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02x06 - She's Too Young For Breast Surgery

Posted: 07/15/16 07:40
by bunniefuu
Jazz: Previously on "I Am Jazz"...

She found an obstacle course. It's called Rugged Maniac.

Yeah, this is like...

Oh, there's no way I'm doing this.

My boobs look irregular.

They're not "p*rn star," traditional.

Sander: I tore my ACL in the championship football game.

My mom was in New York with Jazz.

I just feel like sometimes Jazz is more important.

And I'm...

I'm so sorry.

Man: How do you even approach dating?

Even if you could find some [Bleep] you have a penis.

What happens on the third date?

Jazz: And tonight on "I Am Jazz"...

Look, my knee's kind of swollen.

I'm gonna go climb trees.

When I'm not feeling okay, look where Mom and Jazz are again.

Sander: I'm pretty pissed.

Mom told me she cared so much and wanted to be there for me.

Why isn't she there for me now?

Do you guys remember my fifth-grade boyfriend, Alex?

He started texting me again.

So, are you excited?

I don't know! We're just texting!

What's the youngest age you could get breast surgery at?

The breast is sort of constricted.

Doesn't sound good.

She's still too young.

She's not ready yet.

15 years ago, I was assigned male at birth, but inside, I always knew I was a girl.

I have a girl brain and a boy body.

Being transgender hasn't been easy.

You already have some breast shape.

We just have to make it better.

I get shy talking to gorgeous girls.

Wait, what?

But it's made me who I am.

I am Jazz.

I have plumber's cr*ck right now.

Good thing no one can see.

You can.

Oh! Not cute.

[Knock on door]




A lot has happened since the last time I met with Dr. Charlton, so I'm seeing him today for just kind of the normal checkup.

So, the surgery went okay.

I mean, the implant's in. The old one's out.

But rash was a little bit scary.


The pictures were impressive.

The rash formed. It was, like, bubbly right... right there.

That's weird to touch it right there.

It's not sore at all? Okay.


We waited, and sure enough, it went away on its own.

Right. And how are you feeling about everything else?

Well, I did have a question... How...

What's the youngest age you could get breast surgery at?

Jeanette: I was not expecting that.

I know she wants these beautiful breasts and to be like her peers and not dislike the way her breasts are, but she is only 15 still.

It's not necessarily that I want to get implants.

Just some type of reforming or something, just to make your breasts look as pretty as possible.

I feel like I would be happier with my body and just kind of more secure.

I feel like I would pass more.

You know, my breasts would be the same size as all the other girls, and I would be happy about that.

There are multiple different types of surgical techniques.

Do you know what age you have to be?

Or, like, what's the youngest age?

There is no "have to," but...

Wait until you're fully developed.


Dr. Charlton: If there's further breast development, then there could be stretching around scar tissue, and you could be left with stretch marks or breasts could become disproportionate.

So it's better to make sure the breasts are fully developed.

I do have hesitation doing surgery too young.

Yeah. Do you think I could still plan, like, a consultation and see, like, what options are available for the future?

You'd have to talk to your father about that, 'cause I don't think he's into that at all.

It's not a decision to take lightly, so I would talk to Dad.

I do not take these surgeries lightly.

This is my body, and when it's time for the procedure, I just want to make the most educated decision possible.

Greg: Do you guys feel like it's a trap Sander and Griffen are setting us up for?

Griffen: We are welcoming you to Twins Maniac.

It's the prerequisite to Rugged Maniac.

The Rugged Maniac obstacle course is right around the corner.

There's some really hard obstacles, like the rings and climbing up a wall.

So we're taking our family to the park to practice.

Let's go! Speed!

His legs are going as fast as his arm.

I'm catching up. I got you.

[Bleep] Come on, ACL Tear.

You don't need legs for this.


Why do they make it look so easy?

They're like twins. They go exactly the same.

I'm hoping that my family and I can put together all the hard work in the past few months and really be a strong team and get through all the obstacles together.

Let's go. Down lower, Jazz. Down lower.

There's a big part of me that's worried about Rugged Maniac.

You got to hang, 'cause it's...

Let's see if she can get up top.



I can't even pull myself, like, up over a bar.

Like limbo?

I'm crawling under things.

I'm falling off of things.

Ah! Oh!

I'm absolutely petrified, and I'm hoping they don't take me out on a stretcher.

You got a little close there. You almost face-planted.

Sander: Took out my other ACL.

So, after this little practice run, do you guys feel ready for the Rugged Maniac?

Pfft! No, no.


I don't care if I can't do an obstacle, but at least if we try and just have fun with it...

I want to try to have fun, but it does not look fun to me at all.

Greg: She's a gamer. She'll do fine.

If there's an obstacle that looks dangerous or totally off the charts...

They all look dangerous.

They all look terrible.

What do you mean?

Jumping over a fire is dangerous?

Oh, sh**t. Look, my knee's kind of swollen.

Yes, it looks swollen.

Yes, it does, actually.

Sander: After the obstacle course, my adrenaline kind of goes down, and I immediately notice my knee swelling up, and it's kind of hurting, so it worries me a little.

Jazz: I'm gonna go climb trees.

Jeanette: You want me to climb the tree with you?

Greg: Let me see your leg.

It definitely feels a little tightened up.

Don't fall, Mom.

I don't think I'm gonna go far, because I'm still dizzy.

This got really swollen.

It's right here. It's ballooned up.

And I feel it in the back.

It's so cool in the tree.

I don't think I can get any higher.

Griffen: Be careful, please. Don't fall.

Yeah, don't go to that other limb. That one's a little thin.

Wait, wait. Can I point something out?

When I'm not feeling okay, look where Mom and Jazz are again.

Just saying.

Sander: I'm pretty pissed.

If Jazz is in a tree, why are you so worried about her?

If she got up the tree, she can get down the tree.

How about your son sitting on the floor, whose knee is swollen and who obviously is pretty hurt right now?

Greg: All right, Swiss family Robinson.

I think you can come down now.

I mean, Mom told me she cared so much and wanted to be there for me, so now when she sees me get hurt again, why isn't she there for me now?

You all right? You need a hand up?

Is it getting worse?

All right, we going home?


So, I can see Sander is upset with me, 'cause I've done something else bad again.

I didn't want to hurt his feelings to make him feel like I was ignoring him, 'cause I wasn't.

I was just having fun in the tree.

I didn't realize what was going on.

I think that's part of his point, too.


Jeanette: Okay.

Okay, wait, wait. Don't be jumping on yet.

I'm gonna... Geez, I'm gonna fall.

Go slow.

Oh, sh**t.

Got it. I got this, I got this.

Da, da, da!

Here you go.

So, I need your help, because I want to do something nice for the twins.

Jeanette: Sander was upset with me.

After the Twins Maniac, he's told me I spend more time with Jazz and neglect him and Griffen.

So this is a way to show that I love all four of my kids equally.

So, you're gonna do different things for each of the twins?

Yeah. Coming up with an idea for Sander is pretty easy, 'cause it's all about his knee.

But with Griffen, he's the hardest to think of a gift for, because he goes with everything.

I don't think it matters even what you do.

It's just the idea that you're doing it I think will make him happy.

Greg: Jeanette is working hard on her relationships with the boys, and so for Jeanette to take each one out individually, I think that's a great idea.

So, we went to Dr. Charlton.

So what did he actually do?

Well, we discussed some stuff that we don't normally discuss with him.


Jazz brought up the idea of wanting to talk to a plastic surgeon.

She doesn't quite love her boobs.

I would imagine they don't always develop the way that somebody wants.

But if you go to the doctor and you have a consultation and then the doctor says, "now is a good time," she's gonna have this perception that she should have it done now.

And I feel like she's still too young.

I don't think she's ready to have surgery, but I don't think she's too young to go and find out and ask questions.

She's not ready yet.

Jeanette: Since Jazz was little, she's always wanted perfect boobs.

So therefore, she's asking questions and I feel that she should be allowed to do that.

I know a doctor down here that does top surgery for FTMs, and I happen to have won free Botox.

Are you getting it done, or are you getting it...

I'm getting it done.

Jeanette: I am not happy about turning 50.

I figure, you know, a quick pick-me-up with some Botox could freshen up my face a little bit.

Okay, I don't really think that sets a good precedent.

Just because I'm getting Botox doesn't mean that Jazz is going to want to rush into getting top surgery.

I'm concerned that it might make her feel like she needs to set a date for some type of procedure, which I think is getting ahead of herself.

You know, I'm just following Jazz's lead, and I see no harm in going, talking.

I mean, I'm really pretty against having the consultation.

You can talk to her.

Greg: You're 15, and it's young.

My stance is that it's not time for you.

Well, I'll definitely value that information, but I'm gonna listen to the doctor.

I feel like this one's not gonna fit me right.

What about this one?

Mm, not really.

I don't know what size you are.

I don't either, really.


Jazz has never been completely happy with her breasts, and I want her to know that she has options other than top surgery.

She never goes bra shopping.

All her bras are hand-me-downs from Ari.

I'm hoping that getting some new bras will make Jazz feel really good about herself the way she appears outwardly to other people.

This is a B.

Too small?

I fit into some B's.

This boob's actually bigger than this one.

I thought this one was gonna, like, even out, and then my areolas were gonna look proportionate to my breast tissue and everything, but I don't know. It hasn't happened, and I've been waiting for months, and it's just not happening.

Jazz: When I was on progesterone, my breasts were looking better, they looked more natural, and I was happy with the physical results.

But, you know, with the physical changes came those emotional changes, and I had to stop taking it.

And now I've been very unhappy with my breast development.

I'm not saying they're completely d*sfigured, but maybe just a teensy bit.

And they're not exactly how I imagined them to look like.

They look fine, but, like, they're not, like, what you see on TV and the perfect thing, you know what I mean?

Nothing is like what you see on TV.

I wonder if there's a bra that's like a B-cup on one side and a C-cup on the other side?


I don't think so, mom.

Hi, ladies.

Hello. How are you?

I'm Andrea. Need any help?

I think she needs to be measured, 'cause she recently grew.

Okay. We can go inside so we have a little privacy.

Thank you. The fullness of your breast over here, and then this is usually the narrowest part.

So, Mom, you have some styles that you picked out?

Yeah. She likes some of these.

She's a 36 in the band.


And then she's between a B-C.

That was very informative.


I guess all these bras are kind of wrong, 'cause we've been doing like 34.

These are all wrong.

What do we have?

What do we have on here?


Try that, because 34C is a crossover for 36B.

Okay, I'm gonna go try this on really quick.

Jeanette: Finding the right bra... It's difficult for Jazz, 'cause she's a little asymmetrical.

So she wants a bra that will make her look evened out, and bras can do that for you.

It feels very comfortable.


It's not a push-up, which is good, 'cause I don't really like push-up that much.


It just kind of sits nicely.

Andrea: 'Cause you really don't need a push-up, okay?

You're developing very firmly, beautifully.

Oh, but it's like... It's a little disproportionate.

You're still developing. It's gonna change.

You look wonderful.

I've done 7,000 fittings, and I see a lot of breasts.

It was good to hear that, because I really needed it to boost my confidence.

But I have to look at what I feel about my breast, not exactly what she says.

Well, honestly, I don't know. I'm still feeling...

I don't know, looking at my areola.

From the areola, it's like...

Just little deformities.

I don't know. I want to see what the doctor has to say about it, as well.

When you're looking in the mirror and you see yourself, you're not happy with what you see?

Yeah. With the bra, I feel great.

Beneath the bra, I'm still not 100% there yet.

Until I can be happy both with a bra and without a bra, then I won't be satisfied.

You need to feel good about everything that you see and that other people don't see.


Griffen: Where the heck are we going?

Jeanette: It's a surprise.

I want to do something really nice for you, 'cause you're my rock kid, and I know that I can count on you and I never can get you alone.

You got me now, so hopefully you impress me.

I hope so.

Griffen and I do not spend a lot of alone time together, and he's such a special kid.

He doesn't have, like, all the drama that Ari has and all the stuff that Jazz has going on and all the goofiness of Sander.

Like, he's just a stable guy.

I really think that you're gonna be like, "wow! This is cool!"

I really have no clue where we are right now.

He needs to know he's just as important to me as all the other kids.

Da-da, da-da!

Oh, my.

This is your surprise!

A nail spa?

For your toes, not your hands.

I see that, 'cause Jazz keeps pointing out that my toes are disgusting.

But it's not just the toes. It's the legs.

You get a massage.

I like massages.

Yeah. They're gonna tickle your legs and your feet.

Ooh. I've never done anything like this.

I know. Do you like it?

I'll tell you after if I like it or not.

I've never had a manicure or pedicure, and I barely even know the difference between the two, but I'm very open-minded.

We never go out together, just us two.

It's awesome. I'm really excited.

All right. Put my feet in here?


Here. You need to pick.

I like mandarin.

You go lavender, mandarin, or green tea.

I'll just say water. Water will be fine.

No, no, no.

What's going on?

On your legs.

Mandarin smell, lavender smell, or green tea?



Mandarin and lavender.

I don't know what I'm doing, Mom.

Griffen loves, like, getting tickles and massages, but I wanted to do something for him where we can talk and enjoy it together.

What's this?

Ooh. Hello.

Ooh, ooh!

That tickles.

So, this was a perfect way to have him be pampered, but also talk to him at the same time, and I knew he would enjoy it.

So you're happy so far?

Yeah. This is a really nice treat.

I'm enjoying it.

I just don't want you to get lost in the mix, because you're so special, and I think that you're amazing.

I don't feel lost.

I mean, yeah, sometimes I wish that I got a little more attention, 'cause I feel like Sander's leg...

Yeah, he gets a lot of attention for that.


And Jazz, just being Jazz, she gets a lot of attention for that.

You're my easy one, though.

But it's days like this where you take me out that really validates that it really doesn't matter if you're with me 24/7.

Just I'm happy the way things are going.

I'm gonna do more special things for you.

She's doing okay. We're trying to find her right now, actually.

Where's she at?

She's at school, but school is over, and my other son is driving her home.

Okay, wait. He's texting.

Oh. "I was with her."

Oh, he was with her?

But he didn't tell me.

Hold on.

See if Jazz's phone is on.

Oh! No, it's dead.

You keep checking your phone about Jazz, but this is our, like, alone time.

Like, her phone d*ed.

If my phone d*ed, would you be worrying about me while you were on your alone time?

I don't think so.

It's pretty frustrating, because Jazz's phone is dead.

She's not missing. She's not deathly ill.

So why can't I get all your attention for once?

So I think you should just put your phone away.


Sander's right with her.

This is our first time in a while that we've been alone together.

I promise...

Look, I'm turning it upside down.

So, it'd be nice if you could just focus on the massage and us.

I will.

You know, I feel like I get picked on sometimes, where everybody's like, "oh, you spend more time with Jazz."

But honestly, like, Griffen does not understand what it's like to be a mom.

I definitely spend more time with her, but I am there for my kids.

Now you made me feel bad. I apologize.

I say I'm sorry, so...

You're fine, Mom.

Don't worry.


But that doesn't mean things are perfect always.

It's never perfect.

Except my toes are looking pretty perfect.

Look at how beautiful your toes look.

[Knock on door]


May I enter?

Greg: I had a conversation with Mom.

About what?

How you felt about... Your top area.


I have to admit, this is not a conversation that I had with your sister.

[Both laugh]

Greg: Talking with Jazz about top surgery, it's not something that I'm super-comfortable with.

But we're talking about a medical procedure.

She's just really developing, and I don't know if she's finished developing.

My concern with Jazz is that she may be moving too quickly.

Hey, hey, I'm not saying I want top surgery or anything.

I'm just saying I want to explore it and have a consultation maybe for the future.

What's future mean?

Depending on what the doctor says, I could potentially get some form of breast surgery to make them look prettier or get implants to make them larger.

Then I'm not sure that I'm quite comfortable with that decision at this point.


I don't know.

You're 15, and it's young.

I just don't think you've fully developed.

Okay, maybe not like right away, but, like, within the next few months after that.

So that's what you mean by future?

What I've always felt like is we should support Jazz, not encourage her.

I would want to hear specifically from a doctor that it's medically necessary for Jazz to have it right now before I consent as a parent.

Don't you feel like you need to have time to develop?

That's why I'm going to the doctor.

If he thinks I need to develop more and then I should get it, then that's what I'll do.

But if he says, "no, I think you're done developing.

If you want to get it now, then that's okay."

Jazz: With top surgery, I don't think my dad understands how much it really means to me to explore the options.

I want to be happy with my body.

I'm getting older now, and I think I should be able to make my own decisions.

There's always been a balance between what you want, what me and Mom think is right, what the medical professionals say.

And so far, I feel like we've always done the right thing as a team.

Wouldn't you agree?


My stance is that it's not time for you.

Well, I'll definitely value that information, but I'm gonna listen to the doctor.

Jazz started asking about top surgery.

It's not gonna hurt anything.

I disagree.

I'm looking at the two of you. It's a bit of an issue.


Are we going that way?

Follow me.

Where are we going, Mom?

It's a surprise. Just chill out.
Jeanette: I tend to think that no matter what I do, Sander will never forgive me. He will always remember that I missed his game where he got hurt.

It looks like a workout room.

So I'm going above and beyond and going out of my way to be super nice to Sander, because I was up in the tree, and I feel so bad if I hurt his feelings, 'cause I had no idea what was going on.


How are you?

Good. How are you?

Good. Matt Donner.

Jeanette. Nice to meet you.

Jeanette, nice to meet you.

This is Sander.

Sander, pleasure to meet you.

So, I'm surprising him today with this treat to come and see you.

He had a pretty bad tear in his ACL.

I'm taking Sander for a consultation with one of the leading experts on ACL injuries.

And I think that will be really nice for him.

He was a kicker, and he had, like, a future ahead of him for college.

That's what I understand.

He wants to know if he ever is gonna be able to do this again.

Well, come on back, and we'll talk and go through things.

Sander: I feel like my mom just doesn't realize how much being there means to me.

Have a seat right here.

This is the first time since I got hurt that she's totally gone out of her way in surprising me with something.

Your surgery was in December?

Yeah, December 17th.

You don't have any pain right now?

No, not really.

I'm gonna look at both legs.

I just want to see something here.

And if you just could hold it right there, and don't let me push you.

I don't think everyone realizes how hard it is to go through an injury like this.

I still want to play college sports.

It's always been a dream of mine.


Yeah, pretty good.


But no matter how much rehab or how hard I work, I'm worried I will not be able to kick a ball again.

Good. Got it.

Let's calculate that real quick.


With this hop test, your left leg had 95% of the distance of that right leg.

It's really good.

Yay. Great.

So you're saying there's hope for me?

There's nothing but hope.

We have a lot of ACLs in here where they not only get to their prior level, they go above that, because it almost triggered them to focus on legwork.

It's really awesome to know that I might be able to kick at a higher level come time, and that excites me.

So I really appreciate my mom's effort in making this physical-therapy session.

We are going to be doing an obstacle course.


It's called Rugged Maniac.


We did a baby course, and he totally swelled up.

I don't like it for this part of the ACL recovery, because it's all uneven.

So there's a good probability if I did do it all that I could get hurt?

I bet you there is a 50% probability you would get hurt.

You could ruin everything in one race.

You know, and I don't want you to do that.


It's not worth it.

It's tough when the therapist tells me I'm not gonna be able to participate in the Rugged Maniac.

But despite the fact that I found out some bad news, the good news totally outweighs the bad news.

Thank you so much.

Good to meet you guys. Yes.

We appreciate it.

Really great to meet you.

I've been hard on my mom.

And honestly, I think I feel bad at how bad I made her feel sometimes.

She's such a great mom, and I love her.

Watch out for cars.

You watch out for cars.


Jack: So, I guess we're gonna go right over here.

Okay, we'll play from this tee.


I thought they said the middle tee?

No. This is the one.

For many years, my parents have been golfers, and they have been encouraging me, "come on out! It's fun. You'll enjoy it."

It's not my favorite sport, but I'm 50, and we're going to be almost empty nesters, so I need to kind of find other ways to distract myself.

I don't know how to hit a ball that far.

Don't worry about it. You're not supposed to.

Jack: Swing at this tee.

Greg, can you come behind me and just do it with me?

Greg: There's no way I'm getting that close to you when you're swinging.

No, like, let's do it together.

I don't even know if I want to...

I've seen people hit the ball backwards.

Like, come and help me. Let's do our arms together.

It doesn't matter.

Just concentrate on the ball.

Okay, down.

I'm just trying to hit it.

Oh, geez!

You all right?

What happened?

Oh, my god.

I love being with Jeanette and Greg.

There is bonding there that we've had over the many years that I never gave any thought to.

And as the children go off to school, I'm looking for more of that.

Jack: Jeanette said a silly thing last week.

She said the boys, once they leave, they're never gonna come home.

That's nonsense.

I couldn't even get them to text me back the other day.

Aw, come on.

Well, how's Jazz handling it?

I'm concerned about her being the last one in the house.

She doesn't really talk about it, 'cause she's in her own little world.

She hasn't spent a lot of time with them.

Yeah, Jazz would have my full attention.

In fact, we went to the doctor the other day.


The endocrinologist.

And she started asking about top surgery.

Like, she has never been happy with her breasts.

They're not exactly proportionate, and they're not pretty enough for her.

Did the doctor say give it more time?

Yeah, he did. But he said it's okay if you want to go for a consultation with a plastic surgeon, it's not gonna hurt anything.

Breast augmentation... How do you feel about it?

Blows me away.

I'm not putting Jazz down for wanting whatever she wants.

It's her world.

And I would suppose that Jazz gets her way most of the time.

Oh, if Jazz wants to go off and get a pink poodle, then we're gonna have a pink poodle running around this house.

I have a feeling the word "no" does not come up too often.

So she's going out shopping a little bit, so to speak.

Doctor does feel it's a little premature.


Well, the dad feels like it's a little premature.

I'm going with you.

She's only a ninth grader. She's 15 years old.

Jazz has bigger fish to fry than worrying whether her breasts are as big as her contemporaries.

I actually won a free session of Botox.

So I thought, you know, I'll take her to the doctor that I have to go to anyway. I'll just bring her along.

Ooh. You're going forward with Botox?

Yeah. I don't know what it will do for me.

But so you're going exploring a little bit?

Oh, I might just dive right in.

No, the problem is she's not exploring at all.

She's going in and getting Botox.

And I'm a little concerned that it sets up a precedent, you know?

I mean, you think she's gonna equate Botox to breast augmentation?

That's quite a jump.

I don't think it hurts to bring her in, honestly.

She can talk to the doctor. She can feel the boobs.

Yeah, but you know that if you're getting Botox and she's in there for a consultation, she's potentially gonna think, "okay, I'm here.

We're gonna be setting a date to have this."

Well, I'll tell her no.

It takes her closer to the issue and encourages her in some respect is what Greg is saying.

I'm following her lead.

I'm not encouraging her. She's interested in this.

So I'm k*lling two birds with one stone.

It's no big deal.

Well, it is.

I'm looking at the two of you. It's a bit of an issue.

Jazz has always known what she's wanted since she was a little kid and said, "I'm a girl, I'm a girl."

I just want her to be able to be like her peers and not dislike the way her breasts are.

I want her to be happy.

And I know she'll make smart decisions.

I trust her judgment.

So I see no reason to resist on this one, and ultimately, Greg will lose this argument about not going.

One breast hangs down a little bit more than the other.


The base of the breast is sort of constricted.

Is that something that can work out on its own?

It's unlikely.


We're getting close to the doctor's office.

You know what? I'm kind of excited, but I'm mostly very nervous, 'cause I don't want to be in pain when they inject my face.

Have you ever gotten Botox before?


We're meeting with the plastic surgeon today so I can get Botox, and Jazz will finally get a breast consultation.

Daddy is not happy, you know, about you going with me today.

He thinks I'm gonna get surgery like tomorrow.

He thinks you're too young to even go for a consult.

Like, I just want to see what the doctor thinks is best for my little ta-tas...

Or my growing... My medium ta-tas.

Jazz: Dad thinks that I'm gonna get the surgery right away and that I'm not gonna think about it at all, but I do not have a specific time that I want to get the surgery.

I'm not rushing at all.

I just kind of want to hear what it's all about.

All right. So, what if the doctor says, "you know what? I can do this surgery on you tomorrow"?

I wouldn't do it tomorrow.

I would do it, like, in a few months or something.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Not a few months.

Whatever. I meant a few years.

You know what I meant.

Yeah. Geez!

I don't know. I was just...

I was, like, ready to turn the car around, "no! We're not doing it."

I'm so thrilled for Jazz that she's finally going to learn more about what it is to get top surgery.

Hello. How are you? Good.

How are you?

Woman: Sign in for me, please.

It's not easy being transgender, and it's really important for Jazz's mental well-being to look the way she wants to look.


What if I came home to daddy like, "daddy! I got the procedure done."

[Both laugh]

Hello. Hi.

Hey, Jazz.

Hi. How are you?

I'm Dr. Russell Sassani.

I'm a board-certified plastic surgeon.

We're seeing more and more transgender patients, and as of right at the current moment, about a third of my practice involves transgender patients, both male to female and female to male.

So, what are you here for today?

I'm here for a breast consultation, and I want you to look at my boobs and see what you think about them.

Okay, so, first...

Whatever you can do to help them.

She's not 100% happy with the way they're growing, so she wants to know what kind of options...

I just want to know what kind of options are available so I can make an informed decision, yeah.

Size and shape wise.

Okay. How long have you been on estrogens?

Over three years now.

Okay, great. With transgender patients, you typically follow WPATH guidelines, which sets the standard of care for transgender patients.

WPATH stands for the World Professional Association of Transgender Health.

Typically, they should be living their true, authentic self for at least a year, and also be on hormonal replacement for at least a year to try to achieve the maximum amount of breast development.

Okay, so, what we're gonna do first is do an exam, and then we'll discuss everything you always wanted to know about breast implants.


Okay, so we'll get you changed.

The reason that patients undergo transgender top surgery is so that their internal gender matches their external characteristics.

They want to look and feel like they truly are.

Got it on.

And our job as plastic surgeons is to help them achieve that.

Okay, great. Chin up for me.

And nine.

Okay, so, you have a little bit of what's called breast ptosis, meaning that your one breast hangs down a little bit more than the other.


And the areola's just a little bit bigger.

And you also have what's called a tuberous breast deformity, meaning that the base of the breast is sort of constricted and the nipple comes to a point.


That doesn't sound good.

These are effects that I don't want to see on myself.

I mean, this is definitely the type of problem I'm trying to avoid.

I don't want to feel insecure about my body.

So, you said I had... What's it called again?

It's a tuberous breast deformity, meaning that the base width of the breast is slightly constricted so that the breast tissue pushes out the nipple complex.

Is it more common with transgender patients to have this?

Not typically.

It can happen in, you know, cisgender patients, as well.

Oh, okay.


Is that something that can work out on its own?

It's unlikely.

It's a tuberous breast deformity, meaning that the base width of the breast is slightly constricted.

Is that something that can work out on its own?

It's unlikely.

The tuberous breast deformity typically persists, and you have to do something in order to correct it.

Is it common or not really?

It's not overly common.

Jazz: When it comes to getting top surgery, I want to feel secure in my body.

Even though I know who I am on the inside, seeing it on the outside would make me feel more feminine.

You also have some asymmetries going on.

Your left breast is a little bit bigger than the right breast, so we want to even that out either by using an implant or making the left one a little bit smaller.

Uh, and then we can reposition your nipple/areola complex on the left side to make it match the right side.

Let's say I didn't want to get any implants.

Could you still reform them?

That's correct.


Jazz: Honestly, I was hoping that I would kind of develop breasts more naturally, but now I know that I am looking into a breast procedure in the future.

So, I wouldn't want to rush into this, but what's the youngest age that you can get the procedures done?

As far as timing for someone of your age, we do follow the WPATH guidelines.

And what WPATH states is patients should be the age of consent, which in the United States is the age of 18.

When the doctor says I should wait until I'm 18 to get the surgery, I'm not surprised.

But, you know, I'm relieved that he could fix them.

I just want the best-looking breasts possible.

Absolutely. That's our goal.

Gimme, gimme those boobies.


I think you're aware that I'm also here because I won Botox.


Well, I mean, it doesn't appear that you need to have Botox.

You don't create a whole lot of forehead lines or... scrunch your elbows together.

You're not even creating any...

Yeah, you have no forehead lines.

What is this?

What I'm happy to do instead of doing the Botox would be to do a filler called Restylane lift.

And we can certainly put some filler into the nasolabial folds at the corner of the mouth.

We always mess around with her.

She has this natural frown. Can you fix that?

A little filler under the corner of the mouth will help to lift the corner of the mouth up, so I'm happy to do that for you.

I won't look sad all the time?

Yay! You're not gonna be sad!

So, the filler is...

Is it gonna hurt, though?

It does pinch a little bit, but we'll put some topical numbing cream on, and that takes the edge off.

Let's get you numbed up.

Are you excited, nervous?

I'm nervous.

Oh, gosh.

I would never really pursue something like a Restylane lift, but, you know, I'm just curious.

If I don't like it, I'll never do it again, so I'll just try it out.


What was that?

I gulped.

Holding your hand.

Okay, here we go.

You're okay.

Are you okay? Are you okay?

What are the eyes for?

Your eyes are really big.


You're okay, you're okay.

It is so much more painful than I expected it to be.

Is that me sweating or you sweating?

Both of us.

Okay, we're done on that side.


Halfway done.

I'm thinking, "is it worth it, and am I gonna look bizarre afterwards?"


Pinches a little bit.

Yeah. You're really getting in there watching, Jazz.

We're all done. Clean you all off.

You look really good.


They say beauty is pain, and now I see why.

What do you think, Jazz?

Thank you so much.

Yeah, looks great.

Yeah, looks good.

I feel like everything's a little vivid, like, "ooh!"



I feel a little weird, too.


You look weird.

I do?


Jazz, are you okay?

I don't know. I feel a little dizzy.

Uh, Jeanette, get up.

Oh, geez.


I feel so weird.

Sit up. Okay.

Now put your back down.


I feel like the room was spinning, everything's dim, and it's kind of a really bad feeling.

It's just like you're so out of it.

I think I'm gonna throw up.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh at you.

Jeanette: I've seen this happen to people before, and I'm not worried.

I actually kind of thought it was funny.

That was so weird, Mom.

I'm the one that was getting all the stuff done.

I have needles in my face, and you're like, "ah!"

Greg: Griffen, what'd you order?

Cajun chicken pasta.


That's not healthy.

We're supposed to be having a healthy meal.

I'm eating healthy. I'm eating salad.

I want to get on board with this healthy lifestyle, or else I'm gonna be a little fatty trying to go through the Rugged Maniac obstacle course.

Did you guys know Mom took me out for a little "date"?

I totally surprised him.

He had no idea what we were doing.

She took me to a nail salon.


That's good, 'cause your nails are gnarly.

Well, not anymore.

Oh, my god, his toenails.

They're beautiful now.

They look great.

Can we see them?

Your toes and your...

Oh, seriously? Must we?

The nail salon went so well.

It was such a great treat for Griffen.

And even though he was upset with me, it was really a wonderful moment, and I want to do it again with him.

I don't want this to be the only time.

So, what made you decide to do that?

Well, I wanted to do something nice for Griffen and something nice for Sander.

What'd you do with him?

She took me to a physical therapist that has worked with top athletes everywhere.

And he thinks I'll definitely be able to play sports again, and he says I might actually even come back at a higher level.

At the same time, he told me it was not a good idea to participate in the Rugged Maniac.


All of it, like all the things?

You've been training so hard.

Like, you can't do anything?

I mean, he thinks there's a 50/50 chance if I, like, went hard on it, I'd hurt it again.

I got to look at the bigger picture here, and I could still root you guys on and help you guys throughout the whole thing.

The fact that Sander's on the right path for recovery, I think that's great news, and I think he realizes that if he pushes it too hard, he's gonna hurt himself, and I don't think he wants to do a redo.

So we had an interesting experience. Right, Mom?


What was the experience?

Why don't you tell them all about it?

I got a breast-surgery consultation.

We went to the plastic surgeon, and he basically looked at my boobies, and he was telling me what he could do for me in the future in terms of operations.

As much as I disagreed with Jazz going to the consultation, I conceded that Jazz needed to know and ask questions and be able to, you know, talk to a doctor and find out more information.

Why do you want boobs so bad?

'Cause I've always dreamed of having boobs.

And, I mean, I have boobs now. I have them...

They're pretty large, I would say, I guess.

They're perky.

They're what-y?


How would you know?

'Cause she talks about them before.

That's really awkward, hearing my brother say, "they're perky!"

I didn't say it. You think I just said, "oh, Jazz has perky boobs"?

Okay, okay!

But I want to understand, timing wise, like, what did he say?

Here you go, Daddy. You're gonna be happy.

I cannot get this surgery until I'm 18 or older.

But it was good that I'm now informed.

In retrospect, I'm glad that Jazz got the answers to the questions that she's been thinking about, and she's comfortable with what the doctor said.

It's ultimately in alignment with how I felt about things.

Do you guys remember my fifth-grade boyfriend, Alex?

Your ex?


He wants to see me.

You should definitely tell Mom and Dad.

I know they don't like secrets, and especially with you.


[Water splashes]


Come on, Jazz. Get in our pool with us.

Jazz: No! It's so annoying when you're texting someone and they don't reply.

Who didn't reply to you?


Who is it?

Oh, my god. This is kind of embarrassing.

But do you guys remember my fifth-grade boyfriend, Alex?

Your ex?


For the past few years, I really haven't been talking to boys at all.

But when I was a little twerp in fifth grade, I dated this boy named Alex for six months.

He was the one boy that didn't care that I was transgender.

The one that you bit his lip?

I didn't bite him. Okay, this is what happened.

We had kissed a few times, and it was, like, time to go beyond that, make out...

You were in fifth grade.

I didn't get my first makeout till eighth grade.

You got your first kiss before I did.

Okay, whatever! So, I just thought...

I was like, "okay, make out," and I tried to use my tongue, and he thought it was my teeth.

We haven't talked since I broke up with him over the summer going into fifth grade to sixth grade.

And all of a sudden, he started texting me again.

So I'm a little bit confused.

I don't know if he likes me or if he just thinks I'm cool or whatever. I don't know.

Does he want to take you out?

I don't know.

He wants to see me.

Is this the first time since Alex that a guy's asked you to go out?


So, are you excited?

I don't know! We're just texting!

Oh, he replied.

This may be the first time I've ever seen Jazz smile from a text with a boy.

Maybe this is a sign.

Maybe we need to give him an interview.

Have you told Mom and Dad that you're texting him yet?

No. You guys are the only people I've told.

This just happened.

I mean, it could just be nothing. I don't know.

Are you gonna tell Mom and Dad soon, or are you gonna wait till, like, you actually think about hanging out with him?

Probably wants to start thinking about hanging out with him.

I know they don't like secrets, and especially with you.

You should definitely tell Mom and Dad.

I don't feel like I'm hiding anything from my parents.

I mean, we just started texting.

Nothing is really happening.

So there's nothing to tell them.

Not yet at least.

Next time on "I Am Jazz"...

Today is the Rugged Maniac, and I'm super pumped.


Remember Alex, my fifth-grade boyfriend?

Oh, my god!

Sander: I feel like we scare a lot of guys, 'cause they're like, "oh, we shouldn't be attracted to you, but we are."

I've had fun texting, but I wanted to see your face.


You're so pretty now.

When you have two physically attractive people, things happen.

Does it look like I'm really doing anything sexual?

Have you thought about it at all?

Well, clearly, I can't have sex yet.

Why not?