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02x06 - Requiem

Posted: 07/06/16 16:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on Powers...

She was clutching it tightly when rigor mortis set in.

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. Plastic.

You want me to work with you?

Given the current climate, people need to be reminded that Powers can make a difference.

But I'm working on the Retro Girl m*rder case only.

That case is officially closed.

You've been trying to shut us down for junk and you can't!

I'm gonna need your badge... and your g*n.

If solving the m*rder is insubordination, I guess I'm guilty.

We already ate this one... Now we... want the new one.

You're saying... I believe... Derick Warner... also known as Heavy, a hired assassin, k*lled Retro Girl.

You realize that you have a gargantuan target painted on your back with that TV interview?

You might say he's, kind of, proud of it.

Yeah, I'd wear neon sign on my head if it would bring that son of a bitch out in the open.

Seems to me Heavy does not want to come out to play.

Then I'll just have to keep forcing his hand until he does.

So you know, 38.235% chance that he k*lled Retro Girl.

Good enough for me.

38? What... what the f*ck?

How did you come up with that?

Logarithmic analysis, quantum hypothesis?

What makes it easier for you?

What have you got for us?

Okay, first.

12-amp wireless Taser r*fle.

Cook my intestines, not sure about the effect on Heavy, but could be useful.

This, highly efficient 15 million volt body prod.

Getting close enough, it should stun him.



Jesus. Look.

We're working with some extremely obtuse FBI files on Heavy's power signature.

If it's reliable, I have no idea.

Okay. What else?

What's this?


EMP Grenade Launcher, effective firing range 150 yards.

Hit him, should stop him cold enough to... take him down.


I'll take it.

It's yours.

Then I'll take the Laser r*fle.

Surprise, surprise.

Hell, yeah!

Oh, shit!

Is it that time of the year again already?

I suppose so.

For what?

Colossal Fun.

It's their annual Coming Out Ball.

You going?

f*ck no!

Why that little shit keeps me on his guest list, I'll never know.

No, but you?

You always were his favorite.

Yeah, don't remind me.

We did have some good times, though.



We got a bad guy to take down.

Stay safe, my friends.


They aren't even trying.

Why should they?

We do all the work for them.

Back for the prod, after all, eh?

Hello, Derek.

Nice of you to drop by.

You just missed Walker, but you know that.

In due time.

So you're here for me.

You are a clever man, Dr. Cohen.

I don't mind telling you, you were always my favorite when I was a child.

I take that as a high compliment.

Especially coming from the likes of you.

It's too bad it has to end this way.

Who says this is the end?


Now, if I remember my trading card stats correctly, your skeleton is 70% titanium, no?

74.263, but... who's counting?


f*ck you.

f*ck you, Heavy.

Good-bye, Dr. Cohen.

So sorry we had to meet under these circumstances.

f*ck you!

Too easy.

I should get to work.

f*ck you very much.


You know?


There is an upside to all this... you being suspended.

Not just...

Oh, really?


What... what's that?

We don't have to hide anymore.

Stay... here.

Cohen is dead.

What? How? We just saw him.


Sorry, Deena...

Holy f*ck.

I told you to stay in there.

I... I got a text.

Triphammer was found dead in his workshop.

We're coming with you.

You've been suspended.

Or have you forgotten again?

Pick this up later?

Are you f*cking kidding me?

Kutter? Seriously?

None of your business.

How long?

None of your business.

For how... For the whole...

None, zero of your business.

Why don't you start by telling me how the f*ck you found out Triphammer was m*rder*d.

Sergeant Martinez called me.

They found him in his workshop.

Crushed from within, they think.


Yeah, who else?

He was there for me, Deena.


No, if that were true, he would have k*lled us both while we were there.

He was there for Triphammer.

You know what? f*ck this.

We need to be over at Harley's with Kutter.

Lange will have us arrested.

Deena, he was my friend.

In case you haven't noticed, I don't have many of them left.

I have noticed that your friends have a propensity to die, but going over there and getting ourselves deeper in trouble is not gonna help him now.

And if Heavy really k*lled him, that just means we're getting closer.

f*ck, man!

Why Triphammer? Why not me?

Who is this guy?

I mean, who would want to have Retro Girl k*lled?

Starts with... with Krispin, yeah?

And then... and THX, then Marigold.

Now Triphammer, not me.

Who's he working for?

Why does he want me dead?

Okay, we're cops.

Suspended cops, but still cops, nonetheless.

And if there's one thing every cop knows is that when a case goes cold... where do you start?

At the beginning.

Okay, so... where was the last place Retro Girl was seen before she was k*lled?

At my apartment.

Very complicated, and... six hours later she shows up at the Temple Theater with an chunk of plastic stuck in her hand.

And I just realized I'm barely in my underwear talking to my partner about police work, so...

If you don't mind, I'm going to get dressed, and you can take a gander at the case board.


Still naked.

We need to pay Craig Sherman a visit.

Retro Girl's agent?

Didn't you already visit him?

Yeah. We need to go again.

I think I know what the plastic is in her hand, and I think Craig knows too.


You understand this is a crime scene.

Nothing is to be moved or touched until forensics is done.

Understood, sir.

You're a vet, aren't you?

Yes, sir.

Marines 14th, first division.


Thank you for your service, Sergeant.

Marines 4th, Lejeune.


Where we make men.

So don't call me "sir," you know that.

I just heard.

I should have been here.

I heard on TV.

They say they're memorializing Triphammer tonight at the Retro Girl Gala.

I understand if you don't want to go with me now.

No, he'd want us to go.

I need to honor him.

We need to honor him.

Ladies and gentlemen...

I'm pleased... and honored... to be your... ne...

Shit, I can't do this.

First Retro Girl, and now Triphammer?

I can't stand up here in front of a bunch of people honoring me when... they're gone.

Oh, but, Calista.

You are honoring them.

By carrying on this tradition, you are becoming their legacy.

Here, close your eyes.

Come on, just close your eyes.

It's okay.

Now, imagine this room... and it's filled with people.

This room is just packed with people who are waiting for you.

They want to hear you say something.

They want to hear you say something inspiring.

They want to hear about how you grew up, just idolizing Retro Girl and Triphammer.

And how you dreamed of one day taking your place among them.

Forget about the script.

Okay, the words don't matter.

Just speak from your heart, and say whatever is on your mind.

I want everyone here to see what I see.

I want them to see that Powers are important, and that you are taking up their mantle.

You are making the world a better place, a safer place, just like Janice and Harley did.

I couple make this speech, and I usually do, but I'm giving it to you.

This honor is yours because I believe in you.

I know that you can do this.

This is your moment to shine.

You will make them proud. I promise.


Okay, go again.

My daughter is napping and I'm getting ready for this ridiculous, f*cking gala, so what is so important that it can't wait?

We need to have a little chat about the night Retro Girl was m*rder*d.

Didn't we do this already?

We did.

We need to do it again.


Thank you.

Honestly, everything since that night has been one big... ugly blur.

It really hit you hard, didn't it?

Hit me hard. Yeah.

Janice was more than a client.

She was...

Your friend, we know.

You probably knew her better than anyone, right?

I suppose.

So, you would know what was on her mind before her death.

What was important to her.

Well, her work... and... her charity.

She was quitting, wasn't she?

That was her future.

A normal life... with me.

No celebrity bullshit.

Then the D-Day on her calendar was the day she was planning to drop PAR.

So what? She told you this?

And what?

You had her k*lled?

Jesus Christian.

Probably didn't realize she left us a clue.

I don't understand what you're talking about.

In her hand.

In her goddamned hand!

A little piece of plastic.

It was an action figure, wasn't it?

One of those things you make so much money off of.

She grabbed it just before she f*cking died!

She knew I would figure it out, and it would lead me back to you, Craig!

I didn't k*ll her.

I didn't... I swear on my daughter's life I didn't f*cking do it.

Then who?

Who? m*therf*cker!

Walker, Walker, breath.

Take a step back.

Take a breath.

Take a breath.

You need to tell us the truth.

We can protect you, but you need to tell us the truth and now.

I can't. I can't talk to you.

I can't...

I can't talk to anyone. Got it?

Okay, I understand you.

We can take you to Powers Division.

We will keep you safe there.


I'm not leaving here without you. You understand?

I am not leaving here without you.

I have to speak to my husband.

Absolutely. We'll wait.

You'll keep them safe?

You'll protect them, my family?

Of course, we will.

Thank you.

You're doing the right thing.

Did he say "them?"

Why didn't he say, "Protect us?" He said, "protect them," right?

f*ck! Walker!

What the f*ck were you doing at Craig Sherman's house?!

Just asking questions.

Unauthorized questions that led him to stick a g*n in his head and blow his brains out!

Which actually confirmed our suspicions.


Yeah, that he witnessed Janice's m*rder.

Of course you have a sworn statement to that effect?

You know, technically we're not police officers, so no.

It was a social meeting.

So, f*ck you, Agent Amazon.


I can say that to you now... that I don't f*cking work for you!


She's not going to tell us shit. I'm done here.

Your partner has a bit of an attitude problem.

No, actually... she just doesn't like you.

Did you learn anything useful... from the dearly departed Craig Sherman?

I'm not gonna play this game with you anymore, Angela.

Two of my friends were k*lled by one of your operatives.

So please, stop pretending that you're not working the same case that I'm working.

Give me what you got, so that I can catch the f*cking guy.

The FBI, CIA and INTERPOL have searched every nook and cranny for 10 years.

If you see him at all, it's because he's coming after you!

Isn't that what you're betting on?

Grab him after he kills me?

Hopefully before.

This is your problem.

You put yourself into this position with that stupid, f*cking TV interview!

Oh, that is such bullshit!

I can...

You can't beat Heavy!

You think I don't know that?!

You... you think I don't know that if he comes after me, I'm a f*cking dead man, Angela?

You know what?

I don't care anymore. Do you hear me?


I don't give a f*ck.

Stop. I know how much this means to you, Christian, especially now that Harley was taken out.

But you can't just go rogue.

So then help me.

Tell me what you know, so I can nail this fucker.

Talk to me, for f*ck's sake!

Come with me.

What are you doing?


I think I know what it is.

What "what" is?

That... thing in her hand.

I think it's an action figure.

Makes sense.

A lot of sense, actually.

Yeah, I need proof.

Just... so how's it coming with the computer modeling?



Oh, we only needed it like yesterday.


It's not a perfect technology.

Okay. It doesn't matter.

I suspect it's an action figure, and Craig all but told us that she was at PAR that night.

So we're going to need camera surveillance footage.


Already done.


Agent Lange had me pull the security video from the PAR building after Sherman's su1c1de.

Of course she did.

I'm telling you, Retro Girl wasn't there that night.

What about Craig? Show me.

Until he left work around 7:00 after that, nada.

Okay. Is this every angle?

Yeah, front entrance, emergency exits, underground parking structures, loading docks.

I mean, we pulled everything.

Retro Girl wasn't anywhere near that building.


I think the FBI could have scrubbed the footage.

Or she was someplace else that night.

Okay, what about outside the building?

Well, I mean, LAPD works with downtown merchants to cover pretty much every inch of the city, so...

Excuse me?

You... you want me to... Here?


I... I can't even guarantee that I can get into the system from here.

I mean, plus your Wi-Fi is shit.

So, even if I can, it's gonna be jumpy... and it's probably gonna lag.

Just humor us.

Front entrance of the PAR building.

Night of the m*rder.

Has Lange asked for this?

Not yet, but she will.

She's very thorough.

That's a very polite word for an obsessive compulsive... a**l bitch from the pits...

Okay, what about... angles from other buildings on the same block?

Looking back at the PAR build...

Yes! Loading dock.

What is this, in the glass?

The reflection.

Can you get closer?

Zoom in?

Of course, I can zoom in.

Zoom in.

I'm sorry.

Holy f*ck, it's her.

Damn! She was there.

Call Kutter.
Hi, Detectives. I'm Dr. Marrs.

Hi. Where's Dr. Death?



No, not him, his... his wife.

So you're FBI?

Please. LAPD.

I'm Michelle Marrs, handling Powers Division while he's on leave.

I covered Craig Sherman's crime scene with Detective Kutter, Bummer he wasn't a Power. Always wanted to cut open a Power.

Yeah... f*ck Craig, okay?

What did you find here?


By the by, per Kutter, I didn't see you two here, just so you know.

What did you find in Sherman's office?

Well, no need to look, according to Dr. Marrs.

My nose caught this one when I exited the elevator.

Your nose?

Hyper sensitive. It's a gift.

Swing the old ultraviolet light.

Voila, there's your blood evidence.

Lots of it.


See the edge of the glass table?

I took a measurement and the height...

Matches the cut on her leg.

DNA pending, I call this the crime scene.

You two better hit the elevator before the feds show up.

We gotta go.

Yeah, yeah.


I didn't know you had uniform like that.

Dress blues. I thought it was appropriate, considering.

Triphammer told me this was a dangerous world.

I thought this was nothing compared to Fallujah, but... here I am again.

Just losing people before I should.

He saw a lot of strength in you.

And potential.

In you too.

I don't believe you were on the guest list.

I'm betting you weren't, either.

Official business.

At a party like this?

Conrad asked for special protection after the Triphammer incident.

Oh, now it's... Now it's Conrad?

Well, adapt to the circumstances at hand, Christian.

At least some of us do.

I'd like to talk to him, if you don't mind.

Well, I'm afraid he doesn't want to talk to you.

Did he tell you that personally?

He didn't need to.

What's going on?

Are you expecting Heavy?

You are.

That's why you're here.

Well, you should, you should invite me in.

He's definitely gonna show up now that I've arrived here.

Good night, Christian.

Go home. This is not your fight anymore.

All right, let's go, sir.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

None, please.

Don't f*cking touch me.

Angela, hey, hang on. Hang on. Agent Lange.

Get your f*cking hands off me.

Lynx, Angela! What's going on?

Conrad you specifically asked me to...

Well, yeah, but this is Diamond.


Holy, shit!

Diamond is in the house.

Hello, Connie.


Yes! I love it!

This man right here is the only man in the entire world who can get away with calling me that.

And you know why? I will tell you why.

Because Diamond is the greatest super hero who ever lived.


No, never...

No, no, not for me.

I wept, man.

Oh, I wept when that monster Wolfe stole your powers.

You were always my favorite.

I always told Dad you were my favorite.

I would say, "Dad..."

Yeah, Diamond's the ultimate Power, I remember.

Ultimate Power. Yeah, 'cause you are.

Well, not anymore.

I'm right down there with Olympia.

Come on, we both know that isn't true.

You're nothing like him.

The best thing Olympia ever did was die.

Now, listen.

Diamond has a standing open invitation to this event for life.

For life, it's cool.

For life!

Come one in here, you magnificent bastard.

Make a hole!

I got Diamond here!

Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you have been waiting for.

Please welcome to the stage...

My million-dollar baby.

My Golden Girl.

Your new...

Retro Girl!

Ladies... gentlemen...

Powers all...

Most of my life I've dreamed of being here among you.

Being one of the heroes that keeps us safe.

Powers like Retro Girl and Triphammer... whose loss we mourn today.

They were Powers that made me...

Us... feel proud of who we are.

But what I've learned, or rather what I'm learning, is that being able to fly... or punch a hole in a concrete wall, which is pretty damn cool, don't get me wrong...

That's not what makes you a Power.

What you do with it, how you make a difference, that's the legacyof Retro Girl that I strive to live up to every single day.

I'm gonna hold you to that, girl.

And now... please enjoy the rest of your evening, brought to you by Conrad and Colossal Fun.

Christian, I'm begging you.

Please leave.


Just... think about it, okay?

Just go!

Is he... Is he...

Let's go.

There's too many people.

Take the fight somewhere else. Let's go.

Excuse us.

I was not tipsy.

Then why did you ask me to drive?

Dude! You wanted to drive.

Yeah, bumped up to 5.20 added 3.4 PSI.

Damn right.

If I haven't said so, by the way, you look smokin'.

Sergeant Martinez...

Well, you looked pretty... STRAC yourself.

Look at you.

Talking all military.

I figured I better learn an acronym or two with you around.


What's next?

Why don't you tell me?

Greetings, Pilgrims.

The system reads my body schematics.

If gone over 24 hours, then... this video plays.

So, if you're watching this, I'm probably dead.

Or just so g*dd*mn drunk I neglected to reset the timer.

But if you know I'm dead, then, well, I'm guessing I'm dead.

I have no regrets, just so you know.

I have fought alongside some of the greatest heroes of all times.

I have led a most remarkable life.

But none of this means shit, if my dream of a new generation of Powers does not realize itself, so, Tiberio and Zora, I'm asking you...

I'm... I'm begging you to continue your work together.

Train hard... stay engaged, and find the good that exists in this seemingly dark world, because it is there, I promise you.

To make the task easier, I've had a trust drawn up for you.

All of my assets, including this house, and all of my proprietary technology are yours now.

Use them wisely, but also... have some f*cking fun, okay?

This is Triphammer, Aka, Dr. Harley Cohen, signing off.

Good luck.

God bless.

Lange would piss in her milk if she knew we were here.

Well, yeah, at this point...

Yeah, I agree.

Just hoping our plan works.

Look, he's after me.

We just have to get him into the Drainer.



Listen to me.

Heavy is after me, not you.


This... this isn't your fight.

It's very sweet, Walker, but I really need you to not go '50s on me right now.

Yeah, I need you to not... lock me in the cell, hmm?

Or do whatever other chivalrous shit you think you're doing.

I do not need to be saved. I do not need protection.

I don't need special dispensation from gnarly f*cking situation.

What I need is a partner that will treat me as equal.

Someone who will remember I jumped out of the car before the b*mb hit too.

I lost Triphammer this morning too.

I lost my job over this shit too!

You do that, and I will jump off the f*cking cliff with you every time.

That is a promise.




Had to get that shit off my chest.

Yeah, sure, sure. Okay.

Go to the Drainer.

Go! Go, go, go, go, go!

Hello, Heavy.

What took you so long?

Timing wasn't right.

But now... here I am.

You don't give up, do you?

I like that.

Come here, you k*lled her, you son of a bitch!

You k*lled her, didn't you?

So what if I did?

Why? Why?

The price was right.

God damnit! Get your f*cking hands off me!

It's too bad I couldn't collect you.

Then I'd have the whole set.

Mother fucker!

Come here!

Get the f*ck off!

Hey! Hey!

Take it easy.

It's okay, it's okay.

Listen, stop.

Are you okay?

Thank you.

Yeah, thanks.

Where are you taking him? He's ours.

You can't keep him. You can't take him.

He's ours, Walker.

No, no. He k*lled Janice. He's ours.

That doesn't matter. You know it.

f*ck that.

Walker, do not let her get away with this.

It's done.

Call it payback.

For... for what?

Everything we could have been.

Holy... Holy f*ck!

It says, "Shake to activate," but it's not getting cold.

Try this.

We so had him.


Yeah, well, it's not over.

It's not over.


Someone's here to see you.

Hey, most people use the front door.

May I come in?

Sure. Sure.

It's true, isn't it?


You caught Retro Girl's k*ller?

FBI have him.

Where is your uniform?

I didn't wear it.

I know it bothers you.

Thank you.

I'm freaking out!

What now?

Walker, you figured it out before I did.

The rock, or action figure...

She's... you're... What's she doing here?

This is Calista.

Fuller, Calista.

It's a work buddy.

It was a Retro Girl action figure, wasn't it?

What tipped you off?

The red, but I had to be sure.

You said... You... you certain?

100%, it's mathematical, not a hunch.

I am absolutely sure.

Of what?

I think I know who's behind Janice's m*rder.

This does not look like the one I had when I was a kid.

Yeah, it's probably new. Open the Colossal Fun website.

They make new ones all the time.


There you go.

It's a commemorative edition.

That went on sale the day after she died.

They made it before they showed it to her the night she died?

You think she knew she was gonna die?

Let me check out something.

Look at the stock for Colossal Fun for the last couple of years.

It's flat until Olympia's death.

And I bet... since Retro Girl's death, the stock increased 34% over what they did when Olympia died.

Dead Power is like printing money.

So why not k*ll another?

It was him.

He k*lled Retro Girl.

And now with me, Conrad can start the cycle all over again.

No. Calista.

Calista, please don't take the law into your own hands.

Don't tell me what to do!


But you came to me, remember?

What do you want to be?

The kind of hero you spoke about at the gala?

Somebody like Janice, or a Power full of hate and vengeance?


You know you need me.

We don't.

He's not a Power.

Let us handle it.

I'm sorry, Conrad.

Calista is arriving.

Serena, end playback.

Ending playback.


What a pleasant surprise.


All right, this is an even more pleasant surprise.

What... what brings the two of you here to my humble digs?

Calista's key-fob.

I should have checked your cameras.

There's no cameras here, D.

Dad was a Nixon acolyte, remember?

He always said, "If there's one thing that you learned from d*ck, it's that you never record yourself... Doing... anything."

Come on in. Let's have a drink.


Seriously, man, why are you here?

We know that you hired Heavy to k*ll Janice.

That doesn't even make any sense, man.

Why would I k*ll Retro Girl?

She was my number one best-seller of all time.

This is crazy, man.

I mean, even for you.

She was retiring, so you k*lled her, 'cause she's worth more dead than alive.

Just like Olympia.

We're taking you in, Moody.

No, you're not.

Diamond, would you please explain the reality of the situation to your partner here?

Because I don't think she understands who I am.

You're the man we've come to arrest.

Let's go.

You have no evidence.

We have Heavy.


That's interesting...

But it's not what I hear.

You arrogant cock sucker.

I know what you're doing.


You're making a Powers United Commemorative collection.

Aren't you?

That is a very good idea.

You got the idea from Olympia, and then what, you k*lled Janice?

You k*lled Triphammer, and all you needed was me.

Is my action figure already in the prototype?

Oh, come on. Diamond, you really think I'm this... twisted, demented monster?



Where is this coming from?

From Janice.


You showed her her own commemorative action figure the same day that she died.

Bet you didn't think she'd take it with her, did you?

See, we found it... in her hand... clenched up like this.


It led us to you.

You have to... come down to the station now... with me.

You understand? Let's go.

This is the Diamond I remember.

I love this guy.

Get your f*cking hands off me, man.

Yes! This is the Diamond I missed, man!

This is the guy!

I was expecting the guy who lost his superpowers, and is a quitter, and like runs away from everything, What the f*ck?

But you are Diamond, man.

This, this is money.

I love this guy.


I don't care... what your lawyers pull.


I know that you k*lled Janice, and I will not stop until everybody knows the truth.

Good luck with that.

Don't f*cking touch me!

Get your f*cking hands off of me!

Diamond, look at me.

Okay, for real.

I understand why you are so angry.



I miss her too man.

I loved her.

She was amazing!

She was... she was good, and she was beautiful!

And... she was a fighter, man.

She was such a fighter.

She fought right until the end.

What the f*ck?

You were there.

No, I was here.

But I do watch it... like every night.


Oh, Jesus.

See, there's a plan.

And you have to stick to the plan, and Janice didn't understand that.

Janice was always telling me, "No," and you cannot tell me, "No," Janice.

There are consequences...

Oh, f*ck, no!

For when you tell me, "No."

And Janice just didn't get it.

Serena, delete that file, please.

Deleting file.


Now I really am glad that you're not cops, because that was real evidence, and it's gone now forever.

You're f*cking with me, rip your f*cking throat out!

Okay, okay, okay.

You're a dead man.

Do you understand me?

Okay, yeah. I'm coming with you, dude.

We are gonna go downtown together, okay?


I'm gonna come with you downtown... because it doesn't matter.

f*ck! Walker! Walker!

Grab my hand.

Got it! Come.

Don't let me fall.

Come on, Walker!

Looks like you needed me after all.


Thanks for the loan.

You make that look good.



It feels good to take the glam off.

Anything in Triphammer's files for us?

I have no idea, they read like Ikea instructions.

I guess the Chinese food is here.

Hello, moo shu man.



I... was wondering... if...

Took you long enough.

Come on.

Hope you like Chinese food.

Who doesn't like Chinese?