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04x08 - Girl Code

Posted: 08/16/16 05:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Fosters...

Oh, don't forget you're picking up Mason from preschool this afternoon.

I was hoping I could get some time to practice.

There's not a lot of time before the audition.

His moms are blaming him for everything that happened with Callie.

What do you mean, "everything that happened with Callie"?

They had sex.

We don't have time to keep building and rebuilding this robot if we want to be ready for competition in three days.

But you do have time to go visit Nick?

Mariana: He's locked up.

Not that locked up if he has access to a phone and is texting you constantly.

Callie: Look, an innocent 17-year-old kid is gonna spend the rest of his life in prison if you don't tell the truth.

You need to leave me alone.

I have some tax issues with the IRS.

We're selling the house.

Mariana: Why?

You're kidding me, right?

Woman: Well, we obviously can't show the house like this.

I mean, you're gonna need to get rid of half the furniture and all of this... clutter.

(piano music playing)

And these are gonna have to go.

People want to picture their lives in the home, not yours.

Mariana: Moms!

The robotics competition is tomorrow.

Can't Brandon take a break for like 20 minutes?

I'm trying to think in C++, but all I can hear is C-minor.

Brandon: Major.


(sighs) Sorry.

And have you considered having the house professionally cleaned?


(music continues, muffled)

Sounds like Brandon's here.

Yeah, he has his Juilliard audition in a couple of days.

Hey, I was thinking maybe tomorrow after school, I could come over. I mean, if you're sure that Mike will be at work.


Yeah, well...

Mike doesn't want us hooking up at the apartment.



Okay, so where does Mike want us hooking up?

(both laugh)

Well, Mike didn't say.

I mean, he'd probably never know.

No, no. I mean, if he doesn't want me there.

I... I just think it's because he kind of sees you like a daughter, in a way.

How about here?

When is there not someone at my house?

When they're at school and work.

And what are these?

Oh, those are case file... It's a long story.

Okay, well, they're gonna need to be moved.

So, how soon do we think we can get this place presentable?

Uhh... umm... a couple of weeks?

Let's say a week.

We're coming up on the holidays, nobody's house-hunting then.

Okay, we will do the best we can.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Hi, AJ.

Uh, hey.

(music continues)

So, I'll... I'll see you tomorrow?


All right.



So, as I was saying...

Mariana: How much does the robot weigh?

117 lbs!

Mariana: What's the weight limit?

Jesus: 120!


Uh, excuse me.

(clears throat)

Hello. Hi.



See you tomorrow.




Mariana: I didn't hear you!


Mariana: What?


Jesus, can you just go up there, please?

Hey, stop yelling! We have company!

So, this should go without saying, but we're gonna need all of the kids out of the house for the showings.

We want people to experience this as a quiet and serene home, not a college dorm. Okay?


Oh, hello. We're looking for a Callie Adams Foster.

Okay then, talk soon.

(sighs) Brandon, can you please stop for a minute?

(music stops)

I'm Callie's mom.

What do you need to see her for?

What's going on?

Are you Callie?


Do you know a man named Patrick Molloy?

(theme music playing)

♪ It's not where you come from ♪
♪ It's where you belong ♪
♪ Nothin' I would trade ♪
♪ I wouldn't have it any other way ♪
♪ You're surrounded ♪
♪ By love and you're wanted ♪
♪ So never feel alone ♪
♪ You are home with me ♪
♪ Right where you belong ♪

Sorry to disrupt your evening.

Not at all.

Thank you for stopping by. Be safe, guys.

Thank you.

(long sigh)

You went by his work several times, Callie?

It was only twice.

He's accusing you of harassment.

This is serious, Callie.

All I did was try to talk to him about Kyle.

You told his boss he's a child molester.

Well, he is.

Stef: I understand that you're upset, okay? I am too, but I am already looking into Molloy and why the molestation charges were dropped.

We know why they were dropped.

He made a deal with the detective on Kyle's case.

He changes his story and in return, he gets away with abusing some poor kid, and Kyle goes to prison for the rest of his life for something he didn't do. It's not right.

We don't know that a deal was made, Callie.

But regardless, listen, I am the police officer here, okay?

Please let me handle this. Do you understand?




Can I go?


Oh, hey, we need to clean out the house, so I need you to take those case files back to wherever you got them, please.


I don't want her involved in this.

She has enough to focus on with her senior project and where the hell's she's gonna apply to college.

I don't need her solving cold cases.

I hear you. I do.

(sighs) And hopefully, with those police officers stopping by here tonight, she is no longer gonna be playing amateur detective.


She better not.

You know what? It would be great if you could focus a little more on what's going on at home, too.

We've got enough on our plate right now.


(crickets chirping)

(birds chirping)

(rock music playing)

(people chattering)

Emcee on P.A.: Welcome to the FIRST Robotics Southern California Regional Competition.

Every team must have their robot inspected before our games begin.

And once you're cleared to play, one of our referees will run down the rules of today's tournament.

Next up at the weigh station, the Bagel Bytes.

Academics, you're on deck.

Hey, hey, let's not be intimidated, okay?

You guys are ready.

Remember the FIRST Robotics mantra?

Group: Gracious professionalism and "coopertition."

Yeah. Oh, great.

Who's that?

Palomar Academy.

Regional champs the last four years.

They're all, like, adults.

Is that allowed?

Craig: It's a little controversial.

Their "coach" is an aerospace engineer.

All the other mentors also worked in the field, one way or another, but technically, yeah, it's allowed.

What, so they need two mentors per kid?

Hey, good to see you again, Greg.

It's Craig. You know it's Craig.

Right. Look, we're in the same alliance this first round, which means your team should be sitting pretty when we start round two.


You're welcome.


Go, Team Palomar! Systems check in five!

We're never gonna b*at them.

Hey, never say never.

And winning isn't everything. Remember, guys, this is a coopertition.

Huh? Okay, let's weigh this thing in.

(emcee speaks indiscernibly)

Look who's here.

Hey there.

What are you doing here?

Just came to watch you lose.

Oh yeah? Well, you're gonna be very disappointed.

So, you got a hanging arm?

Yeah, we do.

And it works?

Why would we have a hanging arm if it didn't work?

We also have an autonomous program.

And it's a great high sh**t.

Well, we'll see, I guess.

Let's go.

Yeah, losing is not an option.


If we don't make the top six, I'm gonna k*ll somebody.



You're half a pound overweight.

You told me it was 117 lbs.

Well, yeah, that's what Emma said.

Wow. Way to throw me under the bus.


I weighed it on my bathroom scale.

Your bathroom scale?

Sorry. It's all I had.

Okay, well, what if we take the hanging arm off?


(whispers) It doesn't work.

Nobody knows that.

And the potential of it working makes us more of a thr*at.

Penny: Guys, we have to do something.

First round starts in 15 minutes.

It's just half a pound. Can't you just let it slide?

Sorry, Anchor Beach. You don't make weight, you're not eligible to compete.

Now remember, the house hasn't been staged yet, so you're gonna need to use your imagination.

But since you're only in town today, I'm gonna give you a sneak peek.

Thank you. Great bones.

So, why don't we start upstairs and work our way down?

All right. Two teenage boys live in this room, so hold your breath. (Chuckles)

Is this your first child?

No, we... we have a three-year-old boy.

And we're having a girl.

Oh, well, that's perfect, because one of the great features of this house is the Jack and Jill bathroom.

That was Jack... and this is Jill.

So, the natural light that this room gets...

(gasps) Oh my God.


Oh my God!


Apparently, Jill has company.

Yeah, we didn't know anyone...

I can see that.

So, let's just continue on to the master, shall we?

Woman: Mm-hmm.

I'm sorry.

I don't think the universe wants us having sex.

(both laugh)

Mariana: I can't believe I let you put all of these holes in my beautiful robot.

Jesus: Well, it got the weight out, didn't it?

Tray on.

(rock music playing)

(people chattering)

Referee: Okay, remember, the first 15 seconds of each round are for autonomous drive only.

Drivers must keep their hands off the controls during this time.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we all know what "autonomous" means.

What the hell happened to your robot?

We just had a weight issue, but we're good now.

Yeah, we cheese-holed it.

I can see that.

When the buzzer sounds, we start the tele-op portion, so you can go ahead and grab your controls and operate manually.

You should've taken the hanging arm off.

Referee: ... clearing defenses, sh**ting boulders, and scaling the tower.

Good luck.

Hey, rookie mistake, trying to hang a robot.

Not if it works. Scaling the tower gets you the most points.

Yeah, well, that's fool's gold, right?

A strong, consistent robot always wins the day.

I'm surprised Greg didn't tell you that.

Well, we let the kids make the decisions. since this is a high school competition, not Boeing.

Palomar has won four years in a row.

How many times has Anchor Beach even placed?

Exactly. Help us help you learn something, okay?

One, forget him. Two, you've got this.

Come on, guys.

So, what is the highest that we've ever placed?

Eleventh, back in 2010.

Okay, so maybe douchey does know something.

Maybe, but he doesn't have to be so douchey about it.

Hear ye, hear ye! Lords and ladies, welcome to the FIRST Robotics Southern California Regional Competition!

Today's tournament will be an epic contest between worthy champions representing many kingdoms.

Whoa. This... this is...


Emcee: ... battle in a joust of the mind.

And so, without any further folly, let the games begin!


Alliances! To your driver stations.

Good luck.

Go, Anchor Beach Anchor Bytes!

Oh my God, what is she doing here?

Whoo! Whoo!

Drivers, behind the line!

And three, two, one. Charge!


And the games are on!

(beeping, whirring)

Red alliance is off to a quick start.

What's happening?


Yes, I can see that.

Maybe it's a problem with our code?

I quadruple checked it.

Emcee: Anchor Beach did not code an autonomous program.

Oh no.

Emcee: They'll have to make up a lot of ground in the tele-op portion of the round.

Oh no, no, no, no, no!

What the hell is happening? Are you kidding me?

Come on, guys, get that thing moving!

Dudes, this is a disaster.

Why is there a grown man yelling at my daughter?

He's Palomar's coach.

There's nothing I can do about it.

Excuse me.

Lyons: Come on, come on!

(emcee speaking)

Are you kidding me?

I am not letting you guys drag us down!

Excuse me. Excuse me. This is a student competition, so how about we just bring it down a couple of notches?

Oh, because I am just doing my job here and if you don't have a reason to be back here, you should be in the stands with the normal people.

Or better yet, how about you pack up your useless team and go home, okay?

Emcee: Palomar and Hamilton giving it their all despite the Anchor weighing them down.


Hey, buddy.

(grunts) How's it going?


What's this? Oh, is that for me?


I'll... I'll put it in my locker, okay?

Sorry. I picked him up from preschool and he really wanted to see you.

Yeah, yeah, that's fine.

(Mason babbles)

We missed you last night.

Yeah, I missed you guys too.

I was just practicing so late that...

Oh yeah, no, I get it.

How's it going?

All right, I guess.

Kinda feels like I'm cramming for the biggest test I've ever had to take.

You're gonna be great.

So, am I gonna see you tonight?

Uh, yeah, yeah, I think so.

It might be late again, but...

Yeah. No pressure.

(both chuckle)

I... I know.

Um, are we...

Are we okay?

What do you mean?

Are you still upset about what I told your dad?

Cort, we already talked about this.

(Mason babbles)

I know, but are you sure that's not the reason why you didn't come home last night?


I have the audition... of my life in a few days.

Okay? I don't have time to rehash this.

I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stress you out.

Okay, well, do what you have to.

We're fine.


Bye, Mason.

Bye, Brandon.

Hi. Everything okay?

Yeah. (Sighs)

Except, um...


... my dad knows about us. Cort told him.


It doesn't matter.

No, it's just... explains a lot.

About what?

It's fine. I gotta go.


What did you do?

The robot was working before you went cheese-holing.

What, you mean before I made us eligible and saved the day? Again.

Oh, you call making complete fools of ourselves saving the day?

Guys! It's probably just a loose wire.

Great! There's like 50 wires!

Jesus: Okay, I don't need this.

Mariana: Fine! Well, we don't need you.

Yes, we do.

We need both of you. We've got 10 minutes until the next round, so let's start checking wires. Now.

I need a second.

Emcee: We're resetting the field for the next round.

Don't go too far.
Miss Thing.

A moment, please.

There's no time.

Honey, is this really how you want to lead, with an iron fist?

The whole point of this is to work together and solve problems.

Okay, this is exactly why I didn't want my mom to come.

I'm not here as your mom. I'm here as your vice principal.

Well, you're talking to me like my mom, which is stressing me out even more than I'm already stressed out, because we just wasted our first round, and I've got minutes to make up for that pathetic performance that we just did.

So either leave or leave me alone.

Excuse me. Hi, do you have a moment?

We're... we're looking into the m*rder of Martha Johnson.

Didn't they already catch the kid who did it?

And aren't you a little young to be cops?

Sorry. I work for an organization called the Juvenile Justice Center.

Yeah, we believe that the kid who was convicted...

Well, he didn't do it, and the real k*ller's still out there.

Well, I didn't know Martha all that well.

My husband and I had just moved here when it happened.

It was all so awful.

Is there any chance you remember anyone unusual hanging around at the time?

Someone who seemed sketchy, like they didn't belong here?

No, not that I can think of, but it was a long time ago, so...

In the detectives' notes, they wrote down something about a curb painter knocking on doors. Does that ring a bell?

It doesn't. I'm sorry.

Okay. Thank you.

So, let's say we find this curb painter or some other weird dude who was in the neighborhood.

What's the plan? Just walk up to them and ask, "Hey, by any chance, did you k*ll an old lady four years ago?"

No, but maybe... we can prove that the police never followed up on any leads that could've led to another suspect.

You know? Or we could find someone who had... a record and maybe a motive.

Couldn't that create reasonable doubt?

It could.

And would that be enough to get the JJC to take his case?

It would help.

(cell phone ringing)

You can take it.

No, it's fine.

Trouble in paradise?

Oh, there's always trouble when I'm involved.


Okay, we'd better have fixed this.

I will not be humiliated again.

Hey, you're not the only one on the team, you know.

Emcee: ... 'cause round two begins in three minutes.

Look at her giving us the stink eye.

I bet they hate not being the only all-girl team behind the glass.

Yeah, well, they go to an all-girl school, so it's not like they had to earn it.

Oh no, she's coming over here.

Let the bitch-fest begin.

Hey. I just wanted to wish you luck and say it's so great to see another all-girl drive team.


Yeah, good luck, too.

Well, bye.

She seems... nice.


Don't be fooled.

I've just never seen her act like this.

Stef on phone: Yeah, well, like you said, she's got a lot to prove, you know?

No, it's more than that. (Sighs)

She jumped into this right after the whole Nick thing.

Maybe this is too much for her to handle.

Well, after today, she won't have to worry about robotics, and that'll be a lot of stress taken off of her, you know?

That's true.

I'm glad you're there.

(scoffs) She's not. It's a good thing we all didn't come.

Yeah, well, do me a favor and keep me updated on what's going on.

I will. Where are you?

I just... I'm running some errands.

(buzzer blares)

Okay, well, the next round's about to start. I've gotta go.

I'll call you later. I love you.

Okay, I love you too.

(on voice mail) Hey, Stef, it's Hank from Vice.

So, it looks like the charges against Molloy were dropped because the victim turned out to be 18.

If you wanna check him out, it's Benjamin Torres, 636 Everwood, apartment three.



Hi, is Benjamin here?

Can I help you?

Yeah, are you Benjamin?

Who are you?

My name is Stef Adams Foster.

I'm a police officer.

I wanted to know if you'd be willing to talk to me about a man named Patrick Molloy.

What's this about?

You filed a complaint about him four years ago, and I was just wondering why... why you withdrew it.

If you're police, you know why.

How old are you, Benjamin?


18. So you were... you were 14 back then, right?

Look, Patrick Molloy, he's a bad guy and he preys on kids.

I'm trying to put him away, okay, but I'm gonna need your help.


I... I can't help you.

Why not?

Did someone try to... get you to change your mind, get you to change your story, or... like a cop or a detective?

I know you're scared, you know? I get it.

But I really don't think that you want this guy doing to other kids what he did to you.

Hey, and you can trust me. I promise, you really can.

It was a detective. He said...

(sighs) he'd have my parents deported.


Do you remember his name?

Was it... was it Detective Gray?


It's not an "8." It's a "B."

And I didn't want my curb painted in the first place, but what these guys do is, they leave a flier in your door, "Check this box if you don't want your curb painted tomorrow."

It's a total scam. So, naturally, I forget to check the box, and he paints, and the next thing I know, I've got a guy on my doorstep demanding money from me.

Real jackass, too. He was very aggressive about it.

Callie: And this was right around the time that Martha Johnson was m*rder*d?

Same week, as far as I can remember.

I told the cops about it, but they said that they already got the guy who k*lled her, so I didn't think much of it.

Do you remember anything else about him?

Was there a company name on that flier?

No... But I can tell you where he lives.

Lords and ladies, let FIRST Stronghold, round two commence! The drivers behind the line!

And three, two, one. Charge!


Please move, please move, please move.

(beeps, whirring)

Oh, thank God.




Emcee: Round two, and there's Anchor Beach roaring back to life.

Looks like they had an autonomous program after all.


Brant Country Day wasting no time in clearing that wall obstacle.


Time for tele-op. Anchor Beach is making up for lost time.

Oh, they've got Culver City pinned under their tower.


Basket, Anchor Beach!



(rock music playing)

Emcee: Round four.

That first-round malfunction is a distant memory for Anchor Beach, who's on a roll.


Ouch! Code Orange has Foshay pinned!

Remember, if you hit a bot for more than five seconds, it'll mean a point's deduction at the end of the round.

Brant Country Day handles the drawbridge with ease.

They've really come on strong this competition.



Round eight, another obstacle cleared for Anchor Beach.

It may not look pretty, but that robot can move.


Emcee: Milken's putting on a show at the opposite end of the field.


Emcee: Anchor Beach scores again!

One more round like this, and they're a lock for the top six and a spot in the finals!

Round nine, commence!

Three, two, one. Charge!


This is it, folks.

Our last round of regular competition.

Da Vinci Academy makes quick work of that obstacle.

And down by the tower, Anchor Beach puts itself in position to sh**t.

What are they doing?

Hey, what the hell?

Emcee: And they're pinned by the Brant Country Day bot.

Hey, come on, they're holding us for way more than the five seconds.

Hey, ref, come on! That's at least a yellow card!

I knew it. I knew it.

Emcee: Uh-oh, I knew that they were cheaters. those girls won't let Anchor Beach go.

Hey, ref! What, are you blind? Open your eyes!

That's not gracious professionalism, Mariana.

You're gonna get us disqualified.

Emcee: This could spell disaster for the Anchor Beach comeback kids.


(sighs) Dilapidated house with a jungle out front.

This has got to be it.

(doorbell rings)

So, we're just gonna ask him if he painted Mrs. Johnson's curb four years ago.

Yeah, and see how he reacts.

Well, what if he reacts... poorly?

Well, there's two of us and hopefully only one of him.

Well, looks like he's not home, so let's go.

Callie: Doug Harvey.

Where are you going?

Just taking a look.


Craig: Win or lose, guys, hell of a showing.

Yeah, not counting that last round.

How did the refs not call that?

I swear, if we don't make it into the finals, I'm going to smash someone in the face.

Emcee: Lords and ladies, may I have your attention please?

The tournament results are in...

(phone beeps)

... and here are the current standings going into the championship round.

In first place...

Palomar Academy, the PROGrammers.

(crowd cheering)

Yeah! All right! Yeah!

Emcee: In second place...

No surprise there.

... Brant Country Day, Baby Got Bots.

Third place, Hamilton High school, the Da Vinci Coders.

And fourth, High Tech LA, Team 4 ELEMENT.

In fifth place, Linda Vista High School, the Lab Brats.

And rounding out the top six...


... drews Prep, Code Orange!

And now for the rest of the results.

Seventh place goes to the Foshay Learning Center, the Wolverines.

Eighth place, Anchor Beach Community Charter, Anchor Bytes.

Hey, eighth place.

That's the best finish in school history.

Emcee: Tenth place, Culver City, Bagel Bytes.

Hey, not bad. Seriously.

For a girl.

Oh, no. What is she doing?

Maybe you should...

Maybe you should.

I think we all should.


You need to pick us as your alliance.

This is the finals, and you didn't even make it into the top six.

Because you pinned us for longer than five seconds and got away with it.


You don't have to pick a team that's in the top six.

It's tradition, but it's not a rule.

And we've got a hanging arm, which you need to b*at Palomar Alliance.


Okay, deal.


There's just one problem.

Our arm doesn't work.

Wait. Are you kidding me?

But here's the thing: Palomar doesn't think it works.

Because it doesn't.

Exactly. It doesn't work, but we've got a whole hour to change that and blindside them.

One hour.

What if we can't fix it in time?

If we put all of our heads together, and we "cooperitate," maybe we can.

It's the only way you're gonna win, and you know it.

Let's show everyone what a group of girls...


... and a couple of boys can do.

What do you say?

(core playing)

You never remember to eat when you're practicing.

(chuckles) Thanks.

You sure you don't want us to drive you to the airport tomorrow morning?

'Cause we can if you...

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure.

I... I think that'll just make me more nervous.

So, how are you feeling? Are you ready?

If I tell you the truth, will you promise not to say, "I told you so"?

Uh, I shall do my best. How's that?

Okay, well, I... I think that I'm... not as ready as I should be. I... I think I've...

Well, I've been kind of distracted, I guess.

Okay. And I think that...

(sighs) that I might have contributed to that.

Little bit.

I never meant to throw you out the door, B. I didn't.

And... and... and I know that you are not solely to blame for what happened with Callie.

Okay? I am sorry that I said that.

I'm really sorry, too, Mom.

I... I miss you. I do, B, and...

I just... I would love if you came home.

I... I can't leave...

Cort and Mason.

Okay, what happens if you do get into Juilliard?

Well... then it's different, though.

Then I have to go.

Please promise me, B... that you will not hold back on this audition because you feel that you have an obligation to this girl.

I want to go to Juilliard more than anything.

So, I promise.


Well, you are welcome to stay again tonight.

Practice as long as you want, hon.



Eat your sandwich.

So, besides the fact that we're staking out a potential m*rder*r... should I be worried that you're a magnet for trouble?


So... been to juvie twice?


What'd you do?

I smashed up a car with a baseball bat, and the other time was for running away.

That scare you?

No. I'm sure you had your reasons.

I guess, but I definitely... made some bad choices.

Yeah, but... that doesn't mean you're a bad person.

(chuckles) How would you know?

I know.


(brakes squeak)

(engine stops)

(truck door opens, closes)

(keys jingle)

What do you think?

I think we should leave the detectiving to the real detectives.

(engine starts)

(rock music playing)

(people chattering)

So, we spread the word.

Okay, are we sure that this is the right strategy?

I mean, telling everybody our arm works?

It's done. We just have to hope that they fall for it.

All right, group huddle.

What's our motto?

All: b*tches get things done! Whoo!

Go, bot b*tches! Woo-hoo!

Who's that?

Um, that's just our vice principal.

Emcee: Let the championship round begin with drivers behind the line.

Good luck. Let's go.


Sasha: Let's do this.

Here we go. Here we go.


Three, two, one. Charge!


Anchor Beach moves down the field.

Bot coming up on your left.

Thanks. I'm about to score.

Emcee: Brant Country Day sh**t and scores!


Grab that boulder. Guys, we gotta make every sh*t here count, okay?

Block Brant. They are k*lling us.

30 seconds. No one's covering us.

They're all over Brant and High Tech LA.

I guess they didn't believe that we fixed the arm.

Boy: It's hang time. Shouldn't we stop Anchor Bytes from taking the tower?

Their arm doesn't work. They haven't used it all day.

No, they fixed it. Look, they're heading toward the tower.

Hey, cover... cover the Anchor Bytes.

Don't let them come back to the tower.

Palomar's coming.

Damn it, they believed us.

What do we do?

Hey, what are they doing?

They're retreating.

Duh! Why are they retreating?

20 seconds.

Where did you hear that they fixed their arm?

Umm... from them.

If they fixed their arm, are they gonna tell everyone?

Ignore that. Ignore that. Don't cover Anchor Beach.

You focus on Brant. Hey, focus on High Tech LA.

It's working, go! 15 seconds!

I'm going as fast as I can.

Boy: They're coming back for...

Shush, shush, shush.

Pin Brant!

But if we don't do anything...

No! Listen to me! Stay the course, guys. Don't fall for that.

Emcee: Linda Vista heads off to defend Brant as the red alliance starts to take an insurmountable lead!

So, the arm works?

Uh... we'll see.

Fingers crossed.

Toes and eyes.

Emcee: But wait, Anchor Beach is heading back to the tower?

No, no, no. Bring it back.

Bring... bring it back to this tower!

Stop Anchor Beach!

All we have to do is attach.

Emcee: Palomar is heading back to try to stop Anchor Beach...

Now lift.

... but it's too late! Their arm is attached!

Five seconds.

Emcee: Now it's just a matter of pulling up to score the 15-point bonus.

Can they do it in time?

Three... two...



Emcee: Anchor Beach did it!

The blue alliance wins! For the first time in four years, we have a new champion, Southern California.

Brant Country Day, Anchor Beach, and High Tech LA came from defeat with a dramatic last-second win!

I can't believe we did it.

So, the strategy that we used was to tell everybody that the arm worked.

Uh, because it did?

Duh! We didn't lie.

Gracious professionalism, you know?

Anyway, we knew that no one would believe us, because girl team, right?

And it worked. Well, at first it didn't, but then it did.

Oh my God, you should've seen the look on those Palomar engineers' faces when our robot lifted itself.

Whatever. It would've made sense if you'd actually bothered to come.

(phone rings)

You told us not to come.

Um, you should've known better.

(phone beeps)

Anyway, you can see us at Worlds.

That is if we can raise the $5,000 entrance fee in less than three weeks.

Sweetheart, maybe you should pass on Worlds.

What? Why would I do that?

Because you've got a lot going on, you know, and your grades junior year are very key at getting into college.

Worlds would look great on a college application.

Honey, you haven't even studied for your SATs yet.

I know. I got this. I can do it all.

Well, maybe you should let some of us help.

I mean, seems like that's your problem.

You try to do everything.

That's not true.

I delegate.

Hey, I saw that.

Who was that?

It was our realtor.

We have an offer on the house.

Al... already? They haven't even put a sign up.

Stef: Well, apparently, she showed it this morning and the couple who saw it want to make an offer.

All cash, 10% above the asking price.

That's good. It's, uh... we could use the extra money.

Yeah, the other news is... they want a 10-day escrow... and we'll have to be out by the end of the month.

(piano music playing)

Sorry. I just wanted to wish you luck.

Oh. That's okay. I'm... I'm done anyway.

I gotta get home and pack.

So, Cortney's is home?

Oh, well, I mean, I don't know.

But... this won't be home anymore, so...

(folk music playing)

Hey, what did you mean today, by the way, when you said, "This explains a lot"?

Oh, umm, it's your dad.

I don't think he wants me dating AJ.

Because of us?

No, because of me.

Well... no, don't let him...

I'm not. (Clears throat)

I'm just tired.

Of what?

People making me feel wrong.

♪ Cut back your deals another day ♪


Anyway, good luck tomorrow.

I'm really happy for you. This is your dream.

♪ There's a price to every life we pay ♪

I'm scared.

♪ I'm in debt to you and you the same ♪

You're gonna k*ll it.

(cell phone rings)

Sorry, I have to take this.


Hey. (Clears throat) No, nothing.

♪ Just forget the cost, what it does to me ♪

Callie: Miss you.

♪ Just forget the cost, what it does to me ♪