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01x13 - Night at the Cementery

Posted: 07/15/16 18:02
by bunniefuu
Narrator: America's top ghost hunters relive their most extreme assignments.

(Woman screaming)

This house is beyond haunted.

Narrator: Hardened veterans of the paranormal, these are the cases that truly tested them.

There was an evil presence in that house.

Oh, (bleep).

What the hell?

I got goose bumps.

It's here.

Narrator: In Arizona, investigators run into multiple entities in a museum, with dangerous results.

I felt electric energy just pulsating through my body.

I was paralyzed.

Narrator: In Illinois, one ghost hunter gets the fright of her life in a haunted cemetery.

It was one of the strongest experiences I've had.

Narrator: And, in Texas, an investigator is called in to save a family from the demonic spirit of a m*rder*r.

Whatever's in there is bad.

Narrator: On the westernmost outskirts of phoenix lies the quiet town of buckeye, Arizona.

It's home to a small museum devoted to local history.

But when the doors close at night, staff report that more than just history is being brought to life.

Objects mysteriously move out of their cases.

Disembodied foot steps echo through the hallways.

And shadowy figures loom out of the darkness.


Narrator: Concerned for its employees, the museum enlists the help of paranormal investigators.

There's so many people saying the same thing over and over and over again.

There had to be something to it.

Narrator: Husband-wife team, jay and Marie Yates, are the co-founders of C.O.P.S., the Crossing Over Paranormal Society.

I've been investigating since the late 1990s.

I've been on countless investigations.

My husband and team members call me "ghost bait."

Things happen to me.

It could be a scratch.

It can be a bruise, fainting, happened to me on cases.

Narrator: They're among Arizona’s most respected ghost hunters.

I did 10 years in law enforcement.

And I'm gonna prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that there is life after death.

That's why I'm here.

Narrator: Jay and Marie arranged for their seven-strong crew to spend the night in the museum to see if they can experience the activity for themselves.

Jay: It was the first time we had ever investigated a museum.

It was something that the team was looking forward to, I was looking forward to.

Narrator: First, they rig the museum with equipment.

Jay: The plan is to essentially go in, to set up our DVR units, to set up our cameras.

We also put some trigger objects like blocks and, you know, wooden balls inside of a sand pit to see if anything would move those things.

Narrator: They also set up a chalk board, hoping to communicate with any entities present.

Marie: I decided to write, "come play with the C.O.P.S. Crew."

I grabbed the chalk, started writing it.

Narrator: Almost as soon as their gear is in place, team member Michael Papp sees something out of the ordinary.

And this is a sceptical guy.

This is a guy that has a scientific background.

But he's legitimately saying he's seeing a female standing right next to me.

He described a woman with slender physique standing right next to me.

Narrator: As they search for the shadow, they notice a message on the chalkboard.

Jay: I'm just saying.

Narrator: The number 7 is significant.

There are seven team members on the investigation.

At first, Marie thinks it's a prank.

I did ask each one of our investigators, and no one actually did it.

It just kind of suddenly hit me, like, "did that really happen?"

On the video, it actually shows that there was nothing on there, then all of a sudden there's a 7.

I didn't write 7.

I know that you didn't write...

So that was the one time I will say, "okay, what's going on?"

Narrator: To find out who or what wrote on the chalkboard, Marie and investigator Jamie set up a flashlight experiment.

The purpose of the flashlight test is just a sign to see if we can get any kind of response.


There's two flashlights right here.

They will not harm you.

We'll ask, like, "are you a male?"

Um, and it might light up something.

Jamie and I probably sat doing the flashlight test 20 minutes.

We had some really good response.

Narrator: Having established contact, they try to find out more about the entity.

Marie: We notice there's a lot of m*llitary stuff.

So we asked, "are you part of the m*llitary?"

And it flashed.

Narrator: And that's not all.

Marie: We felt things moving.

Sort of like, you know, when something behind you is just moving around.

And you're just like, "okay, what is that?"

You know, but we didn't catch anything on video or anything.

Narrator: Nevertheless, the team are excited to head deeper into the museum.

To have that much activity in such a short amount of time was pretty significant.

Narrator: Their next focus is an exhibit from the town's old theater.

Marie: There are some seats and some other equipment that was actually a part of that theater.

It was a very important building to a lot of people in buckeye.

Jay: We were using a RIMPA device.

And, essentially, it sounds an alarm if there's any high level of electronic magnetic field that passes over the top of this device.

We think ghosts are primarily made of energy, and that's why we used these devices.

Boom. It sounded off.

Marie: Can you stop now if that is really...

Narrator: Suddenly, the activity intensifies.

I started to see what appeared to be, like, shadows of people walking towards me.

And it was one after another.

Narrator: In Arizona, investigators jay and Marie Yates have made contact with spirits in a museum.

I started to see shadows of people walking towards me.

And it was one after another, 15 to 20 shadowy figures just, like, crossed right through me.

And I felt that cold electric energy just pulsating through my body.

I turned around, and, like, something was getting to him.

It happened so quickly, I was paralyzed where I couldn't move.

Like, I was stuck there.

There was no way out of it.

I was scared. I was like, "what's wrong? what's wrong?"

Jay! oh, my god. Jay, are you okay?


It felt like I was going through it for probably 15 to 20 minutes when, in reality, it was maybe a 30-second experience.

Narrator: Eventually the shadow figures vanish, leaving jay stunned.

The feeling of being drained, physically drained, exhausted...

Come on.

...To the point to where your body hurts, you're aching.

Come on.

He just wanted to get out of that area.

We need to get him out of here.

Narrator: Marie and the team help move jay to safety.

But the spirits are not done with them yet.

While they check jay over for injuries... Marie feels irresistibly drawn to another exhibit.

I actually was walking in there, and I started feeling like I was under water.


And she starts getting heaviness in her chest.


And I couldn't breathe. It was just almost like water was in my lungs.

I was scared, and I was like, "oh, my goodness, am I gonna stop breathing?"


Narrator: Recovering from his own att*ck, jay notices Marie is missing.

Where's Marie?



Jay followed me and was like, "what's wrong? what's wrong?"

Jay: And she's whispering to me, "jay, like, I'm having trouble breathing.

I feel like I'm under water or something."

I can't breathe.


So I take her out of the environment immediately.

As soon as I left that room, it was like nothing happened.

My whole breath. I was...

(Inhales, exhales)

Just like when you lift your head out of the water in a swimming pool, that's exactly how I felt as soon as I exited.

I couldn't breathe. I just...

Let's go! move it!

Narrator: Shocked by their att*cks and fearing what might happen next, Marie and jay decide to call an end to the investigation.

It was time for us to back off a little bit, you know, in respect to the spirits and, you know, go and review our evidence.

Narrator: Later, when jay and Marie looked deeper into the history of the museum, they discover something that may explain Marie’s att*cks.

Marie: A lot of people don't even know this, but back in the early 1900s, there was a pool in buckeye.

It's completely filled in now.

We found out that there was a kid that actually drowned in the pool that was maybe 25 feet away from where she was standing.

Marie: When I found out about the young girl that actually drowned, I came to realize that I actually might have been sensing what she actually was feeling in that swimming pool.

Narrator: Jay and Marie present the museum with their findings.

We showed what we had captured and everything that had happened, and they were very interested in our findings.

Some of the employees are happy that they're not the only ones.

They thought they were going crazy.


Jay: My conclusion with the buckeye museum is I really think that there's a lot of residual hauntings that are attached to these items.

I believe that though they meant a lot to these people in life, they mean a lot to them in death.

Narrator: But there's also a warning for the museum's owners.

The place is haunted. They have ghosts.

The experience with these shadows just coming right through me, seeing my wife, like, have trouble breathing, me having to pull her out of that environment, there definitely was some dangers associated to that investigation.


Narrator: Coming up...

An investigator is called in by family being terrorized by an angry and violent ghost.

But first, while investigating a haunted graveyard, one ghost hunter encounters the full power of the paranormal.

It is the most haunted place I've ever been.

Narrator: In a forgotten patch of Chicago’s south-western suburbs lies the old bachelor's grove cemetery.

Its last funeral was held over 50 years ago.

But the souls buried here have a worrying reputation for not resting in peace.

Bachelor's grove cemetery is known as one of the most haunted cemeteries in the world.

It is, without a doubt, the most haunted place I've ever been.

Narrator: It's not just the graveyard.

The bordering forest is said to be a place of darkness and terror.

The woods surrounding the cemetery have a very malicious quality about them.

Numerous murders that have occurred there, numerous suicides, bodies found in the woods, a lot of very dark history.

Dave: It does have a history of being visited by satanic worshippers, people who are sacrificing animals.

It was also known as a place where the mobsters, during the 1920s, would dump bodies.

Narrator: Over the years, multiple witnesses have reported mysterious and terrifying activity in the cemetery.

Many people see this old man standing by the front entrance to the cemetery holding a lantern.

As they neared him, he just vanished right before their eyes.

The cemetery is also very famous for one particular phantom known as the Madonna of bachelor's grove.

This is a classic woman in white seen walking through the cemetery.

Some say that she is seen holding a baby.

Some say that she is looking for a baby that has d*ed or that she's lost.

Bachelor's grove is a very special place.

There's something very different going on there.

Narrator: Chicago-based paranormal researcher Ursula Bielski is fascinated by bachelor's grove cemetery.

She's been an investigator for over 20 years, but the spirit world has shaped her entire life.

My very first memory is of a paranormal experience.

I was 3 years old.

I was woken up in my crib by the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs.

It was confusing, terrifying.

That's why I went on to be what I am today.

There's so much happening that science does not explain.

And so it's our job to work on those things because they're not.

Narrator: Hoping to experience and document the paranormal activity herself, Ursula heads to the cemetery with a colleague, Daniel.

Ursula: When we got to the entrance to the cemetery, there was just this feeling --

This electrical feeling in the air.

Narrator: Taking this as a sign that spirits are near, Ursula sets up their equipment.

Ursula: We wanted to do an experiment using a piece of equipment from the 19th century.

Many spiritualists, in their séances, would use a spirit trumpet, which is a long aluminum cone.

Mediums would use them to amplify voices of the spirits.

So we wondered, would that amplify the EVPS that we were trying to collect.

Narrator: EVPS, or electronic voice phenomena, are voices captured on recording devices believed to belong to paranormal entities.

Ursula: I was recording with a laptop at these various grave sites.

Narrator: They don't have to wait long before the spirits make contact.

I probably recorded 30 people saying "hi,"

"Hey," "hello,"

In all different accents, in all different voices.

Narrator: But at one grave, Ursula records an EVP that sends shivers down her spine.

Narrator: In Illinois, investigator Ursula Bielski is hunting for entities that haunt an old cemetery.

But at one particular grave, no hunting is necessary.

Ursula: We were recording at the Fulton stone, which marks the graves of numerous members of one of the most prominent and influential families in the area.

There's a portion of the recording where you hear Daniel and myself chatting.

And all of a sudden, you hear this very gruff male voice say, "Daniel, I'm talking to you now. Daniel."

It was one of the strongest EVPS, strongest experiences I've ever had.

Narrator: Despite being shaken that the entity knows Daniel’s name, Ursula tries to communicate further.

But she gets no response.

Ursula: The frustrating thing about bachelor's grove is there's so little feedback.

You won't get people telling you their names or how they d*ed.

Narrator: Frustrated, Daniel heads home, while Ursula has arranged a tour of the haunted woods that surround the cemetery.

Yeah, yeah, I'm coming to you.

Narrator: She heads to meet her guide, Jason.

He was a steward at Bachelor's Grove cemetery, walk the trails there blindfolded, you know, at night in a snow storm.

He knew every inch of the entire area.

Narrator: Ursula tells Jason to show her the site where witnesses have reported the most paranormal activity.

We came to a clearing.

There was this eruption of lights that went on for many minutes, like paparazzi cameras.

It was like all these flash bulbs were going off one after another after another, hundreds of them.

It was a very threatening feeling in the woods that surround the cemetery.

Narrator: Feeling unsafe, Ursula calls an end to her investigation.

I was a mom of two young girls at that time, so I wanted to get home.
We kept walking and walking.

After a while, I realized that we were lost.

The entire forest area is less than half a square mile.

Normally, it should take less than 25 minutes to walk across it.

We walked in circles for hours.

Do you know where you're going?

There was no way for him to be lost, and yet he was.

It was such a feeling of terror.

He was overwhelmed.

Narrator: Ursula begins to suspect that their plight is no accident.

Something wants to keep them in the woods.

Both of our phones lost their GPS signals.

Our batteries, we could see, were dying by the minute.

We could not find our way out.

Most chilling of all, we kept seeing the lights of houses and cars going by.

And we would go, "oh, thank god."

And then we would get to where they were, and it was like we were swallowed up in a vacuum.

No sound, no lights.

We were just in the middle of the woods again by ourselves.

And this happened over and over and over again.

There was something out there that was messing with us, terrorizing us.

Narrator: With the hours ticking by, Ursula’s husband, David, becomes concerned.

She was supposed to come home, and I can recall telephoning her on my cellphone, you know, "where you at?"

'Cause I had the kids and she was supposed to be home so i started getting worried.



I have never been so afraid in my life, being in the middle of this place you cannot find your way out of because there's something that is not going to let you.

Narrator: In a haunted cemetery in Illinois, paranormal forces have trapped investigator Ursula Bielski in the woods.

There was something out there messing with us, terrorizing us.

All right.

Narrator: After what feels like an eternity, the malevolent force finally releases them.

We were lost for almost 4 1/2 hours, walking around in circles and circles.


And when we finally found the half-out we were in a completely different place than we thought we were.

It was impossible that we could've been lost in such a small area for such a long time.

When I saw my car, I can't ever remember being so relieved in my life.

Dave: When I finally got a hold of her, she was very, very upset.

(Sobbing) I don't know.

She couldn't believe that they got lost and couldn't find their way out, and, you know, she was scared.

We were in there for, like, hours.

There's really nothing quite like the feeling of being lost in the woods, first of all.

And then we finally got out.

On top of that, the feeling that there's something actually trying to hurt you, trying to intimidate you.


I have never been as scared as that night when we were lost in bachelor's grove.

(Engine starts)

Narrator: The experience has traumatized Ursula so much that she refuses to go into the woods around bachelor's grove cemetery to this day.

It's a unique place, and it totally deserves its reputation.

Narrator: But she is still studying it from afar, trying to unlock the secret of its dark paranormal forces.

There's some sort of energy field or some sort of force or some flaw or mark on the land itself that goes back.

The native Americans tell us that there are just cursed tracts of land all around our country.

And investigators find often that these cursed tracts of land line up with some of our most haunted locations.

I really strongly believe that there was something about this land.

It's extremely powerful.

Narrator: When a family is terrorized by a violent spirit, they are shocked to learn that their attacker has a murderous past.

The small southern Texas town of san Benito appears to be a regular place.

It's home to Angie Copeland and her two sons.

But their life is anything but ordinary.

Ever since they moved in, their home has been haunted by the ghost of a young boy.

Rather than be afraid, the family has learned to live with the spirit.

Angie's sons even play with him.

Over time, the spirit almost becomes one of the family.

But the harmony between the living and the dead will not last long.

In 2012, a new spirit appears, and it's definitely not friendly.

Get out of my house! get out of my house!

Get out of my house! (screams)

Narrator: In Texas, a family has befriended the spirit of a small boy who haunts their home.

But things take a sinister and frightening turn when a new entity appears.

Get out of my house! get out of my house!


Its arrival coincides with a spate of terrifying and painful events.

Ow! ow!

Aah! aah!

Angie's sons are att*cked in their beds at night, leaving them covered in painful scratches.

Terrified, angle reaches out to a paranormal investigator for help.

George: She told me, "I fear for the life of my kids."

The scratches, they couldn't have done it themselves.

Any time that you have scratches on your body without anybody doing, that's paranormal.

Narrator: George Acosta is a former minister who now devotes his life to helping those plagued by dark and demonic forces.

I've been investigating the paranormal for 15 years.

When I do an investigation, I go based on a spiritual view.

Evil exists like goodness exists.

We need to have faith in god, and that faith becomes courage, and then the courage will overcome the fear.

George agrees to take on Angie's case and attempt to remove the negative entity.

The child spirit is okay.

He hasn't done anything wrong.

But the male spirit, that's the one I'm concerned.

Narrator: When George and fellow investigator, Rick Castañeda arrive at the house, he's struck by a wave of negative energy.

We pulled up. George had started feeling very bad.

He said his leg started hurting him.

He felt nausea.

George: And I started having a real bad headache.

You okay, boss?

And I told rick, "whatever's in there is bad.

I can feel it. I can sense it."

I have never seen George like that, to that extent.

Narrator: Despite a deep sense of foreboding, George and rick head inside.

But angle has some troubling news.

She, too, has been att*cked by the male spirit.

She's limping.

And I asked her "what happened to you?

Then she told us she had gotten pushed.

She fell and had hurt her ankle.

That entity had done that to her.

George: She was terrified.

You could see it in her eyes.

So that's when I prayed for her.

Give us this day our daily bread.

I put holy water on her feet.

I got oil and put a cross on her.

Narrator: George and rick start the investigation by looking for signs of the male spirit.

But to their surprise, everything seems calm and quiet.

Went all the way around the house, we couldn't find nothing.

But when I get to the utility room...


...That's where I heard the growl.

'Cause I've heard growls before, and it would always lead up to something not too good.

The growl was like a type of an animal, like, (growls)


Like, "you're not wanted here."

It's showing it's aggressiveness towards George.

I said, "George, gonna have problems."

He said, "yeah, I know, rick. I know."

Narrator: Pushing aside his fear, George enters the utility room.

He turned to me, he says, "you smell that?

It smells like sulfur."

And that's how I felt that there was evilness in that place.

Not your regular spirit but evilness.

A demon was in there.

Narrator: George warns angle that the male entity is likely demonic.

He tells her to leave the house immediately and promises to return tomorrow to perform a cleansing ritual.

I felt that I had given her hope that there is a solution to her problem and that I could help her.

Narrator: But this entity isn't going to make it easy.

The next morning, George wakes up to make a painful discovery.

My two ankles were swollen like Angie’s, not just one but both of them.

(George groans)

That's not good.

I know that this situation in my legs is not normal.

Rick: George calls me. He says, "rick, my leg is k*lling me."

And I said, "George, you need to go to the doctor."

He says, "no, I know what it is."

Narrator: Suspecting it to be the work of the demon in Angie’s house, George asks a medium friend for help.

And she said, "when you went to pray for angle, whatever she had in her foot, you got it now."

Narrator: She also has some shocking news about the entities plaguing angle.

It's the father.

She tells me there's a boy entity, which is the son, and there's the male entity, which is the father.

Narrator: In Texas, paranormal investigator George Acosta has been att*cked by the very entity he's been asked to remove.

My two ankles were swollen.

That's not good.

Narrator: Now George’s medium friend has some shocking news about the spirit's past.

It's the father.

She tells me there's a boy entity, which is the son, and there's the male entity, which is the father.

Narrator: But this was no happy family.

George: The father abused the little boy, his son, to the point that he strangled him.

The father, he's the one that's mad and is causing chaos in that home.

He's evil.

Now the family is paying the price, scratching the kids, trying to abuse them, scaring the mom.

I'm dealing with a ghost that's evil, a ghost that's a m*rder*r.

Narrator: Despite the pain in his ankles, George returns to Angie’s house with rick, ready to begin one of the toughest cleanses he has ever faced.

I got my whole gear, but this time, I bring a metal pot with some spices called the three kings to give it more power.

And I start fumigating the whole place.

I start performing my cleansing in each room.

I recite the lord's prayer, use the holy water, use the olive oil, and bless the room, purify it and seal it.

He did his anointment and cleansing a couple times.

He wanted to make sure nothing would ever hurt these people again.

Narrator: George and rick cleanse the house room by room.

They leave the utility room to last.

It was very quiet till we got to that back room.

When we tried to get in there, door wouldn't open.

I'm putting a lot of holy water there.

The growl was definitely from the man that took his son's life away.

Rick: He was trying to show that he was the one in charge.

Scare tactics.

He didn't realize George wasn't gonna stand for that.

George: And I told him, "open the door."

It just opened.

We went in, and George did what he had to do.

George: I told the spirit, "go into the light or get the hell out of here.

You don't belong here."

Rick: The cleansing, it is a battle of wills.

Narrator: The demonic entity is so powerful, it is able to resist George’s cleanse.

So, and I'm starting to wonder now, "what did I get myself into?"

Narrator: George redoubles his efforts.

George: I said, "spirit, I command you to go into the light or you leave this place in the name of Jesus.

The family doesn't want you. Nobody wants you in here."

I command you in the name of Jesus -- leave this home!

It had a choice.

Either go into the light or get out of dodge.

Narrator: Eventually, George begins to get the upper hand.

And no more noises. All the banging stopped.

And there's peace. There is harmony.

And rick says, "I don't sense nothing here no more, George.

It's gone."

We noticed a change in the atmosphere in the house.

You know, it was no longer stale.

Narrator: The cleanse appears to have worked, but George is unwilling to take any risks with such a powerful entity.

I gather the family, pray for everybody.

The lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

Angie just looked at us and thanked us.

And she was very happy, very happy.

Angie was very content that her children were safe.

Rick: It makes me feel good knowing that we can help somebody.

And for those that don't believe, you got to experience it.

Narrator: Finally at peace and free of his tormentor, George believes the little boy's spirit has gone to a better place.

The little boy probably went to heaven to find freedom, to find his family.

Narrator: Unfortunately for George, not everything goes back to normal.

(George groans)

His epic battle with the demon has a lasting and painful effect.

This case has been haunting me for five years.

I'm still sick from my legs.

Whatever angle had, it attached to me.

I have to go to somebody stronger than me that can get rid of this curse.

Get out of my house! get out of my house!