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04x10 - In Plain Sight

Posted: 07/27/16 12:18
by bunniefuu
[gentle, soothing music plays]

♪ ♪

[music becomes menacing]

[girl cries]




Let go!

Get in the car!

Let go!

[Chloe crying]





[tires squealing]

Somebody help!




Well, Max, hey, buddy, if they're not here soon, you're coming to work with me.

Oh, yeah, you are. Oh, yeah.

They don't pay you much...


Are you serious?

You drive like that with dogs in there?

Sorry, sorry!

Traffic was a nightmare.

Oh. Yeah.

Hi, buddy.

Oh, you must be Maximus, huh?

Yeah, this is him.

Bet you're dying for a walk.

I didn't mean to keep you waiting.

No, no, hey, that's cool.

It's rush hour right now.

Oh, I was talking to the dog.



No, no, no, you don't have to be sorry.

See, now I have this compelling urge to make it up to you, so I have to.

Can I buy you a beer sometime?

That's so sweet of you.

I'm, uh, Cam.


Nice to meet you.

How about Friday?


Is this the owner?

No, he's outside.

Found the body when he showed up this morning.

He's never seen her before.

Yeah, so for now, Jane Doe.

Yeah, we have no I.D., no cell phone, no sign of forced entry.

Who has access to the alarm codes?

All the tradespeople.

Is, uh, Stoker going to be joining us?


He's interviewing an Interpol liaison, if you must know.

Oh, so Stoker's still around?

Let's hope he's fitting in.

Like a glove.

Nail g*n, huh?


Yeah, one to the shoulder, one to the leg that disabled her.

The two to the chest are what k*lled her.

There's a bottle of wine with two glasses in the master ensuite.

So, she was expecting someone.

[pills rattling]

Mom... let me help you with that.

I am not an invalid, Jess.

Nobody said you were, okay?

Look, I just don't want you over-exerting yourself.


Look, if my liver doesn't k*ll me, those meds will.

Are you sure you have everything?

Yes. Just get going, sweetheart.

I just feel like I should maybe wait for Chloe?


You've waited so long for this.



Okay. Have a good weekend.


I love you, sweetheart.

Staff Sergeant Vega, have you got a minute?

Sergeant Saunders.

For Internal, I literally can't say no.

Is this about Tim Kelly?

Well, it's not often that a police officer argues against the use of an eye-witness.

Well, I will admit that I had a special interest.

Understandable, given your personal relationship with Dr. Rogers.

I see, so you've talked to Chief Wells.

I did, and then I talked to the prosecutor, who told me you met with her.

Yeah, just to express my concerns.

I guess she agreed to it.


And then she scratched him from her witness list.

Did you talk to George Darrow?

The witness?

No, I did not.

[chuckles mirthlessly]

Okay, well, thank you for your time.

That's all?

Yeah, for now.


You did some plumbing work at the Myhrstad property?


A kitchen, three bathrooms.

I'd like to show you a photograph.

Oh, my God.

That's my girlfriend.

Chloe Wilson.

What-what happened?

That's what we're hoping you can help us figure out.

How long were the two of you together?

Three months.

Do you have any idea why she was at the house last night?

Yeah, we were supposed to meet there. I gave her the code.

But I had to cancel for an emergency plumbing job.

I get big bucks for those.

Why were the two of you meeting at the house?

I just finished installing this amazing tub.

We were gonna test it out.

I-I don't understand this.

She got my text about canceling, I know she did.

She replied to me.

Lucas: I've got several Chloe Wilsons.

This one is in her 70s, this one's in Kelowna.

There's a Chloe Wilson that was abducted when she was three years old.

Her father, Jeremy Sheridan, grabbed her out of the front yard.

Tried to take her older sister, too, but she fought him off.

That's 20 years ago.

Makes her around 23, close to the age of our victim.

One nail collapsed the left lung, the other one punctured the heart.

Sounds like an awful way to go.

What's wrong with you?

What makes you say that?

You're not the least bit squeamish.

In fact, you even seem a little distracted, and since we know the problem here is not my lack of appeal...


Well, um...

Chief Wells, she decided to send Internal after me.


Okay, so you know the easy solution is to play by her rules for a while.

But you've never been an easy solution kind of guy, have you?

No, I am not.

So, what's the solution?

I don't know yet.

I mean, I can tell you, it's not the first time that I've felt this way.

I told you I thought about becoming a priest.

Yeah, well, thankfully, that didn't last.

Yeah. Well, you know, I was there, I was ready, I would have handed myself over to the service of God, and...


What about last year, when you were sick, what where you thinking about doing?

Improv workshops.


No, seriously, I think I do a pretty mean Pacino.


No, wait a second.

You can thank me by showing me your pretty mean Pacino.

[stomps, imitating Al Pacino]: Later!

We found a report of Chloe's abduction in our database.

When did she come home?

Uh... a few months ago.

My daughter... my other daughter, Jessica, hired a private investigator to find her.

Oh, Jessica...

I have to call my daughter.

I have to call Jess.

[gasping tearfully]


Oh, God...


[cell phone rings]

Hey, Mom.

Where are you?

Just about to board the ferry.

Everything okay?

Something's happened. Can you come home now?

Yeah, I'll be there in 45 minutes.


This is going to crush Jessica.

She still blames herself for the abduction.

She was only 13.

That's right.

She still suffers from separation anxiety.

She was... she was just going on her first vacation in years.

Where's your ex-husband now?


I don't know.

Chloe ran away from Jeremy when she was 15.

They were on the way to Mexico, apparently.

She thinks he's still there.

We'll alert the Mexican authorities.

You said that Jessica hired a private investigator to look for Chloe?

Ian Mitchell.

I have cirrhosis of the livers stage four, and Jessica wanted to find Chloe and bring her home for me.

[door closes]


Is everything okay?

Detectives Lucas and Flynn.

What happened?

It's Chloe.


[whispers] She's dead.


We have some questions that we'll need to ask you.

Of course.

[knocking on door]

Miss Wilson?

Jessica, please.

You're a little early.

Sorry about the mess.

It's just, I'm never here, and when I am, I don't have time to clean up.

So, uh, from your message, you mentioned you were looking for your sister?

Yes. Chloe.

My father took her when she was three.


I take it I'm not the first investigator you've hired.

Five others, with varying degrees of success.

What are you doing?

You need that, there's photos in there.

If those other guys had been doing their job, they would have found her.

My rate is $300 a day, plus expenses.

I'll need a $1,000 retainer.


Let's get started.

My parents fought.

But I guess it didn't really get ugly until I was about 10.

What did they fight about?


All the time.

And I guess my Mom's family.

He always resented their wealth, and when my Mom finally asked for a divorce, he flipped out.

And then he was gone.

Must have been hard for Chloe when she came back home.

It was hard for everybody.

We barely knew each other.

Did you guys talk much about what she'd been through?

No, but I didn't push for that.

I think we just really wanted to move forward.

I got my friend to give her a job.

Her name's Maggie Campbell, she has a dog-walking service...

Did Chloe tell you where she was going last night?


I had no idea she'd even left.

Your sister didn't have much in the way of personal belongings.

Yeah, I guess she got used to packing light.

I don't know why that's in there.

[drawer clicking]

There's something blocking this drawer.

Any idea what your sister was doing with this much cash?


Did Chloe ever talk to you about how she made a living after she ran away from your father?

Like I said, we never talked about her past.

Jess, they're just trying to help.

We also found an oxygen mask in her room.

Oh, that was for me.

Um, Chloe wanted me to experiment with oxygen therapy for my pain.

Oh, okay.

Well, thank you for your cooperation.

Please, find out who did this.

Stage four cirrhosis?

Poor woman doesn't have long.

We found a mask in the victim's bedroom, said it was for oxygen therapy?

Mm-hmm. Cirrhosis causes a lot of pain.

Oxygen could help.

You need something else?

The autopsy results?

Oh, I sent them upstairs with Vega to give to you.

You didn't get them?

Not that I saw.


He must have forgotten.

But it's okay, because I will just give you mine, and print up another copy.

But don't give him a hard time about it.

People upstairs have been riding him pretty hard lately.

My lips are sealed.

You're supposed to be in bed.

Who would do that to Chloe?

I don't know.

I can't do this anymore.

No, you're just really tired right now.

You're gonna feel better in the morning...

Don't coddle me!

I'm just trying to help.

You've helped enough!

Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

I know you're just tired.

I know this is hard, but you can't give up.

[doorbell rings]

Okay, are you ready?


[chuckling in excitement]


[whispers] Hi, Mom.

Oh, sweetheart.

I prayed for this day.

I've missed you so much.

Everything feels like a dream.

It's the same, but different.

Ian: Yeah, I should go.

Thank you, for everything.

Oh, nothing could please me more.

You should know, though, that the glow is going to wear off, so you should give her, and yourself a little space to adjust, okay?

Yeah, we'll be fine.

All right.

If you've got any questions or concerns, you call me first.


All right.

I found Chloe working for a landscaping company in Nanaimo.

Where did you start?

With the father.

After he abducted Chloe, he went east.

They bounced around a lot, then I picked up his trail to Mexico.

You find him?

No, but I ran into some people who knew him, and they said that he had told them that his daughter had run away to Arizona.

I doubled-back, picked up her trail there.

And that's what led you back to Nanaimo.


Why didn't she try to contact her mother before now?

Because her father had told her that her mother and her sister were dead.

You mind if I review your case notes?

That might help our investigation.

Sure, uh...

Probably going to take me a little bit to put them together.

How about tomorrow morning, okay?

Yeah, no problem. There's my card.

Okay. Great.


Thank you.

My employees don't see much of each other.

They're out with the dogs.

So, no conflicts with the other employees?

No. No.

Poor Jessica.

We went to high school together.

All she ever wanted was to get her sister back.

Come on, guys!

So, what about her clients?

Any complaints there?

Not with her clients.

There was one dog she refused to walk.

Did she say why?

Hi! Come on, stop.

Uh... no.

Only that she wouldn't go back.

Okay, well, do you have that client's name?

Ken Barrett.

Come on, guys...

Whatever she said to you, she's lying.

She didn't say anything.

Then why am I here?

She refused to walk your dog.

Because he's a stupid dog.

No one likes that dog except for my wife.

So nothing else happened?


So, do you want to stick to that story, or do you want to tell me the truth?

Okay, look...

I didn't think she'd get so upset.

It's not like she hadn't done it before.

Walk your dog?

Not walk my dog...

"Walk the dog."

She used to do another kind of job.

Where did you two meet?


She went by Ruby.

Quit a few months ago.

Said she was moving back home.

How long did she work here?

About a year.

Could she have saved up $25,000 during that time?

Not without her arms falling off.

Ruby was part-time.

Weekends only.

She have a problem with anyone?

One of the other women, or a client?

She was low-key. No trouble.

We'll need to talk to the other employees.

Go ahead.

We like the police here.

10% off.


Can I see a list of her clients, please?


There was John Smith, and then a John Smith, and, oh, yes, John Smith.

Wait here, I'll get the girls.

It's funny how the P.I. didn't mention that Chloe was a professional.


Wonder what else he didn't mention.

Chloe I wouldn't share her past, because that was the only way she was gonna come home.

Well, lying to the family is one thing, but lying to the cops is just stupid.

I could revoke your license, and I should charge you with obstruction.

It was an error in judgment.


Peace offering?

As promised, there are my notes.

Every last detail is in there.

Why don't you just tell me what you left out?


Cleopatra's, that's it, I promise.

[knock on door]

I'll get it!



We haven't met.

I'm Cam Riley. I was dating your sister.

I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss.

And, uh, this is for you.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

It was my fault.

Excuse me?

It's my fault she's dead.

Why do you think it's your fault?

I'm the one that sent her to that house.

We had a date, but I canceled it.

I texted her, she texted me back, but she still went.

I don't know why. Why did she do...

Cam... Cam, you seem like a really nice guy, so I'm just going to be straight with you.

There's probably another guy.


My sister led a really hard life, and I think it made her selfish.

I'm not saying that it was her fault, I'm just saying I think that's the way she was.

I can't believe that you're saying this.

Chloe was the sweetest person I've ever met.


Well, I guess that's what she wanted you to believe.

You're better off without her.

[Ava calling] Jessica!

Who was at the door?

No one.


Hey, you really shouldn't be smoking in here.

That is so bad for Mom.

Okay. Okay.

She gave you her bracelet?

Yeah, I remembered it from when I was a kid.

Look, I know it must be hard, coming back after all this time.

Yeah, it's taking some getting used to.

Well, why don't you come to the gym with me tomorrow?

I'll teach you how to climb.

I should spend as much time with Mom as I can.


Of course.

I've actually been waiting, like, 20 years to tell you something, and it's that I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I've thought about that day a million times.

What he did, and what I should have done, and I didn't...

You didn't have a choice, right?

No, but, if I didn't run...

Then you would have been trapped with him, too.

I'd like to be alone.

Did Chloe talk to you about her life before?

Where she lived or worked?

She said she used to work for a landscaping company in Nanaimo.

She ever talk to you about any other jobs?


She ever ask to borrow money from you?

No, Chloe did not need any money.

Her mother was helping her get back on her feet.

I think she gave her a pretty healthy allowance.

How healthy?

Well, our first date, I took her to Hy's.

I wanted to try to impress her, and she insisted on paying.

She paid for her meal?

For the whole night.

She said she didn't want to feel obligated, but we still hooked up.

At first, I'm thinking, "This is fantastic."

But now you don't feel that way?

What if she was seeing someone else?

What makes you say that?

Her sister told me as much.

She told you that?


[gasping with effort]

Good grab. Great.

I think I got it.

Yeah. Keep going.

[police sirens wail distantly]

Good job.

[police sirens wail closer]


Sorry. I'm sorry.

I'll get you down.

What are you thinking?

It's fine. I got it. Thank you.

It's okay, guys, I've got it.

Larry, I'm sorry.

Let me down, please.

Yeah, okay.

I want to get down.

Cam was right.

Ava was helping out Chloe.

She wrote a bunch of cheques out to cash.

$25,000 in total.

So, is Ava lying, or did Chloe forge those cheques?

Well, the bank's going to send over the originals, and I'll have Forensics take a look at the signatures before we talk to her.

Did Chloe's cell phone records come in yet?

Still trying to figure out which carrier she used.

How's it going with the P.I.'s case notes?

Well, everything leads to Mexico.

That makes it very difficult to follow up with.

Well, if only we knew someone with an International Police Organization.

[scoffing] Yeah.

[gasps] Oh.


I know someone from an international police organization.

I just got invited to dinner.


I was just wondering... did you get my message?

Uh, yes, I did.

Did you get mine?

I did, yes, and I made some calls to Mexico, and we'll hear something tonight hopefully.

Mm, thank you.

What's for dinner?

How does breakfast sound?

You so get me.


What can I do to help that doesn't involve actual cooking?


I can open wine.

That I can do.

I'm so full.


That was, as promised, amazing.


[cell phone vibrates]

Oh. That could be Mexico.

Excuse me, darlin'.

Hola, Miguel.

Yeah, okay.

And can you send me all that information?


Gracias, mi amigo.




Mr. Mitchell did take a trip down to Mexico.

Oh, well, that's good to know.

Miguel was following up with Mitchell's interviews...


But then he hit a wall.

What kind of wall?

They don't exist.

All his case files down in Mexico was just a work of fiction.

So, Mitchell ripped the Wilsons off?

Now, how did he know where Chloe Wilson was?

Did he even find Chloe Wilson?

I got a solid lead that the father had traveled to Mexico, so I had to check it out.


What led you to Nanaimo?

It's all in the notes there.

Yeah, well, we know that, but just tell us again anyway.

Well, sometimes, you gotta follow your instincts.

Follow your instincts?

Well, my instincts are saying... now, see, you're our prime suspect.

I didn't k*ll anybody.

Ian, the ladies at Cleopatra's told us you're a regular.

Did you even look for the real Chloe?


She was in Mexico with her father.


d*ed in a car crash about seven years ago outside Mexico City.

They were Jane and John Doe.

I found out the first day that I was there.

So, you just figured why not have myself a little free vacation?


The woman in the morgue, "Chloe," what's her real name?

Misha Vanni.

So you filled Misha in on everything you knew about the custody abduction case, hooked her up with a fake I.D., set her loose?

I just wanted to give Ava her dying wish.

[chuckles mirthlessly]

And maybe get yourself a little cut off Chloe's inheritance as well, huh?

Anything I may or may not have done is strictly a civil matter between me and the Wilsons.

And usually, we don't get involved with fraud, but we do make notable exceptions.

And I'll make a very special exception just for you.



I thought Ava was going to die any day, so, what would it hurt?

The real Chloe was dead anyway.

Yet here we are, months later, and Ava's still alive.

You get impatient?

Ask Misha to forge some cheques for you?

What? No, no. No, no.

She was just going to share her half of the estate with me.

Well, we know she cashed 25 grand in cheques out of Ava's account.

She did?

Misha Vanni was originally from Toronto.

She was a runaway, too. No priors.

But now that we've got her real name, Lucas can get her cell phone records.

What about Mitchell's alibi?

Oh, the night of the m*rder, He was at Cleopatra's, enjoying an executive experience.

Well, let's charge him with obstruction of justice and impersonation.

Oh, I will.

You think the boyfriend knew about Misha?

Hmm, he seemed genuinely upset.

And then there's the question of the text he sent her and the reply she sent back.

Well, Ava could have figured out she was being manipulated, being taken advantage of.

We need to find out if she knew that Chloe was an impostor.

Angie: We know where Chloe got the 25,000 grand from.

Why didn't you tell us?

I didn't want Jessica to know.

Why not?

Chloe said it was for school.

I knew that she was lying.

Why would you give Misha the money?

Who's Misha?

Sorry, I meant Chloe.

Oh, uh...

Accidents happen.

Chloe missed out on so many years of my support, and I wanted to make sure that I didn't lose her again over something as trivial as money.

You didn't think Jessica would understood that?

I didn't want her to think any less of her sister.

She's very protective of me, and they had just started getting to know each other.

Mom, do you want some tea?

Uh, no, thanks.

Could you help me with this e-mail to the lawyer?

I'm adding Chloe back into the will.

I thought you had to sign that paperwork in person.

Yes, you do, but I'm giving them all the information now so they have everything ready to go when I go in on Friday.

You can't go in on Friday.

That's when the naturopath is coming.

Oh, well, that was the only opening they had this week, so...

Okay, that's fine, I'll just call them and reschedule for next week.


No, I'm going in this Friday.

Why the urgency?

Chloe is back.

The will has to be changed.

Did she ask you to do this?

Oh, Jess, she is my daughter.

I want to make sure that she's taken care of.

I could be dead next week.

Hey, don't talk like that.


Okay, we need to be positive.

You have to come to terms with this.

No amount of positive thinking and reiki and medicinal teas is going to make one damn bit of difference.

Well, you don't know that.

I do know that, sweetheart.

I'm dying.

You're going to be fine.

Misha Vanni's phone records just came in.

I think Ava knew.

She didn't know about the name.

No, but it's the way she responded to the mistake, like, "no harm, no foul."

Yeah, if that was me, I would've lost it.

It's too bad that she didn't have the strength to pull off the m*rder.

Her daughter does.

Yeah, but she was here all night.

That's according to Ava.

That's her mother, what's she gonna say?

Lucas: So, it looks like Cam's is the only personal number on here. The rest are just a bunch of businesses.

Yeah, look at this.

Out of the hundreds of texts between the two of them, Chloe never signs off "XOXO," except once.

And that was the night that Cam canceled the rendezvous at the house.

According to Ava, Chloe was at home when that text was sent.

What if Chloe never sent it?

So the k*ller intercepts the message that Cam sent, and then responds as Chloe?

It would explain why she showed up after he canceled.

She didn't get the message.

So whoever had access to Chloe's phone was at the Wilsons' house the night that she was m*rder*d.

Ava or Jessica.

We need to break Jessica's alibi.


Surveillance cameras?

Surveillance cameras.

All I want is one clear sh*t of Jessica driving home covered in her sister's blood.

Is it too much to ask?

Well, luckily, there are only three routes that she could take from her house to the crime scene.

Do we have any more food?


There's fries in that bag.

I can't eat this. These are garbage fries.


The second that you crumple up a food bag, it becomes a garbage bag.

It's the same bag.

Then you eat them.

I don't want them.

Because they're garbage fries.

Because I'm not hungry.

That's her car.

That's Jessica's car.

What is this?

This would be footage from the third route, but it's the morning after the m*rder.

And what time is this?

That would be...


That's the time that we were making the notification to Ava.

Didn't she say she was waiting to board a ferry at that time?

Yeah, she did.

You want to make a bet that's her sister's stuff?

So, this is not the crime scene.

No, but it's proof that Jessica lied.

Yeah, to her mother.

We have her disposing of the cell phone and I.D.

You can't really tell that from this photo.

Have you obtained them as evidence?

Lucas went to the dumpster, but it was already emptied.

Well, then it's all circumstantial.

You know, proof that Jessica or Ava found out Chloe was an impostor would be ideal.

I'll get back to you with that one.


Staff Sergeant Vega, can I have a moment?

I was just leaving.



Yes, sir?

I spoke with the eyewitness, George Darrow.

And what did he say?

Well, the specifics aren't important, but he stuck to his story.

I have to say, though, that I agree with your assessment.

He wouldn't have helped the prosecution's case any, and it'll all be in my report to Wells.


Okay, well, um, thank you.

You know, the problem with working Internal?

Is everyone thinks that we're witch-hunters.

But we get our marching orders just like everyone else.

Hi, Jessica.


I just have some follow-up questions for you, if you don't mind.

Sure, yeah, um...

I don't know what else I can tell you.

You said you were going on a trip the day after your sister d*ed.


And you were in the ferry terminal when you got the call from your mom?

That's right.


So, why do we have you on surveillance footage sitting in an industrial area 10 minutes from your house?

Looks like you threw something in a dumpster there.

Yeah, I don't know.

Look, I was having a panic att*ck.


My mom's been so sick, I've been taking care of her.

I was worried something was gonna happen.

I just, I couldn't leave.


My family's really been trying to make another go at this, you know, and, um, my sister's the one that gave me the getaway in the first place.

I didn't even want to go.

How do you feel about the fact that your mother gave Chloe $25,000?

Probably just her way of making up for lost time.

Yeah, see, she thought you'd be upset about that.

Yeah, that makes sense.

I mean, she always says that I'm over-protective.


Why did you tell Cam that Chloe was seeing another guy?

Was she?

Yeah, she was seeing a few guys.

They definitely weren't exclusive.


Can I get back to working out now?

Yeah, yeah, of course.

Yeah, thanks for your time.


Um, just one more thing, does the name Misha Vanni mean anything to you?




Was just checking.



I can't just leave.

But of course you can, sweetheart.

Don't worry, I'll take care of Mom.

We can manage one weekend without you.

I just I don't think it's a very good idea.

I can't have one weekend alone with my mom?

You've had 20 years.

That's not even what I'm saying.

All right, all right, all right, girls, there is no need to get upset.

Now, it's a lovely gesture, and I know that Jess appreciates it.

I want you to go, have fun.

Thank you.


Chloe, could you help me up the stairs?

Yeah, come on.

Thanks, darling.

It's okay.

Good night, sweetie.

Good night.

[text message chimes]

You're the manager at Party Station?


Do you know that woman?

Have ever seen her around your store?

No. I wish I did.

Her name is Chloe Wilson.

Any of your colleagues ever mention her?

Maybe one of them was seeing her?


I took an order from her over the phone.

She said she was throwing her mother a 60th birthday party.

I told her all about our Birthday Bundle.

But all she ordered was a helium t*nk.


We rent tanks out, so people can fill balloons up for their parties.

But she didn't order any balloons.

Probably got 'em online.

They're cheaper, but they don't give you that friendly human touch.

When was the party?

Last weekend.

She was supposed to come pick up the t*nk up Saturday morning.

Never showed.

I don't think that Jessica knew Chloe wasn't Chloe.

If she didn't know, why would she k*ll her?

She made it seem like they were on great terms.

She even said that this trip that she took last weekend was a gift from Chloe.

Chloe was throwing her mother a 60th birthday party.

She rented a helium t*nk for Saturday.


Jessica's not the type that would miss her dying mother's birthday.

She's not.

Ava's birthday is in June.

Helium t*nk, that wasn't for party balloons.

The mask that we found...

Chloe was going to end Ava's life.

Why am I here?

I've told you everything I know.

Yeah, I just have a few more questions for you.

When is your mother's birthday?

June 15th.


So why was Chloe throwing her a birthday party this weekend?

She wasn't.

Not that I know of.

Jessica, we know you k*lled Chloe.

I didn't m*rder my sister.

No, you didn't.

I don't...

Chloe was an impostor.

All the information you need is in there.

Photographs, identification.

What I want you to do is pick out a few memories.

Colours, furniture, anything that you could have recognized from around the house as a child.

What's this girl's real story?

You don't need to know that.

It's better I do.

Especially if there's a chance the real Chloe Wilson will come walking through the door.

Not going to happen.

So, she's dead?


What's my story going to be?

When did you run away?

None of your business.

All I'm saying is that the best lies are about 99% truth.

That's impossible.

I think I'd know who my sister was.

Would you?

I mean, it happened 20 years ago, and you were desperate to find her.

That's not why you k*lled her, though.

Chloe: Babe?

Is that you?

Babe, I'm up here.

Jessica, what are you doing here?

You need to pack up your things and leave, tonight.

What are you talking about?

I'm not letting you near Mom again.

I know what you're planning.

Getting Mom to change the will, trying to get me out of town...

Okay, you're paranoid.

Do not lie to me.

I saw it on your phone.

How are you going to do it, huh?

Let me go.

How are you going to k*ll Mom?

Let me go.

20 years we looked for you.

All you care about is the money?

I mean, you can't even wait for her to die.

She wants to die.


[grunting in protest]

Get off me, you psycho bitch!

[nail g*n snaps, she screams]


[nail g*n snaps]


[nail g*n snapping, she gasps]


Look, I know this has been difficult, but I think it's time we tell the truth.

Enough people have been hurt.

Ava, you knew that the woman who came back was not your daughter, didn't you?


Did Jessica know, too?


No, she had no idea.

Why didn't you tell her?

She's always blamed herself for what happened.

She was so happy when she thought she'd found Chloe.

Misha was that convincing?

Not at first...

Did you finish school?


I'd like to, though.

And how about your health?

Have you been taking your vitamins?


I don't believe in that.

Are you keeping up to date with your vaccinations?

For what?

You're not my daughter, are you?


I think a part of me knew that the moment you walked through the door.

Mom, why would you say that?

My husband had a lot of problems, but he was obsessed with keeping his daughters healthy.

There's no way that he wouldn't be checking you out for symptoms...

I-I mean, I don't know.

Maybe he did.

I was only 15 when I ran away.

I have mitochondrial disease.

It's hereditary.

Both of my daughters have the gene.


Ian said you were dying.

He said we would inherit half of your estate.

I'll pack my things.

Thank you... for not calling the police.

She's dead, isn't she?

[voice breaking] Yes. I believe so.

I'm sorry.


Maybe we can help each other.


I love Jessica, but...

I am tired.

And there's certain things that I can't ask her to do for me.

I'll make it worth your while.

She was going to help your mother k*ll herself.

I don't believe you.

Ava wanted to die with dignity.

She would never do that to me.

She wanted to protect you.

She didn't want you to see her suffering, and she didn't want to hold you back from living a full life.

I was just trying to protect her.

I'm glad you called.

'Cause I love it when you come over.

Me too. Thank you.

[glasses clink]

So, what's going down?

First, Wells and then Saunders?

Yeah, look, I'm...

I'm thinking that it's probably time that I do something else.

For real?


Is that your head talking or your heart?

Like, what does your gut say?

[chuckling] It's...

It's telling me that I should probably do something else.

You could come back to the bullpen.



Well, listen, I want what you want, but I can't believe I'm saying that if it means you're going to leave.


But I want you to be happy.

I wanted to tell you first.

You know, I became a cop to help people, and now, uh...

[sucks teeth doubtfully]

Yeah, I don't...

It's just not, it's not working for me.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.