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02x05 - Dawn of the Dead

Posted: 06/29/16 20:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Scream".

I need your help tracking down Jake Fitzgerald.

Audrey: What do you guys think of Stavo?

Brooke: He's kind of obsessed with the Lakewood Six.

Stavo: I think we might've been dosed.

Ayahuasca affects everyone differently.

It all depends on what's buried inside you.

There you have it. The five finalists for the title: "Lady of the Lake."



Male officer: Stay back at this time, all right?

Woman: Hey! Sheriff! That's our kids in there!

Why won't you let us see them?

Hey! What's happening?

Female officer: When we find out more information, we will update you.

Male officer: Stay behind the line! Please cooperate with us!

Hey, get these doors closed.

It's gonna be fine, you guys. We just need everyone to gather in the gym until we know what to do next... Wrong way, ladies.

We need to get to Brooke.

Ms. Lang, please!

Of course. Come with me.

Excuse us, people! Coming through!

Do the rules just not apply to them?

No one comes in or goes out.

I want every single student accounted for.


Ladies and gentlemen, listen up!

I'm officially putting this school into lockdown.

All right, let's move it!

[ Scream - S02E05 - "Dawn of the Dead" ]


Maggie: You're doing great, sweetie. Stay with me.

Why don't you talk to me, honey?

That night at the pool, he wanted to take me to the carnival.

I wanted to say yes.

Oh, sweetie...

Why didn't I say yes?

Brooke, are you okay?

No, no, no! I'm not finished.

It's evidence. It can't be compromised.

Excuse me, Doc. I need Emma and Miss Jensen.


No, please don't make them leave.

No, we're her friends. She needs us right now.

Someone should stay.

Maggie: I'm almost finished, Dwayne.

The girl is in shock. She's gonna need a hand to help clean up.

Okay. Emma, you're higher on the sheriff's list for questioning.

You come with me. Jensen, you stay. Let's go.

I'm sure they're just questioning all of Jake's friends.

It's gonna be okay.

Mm, okay.

I'll come and find you after the lockdown's lifted.


Hey... It's okay. We've got this.

Yeah, I just...

Maggie: Almost done, honey.

See, Emma? Sheriff's questioning a lot of people.

Don't worry.

We were friends. Well, since last October.

Before that, we were, I don't know, not friends.

But stuff like that, what we went through with Piper... stuff like that changes you.

It changed us.

Of course.

I want to thank you for sitting down with me.

This must be rough on you.

Well, we're kind of used to... (CHUCKLES)

Yeah, actually, it's... it's awful.

I'll keep this brief, then. When was the last time you saw Jake?

At a party, the other night, like, five days ago.

So, you hadn't seen Jake in five days?

Well, nobody had. He'd had a fight with Brooke, and she thought he was playing some sort of elaborate game of hide-and-seek with her.

For five days?

You have to understand Jake. I mean... he went to great lengths to be a pain in the ass sometimes.

Must've been a little worried.

With something as terrible as this, people would rather believe anything else is happening.

But, now, we know what's happening, don't we?

What exactly do you think is happening?

Now that Emma's home, Piper's accomplice is finishing the job.

Boy: It's her. What's she doing here?

I'm so sorry, Emma. I can't believe this is happening again.

How's Brooke?


She's a mess.

How are you?

Oh, my God.

I am so sorry about last night.

I should have never doubted you.

Let's not talk about that, okay?


I should have said something.

Brooke: What?


Are you okay in there?


No, it just feels like this awful nightmare.

I mean, it just doesn't feel real.

We were literally just texting.

Wait, he texted you?


See for yourself.

(READING) "'ll see me tomorrow."

Okay, that's...

I just keep staring at it.

He said I'd see him today, and then this happened.

It's just... It's too weird! (SIGHS)

Maybe this text didn't come from Jake.

What do you mean? It had to be him.

Unless it happened after. I mean... I mean, unless it came from his... k*ller.

Is this really all happening again?


(SCOFFS) Well, they took my clothes.

Do they have anything else for me to wear, or do they want me to wander the halls naked?


They found this.



Hey! So, what did he ask you?

Usual stuff. Um...

"When was the last time you saw the victim?

Was he acting strangely?"


Oh, that's probably my mom.

I have to check in with her.

So, did the sheriff say why they're holding us like this?

No, but I'm sure it's because they know someone's out there, which I have been saying for a long time.

Stavo: You keep saying, "There's somebody out there."


Have you not considered the vintage "locked room" horror scenario?

When a Stranger Calls? k*lling Room? Devil? Rope?

Noah: Oh. You're saying the call is coming from inside the house.

Yeah, man. What if they think one of us is the k*ller?

They didn't lock the k*ller out. They locked him in.

Him or her. Could be either.

But I guess I should leave the crazy paranoid talk to the experts.

Kieran, can I talk to you for a second?

You okay?


It's Jake's phone. Yeah.

How did you get this?

I found it in my backpack.

What the hell?

I emptied my backpack out last night at home and it wasn't in there, so that means that...

Oh, my God. That means that someone at school must've put it in there.

The only person who could have had this...

Is the k*ller. Yes.

Oh, my God, look at her.

Hayley Meyers!

What? Me? I'm Hayley Meyers.

The sheriff needs to talk to you.

What did the sheriff ask you?

I haven't been interviewed yet.

Seriously? Why me? Why would he...?


How is Brooke?

Wrecked. Her dad's on his way, but, in the meantime, they're putting her in solitary, out of gen-pop, for obvious reasons.

Okay, what is going on?


How did you...?

I don't know.

Someone planted it in my backpack.

Now, I have to figure out how to explain all of that to the cops.

No, no!

Don't go to the cops.


So, some kid turns up dead, so you lock my son and nephew inside with the body and, for all I know, the k*ller?

That is not okay!


I trust Anita and the baby are well?

Right this way, Mayor Maddox.


That's the mayor?

I'm here... if you want to talk about anything.






It might not be Jake's phone.

I just need to give this to the sheriff and let him do his job.

All we know is someone planted it on you.

They wanted you to find it.

Do you remember what happened the last time we got played?

You nearly got k*lled. Jake is already dead!

I'm sorry, but we know what's going on now.

Whoever did this is trying to control us.

It may be a game to them, but, to us, it's life or death.

Oh, my God.

Please don't ignore me.

I'm so sorry.

I was trying to ignore the fact that something horrible happened.

Are you talking about what happened in the auditorium, or last night?


I'm sorry, Zoe, if...

Look, talking about last night after all this is kind of ridiculous, and I'm not sure I'm up for the other conversation, so can you just... let me keep trying to ignore both.

We all have our ways of coping.

But, if you need to talk... go ahead.

Not if you're uncomfortable, or...

I'm fine. It's probably healthier not to ignore it. So, um...

Do you think it's starting up again?

Yeah. Yeah, I do.

Why did he do it like that? So public?

It was an announcement, a coming-out party, a classic end-of-act-one body drop.

So, like, what? The k*ller's emboldened now?

Exactly. We're starting act two.

That, unfortunately, means we've all got bull's-eyes on our backs.


Somebody figures out who it is and tries to stop them.


Yeah, well, that's the job for the final girl.

Or the hero.

(CHUCKLES) I didn't want to say anything, but, um...

I'm a huge fan of The Morgue.

I love your voice, and I think that you make... the morbid beautiful.

Oh, well, thank you.

Now that I've had a front row seat, I get it... why you do it.

I'm all ears.

I think maybe you're sublimating your feelings about mortality and turning your friend's death into a puzzle you can solve, without actually dealing with it.


I'm sorry.

No, no. You're... You're probably right.


We all have our ways of coping.

He wanted to talk to me about that thing with Jensen at the movie theater.

Dude, they're searching everybody's lockers.

Let's go.

I know. Scary.


What's with all the brouhaha?

People are freaking because someone said they're searching lockers.

Oh, no.



What is going on?

I-I have something in my locker I'd rather the cops didn't find.

Uh, do you know how suspicious that sounds?

Yeah, I gotta get to my locker.

How are you gonna do that?

I-I need help.

Don't look at me.

Hey, what do you have in your locker?

Don't worry about it. I'll be right back.

Oh, I can't believe he just said that.

Um, okay, yeah, I'll go with him, keep a lookout.

Are you sure about that?


Audrey: What? Why?

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute!

My friend is about to vomit.

Can you please take us to the ladies' room?

No, I can't...

Okay, okay. Come on, come on. Let's go.

Noah: Wow, that was easy.

Hey, what exactly is in your locker?


Hey! You're not supposed to be out here.

I was just coming back from the bathroom, Deputy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let me see the bag.

Let me see the bag.


So, how do you want to do this?

Just cuff me, Sheriff.

My dad was a cop. I know how this works.

And you were arrested before. I do my homework.

So, you know there's a lot of ways it can play out.

There seems to be one obvious one.

Not really... because someone who goes to the trouble to stage a big show like the one that we just saw, doesn't make the mistake of leaving a g*n in his locker, right?

It's my dad's g*n.


I carry it to protect myself and my friends.

I suppose that's understandable after what you've been through.

Thank you for recognizing that.

I don't blame you for needing to feel safe.

I'm gonna confiscate this w*apon, but I'm willing to look past this entire episode, if...


If you let me keep an eye on you.

I think it'd be good for you to come down to the station. I may put you to work.

Look, I don't have to tell you. Cops take care of their own.

Okay? Your dad would've done the same thing for my kid.

Not my dad.

And don't get me wrong, I appreciate you not cuffing me, but... this whole good cop routine, it's not playing.

What do you really want, Sheriff?

I want an in, and you're gonna get me there... or you'll be arrested, put on probation, and kicked out of school.

Your choice.


May I offer you a phone plan?

Okay, if you're trying to be funny, don't.

I, uh... couldn't help but overhear. (CHUCKLES)

And, by "overhear," you mean creep?

One man's creep, is another man's...


Okay, I was going to say "stalker."


Okay, what's your plan?

Ditch it. Fast as you can.

Yes. Thank you. How would I?

Wipe off any prints and stick it somewhere they'll find it.

Behind a book or in the garbage.

Then, it's not connected to you anymore.



Kieran got busted.

He had a g*n in his locker.

He brought his g*n to school?

Now, I'm trapped in the hallway, and I have no idea how to get back into the Learning Center without being nabbed, 'cause there's cops everywhere.

I just saw Kieran. He was with Acosta and a deputy.

Are they arresting him?

Could be an arrest, but, oddly, could also be a hero walk from The Avengers.

Whatever it is, they're very focused. Okay, I gotta go.

Look, give me Jake's phone.

I'll get rid of it for you.

No, I-I can't ask you to do that.

I want to. It's one less miserable thing for you to deal with today.

Plus, I'll do it better than you.
Emma Duval!


I hear you have something you want to show me.

Follow us, please.

You ratted her out.

Shut up.

Kieran made it back.

But not happily.


Hey! What happened to you?

We failed, they took Kieran away, and now they're taking Emma, and I ended up trapped out in the halls.

Kieran's back, but he doesn't look like he wants to chat, so who knows?

This is so screwed up.

Somebody planted Jake's phone in Emma's bag.

Wait, what? That's why they're taking her?

I don't know, but they walked her out of here like some sort of criminal.

I'm starting to think the person that they should be questioning is sitting right here.

Who are you talking about?

So, you have no idea how that phone wound up in your backpack?

No, but whoever put it in there is probably the same person who att*cked me last night and probably the same person who k*lled Jake.

So, you believe that you're being targeted just like before?


You, um... went away for a while for treatment. PTSD.

Yeah, I had some stress issues that I had to deal with after...

After what happened on the dock. Huh.

And you were admitted to the psych ward after witnessing the death of your ex-boyfriend last year.

Okay, look, I know this sounds crazy.

That's why I didn't come to you right away. I was scared.

I-I didn't know how to explain this.

But, after what happened to Jake... you have to believe me.

I believe you.

I mean, I believe you believe what you're saying to be true.

So, that's it?

If what you're saying is true, you're the victim here, you're not one of the bad guys.

So, for now, that's it.

Please take Emma back to the Learning Center.


With all due respect, Sheriff, letting her off so easy and looking the other way when it comes to a g*n on campus?

You ever hear of Stockholm Syndrome?

Keep them bottled up long enough, act like the nice guy in a bad situation, and, inevitably, they come to your side.

Jake Fitzgerald... had some bad habits, made some pretty strong enemies.

One of them wanted to k*ll this kid.

You think it could be one of the Lakewood Six?

It's the Lakewood Five now.

And, sure, even that sweet girl that just walked out of here could be a sociopath, for all we know.

But I'm not gonna narrow it down to five people.

Whoever it was, they're probably not finished.

So... I found Jake Fitzgerald, just like you asked.

That is not even remotely funny.

My daughter is coming home with me, now.

I fully understand your concern, but I still need to ask her a few questions.

Not without me present.

She might be more honest if you're not in the room.

Am I a suspect, Miguel?

No. You'd never drop a body in front of your daughter.

A freezer in the garage... now, that's more your style.

He's a good guy and a decent cop...

Oh, my God. Whatever! Okay, now, he thinks I'm crazy.

He went straight to asking me about PTSD and the psych ward.

Look, in times like this, you have to be careful with who you trust.



Whoa, we all need to calm down. Hey!

She had the dead guy's phone and they just sent her back.

Why? Because her mom works for the police. Duh!

Why are they all staring?

Ignore it.

No, I-I want to know what they have to say.

She's not worth it. Emma, just...

Stop it!


Do you have something you want to say to me?

Look, I know that you're scared. We are all scared.

But we should not be scared of each other, okay? Please do not be scared of me.

But I am scared of you. Everyone who comes around you dies.

And your friends should be scared, too, because they're all gonna die.

You have no idea what I went through.

You went through? Piper butchered eight people, but magically didn't touch a hair on your head.

That is not true.

Then, you shot her in the face, so we only got your side of the story.

Audrey: That's enough, Hayley.

Leave her alone.

Her whole family is crazy, aren't they?

Anytime there's a k*ller loose, somehow, there's always a crazy Duval left standing!


You dumb bitch!


Hey, get off her!

Get off!

Man: Hey, hey, break it up!

Woman: Break it up! Leave her alone!

Are you okay?

Come on, let's get you out of here. Come on.

Get out of the way. Get out of the way.

Move. Out of the way.

Okay, guys, back it up.

All right. Okay.

You okay?

So, when was the last time you saw Jake?

Sunday night.

Here at the pool.

We snuck in to have sex.

Okay, um, so... (CHUCKLES)

Trespassing. But I get it. It's... It's fun, right? Right?

Anything else you want to tell me about that night?

We had a fight.


My father. He had a problem with Jake.

Jake wanted to go public about us, but I...

I chose my dad.

Look, I know who did this.

Seth Branson, my former... teacher.

He's been sending me texts, flowers, showing up everywhere...

Sweetheart, you never... There is a restraining order.

He was stalking you?

We used to call it something else, but, yeah, he's been stalking me.

And you think he's capable?

Why would he do something like this?

I think he did this because of me.

I want to go see Jake.



I can't believe I hit her. I've never done anything like that before.

Just breathe. You're experiencing multiple PTSD triggers: grief, anxiety, fear... heightening your fight-or-flight response.


I'm... I'm shaking.

That's the adrenaline.

It's gonna take a second to work through your body. What you need to do is rest.

Here. I'm gonna check back at the Learning Center.

Stay here. Relax.


Ms. Lang?

I... I don't want this to drive me crazy again.

Something terrible just happened to somebody that you cared about.

It's bringing up a lot of emotions. That's not crazy, Emma.

That's normal.


He's obsessed with the Lakewood Six.

He was the one handing out the doped-up sh*ts last night.

He's drawing our friends being brutally m*rder*d.

Now, hello, one of our friends has been brutally m*rder*d!

I'm telling you it's not Stavo, okay?

He's one of us... a horror fan, a friend.

And if you're right and I'm wrong, I will apologize.

But, if I'm right, what are you gonna say when I'm the one hanging from a banner with my insides on the outside?


Dude, the emergency door is disarmed.

If you can sneak into the service hallway, you can get back in without being caught.


He was really beautiful.

You scared me.

How long has he been like this?

I can't comment on an open case and these are just initial findings.

Maggie! Please.

I need to know.

I'd say two or three days.

It's impossible.

No! He couldn't! He...





Distorted voice: Hello, Emma. Did you miss me?

Well, I'm coming for you!




(GRUNTS) Not this time!

I am not gonna play your games anymore!

I know you, Maggie. You hide it well, but you're an emotional person.

This must be hard for you.

I'm okay.

I'm removing you from this case.


I saw you reveal privileged information that could compromise this investigation.

That was Brooke. The girl just lost her boyfriend.

You see that girl and you see your daughter's friend. You should see a suspect.

That girl was, as far as I can tell, the last person to see the victim alive.

They had an argument alone in this building, and, a few days later, his body drops from a banner above her head.

The girl is clearly being victimized.

And you're too close to this by a mile.

You're just gonna have to sit this one out.

Are you serious, Miguel?

Dwayne'll get your notes on the way out of the building.

You're having me escorted out?

I'm sorry, Maggie. I don't want to make you choose between being a mother and a medical examiner.

So, yeah, I'm having you removed from the scene.




Dude, you scared the crap out of me!

I'm sorry.

You okay? I was out there and you were in here and it just... it felt weird.

What do you mean?

We're always together in times of intense peril, and, I don't know, I-I was worried about you.

Oh. Thanks. Anyway, I've been watching Stavo.

Stavo? I'm telling you...

And I'm telling you this guy could be seriously messed up, Noah.

We barely know the kid.

I'm sorry he doesn't fit your accomplice profile, but he's got the same twisted sense of humor as the freak that's been calling me.

You've been getting calls?

I'm talking about the texts, the ones I showed you, the ones I got when Emma got back.

You said "calls." Plus, didn't you think they were just pranks?

I meant texts, Noah, and I don't know what they are.

Whatever! Stavo basically has "crazy psychopath" tattooed on his forehead, and I'm supposed to just ignore it?

I can't. No, not under these circumstances.

People are dying.

People? It's just one so far.

You're... You're my favorite person in the world, but you're acting weird.

We're all freaking out about Jake right now, I get it, but, trust me, you really need to take a breath.

Piper was right under our noses and nobody saw it. Neither of us.

So, what? You're just gonna go over there and accuse him of being a psycho k*ller?

He's been sketching us, Noah. All of us!

Today, I saw him drawing Kieran and Eli in a pool of blood.

Today, he was doing that!

Wow. Of all days.

Yeah, I know! It's... (SIGHS)

I'm just gonna ask him what that's all about. That's it.

It's not weird. It'd be weird if we didn't.

You, Stavo! What are you drawing?

Don't worry about it.

Come on, you're staring at us all the time.

I'd love to see what we inspire in you.

Hey! Give that back!

What the hell is wrong with you?

What is she doing?

She was just gonna ask him what he was drawing.

Give it back! It's not... Look, it's not...

What is it not? You want me to show everybody what you think it's not?


This is what he's drawing!

Oh, my God. You sicko!

They're just drawings! So, just give it back...


You know what? It looks like it's more! A lot more!

It's not what you think! It's not what you think!

You know who does that? Serial K*llers!

All: Yeah!

Wait, wait, wait! Wait a minute! Wait a minute!

Boy: That's messed up, man!


Boy: That's gross!

It's just... It's just a comic book, all right?

It's a fantasy. It's not real life.


No, no, no! Careful with that!


Girl: That is not all right!


Sheriff, we've got a big situation!


What did you do?

What is wrong with you all? Get back!

Break it up! Break it up!

Break it up! Break up! Back off! Back off!



Woman: ♪ Throw me down ♪
♪ I'll steal the moon ♪
♪ I'll tear the night... ♪

Emma, we know how hard this day has been, and the sheriff and I are a little concerned about your emotional and mental state.

I appreciate that.

You want to tell us what happened?

I had a panic attack.

Panic? You threw a chair through a window.

Well, when I realized that I was locked in that room, I just... I lost it.

The adrenaline must've heightened my fight-or-flight response.

Right, Ms. Lang?

I just wanted to make sure she was safe.

Oh, of course.

You probably should have stayed with her.

Anything else you want to tell us about what happened, Emma?

No, Sheriff, that's it.

Okay. You're free to go.

Hey! You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I... I told him about the phone.

Uh, yeah, I guess you thought that was the best way to handle it?

But Audrey's right. Someone's messing with us, and our choices matter, and I would like to think that you trust me enough to make my own.

Of course I do.

Can I take you home?

No, I think I need to be alone for a little bit, if that's okay.

♪ Are you the one for me? ♪
♪ Time is wasted and... ♪
♪ I'm not losing sleep ♪
♪ Don't just stand and stare ♪
♪ Come on and bare your teeth ♪
♪ I could take you there ♪
♪ If you let me see ♪
♪ Why you are the one ♪

I'm gonna go say something.

♪ Are you the one for me? ♪
♪ Time is wasted and... ♪
♪ I'm not losing sleep ♪
♪ Don't just stand and stare... ♪

I'll pay to fix it... or replace it.

Stay the hell away from me... or I'll break something you love.

♪ Come on and bare your teeth ♪
♪ Come on and bare your teeth ♪
♪ Come on and bare your teeth ♪

That went a little bit more Lord of the Flies than I expected.

The whole day.

What? I'm kidding.

♪ Come on and bare your teeth ♪
♪ Come on and bare your teeth ♪
♪ You've seen me bare ♪
♪ You've seen me covered up ♪
♪ Maybe I'm not scared ♪
♪ What you're thinking of ♪
♪ You've seen me here ♪
♪ And held me miles away ♪
♪ Underneath my skin is all you'll see today ♪