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01x08 - What Lurks Within

Posted: 07/30/16 14:39
by bunniefuu
No. The RC car on the top row, on the left.


Your other left!


Nice choice.

She's a beauty.

There we go.

Oh. No, I'm sorry.

You don't have enough points.

But you can have anything from here to there.

Come on, don't be a d*ck.

Look, I'm sorry, but I have to go with what's on the receipt. Rules are rules.

Just... forget it.

We'll just get some of those plastic handcuffs.

Oh, there you go.

You can play by the rules and still have fun.


Here's a few tokens on the house.

Let's go!

(Jazz music playing)

(Silverware clinking)

(Door closes)

I brought a treat for you.



Oh, it's all right.

It's all right, yeah.


Open wide.

(Theme music playing)

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Well, good mornin'!

I'm placing you under arrest for as*ault.

Come on down here and keep them hands where I can see.

You have the right to remain silent.

Any shit you do say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have a right to an attorney.

If you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.

Do you understand these rights that I have just read to you?

(Car door opens, closes)

♪ ♪

You wanna sulk, fine.

Try and act normal around Holly.

She's not an idiot.

No, she's not.

You don't think she saw you sleeping on the couch last night?

Just like she never notices when you won't talk to me for days 'cause I gave you too much attitude.

I didn't realize this was a contest, Megan.

It's not.

All right, you know what? You win.

Right or wrong, you always win.



Why are we letting him do this to us?

Donnie's not the problem.

He is a piece-of-shit r*pist who got what he deserved.

Look, Megan, we gotta talk about this.


(Drawer opens, closes)

(Machine beeps)

(Car approaching)

Well, good mornin', little lady.

Are those for me?

They're for my grandma.

Well, they're very pretty.

(Door opens)

Hey, Firefly, breakfast is ready.

Amber, uh, just use a lot of ketchup.


Is your wife here?

Uh, she was.

Well, that's a positive development.

We'll see.

How was the turnout at service this mornin'?

They'll be back.

Is he there?

Jesus, come on, Rev.

Didn't you do enough damage the other night?

I want him to see me on my feet.

For him to know that I've beat the count.

Round two.

You really think he's the devil?

You saw what he did to me.

Yeah, I did.

You made sure everybody saw that.

What? You... you think I did this to myself?

If he is, then why is he goin' and showin' himself like that?

I don't know! Let's go ask him!

He's gone, Rev.

Giles came by first thing this mornin'.

Took him off in his squad car.


No! g*dd*mn it, he's giving him exactly what he wants!

What are you gonna do?



(Engine revs)

(Aaron laughs)

What's that?

My buddy, Jake.

He was at the memorial...

(Anderson yelling)

...and he filmed the whole thing on his phone.

It's priceless.

Hey, that's mine.

You get it back once I delete this.

Then good luck.

It's already out there.

John has protected us in ways you'll never understand.

You know, the whole town knows.

You're gossip.

The town slut.

Did you paint that horrible symbol on the statue?

I did it.

It was me!

Hail Satan!

I love you so much.

You are so smart.

What are you doing?

And you can be so kind.

What do you want?

All I've ever wanted is for you to be happy.

Can't you just want that for me too?

Anderson: I told you not to do anythin'.

Giles: The man assaulted you.

And that's all he is, by the way, a man.

You keep him here, it's just gonna make the situation worse.


Crazy Anderson att*cks a poor, defenseless man.

It's Martyrdom 101.

You're just handing him the amm*nit*on to build a following.

Look, now, we've done it your way for quite some time now and I don't see the situation getting much better.

In fact, your little show proves to me that I need to get up on out of the backseat.

Now, that's your bigger plan of action, right?

I mean, hell, you can't arrest all of 'em.

If it helps to keep the town safe, I can sure as hell try.

It's his word against mine!

Oh, I can find some people who will swear they witnessed him assaulting you if it comes to that.

And they made you chief.

Look, Johnny.

I want to know who this son of a bitch is.

It's like he just...

Came down from the sky.

Well, now, you can give him any name you want.

To me, he's a perp until I hear different.

That's just how I'm gonna treat him.

You know, this used to happen once or twice a year, but lately, it's happening too often.

And to people I know.


Is there anyone in particular?

♪ ♪

Her hair's more gray than last time.

Yeah, well... we haven't been here in a while, and... that's what happens.

Amber, why don't you come have a seat? Uh...

I gotta explain something to you.

So... uh...

You remember that day with your mom?

Well, the same thing happened with me and my mom a long time ago.

Something got inside of her, and... and it scared me, like I know it scared you.

But that wasn't her.

And, baby, it wasn't your fault.

I want you to understand that, okay?

It wasn't your fault.

Is Momma going to be like that?

Maybe that would be okay.

No, baby.

She's not ever gonna hurt us again, okay?

She loves both of us more than anything.

Why don't you go put them pretty flowers in a vase for your grandma?

Then we can give her a funny hairdo.

What do I do with these?


Excuse me.


Has somebody been in to visit my mother, Sarah Barnes?

Um... someone came by for her a few days ago.


I don't remember his name. Uh... he... showed up with a box of candy.

I told him there was no use giving them to your mother, so he left them for the staff to eat.

White hair?


Uh, he wore a hat.


(Knocks harder)

Jesus! Don't bang it down!


Oh, my God.

Hi, sweetie.

Hi, Aunt Megan!

You know what?

Holly is in the kitchen.

Why don't you two girls go and play in the backyard?

Thank you.

What have you done?

I didn't... Why is that the first thing you ask?

Well, because...

Allison brought her over.

They stayed the night.

Are you guys...

I mean...

No, no, no.

She didn't want anything to do with you.

Yeah, well, that may still be true.

I woke up and Allison was gone.

Should I tell Mark? Um...

No, no, no.

But will you watch Amber for this afternoon?


I gotta take care of somethin'.


I'll be back in a few hours to pick her up.

Does this have something to do with Anderson?

Not exactly.

That man is mentally unstable.

Seriously, don't let him drag you down with him.

I got it, okay?

Don't worry.

Thank you.


Oh, great.

(Music plays on radio)

You need some help?

Oh, I'm just gonna call Lenny, have him come change it for me.

Who knows how long that'll take?

You know him.

Where do you wanna go?

I'll be fine.

Thank you.

I understand.

Don't wanna be seen hoppin' in the car with the... town lunatic.


Well, it had crossed my mind.

You'd be helping salvage my reputation if you were to let me do you a good turn.

I don't know, Reverend.

Come on.

All right.

Giles: Kyle Barnes.

As I live and breathe.

I need to talk to Sidney.

About what?

Reverend sent me.

Is that right?

And what is it that the Reverend asked you to do?

He needs to know if he's one of 'em, like your friend's wife.


I thought he had already decided that this one was the devil himself.

I just need to talk to him, ask him questions.

He's not talking, Kyle.

I think he'll talk to me.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

How do you know my mother?

I don't know your mother, Kyle.

I never met the lady before I came to town.

Then why are you bringing her flowers?

I heard a lot about her.

They say she put up one hell of a fight.

You ain't seen a fight yet.

How often do you go see your mother, Kyle?

Once a month?

Christmas? Birthday?

You drag your little girl along if you remember to?

She's been in that bed for years, ever since you put her there.


Who are you?

I'll take you right out of this man, I swear.

I've done it before.

And you've hurt a lot of people in the process.





Difference is, I don't give a shit about you.


You take this out of me... you will leave behind a monster.

♪ ♪

(Child sobbing)


♪ ♪

Sidney: You don't get to choose.

The saints are just as susceptible as the sinners.

So, someone's just walking down the street one day, and all of a sudden, there you are, lookin' through their eyes?

You land where you land...

and I wound up with a real winner.


If it's random, like you say... then why does it happen to people around me?

You're like a... like a match... flickering through the trees of a dark forest.

It gives us something to grope toward.

I'm causing this?

We'd have found our way eventually.

You just make it easier.



(Jazz music playing)

Boy: Help!


Please help me!

(Door rattles)

Help me!


Is that...

Is that what happened to my mother?

Till you ripped half of her away.

I know you tried to help her, but it was too late.

If you'd just let her be, they'd have found a way to coexist.

She'd be in your life right now.

As what?

Half my mother and half...

Isn't that better than what you have now, Kyle?

A dribbling, lifeless vegetable?

You know, if I hadn't fought back, my mother might have k*lled me that day.

And if I hadn't stopped Allison, she...

Like I said, those first few days can be rough.

This'll just take a minute.

Take me to the firehouse.

I will.

Told you, I just gotta make a quick stop first.

Church business. Why don't you come in with me?

I'll wait here.

Come on, I think you'll get a kick out of it.

Who lives here?

Kyle Barnes.


Get in!

Get in!

How many more of you?



What is his plan?

Why does he need these souls, your soul?

Why now?

I have a theory!

The Apostle Paul... said in later times, some abandon their faith... and follow deceiving spirits.

Do you know what I mean by later times? Of course you do!

End times!

The Apocalypse!

That's why he's here, isn't it?

Preparing the Great Tribulation.

You're focusin' on the negative, Debbie Downer.

Famines... plagues, false messiahs.

But the end of days means that the real deal is returning.


You been screechin' about it on Sunday mornin' for years.

"Jesus is coming! Everybody look busy!"

So, why are you so scared?

You should be tickled pink.

Unless you don't believe it's true.


I heard you arrested that old white-haired guy?

The one Anderson went ape-shit on at Remembrance Day?

Let me guess, you're his legal representation.

Well, I can get him out, if that's what you're askin'.

I'm intrigued.

I was at the church, and I saw the Reverend carve that pentagram on himself.

And that guy you busted, he wasn't even there.

Why would the Reverend do that to himself?

Why do you think?

'Cause he's a little man, with a crappy little church.

Now he's got everybody talkin' about him.

Why are you doing this?

Well, I'm tellin' the truth.

Look, son.

I know this whole situation can't be easy on you, but your mother has a right to a life of her own.

If I have to testify, I will.

Who are they gonna believe?

Anderson's lost his mind, everyone knows it.

He's over at Kyle Barnes' place with some woman right now.

He's probably rapin' her or somethin'.

What woman?

Jesus Christ.

Anderson: Kyle.

Been waitin' for you.

Kyle: What did you do?

You both are gonna pay for this.

Take it easy.

No one's gonna hurt you.

That's right.

Once we're done here, all your suffering will be over.

Lenny: Where is he?

I went by the church. He's not there.

I've been drivi" all over town!

Lenny, Lenny, slow down.

I found Kat's car with a tire slashed.

Lenny, get in the car.

Get in the car!

Get in the damn car, Lenny!

Judy at the hardware store said Anderson picked her up.


That son of a bitch kidnapped my wife!


Lenny, now she's gonna be all right.

You know about this?

All I know is that he's just trying to help.

We don't want any help! We're fine just as we are!

Lenny, stop. Lenny!



All right.

Now, when did it all start?

Summer before last.

Up at the cabin.


At first, I... I thought she was sick.

But I... I couldn't get her in the car and I didn't know what to do.

After a while, she seemed to be okay.

More than okay.


What does that camper in the woods have to do with anything?

When it happens, the... the change, they can hurt themselves or others.

They... they need a place to ride it out.


Well, how many of them are there?

Half a dozen.

Jesus Christ.

Last one was that gal Lisa Peyton.

She... (Chuckles) ...damn near destroyed the thing.

(Rattling, clattering)


Why don't you let the Reverend help?

Maybe he can bring her back.

I don't want her back!


I don't mean it that way.

I mean, Kat is still in there somewhere.

And now everything's... different, exciting.

She... tastes things... like they're... like they're brand-new.

Can you imagine that?

Your... your first beer?

Your first fight, your first f*ck... all over again?



That woman that I woke up next to this morning... she's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Anderson: What are you waitin' for?

This is what we have to do.


She's not a monster.

Her family sees the same person they always saw.

And what becomes of the real Kat Ogden, huh, and not this... perversion?

It's not how it works.

Kat Ogden is... still in there.

How do you know?

He knows.

He knows what we are.


You've been talkin' to him, haven't you?

That's not how it is.

You've been lettin' him get inside of your head... because that's what he does.

You think you know what this is about.

Reverend, I'm telling you, you're wrong.


Why don't you talk me through it?

I mean, what are we up against here?

What is it inside of her, huh?

Look, until we know, we gotta let it be.

For now, okay?

Come on.

I'll take you home.



No, stop!

What the hell is the matter with you?

You saw how he turned the people against me!

They were laughin' at me!

Now, if... if I can bring her back, they'll be packing my church every week!

Every week!

I'm sorry. No.

Let's go.


g*dd*mn it!

What the hell?

We're doing this!

Stop it!

Stop it! g*dd*mn it!


Kyle! g*dd*mn it!

You're finished. Stop! Johnny, stay! Stay!


You don't know what you're doin'!

Now, he explained some of it to me.

He loves her, that much is clear.

And that makes it right?

You're a cop. You're supposed to represent justice.

We're all just trying to look out for each other.

Are we? Well, I don't see no evidence of that!

What I see is a community lookin' out for itself!

f*ck thy neighbor!

Fine, you have it your way, but whatever happens, it's on you!

You just remember that!

Kyle, go on in the house.

I got this.

(Engine revs)

(Door opens, closes)

(Door opens, closes)

(Footsteps approaching)

Where have you been all day?

Mark... tell me you didn't.

Do what?

k*ll him and take our money back?

I thought about it.

But he ain't worth it.

Well, where did you...

I sold my truck.


Traded it in for some piece of shit out in the driveway.

You can go look if you don't believe me.

Why would you do that?

I got us into this shit-storm, not you.

Tomorrow morning, we're gonna go get your ring back.

Hell, he can take my truck.

He can even take my badge, but he ain't taking your ring.

Thank you.

You can pick up your personal items from the front desk.

I ain't got much in the way of family, so my friends mean a lot to me.

I will cross the line to protect them.

(Rocking chair creaking)

Where have you been?

Have a seat.

You're offering me a seat in my own home?

This house belongs to God and the people of this congregation.

Not you.

As chairman of the Board of Deacons, I convened an emergency meeting this morning.

Well, I guess that would explain why none of you were at the service.

You think this is a joking matter?

After your behavior?

That hideous mutilation you displayed to the town?

I'm not proud of that incident.

And I plan to make a full apology during my sermon next Sunday.

John, can I...

But I will not apologize... for the message that I am sending out.

There is a disease in this town and it's spreading like a wildfire.

Now, you... you can sit there with your smug, self-righteous looks on your faces... or you can open your f*cking eyes to the devil in your midst.

I've already informed the District Council of your termination.

They're beginning a search for your replacement.

Don't do this.

Unfortunately... the rectory is on church property.

You're gonna need to clear out your things as soon as possible.

You're making a big mistake.

A big mistake.




Come on in.

How's Amber?

Oh, she's fine.

Holly's been entertainin' her all day.


Did you get any word from Allison?


She'll come back.

When she's ready.


She won't, Megan.

You never asked me why.

Why I hit her.


Was I drunk or did I lose my temper.

Like, you knew I always had a temper.

But this at least, it didn't make sense, did it?

It didn't makes sense to anybody.

I need you to keep that in mind right now.

I need you to hold on to that because... none of this is gonna make any sense, ever.

I was trying to protect them.

What the f*ck are you talking about?

That day.

I came home... and I... I heard them.

I came upstairs, and Allison was... attacking Amber.

She was on top of her.


But then I... I had to stop her.

And that was the only way I could stop her.

That's the only way she stopped.

And now, I think...

I think that she's starti" to remember or that she has remembered everything and that's why she's gone.

Megan, I gotta find her.

Because that's what I've been protecting her from this entire time, that memory.

Because I know if she remembers everything, she's not gonna be able to live with herself.

I gotta find her, Megan.


I should've called first.

Is everything okay?

I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to go.

You've been fightin'.

For a while now... for the first time...

I feel like I'm losin'.

(Television chatter)

(Loud music playing)

(Television and music turns off)


I'm Aaron.

Aaron McCready.


I'm the one who got you out.

Told Giles I witnessed the whole thing.

Said Anderson carved that pentagram on himself.

We both know that's not what happened.

I was there, outside the window.

I saw what you did to him.

And I gotta say, that was some serious shit, man.

Does your momma know where you are?


Go home.

While you're still safe.

I don't wanna go home.

Not if he's gonna be there.

Why do I get the feeling we're talking about a mutual friend?


I want him out of my life.

Megan: Want more mashed potatoes?

Hold... hold on.

A lot or a little?

Here, come sit down...

All right, here it comes. A lot.

What about chicken?

Kyle: Do you want a biscuit?

Here, Amber.

Come on.

You got it?

You want some tea?

Can we say grace?

That's not something we normally do.

Well, Debusey at school says grace every lunchtime, and Debusey is really cool.

Wait. There's a kid at your school called Debusey?

When did that become a name?

If saying grace is good enough for Debusey, it's good enough for the Holter family.


And guests.

All right, well, let's link up.

Gonna do it, better do it right.


Dear Lord, thank you for the food we are about to receive.

May this food restore our strength and give new energy to tired limbs.

We pray that it will nourish and rejuvenate our body and our soul.

If any poor creature is hungry or thirsty, send him our way and we will do our best to feed him.

We will share our food with all who are in need, just as you share your gifts with us.


Kyle: Amen.

Where'd you learn that?


Well, that was pretty good.

Megan: What would you like? You need a biscuit?

♪ ♪



(Boy breathes heavily)

(Light clicks on)



♪ ♪

♪ Writhing v*olence ♪
♪ Essentially without distortion ♪
♪ Wired silent ♪
♪ Vanishing into the boredom ♪
♪ Deliberately made to disintegrate ♪
♪ Difficult existence ♪
♪ Underestimated alienation ♪
♪ Writhing v*olence ♪
♪ Essentially without distortion ♪
♪ Wired silent ♪
♪ Vanishing into the boredom ♪
♪ Deliberately made to disintegrate ♪
♪ Difficult existence ♪
♪ Underestimated... ♪