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04x08 - Love Is a b*ttlefield

Posted: 07/18/16 23:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty & the Beast...

Graydal Securities is the one behind the beast bounty.

So that's where I'm going next.

Graydal is not just your everyday security firm.

They're like Blackwater on steroids. They're not gonna just let you walk in there to get a job.


I got to get on the inside, right?


I'm here to see his boss.

DHS is everywhere looking for you.

You k*lled the deputy secretary.

You want to hand yourself over to the people who are hunting you?

They got no idea I'm the beast they're looking for.

We keep getting in deeper, Vincent, it keeps getting riskier.

When does this ever end?

DHS-- they trust you, and now, when Graydal finds out that you betrayed me, then they will trust me, too.

Come on, it's fine-- we're both in.

Yeah, on opposite sides of the law.

(indistinct conversations)

I don't know how much longer I can do this.

I'm gonna call you back. Sorry, I got to go.

Everywhere I go, people are whispering behind my back.

DHS, Il Cantuccio, here-- it is driving me crazy.

It'll get better soon.

Will it? How will it get better?

I don't know actually, I didn't really have anything else planned to say after that.

And you-- I don't want to hear you say "I told you so" right now.

That's not what I was gonna say.

Well, look, you and Vincent made a decision, right?

You knew that your plan for him to infiltrate Graydal and for you to keep DHS away from him was risky, but you did it anyway. And so now you got to live with it.

Jeez. Way to calm her down, Tess.

W... There's nothing to calm down, Heather, Cat knows that. That's why you wanted to meet, right-- for us to help you?

It's been a week. I haven't heard from him.

JT hasn't found him either, and he's monitoring everything.

You're worried?

Of course I'm worried. I mean, he's undercover in a den of thieves trying to get on a mission so that he can figure out who's after a beast, with DHS after him. And I-- I don't know how close DHS is to finding him because they're shutting me out.

But wait, I thought the whole point of this charade last week was so DHS thought you were willing to betray Vincent?

Yes, it was, and it did.

But now they have brought in a new heavy hitter to take over the manhunt and I can't get her to trust me.

And that makes me feel so...

(intercom beeps)

Woman: Sorry, Captain, but A.D.A. Ellis says he just wanted to know if you're still on for drinks tonight?

Uh, yeah, yes. Thank you.


Wait, are you dating again?

Anyway. Continue, please.

I hate being away from Vincent for so long, not just because I miss him or because I can't figure out how to work the TV because he changed the remote.

Well, JT can help you with that.

Forget JT. And, you, forget about people whispering, there's nothing you can do about that anyway. You need to focus, because the sooner you can get back on the inside with DHS, the sooner you can figure out how to exonerate Vincent and get out of this mess.

And get your happily ever after back.

Yeah, what does that mean? I don't even know what that means.

Well, I don't know, don't look at me, you're the one who keeps saying it.

(sighs) Okay. Well... forget a happily ever after, I will just be happy to have Vincent back alive.


What do I have to do to prove to you that you can trust me, huh?


k*ll someone?


Nathanson-- you're up.


(low growl)


I thought you said you were over your wife betraying you.

Oh, believe me, I am.

Are you? You got to get your emotions in check before I put you out in the field, Keller. I can't risk it.

What the hell am I even doing here?

Other than ducking DHS, you mean?


Be ready. 0600 hours.

Y-You're choosing him?

I just kicked his ass. Want to try again?




And you-- get your head straight.

I don't need some jilted hothead screwing up my operations.

You trust him?

I don't know.


Woman: All right, everybody, let's clear out.

You're making a mistake.

I can't help bring Vincent in if you keep me on the sidelines.

Now is not the time, Chandler.

Graydal Securities.

You think Vincent's working for them now?


But-but why? What's he doing there?

I don't know.

Maybe it's just a safe haven, maybe something else.

Well, if they put him on a mission, that might be our best chance of catching him.

That's the hope.

I should've been in that meeting so I know what's going on. I can help.

Agent Morgan understood--

Yeah, Agent Morgan let you call the sh*ts. That's over.

You should never have been anywhere near that sting when we lost Keller.

All due respect, Agent Dylan, but you weren't there.

I tried to help reason with Vincent.

I tried to bring him in.

That wasn't the time to reason.

It was the time to take action.

You were too emotional. You weren't fit to negotiate Keller's surrender.

No, you're right.

I didn't say or do enough to bring him in.

I wasn't ready. But I am now.

Is that why you're still wearing your wedding ring?

I'm not gonna try to convince you that I don't still care about him, because I do.

Then I don't have to explain why I can't have you involved.

I need to put him in prison, not back in your bed.

I don't-I don't need him back in my bed, I just...

I want him back alive.

Vincent ran, that makes him look guilty, I get that.

But I know him-- he is gonna do anything and everything he can to prove his innocence, even if that means working with Graydal.

But the longer this goes on, the more he's risking his life.

And I will do anything and everything I can to save it.


Heather. What are you doing here?

Wait, is Cat all right?

Cat? Yeah, sure. Well, unless you count the fact that there's a massive, secret manhunt out for her husband.

It is so hard on her.

She misses Vincent terribly and, frankly, she's a wreck without him.

Yeah. I can understand that.

Really? 'Cause you miss Tess?


No. I meant...

I can understand how hard it must be for them.

Mm. You know, being separated, not being able to work together for so long.

Perfect couples don't stay perfect apart.


By the way, do you know that Tess is dating?


She is? Uh, are you sure?


Drinks with an A.D.A.

Look, I'm not meddling, I'm just saying, unless you want to stay apart from your girl permanently...

She's not my girl anymore.

At least not until I can figure out what the hell I'm doing with my life.

Well, maybe you could, like, speed it up a little bit.


Okay, fine. Leaving.

Hello. JT, it's me.

Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you.

Yeah, but you haven't been able to find me, right?

Right, no, and I've been tapping into everything I can tap into.

That's good. If you can't find me, nobody can.

No, that's bad.

How're we supposed to watch your back if we can't even see it?

Just keep trying, okay? The last thing I want is DHS taking you down with me.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

How's she doing, buddy?

Missing you.

A lot.

No more than I'm missing her.

I-I got to solve this, JT.

I got to figure out who's behind this bounty, prove I'm innocent soon, man, or I'm gonna go crazy.

You know, I can't even sleep at night without her, let alone think straight.

Yeah, I sort of know how you feel.

So where are you?

Uh, Meatpacking District, 14th near Washington.

Look, let Tess know that I need her to pick up a package from here, all right?

Package? What kind of package?

His name is Nathanson, he's a Graydal merc.

Tell her to arrest him on drunk and disorderly, hold him and then question him, see if she can find out what type of mission he was on.

I don't understand.

I don't have time to explain right now, all right?

But if I'm right, then I'll be on his mission soon.

Got it. Uh, need anything else?

Yeah, one more thing.

I need to see Catherine.

Are you sure this is safe?

I mean, obviously, I want to see Vincent more than anything, but...

It's okay, I found a way to monitor what DHS was seeing without them being able to trace it back to me.

Hopefully. There's no activity in the area, it's safe.

Yeah, but it isn't DHS just monitoring by themselves anymore, they've got every agency...

Looking for him, too, I know.

I'm not saying it's not a risk, but right now, honestly, what isn't?

He needs to see you, Cat.

He begged me to make this happen.

All right, I'm here. How long should I wait?


Never mind. Found him.

Call me if anything happens.



I missed you so much.

Oh, I missed you, too.

Are you okay? Are you all right?


Yeah, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me.

That comes with saying "I do."

(computer chirping)

Oh, no.

Where'd they come from?

Are we doing the right thing?

I think I'm making progress-- you just got to keep DHS off my tail just (phone ringing) a little bit longer.

(groans) Yeah?

They must have spotted Vincent coming to the park.


I don't know how they did it, but he's got to get out of there. You both do. Now.

(helicopter blades whirring, sirens wailing)

Okay, I love you.

I love you, too.

Go, go, go.

(sirens continue wailing)

Man: Come on, let's go! Move out!

(helicopter blades continue whirring)

♪ Beauty and the Beast 4x08 ♪
Love Is a b*ttlefield

No more surprises.

No more surprises.

Cat, you made it!

Barely. I had to dive into a ravine to make sure that my fellow agents didn't see me.

(pained groan)

Oh, God, is there poison ivy in Central Park?



I've got hydrocortisone.

No. Not enough time.

Did Vincent get away, too?

Uh, there hasn't been chatter, so, yeah, I'm assuming.

Do you know where he went?

No. Didn't he tell you?

We didn't exactly have time.

Right. Sorry. I-I didn't realize DHS was using NSA drones, too.

They really are pulling out all the stops.

But now so am I.

Okay, what is all this?

Put simply, more power.

A lot more power.

Hopefully enough to hack into NSA so I could see what they're seeing, too.

Aren't they gonna know that you're doing it?

That's what the power's for-- to route the signal through other IP addresses... so they can't trace it back to me.

Okay, maybe you shouldn't be doing this, JT.

The last thing Vincent or I want...

I know. Vincent already gave me the speech.

But, look, Vincent's in trouble, you're in trouble, and I'm single, unemployed, and looking for my greater purpose.

Maybe this is it.

(exhales softly)

Oh. Uh... uh, poison ivy.

I'm allergic.

Right. Sorry.

Okay, let me know the minute you find Vincent.

Wait, where are you going?

(sighs) To talk to Tess, see if she got any information out of that Graydal merc.

Hopefully, he can help us figure out what Vincent's mission is before DHS, otherwise we can't protect him.

You still haven't gotten inside DHS?

No. Still working on it.

Call me.

(sighs): Okay.

Uh, say hi to Tess for me.

Hope her date bombs.


(grunts loudly)

Where were you last night?

I was trying to reach you.

(panting): Yeah? Why is that?

Didn't answer my question.

I was ducking drones.

Right answer.

Homeland Security's more pissed with you than I realized.

Makes me trust you a little more.

But still, you got to be more careful if I'm gonna put you out in the field.

And fortunately, this retrieval operation's off the grid.



He got busted yesterday.

And because we have a short window here, you're in.

Good. About time.

You didn't have anything to do with what happened with him by any chance, did you?

Like you said, people got to be more careful.


This is Diane. You'll be working with her.

She'll fill you in on your covers.

She's also there to keep an eye on you, make sure you don't go rogue on us.

Because of your wife and all.

I told you, you don't have to worry about her, all right?

I'm not.

Party starts at 11:00.

Better get going.

So what's our cover?

Husband and wife.


Diane: Relax. The last place anybody'll be looking for you is here.

Yeah? Why's that?

Because half the guests are wanted for something or another-- granted, by the SEC, but trust me, there are no prying eyes, otherwise we would not be here.

Here to do what, exactly? (laughs softly)

Let's start with mingling, shall we?

Vincent: So cryptic, aren't you?

Yes, I am-- that's probably because I do not trust you, and I don't want to tell you anything until I absolutely have to.

Oh, God, hold this.


Tell me something, Vincent, do you still miss her, your little wifey?

Even after she betrayed you to the Feds?

Yes. I do.


Then why Graydal? Hm?

Is it... just to get even with her and all that?

Working on the other side of the law just to piss her off?

Is that it?

Something like that, yeah.

Mm. Okay, yeah, see, that doesn't make sense.

So there's got to be more to it than that.



What are you, my shrink... or my wife?


More importantly, you're my husband, and you'd better start acting like it, or I'll k*ll you... (chuckles) dear.

(siren wails, horn honks)

(indistinct chatter)

Hey. Is that Vincent's guy?

Did he tell you what the mission is?

Nathanson? No, he took the Fifth.

What? He can't do that.

Let me try.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Number one, you don't work here anymore, remember?

And number two, they already transferred him to DHS. He's gone.

They don't know that he's connected to Vincent, do they?

I don't know. They've been pretty tight-lipped about things lately, in case you didn't notice. And NYPD doesn't even know about the manhunt, which means I shouldn't even know, which means you shouldn't even be here.

I know, but I'm flying blind here.

I can't get into DHS, JT can't keep up with their surveillance, and Vincent is relying on me to make sure that he doesn't get caught-- how am I supposed to do that?

I don't know-- it wasn't my hair-brained idea, remember?

(phone ringing)

It's JT. He might have found something.

(horn honks in distance)

What'd you find?

Uh, I'm not sure.

I tapped into their drones, but the only thing wonky is this one-- it's being repositioned way out to Eastern Long Island.


So it's moving fast and climbing.

They think they have something, but they don't want to be spotted.


Question is, how would they even know where to look for him?


Wait, that one stopped. It's hovering.

Jt: Looks like a party of some sort.

Can you zoom in on it?

DHS already is.

Jt: That's not Vincent, is it?

Well, at least he's okay.

I'm sure she's just part of the mission.

I mean, just because she's super hot doesn't mean that...

Please, she's not even his type-- he looked like he was kissing his aunt.

Stop JT.

I am not jealous, okay?

You're not?

No. After not seeing Vincent for so long, would I rather find him under fire or on the run instead of kissing some woman?


She is the least of my problems, all right?

Tess was right-- this plan is crazy-- and if Vincent and I don't start communicating better, it's never gonna work.

Wait. Where are you going now?

To warn Vincent.

If we saw him, DHS did, too.

But how are you gonna explain how you got there to Agent Dylan?

I have no idea.

Stay tuned.

So you gonna tell me who we're looking for?

Trust me... or k*ll me.

Sylvia and Franklin Lewis.

Only the Gates Foundation donates more.

We're gonna steal their watches.

A jewelry heist? You got to be kidding me.

There's got to be an easier way...

They're surrounded by bodyguards 24/7; they rarely come out in public.

This is much more than a jewelry heist.

Their home in Great Neck is ultra high-tech-- it only allows in people it recognizes.

Their watches act as fobs, which is why we have to switch them out if we're going to get in.

Get in to do what, exactly?

(chuckles): Oh. Nice try.

Shall we?

Dylan: All right, everybody, park and gear up. No DHS jackets.

I don't want to make a scene.

SWAT, stand by on the perimeter, wait for my command.


Chandler, what are you doing here?

Why wasn't I informed? I thought you trusted me.

How did you find out about this anyway?

The same way you did, I'm assuming: that Graydal op.

Is Vincent here?

Yes, but...

If you want to get him out of here without causing a scene, or worse, alerting the press, I'm your best sh*t, and you know it.

Please, I want to help.

All right.

You're with me.
Mr. Lewis, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Pleasure's all mine, Mrs., uh...?


Linda Vanderbilt.

Vanderbilt? Are you related to...

Actually, I am. I just don't like to admit it to everybody.

Seems someone's always after me for something these days.

Lewis (laughs): Tell me about it, uh...?

Oh. Keith.



Have you visited our silent auction yet?

Um... no, we... we haven't. Where is it?

Follow me.


Good luck, honey.

Great to meet you.

Oh, no.

(indistinct chatter)

Excuse me, ladies!


(gasps) What the hell are you doing here? Are you out of your mind?

What am I doing here? I'm trying to figure out what the hell you're doing here.

Is DHS here?


Your Graydal friend ratted you out.

Great plan, by the way, sending him to Tess for information.

It worked out really well, for DHS.

Okay, well, I was trying to figure out a way to let you know where I was so you could cover for me, which, by the way, you're doing a terrible job of right now.

Terrible job? The only reason Yes. you're not in Guantanamo right now is because of me.

I am the reason that DHS isn't storming this place.

All right, all right.

Let's just calm down. We got to figure this out right now.

Figure it out?

Vincent, you have got to get out of here now.

I can't leave without my wife.

I mean... I mean Diane.

Okay, it's just... it's just for the mission.

We're undercover. That's all.

Yeah, is that what that kiss was?


Never mind. Off topic.

Come here.

What are you doing?

I'm trying to kiss you.

Just in case I never, ever get to do it again.

Stop talking like that. I am going to get you out of here.

Even if you can, Diane's gonna get suspicious, and then I'm gonna lose my only chance of getting deeper into Graydal.

On the other hand, if DHS catches you, you're gonna go to jail, and I'm not gonna get a chance to get deeper into DHS to prove your innocence.

Okay. Whose idea was this again?


All right.

We-we can't keep doing this.

I don't do so well without you.

We don't do so well without each other, Vincent. That's... the problem, both professionally and personally.

But we do have to figure this out, because, frankly, this isn't the way we're gonna get our happily ever after back.

Um, out of curiosity, is Diane the kind of person to surrender peacefully?

Uh-oh. No. No, she'll k*ll her.

Great. Okay, well, I'm gonna go save my new boss from your new wife.

It was for the mission!

(sighs) Damn it.

I know Keller's here. Where is he?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about aiding and abetting, but if you don't...


(bystanders gasping, chattering)



(bystanders shouting)

Oh. You're the wife.

We're divorcing. It's messy.


You got the watch?

Yeah, they're here.

All right, let's get the hell out of here.

We barely made it out of there. His wife showed up.

Oh, yeah. Forget to mention that I'm the one who saved you from her.

I didn't need saving.

The hell you didn't.

I knocked her out.

That's how we escaped.

You knocked her into a pool.

Why was she even there?

Because she was hunting me down. Why do you think?

I think that's a hell of a coincidence, and I don't believe in coincidences.

Okay, I think you two are starting to sound like a real married couple.

Did you get the watches?

Yes, sir. They're here.

Think the mission's compromised?

I'm not sure.


They got no idea we're after them.

By the way, why were we after them?

You ask a lot of questions.

Yeah, because I'm sick of being kept in the dark.

Look, Dawes, I understand that you don't trust me. That's fine.

But, after this, either you put me on a real mission, the kind that makes real money, or I'm out.


Where do you think you're gonna go?

You came to us 'cause DHS is after you. And you took me on because I'm valuable to you.

But if I'm just stealing watches and putting up with her, forget it. How 'bout we be straight, okay?

DHS is getting closer, which means I got to make enough to disappear and fast.

You get it?

Why is Braxton even taking the risk with him? Why bother?

He likes operatives who have a lot to lose.

Gives them an edge.

Just like you.

Keller did help me escape, so he can't be a DHS plant.

But he kisses like a married man.

Then you need to figure out if we can trust him one way or another.

(indistinct chatter)

How you feeling?

Like I've been hit by a truck.

I heard you saved my life.

It was the least I could do.

It's not your fault, Chandler.

It's your husband's.

You're not responsible for his actions.

I guess it's time I really started trusting you though.

Especially seeing as how I'm gonna be laid up for a while.

I'm gonna need you to keep pushing ahead, enough for both of us.

Intelligence ID'd the woman.

Her name's Diane Vaughn.

Wanted by Interpol on multiple m*rder charges.

She's a hit man.


Seems your husband's working for the darker side of Graydal.

Not the best way to go about trying to prove he's innocent.

No, it's not.

JT, we have to find Vincent now. Things are getting out of control.

Okay. I know. I'm on it. I'll call you when I find something.

Hey. I came as fast as I could. What's wrong?

Everything's wrong, still.

Worse, actually, if that's even possible.

Uh, sit there. You're better at social media than I am.

Yeah. So?

I programmed facial recognition software into all user-generated content on the Web.

Uh, JT...

Okay, okay. Cat said Vincent and some bimbo assassin...

Bimbo assassin?

Would you stop interrupting and listen?


They were almost caught at some Lewis charity event on Long Island, but, uh, Cat didn't know what they were trying to do.

And now Vincent's on the run, which means...


Sorry. Continue.

Which means, as usual, we're playing catch-up.

Now, I spotted them coming back on the expressway, but we need to figure out exactly where they're going before DHS does.

Got him.



Well, just at the party, anyway.

But somebody posted a photo of the Lewises.

Do you recognize anybody in the background?

Good. Uh, keep checking posts.

Anything and everything connected to the Lewises.

Because whatever mission Vincent's on, it's got to have something to do with them. I'll keep checking surveillance, drones, and... cell towers.

Vincent's lucky to have a friend like you, you know that, don't you?

Yeah, well, he deserves better than this.

It's not fair this is happening to him or to Cat.

Yeah, well, who knows, maybe after we get Vincent and Cat back together again, we can start working on you and Tess...


Okay, fine. Sorry.

All I'm saying is snooze, you lose.


Female voice: Auto check complete. House is secure.

Welcome home, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis.

It's kind of creepy, huh?

Safe's over there behind the art piece.

Right. Let's get this over with then.

I don't suppose you're gonna tell me what's in this thing, what we're looking for.

All I know is it's a flash drive.

All I care is I get paid.

Well, glad we finally agree on something.


Open it.

Got it.

All right, let's get out of here.

What are you waiting for?

Freeze! Don't move.

That's what we're waiting for.

A silent alarm. Where?

Checking. 5 Gatsby Drive in Great Neck.

5 Gatsby Drive. That's the Lewises' home.

The Lewises? What, are they robbing the place?

It's got to be more than that.

Okay. Are you sure that it's Vincent?

A friend just posted that the Lewises aren't supposed to be back until Sunday.

And another has a photo of Mr. Lewis still at the beach club.

That and the surveillance camera out front just went inop.

Does DHS know?

Not yet.

(engine revving)



All right. You want to tell me why you set the alarm off?

'Cause I needed to test your loyalties, see if we can really trust you or not.

And how does this prove that?

It proves it if you k*ll him.

If you don't, I k*ll you.


Alright, this is crazy.

We got what we wanted.

Let's just get out of here.

We can't leave any witnesses, can we?

He saw us.

I won't say anything, I...

Shut up.

You're a little sick, aren't you?

No, I'm loyal. Are you?

I'm no k*ller.

Mmm. Tell that to the agent you k*lled.

That was self-defense.

Then why didn't you turn yourself in?

You know, there's something that doesn't add up about you.

I can't put my finger on it, but there are a lot of questions, and, the way I see it, there's only one way to answer them.

(groans, coughs)

All right.

Get up.

No, no, no. Wait, wait, I said get up! wait, wait, no. (grunts)

(choking, grunting)

Now can we go?

Back up.

Back up!


Well, looks like I was wrong about you.

(elevator bell dings)

Go check that out.

There might be someone else.

Go on, I'll get rid of him.

Come on, go.

Come on. Hurry.

(groans softly)

(electrical whoosh)

One more time.



(grunting, kicking)


(electrical whoosh, Vincent panting)

(rhythmic grunting)

(grunting, glass breaking)





(loud grunting)

Come on, damn it. Come on.

(both grunting)

(yelling, thudding)




It's okay. It's all right. It's all right. I'm here, I'm here. Just breathe. Just breathe. It's okay. It's okay. I'm gonna help you. Just breathe. Just breathe. Just relax. Just relax...

Hey, call 911, all right?

I think they're already on their way, along with DHS.

Just take it easy, okay?

Hey. You okay?

Am I okay? Are you kidding me, Vincent?

I nearly got k*lled by La Femme Nikita out there, and you're in here doing God knows what.

What are you doing?

I-I had to k*ll him.

It's a long story, okay, but I-I... I got to go. Please...

No, no, no, you don't.

Honey, if I don't leave now, then...


You are not leaving until we get a few things straight first.

(sirens blaring)

We can not keep going on like this.

Yes, okay.

No. I am used to crazy, but this is bananas.

I know. Yes.

We have got to communicate with each other better because I can't keep chasing you around the state covering your ass without knowing what the hell is going on!

(sirens blaring)

Honey, I hear you, and you're 100% right, we absolutely have to communicate better, but if I don't leave right now, and I get caught, there's gonna be nothing to communicate. That makes sense.

Right? I love you. Got to go.

Okay, wait.

I'll cover for you. Go, blur.

Okay. I love you.




(elevator bell dings)

Come in.

Shouldn't you still be at the hospital?


There's a lot going on, obviously.

Ah, you've been apprised.

Yes, I have.

Boy, when I tell you to push on without me, you don't mess around, do you?


Well, you jumped on your leads, somehow found Keller, took down an Interpol assassin, and saved a security guard.

Well, my husband saved the guard.

Yeah, I know. That's what the guard said, too.

He also said that your husband saved him after he tried to k*ll him.

Any idea what that's all about?

I don't know.

But the important thing is, he saved his life, right?


Still, it's a curious damn thing to do.

Risking getting caught to save somebody else.

Look, just so we're clear, I don't care if your husband's innocent or not.

I only care about bringing him in, do you understand?

I understand, and I would have if that Interpol assassin hadn't gotten in my way.

He must have just slipped out.

Yeah, I know.

Seeing as how you seem to have a knack for tracking him down, I'm gonna make you the point person on the investigation.

You okay with that?

Um... uh, yes.

Yeah, of course, thank you.

I won't let you down.

Well, you better not, or I'll take you down along with your husband.

(door opening)

Shut the door.

(door closes)

So what the hell happened?

I don't know.

We got in, we got into the safe, then some guard shows up out of nowhere.

Hmm. Guess it must've been a silent alarm or something, huh?

What happened to Vaughn?

Well... I guess she met her match.

God rest her soul.

(glass breaking)

You listen to me, Keller.

Don't you get glib with me.

I just lost one of my best operatives today, and I want to know how the hell that happened.

Like I said, I don't know.

All right, the guard showed, the cops came, all hell broke loose.

Besides, the mission wasn't to get away with her, was it?

The mission was to get away with... this.

Which I did, despite not being trusted around here.

Look, I'll be back for my take tomorrow.

But if you don't have something better for me next time, consider this my final mission.

(door closes)

(siren blaring)

(door bells tinkle)

♪ Ah, ah ♪
♪ Ah-ah-ah, ah, ah-ah, ah ♪
♪ Ah-ah-ah, ah, ah-ah, ah... ♪

Tess? Hey!

Hey. Uh, what are you... what are you doing here?

In case you forgot, I come here a lot, you know.

No, I know, I know, I just didn't think you would, um...

Why are you so dressed up?

Me? Dressed up?

Yeah, you don't do leather, unless...

You liar, you knew I'd be here, didn't you?

What, did you call my office?

No, don't be ridiculous.

Okay, maybe.


Look, I know.

I'm sorry, but everything that's been going on with Cat and Vincent, there hasn't been time.

Time for what?

Okay. Um... look, can we talk about this another...?

It's just... I know we're not together anymore, and I probably don't have any right to say this, but...

I really don't want you to start dating, okay?

Oh, wow.

I mean, I'm still trying to find myself, I know, but... I'm getting closer, and... I still think we have a chance if...


Right. Right.

Such an idiot.

No. JT, listen to me.


It's okay. It's... my bad.

I'm... sorry. Sorry. So sorry.

No, JT, wait. Don't...

(door bells tinkle)

Vincent: It doesn't matter where we are, right, as long as we're together.

No, it does matter where we are.

I want to be home in our own bed.

I know, I know. So do I.

Okay, but this is better than nothing, and nothing's about all we had lately.





We have to talk about this.

No, no, no.


Come on, later, later.

No, mm, now. Now!




All right.


Okay, what'll we do about this?

I can't help thinking that we're making the biggest mistake of our lives trying to solve everything like this.

Come on, we've been through this.

We didn't have a choice, right?

Apart from me turning myself in.

But it's even too late for that now.

I know.

But we can't do this for much longer.

This is the riskiest thing that we've ever done.

And I can't keep playing catch-up with you, trying to protect you.

I know, and I don't want you to.

I don't, but it's like, you know, like what you said when we came up with this plan.

Okay, like what I said.

We got to figure out a way of being together even when we... when we can't be.


Yes, I promise. Mmm.

We have to check in with each other on a regular basis in person.

Yes. Agreed. Mmm.

Oh, and, and we have to communicate, even if we can't see each other.

Yeah, of course. Absolutely.

Also, wait. You have to teach me how to use the universal remote, 'cause I can't work the TV.

No, that-that is, uh... I'm drawing the line with the remote.

I mean, come on, you're gonna screw up my whole system.


That's a complete deal breaker, I'm sorry.

Okay, fine. Not the remote, But, everything else...

Oh, yes, everything else.

And this.

Definitely more of that.
