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01x12 - The Dark Night

Posted: 08/12/16 09:32
by bunniefuu
♪ This time we can't go wrong ♪
♪ This time ♪
♪ This time we can't go wrong, this time... ♪

Team leader (over radio): Visual or not, assume the hostages are still alive. Let's do this.

On my mark... Go.

♪ Gonna take it down, gonna take it down... ♪


♪ Gonna take it down, gonna take it down... ♪
♪ Gonna take it down... ♪


Team leader: What the hell?

♪ ...this down in history ♪

What the...?

Newscaster: Channel Six News obtained this footage of the raid.

Gerald: With apologies to Mr. Rick James.

You, sir, are the super freak.

Newscaster: The 911 call reporting a hostage crisis turned out to be a hoax.

Inside, the SWAT team was shocked to discover prominent televangelist Walter Brighton with two call girls and thousands in illegal dr*gs.

(laughing): Oh, my God. What!?

Your cousin is really enjoying this.

A televangelist caught with hookers and dr*gs... there's a lot of people enjoying this.

Okay, here's my question: This is the same guy who's telling everybody that you have to be pure and holy.

Well, why is he the one who gets to pop pills, and feel on prostitutes' boobies?

I'm glad that Brighton got exposed.

I know swatting is stupid and dangerous, okay?

But you guys, this is a con man who has been ripping off desperate, and trusting people for more than 30 years.

I think he's the most horrible man alive.

What is "swatting"?

A seriously twisted prank using a phony 911 call to send a SWAT team crashing into someone else's house.

And that's a prank?

There's some sick people in this world.

(phone rings)

Gerald (laughing): Yeah, like Brighton.

Message from Cole.

She wants us to come in.

I bet it's regarding that.

This is a prank phone call.

We're detectives.

How about this for a bet: Cole asks us to investigate a prank phone call, and I'll kiss you square on the lips.

I need you to investigate this prank call.

I did not give consent.

We didn't shake on it.

Captain, we're detectives.

Don't you think this is a little beneath us?

Just curious, did either of you donate half a million to the mayor's reelection campaign?

Because Walter Brighton did, so...

I'm afraid he outranks you right now.

It seems like a perversion of justice.

Oh, this is a perversion of a lot of things, but somebody really had it in for this guy.

You know that video footage?

It was stolen from a SWAT camera, and then posted online for maximum humiliation.

You can't tell me Brighton didn't deserve it.

Brighton is a conniving, snake oil hustler, but he's hustled his way into a whole lot of money, and he gave a big chunk of that to our mayor.

Which means, whatever you and I may think of him, is very not relevant.

The deputy chief just called me.

Wanted me to put two detectives on this.

And you picked us.

I know what this is.

I'm being punished for something.

Just not sure for what.

Maybe she figured you're the one taking scissors to my ties when I fall asleep at my desk.

This was my dad's.

(Carter laughing)

(continues laughing, then stops)

I didn't say it was me.

We would be honored to help, Captain.

Okay. You s... you see, Carter?

Now that is what I call professionalism.

Lee is honored to help.

Lee's honored by everything.

Hey, Lee, how do you feel to be here at this police station?


All right, just both of you... get going.

Lee, how do you feel about where you and me are going right now?

We're going to work, so honored.

How about that girl right there?

Very honored.

What about that stapler on that desk?


Walter Brighton?

Detectives Carter and Lee.

Honored to meet you.

We're here to talk to you about the, uh...

Uh, incident.

Incident. Let's go with that.

So, who did this?

And please tell me he was shot during the arrest.

We don't know who it was, that's why we came to talk with you.

Wait. You came to talk?

I thought you came to bring me this scumbag's head on a spike.

If you have time, we would just like to ask a few questions.

I'm-I'm about to give a sermon.

So now would be a bad time?

Is he being funny?

No. That's not a gear that he has.

If you prefer to talk later...

Just find out who did this.

Look, I'm being mocked everywhere I go.

Somebody taunting me with e-mails.

Well, what did the e-mails say?

I-I don't know. Some crap about... admit guilt and end this.

Deny it and be ended.

Do you have any idea who sent it?

Uh, yeah, let's see, Anonymous D-bag the Third.

Look, I got a job to do.

Maybe you two try doing yours.

How you feeling now?

Not so honored.

(audience applauding, cheering)


Brighton: No, please.

Please, sit down.

Thank you.

Brothers and sisters...

I am a man who believes in accountability, and responsibility, so I want to respond today to the shameful, awful things you may have seen in that awful video.

A video that shamefully misrepresents me.

So much for accepting guilt.

The only perversion here is a perversion of the truth.

Footage doctored by wicked souls who fear the power of my righteousness.


(crowd screaming)


Carter: Lee! Blond-haired guy by exit.

Man: Don't move!

Go, go, go, go!


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh-huh.

We got to get him out of here.

You know you going to Hell.

You ain't gotta tell no... passed up the hell word, too.

(sirens wailing)


(crowd screaming) Everybody get down!

Get down now!

Look out! Move! Get down!

The guy sh**t Brighton, makes a run for it.

Then we grab him, rush him outside.

And then... bang.

The second sh**t must have already been in position... waiting.

And you're confident the man you had in custody was the target.

There's no chance this was an errant b*llet intended for one of you?

This was one shot, dead-center.

Extremely precise.

The entry wound suggested that the shot traveled on a downward trajectory.

Elevated sh**t.


Yeah, the guy who shot Brighton is named David Jones.

Long criminal record, multiple sits in jail, but as far a I can tell, no connection to Brighton.

So a hired g*n.

Yeah, whoever was behind this hired one gunman to k*ll Brighton.

They had another one waiting around, ready to take him down, if he was caught.

Pretty effective way to make sure Brighton's k*ller couldn't be traced back to whoever hired him.

Okay, do you think that Brighton's m*rder was connected to that phony 911 call?

They were both big public displays.

Put out in the open for everyone to see.

(laughing): Yeah.

Just like his "pills and prostitutes" party.

Brighton mentioned an e-mail, telling him to accept his guilt.

Which he obviously chose not to do.

Didi: Okay.

I'll get my hands on the e-mail.

Okay, so somebody put in a lot of work on this thing.

You know, I'd tell you to start by seeing if this guy had any enemies, but...

I mean, this guy is a televangelist.

Not to mention a major...

I did not care for him.

I've never seen Lee so scornful.

Carter: Look at his face.

Look at his scorn.

All right. Thank you.

You're scorny.

Are you done?

Now clearly this guy had a long list of enemies.

It's your job now to narrow it down.

So scornful.

Never seen you so scornful before.

Hey, any luck with that ballistics report on the sn*per's b*llet?

Nah. But I didn't really expect the sn*per to leave behind a trail of evidence.

The only witness we have is a woman who reported seeing a "big dude."

I believe the exact description was "real big dude."

But, yeah, not a lot of progress on our end.

What about you?

Hear anything back from that 911 call?

Well, our swatter's voice was digitally altered.

And we know that the caller was a man, but that's pretty much it.

What about the phone he used to make the call?

Mobile phone, but the number was shielded with an encryption technology, so it can't be traced.

Were you able to find the e-mail thread?

The one that was sent to Brighton.

Donovan: Found it.

And, uh, found it to be as close to untraceable as any digital signature.

Unfortunately, this guy is very, very smart.

Maybe even smarter than me.

Get out?!

I know. It's, uh, it's a scary thought.

No. I mean, go away.

All right. Just, uh, glad I could help out.

Look, I don't care how smart this guy is, there has to be a loose thread.

I mean, I may have one.

Now, even a genius has to work with the occasional idiot, right?


What the hell does that mean?

Didi: So...

I was looking for our very smart man through his less-smart acquaintance.

David Jones.

The hired g*n. Mm-hmm.

Now the phone we found on Jones was a burner, but his car was discovered a few blocks away, with his primary cell phone inside, and at 6:00 a.m. this morning, he placed a call to his girlfriend, from this boardwalk in Redondo Beach.

♪ Ladies and Gentleman ♪
♪ Give it up for Mystikal ♪
♪ Calling all cars in here ♪
♪ For the Prince of the South ♪
♪ k*ll all that yabba-dabba-doosh ♪
♪ I just got out ♪
♪ Still rapping, slapping kittens ♪
♪ And grabbing my crotch ♪
♪ I'm the Artist the Godfather still hard as a rock ♪
♪ You gon' mess around and make me knock your... ♪

Lee: Half these shops are abandoned.

If our sh**t stopped here, there aren't too many places he could have been going.

Just one big weird one.

Who thought it was smart to build a floating mall?

Lee: Even if our k*ller did stop here...

Look, unless you want to head back and search the criminal database for some "big dude..."

Correction. Some "real big dude."

But no, I don't want to do that.

Then we start here.

Lee: It's a large area.

We'll move quicker if we each cover half.

Carter: All right. I'll go this way.

♪ Come on, comin' on the one! ♪
♪ Uh... this the intermission ♪
♪ Break it down so the people listen ♪
♪ Take a second to wipe my sweat ♪
♪ We'll see y'all uptown ♪
♪ Come on! ♪

Worker: The likelihood of his cooperation is not your concern.

Just do the job you were paid to do, and I'll take care of the rest.

Trust me, he's going to play along once we tag in Richie Jr.


Can you answer a couple quick questions?

(firmly): LAPD.

Hey! Turn around!

I know he didn't just start running.


Time to die.

I remember you.


(echoes from distance): Hope you wake up.

Am I in Heaven?

Not with this food.

Gerald: What?

I'm a stress eater.


Come on, Carter, please don't die, man.

I need you in my life.

Didi: Carter, you have a concussion.

You're going to be fine.

I have no idea what he's talking about.

He has trouble with hospitals.

I need a hug, man.

I need a hug.

Lee: What are you doing?

Life must be easy when you have a heart coated in ice.

I'm gonna just take... this and go.

He just...

Didi: So, do you remember anything?

Lee found you unconscious.

You were struck in the head, but I saw no sign of an assailant.

He ran. I... went after him.

Pulled a g*n to k*ll me.

But when he saw my face, he stopped.

Said he remembered me.

But you didn't recognize him?

Never got a clean look.

Electrical worker, I think...

Well, we need to find him, 'cause this is our guy.

Whoa, no. Easy there.

Your doctor wants to keep you overnight for observation.

We'll come back for you tomorrow.

Feel better.


I just can't stay in bed until tomorrow, man, uh...

I should stay in bed.

Doctor's orders.

I have never seen a reasonably smart man turn that dumb, that fast.

Didi: It's like a light switch cuts his IQ in half.

Half is generous.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Newswoman: ...pileup on the 5 this afternoon...

We've just learned that the man you're seeing is prolific L.A. real estate developer Richard Wakefield.

You may recall he was the subject of some controversy surrounding the collapse of an apartment building.

Mr. Wakefield, why are you a criminal?

The city enacts building codes to keep people safe.

I ignored these codes in order to profit.

Good to see you back on your feet.

Lee, check this out.

This is live downtown just a few blocks from here.

Some rich property developer is walking around in his drawers telling people he's a criminal.

My buildings are built to fail... to fall.

A rich, successful man being exposed and publicly shamed.

Exactly like Brighton, who was subsequently shot.

(news broadcast continues indistinctly)

Didi, we may have another possible target.

The man downtown, Wakefield.

Maybe a gunman in the area, possible sn*per.

Carter: Richard Wakefield.

He's gonna play along once we tag in Richie Jr.

He'll "play along once we tag in Richie Jr."

We gotta go.



Carter: Wakefield has a kid...

Richie Jr. Give me an address.

Okay, I'm getting Wakefield's addresses now.

Hang on.

It's an apartment near you.

I'll have the landlord meet you with a key.

I k*ll innocent people to enrich myself.

I must be stopped.

So I now promise to turn over detailed records...

...of the violations I've committed...

...and give every cent I have...

...and to give every cent I have... the families of my victims. the families of my victims.

I will give everything.

I will give away everything.

Keep nothing.

Keep nothing.

Hands in the air.

Wakefield: No.

These aren't my words, okay?

They're forcing me to say these things.

Come on, Richard, you were doing so good.

Do it now!

I will sh**t!

You will... sh**t.

(g*nsh*t) (whimpering)

(all clamoring)

Lee: Hey!


Detective Carter, this is blowing my mind.

I mean, you back here with me after so many years apart.

Why don't you put the kid down?

'Cause I'm using him as a human shield.

I'm surprised that wasn't clear.

But I only started using him as a shield when you showed up with that g*n.

I came here with a g*n to stop you.

And the only reason I'm here is because of you... that's how interconnected we are.

And the irony of you pointing that g*n at me is that we're on the same team.

Taking out the bad guys.

Let the kid go.

Which you'd see if you'd open up your eyes.

I see a guy threatening to hurt a kid.

This needs to end now.

You're not going nowhere.

You sh**t, this kid goes over the side.

Next time we bump into each other, I hope that you've thought this through, and come to the realization... that I, like you, am providing a public service and making the world a better place.

But until then...

Carter: No!

Carter: No!

(Richie Jr. screams)

Finish up.

Time to go.

Got you.


So, who won?


♪ ♪

Carter: He talked like we had a history... but this isn't anyone I remember.

Someone you've previously arrested, maybe?

Nah. I've been down that road; came up empty.

But who knows if this guy was speaking truth or-or just talking crazy?

Well, crazy or not, the guy's got some really good technical skills.

He used this... to talk to Wakefield.

It's a wireless Wi-Fi-enabled speaker.

Not all that advanced as a concept, but...

Well, with a range like that in a device that size...

It's pretty impressive.

Also, the sn*per shot came from an empty office adjacent to the condo.

This guy seems to have a lot of supportive friends.

Or he has the money to hire them.

His large associate, he was a, uh...

Carter: Yeah.

Like Shaq and The Rock had a baby.

And the baby kind of kicked Lee's ass.

He was a trained fighter, and in my estimation, a soldier for hire.

Shaq-Rock baby, hit man Jones, office sn*per... this man must have some real deep pockets.

Unfortunately, this guy also seems to have a lot of fans.

Look at this... social media comments.

"It's not wrong to k*ll an evil man."

Lee: So people think he's a hero.

And worse...

Carter: People suggesting his next targets.

Didi: Yeah.

This is posted on multiple sites.

It's important to him that people know what he's doing.

Just to build an audience?

I don't know, but I'm worried he's building to something.

Carter, I had S.I.D. check for blood on the balcony wall from where you shot the guy.

What'd you find?

No blood. No indication that you shot a guy.

No blood? How's that possible?

Don't sh**t the messenger.

Actually... go ahead... you'll probably miss.


Lee: Maybe we'll get lucky with the ballistic report.

We won't.

He's smart, organized... everything's planned to the smallest detail.

He's not just gonna slip up and make a mistake.

At least not without a little help.

♪ ♪
At this transformer, he was up to something.

We had a team of officers search the area and they found nothing.

Then there's something they missed... and I have an idea how we're gonna figure out what it is... with his help.


Jack: I know. I called you.

I need to see you, Carter, but I can't have you telling Detective Lee who you're talking to, so you're have to keep this our little secret.

Okay? And I'll know if you don't.

You good at taking orders?

Hell, no.

Okay, then I'll make this simple.

Start walking. Start walking? Where?

Full speed ahead. You'll get the rest as you go.

"Full speed ahead" means "run," by the way.

I don't have all day.

Yeah, well, this is why people plan things in advance.

So, now, when you round this corner, toss your phone.

Toss my phone?

Right in the drink.

I can't risk you firing off a text.

What if I promise not to use it? I just got this phone.

Toss and splash, Carter.

Dang, man!

(sighs sadly)

Take a seat.

Kiss my ass.

Get up.

You remember my friend?

He's got two semiautomatic weapons under there, and orders to open fire on this crowd, if you start getting stupid, so... take a seat.

So what is this about?

This... is about you, Carter.

You and your relation to me; it's about us.

I'm not sure I'm ready to call me and you an "us," since I have no idea who you are.

I need to know if I'm the guy that's gonna have your support... or the guy that's gonna k*ll you.

Is there a third option?


No, just those two.

But keep in mind I don't want to k*ll you.

I'm touched. Well, I'm glad to hear it.

But for some reason, you're determined to stop my work.

And I just... I can't have that.

On multiple times, you've shown up and derailed my plans.

Get in my way again, it's gonna end badly.

So you just want me to hang back and not go after a vicious k*ller?

Vicious k*ller... please.

Carter, you're smarter than that.

These are vile men who deserved to die.

And somewhere deep down, if you're honest with yourself, I think you understand what I'm doing.

Rats carry plague.

They bite, and it spreads.

You want to end the plague, you k*ll the rat.

People aren't rats.

Not all of 'em.

Look, I'm just trying to inspire the masses.

Yeah, I can take out a few bad guys.

It's not gonna change the world, but, uh, I can start setting up the dominoes.

Good talk.

I should get going.

I'm having a little barbecue later tonight.

You're not invited, but, um, this was fun.

Um, take care of yourself.

And stay out of my way.

Or I'll k*ll you.

Well, look whose self-righteous ass is under arrest.

(g*n clicks)


You brought one friend. I brought two.

And now you don't have a g*n.

You make a move to follow us, and we'll k*ll people. Carter, did you bring a little GPS device so that Captain Kung-Fu here could follow you?

Now I know where you stand.

It's too bad.

How about a little crowd cover?

(g*nf*re blasting, people screaming)

God knows you haven't always made it easy for me, but I support you both, you know that.

I'm on your side, and I have always done whatever I could to cover your backs, but it...


It just gets a little hard to do that when your backs are hanging out on a crowded pier with a bunch of thugs who have a*t*matic weapons and a real penchant for spontaneously firing them into the air.

And those are fair, logical points.

Very fair, very logical points.

And your counterpoint?

You are so lucky that nobody got k*lled.

Carter: Captain, this is the guy who m*rder*d Brighton and Wakefield, and we were right there, because we tricked him.

Lee: We believe that a man this strategic would keep an eye on his interests.

Maybe with a camera left behind to monitor an important area.

When I first saw him at that pier, he was wearing a uniform that I think was made to look like Department of Electrical Power.

So if anyone saw him working, it wouldn't seem suspicious.

And what was he working on?

Carter: I don't know.

But I thought if we made it look like we did, he'd see it as a threat and respond.

So we went out there with a DEP worker.

Of sorts.

A worker of sorts... to get his attention.

(satisfied sigh)

Okay, so, you want me to just, uh, start talking and act like I'm saying something?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Just talk, gesture and point to stuff as if you have any idea what it is.

Like so, Uh, hard hat, buttons, your zipper down.

Oh. Sorry. (clears throat)

Okay, I can do that. I can talk.

You know, I'm talking now.

Uh, I can gesture, 'cause I always be gesturin' and... I-I can point. Yeah.

And I can just... I, um...

Uh, sh**t. Uh, dang.

I can't seem to do 'em all at the same time.

I'm blocking on what to say.

This isn't my favorite assignment.

(ringtone playing)


Jack: I know. I called you.

We threw out some bait, and he bit.

We got extremely close.

While I appreciate your unique approach here, and the fact that you got extremely close, right now, we are no closer to finding him than we were on day one.

We'll find him. It's just been slow going.

This guy's like a criminal mastermind.

Oh, come on, Carter.

Just because somebody is smart and methodical doesn't mean that they're some sort of comic book super villain.

This guy has a henchmen.

A Shaq-Rock baby, and the Babe!

Lee, back me up on the henchmen.

He was huge, right?

He kicked your ass, just tell her!

Tell her!

Don't worry, we'll find him.

Hey! I don't believe you.

You don't talk?

You're embarrassed you got your ass beat.

Sorry, I choked.

Hey, guys.

Your plan with the tracking device...

The one that didn't work?

No, the one that did work, because I had someone there taking surveillance pictures.

You did that without telling me?

Yes, because I figured it'd be easier than coming up to you and saying, "Carter, I want in on this," and you being like, (imitating Carter): "Girl, please, I got this under control."

And then me saying, "Carter, you macho idiot, please let me help you," and you're like, "Girl, please, I am too awesome for help."

And then me throwing you against the wall...

(speaking Spanish)

...with my car keys.

Good call.


Hey, you ever get scared of Didi?

I mean, I don't.

I was just curious if you do.

I'm a grown-ass man, I ain't scared of her.

Lee: Didi, this is amazing.

Didi: And hopefully there's something useful in here.

Anything would be more than we have.

See what you got.

Take a look at this.

Carter: What is that?

It's a prosthetic.

He has a fake leg.

Lost a leg.

And all those scars.

I know who he is.

Would've been my second year on the force.

I was on patrol duty.

First on the scene of a car accident.

(sirens wailing in distance)

A car went off the road, flipped.

There were three people inside, parents and their kid.

Nobody's moving.

Engine's on fire and it's spreading.

Had to pull 'em out.

Paramedics get there and rush them to the hospital.

Only one of 'em made it through the night.

I remember you telling me about this.

The mom and the kid died, right?

Yeah, dad was in bad shape.

Doctors didn't even know if he would walk again.

He had no other family members.

Only two people in his life, and he had just lost them.

So I went by as often as I could to check in on him.

Never knew what to say, you know?

Just talked to fill the silence.

Only time he spoke was to ask me questions I couldn't answer.

"What's the point?"

"Why them and not me?" I...

I didn't have any wisdom to share, I'd just say whatever I thought he needed to hear.

"There's a higher plan."

"Things happen for a reason."

Maybe you're still here 'cause... there's something wrong in this world and... you have to put it right.

Never knew if anything I said made a difference.

I just kept showing up 'cause he didn't have anyone else.

Then one day I came by and he was gone.

Transferred to a physical rehab center out of the state and... that's the last I saw of him.

I never even got to see his face.

He didn't k*ll you because you saved his life.

Here we go.

Jack Douglas.

At the time of the accident, he was 32; wife and kid; college professor; and apparently a rarified genius.

I mean, his IQ is off the charts.

Eight years in DC as a project consultant for the DoD... DARPA.

That explains some things, all right?

But it still doesn't explain what happened to him.

This might.

Car accident reportedly caused by a mechanical defect.

Yeah, "Class action suit claims Asato Motors knew about the defect, but didn't issue a recall out of concern for sales. Company denies claim, but settles out of court for undisclosed sum."

As in, "We're guilty, but here's a few million bucks to shut up and go away."

Yeah, they kept a dangerous car on the road just to avoid any sort of bad publicity, and his family died because of it.

Donovan:Hey, Didi.


Our bad guy's little online fan club that you had me monitor?

Bunch of those sites just started posting the same image.

Is a countdown clock... a bad thing?

22 minutes.

To what?

Something very unpleasant.

(electricity crackling)

(electrical buzzing)

(crackling, buzzing, popping)

Some of these sites were suggesting names for the guy to target.

Maybe it's one of those.

Countdown is meant to draw a big audience.

Which means a big target.

Lee: A big target that's personal.

The auto company.

How do you target a company?

This might be a start.

"Asato Motors' Japanese CEO and Vice Chairman make rare trip to meet U.S. execs at company's downtown LA office."

Call the building.

Get security to lock that place down.

How do I describe the threat?

(electricity buzzes)


Backup generator kicked in.

It's all over the city.

Landlines are down.

One man shutting off power to a whole damn city?

Is that even possible?

Do you remember the Northeast blackout in 2003?

Some fallen trees and a computer glitch knocked out power to, like, 40 million people.

The power grid is basically a 65-year-old string of tangled Christmas lights.

Even a few scattered generators going down can snowball into a rolling blackout.

I mean, there's a few computer systems in place that can take care of that, but...

Yeah, and if someone found a way to disable those computers...

We'd be hit with a big-ass snowball.

Communication systems down, traffic gridlock.

Police confusion.

This is his defense.

Hospitals are first priority.

See how many patrol units we can spare.

Officer: You got it.

Captain, we have a problem.

Yeah, well, the entire city has a problem.

Well, this is worse, all right? Our k*ller's got a new target.

What exactly is the threat?

I don't exactly, but...

Okay, just find me when you do. Diaz, come with me.

Good luck. Sorry.

We got to get there now.

But if traffic grinds to a complete halt, then...

You'll need a supercharged, bad-ass motorcycle to get through it.

Yeah, I own a bad-ass motorcycle.

Hold on.

And I'm gonna need gas.

♪ I ♪
♪ I want to take a walk in the wild ♪
♪ I want to feel our hearts collide ♪
♪ I want to feel alive ♪
♪ I ♪
♪ I want to take a walk in the wild... ♪

He's here.

♪ I want to feel our worlds collide ♪
♪ I want to feel alive ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh... ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh... ♪

The elevators are out.

Stairway's locked.

And the lock is jammed.

It is an exciting night, tonight at Asato Motors.


We've got... the top executives of the U.S. office.

As well as the big dogs! (barks)

From team Tokyo!

(whispers): What these execs about to die don't know is that we're live streaming this to the entire world.

Okay. Ready?

You don't know me. (chuckles)

But I know each and every one of you.

What is that... a teleportation device?

'Cause I know you're not gonna try to pry open them doors and climb up the elevator shaft.

You trying to pry open the doors and climb up the elevator shaft.

All right, come on.

You probably don't recognize me, 'cause I got a little work done.

But maybe-maybe you'll recognize these two.

Sarah and Ben.


They wanted to be here tonight, but they can't.

'Cause you k*lled them.

Sorry, just to recap, um, Sarah and Ben, the wife and son I once had that are gone now.

Because you k*lled them!

I just need to know which one of you made that choice.

So let's pass some blame around.

And I will keep score with this water jug.

Full disclosure: Contents of jug is not necessarily water.

(hostages whimpering, sobbing quietly)

Who wants to go first?



You got something to say, Kojak?

Please, look...

I only presented the data.

Uh-huh. I didn't push the decision.

Well... no.

That's not what Babs said.

She said you did.

What did you say?

(crying): We reported... we reported the defect to Tokyo, but it-it was an American model, so they let us decide.

And "us" meant you!

I didn't decide!

I- I... What?

I just...

I applied a formula.

That sounds interesting.

What-what formula?

Lee, behind you!

I got this. Go!

Tell me about the formula.

I-I don't know the specifics of it.

I don't...

Oh. Finley.

You little scoundrel, I think you do.

Tell me.

(knife clatters onto floor)

Just breathe.


Just relax, okay?

Yeah. It's gonna be okay. Just tell me.

There's, uh, three-three variables that we use to estimate the projected loss.

And if it's cheaper to do a recall, then we recall.

And if it isn't...

If it isn't what?

We don't recall.

(woman crying)

Don't. Don't. Don't.

Don't. Don't. No, no! No!


(crying): I'm sorry. I'm sorry.



Thought I'd swing by.

See what you were up to.

Here it is.

What do you think?

I think you suck at throwing parties, Jack.




(man groans, Lee grunts)

(groans, exhales)

You put it all together? You remember?

Every detail, okay?

I know who you are.

I know what you been through.

I know what you lost.

I saw it firsthand.

I sat there in that hospital room with you, powerless to help.

You did help.

"There's something wrong and-and-and it's up to you to make it right." You said that.

It was nonsense.

No, that made perfect sense, man!

Because they were gone and I wasn't.

And, you know, I couldn't figure out the reason...

There was no reason, okay?

You can't find sense where there is none.

And it's okay, it's not your fault.

But when you lost them...

Not lost.


By them.

That's why we're here.

You don't have to do this.

Yeah, I do.

The decision's been made.

They need to die.

(Jack groans, woman screams)

(Jack continues groaning, woman sobs)

♪ ♪

(crickets chirping)

Carter: All of his time, money, every thought he had.

All of it for revenge.

It was all he had.

He had lost everything else.

He had it taken.

And the rich and powerful people who took it get to go home, sleep it off, and act like they did nothing wrong.

Just wake up tomorrow, bright and sunny day.

Cameras were recording throughout.

For those car executives, tomorrow might not be a bright and sunny day after all.

Wish I could've done something else.

You did all you could.

Thanks for sticking it out with me.

It was an honor.