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04x04 - Blurred Lines

Posted: 06/28/16 04:01
by bunniefuu
I know I don't have the experience that other designers have.

The job's yours. You're hired.


Previously on "Mistresses"...

Great news. I got into the band.

Does this mean I can come back?

As a nanny? God, no.

But I would love to date you like a normal couple.

Brian had an affair.

I called off the wedding.

I've decided I'm going to stay here.

Well, if the class helps we can think of it as your version of therapy.

Does everything have to be therapy with you?


[g*n cocks]


Wilson: Hey.


♪ ♪

♪ Player ♪
♪ Play on ♪
♪ Playing ♪


Mind if I join?

I'm dirty.


Dirty Harry?

[Laughing] Ohh!

I've never heard that one before.

♪ Get enough ♪



♪ I think you're super charming ♪
♪ A la Sean Connery ♪

I really enjoyed myself... more than once.

Well, I don't want to brag, but I do aim to please.

I like that about you.


Well, if you wanted to, I could probably aim to please you again.

I have patients all day long, including one couple in...

20 minutes. Wow.

No, no, no. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second.

What if you canceled on that crazy couple and we went to go see a movie?

We're in the back row of some dark theater, just you [smooches] me [smooches] Vivian [smooches] and all the Red Vines we can eat.

I really wish I could, but it's too late for me to cancel.


All right.

I got to go through all these new nanny résumés anyway.

Thank you so much for doing that.

Uh, you really don't have to, but I really appreciate it.

No. I told you I would stay on until I found my replacement.

Oh, uh, just to be clear, my replacement as your nanny, not as the guy having sex with you.

We only have sex once a month, and it's just not enough.

The good news is, we can work through this.

It's not a big problem.

We're so busy, we have to schedule sex.

Also not a big problem.

It feels like we've lost the passion.

Again, not a problem.

I've never had an orgasm.

Okay. Little bit of a problem.

♪ ♪

Mmm. I wish I had a little more time.

I am this close to finishing my design presentation.

I think Michael's gonna love it.

Michael, Michael, Michael.

Must be a pretty important man for his name to make it into our bedroom.

I can't help it.

Designing this house is the perfect combination of things I love.

It's a little art and a little business, which equals a lot of me.

I think it might be actually what I was looking for.

Well, that's great and all, but I should be writing new songs for the band.

Instead, I'm sacrificing that for this.

[Chuckles] Oh? This is a sacrifice?


Maybe I should remind you I'm unselfish... and giving... and very, very generous.

Yeah, it's just... Jen, it's just... it's kind of coming out of nowhere here.

I... Yes, I understand that y-you could go with a bigger firm, but you're not gonna get the same of person...

Right. Um, okay.

Okay, maybe, you know, we could sit down and we could just talk about the...

Okay. I understand.




Bad news?

No. It's just the slow crumbling of my self-esteem, my business.

What happened?

Um, Jen Jones just left me.

Yeah, the celebrity stylist, the next Rachel Zoe.

No, you have no idea. Anyway, it doesn't matter.

Uh, she said that she wanted to go with a bigger firm that had "higher-profile" clients than JCPR, which I would have if people like her didn't leave me.

Hey, you gonna change the name to JDPR after we're married? [Clicks tongue]

Josslyn Davis Public...?

Yeah, I get it, Harry.

Um, is now really the time to be suggesting antiquated sexual traditions of female subjugation?

Apparently not.


Um [clears throat] but I have the utmost faith that, with your beauty and brains and charm and lips...

Aww. and eyeballs that you can get whoever you want.



Yeah, it's okay.


Morning, sunshine.

Okay. What's up with her?

Um, she just found out that Brian's seeing someone else.

She's very upset.

But she doesn't even want to be with him anymore.

Does she not remember he cheated on her?

That's not the point.

They only broke up a few weeks ago.

[Chuckles] All right, I'm confused.

Wasn't she the one on dating sites, wanting to have random sex with strangers?

But it's not the same, okay?

She's very fragile, he's moved on, and apparently his is a real relationship..

Just be nice to her.


Big plans today?

You're looking at them.

I'm gonna pretty much do everything that I can not to think about Brian, except for when I'm cyber-stalking him.

Yeah, that seems like a bad idea.

I don't get it.

First Brian cheats on me while we're still engaged.

Then, before I'm two seconds out the door, he's with someone else.

This is crazy. Is there something wrong with me?

No, there's nothing wrong with you.

Brian is an idiot, and to be honest, I don't know why you care so much.

We were about to get married.

This is a mourning period.

A mourning period? [Laughing] Ohh, no.

No, sirree. We are Davises.

I'll give you one day to mope, and then you're coming with me... pbht!... out of the house.

Do I have to get out of my Snuggie?

Is that what that thing is?

Then, yes, the architect for the restaurant is coming over, and I want you to see the plans.

And then we can go visit the site.


Brian really loved architecture.

Okay. One rule... every time you say the name Brian, you owe me a dollar.

Oh, come on!

I can't say the name Brian?

That's a dollar.

[Scoffs, groans]


We really want to make this work.

Karen: Trust me.

You're not the first couple to have this kind of problem.

We can solve it.

I want you to try something called The Intimacy Check List.

It's a list of exercises you can do to help build, well, intimacy.


"One... hold hands every chance you get."

I know it sounds obvious, but if you want to fix this problem, you have to commit to it.

Ann, you will have this orgasm, if it's the last thing I do.

♪ ♪

Well, not me personally.

[Chuckles] You know what I mean.

Okay, I think that's all for today.

April: I think these ideas are exactly what you're looking for, for the dining room... warm, not stuffy... though it matters more what you think, right?

So, what do you think?

I love it all.

Oh, I am so glad.

So, why does it look like you actually don't love it?

I really do.

I'm sorry.

It's just that, after the last designer fiasco, my wife will not sign off on anything until she sees it in person.

Wait, so, I don't actually have the job?

I mean, I thought we agreed...

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to mislead you.

Teresa is flying in this Saturday night from New York.

You can present everything to her then.

How can I present a design to her when I don't even know her?

Don't worry.

Everything that we've talked about is right up her alley...

I mean, except for a couple things.

First of all, no yellow.

She hates yellow... and animals.

I guess the giraffe wallpaper is out of the question.

[Rock music playing]

So, why are we at the opening of... what is this?... the NuTunes Music Fest?

Joss: Obviously you didn't see Gawker this morning.

Oh, the Jennifer Jones post? I did. About f*ring us?

I just thought you didn't want me to bring it up.

Screw Jennifer Jones, okay?

We're going bigger... starting with... Stacey North?

That's amazing.

It will be once we sign her.

She's looking to do this whole Selena Gomez actress-to-musician transition, and I want in.

This would be huge for our company, so focus, okay?

Hi. Hi.

I'm, um... I'm Josslyn Carver, and I am a huge fan.

Your "Poptart" video was amazing.

Aww. Thanks so much. Do you want a picture?

What? Oh.



No, actually, I kind of wanted to talk to you about you, you know?

I'm sorry. Who are you again?

A reporter?

No, no, no.

I'm Josslyn Carver, and I'm in public relations.

And I really think you should consider taking a meeting with me.

You are so talented, and I honestly think I could have you on the cover of Rolling Stone in... in a year.

It's a really small town and I know a lot about your current rep and I just... I don't really think he's right for you.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Did... Did you say Josslyn Carver?


You know, she was Calista Raines' publicist.

Was that before Calista went to jail or...

Now that I think about it, you went to jail, too, right?

Three months ago, she was planning birthday parties for toddlers.

That's not true, and...

So, if what you want is a second-rate, wannabe publicist, Stacey, here's your girl.

Oh. I'm Troy Baker, by the way, Stacey's actual publicist, you know, the one that's not right for her.

And now goodbye. Let's go.

♪ ♪

Hello, beautiful.

Someone's in a good mood.


We got our first gig.

Oh, my goodness. That's fantastic.

Does this mean I can quit the job I thought I had but apparently haven't gotten yet?


Never mind.

That's great. What is it?

The NuTunes Festival.

[Gasps] Never heard of it.

Well, it's like Coachella when it first started... up-and-coming bands mixed with headliners, play two days.

We play Saturday.

Look at you.

I am so proud. Your first paying gig!

Well, actually, we had to pay a small entry fee to play.

You have to pay to play?

Well, technically, but they're giving us free appetizers and drink tickets.

But you don't drink.

So? Free appetizers.

Look [sighs] I'm not doing this for the money.

But it's really great exposure.

I wasn't planning on playing the Hollywood Bowl or anything right away.

Just promise me you'll be there and you'll invite your friends, okay?

I'm sorry.

Of course I will.



Let me just say that, uh, last night was, uh... Wow.

It was, um... It was pretty special.

I assume it was special for both of you?

Yes. Your Check List was very helpful.

Thank you, Dr. Kim.

I'm glad to hear that.

That said, I do think it would be worth continuing here with me.

Though sex can be the presenting problem, there may be underlying issues, as well.

You can keep working your way down the list until we meet next week.

Sounds great.

We only got to number 3 last night.

I can't imagine what'll happen when we get to number 10.

[Both chuckle]

My assistant will set it up.

You know what?

I think I left my sunglasses in Dr. Kim's office.

Why don't you pull the car around?


[Door closes]

Ann, did something happen?

Yes. Well, no. Nothing happened.

That's the problem. I didn't have an orgasm.

I faked it. I didn't know what else to do.

This is a disaster.

You know, some people who've never had an orgasm don't know when they've had one.


Dr. Kim, I've had orgasms, plenty of them... just not with Conner.


You were right.

This is a symptom of deeper issues in our marriage.

It could be a deal breaker.

I'm sorry.

I-I should let you get back to your work.

We'll speak at our next session, but obviously you know what turns you on.

Does Conner?

Have you told him?

I've tried, but...

Try to find a middle ground.

Just don't give up, okay?



Harry: This is fantastic.

I really love what you've done here.

It makes the restaurant feel like it's part of the hotel, but its own thing, as well.

I'm glad that came across.

I'm really impressed, Sam, and I think Jonathan will be, too.

This is exactly what we're looking for.

I can't take all the credit.

My colleague, Brian, did the majority of the design.


Kate, what do you think?

I always like a little friendly input.


I don't think Brian did such a good job.

It seems that Brian may have missed an opportunity here.

You know what? Kate's not really familiar with this kind of...

Oh, it's okay, Harry.

Uh, go on.

How about all this negative space here?

A big wall here and a fireplace...

Make it a fire pit!

I didn't actually mean draw on the design.

Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate.


I don't owe you any money. Those were different Brians.

That was a different Brian.

You know what? Go to your room.

♪ ♪

Sorry about that.

[Knock on door]

Come in, Lila.

Definitely not Lila.

Robert, what are you doing here?

I am the man with the plan, and I come prepared.

Lila is gonna watch baby Vivian, and you and I are gonna have a little lunch.

Ooh, I like that plan.

But I have patients coming in soon, and I still have notes to type up.

Come on. It's your lunch break.

Notes? You got to type up notes?

Can't you just fake it?

I don't fake things.

Right. Well, that's reassuring to hear.

I was just trying to be nice.

You're right. I should have called first.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, and thank you for understanding.

I do understand, but you should also understand that I can't keep coming in second to people with sexual issues.

Of course I get it.

Hey, why don't we have dinner tomorrow night, just us?

Tomorrow? Hmm. Let me think.

Am I available tomorrow night?

Of course I am.

I'm kidding.

Well, I'm serious.

I want to make time for us.

Just bear with me, okay?


Let me say hi to Vivian.

Jonah: Hey.

Marc: [Chuckles]

I got someone coming to see us at the show tomorrow night.

What, like an A&R guy?

Nephew of an A&R guy.

We just need to find a new singer.

What happened to Lisa?

Do you ever read your e-mail?

She left us for Mumford's touring band.

We're gonna have to find someone to replace her.

Are you kidding? How are we gonna find someone in a day?

Don't worry about it, man.

I already got auditions set up. One's here now.

She's warming up, And she is smoking hot.

Here she comes.


This is your band?

Hello, Sofia.

So, you guys know each other.

He brought lunch, but I had to work.

The thing is, I really like this guy, and he's so good with Vivian... and me.

Does this mean I have to actually learn his name and not just call him "hot manny"?

Because that sounds like a pain.

I don't know. That's the point.

You know, it's not easy with Vivian and work and Robert.

There just isn't enough time.

Maybe I should pull back on my sessions, give things a chance with us.

Um, paging Dr. Kim.

You can't cut back on your hours for him.

For the baby, sure, for your next book, yep, but not for some unemployed actor.

Don't be afraid to say what you're really thinking.



No, I don't mean to be judgy, but I'm just being honest.

Jackie always says, "Controlling your future is about confronting your past."


April, can you back me up here?


Is this yellow or gold?

More of a Dijon.

Why are we looking at swatches?

Michael's wife hates yellow, and if anything resembles yellow, I may not get this job.

What if I call it "sand"?

I have no idea who Michael is, but you can call that "periwinkle" for all I care.

It's still yellow.

Thanks for your support.

Oh. Sorry, sweetie.

I lost out on a really big client last night, actually.

This publicist brought up the Calista thing and then insulted me in front of everybody and made me look totally incompetent.

I feel like my whole career is stalling.

You'll bounce back. You always do.

Yeah, well... [Cellphone dings] I think it's just... it's scary when you feel totally powerless and you realize that your entire life is in the hands of someone else.

Anyway, um, I got to get to my impact class, so anybody want to join me?

Change your life.

Yeah, I don't really feel like getting kicked in the ribs.

Yeah. Me neither.

No offense.

All right. Your loss. [Chuckles]

Please don't hire her. You can't.

Come on, man.

Sofia has a great sound.

She's got a huge following on social media.

Plus, she's not hard to look at.

No, you don't get it.

She cheated on me back then.



With the keyboard player.

That's rough, man.

I mean, a keyboard player? Not even the drummer?

That's not the point.

I just don't want her to wreck our band.

It was 10 years ago, Marc, when we were still kids back in Florida.

Isn't it time to move on?

Yeah. It is.

So it's either me or her.



Joss: [Sighs heavily]

Sixth place?

Your circuit scores are usually top three.

You're off your game.

What's going on, Joss?


Just, uh, work stuff.


I have time.

Talk to me.

No, I-I just lost a few clients, trying to build myself back up.

It's not easy, especially when things in my past keep getting in the way.

Sometimes you got to get out of your own head.

I wish I could.

I feel like I have a target on my back.


You're angry because you don't have any control, Joss.

That's the whole point of coming here... to learn how to control your own narrative.

That sounds great, but h-how am I supposed to get control when this asshat is out there trash-talking me to potential clients, telling people that I'm a... a second-rate publicist?

I hate to say this, but sometimes you got to sink to their level to fix the problem.

Do me a favor.

Why don't you stop by the gym this Sunday.

I run a different type of class.

I think it'll really help you, Joss.

♪ ♪
[Knocking on door]

Marc, wait, please.

What are you doing here, Sofia?

I just came to talk.

I got your address from Jonah.

Let me in?

All right, we don't need to drag this out.

I know I made mistakes.

A mistake is leaving the water on when you're brushing your teeth in the middle of a drought.

What you did is way worse.

Forget about a relationship, you destroyed our band.

I came here to say I'm sorry.

I worked for years to get my life back on track.

I got sober. And you know what I learned?

That this band's important, and I'm not gonna let you screw it up.

I'm not here to screw it up.

Just walk away, Sofia.

I am asking for one more chance.

No matter where happened between us, you're talented, Marc.

And we make beautiful music together.

I think you should go.

I talked to Jonah.

You guys can't go on tomorrow night without a lead singer.


You get one sh*t at this.

You blow it, you're out.



Kate: Joss texted earlier. She can't come.

She has some music carnival to go to or something.

I think you mean festival.


Marc is playing tomorrow.


So, I heard Harry was not happy about the blueprint incident.

Ugh. I know. It was stupid.

I just... I heard the name Brian and freaked out.

Don't b*at yourself up.

You know, it makes sense that you still have issues with this.

I can't hear the name Paul without having PTSD... or Daniel.

Or Richard, come to think of it.


It's just, I feel a little lost these days.

Hey, have you thought about getting a job as a way to keep your mind off...

Please don't say it.

He who shall not be named?

I was a wedding photographer back home, but I just don't feel like I'm in the best frame of mind to be around other people's weddings.

Well, I could actually use some help here in the store.

Seriously, assuming that I impress this woman tomorrow night and get the job, I'll really need someone.

What do you say?

I'm... I'm not much of a salesperson.

Then you can work the register.

Just think about it.

I think it'll actually be the perfect solution for both of us.

♪ ♪

Woman: We're here at the NuTunes Festival with TV star Stacey North.

Stacey, tell us about your new album.

I've been singing since I was a girl.

TV was just a stepping stone.

It's time to put my first love back out there.

Joss: Troy?

[Clears throat]

Yeah, so, I-I feel like...

You're green.

I'll give you the benefit of ignorance, but don't try to steal clients from people higher up the food chain.

It doesn't work, and it makes you look pathetic.

Kylie: Oh, crap!

Man: Sorry.

Ugh. Jackass. Thank you.

Ugh. Wow.

This guy just made me spill my drink.

What are you having?

Uh, first a napkin to clean this off.

Sure. Done.

Thank you for helping me out.


It's... Thank you.

Thanks. It's sweet.

You're welcome.

It's all over my shoes, everywhere.

Oh, no.

[Phone dings]


Hey, Troy?

Ah, I got to go.

Okay. Thanks.

♪ ♪

So, did you get his contact list?

Oh, I got better than that.

I got his weak spot.

I'm gonna crush him.

♪ pieces, yeah ♪

[Exhales heavily]

Still furious with me?

No, no longer furious.

Maybe just annoyed now.

So, you, uh... you have a good time with the ladies tonight?

Yeah. Yeah. We had fun.


And April offered me a job... like I assume you asked her to.

No, no... no idea what you're talking about.

Come on, Harry.

I'm not exactly anyone's first choice for selling... whatever it is that she sells.

And it was either or Joss, and my money's on big brother.

[Sighs] Okay, you know what?

Why should I feel bad about giving you a push when you obviously need one?

I'll give you three reasons... April, Karen, Joss.

I don't want them being my bosses or to feel sorry for me.

They're my friends.

And even though I may be your little sister, I'm a grown-up, not some charity project.

Okay, I've never treated you like a charity project.

What about when you made Jeff Patton take me to the formal, huh?

Come off it. Really? That was different.

As I recall, you didn't have a date.

He spent the entire dance making out with slutty Sarah Greenfield in the closet.

So, yeah, it was great. Thanks.

Well, I hope you can forgive me for your bad formal, but does this mean you didn't take the job April's?

Okay, Kate, if you don't want to be treated like a charity project, then stop acting like one.

I'm acting like my fiancé cheated on me and has a new girlfriend.

That doesn't give you the right to do or say or scribble whatever you want.

Okay, you know what?

I said I'd support you, and I do, but you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself.

It's time to get up off the couch and get back out in the world.

I don't care what you do.

Just do it.

♪ ♪

You got a minute?

Oh, sure.

So, we have a new lead singer who's playing with us at the gig tonight.

Oh, right. Ugh.

About tonight... I'm sure it'll be fine, but I have to go to the store to give my design presentation first.

I was hoping you'd come early.

I really wanted you to meet the band.

Well, tonight is the only night Michael said I can do it.

I can't just blow it off.

[Chuckling] Michael? Again? Seriously?

Look, as soon as I'm finished with the meeting, I'll come right over.

A meeting at 7:00 on a Saturday night?

Why couldn't he schedule this during the week?

Yeah. See, I think maybe Michael likes working with you for other reasons.

I don't know what you think is going on, but Michael is married.

This is for his wife.


I said I'd be at your show, and I will.

Now I just have to get back to this.

Yeah. You can't keep Michael waiting.


Did you see this post on Gawker?

Texts from Troy Baker trash-talking Stacey North.

"She sounds like a cat in heat, and she should really stick to acting."

That's harsh.

Yeah, that... that sounds harsh.

[Clears throat]

Were you the one who leaked them?

That's what you found on his phone?

I thought you were just gonna get his contacts.

Yeah, I was, okay?

But then those texts just popped up, and they were not even the worst ones.

Yeah, but you still sent them to Gawker.

Well, Stacey deserves to know the truth.

Yeah, she does now. So does Troy Baker.


He's lost a ton of clients already.

Okay, wait a second, Kylie.

You realize that I'm not the bad guy here, right?

Troy's the one who was bad-mouthing his client... or bad-texting, whatever.

He's the one that started playing dirty.

You know, you really screwed this guy over.

[Knock on door]


Oh, thank you for this.

I'll wait, but I'll pour you some.

I talk fast when I get nervous, but don't worry.

The presentation will be great.

Where's Teresa?

I'm sorry. It's not happening.

I wanted to tell you in person.

Tell me what in person?

She postponed again?


I have been working on this for days now, Michael.

I'm starting to wonder if Teresa even exists.

She exists.

She served me with divorce papers tonight.


Michael. Oh, wow.

I'm so sorry.

I had no idea.

I... [Sighs] Should I, um...

I guess we should just do this at another time, right?

Actually, would you mind having a drink with me?

I'd appreciate it.

[Inhales sharply]

Okay. Just one.

So, there wasn't one qualified nanny you met with?

Not one.

One had no experience, like, none whatsoever.

Uh... Oh, man, somebody else had terrible hygiene issues, like major.

But you're being awfully picky.

No one is going to take your place, Robert.

Oh, I'm not gonna let just anyone look after Vivian.

She's too important to me.

And so are you.


What do you think?

Mmm. Just when I think I don't have room for any more food, I find it.

Come on. Let's enjoy this... just you, me, and a sleeping baby.

[Glasses clink]

[Cellphone ringing]

Don't do it. Let it go to voicemail.

It could be a patient.

Let me just check.

Voicem... Let it go...

Karen Kim.


I'll be right there.

Wh... Y-You're leaving?

Who was that?

The police.

Someone broke into my office.

I'll be back as soon as I can.


What exactly are you charging them with?

Off the top of my head, disorderly conduct, breaking and entering, trespassing, lewd acts.

And this was in my office?

According to the security guard, yes.

But doesn't it matter that I don't care that they were in there?


The law cares, Doctor.

They traumatized the cleaning lady when she walked in on them.

I could still add indecent exposure to this.

Your friends broke the law.



Can I at least talk to them first?

Come on.

Karen: Ann? Conner?

I mean, Teresa and I were together for 10 years.

The house was supposed to be a fresh start.

It's just so crazy.

Life is crazy.

I have to admit, my life hasn't always gone the way I've planned.

I have made some bad choices, especially with men.

But you're happy, right?

I mean, what about the guy you're dating now?

Marc is great.

He's good with my daughter.

I mean, he's young, with big dreams.

I never really pictured myself with someone like him.

Do I think he's gonna be a rock star?

Probably not.

But everyone needs time to find themselves.

Sometimes it takes longer than we think.

Karen: First of all, I never suggested you have sex in my office wearing those outfits.

And second, I never suggested you have sex in my office.

Look, we tried something different, like you said.

We figured we needed to get out of our bedroom.

Conner: And what better place than here, where we felt safe and our passions were re-ignited in the first place?

I can think of a lot of places.

But it worked... if you know what I mean.

Lady, I got to take them down to the station.

Karen: [Sighs] Sergeant Matthews, can I talk to you for a second?

What you caught them doing was under doctor's orders.

What the hell kind of doctor prescribes that?

A marriage and family counselor specializing in sex therapy.

How's your marriage, Sergeant?

Any problems in the bedroom?

All right, forget it.

But if I catch you in your little costumes again, I'll throw you behind bars so fast, your... your capes will spin.

And you owe the cleaning lady an apology.

♪ ♪

[Rock music playing]


Ah, I wasn't sure you'd make it since you're only hanging out with moguls these days.

Oh, mate, I've always had time for the little people.

Who's this?

Uh... that is our new lead singer...

Hmm. who's also my ex.

[Chuckles] Is April aware of that second fact?

[Sighs] No, she's not, and I'd like to keep it that way.

Test, test, one, two.

I can't believe she fired Troy so quickly.

Lesson number one... in business, you need to protect yourself, okay?

Stacey realized that.

Okay. What's lesson number two?

Oh, no idea. That's all I got.

Oh, there she is.

Um, okay, do you have a business card or something?

Yeah, yeah.



Watch and learn.

Stacey, Stacey.

Hey, girl. Hey.

Look, I know you're busy, but just give me a minute, just one minute.

That's all I need, okay?


I friggin' believe in you.

Do you know that I saw you back in 2012 at the Hotel Cafe?

Second stage.

It was just you and your guitar and that voice.

I could tell that everything you were singing was super personal, like "Halfway Down the Stairs."

That song wasn't on the album.

You were there.

That's what you get with me.

I show up.

Look, just think about it, okay?

♪ ♪

What did you think?

I think lesson number two is... be a badass.

Now you're getting it.

Can I have a gigantic glass of vodka?

Thank you. [Chuckles]

Ugh. I really have to get to Marc's show.

You're right. I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to keep you so long.

But seriously, thank you for being a good friend.

Uh, you really need to go now.

I'm so sorry.


Harry: Cheers.


I'm so excited to see Marc play.

Oh, um, by the way, your sister's here.

I saw her over by the bathroom.

She said you yelled at her.

I didn't yell at her. I...


Okay, I-I did not... yell at her.

Fine. Where is she?

Um, that way.


Oh, did I make it?

I made it.


I can't believe I made it.

Where is he?

Hey. Whoa.

What's the matter with you?

You're all flushed and hyper and acting weird.

What? Nothing. I'm fine.


Oh, how did it go?

Uh, good, except, uh, Michael's getting a divorce, I didn't do the presentation, and he kissed me.

Oh, sweetie, that's... Okay, that's a lot of information to process.

Um, start at the end.

It was only for a second.

He was really upset.

It totally came out of nowhere.

Marc warned me that Michael had feelings for me.

Maybe I led him on by mistake.


I don't know what to do. Should I tell him?


Who the hell is that?


Oh, um, apparently that's their new lead singer.

And let me tell you, if I knew her back in the day, that one time that I was a lesbian, mmm.


Maybe I won't say anything yet.

♪ ♪

Kate, hey. There you are.


Don't say anything.

Just hear me out, okay?


I'll admit it.

I couldn't get past the fact that Brian had already moved on.

And even though I may be done with drowning my sorrows in sugary cereal and reality TV...

I'm still a mess.

What I'm trying to say is, I know you have my back, always have, whether it was fixing me up with Jeff Patton or telling me to get up off of my duff.

You're my big brother, and I count on you.

I always will.

Man: Ladies and gentlemen...

Come here.

Please welcome Board Patrol!

I'm gonna take that job at April's... if she'll still hire me.

Well, I could probably put in a good word for you.


All right.

All right.

["Till We Meet Again" playing]

♪ I got a feelin' that it's gonna be a real good night ♪
♪ Gonna turn it up and take a real long ride ♪
♪ Gonna make your world spin 'round and 'round ♪
♪ And as you're comin' up, you'll wanna go back down ♪
♪ Go back down ♪
♪ Go back down ♪
♪ Who says it's gotta be the way it's written? ♪
♪ But I think I'm fallin' into bein' smitten ♪
♪ But you got that thing that you can't control ♪
♪ Mmm, and it drives me crazy, it takes a hold ♪
♪ Ah, ah, oh ♪
♪ Ah, ah, oh ♪


♪ Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh-oh ♪
♪ Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, ohh ♪
♪ Two, three, four, you wanna get more ♪
♪ Just come into my den ♪
♪ Five, six, seven, no one's watching ♪
♪ Come on, I know you can ♪
♪ 8, 9, 10, leave me your number ♪
♪ I'll be your special friend ♪
♪ I'll countdown, baby, all day and through the night ♪
♪ Till we meet again ♪
♪ Till we meet again ♪
♪ Till we meet aga-a-in ♪
♪ Oh, oh ♪

[Cheers and applause]

[Door closes]

[Sighs] I am so sorry.

These patients of mine got arrested for having sex in my office.

Then I thought it was only right to sit down and talk with them about it, therapeutically speaking.


Honestly, I'm on a little bit of a high.

I'm... I had fun tonight.

Is that supposed to make me feel better?

I'm sorry.

Look, Karen, I...

I think you're letting your work take over the rest of your life.

You're right, and I thought about cutting back on my hours.

Oh, thank... thank you.

But then I decided I don't want to cut back.

After Vivian was born, my book came out.

Suddenly I had a new career... "sexpert."

I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted to be, but now I'm back at work.

Being there for my clients tonight reminded me I'm good at helping people.

I missed it, and I'm not ready to give that up.

So right now might not be the best time for a relationship.

You're right.

But I want you to know that you made me feel... alive... like a woman again, after becoming a mother.

I'll never forget that.

♪ ♪


I, uh...

I forwarded you a résumé of a new nanny.

Her name is Lydia.

She'll be great, you know, like second best.

Thank you, Robert.

♪ ♪

[Inhales sharply]

April: Oh, my gosh.

I had no idea you could play like that.

Being in front of people took it to a whole new level.

Well, speaking of that, there's something I got to tell you, actually, about me and Sofia.

We used to date.

It was a long time ago.

There's nothing there anymore.

It's purely professional, just like you and Michael.

And, you know, while I was up there... all I could think about was you.

I've never made out with a rock star before.

Then come here.


♪ ♪

[Cellphone dings]

Stacey's in.



Stacey's in.

Oh, wow.


I'm proud of you, babe.


I told you, all it takes is the good old Carver charm.


Sometimes the good guys win, huh?

Oh, w-wait. Whoa. No.

Where are you going? I thought we could celebrate.

Oh, I got to get up, go shopping.

Kate really put a hurting on our cereal.

[Chuckles] I'll be back soon.


Then we can celebrate... twice.




And no matter what I said or did, he just kept coming at me again and again and again.

It's by the grace of this group that I got out.

I just left.

And I am finally safe.

Thank you, Marisol.

♪ Oh, so you know it all Then it's gone ♪

That is what this is about... finding strength.

For those of you joining us for the first time, today is more of a psychological workout.

It's about sharing in a safe place.

Joss, I know that you've been traveling over some rocky terrain lately.

Is there anything that you'd like to say?

Um... [Clears throat] I-I think, like Marisol said, this... this class is really important, you know?

I... It's the only way I've been able to cope with everything that happened.

I-I can't say anything to my friends, the people that I love... because I-I feel like if I... if I told them what... what really...

[Voice breaking] Sorry.

What really happened, what's really going on inside me, I-I feel like I-I'd scare them or... or I'd bring everybody down, you know?

[Sighs heavily]

A year ago, it was... it was the scariest night of my life.

I... I honestly thought I was gonna die.

♪ Oh, if you never try, you'll never know ♪

You can say as much or as little as you want, Joss.

There's no pressure here.

Yeah. Um... maybe next time.

[Clears throat, sniffles]


♪ You're not blame ♪

[Exhales sharply]

♪ I know there are stories ♪
♪ You can't explain ♪