

Hey, doodlebug.

Uncle Kyle is here.

Yeah, I know that.

I saw him with my own eyes.

Listen, sweetie, can you go on up to your room?

Need to talk to your mama.

Go on. Scoot.

Now, Holly.

Yes, ma'am.

Megan, why?

Come on. You know how I feel about this.

It's just one g*dd*mn dinner, okay?

Do you really think he's stable?

I mean, you can't tell me that you feel safe around him.

You think it's a good idea to bring him around our daughter?

Well, he's in there, she's in here.

Oh, okay.

So, he's just gonna eat in there alone?

That's not gonna be awkward?


I know what he did for you when you were younger... and we can never thank him enough for that.

But he took a turn when he got older, okay?

You can't ignore that!

How can you be okay with him being here after what he did?

He made a mistake and he did a horrible, unforgivable thing, and...

(WHISPERS) damn it, he's paid for that.

It's ruined his life, and I'm gonna be here for him.


You think he's gonna attack Holly over the dinner table?

It's just dinner, just one night.

He's not gonna hurt anybody.

Please, Mark.

Please let me do something nice for him.

He's got nothin'.



You remember me, right?

I'm... I'm your mama's brother.

You hurt your little girl, and now you're not her daddy anymore.

(VOICE BREAKING) That's not...

What is it, honey?

Uncle Kyle left.

Shit. Kyle!

Why would he leave?

(SIGHS) Why look a gift horse in the mouth?


I'm sure he's fine.

We need to get a patrol car, have 'em pick him up, drive him home?

Let him walk.

All he ever wants is to be alone.








Kyle, is that you?



Amber, honey, come inside!



Man on TV: Temperatures are expected to drop tonight with scattered showers throughout the afternoon and into tomorrow.

We should see some sunshine here...


Offer still good to borrow your car?






I heard about your boy, and... um...

Reverend Anderson, is he here?

Hold on.

Kyle Barnes.

This is a surprise.

Yeah, I know, Reverend.

It's, uh, been a long time.

I didn't know you were in town.

Yeah, um... back about five months now.

I wish we were seeing each other under different circumstances, but I'm glad you're here.



Hold on, Reverend.

I didn't come to see the boy.

Not to help, at least. I came 'cause...

I don't really know.

Sure you do.

What you think I did, I assure you, I didn't.

Anderson: Uh-huh.

Doctors think you should be in therapy, but we know what this is.

We don't know anything.

Whatever you think happened to your mother, it was you who stopped it.

My mother was sick.

I don't know much else about it.

I was just a kid.

These things are everywhere.

They're all around us.

Now, you've been gone a long time.

You have no idea how bad it's gotten.

And you might not believe it, but that doesn't make it any less true.

Why don't we stick to what we know before we start blaming the bogeyman again?




He's showing signs of very animal-like behavior, which is common.


(RASPING) I know you.

You think so, huh?

When's the last time you went to school, Joshua?

Pretty cool getting to skip out on school like this, isn't it?

(NORMAL VOICE) I like school.

I miss my friends.

Well, I'm sure they miss you too, bud.

Why don't you stop all this, so things can go back to normal?

You're scaring your mom.

You're wasting this man's time.

Stop pretending, Joshua.

He... he hasn't been speaking like this before.

This is new.

(RASPING) You're all grown up.

You barely even fit in that pantry now.


Padlock on the door.

You used to draw pictures on the walls.

Don't you remember?

You're talking nonsense.

I know you, Kyle Barnes.

What do you know, huh?

Got any idea what you're talking about with all that?

You're just a damn kid. You don't know shit.

Kyle, just...

Sorry. I... I'm sorry.

We all know what we know.

Why don't you tell me what you know then, huh?

Come on, kid.

Why don't you say something that makes one g*dd*mn bit of sense?

Right now!

Just keep your distance.

He's playing games with us.

Anderson: Sit down.

I'll light the sage.

This... this should calm him. Just, uh... give it a few moments to... to fill the room.

So long have we tried to find you, Outcast.

Too long have you hidden your light from us.

Now you heed this.

In the name of the Father, Dull. Making us search the Son, and the Holy Ghost... through the darkness.















He ever try to do that to you?

What about what he was saying in there?

Any of that make sense?

About him... knowing me?

Demons are tricksters.

They want you to be more scared of them than you need to.

With the power of God on our side, we got nothing to fear.

"The power of God."

You think your mother and Joshua are the only ones?

There's a house like this one in every town, in every country of this whole wide world.

And you go into those houses?

Yes, I do.

Well, what makes you think you can do anything about that?

You want my advice?


While you still got something left.

There was a time I might have taken that advice.

You know, I wasn't always the, uh... the gung-ho holy warrior you see before you.

I served God, tended my flock... but I questioned.

Then I went into your house... and I saw the devil was real.

And I didn't question anymore.

My path was clear.

I don't believe it's a coincidence that you set me upon that path, and here you are, walkin' it yourself, facing all this again.

And I don't believe you're gonna run.



Hey, Caleb.

Working late?

Yeah. (GRUNTS)

This railing was loose.

Didn't want any of our old folks taking a tumble.

Thank you kindly.

I also noticed your screen door is coming of its hinges.

Might want to get you a new one before we paint.


I think we can hold off for another year.

Money'd be better spent on more important things than a pretty house.

Let me just show you.





Maybe we could put up a fence.


No, they'd only climb it.


You know what? Leave it.

You sure?


Yeah, let 'em have their fun.

We can turn the other cheek.




♪ ♪

Woman: Visiting hours are ending, honey.

Yeah, uh...

I was just leavin'.












Uh, sorry, I had it all day.

I got some stew going inside if you haven't had dinner.

Yeah, sure.

That sounds good.

Elise, I'm sure you don't remember her, but... she died a year ago this week.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know.


We were married longer than we weren't.

Alone just don't... feel right.

It gets scarier when it does.

I never spent a day away from her.

Barely got through a conversation without her help.

Don't expect you to know what it's like to lose that.

Uh, Allison was a...

Well, I started out just wanting to look at her.

And then all I ever wanted to do was listen to her.

But, um, you know, I...

I think she's the only person who has ever... truly known me.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Oh, she... She didn't die.

We just, uh...

It didn't work.

Elise... she would want me to tell you how sorry I am.

We knew what was happenin'.

Found you hiding under our porch often enough.

We didn't realize how bad it was.

All of that racket, it sounded like... discipline.

It haunted us both.


It was a long time ago, you know?

Don't mean it's okay.


Any time you see a light on, you come by.

I'm here... for whatever you need.

Thanks for the ride. My neighbor's a good guy.

I don't wanna borrow his car two days in a row.

Sorry about the mess.

Just throw them in the back.

It's for the kids in the hospital.

Folks think being a preacher is a Sunday job.

I spend more time in this little old beater than I do in the pulpit.

Click it or ticket.



That your son?



You know, I could always use a hand delivering meals if you got the time.

No. I'm... not good around people.


You holed up in that house five months in town without showing your face.

Is that because what happened to your mother?

You think you caused it?

You weren't around Joshua. It still happened to him.

What if you're punishing yourself for no reason?

What if I'm right?

Then why are you coming with me?

To find answers.

Is that why you came back to Rome?

I heard you had a family.

Things were going good for you.

Maybe I just missed the house.




I read scripture to him. It didn't do anything.

Holy water irritated him severely, but had no long-term effect.


Will you pray with me?

You are very brave to return.

He doesn't like the light.

My mother didn't either.


That day with her, it was the same.


Why don't you like light, Joshua?


Think back on that day. What else did you do?

I hit her.

She att*cked me, and...

I'd had enough.

She'd done it many times before.

This time, I fought back.

It seemed to... hurt her.

More than it should've.

Just help me get him into the light.

Don't touch me! Don't touch me!

Come on. Don't think about your mother!

Think about the boy! Come on!


You're leaning on my last nerve, boy!

No! No!

You're unwelcome here!

You do not belong here!


In the name of God, I cast you out, no matter how long it takes!





Stronger than Allison.









What do you want from me?



You gotta stop it!

Why won't you leave me alone?








The great merge... cannot be stopped.










You're free to go.


Chief, you can't be serious.

Nothing happened here, Officer Holter.

The mother's saying it's just one big misunderstanding.


Look, just because you're friends with the preacher...

It doesn't matter what we think happened.

You can drag him into town, file all the paperwork you want.

The fact is, the mother refuses to press charges.

There's nothing more for us to do here.

Let's wrap this up.


After everything Megan's done for you...

Come on.

Take you home.

Did you get the answers you were looking for?


I've seen a lot.

Thought I'd seen the worst suffering a man could imagine, but that was...

I've never seen anything like that before.

That what it was like with your mother in the end?

Different with her.

It wasn't like that with my wife either.

I always thought it was something I did to them.

Now I know it's something else.

It's still because of me.

Seems like they've been coming after me my whole life.


♪ ♪
♪ ♪








Come on. Breathe, baby girl!





Allison, no.


♪ ♪

(WHISPERS) Come and get me.

♪ ♪

♪ Movement, no movement ♪
♪ Just a falling bird ♪
♪ Cold as it hits ♪
♪ The bleeding ground ♪
♪ He lived and died ♪
♪ Catch sight ♪
♪ Cover me with earth ♪
♪ Draped in black ♪
♪ Static white sound ♪
♪ A day without substance ♪
♪ A change of thought ♪
♪ An atmosphere that rots with time ♪
♪ Colors that flicker in water ♪
♪ A short term effect ♪