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01x07 - Townie

Posted: 08/10/16 06:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Dead of Summer"...

I love this camp. All my first were here.

First girlfriend, first kiss. First everything.

If it was so great, why only one summer?

My dad was k*lled in the line of duty in '82.

I'm sorry.

Garrett: Down by the lake, I saw these people.

They were wearing these masks.

Jack Sykes. This belonged to my father.

He was doing the same thing we are.

Carolina Maria Diaz, if you wish to communicate with us, please give us a sign.

[Masculine voice] You should have k*lled Amy when you had the chance.

Did you not just see what happened to Amy?

She was possessed.

What happened to me?

We woke something up.

Something bad.

♪ ♪

♪ Hello there, ladies and gentlemen ♪
♪ Hello there, ladies and gents ♪
♪ Are you ready to rock? ♪
♪ Are you ready or not? ♪
♪ Hello there, ladies and gentlemen ♪
♪ Hello there, ladies and gents ♪
♪ Are you ready to rock? ♪
♪ Are you ready or not? ♪
♪ Would you like to do a number with me? ♪

Time to lose your cherry, pal.

♪ Would you like to do a number with me? ♪

I don't know, man.

We spent all week in detention because Principal Assface didn't like our t-shirts.

Let's redecorate his car.

We could get in big trouble.

Come on. He's out for the weekend.

He'll never even know it was us.

You wanted to get back at him, didn't you?

Here's your chance.

It's time to ask yourself... How far are you willing to go?

♪ Would you like to do a number with me? ♪
♪ Would you like to do a number with me? ♪
♪ Would you like to? ♪
♪ Would you like to? ♪
♪ Would you like to do a number with me? ♪

♪ ♪

[Car alarm sounds]

Hang on.

We're not done here.

[Police siren chirps]


Damon, get in the car.

[Car door closes]

Hi, Dad.

Get in the car, Garrett.

He gave us detention for no reason.

I was just getting even.

You're always getting even, Garrett.

And now you're dragging Damon down, too.

He's a good kid.

Only he doesn't have a dad to bail him out like you.

You think you're hurting me?

You're only hurting yourself.

Sorry we can't all be perfect like you, Dad.

I'm not asking you to be like me.

I'm just trying of seeing you work so hard to be the opposite.

What are you gonna do? Ground me?

thr*aten m*llitary school again?

I had something else in mind.

You can't do this.

Every summer, they kindly offer me to send you free of charge.

Every summer, you say no way.

Well, this time, there's no choice.

Hey, you're 14 now.

It's time to decide what kind of man you want to be.

Boyd, I'm telling you, we can't sit and wait anymore.

At least two people are dead at that camp, and if I'm right, it's not gonna end there.

Where are you getting all this?

This ritual, it's been tried before.

There's five steps, and these creeps have already done three of them.

The fresh blood we found in the woods last night, according to this, that means step four gets carried out the following sundown.

Meaning tonight.

And the fourth step is?

They think they're gonna raise a demon by "sacrificing an innocent."

But let's call it what it really is...


So you really think this is tied to... what happened to Jack?

I know it.

My dad researched it, knew everything there was to know.

And that's what got him k*lled.

He knew too much.



Let's get 'em.

We go in, show no mercy.

Now you're talking.

Let's call the state police, get some real backup.

Okay. What do you think they're gonna say?

You know, we're townies, small potatoes, hicks.

They'll laugh at us.

And by the time they get here, Damon and his pals will be eight steps ahead of us.

So what?

We sit back and do nothing?


No. We catch 'em in the act.


You want me to be bait?

You're the one they're targeting.

They've had their eyes on you since the night of the masked ball.

You won't be in any danger, Amy.

Yeah, except for the dozen Satanists trying to k*ll her.

I will personally keep my eyes on Amy the entire time.

We just need to draw them out, then we'll be done with them for good.

But we need your help.

All of you.

This is an absolutely terrible idea.

You want to bring violent criminals into a camp filled with kids?

Today's Color Wars, right?

Bring the kids to the mess hall.

Have them work on signs or art or whatever.

They'll be out of the line of fire.

The line of fire? Are you... Are you hearing this?

Ms. Carpenter, this is the best way.

We do this, we get these guys, camp can continue.

But if we cause panic or if we don't get them, then that's it.

The camp closes again.

Only this time, it'll be for good.

Now, how much did you sink into this place?

Why me? What did I do to them?

Nothing. You're innocent in all this.

And that's why they're targeting you.

And if we don't catch them now, they won't stop with me.

If this is what it takes to protect us and protect the camp, then count me in.

Thanks, Amy.

The second I don't like how this is going, I'm calling it off, got it?

Yes. Of course.

You guys just keep watch.

The moment you see something suspicious, you hit us on the walkie.

Don't do anything stupid.

These guys are dangerous.

You think I'm scared of some douchebag in a "Slayer" t-shirt?

Drew: Blair and I will take patrol.

I'm not afraid of these guys.

Well, you should be.

They k*lled Dave and Cricket.

Nobody be a hero here.

Take care of each other.

And call us the minute you have eyes on them.

This ends tonight.

Damon: We're all here for the same reason.

Before we met The Teacher, everything sucked.

We were lost.



Nobody cared about us.

Nobody noticed us.

Until The Teacher.

He showed us our potential.

So now isn't it time that we demonstrate our loyalty?

Call the vessel.

Call... to... the vessel.

You want this, don't you?

How far are you willing to go?

Call... to... the...


Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

[Breathing shakily]



Your sacrifice will be rewarded.


[Flesh tearing]

[Muffled screaming]

♪ Hello there, ladies and gentlemen ♪
♪ Hello there, ladies and gents ♪
♪ Are you ready to rock? ♪
♪ Are you ready or not? ♪
♪ Hello there, ladies and gentlemen ♪

Now, let's go get our girl.

♪ Hello there, ladies and gentlemen ♪
♪ Hello there ♪

Want a candy apple?

I love 'em, but...

I'm good.

I'm Jessica.

But everybody calls me Jessie.

What's your name?

Why do you care? We're not friends.

Not yet, but we could be.

We're on the same team, you know?


Team Red.

Okay, here's the thing... Color Wars start today.

I've been on Team Red for three years, and we've never won.

But this year, I think we can turn it around if we work together.

What do you say?

All right, get off your butt. It is tug-of-w*r time.

We about to kick some Team Blue ass.

You heard Michael.

Come on. Let's go.

Come on.

Come on, hustle.

[Cheers and applause]

Hey, Townie, I hear your mom gives truckers handies at the diner.



Fight! Fight!

Hey, hey, hey!

Fight! Fight!



Boy: Keep punching him!


Hey, that's enough!

Come on, knock it off.

It's over.

Hey. We're supposed to be a team.

I couldn't let that go.

You know, you don't always have to get even.

You lost the game for everyone.

Who cares?!

Thanks a lot, Townie.

My pleasure, Braces!

You okay with all this, Jessie?

Of course not.

Is Amy gonna be okay?

Of course.

Heelan's watching her right now.

We just have to draw 'em out.

So she's just gonna act like she's getting Color Wars ready.

The second he sees anyone try to take her...

Boom... we swoop in.

[Echoing] Amy...

Did you hear that?

Hear what?

Just do me a favor... stay away from Golden Grove today.

Golden Grove?

According to this map, that's where the ritual's gonna take place.

Isn't that where your dad was k*lled?

I'll come with you.

We can make sure Amy's fine together.

We are not doing anything, Jessie.

We're supposed to be a team, remember?

This is the Color Wars.

Joel: Jessie.

Deb want's our help getting the kids inside.

Don't worry.

We can handle Damon's crew.

What if this Holyoke is behind it?

He's been dead for a century.

Look, I know you believe this stuff...

If you saw what I did...

What we saw... You would, too.

What I see is history repeating itself.

Holyoke isn't behind this.

It's people copying Holyoke.

And those people are the ones we need to focus on...

The ones we can actually arrest.

Look, I have to go meet the sheriff.

You call me as soon as you see anything.

Joel, Joel. You got to come see this.

Shh. What's wrong?

Anton was drawing again this morning, and I think he might still be talking to Holyoke.

Come on. Let's go.




Boyd, what happened?

Where is she, Boyd?

[Walkie-talkie feedback]

[Echoing] Sheriff Heelan, this is Deputy Sykes.

I need you to res...

[Echoing] Amy...


I heard your call, and I am ready.

Well, it was kind of close.

You know what they say...

Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Looks like you would have taken out a whole squad.

[Cheers and applause]


Dad, what are you doing here? What did I do this time?

Relax, kiddo.

I'm not here for you.

[Sighs] I'm here for Michael.

Bull. You're just here to harass me.

He had a nervous breakdown at Golden Grove.

Talking to himself, blabbering on about some vision he had about a cave.

It's no joke, kiddo.

He's messed up.

And you're just here to help him pack?

[Sighs] Just doing my job.

And I thought I would say hi while I was here.


Well, I better get to it.




Everyone, have you seen Amy?

I've searched everywhere. She's gone.

She's gone?

What do you mean she's gone?

I mean I can't find her or Heelan.

Counselors, I want you back to the mess hall, now.

Counselors, I want you back to the mess hall.


Hello? Deb?


Damn it.

I think we should go back.

We volunteered as lookout.

I have a really bad feeling about this.

If Damon and his crew show up, I came prepared.

A Kn*fe? Really?

Well, that's gratitude for you.

I'm just trying to protect you.

Or overcompensate.

What's that supposed to mean?


It's just the... the tension.

I... I wasn't thinking.

It was really rude.

Yeah, it was.

Look, it's just hard for me to understand, Drew, you know?

Well, what's there to understand?

I'm a guy.

You're right. I mean, I'm an idiot.

You know, does it make you feel better that I'm an insensitive jerk?

I mean, just... just k*ll me now, because I...

Oh, my God.




Let me look at it.

Let me look at it, okay?

How does it look?

Not great.

That way. To the left.

What are you guys doing here?

Show him the picture.

Anton drew Golden Grove today with Holyoke's help.

I was just there.

There's no sign of Amy.

Plus, Golden Grove doesn't look anything like this.


You said Anton drew this this morning?

Yeah, he did. Why?

Because somebody else drew it in 1982.

M. Goodson.


That's my brother.

Michael Goodson's your brother?

He was a counselor here in '82.

Had to leave halfway through the summer.

Did he ever talk to you about this picture?

He was never the same after that summer.

He took his own life.

I'm so sorry. I didn't know.

Oh, my God. That summer, when he drew this, was that when he started seeing Holyoke?

Hold on. H-Hold on.

There must be a reasonable explanation for this.

This is the reasonable explanation.

Holyoke was showing Anton and Michael the same place.

But I was just there. It doesn't look anything like this.

Unless there was...

Unless what?

Your brother...

When they found him, he... He was talking about a cave.

Maybe this is a drawing of Golden Grove, just underneath it.

Let's go find out.


You three go back to camp.

Your dad went there alone and d*ed there.

If I know my dad, he went there alone because he didn't want to put anyone else in danger.

So neither do I.

The Teacher will be here soon, and then we'll finally be ready.

It is gonna be... amazing.

You have no idea how long we've waited to bring it back, Amy.

And now we can... because of you.

It chose you.


...we're just gonna need some of your blood.



I don't want to die out here.

You're not going to.

Although, as far as ways to go, death by Satanist is pretty punk rock.


Come on. Talk to me.

Take your mind off it.

Just, I'm sorry about what I said.

I've just never met anyone quite like you.

I've heard that before.

From boyfriends?

What boyfriends?

I've never had any either.

A couple of hook-ups, straight guys.

Whenever I'd try to take it further, they'd bolt.

So I just kind of gave up.

Until you.

And look how that turned out?

It's all right.

I should probably be thanking you.

For what?

The way you looked at me when I first got here.

It's how I've always wanted to be looked at.

Like a hot guy?

Like a guy.

But it is what it is.

I'm glad that we can be the way we are now.

It's cool if we can be friends.

Deb: Blair, Drew, if you can hear me, get back here, now.

Come on.


[Engine starts]

[Car door closes]

Heelan: What do you say there, junior?

My dad got you out running his errands again, Uncle Boyd?

Ah, well, actually, he sent me to apologize.

He's not gonna make it today.

Some case he's on got him working around the clock.

He totally sent you here to spy on me, just like the last time he was here pretending to look into Michael Goodson and his "visions."

Oh, well, that doesn't sound like your dad.

You're a terrible spy, Uncle Boyd.

Yeah, well, uh, you enjoy the rest of the summer, you hear?

Isn't tetherball supposed to be multiplayer?

I'm practicing.

Some of us actually care about winning.

Your parents stand you up?

No, my mom just couldn't get off work.

She's gonna come pick me up at the end of camp.

Oh, man. That can't come soon enough.

The only thing getting through is what I'm gonna do to Lance's bunk the last day.

What's your problem?

All you ever talk about is who you're gonna get even with or how much you hate this place.

Because I do hate this place.


I look forward to coming to Camp Stillwater all year.

And maybe if you actually tried, you would, too.

She's ready, Teacher.

All of our enemies have been dealt with.

The final step is yours.

[Gears grinding]

[Breathing rapidly]


Okay, guys. This is what it's all been leading to.

Team Red hasn't won a single time since I started coming to Stillwater.

And that's not gonna change this year unless we work together as a team.

Now, everybody remembers the plan, right?

Girl: Yes.

Now let's go capture the flag!

[Cheers and applause]

You know, you're actually a lot dumber than I thought you were, Townie.

Come on, did you really think we'd just let you walk up in here and take it? [Chuckles]

You know, even your daddy can't help you out of this one.

Looks like you're gonna be leaving camp the same way you came, Townie...

As a loser.


What's so funny?


'Cause now you're the loser.

Come on, man!

They're getting away!

Stop her!


[Cheers and applause]

You did it, Braces! You won!

No, we won!

We make a good team, Townie.

[Cheers and applause]


[Crickets chirping]

[Hinges squeak]



Let her go.


Garrett, help me!

Let her go, Damon.

[g*n cocks]

You don't have to do this.

It's already done, pal.

The Teacher gave the final blessing.

The Teacher?

Where is he?

You just missed him.

I'm gonna count to three.

I thought we were gonna be friends for life, you know that, Garrett?


That summer after you came back from camp...

...two... didn't want anything to do with me.

What do you want?

What I want, what we all want, there's only one way to get.

This world will never accept us for who we are.

It will only spit on us, make us feel as small as it thinks we are.

We are tired of being powerless, and I know you are, too.

Isn't that why we got back at that principal?

Now we have a chance to get back at the world.


Remember a long time ago you asked me how far I was willing to go?

Well... here's your answer.

When our blood mixes with hers... we live forever.

Your blood?

[Choking, gagging]

[Screaming, crying]




Oh, my God.

Almost there.

Where are we going?

It's the last day of camp.

There's something we need to do.


[Sighs] Now we'll always remember.

It's gonna take more than that.

[Vehicle approaches]

Looks like your ride's here.

Come on. I want you to meet my dad.


Hey, Mom.

What's wrong?


Where's Dad?


[Gears grinding]

Are you okay?

She's not breathing.


Come on, Amy.

Come on!

[Gasps, coughs]


It's okay.

It's okay. I've got you.

I've got you. Come here.

It's okay. I've got you.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Oh, my God.

It's okay.

Oh, my God.

They can't hurt you anymore.


Heelan: Garrett?

Garrett, are you...

It's okay. It's okay.

Sheriff, you're alive?

I'm okay.

I found your walkie. How are you...

I got back to the car. It's a long story.

Where are you? Did you find Damon?

They're dead, Sheriff.

They're all dead.

I'm here with Amy. She's okay.

It's over.

It's all over.


Oh, my God.

The kids. Are the kids okay?

They're fine. They're in the cabins with the staff.

You're bleeding.

What happened?

Okay. Okay, let's get you to the infirmary.

Okay, give me your arm.

Thank you. Thank you, Jessie.

Okay. You're okay.

You okay?

Yeah. Just a sprain.

What are you doing?

Cricket was the only person I ever allowed myself to get close to until you, and I lost her.

I'm not gonna lose you, too.

We talked about this.

I'm cool with us being friends.

Well, I'm not.

What are you saying?

I'm saying that, when you first came here, I thought you were the hottest guy I'd ever seen.

And... I still do.

How is she?

Shaken up.

It's... It's a lot to process.

Yeah. Pretty much the worst capture the flag game ever.

Thank you for everything today.

What is it, Joel?

I just can't stop thinking about him.



Are you sure you didn't see him out there?

Strange things happened tonight, terrible things, but they were all done by people.

Crazy people with crazy ideas, but still... people.

So who was behind it then if it wasn't Holyoke?

Damon mentioned a teacher, but who knows if that was real.

Are you sure you didn't see anything...

Anything that you can't explain?

I didn't say that.

Maybe there was no teacher.

Jessie: Maybe. Maybe not.

But it's over.


At least we have that.

Heelan: There he is.


You did good today.

Your dad would have been proud.


Still can't believe it... Damon Crowley.

Who knew he'd go this far?

I mean, to... To take his own life...

Yeah, who knew?

Okay, you want to tell me what happened out there?

Why don't I show you?


[Crickets chirping]

Lead the way.

Why don't you...


It was you, all of this.

What are you talking about, junior?



I never told you that Damon k*lled himself.

I just told you he d*ed.

Everything this summer, it was your fault.

This summer?

Oh, it's much longer than that.

And tonight was the night everything was supposed to change.

You ruined everything, just like your father.

[Strained] You k*lled him.

You think I wanted to?

Your dad was my best friend!

But after what you told me, I had no choice.

What I told you?

Parents Day, 1982.

When you told me your old man was talking to Michael Goodson, that he'd heard about Michael's visions.

That's when I knew he was getting too close.

He treated you like a brother.

[g*n cocks]

This place... it calls to you.

It called to me, and I answered.

I'm one of the chosen.

You're a m*rder*r.

You k*lled him and Dave and Cricket.

Your father, I had to.

But the others? No.

Stop lying.

We had nothing to do with them.

You're lying to me.

Just like you lied to Damon.

He trusted you.

He d*ed for you.

At least I didn't abandon him.

It doesn't have to end the same for you as it did for your dad.

I always wanted to bring you in, but I knew the answer would be no.

There's still a chance for us though.

We're family.

I love you, junior.

There is a... a power here at Stillwater that's greater than anything you can possibly imagine.

We can tap into that together.

All you have to do is join me.

Put g*n down, son.

I will never join you.

You'll never k*ll me, either.

You're too good.

You're just like Jack.


I'm not my dad.
