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02x01 - Caracas 1967

Posted: 06/01/16 09:43
by bunniefuu
Walker: Previously on Powers...

Calista: Powers Division is a circus.

Without help from other Powers, you're f*cked.

I call it a Drainer. It takes away their powers.

You drain me, you drain yourself.

Walker: Green light comes on, power goes off.

It's cool that you're Diamond and sh*t, but it's not like you're SuperShock.

Or Retro Girl.

She's only, like, a goddess.

My dad would lose his sh*t, and my mom would stand in between me and him, and she would take as many punches as she could.

She pretended to be you to make herself strong.

You were a thing.

Oh, my God, you hooked up with Retro Girl?

Retro girl: You lost your powers and your head for me.

I didn't want you because you had powers.

I just wanted you.

I have powers.

It's really hard waiting to find them.

You are one powered atoning m*therf*cker.

You know what they didn't get right in this game?

No regular people die.

Calista: It's cool, but what is it?

Krispin: When Powers are around, people die.

We're just trying to raise awareness.

Who's "we"?

Well, I was hoping you'd help.

It's branding.

You know, the connections between the words "Kaotic Chic" and the f*cked up sh*t Powers do.

Calista: Just stop.

Chaotic chick: Go to

I gotta call you back later.

Just get online.

Our video has 30,000 plays already.

Calista, wait.

What's her name?

I only know her, Kaotic Chic.


Powers k*lled my mom.

The world is more complicated than that, Krispin.

My name's Zora.

What do you do?

Uh, light. I do stuff with light.

What the f*ck are you doing?

Don't worry. I've been living for this.



Deena: My dad, he loves telling that story.

He always leaves out the part about the 1/2 million in cash that went missing.

You're so full of sh*t.

The story you've been telling all day, I know.

I'll have my things out of the house by tonight.

We know everything their powered clients are doing and going to do.

We know where they are and where they're going.

You ready to change the world?

What are you doing tonight?

I have to go back on patrol.

Okay, sure. Yeah.

I have an hour.


Calista: I'm a Power.

It is my very sad duty to report that Retro Girl has been m*rder*d.

It is a loss that we may never, ever recover from.

She kept us safe. She kept us full of hope.

The world has been dealt a devastating blow.

Walker, I'm so very sorry.

Let me take you home, or to a bar.

We can go drink ourselves under a table and let these guys deal with this, okay?

I'm okay. I'm okay.

I've asked Commander Emile Cross from the Powers Division to head up this investigation.


Thank you.

We're in the process of piecing together the details of this crime and will report back to you as soon as we've analyzed them.

Whoa! Drive like that and we're gonna get pulled over.

We're late. Really late.

It won't matter if we're in jail.

We're not stopping. Not for anything.


He's not someone who accepts excuses very well.

Mystery Man's got to see how committed we are.

Right? Especially after what we did.


Yeah, he does. For sure.


He's really proud of us.

But this is just the beginning.

The Powers are going down one by one.

A t*rror1st group known as Kaotic Chic has claimed responsibility, but as yet we have no actual evidence to support their claim.

We need a shortcut. Pop this into Waze.

12650 Burlington. See what it says.

Wait... What?

The address of where we're going.

Yeah, I know.

This is the address of Powers Division.

We will be deploying all the resources at the department to investigate every lead.

You do not have to do this.

This is some horrible, f*cked up sh*t, Walker.

If there's anyone out there who has any information that could help in bringing those responsible for this unspeakable act to justice, then please contact us.

Why would he want us to go to...

Give me the f*cking phone.


(CHUCKLES) Seriously?


What's she doing on your phone?

After you told me you were never going to see her again.

Give me my phone.

f*ck no.

(GRUNTS) sh*t!

Stop the car!



I have time for just a few questions.


Yes, Bob?

Have you ruled out su1c1de?

Uh, we haven't ruled out anything as yet at this stage, but that's an area seems highly unlikely. Yes?

What makes you think the Powers Division can handle this investigation properly after the Wolfe debacle?

I wouldn't call it a debacle.


With literally hundreds of casualties, fatalities?

Wolfe is dead.

Thanks to Johnny Royalle.

Next question.

So what you're saying is that the Powers Division isn't equipped to deal with the investigation.

Next question. Yes?

Why won't you answer her question?

I didn't hear a question.

I heard a totally unfounded accusation.

Answer the question, Commander.

You know what? A great hero, perhaps the greatest hero since SuperShock, has just been savagely m*rder*d.

And you want to rake up some muck.

For what?


This press conference is over.


What the f*ck are you doing, Krispin?

We're already late as it is. He's gonna k*ll us.

Look, I need my phone.

We don't have time for this. We can always come back.


Hey, Marigold where are you going?

Hey! Hey! Hey, come back!

As you probably gathered by the warm reception give by our friends in the Fourth Estate, we are up sh*t creek without a paddle if we don't solve this crime immediately, so, thoughts?

It's a smoke screen.

The whole "Kaotic Chic" thing is bullshit.


Yeah, really.

Same M.O. as the grasshopper woman, Jumpstriker.

Exactly. It's too clean.

It's too easy. Someone staged the whole thing.


It would've had to have been a Power.

But the tag's right there, Walker, same as before.

And I know that he's your ex-partner's boy, but we really need to call in Krispin, at least for questioning.

Come on, Deena, really?

You think a 17-year-old kid just brought down one of the most powerful superheroes of all time?

Cuts her throat, for Christ's sakes?

She was invulnerable.

Weirder f*cking sh*t has happened.

Plus a Power k*lled both of his parents.

Talk about motivation.

Who are you thinking of specifically?

Johnny Royalle for one.

He's the hero of the g*dd*mn day.

What... What does he have to gain?

I haven't the slightest f*cking idea, but frankly, I don't think he needs a reason for any of the f*cked up sh*t that he does, and I think Deena and I should pay him a visit.

I'm in.

No, no, no, no.

You're not going to Royalle's place or anywhere else.

Why not?

Because Walker is not on this case.

I'm the only person in this department with the contacts to solve this crime.

Pilgrim, you take lead. Work with Kutter.

Oh, Christ, Kutter?

What the f*ck?

You know as well as I do that you are too close.

He's right. You know where to find me.

Walker... Walker, wait.

We can talk Cross out of this, you know we can.


He just needs time.

No, it's better this way.

No, not better.

This is the worst f*cking thing ever.

It's better.

I don't have to follow the rules.

f*ck 'em.

Oh, okay.

What do you need me to do?

Anything Cross tells you to do.

Including partnering with Kutter?

I'd rather gargle with broken glass.

You'll be fine.

And what about you?

Will you be fine?


But I can't let her down again, Deena.

Not again.

Commander Cross?


Agents Lange and Schlag, FBI.

I know who you are.

Then you know why we're here.

We don't need any supervision.

Because of the worldwide implications in Retro Girl's death, the President has requested the FBI be here to assist you any way we can with your investigation as you see fit.

We're not here to take over.

Only to help.


You arrogant assh*le.



f*ck! f*ck this.

f*ck it! f*ck everything!




Ah! Ah! Ah!

♪ Your sin gonna waste you, brother ♪
♪ No way you'll be all right ♪
♪ You're f*cking with the wrong wolf, baby ♪
♪ Darkness gonna break your light ♪



♪ No prayer gonna part my thunder ♪
♪ Your heart is a plague on mine ♪


♪ I am a m*ssile ♪
♪ I am the fire ♪
♪ Love is destruction ♪
♪ But this w*r is mine ♪
♪ This w*r is mine ♪
♪ I am a m*ssile ♪
♪ I am the fire ♪
♪ Love is destruction ♪
♪ But this w*r is mine ♪
♪ This w*r is mine ♪
♪ I am a m*ssile ♪
♪ I am the fire ♪
♪ Love is destruction ♪
♪ But this w*r is mine ♪
♪ This w*r is mine ♪
♪ I am a m*ssile ♪


What do you mean, "What"?

I'm worried about you.

I'm still alive.

Mmm, so? What are you doing?

Things. What are you doing?

Pinching myself every ten seconds.

See if I can wake up from this f*cking nightmare.

Kutter? He's an idiot.

He's an assh*le. He's not an idiot.

What's Cross got you doing?

Pursuing the "Kaotic Chic" of it all.

Yeah, Cross is adamant that we bring Krispin in.

Let me know how that works out.

Yeah. We're going to go to his house, hopefully question him.

Like he'll actually be there.


What else?

Nothing, just...


Well, you know Doctor Death got the prelim report, so we've just gotta do the regular cop bullshit.

Ah, sh*t. You know I couldn't...

I couldn't handle seeing her like that, Deena.

I guess I should be grateful I'm off the case, huh?



How's Cross holding up?

The feds are here, supposedly in an advisory position only, but...

Impossibly beautiful woman with a guy who looks like a chunk of granite?

Very thing. How did you know?

Unlucky guess.

Is there anything I should be watching out for here?



So you're just not gonna tell me what you're up to, are you, Walker?

At some point.

Walker, I can help...

Later, Pilgrim.


♪ I'm not waving ♪
♪ I'm drowning ♪
♪ I'm not flying ♪
♪ Just falling ♪
♪ Catch me ♪
♪ Asked you a question ♪
♪ Would you throw me a lie? ♪
♪ More and more conversation ♪
♪ I want us to walk in space ♪
♪ I wanted to drift away ♪
♪ I'm not waving ♪


♪ I'm drowning ♪
♪ I'm not flying ♪


♪ I'm just falling ♪
♪ Catch me ♪
♪ Catch me ♪

Retro girl: Hey, I'm making tea. You want some?

Yeah. Tea would be great.

Only Earl Grey? Really?

Not much of a tea drinker, remember?

Then I suppose it will have to do.

Hey, you know what I was thinking?

Tell me.

I was thinking we can stay in bed all day.

And all night.


And, uh, you know, order takeout.

Just like the old days.

That sounds absolutely delicious.

And there's nothing I would love more.

Oh, no, here it comes. But...



There's this thing that I can't cancel.

I really wish I could, but I just can't.

But I'll tell you what.

Tomorrow, I'm all yours.

And the day after that.

And the day after that.


And the day after that.

Patrick: She gone?

Uh, yes, Patrick. She... She's gone.

The poor kid.

She really didn't have that coming, you know?

No, she didn't.

You know, I warned her. I told her if she wasn't careful, some day they were gonna k*ll her.

Or kick her to the side, or worse, break her heart.

But she wouldn't listen.

She would say people felt safer when they knew that she was around.

She'd say that. (CHUCKLES)

Those g*dd*mn f*cking apes.

Those f*cking piles of mud.

I'd like to send those sons of b*tches back to that primordial ooze that they came from.

And I would if I thought it would bring her back.

But it won't, so...

Yeah, no, it...


You find that son of a bitch who did that.

And I don't care what Power it came from.

You let me know who it was, and I'll find 'em.

I'll crush their skull like a grape.

I will. I will, Patrick.

If it's the last thing I...

I f*cking do, I... I will.

She loved you, Chris. You know that?

You know, she's left an awful void.

Patrick, bad things are gonna start happening.

We could use SuperShock now more than ever.

I think we oughta stop getting in the middle of their problems, and let them handle it themselves once and for all.

Just for a few days.

You know, just to let the world know there's someone out there to stop the madness from happening.

Nobody's seen you in 40 years.

If you were to come back now, it'd make a big statement.

For her.

Don't you think it's something she would want?

I'm done with all that.

I'm done with all that now and forever.

I made myself a promise that I'd never put back on that uniform, and I'm not gonna do it.

I really think she would...







Where are you? Oh, sh*t, it's me.

I... I've got my mom's phone.

What the f*ck is going on?

Why did you run away?


Call me. Please.


So, chicken or fish?

The f*ck you talking about?

Do you think it tastes like chicken or fish?

Are you actually talking to me about p*ssy?

Yeah. Just wanted an opinion from a fellow rug-muncher.


What is wrong with you?

Wow. So, you're not?

Good to know.

When they find you dead with your head up your ass, no one will be surprised.


Come on.



Out of the way. Move.



Got this.


Police! Stop right there!

Stop right there!

Damn it, Krispin! Hey, stop!




(CHUCKLES) Hey, Kutter.

Whatcha been up to you?

Just don't. Thanks.


This partner thing is new for you, isn't it?

You know we, like, work together instead of you jumping out of a window and everything goes to sh*t.


Did you really see anyone?

It was Krispin.

I think we found our perp.

We should put out an APB on the little bastard.

No, that's taking a leap.

Why else would he run?

Um, because he was scared.

Or because he's guilty.

Either way, we gotta bring him in.

Or am I missing something, partner?

Call it in.



Everything's being taken care of on this end, but you need to do your part.

I'm sorry, Craig. He just barged right in.

It's all right. I'll call you back.

I... I'll call you back. Christian...

As you can probably tell, I'm not in the best of moods.


I'm what you might call grief-stricken.

I understand.

If anybody understands, it's me.

So I'm going to ask you some questions, and, uh, you are going to answer them.

We clear?




Does it mean anything to you?

No. No, no.


When was the last time you saw Janice?

I saw her at the benefit when Red Hawk att*cked Candace.

You didn't have an appointment with her the day she was m*rder*d?


No contact at all?

No. I mean, I left her some messages, but she never called me back.

You didn't bother to check up on her?


Like a good agent?

She was my friend.

Her death, I can't...

I can't wrap my head around it.

It doesn't make any sense.

She was an amazing woman.

And you are not the only one who is grieving here.

So if you're done with your f*cking questions, I think I'm through.

I know you know something, you little weasel.

All the crocodile tears in the world won't convince me otherwise.

I'm gonna find out what it is and when I do...

When I do...


You can see my dilemma.

Hard to conduct a proper autopsy when the body's impossible to cut through.

Then basically, you can't tell us anything.

Oh, no. There are things to tell.

Except for how her throat could have been cut.

What can you tell us?

Well, for instance, she wasn't k*lled at the theater she was found in.

You can tell that how?

Not enough blood at the scene.

Looked like a lot of blood to me.

A lot of blood, yeah.

Not enough.

The blood sh**t out of a severed carotid artery like a geyser.

Like Mount Vesuvius or like a giant ro...

What else?

The lividity patterns aren't consistent with her body position at the scene of the crime.

And she wasn't wearing her flight suit when she was k*lled.

Somebody put it on her after?

f*cked up, right?

But it's obvious because of this.

See this trauma was almost certainly sustained when she wasn't wearing her costume since there's no damage done to the material, even superficial.

But more importantly, as best I can tell, this injury occurred at roughly the same time as her throat was cut.

So there was a struggle?

Kind of. Sort of.

My guess is she was taken by surprise.

And then there's this.

Found this in the palm of her right hand.

She was clutching it tightly when rigor mortis set in.

So that's a rock?

No idea. Could be.

Could be not.

I'll send it to forensics, see what they can make of it.

More questions, less answers.

Welcome to my world, Detective.

There is one more thing.

One more thing?

(SOFTLY) sh*t.

Hello, Lange.

Hello, Schlag.

(CLEARS THROAT) Is there a problem?

Actually, a big problem. You shouldn't be here.

Oh, well, see now, I work here, so...

Kinda not really anymore.

Or hasn't Commander Cross gotten around to letting you know?

N... What?

Oh, I get that I can't work the case, but since when am I suspended?

Well, ever since you became a suspect.

What the f*ck is she talking about?


Doctor Death found a semen sample in Retro Girl.

And surprise, it matched your DNA, bro.

We had sex that afternoon. So what?

What was it? Lover's quarrel gone bad?

Jesus, mind your own business.

That's the Christian Walker I used to know.

Always thinking fists first.

Walker, Pilgrim, in my office now.

Not you, Kutter.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm under a bit of pressure here.

We are under a bit of pressure.

I got Mayor Robles calling every five minutes 'cause he's got the President calling every ten.

They want answers, and they want them yesterday.

Meanwhile, Agents Lange and Schlag out there are gonna help me into an early grave.


So I need to know, and I need to know now, if there's anything else you haven't told me that I should know about before I suspend you indefinitely for obstruction and insubordination.


No, nothing.

I had a call from the PAR Agency. Craig Sherman?

I went over for a social call and...

You are not on this case, Walker.

For the love of Christ, why can't you get that through your thick skull?

I'm just trying to be helpful.

You are not helping!

There is nothing you can do that won't, in the end, f*ck this house up!

I can... I can't do nothing.

I understand. I really do.

But this time, this time, you have to, old friend.


Commander, Triphammer's here. Say it's urgent.

Man: I did everything I could to safeguard the Drainer.

There are no less than five redundancies in the safe security system.

Not to mention the security in my lab, the house, the yard, the block, the f*cking cat.

I mean, he got through all of 'em.

So we just saw.

What were you doing with that device in your workshop in the first place, Dr. Cohen?

I was making modifications, improvements.

It is, after all, my technology.

Financed by a government grant, which makes it ours.

I'm sorry, who are you?

Someone who knows that you are an independent contractor whose payment comes directly from Homeland Security and that, in the end, you answer to them.

Which in turn means us.

I remember you.

You're the assholes who are eight months behind in paying me.

Take it up with the GAO.

My point is a valuable piece of government technology was stolen from your facility by the number one suspect in the Retro Girl m*rder.

Motive, check. Means, check.

Walker: I don't buy it.

A bunch of kids stole the Drainer and then, what?

Lured Retro Girl to a place where they could slit there throat?

Come on.

Maybe they did if they had help.


Oh, for f*ck's sake. You...

Tell you what.

You can just collectively all go f*ck yourselves.

You're just gonna let him walk out of here, Commander?

In a word, yes.

Harley Cohen is at the very least a person of interest in this investigation.

Don't you think it would be prudent to hold him for further questioning?

I do not.


So you understand I'm going to have to report this to my superiors.

Oh, so much for just "helping out," eh, Agent Lange?

I'm helping you to see the global implications of your actions, Commander.

If Drainer technology becomes available on the black market, it's open season on the Powers community world-wide.

How happy would the President be facing world leaders explaining how we allowed it to happen?

Not particularly happy, I imagine.

You want to know what I think?

It doesn't matter what you think.

It's Brian's son, Emile.

He is our best and only suspect, Walker.

And now we have evidence that he stole the only piece of technology capable of rendering Retro Girl vulnerable.

So, unless you have some tangible, incontrovertible evidence that could convince me otherwise.

I thought as much.

Go home, Christian. Please.

I... I don't know how else to say this.

You are off this case.

Fine, fine.




Woman: Oh!


Woman: Oh, no. Ooh!


Man on TV: Can we survive without Retro Girl?

Her constant presence has been with us since most of us can remember.

She was arguably the most powerful of Powers, yet always a shining beacon of truth, reason, and common sense, exemplified in this interview with d*ck Cavett from 1974.

If you spend time with migrant workers in the fields of California, which I've done, or soldiers who are wounded in more ways than just the physical, or impoverished single mothers who live in the Chicago slums who are desperately struggling to feed their families, you discover quite quickly that, well, they're the true superheroes of this world.

Man: Retro Girl joined forces with SuperShock and the Cobalt Knight to become Unity.

Unity was always at the ready during world crises.

Their role in the monumental cleanup after the 1967 earthquake in Caracas, Venezuela, brought worldwide praise.

The Cobalt Knight, better known as Senator Bailey Brown, talked about his good friend and former colleague from his offices in Washington this morning.

A wonderful person.

In every way, a class act.

One of a kind.

A terrible loss.

Which wouldn't have happened if we had in place the bill I'm proposing making the use of powers a federal crime punishable by incarceration in a maximum security prison for life.

As we learn more details about the investigation into Retro Girl's death, we will, of course, keep you posted.


How many more Retro Girl tributes are you planning to do, Terry?

The public needs to mourn, Glantz.

No, the public needs to know that sh*t is about to hit the fan, and the Powers Division isn't going to save them.

Do you have facts, sources to back that up?

It's stating the obvious.

Not to me.

You're not exactly the target audience, with all due respect.

All right.

Pitch me.

In the wake of Retro Girl's m*rder, is Los Angeles truly safe?

Go on.

Nefarious Powers are now free to rampage the city.

Nefarious? Now there's a word I haven't heard used since, oh, 1890.

Authorities are cautioning citizens to beware.

There are dark times ahead.

No one can be trusted.

Stay inside, lock your doors.

If they can k*ll Retro Girl...

No one is safe.

Something like that, yeah.

Not bad.

Clean out the cliches.

Find a source or at least a sound bite that hints any of this bullshit.

It's not bullshit, Terry.

Don't get me wrong.

It's good bullshit, but bullshit nevertheless.

When I started out, we reported the news. We didn't make it.

And times have changed. You have the wheel now.

f*ck you, and whip that bag of sh*t up by tonight's broadcast.

It'll be our lead.


Man on PA: Ten seconds.

♪ Through the ages I'll remember ♪
♪ Blue eyes crying in the rain ♪


Thank y'all very much. Todd Secor here every Thursday, Saturday.

Is that you, Diana?

Hello, Daddy.

Calista, is that actually you?

You used to play that song for me.

Did I? Well, can't go wrong with Hank Williams.

Here's a real crowd pleaser.

Come on into the light. Let's have a look at you.

Well, well, well, you're all...

You're all grown up and womanly.

Yeah. That happens.

Especially when you haven't seen someone in ten years.

Well, now, that was your mama running off with you in the middle of the night leaving me.

It wasn't my decision.

How is the old gal anyway?

She's dead.

Grade IV anaplastic astrocytoma.

Slow, painful brain cancer.

Well, I'm sorry about that, Calista, I didn't...

I'm sure her getting b*at to sh*t every night you came home drunk didn't help either.

Well, now, that was some time ago, Calista.

And yet her screams are still stuck in my head.

Go figure.

So, uh, what are you doing here?

Do... Do you need some money, or...


I was looking for something a little bit more cathartic.


Fasten your seatbelt, Daddy.

It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Ah! Calista!


Wow. To what do I owe this honor?

A father can't check in on his daughter?

It's just I haven't heard a peep out of you since I moved out four weeks ago.

Well, I'm here now, so may I come in?

Make yourself at home.


I'm gonna give it to you straight.

Good, what?

You need to get out of Powers Division.

Thanks for dropping by.

I'm dead serious, pumpkin.

Don't call me that.

I've been calling you that since...

Don't call me that.

Look, just hear me out.

I got my ear to the wall on this one.

The feds are looking to flush the PD down the toilet on the Retro Girl case.

Oh, yeah.

I can feel the crosshairs on the back of my neck, but I don't give a damn.

I just don't want to see you get hurt.

When the sh*t goes down, and it will, there'll be no recovery.

Sure. You can leave now.

Wait. This is about you, isn't it?


I get it.

You don't want to be embarrassed.

The same old sh*t.

The great Waldo Pilgrim afraid some of the skeletons are rattling around in his closet are going to jump out and bite him in the ass.

You got me all wrong, pumpkin.

You truly do.

Do you know what the assh*le did?

Which assh*le in particular?

Right, I forget I'm surrounded by assholes, present company included.

Not today, Deena.

My father. Biggest assh*le of them all.


What did he do this time?

He wants me to bail on Powers Division.

Says he has it on good authority we gonna get shut down.

Well, he's probably right.

f*ck. Not you, too.

It's a distinct possibility, Deena.

I know. Just don't want to know.

So what do we do?


Solve the crime.

So find Krispin?

It's not Krispin.

How can you be so sure?

'Cause I've known the kid for ten years.

I used to go fishing with him and his dad up at Lake Casitas.

He likes to draw cartoons, for Christ's sake.

He's not a k*ller.

Does that mean you found something else?

Something that points in a different direction?

Yeah. After I saw her that day, she had an appointment.

She didn't say where or what.

I checked her personal calendar.

She had one entry, D-day.

Not very helpful.

Particularly from someone who participated in the actual D-day.

Yeah, but when I questioned her agent about it, he flinched.

He knows something, Deena.

I'm gonna find out what it is.



Krispin: Walker, it's me.

Where are you?

It's all bad.

I didn't mean for...

Look, I was trying to make a statement.

I wasn't trying to...

Just calm down.

Son, just calm down. Tell me where you are.

I'm at the lake house.

You remember, um...

Yeah, I remember.

Okay, listen to me. I'm gonna come get you, okay?

You stay there. You'll be safe there.

We're gonna get this all straightened out.

Okay, okay.

Krisp, I promise you everything's gonna be okay.

Don't talk to me. I know what you're gonna say.

Walker, I can't just let you promise everything's going to be okay.

Just give me a head start. Half hour, tops.

Oh, oh.

The kid's scared shitless.

Let me settle him down so he doesn't do anything stupid.

I can do that.

For the record, I still don't think he had anything to do with it.

Order up the helicopter.


Why are you doing this?

Funny, that's what Mama said every time you threw her against the door.

Oh, God. (GASPING)

I know I was a f*cking bastard back then, but you don't know the other side of it.

Tell that to someone who gives a sh*t.

f*ck, I can't breathe.


Maybe I deserve to die but I don't think you want to go through the rest of your life knowing you m*rder*d an unarmed man in cold blood.


I've thought about this moment almost every single day of my life.

I promise I won't have any regrets.

You're just like your mama after all.

Think you can fix the whole world all by yourself.

I'da thought you were smarter than that.



In the wake of Retro Girl's m*rder, is Los Angeles truly safe?

Nefarious Powers are now free to rampage the city streets.

No one can be trusted.

Stay inside, lock your doors.

If they can k*ll Retro Girl, no one is safe.

Excuse me?


I found him on the side of the road.

I don't know what happened, but he's in real bad shape.

I'll get an orderly.


I made a mistake.

My father I'm angry at left long ago.

And you, you're just a pitiful old man that's gonna die alone and miserable.

And that's just sad.

Good-bye, Daddy.

Terry: We've just learned from sources close to the investigation into the death of Retro Girl that authorities are closing in on the prime suspect.

But rumors persist that this assassination is not the work of one lone perpetrator...

...but a conspiracy of trained political agitators...


What is Kaotic Chic?

What are you doing?

Getting the hell out of here.

Wait, wait. Zora!

♪ I'm aware of this ♪
♪ I did let you in ♪
♪ Sink for you to swim ♪
♪ Dancing on the ledge ♪

♪ Tried to make you stay ♪


♪ I did let you in ♪

Yeah, Pilgrim?

Deena: I did my best.

But the feds got wind we were up to something, and they're trailing us in a helicopter.

f*ck! sh*t!

My thoughts exactly.

They're tapping our phones.

Of course they are.



You got it.

♪ Hard time forgiving ♪
♪ Even hard forgetting ♪
♪ Before you do something ♪
♪ You might regret, friend ♪
♪ Hard time forgiving ♪

♪ Even hard forgetting ♪


♪ Before you do something ♪
♪ Let me show you now ♪


♪ Before you do something ♪
♪ You might regret friend ♪
♪ Hard time forgiving ♪
♪ Even hard forgetting ♪


♪ Before you do something ♪
♪ You might regret, friend ♪
♪ This time I will be ♪
♪ Louder than my words ♪
♪ Walk with lessons that ♪
♪ Oh, that I have learnt ♪
♪ Show the scars I've earned ♪
♪ In the light of day ♪
♪ Shadows will be found ♪
♪ I will hunt them down ♪
♪ Hard time forgiving ♪
♪ Even harder forgetting ♪
♪ Before you do something ♪
♪ You might regret, friend ♪

♪ Hard time forgiving ♪
♪ Even harder forgetting ♪
♪ Before you do something ♪
♪ You might regret, friend ♪