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01x01 - The Axman Cometh

Posted: 07/22/16 16:21
by bunniefuu
Narrator: America's top ghost hunters relive their most extreme assignments.

(Woman screams)

This house is beyond haunted.

Hardened veterans of the paranormal, these are the cases that truly tested them.

There was an evil presence in that house.

Narrator: In Michigan, a family's tragedy and its aftermath ended up being too much for one investigator.

You know, I just was taken over.

Narrator: In Iowa, a father-daughter team comes face to face with a ghost of an ax m*rder*r.

It wasn't even a minute, and things started happening.

Man: Are you shaking that? can you make it stop?

Narrator: And in Massachusetts, the spirit of an old sea captain grapples with a lead investigator.

You know something's about to happen that's not good.

Narrator: An ordinary house in a quiet city in central Michigan, it's been home to Agnes broker for 20 years.

She has raised her children and her grandchildren here.

But recently, Agnes is being tormented by a threatening activity in her once-peaceful home.

It starts with the sound of footsteps when no one else is home...

(Tapping, whispering)

Unexplained voices...

Shadows that seem to have a mind of their own.


<i>Man on TV: We, as a village, are only asking for a few...</i>

Narrator: Then, one night...

An unseen force starts hurling eggs at Agnes.

Confused and terrified, she calls a paranormal investigation group for help.

Karlo Zuzic is part of the Ohio researchers of banded spirits.

Growing up in a haunted house ignited a burning passion for the paranormal.

First paranormal experience was when I was sitting in my room.

I was about 8 years old.

You know, I would see these things walk around the house.

I was terrified by everything that was happening.

Narrator: Karlo is now a veteran of 300-plus investigations.

Karlo: We're a paranormal investigator.

We come in to help the client.

We try to get a resolution.

We validate what they're experiencing.

And this is why I love doing this.

You know, it's helping people.

Narrator: Experience has taught Karlo never to go into a haunting unprepared.

So he first looks into the history of the house and its occupants.

Karlo: You can't just jump into something.

And before we would enter a property, I get to know the family, we go through a questionnaire.

I ask 40 questions.

So when I walk on that property, I know what's happening there.

Narrator: He unearths a dark family secret, one that's been hidden away for nearly 20 years.

Agnes had tragically lost her only son when he took his life in 1990.

Gary was, um, the son.

He actually fell into depression.

He got very, very sick.

While the family was out, he actually took a g*n and shot himself in the head.


You know, that's very traumatic.

Narrator: The timing of the activity plaguing Agnes is no coincidence.

Karlo: It was Gary’s anniversary of his death.

And a lot of this activity started to act up at that time.

They were scared because, you know, if it could throw eggs, what else can it do?

You know, it could hurt you and --

At one point to where, you know, your life could be in danger.

Agnes: Please come in.

Narrator: Armed with his research, Karlo feels ready to tackle whatever malevolent force is tormenting Agnes.

Karlo: My first impression when I arrived to the house, I had this weird feeling, like, this ill feeling, just because I knew what was happening there.

But then I also had to watch out for the team.

You know, upon our arrival, we want to make sure that nothing was gonna happen to them because, if this could throw eggs, what else could it do to you?

Narrator: Karlo may have already made his first mistake by inviting team member Amy Cobb, who is still mentally vulnerable after a recent bereavement.

Amy: I had just lost a brother.

It was 2 weeks prior to this investigation.

And I still went to the investigation because I felt the need to be there for these people even though I was struggling with my own emotions.

Karlo: I questioned her about doing this investigation.

And I think she wanted to go more because she wanted just to do somethin' different and get her mind off of it.

I was in a vulnerable state.

Narrator: The team split up.

Amy stays downstairs while Karlo and his colleague, Chris, cautiously head to where Gary ended his life, his bedroom.

When we go on investigations, we go into high alert because you don't know what you're getting involved in.

We always look over each other.

You know, we watch out for each other because, if it gets out of control, if anything happens to one of us, then it's our issue.

I remember, when we were walking past Gary’s room...

Felt heavy.

It had this heavy feeling.

You knew there was death in there.

Any time there's a traumatic death like that, it stays there.

When we walked in, everything was the same.

His bed was still there.

When the family holds on and keeps it the same way, it could draw that spirit back.

(Bell rings)


Narrator: Karlo is struck by a painful surge of energy.

Karlo: This cold feeling, like, half my body was just frozen.

I mean, it's almost like you were just in a freezer.

You know, that was trying to take control.

Could there be a possession happening?

Because a spirit sees that little opening, you know, they could cause harm to you.

So walking into that, you feel that cold.

You know there's a presence right there at that spot.

I was scared because I don't know what's gonna happen.

Narrator: When the pain subsides, Karlo decides it's time to get some hard evidence.

Karlo: All the equipment that we bring --

We set up a DVR system at the hot spots, which is a stationary camera.

Just to kind of keep an eye on the location.

I brought k-ii meters.

The k-ii meter is an EMF detector.

It actually picks up energy.

Electricians use it to find hot wires.

We use it to find spirits.

Digital voice recorders.

They're for EVPS, which stands for electronic voice phenomena.

What we'll do is we'll go through a series of questions, and we may not hear 'em at the time, but when we go home and replay that, our digital voice recorders will actually pick up the spirit voices.

What do you want with these people?

We start off doing an EVP session.

And it started off to be a little quiet in there.

We didn't really experience much except for that heavy feeling.

So we figured we'd move on.

So as we got up, we were walking out.

I always say something when I leave a room.

I'll either say, "bye, whoever you are,"

Or, "good-bye," just to see if I get a response.

<i>Chris: Throw some eggs at us. I don't really like eggs.

Karlo: See you, whatever your name is.


I thought I just heard something.</i>

It sounded like a male's voice.

And it sounded like it said, "Gary."

You don't always hear a spirit when you're on investigations.

It's rare. But to hear that and to actually hear it respond, the hair on my arms stood up.

So I decided to go back and play back the recorder.

And sure enough, I captured an EVP that says "Gary."

<i>...Name is.</i>

You know, now it's responding to you, you kind of have to be on guard because you hear that voice.

You just want to make sure that you're still safe.

Narrator: Taking a chance, Karlo tries to provoke another response.

Karlo: We wanted to read the bible just to see if anything would happen because we wanted to get a reaction.

Our father...

It's almost like a trigger object.

So I'm like, "you know what? we'll see what happens."

Thy kingdom come.

That will be done on earth that's...

Started reading the bible.

And next thing you know, we hear somebody run across upstairs.

I mean, literally, you could hear footsteps just go across.


The moment you walked in, in that location, there was chills.

I mean, it covered us.

I mean, it was this energy presence there.


Narrator: In Lansing, Michigan, terrifying events are unfolding.

On the anniversary of a su1c1de, a ghost has returned, intent on vengeance.

A painful run-in with the ghost has already left veteran investigator Karlo Zuzic shaken.

You know, they could cause harm to you.

I was scared because I don't know what's gonna happen.

Narrator: Now, after hearing footsteps in the attic, Karlo is about to confront the spirit.

As we open the door...

We went in.

To my left was this dark mass...

Just almost floating.

And then it dissipated.

We asked, "who is there?" and we actually got a recording.

<i>Chris: So who's up here?

It sounded like a kid running back and forth up here.</i>

Was it Gary?

Was it a darker force that was in the home?

Kind of gettin' the chills now I'm talkin' about it.

Narrator: At that point, Karlo has a shocking realization.

I believe there was two different spirits at this location. It wasn't just Gary.

We knew there was something in that location.

I believe the darker presence in there was a negative presence.

It could be a demonic.

Or it could be a negative human.

With Gary’s spirit being there, could this darker presence still be harming him in the afterlife or haunting him in the afterlife?


(Amy screams)

<i>Man: Karlo, you better get down here now.</i>

As we were in the living room, doing our investigation...

Oh, my god. I feel something.

We were trying to, um, bring about the spirits, calling, you know, "Gary, are you here?

Are there any other spirits here?"

Oh, I got chills throughout my whole body.

And I reached out.

And I said, "Gary, can you touch me?"

And at that time, I felt cold air.

Narrator: But this spirit wants to do more than just touch Amy.

All of a sudden, I became overwhelmed with some kind of emotion of I -- I don't know what's wrong with me.

I don't know what's happening.


It's dark. It's black.

It's -- it's evil. It's not a nice thing.

Uh, I felt like I --

Like something took over my body.

Narrator: The possession of Amy confirms Karlo’s worst fears.

There's another entity here besides Gary, and it's likely demonic.

Karlo: We always warn our members, when you go into an investigation, you got to be strong because a spirit sees that little opening, they could enter you.

At that point, we had to pull her out of that situation.

Demonics are known to take control.

They break you down to a point where you will k*ll yourself.

Amy: That experience, for me, was very terrifying.

I was terrified.

Narrator: Karlo is worried.

If the demon is behind Gary’s tragic su1c1de...


It means Amy is in grave danger.

I was terrified because I had no control over me.

I wasn't me.

Karlo: This is the first time ever, out of all of our investigations, I actually witnessed something like that.

Then everybody starts praying.

And I'm kind of coming to, but I'm not.

Then, all of a sudden, I just -- I felt it release.

But my mind was messed up.

I was terrified.

And I was messed up for a few days after that.

Yeah. It was very scary.

I've never experienced anything like that.

Agnes: Sadness.

Could I have been lost to that spirit?

I think I could have, yes.

I thank god I'm not. I thank god I'm here today.

Karlo: After this experience, everybody left the location.

They wanted to take a break from it.

And Chris and I decided to stay behind.

We knew we had to do a cleansing, a blessing, and hopefully move this out of there.

We do a native American cleansing.

And Chris and I will follow with our roman catholic blessing.

And we will actually banish the spirits from the location.

We go floor to floor, room to room.

We do the cross with holy water above any opening at that location.

We'll do the land blessing, also, just to move the spirits forward.

Amy: Ever since that experience where I felt possessed, I will not ask another spirit to touch me.

I will never do that again.

Karlo: My conclusion with the haunting in this home, I believe -- I think there was two spirits there.

And I believe that that darker force may have had something to do with Gary’s death.

Narrator: Still to come, when a ghost targets a 6-year-old, investigator Jack Kenna bites off more than he can handle.
Woman: Jack!

But first, a father-daughter team come face to face with a spirit of an insane ax m*rder*r.

Villisca, a small town in the heart of Iowa farm country.

With fewer than 2,000 inhabitants, it's an unremarkable place except for one thing.

On June 10, 1912, it was the scene of one of America’s most gruesome mass murders.

(Door creaks)

Josiah and Sarah Moore were hacked to death with an ax in their bed.

The k*ller then m*rder*d their four children...

Followed by the daughters of their neighbors, Ina and Lena Stillinger.

(Thunder crashes)

Over 100 years later, the grisly crimes remain unsolved.

The home is now a museum to their deaths.

And many witnesses claim that spirits haunt it.

There's been activity from apparitions sighted, disembodied voices, touching, tugging.

Being poked or, I believe, scratched, pushed, hearing whispering and knocking and footsteps, all sorts of activity.

Narrator: The museum owners call in father-daughter paranormal team Alan and Anna Tolf to investigate the activity.

A police officer for over 10 years before becoming a paranormal researcher, Alan believes he can tap into the spirit world to solve the crime once and for all.

I hope to capture a piece of evidence that would substantiate the man responsible for murdering the Moore family.

Narrator: There's only one serious, if unlikely, suspect, a travelling minister in town to preach at a local church.

Anna: Reverend George Kelly was arrested and tried.

And then the Stillinger girls' father actually gave a character witness to reverend Kelly.

And he was acquitted because of that.

Alan: After reverend Kelly was acquitted, no one else was charged with the murders.

Narrator: Setting out to capture evidence of reverend Kelly’s spirit, Anna and Alan begin their investigation.

Anna: Pulling up, initially, we really didn't know what to expect, but we were anticipating maybe it would be dark.

We immediately pulled some cameras out and started taking pictures.

I don't always immediately start looking back on the photographs and just felt a little uneasy.

It was a series of maybe, five, six, or seven photographs of the site of the home, all from the same angle.

In the back window, you could see a curtain drawn back.

Narrator: At the scene of a century-old unsolved ax m*rder, ghost hunters Alan and Anna Tolf are trying to nail the identity of the k*ller.

We immediately pulled some cameras out and started takin' pictures.

Narrator: But before they can even enter the house, the strength of the paranormal activity is alarming.

I don't always immediately start looking back on the photographs.

In the back window, you could see a curtain drawn back.

And I zoomed in.

And you could tell that it was Ina Stillinger, the younger Stillinger sister.

Narrator: Alan captures some alarming evidence of his own.

I started to take photographs.

At first, comes in like little white streaks.

And then, in the next couple pictures, you see this other entity forming.

And you see this full apparition.

You could see the outline of a shoulder.

And you can tell by the stature it's of a man.

And you see the complete outline --

Shoulders, head.

You see the facial outline and then a brimmed hat.

We both immediately knew it was reverend Kelly.

It's almost like he wanted to show himself to us, almost in a threatening way, to prevent us from continuing to investigate.

Alan: When we went into the home, it was very dark and just --

It's a sad place.

Anna: Just walkin' in, a lot of different emotions, extremely overwhelmed, um...

Sadness, anger, frustration.

Um, I immediately felt a lot of emotions being projected on me, which was overwhelming at first.

Alan: Ann and I decided to go up, uh, investigate in the children's room.


We began conducting a spirit box session.

A spirit box is an am/fm radio, basically, that's been modified to sweep through the radio frequencies at various variable rates of speed.

So the idea is that, uh, potentially a spirit manipulating the sound.

About 20 minutes into this spirit box session, it turned dark.

Deep-toned, raspy voices were coming through, made us extremely uncomfortable.

Things like, "get out," vulgar things, cursing at us, threatening us.

I felt sick to my stomach.

I was just getting just the worst headache.

And my vision started to get blurry.

He was with us. Reverend Kelly was with us.

Pretty quick, uh, shut the spirit box off.

When you can't see something, and it has the ability to make you feel physically ill, it's absolutely frightening.

We're working on adjusting the last camera.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blur of a little brown shaggy-haired boy with a plaid shirt.

It was very quick.

Narrator: The little boy is not what he seems.

(Electricity crackling)

I had the, uh...

The most powerful electric static shock.

Are you okay, dad? yeah.

And so we switched positions, and immediately, I got the shock.

(Electricity crackles)

It was -- it was evil.

It went completely evil.

When we begin to experience activity at that level, we, uh, decided it was best to get out of the house.

Narrator: Scared and hurting, the Tolfs need time to recover from their attack.

But pushing aside their fear, Alan and Anna resolve to go back inside.

They head to the upper bedroom, where the k*ller began the bloodbath.

Alan: As we entered the attic, I heard a female moan.

Anna: This is still, to this day, one of our best EVPS we've ever captured.

It was just, like, the deepest sense of sorrow.

I mean, you feel fear and sadness.

<i>Alan: What's going on?</i>

I believe that -- that it was Mrs. Moore.

<i>Sarah: Mother of god.</i>

And that might've been her last words and her --

Maybe her last breath.

Narrator: Feeling threatened, Alan and Anna reach for some divine protection.

Alan: I had a set of rosary beads with me and hung them on a set of box springs.

When I turned to look, the rosary beads were swinging back and forth.

And I swung my camera around and videotaped the whole event.

All right. Make it swing.

Can you make it go around in a circle?

The rosary beads swung for the entire time I was in the attic.

And it said to me that what was in the attic was not comfortable with those beads --

The rosary beads being there.

I exited the attic. And I said, "slam the door if you want."

And it said, "not now."

The voice was very dark.

And I believe it was reverend Kelly.

Narrator: Alan and Anna have one final chance to provoke the k*ller's spirit.

But they'll need to summon every last drop of courage they have left.

Anna and I had discussed that it would be a good idea to lay where the Moores were, that it potentially might trigger some sort of paranormal activity.

So we did.

Narrator: With their hearts beating out of their chests, this is the moment of truth.

It wasn't even a minute, and things started happening.

Narrator: In a terrifying assignment, father-daughter paranormal team Alan and Anna Tolf are lying at the crime scene of one of America’s most horrific mass murders.

Fighting their fear, they know that this is their last chance to provoke a showdown with the ghost of the k*ller.

Alan: We began to hear creaking coming from the attic area.

We laid still. We didn't move.

We could hear muffled speaking at that point.

It was a frightening experience.

And I felt very vulnerable laying in the bed as Mr. Moore was.

Anna: There's actually a train near the home that runs by quite frequently.

And it was speculated that the m*rder*r waited until the train went by to cover the sounds.

(Train whistle blows)

We actually were laying there, and the train went by.

And it was only a few minutes after.

And so that was --

I mean, immediately, when I heard the train going by, I got chills all over my body.

There was commotion in the house.

We started hearing sounds coming from the downstairs bedroom where the Stillinger sisters were.

I felt extremely, um, sick to my stomach, physically ill.

And it was -- it was just scary laying there.

I'll tell you that.

It was difficult to lay there.

Anna: And then things started to dissipate.

We stopped and went downstairs.

We really don't know all the answers.

Reverend Kelly may be drawn to the home.

He may be trapped there.

He may be stuck there.

It may be his hell.

(Thunder rumbling)

Anna: And I think that's why the family's still in the home because justice wasn't served for them.

I personally feel that it was reverend Kelly who committed those murders.

Narrator: Alan and Anna’s findings validate the stories of paranormal.

And to this day, witnesses continue to see apparitions in the Villisca house.

Paranormal investigators protect those who are being haunted.

But when the ghost hunters become the hunted, all bets are off as they are plunged into unrelenting fear.

Located on the northern tip of Boston harbor, the Deane Winthrop house is America’s oldest continually lived-in family home.

The house was built by captain William pierce, ship's captain in the 1600s.

He actually, at one point, even was captain of the<i> mayflower</i>

After the<i> mayflower's</i> original, uh, voyage.

Narrator: After captain pierce dies, the house is bought by Deane Winthrop, and for over 300 years, residents have been plagued by mysterious and terrifying events.

Even during the later years of the Winthrop family that lived there, it was reported they heard footsteps and voices in the home, feelings of being watched, just a presence within the home.


So it's been going on for a long long time.

Narrator: Time after time, tenants flee the house in fear, petrified by hauntings and paranormal activity.

Desperate to do something, the owners call Jack Kenna, one of the most experienced ghost hunters in New England.

We are the very first and only paranormal team to ever investigate the Deane Winthrop house.

And that was really an honor, I mean, to be able to --

To do that.

Narrator: The investigation will be one of jack's scariest.

And it begins with a disturbing story from a tenant and her daughter.

Jack: This little girl was about 6, 7 years old.

Every night, she would go to her mother and ask to go to bed, like, around 7:30, 8:00.

Then, her mother started wondering why.

So one night, her mother went up the stairs just to listen in the door, see maybe what was going on.

And she heard her daughter having a conversation, although she couldn't hear the other person she was talking to.

I was talking to captain pierce.

So she asked her daughter, "who were you talking to?"

Narrator: The girl's answer chilled her mother to the bone.

Jack: She goes, "oh, I was talking to the old ship's captain.

(Bell rings)

He comes in my room every night.

He sits on my dresser, and he tells me stories about his travels around the world and his adventures out on the sea."

And the room this little girl was staying in was considered to be the original bedroom, master bedroom for captain William pierce.

Her mother wasn't sure what to make of that.

She didn't know if her daughter was just making it up.

But it was so detailed that she thought maybe there's something else going on.

Narrator: Why is the ghost of a long-dead seafarer befriending an innocent child?

Suspicious of its motives, jack and his team are determined to get an answer.

When we, you know, got to the house, you know, we didn't know what to expect.

But you still have to approach it with caution and just make sure that you're not jumping into something or doing something that you shouldn't be.

Jack: When we first go into the home, we set up all of our equipment.

We have DVR cameras, everything else.

We set those up in certain locations that were with reported activity.

We had one camera set up in the captain's room upstairs, one in the attic, and we had two down in the basement.

Jack: My first impression, just picked up a sense of something that was there with us.

You know, something is around.

First location that I investigated, I was in the parlor area, which is a historical room.

(Breathing heavily)

I started feeling something heavy, very heavy, very --

Didn't want me to be there.

You know something's about to happen that's not good.

Narrator: For over 300 years, apparitions have terrorized those living in a historic house near Boston, Massachusetts.

For the very first time, the owners have asked a paranormal team to investigate.

But as soon as Jack Kenna enters the house, he falls under attack.

You get a heaviness feeling. Like, it's hard to breathe, almost like you're trying to breath underwater, and that I shouldn't go any further and, like -- like, the presence telling me I shouldn't be there.

Once I feel something like that, my next step is try to figure out what maybe is causing it.

Narrator: Sensing the presence gathering force, jack calls the team together.

Beck was sitting in a chair against the wall.

She said she was feeling really cold.

And extreme cold can be a sign of spirit activity.

At that point, I started talking some pictures.

My goodness!

And in three of those photos is this white misty appearance of something over the top of beck sitting in this chair.

In the second frame, it seems to be standing up.

And in the last, third frame, it seems to be moving into the other room.

Then looking at what we captured in those pictures that back up what she was feeling.

Narrator: Former residents have felt threatening noises and shadows in the dank basement.

Jack heads under the house alone to investigate.

It's a decision he'll soon regret.

It is a little bit of a creepy basement.

But when I entered the basement, I did get a heavy feeling down there, like a strong presence or a heaviness.

Behind me, I started hearing shuffling noises.

What just made that noise?

Narrator: For jack, things are about to get worse.

You hear this child's voice say, "right here."

<i>Cold -- where the hell's that coming from?</i>

So who is it? you know, is it a spirit?

Is it something else? but we couldn't find the source.

I would say, at the time, um, you know, when those three things were happening --

I was gettin' the chills through my body, I was also getting that heaviness feeling, uh, still the --

That impression that I should leave that basement.

But as an investigator, I suppress those feelings.

That doesn't mean it's not freaking me out a little bit.

But being the investigators we are, I did --

I started checking for EMF, electromagnetic frequency.

There really was a whole heaviness in that whole location.

I suddenly hit, like, a wall.

And I wasn't sure what was causing that.

Like, there was something negative there.

Or something didn't want me to go any further.

Narrator: While investigating hauntings in a 400-year-old house, Jack Kenna is faced with an evil force in the basement.

Like there was something negative there.

I was gettin' the chills through my body.

Narrator: The investigation is rapidly turning into one of the most intense jack has ever faced.

And more is to come.

There's this woman's voice.

You hear this woman's voice saying, "hello, jack."

<i>I was actually still cold when we came down.

So you'll have to change that out.

Just wanted to let you know.</i>

So it said my name.

So, the initial reaction is you jump a little bit, you turn around, and you look.

And you turn on your flashlight to see what just happened.

You know, it's a little freaky.

Just not sure how to take it.

Upstairs, jack's team is confronting alarming paranormal activity of their own.

Sharon: We were starting the EVP session.

And we were asking, "is anyone here?"

And we also specifically asked, yeah, "is captain pierce here with us?

Did you live here? was this your house?"

When the k-ii started lighting up, we were pretty sure we were talking to captain pierce.

But then, at one point, beck heard this moan.

It was just, like, a moan or a groan.

It sounds like a male voice.

Sharon: I didn't know what was goin' on.

So that's when we brought jack up.

And we start having conversation.

I start talking to whoever this is.

The last time I was talkin' to you here, I'd mentioned that there were some people maybe would've called you a pirate.

Does that bother you?

Yeah. I don't think you were a pirate.

You were a privateer.

Sharon: Got something in this corner here.

Narrator: Then jack makes the most serious mistake of his career.

Jack: What happened was I asked a question, right.

I asked it to show me how to communicate with it.

Use my energy to do it, whatever you need to do, basically.

Yeah. Boy, it's cold right here.

I wish I could feel it.

Next thing I know, I start shaking.

You see me physically start to shake.

Are you trying to --

Are you trying to communicate to me?

Is somebody in the corner here?

Sharon: So something was tryin' to take over jack or use him.

And I could see him shaking. He was visibly shaking.

And it was almost like a -- I had the -- a fever.

Sharon: Can't really explain it.

Could it have been the captain? absolutely.


I tried to just do what I was taught to do in a situation like that

'Cause I could start to feel thoughts that weren't mine. Jack! jack!

Which it was trying to do exactly what I asked, to communicate with me. Jack! jack!

I knew something was happening that I had never experienced before.

I'm just shaking. And I can't control it.

And you feel things that aren't your own thoughts.

You have thoughts that aren't your own thoughts.

It's like something's trying to get into your head.

It is frightening.


I don't know what it was gonna do once it got control of him.

It was weird. You know, if that's --

'Cause, you know, I'm just watching from the outside.

So you have no idea what he's actually feeling was going on.

Jack: So what I did was envision this bright light surrounding you, pushing any spirit energy or negative energy away.

You okay?

Sharon: I said, "are you all right?"

And he's like, "yeah." He's like, "I think something just tried to enter my body."

Jack: I just felt drained, totally drained, like, tired, exhausted, like, just wiped out.

So we kind of wrapped up our investigation.

You know, we went through all the data.

What we were able to determine, what we believe is there is that the house does have several spirits in it, one of which we do believe is captain William pierce.

And that's all based on the evidence that we collected, the EVPS, the communication through the K-IIS, the experiences we had.

Sharon: There are spirits at the house.

Jack invited that in.

It was a mistake that he made that he has since learned from.

Narrator: So the next time jack faces up to a ghost, he may play things differently.

Jack: What I learned from this investigation, how it impacts how I investigate now --

Be very careful of what you say.

I'm very careful now of how I phrase things to a spirit that I'm trying to communicate with.