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02x05 - Season 2, Episode 5

Posted: 06/07/16 18:42
by bunniefuu
(Camera lens clicks)

♪ Venez dans mes bras ♪
♪ Closer to me, dear ♪
♪ Donnez-vous à moi ♪
♪ Set aside all fear ♪
♪ Restons enlacés ♪
♪ Pour l'éternité ♪
♪ Yes, you shall be mine ♪
♪ Till the end of time ♪

Get it to the technicians, get it dried out.

See if they can get it working. Top priority.


Radio: Details of yesterday's att*ck on the Calais police station remain unclear and authorities are refusing to confirm that one of the gunmen escaped...

(Turns radio off)




Can we talk to her?

No, she's sleeping. Or pretending to.

They're testing for septicaemia.

What about Julie? Is she OK?

Yeah, she's doing much better.

Don't hold out much hope for the cuddly rabbit, though.



You? It was pretty tough last night.

I'm OK.


Gael took me out. To a gig.

How was it?

It was a release.

Yeah, music can do that sometimes.

I didn't like the music very much.

But we had sex in the car on the way home.

(Monitor beeps)

Karl: Where is he, Rosa?

Where is he, Rosa?

Come on.

Come on.

It's rude to pretend to be asleep when you've got visitors.

It's finished.

Rosa, Thibaut and Guillaume Briand are dead.

Garrido as well.

You're stuck in here.

If your boyfriend's out there waiting for a food parcel, he's gonna have to wait a long time.

Come on, Rosa.

Tell me what's on your mind.

(Whispers inaudibly)



There are more of us.

f*ck! Jesus!


Argh! (Laughs)

Where is he?

f*ck you!

Where is Robert Fournier?

(Rapid beeping)

Where is Robert Fournier?

Where is he?

She's faking.

Where is Robert Fournier?

She's faking!

Jesus Christ.

What happened?

Is Rosa all right?

Yeah, she's fine.

She might need a sh*t of insulin, she just took a bite out of my arm.

Oh, come on. Is that tone really necessary?

She's a human being going through whatever the hell she's going through.

She's never gonna talk to us. We need him to talk to her.

You're telling him that you need me to do something for you?

While my daughter's lying with police b*ll*ts in her body?

She's not a victim of police brutality, she's a mass m*rder*r.

She's still my daughter!

It's a shame your daughter...

Leave it, leave it.

Karl: Sonny.


Listen. I, er...

I made some parenting mistakes in my life, God knows, but I, er... if you are in any way responsible for what's going on in there, you really need to help us.

You OK?

Yeah, I'm fine. Stop asking.

The doctors said I used excessive force to get her off you.

Is your tetanus sh*t up to date?

(Bird cries)

Louise, Elise.

The t*rror1st's phone is back from the dead.

It was used during the raid to call the same mobile number three times. In all likelihood that mobile belonged to Robert Fournier.

The first two calls were received in the Calais area but by the end of the raid, that mobile phone was just off the Kent coast.

How many marinas and harbours are there in the area?

Check the docks. He might have hitched a ride on something bigger.

We need to get a message to anywhere with moorings up and down the country. Get them to report any unregistered boats. I want all hands on deck.

Get out there, hunt the bastard down.

The drinks machine needs filling up.

You could have got off your arse.

Got to leave something for you to do.

Right. I'm going to see Karen.

What for?

Some bevvies. Some fun. Remember that?

What time are you back?

Don't wait up, I might pull.

Not with crisps on your face.

(Mobile phone bleeps)

All right in there?

Anybody home?



I'm gonna come aboard.

I hope you're decent.

It's impetigo.

So if you're developing suppurating sores, you know who to blame. And we've probably all got it because, according to the health visitor, we haven't observed "appropriate family towel hygiene".

So there you go.

Um, I don't really know why I'm telling you all this cos there isn't a bloody thing you can do to help.

But if you get a second, um, call me.



I thought that was you lurking out here.


Hello, young man.

How did you go at the doc's?

Yeah, you were right.


So, um, Vladka wouldn't take him.

I didn't know what else to do. I'm so sorry.

Listen, don't worry about it.

I have got the journalist waiting in my office, though.

Yeah, OK.

I can take him.


Would you?

Sorry, I don't think we've met.

This is Gemma. She's been volunteering here for the last few days.

You two must have missed each other.

This is Laura.


Laura Roebuck, I know. Um, you're why I'm here.

I just thought you were so inspiring, I volunteered.

Oh, wow! It's nice to know I make an impact.

I was a bit of an activist in the past when I was younger and, um, yeah, I let it slip.

It's good to be back in the saddle.

Great. Great.

We should go in.

Yeah, sorry.

Thank you so much.

She's great. A real life-saver. Come on.

I'm phoning from the police station.

Wondered if you'd had any...

(Phone starts to ring)

(Phone continues ringing)

Sir, the phone.

(Mobile phone continues ringing)

(Phone continues ringing)

Can we get a trace?

Technician: On it.

Go for it.


(Phone drops in water)

It's cut out.

Did we get something?

(Yells) Did we f*cking get something?

Only a broad zone, sir.

10-mile radius if we're lucky.

Karl: BB?

Brittle Bay.

It's just inside the 10-mile zone.

(Elise undoes seatbelt and opens door)

OK. We'll take a look.

(Car door closes)

Over there.

I saw something.



It's not him.

Elise, it's not him. Check the boat.



Girl's voice: Elise.

Girl's voice: Elisabeth.

Girl's voice: Elise.


(Dog barks in distance)

I froze.

I'm sorry.

It was... All I could see was my sister drowning.

It's all right, Elise.

(Dog barks in distance)


(Keypad beeps)

Koba. Yes.

You have to... you have to get me out of here.


I'm done.

Yeah. Now.

Keep your questions open. Just keep it natural.

Like, er...

Yeah, like a normal father and daughter conversation.

Well, we don't talk... like that.

We never have.

Maybe it's time to start.

This day will henceforth be known as Robert Fournier day because today's the day we find the fucker.

Rosa Persaud has started talking to her father.

Karl, you need to get over to Calais.

As for Fournier, we've got his mugshot playing in short rotation across every conceivable form of media.

We've got phone lines, CCTV, officers at every transport hub and border crossing in Europe.

If he moves, we've got him.

Last night he got lucky.

But that cannot, will not happen again.

(Playful shouting)



And that's when I realised he was a total cock-lodger.


So you just chucked him out?

I was practically a single parent anyway, so I thought I might as well make it official, get the child maintenance and the bed to myself.


Good for you.

What about your son's dad?

David. Oh, he was another one.

He did a midnight flit when Jamie was just a little baby.

Are you still in touch?


(Mobile phone rings)

Saved by the bell.


Oh, it's my husband.

Sorry, I'd better take it.

Karl. What's up?

How did the interview go?

Er, yeah, good, good. I think I got my point across.

More fodder for your Twitter trolls, then.

Actually that's all gone quiet. I think they got bored.

Yeah, maybe.

Erm, look, I have to go back to France again.

I'm not sure when I'll be back.

OK, no worries.

Where are you?

Actually, I'm in the park having lunch with some friends.

Friends? That's new.

Yeah. It's called getting my life back.


So anyway, if you're done, I think I should probably get back to them.

Oh, OK.

I'll see you later.

Laura: What kind of a man walks out on a new-born baby?

One you're better off without.


I'm not sure I could be so sanguine about it.

It's life, isn't it?

You're going along, happy as Larry, then out of nowhere something comes along and hits you in the teeth.


Everything you took for granted is gone.

Nothing makes sense any more.

Sorry. I'm banging on.

No, no, no.

How did you get over that feeling of nothing making sense?

Oh, I dunno.

Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, don't you?

Gemma: Right, shall we go and get that ice cream?

Laura: Yeah.

(They chuckle)


A touching little scene.

What have I missed? Qu'est-ce qui se passe?

Er, not much actually.

Er... Except septicaemia is confirmed.

I heard the doctor, he said that.

What does that mean?

It means, er, she could go into septic...

Septic shock.


And in her condition, it's 50-50.

You're making me cold. Stop it.

You're burning up.

Just leave.

Come on! Ask about Fournier.

Rosa, it's not too late.

For you to be a father?

For you to help yourself.

If you tell them everything, tell them that Robert manipulated you.

Everything I did I did because I wanted to.

Because I wanted to act. Just like you taught me.


Yeah. Yeah, Rosa. You named me after a woman who wouldn't give up her seat on the bus.

You wanted me strong like her. Well, here I am, Dad.

You named me. You made me.

I didn't make you a k*ller.

I'm sorry to disappoint you.

It's OK.

I'm not proud of you either.

What have I done?

You took their coin.
Karl: We're not gonna get anything now.

From now on it's the Rosa Persaud show.

Do you want me to tell your little police friends the real reason why I went with Robert Fournier?


I went with him because... I wanted to see if Mum was right about him having a massive cock.

She was.

Where is he?

He's coming to get you.

(Cry of gulls)

You didn't answer my texts.

I was with my boyfriend.

Of course.

Simply because two people have something in common, it doesn't make them friends.

Of course not.

And it doesn't mean that one person can show up at the other person's workplace.

Paul's mother received a message that his personal effects had been released.

She asked me to collect them.

That's why I'm here. It's nothing to do with you.

But I did send you the book.

You said the other day that you didn't have a copy.

I said I hadn't read it. That's not the same thing.

In real life, long-lost twins do not find each other.

In my experience, when a twin is lost, it's a permanent situation.

I'm sorry, I didn't think.

The... shop you bought it from will have a return policy.

I never had the chance to talk about my brother.

And I think it's the same with you and your sister.

But I don't want to cause you any problems, so if you change your mind about our friendship, call me.

Sonny: What was this ever about?

I don't need to justify myself to you.

Sweetheart, this might be the only chance you have to be heard.

Why? Am I dying?

I'm not scared.

That's good.

Because there's nothing to fear.

Except that you die without revealing the purpose of defence.

Because then all of this will have been for nothing.

Typical f*cking Robert Fournier.

Ill thought out, inconsistent, sloppy f*cking work.

Not so sloppy.

He pulled that plane right out of the sky.

Got him!

Get in!

Rosa: He did that.

Sonny: What do you mean?

He made the plane crash?


Why would he do that?

We did it for Koba.

Koba? What does it mean?

Cobra is a government... committee.

She can't mean...

Get your boys to rewind.

Bring it up in the mix.

I will do that.

Tell me about Cobra.


So you can go to your police friends?

(Sighs deeply)

Be a hero?

f*ck you.

f*ck you.

f*ck. f*ck. I'm not scared.

I'm not scared. I'm not scared.

f*ck. I'm not scared.

Rosa? Rosa!

I'm not scared.

(Sighs deeply)



(Monitor beeps rapidly)



(Beeping continues)

(Doctor speaks in French)

Excuse me.

No more.

No more!

I need to speak to her.

I need to speak to her.

No more!


A snake. A beer.

The British Government Emergency Committee.

You don't think...

No, she liked to throw up misdirections, didn't she?

She was pretty sick.

Maybe the last thing she told her father was true.

The last thing she told him was "f*ck you".

But her tone was boastful. She was still trying to impress him.

Yeah. Well, we need to analyse the feed, don't we?

I'm gonna bring in Vanessa Hamilton.

Little cigars?

Yeah, and the Robert Fournier connection.

She signed for the house, remember?

I asked BB to try and break into Czyrko's investigation files but he's having difficulty.


He can't break into the encryption code on the password.

The security level's unusually high.

He's still trying, though.

(Doorbell chimes)



How's the house of pestilence?


Sorry. It was a joke. It's probably a bit early.

Oh, no. It's just I was expecting Helen.

She was gonna pick up the design for the new fliers.

I know. That's why I'm here.

Well, it's on my way, isn't it?

Oh, right, OK.

Sorry. Come in. I didn't realise you lived this side of town.




This is great!

Oh, thanks. Yeah, we got lucky.

Did you design this?

Er, some of it, yeah, I did.

Oh, I would love a kitchen island.

Oh, yeah.

I've been drawing up a wish list for when I move in with Forever Man.

OK, good.

Can't wait.

I'll stick this on a pen drive for you.

It's clean as well.

Can't believe anyone could catch anything in this house.

I don't think impetigo works like that.


(They chuckle)

I just meant you can't tell, can you?

Things look so perfect, but underneath they're a bit... rotten.

David always was a stickler for a clean house.

They say men don't change.

Looks like they're right.

I'm not really following.



My son's dad.

The one that did the midnight flit.

Sorry to rush you out. It's just I'm working from home, so...



Actually... it's me that's sorry.

What's that?

It's David.

We could've met at my place. Much more comfortable.

Karl: For whom?

So a property-finding business and a dating agency.

That's a pretty diverse CV.

Not really. It's all sales.

Anyway, I don't do property any more.

The bottom's about to fall out of it.

So the dating agency's your main source of income?


Are you good at it?

I like to think so.

Many weddings?

One or two.

But I can't take all the credit for those.

Are you two together? (Chuckles)

You'd be dynamite.

(Karl laughs)

You've just lost all your credibility right there.

It's not an exact science.

It's not a science.

So is there much money in it then, this dating game?

Thinking of a career move?

Please answer the question.

I was brought up to believe talking about money is vulgar, but, yes, I do OK.

So if it all went bust tomorrow, what would you lose?

Nothing, except my professional reputation.


But I don't work for money, Detective.

Oh? What do you work for?

And who do you work for?

Bowden: Roebuck?


You need to drop this.

Drop what, sir?

Don't come the c**t with me.

Her. Hamilton.

Just having a chat.

I know you got BB to try and get into Czyrko's file.


Don't lie.

The files come up flagged.

It wasn't BB, that was me.

(Scoffs) Says the man who can't order his groceries online.

I prefer to support my local retailer.

Just... desist. OK?

Everywhere I look, her name comes up.

You need to take a step back.

Vanessa Hamilton... is the subject of an ongoing investigation.

It's got nothing to do with kids being massacred or cops being sh*t or aeroplanes dropping into the English Channel or us finding Robert f*cking Fournier.

So what does it have to do with?

Oh, you don't even know.

It's National Security. Ml6.

It's bigger than us.

Bigger than Robert Fournier still being out there planning who knows what?

Just do what I do, Karl.

What you're f*cking told.

(End-of-call beep)

She left.

Someone came and took her away. I couldn't do anything about it.



Anyone home?

Hello? Oh, hello.

It's very quiet in here.

Where are the kids?

Vladka's taken them to the park and then they're gonna collect the girls from school.

What, even the suppurating one?

Does that mean we've got an empty?

It means I'm trying to get some work done.

We could grab 20 minutes.

For what?

Well, has it been so long that I have to remind you?

I do miss you.

f*ck you, you f*cking bastard!

How f*cking dare you?


How f*cking dare you?


Gemma Healey!


You f*cked her when you were undercover! You f*cked her while you were pretending to be somebody else. You f*cked her and then she had your child and then you f*cking left her!

Presumably for your f*cking real wife, whoever that was at the time!

You don't even f*cking try to deny it!

Cos it's bollocks!

Karl, please, please!

I have so little respect for you left right now, and I will lose the last shred of that if you tell one more f*cking lie!

I'm not lying!

For f*ck's sake.

Who gave you that?

She did.

Well, where did she get it from?

It doesn't matter! It doesn't f*cking matter.

It doesn't f*cking matter.

Yes, it does. I'm gonna sort this out.

(Sighs) It's too late.

No. Listen.

This woman, whoever she is, whoever gave you this... she's lying to you.

You ask me anything about that period, I'll tell you everything there is to know.

Why would I ask questions when I can't believe the answers?

I guess we can both stay here for the time being while we figure out what we're gonna do.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

Lawyers and stuff.

You'll have a better idea than me cos, er... well, you've done it before.

Laura, come on.

I really don't want you to touch me right now.

(Inputs number)

(Ringing tone)


Am I disturbing you?

No, no, not at all.

I'm just heading out of the Eurotunnel.

Do you want to go for a drink tomorrow?

Yes, I would love to go for a drink.

But I'm afraid my knowledge of the local bars is not so good.

It's OK, I...

I can text you a place, you can put it in your satnav.

Yeah, brilliant.

You just made an awful day feel a lot better.

(Ends call)


(Phone drops)

(Computer game plays)

(Man speaks Russian)

(Man speaks Russian)

Robert: Koba?