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01x05 - Ghosts in the Machine

Posted: 07/12/16 16:31
by bunniefuu
An ASD agent, Kim Gordon, was k*lled investigating a m*rder*d anti-China activist, who called himself Max Dalgety. Dalgety knew something. Kim was k*lled for the same thing.

And I wanna know what it was.

Did Sabine have any involvement with dissident groups?

Is Kevin in some sort of trouble?

I know that Max Dalgety was in your group.

Qui, so what is the group?

Chinese students and others, committed to exposing human right's abuses.

What about Sabine Hobbs?

Her protest was part of a plan.

I think we're being followed.

It's the same guy as in the Paxton photo.

Zheng Zhao. He was on Kim's watch-list.

So, how long has he been tracking me?

It's impossible to tell.

Kim... Oh, shit!

Oh, he was following me the night Kim died.

And what's this "Cerberus"?

Every Friday, the ComCar drivers take some pro-American wankers to the Commonwealth Club for lunch with their American counterparts.

And they call it "Cerberus"?

Australia's Air Traffic Control came under attack from China's Cyber Terrorism Unit.

For 13 minutes we had absolutely no contact with any planes.

You've got your story.

You knew my son was in the air. You still went ahead with it.

It wasn't us.

That's bullshit!

We didn't initiate this but it's not in our interest to react.

You'll see that this is the way we need to play it.

We could stop all this, if we just repatriated the Hobbs girl.

She's already here.

Today, I'm announcing the creation of the Safer Australia Agency, to be headed by the Attorney-General.

It will be an offense to report or publish any information identified by the Agency as detrimental to National Security.

And be able to detain and question anyone suspected of having such information.

Is she f*ckin' serious?

[sh*ts fired]


[Cell phone ringing]

[Door bangs]

It's fine!

Easy tiger...

When I impress ***.

But you're running to private security now, is it?

Thought newspapers were a dying breed.

Yeah, apparently my boss thinks I'm worth it.

Well, regarding your inquiry.


There's no record with the Dept. of Immigration of a Zheng Zhao having ever been in the country.

Well, then he must be on a diplomatic passport.

There's no match on his name or any aliases on the website.

Someone shot at me, Brimmer.

If it was him, it was with a pretty long-range r*fle.

As in Beijing.

Are you okay, Harry?


Yeah. Alright.

Well, you're a pretty easy target jogging out here at the crack of dawn.

Like you say, he's not even in the country, so...


Come on.

[Phone ringing]


I found Zheng.

Yeah, I'm looking at him right now.




[Door opens]

[Beep/Door opens]


[Door closes]

The risk is her death in custody, is that what you want?

We're under strict orders.

Let her have some fresh air, we're not China.

[Gate opens]


TV: With only days to go until the Senate vote on the Safer Australia bill, the opposition has had...

Harriet? Diane Hobbs.

[Phone rings]

Diane, Harriet Dunkley.

Any word from Hubei prison?

But what did she say before she was cut off?

[Door closes]

She knows we're not supposed to talk about her case or anything to do with her cause.

Okay, but what did she say, Diane?

She asked after her friends from the Choir.

Lin Zhong, Liu Ying and Qui Wan Sing.

To find out if they'd... if they'd disappeared.

And have they?

They haven't been at the protest vigils.

I asked around.

People say they've just gone.




[Glass breaks]

[Phone rings]

[Declines call]

[Phone sound]

[Water splash]

I owe you an apology.

I know the cyber attack wasn't China, but I need to convince the PM that it was orchestrated by Catriona Bailey.

To blacken China's name and push through her bloody legislation.

Did I miss the apology or was that it?

What was I supposed to think? My son was on one of those planes!

Don't you want me to help you clear your name?

China doesn't crave the world's approval.

Unlike the Americans, we can handle not being liked.

I need to prove this conspiracy to Toohey or I can't shut down Safer Australia.

We're talking about the biggest pro-US, anti-China politician in the country.

She's about to set up her own spy agency.

Isn't it in China's best interests, to shut her down?

China has over 4 thousand years of History.

We've dealt with enemies before.

I need something to convince Toohey.

I'm asking you as a personal favour, Weng.

[Door closes]

[Unlocks door]

Hi, Harry.

Are you coming out or going in?


I like to come here sometimes.


I can't pack up her things.

I'll give you a hand, if you need.

What happened to your shadow?

We parted ways.

And so what, you're staying here now?

I figured it's best to keep on the move.

Not staying in the same place more than 2 nights in a row.

At least not until you've arrested Zheng.

Well, that's not how it works.

We can't touch him. The best I can do is have him expelled.

No, he can't leave the country.

He's gotta face charges.

Arresting him would require ministerial approval from the Attorney General.

And then China would have him flown back under diplomatic immunity and we'd lose him forever.

What if you didn't arrest him, what if you got him in a room, chained him to a sink, and didn't let him out until you got an answer?

Goodnight, Harriet.

Ah. Morning, Ronnie.


That's the report you ordered.

30 minutes from Richmond. I already checked, top of page 21.

The radar off radar.

Emended his original statement.

Put a call through to Richmond Airbase.

Tell this Corporal Millard, in air surveillance, to get on a helicopter immediately.

That's a direct order.

But me or him?


You're not gonna salute him, are you?

That was one time and it was my first day...

Civilians shouldn't salute the funckin' monkey on a bike.


Well, I can do it, but it'll look stupid.

Please, put through that call, Ronnie.

Remember that he salutes you and not the other way around.

Not that salute, by the way.

[Unlocks door]


Aww, Qui, Qui! What happened?

Are you okay?

Are you sure?

Sit down, please.

So, you retracted your original statement, Corporal?

Yes, Sir.

Unscheduled redeployment, suddenly became scheduled.

How did that come to pass?

[Knocks/Opens door]

Minister, I just got a... a call from Richmond.

General, I was just telling the Corporal here how 13 minutes was a direct attack on your country.

A country that he is duty-bound to serve.

A country that needed Richmond Airbase's over-the-horizon radar detection capabilities, on that very day.

Yes, Sir.

So, are you telling me, Corporal, that you've changed your testimony, of your own volition?

Minister, I find...

Excuse me, General, I'm eager to here the Corporal's response.

Respectfully, Sir, my Union adviser, informed me that this was not legal testimony.


I might have taken that you wouldn't swear on this under oath.

Do you consider yourself a career soldier, Corporal?

I hope to be, Sir.

I know how it is, son.

If push comes to shove, you go with the General, rather than the Minister.

After all, politicians they come and go, but Generals...

Well, Generals they're here forever.

Or so the theory goes.

You're dismissed, Corporal.

Thank you, Sir.

[Door opens/Closes]

Is there something I can help you with, Minister?

Yes, there is, General.

[Opens drawer]

[Closes drawer]

I'd like you to sign this letter of resignation.

You don't have Cabinet approval to sack me.

I have evidence that your Office was involved in the suppression of those redeployment orders.

And that you concealed records of your communications to the US Ambassador, calling back the Polar Star en route to Antarctica.

Now, I'm offering you a chance to... as they say, spend a little more time with your family.

So, the choice is yours, General.

Your reputation in tatters, or you go gently into that good night.

[Car door closes]

Mr. Ambassador.


I just came from Russell Hill.

Yeah, so I've heard.

Oh, my Chief of Staff, Ronnie...

She got that for me.

So, you're interested in Mythology?

I'm actually more interested in the real world, but you gotta hand it to the Greeks...

Vivid imaginations.

Cerberus, right?


They do say 3 heads are better than one.

Well, that depends on the heads, I guess.


As you are well aware, the situation in the South China Sea remains highly volatile.

Everyday, since the... unfortunate Chinese Patrol Board incident with HMAS Anzac, has seen escalating tension.

China's continual rounds of so-called "naval exercises", are making them the most heavily-armed seas in the world.

They're trying to force us out of Asia.

I'll get right to the point, Senator.

I'm aware of the point, Ambassador.

Good. Than you won't mind if I try to urge you to reconsider.

Because right here, right now, we need General McAuliffe on our team.

Are you telling me how to run my Department, Brent?

Merely some sounded advice between friends, Mal.

That's the thing about this... Cerberus.

It guarded the gates of hell, but it begs the question: which side of those gates are we on?

Are we trying to get in or are we trying to get out?

You're gonna have to excuse me, Senator.

I have a meeting with the PM.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

[Door opens]

No, a hospital is out of the question.

He's terrified t hat they'll find him.

Ok, I'm gonna clean him up as best I can, give him something to eat, and then I'll bring him to you.

Thank you so much, I don't know what else I would have done.


I found somewhere for you to hide. Somewhere you'll be safe.

Thank you.


The building... where they held you and the other dissents...

Do you think that you could tell me where it is?

Brimmer? I'd like to anonymously report a crime.

Yeah, I'm on. You got a pen?

No hard feelings, I trust.

Well, this is Canberra, Minister. Feelings don't really come into it.

I hear you were shot at, on the lake.

Which is part of the reason I wanted to see you.

That man is Zheng Zhao.

He is a Chinese Ministry of State security operative.

And he is here, in Canberra.

I believe that he k*lled an ASD analyst.

Your ex?

Kim Gordon.

And tried to k*ll me.

Sit down.

He is forcibly disappearing anti-China dissidents, here in Canberra.

Chinese nationals that... don't even officially exist in the country.

Rounding them up, in a ghost building in Fyshwick.

I've seen it myself.

Cable ties and blood on the walls.

Who the f*ck does China think it is, trying to pull this strong-arm shit in our backyard?

May I keep this?

MSS, you say?

There's no official record of him ever entering the country.

And you wonder why we need my legislation.

There's something else that I wanted to ask you.

One of the dissidents that Zheng abducted, Qui Kwan Sing, he needs asylum.

Where is Qui now?

Well, he is in hiding because he doesn't trust anybody.

I know how he feels.

If you were to make the offer, I could let him know next time he reaches out.

Let me make some calls.

Thank you.

Thank you.

[Door closes]
So when do you plan on telling me where we're going?

It's just straight ahead, for a little bit more.

You got him hidden somewhere, don't you?

The dissident.

The Attorney General is talking about granting Qui asylum.

I just gotta keep him safe, until that happens.


Sasha, it's Harriet!

[Knocks/Opens door]




Fuuuck! Sasha?!

Oh, no! Sasha.

Yeah, lift her head.

[Heavy breathing]


Hey, Sasha, what happened?

A man in the Paxton photo...


He's here.


Hi, hum... I need an ambulance... [Muffled] 424 Vanderburgh Road. Yes, hum... knocked out and there's bleeding.

[Slides door]

[sh*ts fired]

Sasha where does your uncle keep the r*fle?

[sh*ts fired]

[sh*ts fired]

Let him... Let him go! Let him go!

[sh*ts fired]

Oh, Jesus...

Harriet, put the r*fle down.

Get him out of the back seat, now!

Harriet! Get him out of the back seat, now!

Step away from the vehicle!

Qui, Qui, Qui! Go on...

Dancer... Dancer... Dancer!

This is our chance to find out what happened to Kim with... with no Police!

Just us!

[Police sirens]


We need to know!

We have to know. We have to know...

No immunity for you.

Dancer, no!

Police: Put your weapons down!

Police: Put your weapons down!

Police: Doug, we have to wait for the quorum.

[Unlocks door]

He'll be flying out, first class, on the next available landing.

[Sighs] Oh, well...

At least Bailey came through for Qui.

I'll check the apartment.

We had him, Dancer.

We had him.

I'll let you get some sleep.

I don't wanna sleep.

This is weird.


So, you do like women.

Kim was a woman.


But not everywhere.

I... I've got some work that I should be doing.

Me too.

We have a breaking story on the day of the Safer Australia vote.

Joining me now is Harriet Dunkley from the "Daily Nation".

Harriet, you article today on disappearing Chinese national dissidents has been condemned by the Chinese Ambassador, the Federal Police and ASIO.

How do you respond to their denials?

Well, I can't say that I'm surprised.

If they know or if they admit to these things going on, in a free-speaking democratic country like ours, then there would be public outcry.

Because we're not just talking about disappearing Chinese nationals, bad enough as that is, we're also talking about Australian citizens.

One of whom, using the alias "Max Dalgety", was found dead, washed up on the shore of Lake Burley Griffin, with his chest cut open.

Another, as we know, Sabine Hobbs, is in maximum security in China's Habei Prison.

While, Kevin Dang, Lin Zhong and Liu Ying are all missing, whereabouts unknown.

And Qui Wan Sing?

I'm reliably informed that he is in a secure location.

[Phone rings]

Harriet Dunkley.

Harriet, it's Thomas... Mars.


I need to speak to you.

Not on the phone.

Alright, I can come meet you.

I'm in the underground car park.

Hey, don't forget! Not the Sky News interview at 1:00.


[Lift door closes]


Harriet Dunkley? Come with us, please.

What? Am I under arrest?

Get in the car.

I beg your pardon? You can't...

I can get in the car!

Let's go.

[Car doors closing]

[Beeping/Door opens]

This is all very Guantanamo...

If I'm being questioned, then I have the right to a lawyer.

No, you're not being questioned.

Just having a chat.

Am I being charged?

You're being detained.

On what grounds?

We believe you have information related to a t*rror1st offense.

We have a warrant to detain you for up to 168 hours.

After which time, we can release you.

And you are legally forbidden from telling another living soul that you were ever detained.

And this... never happened.

And then we can do it all again.

Prep to another... 168 hours.

And another.

What t*rror1st offense?

The SIM card stolen from ASD.

Why is the Director of ASD questioning me in ASIO Headquarters?

No, if I was questioning you, there would be a lawyer present.

We're just having a chat.

You studied Engineering at Curtin.

It's my hometown.

Yes, Sir.

Commanding Officer 817 Squadron, Commanding Officer HMS Albatross.

Iraq, Afghanistan...

How did you find serving under General McAuliffe, Vice-Admiral?

I have great respect for the challenges he faced in that role, Sir.

But you would have done things differently?

I think that would be true of any candidate you speak to.

Look, I need someone I can work with.

So, if we can get on the same side, then...

You're my pick for Chief of Defense.

I serve my country, Sir.

That is the side I am on.


Well, I'll be putting your name forward as my new Chief of Defense, to be ratified by the Prime Minister, obviously.

Until then, this matter goes no further than these 4 walls.

Yes, Sir.

Thank you, Sir.


Senator Bailey wants to see you.

Well, thank you, Vice-Admiral.

Thanks, Ronnie.

Morning, Catriona.

No. Before you get started...

McAuliffe is kinda gone.

He serves your bill.

Either you withdraw it or I'll alert Toohey.

So... You've got your man.

I expect I'll be able to announce a new Chief of Defense, very shortly.

The PM has endorsed it?

That's a mere formality.

Sorry to rain on your parade, Mal, but I thought I should give you a heads up, on the coroner's report, on Lloyd Rankin's death...

Have a look.

It's an open finding.

This was clearly a su1c1de.

Not according to the coroner.

Doesn't rule out the possibility of foul play.

What's this got to do with me?

I would have said nothing whatsoever.

However, I have been reliably informed otherwise...


The night Lloyd was found in his car, you came to the house.

I was in the other room.

I heard you fighting about my mother.

Threats were made...

I never threatened your father!

Not seriously.

It was the heat of the moment.

And I was prepared to conceive that.

Until I read the coroner's new finding.

This is a 20 year-old stitch-up.

How did you even find out about her?

I'll see you in the Chamber, Mal. For the vote.

My door being opened is not a management philosophy.

It's for ventilation.

Sasha just called from the hospital. She is watching telly.

Dunkley didn't turn up for the Sky News.

It's like herding cats...

Mate, if it helps you, then I can do it. Not a problem.


You've reached Harriet Dunkley. I can't take your call right now. Leave a message and I will get back to you.

Hey, Harriet, it's Gus. Call me when you get this.

Better get a lawyer, she's been detained under the ASIO act.

The only way to get to her is a complaint to the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security.

You didn't hear it from me.

I don't know who you are!


Thanks, Gus.

Newspapers may be dying, but perversely, we still retain the most expensive lawyers.

Now, if Safer Australia goes through, our lawyer won't be able to bail you out next time.

You would rot in a cell.

Come on, I don't wanna miss the vote.

Voice Mail: You have 47 new messages. Message received at 7h53 AM.

It's Sandy Dalgety. Max's mother. That photo you showed on the telly, we know who that is. Call me.

Listen to this.

Attorney General Bailey will be appearing any moment now, following the successful passing of the Safer Australia bill.

Here she comes. Senator Bailey?

Senator Bailey?

[Journalists asking questions at the same time}

... that I give for a conscious vote on this bill?

When it comes to the safety of Australians, the Government is united.

Senator Bailey, does this new legislation make you the most powerful person in the country?

[Laughs] The Prime Minister might have something to say about that, not to mention every shock jock around the country...

[Laughs] Do you consider that this is the first real success for your Govt.?

You must be proud.

You are a legacy.

And you are a Dunkley lurking in the shadows?

I guess the shadows are now officially Government property, thanks to you.

No more secrets. No more privacy.


If there are people and they pose a threat...

And who decides that?

Catriona Bailey?

Must you go and right these days, Mal, for selling your soul.

[Door opens]

This is their son. The real Max.

Yeah. And that's Dan White, in the left.

Max and Dan were close.

And Dan stayed in touch with his parents, after Max died.

He used to send them a card once a year, on the anniversary.

Max's parents are gonna go through their things and... send me whatever they can find on Dan.

Why would he use Max's name?

Wha... What was he hiding?

[Sabine singing softly in Chinese]

Absolutely no smoke and mirrors here.

Like the name says, the Safer Australia Agency is all about making Australia safer.

Interviewer: I'm sure there will be much discussion in the days and weeks to come, about this controversial...

I had to to a live cross.

The Prime Minister is about to apologize for the death of your sailor.

I have a request...

Can you keep an eye on Paxton? At close range?

He could be a problem.

The Safer Australia Agency...


Of course...

Gan bei.

Gan bei.